@Del Ramos 看口氣。 "I wrapped it up" is too definitive; what if you didn't really finish and missed something? I always leave myself an out for work related talk. 話不能說那么滿。
”I am done ” “ I’m almost done”. 这个是很常用的, 当然可以用作“我(快)完成了。 只是语气不一样。 “I'm done" can sometimes mean "I quit", "I give up", "I'm sick of this", "I can't do this anymore", or "I refuse to participate in this activity any longer". But if you just say "I'm done" with a regular tone of voice, it usually just means "I'm finished" or "I completed the task".
I think Maggie is right,. There was a time I said I’m done, and a native speaker smiled and said, no, you are not. From then on, I started using it’s all done instead.
重要的说三遍!语境,语境,语境!语气,语气,语气 !老板ping你 Hey are you done with the changes? Can I send it out now? 然后你回复 Yes im done 很顺理成章毫无问题。没人会把你理解成你完蛋了,你受够了,我要辞职了的意思。 你要是不耐烦的语气,或者语境是你们刚argue过,说 Im DONE! 那可能有问题,理解成 你烦不烦啊,一直催催催,老子不耐烦了! 所以别一棍子打死,各位看官也别吓得紧张,是要看具体语境语气的!
+1 要看语境语气的!老板ping你 Hey Kevin are you done with the changes? Can I send it out now? 然后你回复 Yes im done 很顺理成章毫无问题。没人会把你理解成你完蛋了,你受够了,我要辞职了的意思。 你要是不耐烦的语气,或者语境是你们刚argue过,说 Im DONE! 那可能有问题,理解成 你烦不烦啊,一直催催催,老子不耐烦了! 所以别一棍子打死,各位看官也别吓得紧张,是要看具体语境语气的!
What is the meaning of "I am done"? “I am done” or “I am done with” means: I have reached the end, have completed or finished with any activity that one is presently doing or engaged in or with. It can also mean “I am fed up” with some one or something, or “I am full” in matter of eating.
I've been here at USA for 25 years (PHD.postdoc, working at a high tech company). Are you done (with something)? Yes, I'm done (with it). I heard it all the time and used it all the time.
@@michen000 dance with your hands tied. I think this phrase originally comes from western world, or it's just a common simile. Interestingly, there may be identical similes/expressions in two totally different languages without being influenced by one another.
抱歉你经历了这种遭遇,听到真的太气愤了。我觉得就今天这个情况你可以回过去 if I use your logic, I could say to you, “look genocide! Look slave owners! look kkk” so not exactly a smart comment sir/ma’am and frankly it just make u sound stupid. If I were you, I wouldn’t want that fact known haha这种 当然了我自己应该也是就走了 希望你不要破坏自己的好心情
其實,遇到這種情況一是不要生氣,二是要巧妙地以牙還牙,或者有時候假裝沒聽懂。一次,一個白人室友對我指手劃腳,雖然我英文很爛但我還是找到他也沒有做好的毛病回擊他(未清乾淨食物殘渣)然後說:「做好的自己,不要教別人。」他可能從未遇到過一個華人敢這樣回敬他,於是他提高音量:「我在這裡(美國)住了70年,你呢?」我毫不客氣地說:「我昨天剛下飛機(來美國),你能這樣?你說你在美國生活了70年,你為什麼不想想你還剩下多少年?」(Why don't you say about how many years you have left?)我的不按套路出牌(敬老尊賢全拋腦後)讓他當場傻眼,站在那裡嘬粗氣一時接不上話,當時我真擔心他會不會心臟病發作,後來幾天,他看到我就遠遠躲開。
It may be a British vs American usage thing. I've never heard someone say I have finished to let someone know that he's finished. The question is are you finished? and the answer is yes; I am finished.
Should it be "Have you finished it?" or "Did you finish it?" or "Is it finished?" From my understanding, "finished" is a kind of passive voice. Therefore, the subject of the verb "finish" here could be any kind of thing but people, otherwise, it sounds more like the person "was finished", like "You were killed, game over".
