hi bill, we really apprciate your comment,,,as you know i only play by ear,,,and our repetior is running out,,,,we never in our wildest dreams ever thouht that we would get this many clips on,,,its been a great journey for us both,,,we,ve enjoy every minute of it,,,,,,heccy and i will always be best mates and we,,ll always catch up and have a jam together,,,,but as you,ve probably noticed we are staring to do repeats and we are starting to trash over old ground a bit,,,,, cheers mate,rob & heccy
@larry2043 hi laz,,,yeah mate sadly this is the end,,,our repetior is running out mate,but our channel is always here,,,thankyou for your valued support over the years mate,,,cheers buddy,,, ROB AND HECCY
Félicitations à tous les deux pour cette agréable mélodie.
Thanks for all the music!
Very nice music, and a prize fight to boot!
we appreciate your comment,,,thankyou,for watching and commenting,,,heccy and rob
cheers Andre thanks mate,,,rob and heccy
Thanks Hairy. Certainly a lot of fun between us boof heads. Hec and Bob.
hi bill, we really apprciate your comment,,,as you know i only play by ear,,,and our repetior is running out,,,,we never in our wildest dreams ever thouht that we would get this many clips on,,,its been a great journey for us both,,,we,ve enjoy every minute of it,,,,,,heccy and i will always be best mates and we,,ll always catch up and have a jam together,,,,but as you,ve probably noticed we are staring to do repeats and we are starting to trash over old ground a bit,,,,, cheers mate,rob & heccy
@larry2043 hi laz,,,yeah mate sadly this is the end,,,our repetior is running out mate,but our channel is always here,,,thankyou for your valued support over the years mate,,,cheers buddy,,, ROB AND HECCY
@bertosvids / Best of luck to you, Rob and Heccy. I appreciate your friendship.
@cariboubill ,,,,dito Bill same from us mate,,,,rob and heccy
yeah laz you might,see us again,,,,never say never,,,,you can chat to us on facebook if you wish mate,,,cheers rob and heccy
Is this goodbye? Will we no longer see your smiling faces? You mention finding other focases. Good luck, but please don't drop your music.