in short, I decided to draw it, but from the beginning I didn’t believe that I would succeed and came out cool the first time thanks, I sold it, let me in the same spirit
Thank you very much!😀😀 For teaching us how to draw boruto😉😉 And this is my first time how to draw sketch 😊 Thank you very much again!😌😌 God bless you..😇 From : Philippines
Me seeing the drawing Me : It's easy I can draw it ! Also me while drawing : It's most tough drawing !!!!!!! This is called don't judge a book by its cover
Finally theres some vloger who taught me how to draw boruto😩
ya but are you fogeting somthing
every one in naruto should be on this channal
@@kittkatroblox what do you mean?
@@kittkatroblox yep exactly
The ear looks pangkis means: beautiful 😍
I draw your drawings while seeing your tutorial btw it makes my drawing ultra easier xd
Me: i think its easy
My Boruto in the picture: My hair was struck by lightning.
I'm scared of my picture
I thought this would be hard but its really easy!
Ur Tricks r just Amazing now i simply Paint all Anime Charactersвидео.html
Ty for making UZUMAKI BORUTO!👍
The best mechanical pencil he is using❤😊
This is zebra delguard pencil 😊
So easy and looks amazing you are so good at drawing
That super cute and ez drawing
This channel has helped impress a lot of my friends so thank u
It is very easy my first perfect anime drawing 😄 thanks bro ♥️☺️🙂🤣😀
kk tingal dimana
I actually drawed a drawing very good for the first time this actually was very easy
@@tigerlorenz Yeah
@@KakashiHatake-wo8oe i tired 10 times still mess up
Finaly I trying to find boruto! On youtube
Professional just absolutely amazing
Thanks for these videos you post it really helpsвидео.html
Nailed it...and made it too ❤️❤️
It was easy
You help me so much in my art skills
Terima kasih banyak, ia sangat mudah seperti lukisan anime yang mudah
Me:Oh no its to hard
My boruto:yeah man you make it
Me to:haha its to easy😂
ملك حامض
So simple and looks hard Awesome 👍😎 now l show to my brother and 😅😅
Tôi đã vẽ và thật hoàn hảo☺
Arigato thanks for teaching me this beautiful art
Thank you once again for this amazing sketch
Did you think you would get pinned lol
Fuck this is amazing
I think the same
i didnt know someone could draw better then Leonardo da vince
It's cool and that but WHO wants to draw boruto.
Thanks you realy help me you are so cool. #Respect.:))видео.html
i love boruto and naruto that video of naruto child was very cute congratulations for the work
Mine is 89% complete and its look awesome
Edit: it's 100% complete and it turned out to be super cool😁😁
cảm ơn bạn đã truyền cảm hứng cho tôi❤
It was easy and it's 💯%done
Thanks it was so easy but took some time I will give this to my friend he loves watching Naruto I'll give this to him as a 🎁 gift
thats cute ^^
Thanks a lot bro, now I draw very well
Me: "it`s easy" My Picture: "i`m a banana"
You draw a banana?
Whats Banana?
Cool and simple👍
Yeh so easy 🐱 look anime easy
😆😆anime emoji.
Lol 🍌 banana😇😇
Woo good, 🤔 hmm
Amin!! Anime, easy
I draw it . Your drawing is beautiful and it is so easy to draw 😚😉
I draw it easily thanks
how does he make it look so good
"everybody knows how to draw Boruto's or other naruto/Boruto characters till it was time for thier body and Shirt Pants and Hand position"
Oh I am like God them
@Anime Edits yeah
thank you the result is really good when i make it
Thank you🙂🌸
Your channel has been subscribed 🙈🙂
terimakasih om telah mengajarkan saya mudah dipahami
This is actually easy I make it and it is very beautiful thankuuu
Is esasy just is coll
I’m crying at how good Imam from this Tita rial and I’m only 9
Thanks for these videos they help me get me out of geting sstressed
Wow, Jenn, 🥺🥺🥺❤❤
I like naruto😊😊
ficou lindoooooooooo amei desenhei igualzinhooooooooooooo
So pretty
draw kirishima pls
Mano você tem você tem um canal
Your drawings are bestвидео.html
he draws so well that he wanted to have this ability too
Amazing picture
amaizing picture! well done🔥
Your the best drawer in the world plsss teach me to how drawing an anime character I'm just joking
This is my painting
thank you very much
Thank you sooo much !!! My drawing looks exactly like boruto!
His drawing always good looking 😗😗
It took alot of time but its legit🤧👌
in short, I decided to draw it, but from the beginning I didn’t believe that I would succeed and came out cool the first time thanks, I sold it, let me in the same spirit
I love ur drawings I copy all of them
U are amazing
I have draw one of your drawing 🙂
Me:This Is easy
Me:Ohh no its ugly
My classmates:Wowwwww Thats nice
@@Rachellaazra Yes lol
I actually finished it lol its cool tnx for teaching me
Thank you my picture the same as Boruto Uzumaki little bit
Me encanta el dibujo anime drawing
I am bad at drawing so I try to learn
ありがとう i know little only of japanese thanks i drew it i sware
Me: Am I good at this?
Brother: dude, nice anime drawing
easy and beautiful
ty i can draw boruto with look your boruto drawing
😢😢 im sad cuz im faild but my brother is ther to help me draw this it so hard to draw then we succeed and im so very hapyyy😊😊😊😊
Thank you! I made it basic
when my mother saw she was like it this my son❤
Thank you for marking this video ❤
Keren....tutorial menggambarnya mudah di pahami dan di ikuti...hasilny jg oke....slmt berkarya 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I drew it too, even if it wasn't that beautiful
thx my family loves it thx bro: )
It was realy good
He's the best drawer ever
Thank you very much!😀😀
For teaching us how to draw boruto😉😉
And this is my first time how to draw sketch 😊
Thank you very much again!😌😌
God bless you..😇
From : Philippines
If&: you u Kiki Okie
Yes it is very easy
You are very best drawinger
Me seeing the drawing
Me : It's easy I can draw it !
Also me while drawing : It's most tough drawing !!!!!!!
This is called don't judge a book by its cover
Your vids made me draw 100x better keep up the work 💯
Thank you Easy to Draw😄
Thanks bro, 2 months ago I saw this video and now I'm good at drawing
Thank you naguto sooo much 😍
So easy thank you❤❤
I love ya man you make it so easy
Me: I drawed correctly op drawing
Thank you sooo much I've been looking for something like this to draw this helps a lot thanks again
Nunca desenhei na vida,fiz e ficou perfeito lindo 😍
O meu tbm
Muito legal né kkk
It well helps
It's really helpful thx