@Silver W She doesn’t do personal readings, if that ever changes she will surely announce it. We love and appreciate her energy the way she chooses to shares it 🤍💫🌻
This happened to me!!! I always kept saying to my mum as a very small child " why am I here, I'm not supposed to be here" I also foresaw she didn't want me either and held resentment for me so I was confused why I was back and also chosen for someone who didn't want children. I still say at 31 I want to go home i miss it so much I don't belong here
Petition for Roseology to make a video about how to communicate with other beings/in-out dreams. Also I'm so curious about astral projection and your experiences on them. Love u X
The thing you mentioned about staring into the mirror as a child and trying to see beyond your eyes - YES, I’ve done the same thing my whole life. As a child I would scare myself when I did it bc I didn’t trust what I would see if I kept on staring....I didn’t trust what I REALLY was. As an adult I finally decided to go all the way and not let fear interfere and it’s crazy how distorted and misshapen your entire body, face, and aura becomes! It truly proved to me that this body I’m in ISN’T EVEN SOLID! & is nothing more than a concept within my MIND that dictates my reality. ❤️ I would love to know if more of you have experienced the same. 🙏🏻 Love you all ✨
Pile #2 really resonated with me! Strict parents, stolen childhood, sensitivity to spirit, and trouble with spontaneity 😅 what’s interesting though is my relation to fire. I have a complete absence of it in my chart. I find that it takes my Will to get me to do anything.
Pile 2. Very accurate. My dreams have always shown me a bit of truth for the future. I had ignored it and been scared of it growing up. I made my mother sleep with me until I was ten bc my dreams were so vivid and scary. They still are but I'm learning to embrace the truth in which they speak and use them as lessons and knowledge
Pile #1 lol my whole life in one sentence “I may have not come from a wealthy family, but a wealthy family will come from me.” I used to growing up want to become a singer (: I still love it I just don’t see me pursing that any time soon and that’s ok
you shall try give the world at least one song from your soul. there really are a lot of musicians in my pile :) i have a similar story. i'd say don't give up on music.
you don't know how accurate you are. pile 2, i lucid dream and pay attention to my dreams. and yes dream almost every night. i was told by an akashic reader i'm arcturian and i lived in lemuria. all things you mentioned.
I picked my pile first and then ran it back to signs of being a starseed. What you mentioned there hit me harder than the reading. When i was very young i would stand infront of the mirror and stare into my eyes and ask "who am I' i was floored, ive never heard anyone else ever say that. Thankyou for sharing that. Also, you may find, if you havent already, there is something to be seen looking beyond that face.
i’ve always saw & still see the orion belt and alwayssss just unexplainably felt followed by it everywhere i go like it’s protecting me or showing me “im here w you 😇❤️” and i had no idea what those stars were or even what mintaka was until this video!!! i’ve always tried to ask people, “what are those 3 stars in the sky? i always see them aligned everywhere i go” i am just so mind blown and i am just shocked asf right now. i am so grateful. so grateful. i’ve watched about 3 videos of roseology back to back just now bcus i haven’t watched tarot readings in a long time & i just felt called to bcus spirit told me they have a lot of messages for me at this moment, and the 110% accuracy in each video is fucking in.sane. i can’t even explain or find the right words to describe how i am feeling rn - just overly grateful & unconditionally loving at this very moment & point in my life. thank you so much goddess for these beautiful amazing confirmations for me thank you thank you thank you! 🧿❤️🔥
Thank you for explaining starseeds in a way that didn't feel like ego stroking, self servimg nonsense. Whenever I tried to look into this, it felt like people looking to be more important than they might actually be instead of learning more about themselves. This, I can jive with. Thank you!
when i moved to a new house, there was a piggy bank near my bed, and at night when i was sleeping, i heard coins dropping. i was so freaked out, then i realized it was prolly a ghost passing over or something
This reading was so good! I got pile 2, makes sense, I always felt like I came from somewhere else as a child, was quite a loner kid. I saw a UFO in the sky for the first time at 13 and knew that my body was a temporary vessel. I'm an Aries with a Taurus moon, which perhaps has grounded me more as I have gotten older and am not as impulsive as I was before. I resonated the most with the Indigo. Thank you for this reading,
Picked card 4 and resonate strongly with the Rainbow card even though I'm 53 and the Sirian card and the majority of my dreams have some form of water in them. Getting people to work with me an for me is one of my gifts (persuasion). I worked with my Shaman and he told me that in my past life I was quartered because I "manipulated" too much for selfish reasons to gain financial and social status. We broke that contract/curse and rewrote a new contract to use my gift for the benefit of others. Again...thank you for your gift.
I picked the third pile. I lived under orians belt my whole life. I would stare at it night after night as a child. Especially during stressful times. When I just moved I made sure that it was visible at night from my house because when I can't see it and cannot when in stressed it spirals for me. This is very interesting.
Pile 3. My heart chose this pile before the video even started. I felt it and got chills. EVERYTHING resonated. I needed to hear this message, thank you so so much for making this video.
I'm going to cry, I was drawn to #4 and you just describe me and my life. I am young but have gone through so much of what you describe, it is so true. What I get extra emotional about is that during the pandemic I was isolated for 2 years. It created depression and my whole life was ruined. I have lost myself and my motivation is dead. But all my life I have and still have a passion for space, astrology, things outside of the universe. Thanks for this video🫶
Hearing someone else speak on looking into the mirror at a young age trying to see behind the eyes/beyond the physical has me truly shook in the most affirming way. Questioning everything as well growing up... it's so good to know that even though I'm in my 30's now, I was not alone as a child with the way I thought and viewed the world. Your words have been very confirming through the handful of videos I've watched within these past few days. I'm incredibly thankful for everything that lined up and placed your channel in my RUclips feed. I want to thank you for the work you do and for the knowledge you share.