博主的意思應該是: I am done. 我做完了。 I finished it. 我完成了。 對於簡單、容易完成的事物,用 I am done. 沒什麼問題,例如點餐、吃飯、簽名......這類的。 但如果是計畫、論文、寫作......這類的工作,說 I am done. 會給人感覺,你就是隨便做一做罷了! 除了容易混淆,I am done. 對所做事物帶有輕蔑的語意(沒什麼大不了的)。 😅
单位里老美经常说I'm done, meaning his/her job has been finished. 没看到啥问题。当然加上with sth最好。但是很多时候省略。语境语气很重要。这个有点误导。
I'm done 没問题呀! I use it all the time. "I'm finished" 就有問题了。😅
是的,是这样。刚开始很纳闷怎么老外可以说I'm done 了呢?纳闷了好一阵子。挺有意思的话题。
@Del Ramos 看口氣。 "I wrapped it up" is too definitive; what if you didn't really finish and missed something? I always leave myself an out for work related talk. 話不能說那么滿。
”I am done ” “ I’m almost done”. 这个是很常用的, 当然可以用作“我(快)完成了。 只是语气不一样。
“I'm done" can sometimes mean "I quit", "I give up", "I'm sick of this", "I can't do this anymore", or "I refuse to participate in this activity any longer".
But if you just say "I'm done" with a regular tone of voice, it usually just means "I'm finished" or "I completed the task".
I think Maggie is right,. There was a time I said I’m done, and a native speaker smiled and said, no, you are not. From then on, I started using it’s all done instead.
@@lynnliu6978 I think that native speaker was using it as a pun. He was joking with you.
Don't say "I'm finished". That's worse than "I'm done". You can say "I finished", but it not commonly used.
@@nancyx8324 He was joking, yes. But that's not a pun.
我在美國7年,美國人在說他完成某事時,常常聽到他們說I'm done,我知道這句有另外的意思,不過目前我覺得只要有超過20個美國人說這個,我就相信這是正確、道地的英文😃
同意,這影片內容真的完全沒幫助…I’m done明明是很通俗的用法
這個人根本不是native speaker,還想教別人native的說法,本來也沒什麼,但是她自己都一知半解,造成很多誤導,真是害人。
确实,我也在美国待了好多年。到处都是老美说 I'm done 来表示做完了。
重要的说三遍!语境,语境,语境!语气,语气,语气 !老板ping你 Hey are you done with the changes? Can I send it out now? 然后你回复 Yes im done 很顺理成章毫无问题。没人会把你理解成你完蛋了,你受够了,我要辞职了的意思。
你要是不耐烦的语气,或者语境是你们刚argue过,说 Im DONE! 那可能有问题,理解成 你烦不烦啊,一直催催催,老子不耐烦了!
@@smartypizza4723 thank you!
工作完成了回答 I am done 是對的, 如果你覺得那個人很煩你受夠了不想再同他理論就說 I am done with you.
Usually Americans won’t confuse” I’m done” n “All done”,both are same mean,most of people say,”I’m done!”
I am done 挺普遍的,特别是大家一起做事,当你完成你的部分时,都这样说的。all done 也可以,但 I am done 更强调我的部分做完了。
+1 要看语境语气的!老板ping你 Hey Kevin are you done with the changes? Can I send it out now? 然后你回复 Yes im done 很顺理成章毫无问题。
I finished my part. I am done with my piece.
我做完了:正确:All Done ! / Done and Done / it's all wrapped up! / I finished / I got done with that.../
(I'm finished / I'm done for..我玩完了/我完蛋了)
中文做完了,意思是射了。 玩完了意思是做完了
@@AuiBs 你想多了。
I'm finished也是很常用的表示做完的表达,母语人经常把他和i'm done互用,但会更正式一些。一般我玩完了会用I'm doomed。
谢谢因为我经常那和我同学说 I’m finished with my assignments 😂 下次换成 I finished ✅
I have finished doing my assignmnets.
I’m done with the episode! How about you guys?… What’s the meaning of the sentence? Please advice your option?...
