Sri Sachi-Suta Ashtakam | Monks in Mayapur | Navadvip Mandal Parikrama

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
    nava gaura-varaḿ nava-puṣpa-śaraḿ
    nava-bhāva-dharaḿ nava-lāsya-param
    nava-hāsya-karaḿ nava-hema-varaḿ
    praṇamāmi śacī-suta-gaura-varam
    His complexion is the hue of fresh cream tinged with kunkum. He is the ever-fresh Cupid who shoots arrows of newly blossoming flowers. He bears newer and newer moods of emotional ecstasies. He is fond of performing novel dances. He makes ever-new jokes that cause much laughter. His brilliant luster is like freshly cast gold. I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
    nava-prema-yutaḿ nava-nīta-śucaḿ
    nava-veśa-kṛtaḿ nava-prema-rasam
    navadhā vilasat śubha-prema-mayaḿ
    praṇamāmi śacī-suta-gaura-varam
    He is endowed with ever-fresh love of Godhead. His radiant luster is like the color of fresh butter. His fresh attire is arranged in ever-new fashions. He relishes ever-new mellows of love for Krsna. He shines in nine-fold new ways while executing the nine-fold processes of devotion. He is permeated with a most auspicious loving nature. I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
    hari-bhakti-paraḿ hari-nāma-dharaḿ
    kara-japya-karaḿ hari-nāma-param
    nayane satataḿ praṇayāśru-dharaḿ
    praṇamāmi śacī-suta-gaura-varam
    He is absorbed in devotion to Sri Hari. He maintains the chanting of the names of Hari. While chanting He counts the holy names on the fingers of His hands. He is addicted to the name of Hari. He always has tears of love welling in His eyes. I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
    satataḿ janatā-bhava-tāpa-haraḿ
    nava-leha-karaḿ jagat-tāpa-haraḿ
    praṇamāmi śacī-suta-gaura-varam
    He is always removing the suffering of material existence for mankind. He is the goal of life for persons who are dedicated to their supreme interest. He inspires men to become like honeybees (the honey of Krsna-prema). He removes the burning fever of the material world. I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
    nija-bhakti-karaḿ priya-cārutaraḿ
    praṇamāmi śacī-suta-gaura-varam
    He motivates pure devotion unto Himself. He is most attractive to His beloved servitors. By His dramatic dancing He exhibits the characteristics of the King of paramours. He causes the minds of beautiful young village women to dance. I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
    karatāla-valaḿ kala-kaṇṭha-ravaḿ
    mṛdu-vādya-suvīṇikayā madhuram
    praṇamāmi śacī-suta-gaura-varam
    He plays karatals as His throat emits sweet melodious sounds and the vibrant notes of the vina are softly played. He thus inspires the devotees to perform dramatic dancing that is infused with aspects of His own devotional service. I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
    yuga-dharma-yutaḿ punar nanda-sutaḿ
    dharaṇī-sucitraḿ bhava-bhāvocitam
    tanu-dhyāna-citaḿ nija-vāsa-yutam
    praṇamāmi śacī-suta-gaura-varam
    He is accompanied by the sankirtana movement, which is the religious practice for the age of Kali. He is the son of Nanda Maharaja come again. He is the extraordinarily brilliant ornament of the earth. His preaching mood is suitably adapted to the cycle of birth and death. His consciousness is fixed in meditation on His own form of Krsna. He is always accompanied by His transcendental abode. I bow to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
    aruṇaḿ nayanaḿ caraṇaḿ vasanaḿ
    vadane skhalitaḿ svaka-nāma-dharam
    kurute su-rasaḿ jagataḥ jīvanaḿ
    praṇamāmi śacī-suta-gaura-varam
    His eyes, the soles of His feet, and His clothing are reddish like the color that heralds the rising sun. As He utters His own names, His voice falters. He awakens a sweet flavor to life throughout the universe. I bow down to Gaura, the beautiful son of Mother Saci.
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Комментарии • 114