YOUR INTRO HIT. IM ADDICTED TO LOOKING AT MY REFLECTION AND MIRRORS TO THIS DAY. as a kid, i had an obsession in mirrors. always looking in mirrors. omg
Pile 2- you are extremely accurate. Wow! I saw the video and immediately heard, to you need to confirm you are a venusian being. I heard this many years ago, but couldn't found so much about. I received everything through dreams and a have an amazing relationship with angels,my guides. The people used to call me the Love master. Blessings and love to you! I am in deeply gratitude now! 🥰🤩🌸
Pile 4 was pretty on spot. I’ve always been able to convince people and get people to do or be a certain way. I’ve always been good with words and I am also a libra. Thank you for this video✨
Pile 2: Scorpio, I resonated with so much of this, thank you! I always felt like I was dropped off on the wrong planet since childhood, always had prophetic and amazing dreams. I was able to telepathically communicate with plants, stones and animals before I started school, but it came back strongly in my twenties and stayed. I can tell a lot from people's energies and I am a natural healer in many different forms. I am absolutely dedicated to truth and have always helped those who are builled or abused, as well as standing up to abusers. In my 40s now and mostly prefer my own company and to work alone. I never feel alone as I always feel connected to nature and the spirit worlds. I am interested in checking out the Venusians and Lemurians, as I have recently enjoyed doing meditations with Acturian youtube videos.
Pile 2. So many synchronicities, meaningful and Crystal clear to me. Your readings are very balanced and beautiful ! 🔮 🌺🌼 Made me realize quite a few traits 🤔
i remember when i was very young having a nightmare about war, famine and all the hardship of the world in a flash of a dream and i felt so bad because I felt like what can a child my age can do? i don’t even think i was old enough for school so to be shown about all of that in a dream had to be a sign of what my mission is about... i’m still trying to figure it out but i know i’m on my path towards it ♥️
Pile 2. I’m Aries ♈️. I have had vivid dreams since childhood. I think that they were actually concerned about me. I also had childhood trauma that held me back but now I’m progressing and growing into my gifts. I do think the spiritual world is drawn to me and I have had strange experiences. I am not sure about Arcturian but I definitely resonate with Lemurian. .
I was drawn to 2, 3, and 4 and I just can’t believe how much they not only resonated but how many specific things you said that pertain to my life. Such a great reading, thank you! 💕
Pile 3 I was screaming with excitement throughout the whole entire reading, it’s creepy how well this resonated with me ✨✨❤️. It connected so many dots 💖💞💞💗
#2 - Everything spot on, I was told by an astrologist who looked at my chart that I have equal lives in Arcturian and Andromeda but I resonate mostly with Arcturian 🙂 I'm also a Leo Rising in Sidereal ♌
I had pile 4 and wow....that was was really, really accurate! Especially the part about Atlantis, because i actually do have memories of it, and yes, my birth was very difficult. My mom almost died of kidney failure while giving birth to me. I also am terrified of water and never learned to swim. And i was really happy when you mentioned Isis as patron deity because she showed up in my dreams years ago and has guided me since :)
Omg I did the same as a child!!! I’d gaze in my own eyes for like 15-20 mins marveling at the fact that I can see myself seeing myself and trying to seek into myself looking for more than met the eye.
Pile one was extremely accurate (I'm watching this months later and am in the exact same moon phase ). I just recently heard about starseeds (literally like 3 days ago) and was intuitively drawn to Pleiadian and Lyran so it was reaffirming seeing them both in this pile (also surprisingly the physical pleiadian traits were fitting as well as the lyran characteristics). I am a Sag sun and moon with a taurus rising (first time all 3 were predicted correctly tbh). This video def made me want to do some more research!
Pile #2 confirmation. Earlier I was meditating I got downloads from my starseed family very ancient wise. I've always dreamt ever since a child. I dream every night and remember my dreams. I do write them out but it's so much details. I astral travel as well. This was a beautiful reading Thank you
Pile Number #3 completely resonates every aspect of this reading. Down to Draconian and Today is my birthday ... Scorpio - 11/17/1978... including Yoga and lower back stretches... Orion is my favorite constellation to look for!! That makes sense why I look to it, now. Thank you for this reading... every aspect resonates!
same same saamee I wish for you to get a lot of love doing what you love. I personally choose to be scandalous, to freak people out with my existence because since i don't feel like i belong might as well be so different that i'm as much hated as much i am loved. there is this one rapper group? that talk about indigo and they're always like "where my indigos at" i feel like your auditory is also gonna be filled with these special kids and you'll collect people for them to feel understood and united.
Pile 2 resonates completely. Thank you Hazel! You are the best. I’ve just finished taking courses in spiritual healing and past life hypnosis. God bless everyone with an incredible life full of love and blessings. 🙏🙏🙏
haven’t even started but already wanting to cry simply because i didn’t know there was people out here that understood, that grew how i grew, that i saw as i saw and it feels so good to be wrapped in this embrace of love
Group 2: born in 1973, highly intuitive, dream walker, Aries sun and Venus, Leo moon. And pretty much everything you said! When you nail it, damn... Thank you so much! 💜💜💜I love your readings 💜💜💜
Pile 3, and I resonate with the Orion Starseed. I loved seeing onions belt in the sky. I'd see a lot throughout my 41 years on earth. I am a Taurus and I love art/crafting and writing. I also love to go on adventures and have been drawn to Egyptian culture a lot since I was a child. Currently going through my awakening. It seems to be calming down now and I'm feeling a lot happier since I've been reading a lot of past trauma. 🥰 Thank you for this message. It's cleared a lot up for me.
4: the Tomboy and creative? a natural trendsetter. dude I’m so here for this. But honestly living a spiritual lifestyle changes your life. It’s about time lol I also plan to have my own vegan business one day related to my dance and acting life so it makes sense 😃
Pile 3. Literally staring at my box of rocks at the moment when you read out about the crystal starseeds... Needless to say, it's all resonated so far! Draconian made me raise an eyebrow 😮 but it's not the first time shapeshifter has come up for me in a reading... Thanks so much 🙏❤️
Pile 3 here. I can cut people out even though it hurts sometimes. I believe that was in the goddess video i watched of yours as well. It works out really well for us both in the end. My life is full of quality people that reciprocate respect. I can't touch how this resonates throughout. I have crystals. Got my love of them early on. I do have SOME Draconian traits. Love yoga. I am a Taurus/Sag/Sag. Thank you for taking the time to do this!
