Mary or Martha, which are you? (Luke

  • Опубликовано: 20 янв 2025

Комментарии • 7

  • @lilyfinn7162
    @lilyfinn7162 5 лет назад


  • @rasheemmartin1106
    @rasheemmartin1106 6 лет назад +1

    Well done.

  • @erwinaquinde7211
    @erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад

    CHAPTER 45a
    0. Jesus is married to Martha and Mary, and later to Mary Magdalene, who becomes the closest to him in the flesh.
    0. He is not allowed to have children for the sake and the glory that he desires for the Father.
    0. The relations between a Celestial husband and wife are set forth and explained.
    0. A man will have only one eternal mate. Mary Magdalene is the eternal mate of Jesus and will be at his side at the Second Coming.
    AND now it was the purpose of those who organized the canon of scripture that gave an account of the life of Jesus in the record of the Jews to not include the account of the marriage of the Lord to Martha, who was the daughter of Amasiah, and the sister of Mary and also of Lazarus, who was a childhood friend of Jesus.
    2 For behold, Lazarus had known Jesus most of his life; and they had played together in many instances as children when their fathers were engaged in the course of their businesses.
    3 But this Lazarus and his family moved away from Nazareth and settled closer unto Jerusalem in the town of Bethany. And when Jesus was of the age of maturity according to their customs, even that he was no longer subjected to the will and dominion of his parents, he left Nazareth and went unto Bethany and found Lazarus and dwelt there for sometime while he prepared for the day of his ministry.
    4 And while in the house of Amasiah, Jesus preached the gospel unto them of the whole house, and they were converted unto the gospel of which he spoke, which gospel he had received of the Father.
    5 And Amasiah loved Jesus as his own son, and also as his Lord, having been given a witness of him by the Spirit as he listened to the gospel of the Father that was taught unto him by Jesus.
    6 And Amasiah desired that Jesus take his eldest daughter, Martha, as his wife, that he might have companionship during the days of his ministry.
    7 Now, this was the custom of the Jews, even that the father might have some direct involvement in choosing a husband for his daughters.
    8 But Jesus had taught unto them the will of the Father concerning the marriage of a man and a woman and said unto Amasiah: Behold, it is not given unto me to choose that woman who would be my wife, but she must choose me for herself. And the law of Moses hath been fulfilled in me, even in this thing which thou desirest of me.
    9 But thy daughter is of an age and of a sound mind that she might choose for herself the man with whom she shall covenant as her husband. And if she chooseth me of her own free will and choice, then I will be her husband according to the commandments of the Father.
    10 For the Father doth not respect a man over a woman, and hath given unto each woman the right to choose for herself her own husband. But this I have been commanded to tell unto thee from the Father, even that if thy daughter chooseth me to be her husband, then she shall have no children from the union.
    11 For the Father hath commanded me that I shall not leave a posterity in the flesh. For if I were to leave a son or a daughter in the flesh, then the glory of that son or daughter would one day overshadow the glory of the Father, which glory is meant to be given with an eye single to His glory and not to any person in the flesh.
    12 And if it is the will of thy daughter that she be my wife, then she shall be barren all the days of her life and shall have no child with me, but shall be my companion during the time of my life, which shall not be many years.
    13 But if she is righteous and doeth that which is required of her by the Father, then she shall be with me forever in the kingdom of the Father where we shall one day experience the joy of eternal children, even as the Father doth experience the joy of His own.
    14 And it came to pass that Martha chose Jesus to be her husband according to that which she had been taught by him.
    15 Now, this thing was hard for Martha to do because of the traditions and the customs of the Jews, which were taught unto her all the days of her life. But she had also been converted by the Lord and given the Holy Ghost that convinced her that Jesus was the Savior of the world, and the Son of the Eternal Father who had been sent to save the world from its sins by teaching the people the will of the Father.
    16 And because she had received this witness of him, she knew that she could not have a child by him, according to his words. And Martha reasoned in herself for some time. And she knew that the opportunity to be at the side of Jesus for as long as he was among the people in the flesh would be a blessing enough for her. And she wanted that Jesus be her husband, and went unto him and requested of him this thing.
    17 And because of the Jews and their customs and traditions, Jesus suffered that Martha marry him according to this manner. And it was this wedding of which is briefly spoken of in the record of the Bible which ye already have before you.
    18 For it was customary that the family of the groom provide the wine and the food for those who were in attendance at the wedding. And Mary, the mother of Jesus, did not think that Jesus would submit himself to the traditions and customs of the Jews, therefore, she did not prepare the wedding on her part according to these customs.
    19 And when the hour of the wedding arrived, Jesus was made aware that there had been no wine brought by his mother according to the tradition. And he smiled upon his mother and said unto her: Behold, for my wife I do these things and have submitted to these things for her enjoyment and the enjoyment of those of her family.

    • @benwade7334
      @benwade7334 5 лет назад +5

      Mormonism is a FALSE GOSPEL

    • @frick6946
      @frick6946 5 лет назад +6

      this is false teaching; Mormonism

    • @cindysim9217
      @cindysim9217 4 года назад +4

      Absolutely wrong teaching

    • @cindysim9217
      @cindysim9217 4 года назад +5

      Rev 22.18...If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this scroll...