Video Game History: 1982 30 Minutes segment Part 2

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @trock626
    @trock626 15 лет назад +5

    the 80's ruled!!!

    • @efogg3
      @efogg3 4 месяца назад

      Yea it did.🤘

  • @snakes3425
    @snakes3425 15 лет назад +8

    When it comes to these laws the parents wanted passed, it's clear they forgot one thing. Part of being a good parent is learning how to balance being fair and being firm, but also learning to trust your children to make the right decisions as they get older, other wise all you will do is drive a wedge between you and your children that can take years to mend. Ask yourself what's more important a postion in the PTA or being there for your kids when they need you the most

  • @chipdrusano
    @chipdrusano 9 лет назад +5

    Like I said on part 1 they got the opening scene on the movie Pixels which took place in 1982 dead on! The creator of the movie Dazed & Confused(which by the way is doing a 1980's sequel called Everybody Wants Some) should do a movie that takes place in 1982 that is about the popularity of video arcades!

    • @dannywapbang
      @dannywapbang 5 лет назад

      No, Pixels SHOWED A CLAW MACHINE. Those people know NOTHING about how arcades were back then. There were NO REDEMPTION GAMES back then.
      If they do a movie like that, though, they should mention Cyborg. Cyborg is a big part of 1980s culture to me. Don't tell me you've never heard of Victor Stone if you're an 80s kid.

  • @nickymalenda7252
    @nickymalenda7252 9 лет назад +6

    I live on Long Island and I remember a mother named Ronnie Lamb launching a huge campaign trying to ban arcades out here. I think my mom secretly joined her without me knowing it. The big push was that arcades and video games were breeding grounds for crime and vagrants. This was probably around 1983-84.

  • @hoagie1978
    @hoagie1978 11 лет назад +2

    I was a kid during this time and lived for Atari. What time I was playing Atari at home I would bum change from my folks to playe the consoles when we went out shopping. Pole Position was my favorite.

  • @ultimatesin3544
    @ultimatesin3544 8 лет назад +7

    imagine if you could go back in time and tell these kids about the games today like Skyrim.. they wouldn't even know how to envision that

    • @namachari
      @namachari 5 лет назад +1

      Imagine there was no video game revolution in the late 70's early 80's, there would be no games like Skyrim (Fortnite, Pubg etc) now. Just to push my point a little further...Back in the early 80's this was a true revolution, a new frontier. Nothing like this had been seen before. Heady times. Games like Skyrim are just a slight improvement over what came before. I know which one I would prefer to have experienced.

    • @Colspex
      @Colspex 5 лет назад +2

      Funny thing - back in the day, we all stared at the game art on the Atari-games. That art looked better than any games out there today - most of us couldn't afford to buy anything, so we just imagined how cool the game must be from that illustrated cover. Imagination was all we had haha

  • @pookie67
    @pookie67 15 лет назад +3

    amazing how much more intelligent kids were in those days

  • @themansayz
    @themansayz 11 лет назад +1

    Kids were much smarter back then . I love listening to the kids find reason in their actions. Im part of that same generation.

  • @liwowoli
    @liwowoli 10 лет назад

    The kid at 2:25 to 2:41 makes me play the Fine Bros. "TRUTH" effect in my head.

  • @magicmisteur
    @magicmisteur 6 лет назад

    good ol billy managed to sneak some of his hot sauce in in the back for free advertisement

  • @walterchapman2094
    @walterchapman2094 11 лет назад +2

    $5 dollars a day is to much to spend at a arcade, especially back then. I doubt I spent $15 a month back then at them and I enjoyed going to them. Makes me wonder how bad of a player they were :)

  • @snakes3425
    @snakes3425 11 лет назад +1

    Exactally, kids make mistakes just like anyone else but is it the fault of a video game no it's the fault of the kid for not balancing his time. The job of the parent is to raise their kid to be a good person not blame something as simple as a video game for their kid's mistakes or their own mistakes

  • @gmoneystyle85
    @gmoneystyle85 12 лет назад

    5 Dollars a day, dam, that's like almost the cost of 1 game these days, I miss the golden age of Arcades, say what you will that we can still play games online, nothing will beat the sense of accomplishment you felt when there was like 10 people around you watching you beat that champ at street fighter or mortal kombat or getting that high score and being cheered on.

  • @toddspangler6669
    @toddspangler6669 2 года назад

    I remember in the 80s because of the Atari market collapse my sister saying video games are just a fad. Hahaha, yeah right, a 90Billion dollar industry fad as of 2022!

  • @Qaddosh
    @Qaddosh 4 года назад +1

    Where is part 1?

    • @duncanfbrown
      @duncanfbrown  4 года назад +1

      Believe it or not, after like 15 years of this being on the internet, the original broadcaster filed a copyright claim and had it taken down :-( I suppose in another 15 years they'll notice Part 2 and make it go away too....

    • @NuGanjaTron
      @NuGanjaTron Год назад +1

      @@duncanfbrown Thankfully it's still available on, uh, another video site, only a quick web search away. 😉

  • @soul71000
    @soul71000 13 лет назад

    @snakes3425 THANK YOU!!!!

  • @joystickjedi
    @joystickjedi 14 лет назад

    @rabidowski Pretty good point actually...

  • @rabidowski
    @rabidowski 14 лет назад

    Smart kid @ 2:36

  • @soul71000
    @soul71000 13 лет назад

    @pookie67 yes it is amazing :).

  • @12me91
    @12me91 11 лет назад

    Not only that, but it shows they don't want to be parents, they want the government to parent for them.

  • @joystickjedi
    @joystickjedi 15 лет назад

    Up to $5 a day!?! Oh noes!!!

  • @Nigaromia
    @Nigaromia 9 лет назад +4

    False information at 2:15. 5 dollars a day playing games!!! In the 1980s!!! Really! I don't think so. Only if you had a job that is. Most people were in high school. I couldn't afford 5 dollars back then. More like 2 dollars, sounds more reasonable. But it doesn't sound that unreasonable due to the increase of the Consumer Price Index over 30 years. 5 bucks back then is worth 20 now, but 2 dollars back in 1970 would probably come round to 5 in 1982.

  • @rabidowski
    @rabidowski 14 лет назад

    @joystickjedi $5 in 1980 is like $14 today. Every day for a month = $420 !!!

  • @JohnQPublic345
    @JohnQPublic345 2 года назад

    leave it to the moms to take away all the fun... but, they were always right

  • @SuperHoraceWimp
    @SuperHoraceWimp 8 лет назад

    probably another hoola-hoop...

  • @DaeOh
    @DaeOh 8 лет назад

    pretty psychedelic

  • @Suhadisgood
    @Suhadisgood 3 года назад +1

    I’m just glad I wasn’t one of these people who went and spend so much money on these arcade machines cause their all on mame 32 plus I bought a couple of these arcade machines where I can play for free no money required that’s cheaper then going everyday throwing money inside then

  • @emadstarns291
    @emadstarns291 2 года назад +1

    I don’t any of these games they were playing the only game I liked I saw was Pac-Man the games they were playing was boring I can play all these games today on my computer with mame 32 for no cost