Pile 4 - I literally just picked up on something today that pointed me to researching starseeds, not thinking I might be one myself. As I read about the different starseeds, information about either arcturians or sirians began to resonate with me but I was leaning more towards sirians. And damn, the first paper ends up being sirian! Then all these characteristics start to describe me... and the part that really got me was when she was trying to get one more card to determine a sign and the Aries/Mars energy popped out! I am an Aries and I was literally just saying in my own mind before the card was revealed that if Aries or Mars energy is mentioned I'm gonna freak out!! This feels so crazy but SO familiar!
Absolutely love your readings .... pile 3.... yes I can just switch off even though I am an empath. spot on with spiritual ‘baths’.... and I talk to everything including trees, flowers, etc. been getting decision cards all year, and what I should and want to do...laughed through this as you are always on point with my energy 🌈 thank you for sharing your time , energy and light 💖
Free will is a nice concept but scientists have shown they can predict a person's movements before the subject 'consciously' makes them. Furthermore, if you study astrology, themes really do roll out the way they're written regardless of what you choose. I've seen this many times in solar returns, for example where on is aware of a certain event meant to happen and to avoid it the person takes an opposite choice only to be in the exact same situation, just differently. My take on it.
I got chills when I listened to 2’s frequency but I went to 4 and it somewhat resonated but not as intensely as when I went back to 2. I know I’m extremely connected to Hathor & Arcturians AND GIRLLL they were in the same spread ! I’m mindblown this was huge confirmation with everything that was said. Thank u❤️
I picked pile 3 & Omg omg, so literally like a week ago I was up in the mountains so the stars are really bright there and I kept staring at this one constellation that I didn’t know what it was and I NEVER noticed it before and I just kept staring at it and feeling like I knew it & now I see that is Orion 😳😳, I’m shoook & all this stuff about yoga keeps comin up for me so yeaa, this is great! Lol👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
I had a vivid dream about going to a horse riding lesson and the horse they had me ride was named STARSEED.. I went to sleep listening to another reading of yours.. so when I saw this one in my suggested videos I knew it would be for me.. I'm halfway through and taking diligent notes.. this reading is laid thick with the truth I need to hear 🤍💟
This video resonated with me the most. Your reading was so precise that you actually mentioned some events from my life, just wow. I was pile 4 btw. Thank you for existing and doing this for humankind.
Very nice! Pile 3 explains a lot that about characteristics I not found in other more commonly discussed Starseed descriptions. I'm definitely a Crystal seed and a tree hugger. Yoga is my preferred exercise....awesome. Thank you 😊
The sound when you are pulling the star system names was ASMR lol instant tranquilizer. So grateful for your posts💗They always sync and bring so much synchronicity, confidence in self awareness and peace from reading to reading.💗
Omg this is definitely me, fairness above all no matter what, strict childhood, very kind but not afraid to show my anger, don’t remember my childhood, been depressed, and dark skinned 😱
I think this is one of my favorite readings ever, and it's so synchronistic in my case. It ticked all the boxes of what I've been called to, seen and been told about, and the placements of my chart. Personally, I love readings like this, (and I think are better than predictions) because they help in grounding a lot more. Thankyou so much for what you do, your words hit the mark most heartwarmingly.
I am shook I always had the feeling that I was a atlantean, and at the same time that I love the ocean I am terrified of it especially tidal waves, when I was little I spent my vacations with my grandma and it was near the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal and before the vacation I always had nightmares with tidal waves, the Sirians I always thought I was one too. Thank you for the reading. Pile 4
Pile 3! You definitely helped me get the message I so needed. I started taking baths using intention candles, and cleansing my space recently so it’s nice to have confirmed my intuition in doing that for myself. This morning I had found a collection of things I picked up on beaches and I thought to myself ‘maybe I am a sea witch’ hehe Beautiful ❤️ thank you for sharing your gift
Pile 3 - crystal. I have never had any more accurate reading than this. Im very much warm person. But once people wrong me, i wouldnt mind to cut them off out od my life and make sure they will never seek me out again and vice versa. I also used to have a little dance ritual with the wind every other weekend when i was a kid and i still remember vividly how i want to go home up in the clouds. I just know im not originated here. I suppose i shall pick up my old dance ritual to get in touch with my roots again
I thought I was the only one who did dance rituals with the wind, this is so relatable. Once people fuck up, they’re out. Go for the dance rituals!! Dancing honestly relieves the soul, we kinda just get lost in it in a way, it’s beautiful. Sending love💖
We’re always home. If you have a mission, you fulfill it. You gotta be tough to make a home on Earth, it’s not for wimps. There are people from all over the universe living on this little planet and we all matter.
I highly recommend asking your pendulum which deck you should pick. I went into a deep meditative state and my higher self and guides what deck I should pick. It said yes to deck 3. It was so accurate
I've never watched your channel before. I just came home from a fantastic evening with some fellow women where we talked about all sorts of things, read tarot, read oracles, set intentions for the new moon... Etc. I came home and was looking for a video to put on while I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. Clicked this video intuitively and then chose pile 4,which is weird because I never choose the last one. It was so absolutely spot on. I'm a Taurus too, so as soon as that venus came up I was like, oh yup, that's me.
idk what it was about pile 2 that literally pulled me to watch it but i did. im a leo sun and saturn and my moon is scorpio. ive been feeling like im an arcturian starseed for so long and i honestly feel like it was meant for me to watch this video.
Pile 4: wow resonated so much!! I was born one month late and after 10 months and that only happened for me and not my brother I'm so scared of deep waters and also in love with the ocean Music and sounds are my favorite for healing And the polarity is so true even tho I'm introverted some people think I'm extroverted. I always were drowned to Atlantic ocean and Atlantis Thank you so much felt like a personal reading ❤❤
Picked pile 4, It resonates so much and especially at this moment in my life. I feel a new me emerging and I’m not sure who she is yet. I’m in the process right now of solitude and reflection. I would like to know more so that I can be able to take the next step.
Omg, just wow!!! Pile 2 resonate so much with me. I always have vivid dreams since I was a child That did not feel like dream. Is is more surreal now with everything that's happening in the world right. I even was a little taken back of how much messages I was receiving since I became fully awaken and aware of what my dreams was all about. Yes Now my dreams I can talk telepathically with other people its so strange. But yeah Thank You for making this I have more clarity on who I am.
