LEGO Jurassic Park 1993 | 30th Anniversary Film Recreation

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @liopleurodon2000
    @liopleurodon2000 8 месяцев назад +9

    This feels like something I'd watch all the time back in 2011. Feels very nostalgic

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  8 месяцев назад +1

      glad to hear ur getting those kinds of vibes. i remember watching old lego jurassic park stop motions from around that time as well. castle cyclops made some great stuff back then

  • @fino4films
    @fino4films Год назад +5

    Great work!

    @HWLEGO Год назад +6

    Dude the quality is incredible!! I enjoyed every second of this keep up the great work

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад

      That’s awesome, so glad u enjoyed it

  • @rogersmith5371
    @rogersmith5371 Год назад +3

    Great work! I love the way you've added special effects. We'll done!

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад

      Great to hear ur thoughts again, glad it turned out well

  • @themightytrex5
    @themightytrex5 Год назад +7

    Amazing animation as always! The extra sound effects are used sparingly and with great timing! My only problem is that in a lot of the scenes the audio balance between sounds and dialogue is really hard and is difficult to listen to what characters are saying. But other than that you have been making great animations for a while now keep up the good work, even if you don't get that many views!

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад

      Oh yeah totally I get that, it’s hard to balance audio using the software that I have but I’m considering upgrading to something more substantial. Glad to hear u liked the video, thx for commenting

  • @jediclonekag13
    @jediclonekag13 5 месяцев назад +2

    This was such a great LEGO film recreation. I especially loved how you animated Ellie Sattler when she changes from her Isla Nublar look to her Survivor look at 5:41-5:46.

  • @hrwls
    @hrwls Год назад +3

    Incredible animation, it has a lot of quality for it, even if it doesn't have many views, you must continue with this beautiful work, Can you try to make an animation of the Lost World? insane🤙🇧🇷

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад +1

      Thank u so much I’m glad u enjoyed it, if I get 50 likes on this video, I’ll do the lost world Jurassic Park, thx for the recommendation

  • @TheOfficialNerdyChannel
    @TheOfficialNerdyChannel Год назад +2


  • @undertalenightcore821
    @undertalenightcore821 7 месяцев назад +1

    very cool animation.

  • @MrGojira_238
    @MrGojira_238 6 месяцев назад +1

    it's just a masterpiece!

  • @barionykslegostudio.1685
    @barionykslegostudio.1685 Год назад +2

    Amazing! :)

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад

      thank u, so nice to see a returning viewer still enjoying my content.

  • @BvelociraptorProductions
    @BvelociraptorProductions Год назад +3

    I have a question: As someone who has the visitor's center set, do you think it's worth buying? Also, great stop motion!

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад +1

      Hey, thx for commenting, yes I think the set is worth it, however it should be noted that the trex is very similar to last years trex and the Alan grant character doesn’t have a second face. Otherwise it’s great

    • @BvelociraptorProductions
      @BvelociraptorProductions Год назад +2

      @@dil0ph0saur I want to make a stop motion with Jurassic Park similar to what you did, so I want to buy all the Jurassic Park sets.

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад

      @@BvelociraptorProductions ah ok good idea, in that case i would get all the sets if u can, tho i might not get the raptor paddock set

    • @BvelociraptorProductions
      @BvelociraptorProductions Год назад +1

      @@dil0ph0saur That's the only way to get Robert Muldoon.

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад

      @@BvelociraptorProductions i would just go to bricklink for him

  • @HewsonsProductions
    @HewsonsProductions Год назад +1

    This is great, the iconic scenes from the film are so well animated. You've got yourself a new subscriber!

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад +1

      thats great, so glad u enjoyed it, i had a ton of fun making it

  • @squirrel_5261
    @squirrel_5261 Год назад +2

    W O W

  • @PBJanimator
    @PBJanimator Год назад +3

    Nice I can’t imagine how much money this would costs

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад +2

      596 Australian dollars for all the new Lego sets otherwise, I already had a lot of the other stuff, plus I made the Jurassic Park gate myself so that did cost much at all. thanks for the comment

  • @dinomation
    @dinomation Год назад +1

    Very nice animation, smooth and entertaining!

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад +1

      glad u liked it, hope to see u in the comment section again sometime

  • @DinoSharkBrickReviews
    @DinoSharkBrickReviews Год назад +3

    You should do this with all the jp/jw films👍😀

  • @sueparkes1819
    @sueparkes1819 Год назад +1

    Wowwwww you spent a lot just to entertain us great job 👍👍👍👍

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад

      Thank u very much, glad u liked it

  • @DecepticonScout
    @DecepticonScout 5 месяцев назад +1

    Life finds a way.

  • @Leolegostopmotion
    @Leolegostopmotion Год назад +3

    Very good animation to improve I think you definently need to get some more lighting in your set up maybe some led lamps

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад +1

      Possibly, but they aren’t official Lego so I’m not so sure about it. Thx for the idea tho, I’ll consider it

    • @Leolegostopmotion
      @Leolegostopmotion Год назад +1

      @@dil0ph0saur no no that’s not entirely wat I meant. I mean get a lamp and hide it out of camera to light up the set, you probably already do this but add back lights and side lights there are heaps of RUclips tutorials for it so yeah check them out, otherwise great video love the poo scen very cool and fun

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  Год назад

      @@Leolegostopmotion oh yes, u might like 3 point lighting? I’m currently using 2 points of light and a few sheets of reflective paper tho I can upgrade that fairly easily. Great suggestion

  • @Levinewak
    @Levinewak 11 месяцев назад +2

    Anyone ever read Micheal Crichton’s revised Jurassic Park script?

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  11 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, I have, John Hammond sacrificing himself for the kids lives would have been great to see in the movie

    • @Levinewak
      @Levinewak 11 месяцев назад +2

      I’m thinking we need an adaption of that! With someone using everything they can to recreate it

  • @Wolfiedark7042
    @Wolfiedark7042 9 месяцев назад +1

    3:41 LOL 😂

  • @e-happiness
    @e-happiness 10 месяцев назад +1

    This video is super high quality
    My favorite seen 8:03

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  10 месяцев назад

      Thank u so much, I’m very happy with how it turned out and glad other people liked it too

  • @賴妙杏
    @賴妙杏 Год назад +1

    oh my God 😮😮😮is very important because

  • @TeamMcAlberts2024
    @TeamMcAlberts2024 8 месяцев назад +1

    Random Jurassic Park Worker: Was That The Bite Of 87!!?!?

  • @coltongarber8087
    @coltongarber8087 8 месяцев назад +1

    You used the wrong roar for Rexy after the Ford Explorer and Timmy got pushed over the cliff

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  8 месяцев назад

      I mean yeah, but I also skipped the entire first act of the movies, I take creative liberties here and there

    • @coltongarber8087
      @coltongarber8087 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@dil0ph0saur Please know that i wasn't being a jerk. Obviously i loved 😍 the video i mean who doesn't love a good ole Jurassic Park and World related video am i right

    • @dil0ph0saur
      @dil0ph0saur  8 месяцев назад +1

      @@coltongarber8087 oh of course, I don’t mean to make it seem like that, thanks anyway, glad u liked the video

    • @coltongarber8087
      @coltongarber8087 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@dil0ph0saur ik you didn't it seemed like i was making seem that way but i knew you weren't