虽然知道it is done or that is all, 但是团队作业的时候当大家做完自己part的时候也经常说I am done
+1 you can totally say I'm done with my part.
孩子在美国上学,所有的小孩都用 I'm done 表示做完了。比如说上完厕所,他们会说 I'm done. 我再工作中也是,非常非常多的native speaker都用 I'm done 表示做完了。咋到你这里就不行了呢?
she is done 😂
@@jackyzeng2171 Yes, she’s done.
中式英语制订了很多和人家本土英语不同的各种语法规则,你没发现这些老师交英语课80%都在说中文吗?以前我在国内被“英文好的人士”猛烈夹击过人家问你how are you, 你不能回答I'm fine,那会说明你的英文很烂,但是来到美国后会时不时得听到本土人回答,i'm fine, i'm well,
@@liuandy5588 You are right.
She is full of Chinglish at large.
今天的有点混淆。因为 I'm done I'm finished我时常听周围的美国人说。
+1 要看语境语气的!老板ping你 Hey Kevin are you done with the changes? Can I send it out now? 然后你回复 Yes im done 很顺理成章毫无问题。没人会把你理解成你完蛋了,你受够了,我要辞职了的意思。
你要是不耐烦的语气,或者语境是你们刚argue过,说 Im DONE! 那可能有问题,理解成 你烦不烦啊,一直催催催,老子不耐烦了!
@@多多许职场商务英语 对,我每次完成工作之后,都会对老板说这句话。我问了美国人,说这句话很常用没毛病
What is the meaning of "I am done"? “I am done” or “I am done with” means: I have reached the end, have completed or finished with any activity that one is presently doing or engaged in or with. It can also mean “I am fed up” with some one or something, or “I am full” in matter of eating.
一见Maggie老师就心情好 谢谢
非常喜欢Maggie老师的英文教学,也非常喜欢结尾的BGM,sick dqys!
我的美国同事每次用完仪器知道我要接着用,都和我说,I am finished
我经常听老美说 I’m done.
丫头,至少我在单位经常听小伙伴们说I am done😀只是需要注意在不同场合或不同语境、用不同语气,意思会不同。所以说,语言是有“生命”的,就像我们母语是中文的,字面上完全一样,但语气断句不同,可能语义会完全相反,英语也一样:)
电影里 We're done. 就是完蛋了,哈哈
I’ve done my part.
说It's done就可以了. 转换一下主语可以避免一些误解, 比如I'm so hot./It's so hot.
可以这么用啊。在健身房用完器械都说I’m done
被动语态,正常应该是I did it. or it is done. 如果是I am done,多数情况这个Done可以和中午的干,搞来对应,基本上是说我给干了。当然更多的是引申为。。。
在美国当大家共同做一个项目,如果你做完了说done 或者 i'm done 并没什么问题啊? 这种说法也挺普遍的,这视频真地是在教美式英语吗?
我也碰到过美国同学说 i am done here, 或者 im done with it
+1,我们团队大家一起也经常说 I’m done.
I m done 非常常用。这女的在中国生活吗?
@@thesupermanofdoom1791 她在美国生活,老公是native speaker
@@hanriver8838 I am done 经常在完成工作的时候同事说,健身房的人用完器械说,男朋友吵架要分手说。哪有不能说的!
可以回答 It was done two weeks ago 是沒有問題的
Actually the clearest way to express this would be "I've completed it" or "I've completed my part".
Used Google Translate, "I am done"-->我做完, 我完成了.
I like to use I am terminated instead of I am finished. I am terminated by T1000. John Corner, can you help us!
玩游戏的都熟悉那句,Mission accomplished.
可能也要看在北美什么地方。I am done 表示 I finished 的意思也非常普遍。
+1 也要看语气和语境
是的, 我在俄勒冈州,我老公干完活,经常说,I'm done 有时候也用
I finished
@@jingsamericanlife3057 我在加州也好像蠻常聽到I'm done的,感覺糾正這個用法是為糾正而糾正...