Pile 3 is accurate.. I have had so many confirmations of what was said and that’s why people flock to me ( mainly broken people) I love that I was drawn to this by tarot n heal
#3 I've been able to find orion in the sky since I was a child, and my dad convinced me I was a martian (told me him and my mom adopted me after a UFO crash in the field outside their house) and I believed him until I was like 10. Ive never heard of the draconians before, but the explanation really resonated....
I picked 2. Id say absolutely spot on. Except ive had vivid nightmares my entire life so ive no interest in keeping a diary, nor am i interested in sleeping anymore. I dont like the exhaustion of constant nightmares. The sweat. The heart palpitations. The extreme fear. The broken sleep all night long. So now, i prefer insomnia. I dont function but im not frightened all the time either. And the freaky shit happens whilst im awake which is easier.
Ohmygod. I wasn't really drawn to starseeds before so I didn't know what it was exactly but I have known for years that I come from Lemuria so when that showed up in pile 2 I basically yelled. Awesome. Didn't know that fell under starseeds as well.
Pile #3 and Gosh, when you said "you are the Garden of Eden" man, I felt that. Yes, I´m a highly empath person but if you disrespect me, then your punishment will be the total exile from my kingdom, I will never open my gates for you again ever and I will cut all the cords that unite us so you can´t parasitize my energy, that is in fact my way to put boundaries. I´m a very giving, loving and loyal person, but if the people think that they can come and go from my life like I was some kind of a trash they are so fucking wrong. The only people that I give the chance to came back is the people that just one day they take another path, but they never hurt me in anyway, that is the people that I´m willing to give them a chance, but the rest? Absolutely not. People think my attitude is resentful , it is not, it is my way to impose self-respect and to send a message that I´m not a toy that everyone can play with. When it comes to goodness, most people are the worst, so I need to protect myself in some way. I resonate with the Orion constelation and a little bit of Crystal in this pile even tho I´m all air, I have three planets in the 9th house in the sign of libra.
Wow! When you pulled out the 'Arcturian' star race, I felt a burst of emotion and cried. It was a mixture of emotions, however the main feelings were sadness, love and compassion. Few months ago I was drawn to know more about the Arcturians but felt no desire to do any research until now...
Spirit led me to pile 4 which really resonated especially the Sirian star seed, but I also felt very drawn to pile one and I kept saying to myself and felt drawn to the Pleiadians. And low and behold the pleiadians were apart of pile one, as well as my sign, virgo. Pile one resonated the most with my soul, so I feel like I am naturally a pleiadian who may have spent alot of time adopting the sirian culture and fell in love with their ways before ascending to earth. Idk something to think about lol
pile 3: i had a personal card reading maybe a month ago and they mentioned how i have a big decision coming my way and how it’s gonna be impactful and then u mentioned it 😨
I’ve been trying to figure out several things for my own soul’s path, this being one of them. Picked group 2 and came into it with this unshakable feeling of being Arcturian. Also have had lots of timeline jumping experiences for which I am struggling to find explanation even in the spiritual community. Thank you so much! 🧡🖤
Pile 3: I just knew that you are gonna get the "Orion". And when you said "we have Orion". I just screamed, yes I knew it and yes you confirmed it. Earth sign I am Capricorn. yes into science and intellectual things. Hard time understanding emotions. Yes things some how work out easily. Thank you so much for such a powerful reading.🙏
great video. when i was a little girl i used to do the same mirror thingy. i also used to be outside of my body. i knew how to become of my inner self what is called the unconscious being now. thank you for all you do for us.
What is a Starseed? : @00:45
Signs You’re a Starseed: @3:40
Starseed WARNING: @6:16
Mediation: @8:03
Sound selection: @10:20
Pile 1: @11:52
Pile 2: @33:43
Pile 3: @54:34
Pile 4: @1:20:36
I always did the same thing as a young child .. ! In the mirror wow .. I asked myself who are you? I must’ve been 6..or 7 y.o.
@Silver W She doesn’t do personal readings, if that ever changes she will surely announce it. We love and appreciate her energy the way she chooses to shares it 🤍💫🌻
❤️❤️group 3❤️🍎
Pile 2 I am Lyran!
signs you're a starseed: when you take the "when will I leave this flesh prison" way too seriously.
I feel that too strongly honestly
And I'm just here going with the flow but the truth is, I'm herewaiting here for freedom and damn it's hard lol
That's me since childhood
Yes I strongly believe it and believe it in my whole soul time
I have a whole poem on this woooow thank you
Love u all!!!!!♡☆
When I was little I always used to say to my mom, “I want to go home” and she would say “you are home” but I knew I was from somewhere else
Got goosebumps... this was def me and my mom.
Me too ! I used to tell me mom that I wasn’t her daughter spiritually
My 7 yr old son has said this to me many of times
This happened to me!!! I always kept saying to my mum as a very small child " why am I here, I'm not supposed to be here" I also foresaw she didn't want me either and held resentment for me so I was confused why I was back and also chosen for someone who didn't want children. I still say at 31 I want to go home i miss it so much I don't belong here
Me too!
Life is so magical...
Yes it is. Hold onto that. 💖💫🌈
Yes!! You droped this 1111💕
@@wallmaria6867 i love the community here...strangers are your biggest supporters...
#3 “empathetic but also merciless” That’s what my friends said. That’s me.
Me too❤️
Me too 😄😄😄😄
@@lovelylight444 Moon and Venus in Capricorn 😂😂(me)
Pile 3: when you said my mind wants me to create a routine, my higher self said “do tarot at least once a day”
mine is saying :) too much tarot get to work on a physical routine !
Petition for Roseology to make a video about how to communicate with other beings/in-out dreams. Also I'm so curious about astral projection and your experiences on them. Love u X
Oooo I love this idea! I’m writing this down to film. Thank you for the request love and many blessings to you 💛💛💛
Did you ever make a video like this?
The thing you mentioned about staring into the mirror as a child and trying to see beyond your eyes - YES, I’ve done the same thing my whole life. As a child I would scare myself when I did it bc I didn’t trust what I would see if I kept on staring....I didn’t trust what I REALLY was. As an adult I finally decided to go all the way and not let fear interfere and it’s crazy how distorted and misshapen your entire body, face, and aura becomes! It truly proved to me that this body I’m in ISN’T EVEN SOLID! & is nothing more than a concept within my MIND that dictates my reality. ❤️ I would love to know if more of you have experienced the same. 🙏🏻 Love you all ✨
Yes I use to do it all the time as a child as well. You described it perfectly
I also used to do that! I'm going to try going all the way as well...
I used to do exactly the same. Fantastic! 💫 I remember it was scary to feel that this person in the mirror was not ME.
me too! and didnt follow all the way through, but like the previous commenters, I'm thinking I should.
Cara girl u ever do it with the ocean specifically at nite. It’s kinda creepy but a little satisfying of the unknown at the same time lol
Pile #2 really resonated with me! Strict parents, stolen childhood, sensitivity to spirit, and trouble with spontaneity 😅 what’s interesting though is my relation to fire. I have a complete absence of it in my chart. I find that it takes my Will to get me to do anything.
Pile 2. Very accurate. My dreams have always shown me a bit of truth for the future. I had ignored it and been scared of it growing up. I made my mother sleep with me until I was ten bc my dreams were so vivid and scary. They still are but I'm learning to embrace the truth in which they speak and use them as lessons and knowledge
Pile 4: This was one of the most insanely accurate readings I’ve ever had.
same !! like i have lots of water placement and i saw signs about sirius and then i saw this
For me too!
Pile #1 lol my whole life in one sentence “I may have not come from a wealthy family, but a wealthy family will come from me.” I used to growing up want to become a singer (: I still love it I just don’t see me pursing that any time soon and that’s ok
you shall try give the world at least one song from your soul. there really are a lot of musicians in my pile :) i have a similar story. i'd say don't give up on music.
Got this post notification while I was LITERALLY making a Starseed Pinterest board... Damn, that's truly some Divine timing
😂 That’s the definition of divine timing!
you don't know how accurate you are. pile 2, i lucid dream and pay attention to my dreams. and yes dream almost every night. i was told by an akashic reader i'm arcturian and i lived in lemuria. all things you mentioned.
I picked my pile first and then ran it back to signs of being a starseed. What you mentioned there hit me harder than the reading. When i was very young i would stand infront of the mirror and stare into my eyes and ask "who am I' i was floored, ive never heard anyone else ever say that. Thankyou for sharing that. Also, you may find, if you havent already, there is something to be seen looking beyond that face.
i’ve always saw & still see the orion belt and alwayssss just unexplainably felt followed by it everywhere i go like it’s protecting me or showing me “im here w you 😇❤️” and i had no idea what those stars were or even what mintaka was until this video!!! i’ve always tried to ask people, “what are those 3 stars in the sky? i always see them aligned everywhere i go” i am just so mind blown and i am just shocked asf right now. i am so grateful. so grateful. i’ve watched about 3 videos of roseology back to back just now bcus i haven’t watched tarot readings in a long time & i just felt called to bcus spirit told me they have a lot of messages for me at this moment, and the 110% accuracy in each video is fucking in.sane. i can’t even explain or find the right words to describe how i am feeling rn - just overly grateful & unconditionally loving at this very moment & point in my life. thank you so much goddess for these beautiful amazing confirmations for me thank you thank you thank you! 🧿❤️🔥
Thank you for explaining starseeds in a way that didn't feel like ego stroking, self servimg nonsense. Whenever I tried to look into this, it felt like people looking to be more important than they might actually be instead of learning more about themselves. This, I can jive with. Thank you!
Pile 2 was accurate. Spirits been harassing me since I was a child 😂😂❤️ It runs in my family. & I always had dreams about the future 😭
Omg me to!! 😳🌜😄 this reading was so accurate, I always had strong dreams since childhood🤯
I feel same I used to get dreams about future but from a while I can’t remember my dreams I had to fix it soon:((
when i moved to a new house, there was a piggy bank near my bed, and at night when i was sleeping, i heard coins dropping. i was so freaked out, then i realized it was prolly a ghost passing over or something
Pile 2. Spirit is always so pushy and like I feel honored but let me sleep😩
This reading was so good! I got pile 2, makes sense, I always felt like I came from somewhere else as a child, was quite a loner kid. I saw a UFO in the sky for the first time at 13 and knew that my body was a temporary vessel. I'm an Aries with a Taurus moon, which perhaps has grounded me more as I have gotten older and am not as impulsive as I was before. I resonated the most with the Indigo. Thank you for this reading,
Picked card 4 and resonate strongly with the Rainbow card even though I'm 53 and the Sirian card and the majority of my dreams have some form of water in them. Getting people to work with me an for me is one of my gifts (persuasion). I worked with my Shaman and he told me that in my past life I was quartered because I "manipulated" too much for selfish reasons to gain financial and social status. We broke that contract/curse and rewrote a new contract to use my gift for the benefit of others. Again...thank you for your gift.
I picked the third pile. I lived under orians belt my whole life. I would stare at it night after night as a child. Especially during stressful times. When I just moved I made sure that it was visible at night from my house because when I can't see it and cannot when in stressed it spirals for me. This is very interesting.
Pile 3: literally when you said mama Oshun I started crying... thats my spirit guide oh my god
Pile 3. My heart chose this pile before the video even started. I felt it and got chills.
EVERYTHING resonated.
I needed to hear this message, thank you so so much for making this video.
I'm going to cry, I was drawn to #4 and you just describe me and my life. I am young but have gone through so much of what you describe, it is so true. What I get extra emotional about is that during the pandemic I was isolated for 2 years. It created depression and my whole life was ruined. I have lost myself and my motivation is dead. But all my life I have and still have a passion for space, astrology, things outside of the universe.
Thanks for this video🫶
Hearing someone else speak on looking into the mirror at a young age trying to see behind the eyes/beyond the physical has me truly shook in the most affirming way. Questioning everything as well growing up... it's so good to know that even though I'm in my 30's now, I was not alone as a child with the way I thought and viewed the world. Your words have been very confirming through the handful of videos I've watched within these past few days. I'm incredibly thankful for everything that lined up and placed your channel in my RUclips feed.
I want to thank you for the work you do and for the knowledge you share.