I've been here at USA for 25 years (PHD.postdoc, working at a high tech company). Are you done (with something)? Yes, I'm done (with it). I heard it all the time and used it all the time.
又學一招啦!~~謝謝Maggie!~~btw, 瘦好多耶!😍😍
我想区别在于 I'm done 和i'ts done.
Thanks for your details. It's pretty helpful 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Maggie, you're the best!
“又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草” 有什么地道的英语表达同样的意思?
You pay peanuts you get monkeys?
You can’t have your cake and eat it too我觉得这里可以表达 这个意思就是你要想留着cake就不能吃了 是不是有点这个意思?
@@MaaaxterEnglish Thanks! 其实我更想问的是 下面的 “戴着手铐脚镣跳舞”😃
@@queenscake4500 Thanks!
@@michen000 dance with your hands tied. I think this phrase originally comes from western world, or it's just a common simile. Interestingly, there may be identical similes/expressions in two totally different languages without being influenced by one another.
1)英国人听到美国人说英文会有这样的疑问, 妳们在说英文吗?
2)可能因为美国人自己乱说英文,造成语法混乱,都无法写出像样的合乎语法的文字---- 美国人说写英文。我及我父亲经常看到美国人写英文不按语法去写。
我是局外人(我不是英国人,我不是种族问题在说英文), 我知道有一个自称讲英文的国家法院,就是因为英文搞混乱就干脆用德语解释条文 。
连学校学的英文都不懂? 整天叫人不要按语法说话? 美国人说话是哪来的语法? 口口相传如此原始?为什么不用文字记载让歪果仁也能学你们的语法?
这大字表明是美国英语。可是来美国学英文课堂是,老师边教我们歪果仁学英语课本一边与说美国人不这样说话。她回家偶而蹦出课本英语,家人朋友都很奇怪地看着她 怎么这样说话?
搞得我边学边没有信心 好奇怪,为什么老师教我们美国人不说的英文?其实课本已经与英国英文表达方式略有不同了,还不是美国人说的英文?那美国人到底在哪里学的美语?
林書豪在球場受傷時說..."I am done"
谢谢!我一直说I'm done哈哈
你说的没毛病,表示你把该做的事儿做完了,但she is done她完蛋了,死定了🤣🤣
Thank you Maggie, you're the best! I learned a lot from your lessons!
感谢你 请你继续加油 你的视频全是干货
Hi Maggie. 很感谢你的视频, 释疑解惑~用你的教学视频和boss谈了加薪 :) . 想问问是否可以做一期视频有关内卷的说法? 或者这种现象, 因为我发现不止是国内很卷, 湾区也很卷啊...peer pressure 真的是...
Rat race 内卷
How's the project going?
最常用可以說 It is done.
How about “I completed something/doing something”?
如果叫上司改文件,他用done for you 是否正確?
如果對方說 Let me know when you are done , 那當我完成後可以跟他說 I am done 嗎
Hi maggie
今天我出门 被外国人问:你是中国人吗?
在确认后对方大叫 :快看 科罗娜!
抱歉你经历了这种遭遇,听到真的太气愤了。我觉得就今天这个情况你可以回过去 if I use your logic, I could say to you, “look genocide! Look slave owners! look kkk” so not exactly a smart comment sir/ma’am and frankly it just make u sound stupid. If I were you, I wouldn’t want that fact known haha这种 当然了我自己应该也是就走了 希望你不要破坏自己的好心情
我不知道你在哪里,如果是在美国,如果你身处不利与你的地方,你必须要学会“退一步,海阔天空”,因为可能一时的怒火,可能会带来更多的痛苦。。。我觉得你说 stop 就好,最多加上 shut up.