You’re definitely not alone❤️
YOUR INTRO HIT. IM ADDICTED TO LOOKING AT MY REFLECTION AND MIRRORS TO THIS DAY. as a kid, i had an obsession in mirrors. always looking in mirrors. omg
Pile 2- you are extremely accurate. Wow! I saw the video and immediately heard, to you need to confirm you are a venusian being. I heard this many years ago, but couldn't found so much about. I received everything through dreams and a have an amazing relationship with angels,my guides. The people used to call me the Love master. Blessings and love to you! I am in deeply gratitude now! 🥰🤩🌸
Pile 4 was pretty on spot. I’ve always been able to convince people and get people to do or be a certain way. I’ve always been good with words and I am also a libra. Thank you for this video✨
Pile 2: Scorpio, I resonated with so much of this, thank you! I always felt like I was dropped off on the wrong planet since childhood, always had prophetic and amazing dreams. I was able to telepathically communicate with plants, stones and animals before I started school, but it came back strongly in my twenties and stayed. I can tell a lot from people's energies and I am a natural healer in many different forms. I am absolutely dedicated to truth and have always helped those who are builled or abused, as well as standing up to abusers. In my 40s now and mostly prefer my own company and to work alone. I never feel alone as I always feel connected to nature and the spirit worlds. I am interested in checking out the Venusians and Lemurians, as I have recently enjoyed doing meditations with Acturian youtube videos.
Pile nº 3: you have a very chill, calming aura.
I was literally drinking chamomile tea and it's one of my favorite ones xD
I chose Pile 3 too
Lol, same teaaa is a must
Pile 2. So many synchronicities, meaningful and Crystal clear to me. Your readings are very balanced and beautiful ! 🔮 🌺🌼 Made me realize quite a few traits 🤔
Same :)
i remember when i was very young having a nightmare about war, famine and all the hardship of the world in a flash of a dream and i felt so bad because I felt like what can a child my age can do? i don’t even think i was old enough for school so to be shown about all of that in a dream had to be a sign of what my mission is about... i’m still trying to figure it out but i know i’m on my path towards it ♥️
Pile 2. I’m Aries ♈️. I have had vivid dreams since childhood. I think that they were actually concerned about me. I also had childhood trauma that held me back but now I’m progressing and growing into my gifts. I do think the spiritual world is drawn to me and I have had strange experiences. I am not sure about Arcturian but I definitely resonate with Lemurian. .
I was drawn to 2, 3, and 4 and I just can’t believe how much they not only resonated but how many specific things you said that pertain to my life. Such a great reading, thank you! 💕
Pile 3 I was screaming with excitement throughout the whole entire reading, it’s creepy how well this resonated with me ✨✨❤️. It connected so many dots 💖💞💞💗
Pile 2 just blew my mind.I feel like you have known me my whole life. You are good.
#2 - Everything spot on, I was told by an astrologist who looked at my chart that I have equal lives in Arcturian and Andromeda but I resonate mostly with Arcturian 🙂 I'm also a Leo Rising in Sidereal ♌
22July ♋.. Leo rising
I had pile 4 and wow....that was was really, really accurate! Especially the part about Atlantis, because i actually do have memories of it, and yes, my birth was very difficult. My mom almost died of kidney failure while giving birth to me. I also am terrified of water and never learned to swim. And i was really happy when you mentioned Isis as patron deity because she showed up in my dreams years ago and has guided me since :)
Omg I did the same as a child!!! I’d gaze in my own eyes for like 15-20 mins marveling at the fact that I can see myself seeing myself and trying to seek into myself looking for more than met the eye.
Pile one was extremely accurate (I'm watching this months later and am in the exact same moon phase ). I just recently heard about starseeds (literally like 3 days ago) and was intuitively drawn to Pleiadian and Lyran so it was reaffirming seeing them both in this pile (also surprisingly the physical pleiadian traits were fitting as well as the lyran characteristics). I am a Sag sun and moon with a taurus rising (first time all 3 were predicted correctly tbh). This video def made me want to do some more research!
Pile #2 confirmation. Earlier I was meditating I got downloads from my starseed family very ancient wise. I've always dreamt ever since a child. I dream every night and remember my dreams. I do write them out but it's so much details. I astral travel as well. This was a beautiful reading Thank you
Pile Number #3 completely resonates every aspect of this reading. Down to Draconian and Today is my birthday ... Scorpio - 11/17/1978... including Yoga and lower back stretches... Orion is my favorite constellation to look for!! That makes sense why I look to it, now. Thank you for this reading... every aspect resonates!
Pile 1 just dropped out of school to persue a career in music so this was such a beautiful confirmation.
same same saamee I wish for you to get a lot of love doing what you love. I personally choose to be scandalous, to freak people out with my existence because since i don't feel like i belong might as well be so different that i'm as much hated as much i am loved. there is this one rapper group? that talk about indigo and they're always like "where my indigos at" i feel like your auditory is also gonna be filled with these special kids and you'll collect people for them to feel understood and united.
Pile 2 resonates completely. Thank you Hazel! You are the best. I’ve just finished taking courses in spiritual healing and past life hypnosis. God bless everyone with an incredible life full of love and blessings. 🙏🙏🙏
haven’t even started but already wanting to cry simply because i didn’t know there was people out here that understood, that grew how i grew, that i saw as i saw and it feels so good to be wrapped in this embrace of love
✨💜✨ pile 4 ! I love the accuracy sea star 💫
Group 2: born in 1973, highly intuitive, dream walker, Aries sun and Venus, Leo moon. And pretty much everything you said! When you nail it, damn... Thank you so much! 💜💜💜I love your readings 💜💜💜
Sirian starseed and pile four as a whole really resonated with me. I didn't know about starseeds before this, so thank you for the introduction!
Love how the light reflects off of the object you keep your messages in.
Pile 3, and I resonate with the Orion Starseed. I loved seeing onions belt in the sky. I'd see a lot throughout my 41 years on earth. I am a Taurus and I love art/crafting and writing. I also love to go on adventures and have been drawn to Egyptian culture a lot since I was a child.
Currently going through my awakening. It seems to be calming down now and I'm feeling a lot happier since I've been reading a lot of past trauma. 🥰
Thank you for this message. It's cleared a lot up for me.
4: the Tomboy and creative? a natural trendsetter. dude I’m so here for this. But honestly living a spiritual lifestyle changes your life. It’s about time lol
I also plan to have my own vegan business one day related to my dance and acting life so it makes sense 😃
Ahah we both the same :)
Pile 3. Literally staring at my box of rocks at the moment when you read out about the crystal starseeds... Needless to say, it's all resonated so far! Draconian made me raise an eyebrow 😮 but it's not the first time shapeshifter has come up for me in a reading...
Thanks so much 🙏❤️
Pile 4. Thank you, I can never understand how you know this. Grateful for your gift. 🤗
Pile 3 here. I can cut people out even though it hurts sometimes. I believe that was in the goddess video i watched of yours as well. It works out really well for us both in the end. My life is full of quality people that reciprocate respect. I can't touch how this resonates throughout. I have crystals. Got my love of them early on. I do have SOME Draconian traits. Love yoga. I am a Taurus/Sag/Sag. Thank you for taking the time to do this!
Pile 4 - I literally just picked up on something today that pointed me to researching starseeds, not thinking I might be one myself. As I read about the different starseeds, information about either arcturians or sirians began to resonate with me but I was leaning more towards sirians. And damn, the first paper ends up being sirian! Then all these characteristics start to describe me... and the part that really got me was when she was trying to get one more card to determine a sign and the Aries/Mars energy popped out! I am an Aries and I was literally just saying in my own mind before the card was revealed that if Aries or Mars energy is mentioned I'm gonna freak out!! This feels so crazy but SO familiar!
Absolutely love your readings .... pile 3.... yes I can just switch off even though I am an empath. spot on with spiritual ‘baths’.... and I talk to everything including trees, flowers, etc. been getting decision cards all year, and what I should and want to do...laughed through this as you are always on point with my energy 🌈 thank you for sharing your time , energy and light 💖
I got pile 2 and I love how unique ur reading always are its like the most on point readings I ever get
PILE 4 first and PILE 3 Confidence is key, ability to sell things, FASHION design, serpents, yess that really is my pile
Free will is a nice concept but scientists have shown they can predict a person's movements before the subject 'consciously' makes them. Furthermore, if you study astrology, themes really do roll out the way they're written regardless of what you choose. I've seen this many times in solar returns, for example where on is aware of a certain event meant to happen and to avoid it the person takes an opposite choice only to be in the exact same situation, just differently. My take on it.
I got chills when I listened to 2’s frequency but I went to 4 and it somewhat resonated but not as intensely as when I went back to 2. I know I’m extremely connected to Hathor & Arcturians AND GIRLLL they were in the same spread ! I’m mindblown this was huge confirmation with everything that was said. Thank u❤️
The moment you said Arcturian it started repeating in my head like a chant
I picked pile 3 & Omg omg, so literally like a week ago I was up in the mountains so the stars are really bright there and I kept staring at this one constellation that I didn’t know what it was and I NEVER noticed it before and I just kept staring at it and feeling like I knew it & now I see that is Orion 😳😳, I’m shoook & all this stuff about yoga keeps comin up for me so yeaa, this is great! Lol👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
This just became so relevant- I met a Medium today at the Job I’m starting at the Chakra Shack in Laguna Beach, and this popped at the right time!!
This is amazing! I’ve been heavily researching this the last couple weeks. Idk what came over me lol
I LOVE the Chakra shack!!
I had a vivid dream about going to a horse riding lesson and the horse they had me ride was named STARSEED.. I went to sleep listening to another reading of yours.. so when I saw this one in my suggested videos I knew it would be for me.. I'm halfway through and taking diligent notes.. this reading is laid thick with the truth I need to hear 🤍💟
Love how you make sure u remind us not to drift into fantasyland -Ego-Selfishness etc. Humility is a wonderful thing. Being Right-sized. Love it!!!
This video resonated with me the most. Your reading was so precise that you actually mentioned some events from my life, just wow. I was pile 4 btw. Thank you for existing and doing this for humankind.
Very nice! Pile 3 explains a lot that about characteristics I not found in other more commonly discussed Starseed descriptions. I'm definitely a Crystal seed and a tree hugger. Yoga is my preferred exercise....awesome. Thank you 😊
The sound when you are pulling the star system names was ASMR lol instant tranquilizer. So grateful for your posts💗They always sync and bring so much synchronicity, confidence in self awareness and peace from reading to reading.💗
Omg this is definitely me, fairness above all no matter what, strict childhood, very kind but not afraid to show my anger, don’t remember my childhood, been depressed, and dark skinned 😱
I think this is one of my favorite readings ever, and it's so synchronistic in my case. It ticked all the boxes of what I've been called to, seen and been told about, and the placements of my chart. Personally, I love readings like this, (and I think are better than predictions) because they help in grounding a lot more. Thankyou so much for what you do, your words hit the mark most heartwarmingly.
I am shook I always had the feeling that I was a atlantean, and at the same time that I love the ocean I am terrified of it especially tidal waves, when I was little I spent my vacations with my grandma and it was near the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal and before the vacation I always had nightmares with tidal waves, the Sirians I always thought I was one too. Thank you for the reading. Pile 4
Pile 3. This felt like a personal reading, every word resonated 🥺✨🤍
Pile 3! You definitely helped me get the message I so needed. I started taking baths using intention candles, and cleansing my space recently so it’s nice to have confirmed my intuition in doing that for myself. This morning I had found a collection of things I picked up on beaches and I thought to myself ‘maybe I am a sea witch’ hehe
Beautiful ❤️ thank you for sharing your gift
Pile 3 - crystal. I have never had any more accurate reading than this. Im very much warm person. But once people wrong me, i wouldnt mind to cut them off out od my life and make sure they will never seek me out again and vice versa. I also used to have a little dance ritual with the wind every other weekend when i was a kid and i still remember vividly how i want to go home up in the clouds. I just know im not originated here. I suppose i shall pick up my old dance ritual to get in touch with my roots again
I thought I was the only one who did dance rituals with the wind, this is so relatable. Once people fuck up, they’re out.
Go for the dance rituals!! Dancing honestly relieves the soul, we kinda just get lost in it in a way, it’s beautiful. Sending love💖
We’re always home. If you have a mission, you fulfill it. You gotta be tough to make a home on Earth, it’s not for wimps. There are people from all over the universe living on this little planet and we all matter.
I have been literally researching this exact question all day today. Wow.
Me too!
Same here!!
I know it is like she can read our minds!!