其實,遇到這種情況一是不要生氣,二是要巧妙地以牙還牙,或者有時候假裝沒聽懂。一次,一個白人室友對我指手劃腳,雖然我英文很爛但我還是找到他也沒有做好的毛病回擊他(未清乾淨食物殘渣)然後說:「做好的自己,不要教別人。」他可能從未遇到過一個華人敢這樣回敬他,於是他提高音量:「我在這裡(美國)住了70年,你呢?」我毫不客氣地說:「我昨天剛下飛機(來美國),你能這樣?你說你在美國生活了70年,你為什麼不想想你還剩下多少年?」(Why don't you say about how many years you have left?)我的不按套路出牌(敬老尊賢全拋腦後)讓他當場傻眼,站在那裡嘬粗氣一時接不上話,當時我真擔心他會不會心臟病發作,後來幾天,他看到我就遠遠躲開。
0:32 pick up on 是不是應該直接用單用pick就好? pick up on 有別的含意
对网上的教学视频 观众真的需要有甄别能力
I’m finished. 也有玩完了的意思
谢谢Maggie的视频,我经常和老外说I'm finished我完成了什么,其实是口误,还好他们知道我英语不好,没有误会。原来只能说i finished。谢谢提醒,也可以说i have finished什么工作吗?
可以說 I’m done 表示完成
如果不是看了这个,额肯定不敢用finish, 因为吃完了是这个,我就在想是不是用complete
Well done !
我在加拿大医院工作时, 有时候非常忙碌. 忙的人快要垮掉了. 就有人说: I'm done. 我不行了. 不干了.
It may be a British vs American usage thing. I've never heard someone say I have finished to let someone know that he's finished. The question is are you finished? and the answer is yes; I am finished.
Should it be "Have you finished it?" or "Did you finish it?" or "Is it finished?" From my understanding, "finished" is a kind of passive voice. Therefore, the subject of the verb "finish" here could be any kind of thing but people, otherwise, it sounds more like the person "was finished", like "You were killed, game over".
@@rickqin8624 Yes, she is finished.
I'm done 未必像你所說的,含有厭煩的負面意義,它可以就是純粹地結束。
Very clear! Thanks
你也可以的!慢慢来 每天坚持!
That's useful video! Great job!
I am done. 我做完了。
I finished it. 我完成了。
對於簡單、容易完成的事物,用 I am done. 沒什麼問題,例如點餐、吃飯、簽名......這類的。
但如果是計畫、論文、寫作......這類的工作,說 I am done. 會給人感覺,你就是隨便做一做罷了!
除了容易混淆,I am done. 對所做事物帶有輕蔑的語意(沒什麼大不了的)。
有时候回复一个proposal,I am done是我同意,我参加,我没问题的意思?
nice, thanks a lot
hi Maggie,最近心情很糟,我不想打疫苗要被公司terminate了 我平时会捐钱也乐于帮助别人,不知道为什么不打疫苗就变成自私的人了。不知道你的看法,谢谢🤣
How R U doing now
I'm done 我受够了 All done 做完了 got done 做完了 I'm finished 我玩完了 I‘m done for 我玩完了 It's all done 我做完了
I finished. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
I am finished 的解释不对,这个经常说,意思就是 I have completed doing something
你说的对 她的说法有误
celebrity n entrepreneur
請問老師,有聽過課程結束時說We are finished. 此用法是否正確呢?謝謝!
衬衫很好看 求推荐
每周的例会,大家轮流讲话,当自己要讲的部分都讲完的时候,是否该说”I am done.“呢?
这种情况下我觉得That’s it from me我觉得好一点
我在美國讀完大學,也在醫院工作。身邊都說I am done來表示做完什麼事。有什麼不行的。這本來就是口語的表達方法,不管是大學教授,高級主官,平民老百姓,都是這樣講的。不懂為什麼你要說這是錯的。
因為 she is done.😙😙😙
All set!不行吗?
下次你应该说说I'm down 在英文中更常见
Hi Maggie, how to say 武大郎开店 in english?
wudalang started a business
还有一个词是I am down,是我倒下了还是我会参加
love you so much! thank you for your help Maggie!
I am done, 有我玩完了的意思,但如果有人问你(事情)做完了吗?I am done 完全可用。
我经常说it’s done or I’ve done it
如果在餐厅表示吃完了,可以说I'm done 吗
老美都说i am done呀,表示做完了,吃完了
Thank you.