I highly recommend asking your pendulum which deck you should pick. I went into a deep meditative state and my higher self and guides what deck I should pick. It said yes to deck 3. It was so accurate
Not even a full 5 minutes into the reading, and youre just hitting all the points. You are soooooo talented and gifted. Pile 3 was screaming at me.
I've never watched your channel before. I just came home from a fantastic evening with some fellow women where we talked about all sorts of things, read tarot, read oracles, set intentions for the new moon... Etc. I came home and was looking for a video to put on while I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. Clicked this video intuitively and then chose pile 4,which is weird because I never choose the last one. It was so absolutely spot on. I'm a Taurus too, so as soon as that venus came up I was like, oh yup, that's me.
idk what it was about pile 2 that literally pulled me to watch it but i did. im a leo sun and saturn and my moon is scorpio. ive been feeling like im an arcturian starseed for so long and i honestly feel like it was meant for me to watch this video.
Pile 4: wow resonated so much!!
I was born one month late and after 10 months and that only happened for me and not my brother
I'm so scared of deep waters and also in love with the ocean
Music and sounds are my favorite for healing
And the polarity is so true even tho I'm introverted some people think I'm extroverted.
I always were drowned to Atlantic ocean and Atlantis
Thank you so much felt like a personal reading ❤❤
Picked pile 4, It resonates so much and especially at this moment in my life. I feel a new me emerging and I’m not sure who she is yet. I’m in the process right now of solitude and reflection. I would like to know more so that I can be able to take the next step.
I’m a 4 as well
Omg, just wow!!! Pile 2 resonate so much with me. I always have vivid dreams since I was a child That did not feel like dream. Is is more surreal now with everything that's happening in the world right. I even was a little taken back of how much messages I was receiving since I became fully awaken and aware of what my dreams was all about. Yes Now my dreams I can talk telepathically with other people its so strange. But yeah Thank You for making this I have more clarity on who I am.
Pile 3 is accurate.. I have had so many confirmations of what was said and that’s why people flock to me ( mainly broken people) I love that I was drawn to this by tarot n heal
Yep. I like drawing and painting trees. I even have sketches of trees. She totally got me there.
Pile two, was so crazy i felt so connected to it i’m a leo sun, Scorpio rising and Capricorn moon like wow-
Omg I am also a Leo sun, Scorpio rising and Capricorn moon!!
#3 I've been able to find orion in the sky since I was a child, and my dad convinced me I was a martian (told me him and my mom adopted me after a UFO crash in the field outside their house) and I believed him until I was like 10. Ive never heard of the draconians before, but the explanation really resonated....
pile 4 was the one I was least drawn too but it resonated the most, amazing how that works lol
I picked 2. Id say absolutely spot on. Except ive had vivid nightmares my entire life so ive no interest in keeping a diary, nor am i interested in sleeping anymore. I dont like the exhaustion of constant nightmares. The sweat. The heart palpitations. The extreme fear. The broken sleep all night long. So now, i prefer insomnia. I dont function but im not frightened all the time either. And the freaky shit happens whilst im awake which is easier.
Ohmygod. I wasn't really drawn to starseeds before so I didn't know what it was exactly but I have known for years that I come from Lemuria so when that showed up in pile 2 I basically yelled. Awesome. Didn't know that fell under starseeds as well.
Pile 1: you mentioned my big three. This reading resonates with me heavy. :)
Pile #3 and Gosh, when you said "you are the Garden of Eden" man, I felt that. Yes, I´m a highly empath person but if you disrespect me, then your punishment will be the total exile from my kingdom, I will never open my gates for you again ever and I will cut all the cords that unite us so you can´t parasitize
my energy, that is in fact my way to put boundaries. I´m a very giving, loving and loyal person, but if the people think that they can come and go from my life like I was some kind of a trash they are so fucking wrong. The only people that I give the chance to came back is the people that just one day they take another path, but they never hurt me in anyway, that is the people that I´m willing to give them a chance, but the rest? Absolutely not. People think my attitude is resentful
, it is not, it is my way to impose self-respect
and to send a message that I´m not a toy that everyone can play with. When it comes to goodness, most people are the worst, so I need to protect myself in some way. I resonate with the Orion constelation and a little bit of Crystal in this pile even tho I´m all air, I have three planets in the 9th house in the sign of libra.
When she said she saw 11:11 on her clock I saw 11:11 on my clock, that freaks me out
I am seeing this @ 2:22 and it currently has 11 likes
What’s also a little crazy is seeing your comment 11 months later…
Omg it’s 11:11 now
Omg it's 11:11 now!!
Wow! When you pulled out the 'Arcturian' star race, I felt a burst of emotion and cried. It was a mixture of emotions, however the main feelings were sadness, love and compassion. Few months ago I was drawn to know more about the Arcturians but felt no desire to do any research until now...
Spirit led me to pile 4 which really resonated especially the Sirian star seed, but I also felt very drawn to pile one and I kept saying to myself and felt drawn to the Pleiadians. And low and behold the pleiadians were apart of pile one, as well as my sign, virgo. Pile one resonated the most with my soul, so I feel like I am naturally a pleiadian who may have spent alot of time adopting the sirian culture and fell in love with their ways before ascending to earth. Idk something to think about lol
pile 3: i had a personal card reading maybe a month ago and they mentioned how i have a big decision coming my way and how it’s gonna be impactful and then u mentioned it 😨
I’ve been trying to figure out several things for my own soul’s path, this being one of them. Picked group 2 and came into it with this unshakable feeling of being Arcturian. Also have had lots of timeline jumping experiences for which I am struggling to find explanation even in the spiritual community. Thank you so much! 🧡🖤
Pile 3: I just knew that you are gonna get the "Orion". And when you said "we have Orion". I just screamed, yes I knew it and yes you confirmed it.
Earth sign I am Capricorn. yes into science and intellectual things. Hard time understanding emotions. Yes things some how work out easily.
Thank you so much for such a powerful reading.🙏
13:25 I needed to hear that "peeps that step on you do it cuz they know what ya capable of, and they're afraid of losing control"
great video. when i was a little girl i used to do the same mirror thingy. i also used to be outside of my body. i knew how to become of my inner self what is called the unconscious being now. thank you for all you do for us.