for the longest time, i thought being magnetic was something you either had or didn’t. i used to watch others shine while i felt stuck. then i found Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, and it made me realize it’s all about the vibe you give off. chapter 3 especially changed the way i carry myself-it’s such a powerful shift.
This guy is totally wrong. He did NOT say he was going to use military force. He said he would not DENY its use. That is totally different. As an Army veteran I am ashamed of you Sir. Go home and get off the stage.
@@06colkurtz Exactly! I'm so tired of people lying or at least totally misrepresenting what Republicans are saying. It's rampant and all you have to do is listen or watch what they say to know the truth.
It's shameful when a retired general resorts to lying and poor judgement to try and cover his bias. Apparently, he and Mark Milley are cut from the same rag.
Milley & McCaffrey are both honourable men that served their country at the highest possible level with distinction. I'm not looking for an argument, but to say anything else is simply untrue. It's possible you're letting your political bias prompt you to make armchair observations of men that are far more complex than can be see from an armchair, yours or mine. But you & I both know that you don't rise to the position those men rose to in the greatest military force to ever be assembled in the history of the human race by chance. They are honourable men, good men...just because you disagree politically doesn't mean you have to slander their legacy.
The Big Brain/Little Brain Fallacy (also, the Führerprinzip; Mad Leader Disease): A not-uncommon but extreme example of the Blind Loyalty Fallacy below, in which a tyrannical boss, military commander, or religious or cult-leader tells followers "Don't think with your little brains (the brain in your head), but with your BIG brain (mine)." Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience
Let the DOJ and FBI and others do there job on illegal conduct . Please let Trump concentrate on Immigration, hostages, wars, fires and all the other catastrophes The big guy made America broken!
Well, he isn't. Trump hasn't mentioned one of these things since elected. Maybe immigration. No wait. He did say well it's very hard to bring down prices.
Try and support your position and you'll have more creditably. In a debate, the onus of proof, or burden of proof, is typically placed upon the person making the claim; meaning whoever asserts a statement is responsible for providing evidence to support it. Key points about the onus of proof: Claimant responsibility: The individual making a claim bears the burden of proving its truthfulness. Logical principle: This principle is based on the idea that a statement should not be considered true unless there is sufficient evidence to support it. Shifting the burden: Attempting to put the onus of proof on the person denying a claim is considered a logical fallacy.
When is media going to learn that Trump says things to get reactions and watch the media go crazy. Meanwhile we are all laughing that you think he would engage the military in anything like that lol
It's called a hypothetical question for a reason. It's to get an idea of how someone would react and Pete panicked and showed his inability to hold the position.
This old guy is out of touch. I’ll stop short of calling him a rhino, but he definitely leans to the unitary. He can’t proclaim one thing heheh said that was false or one this that would be to the detriment of the country. Paid actor.
Because he hardly answered any questions, he was obfuscating and evasive. He couldn't say that he wouldn't follow unlawful orders from Trump, he hid behind his religious indoctrination. The guy hasn't managed anything near the size of the military or its budget. He's a well versed and polished propagandist.
I'm not impressed with how many women have been killed in combat, they and even any of our young men should have never had to suffer combat to begin with. I'm a student of military history and have met hundreds of combat veterans from multiple conflicts and I have an extensive home library on the subject of war. My father (U.S.M.C.) was wounded in Korea. Are we so short on memory that we've forgotten the complete waste in Afghanistan? Do any of these people actually know what horrendous violence occurs in combat, and on both sides. Have we completely missed the stories of adversaries meeting some time after they faced each other on the battlefield becoming close friends lamenting the loss of dear friends and stating there should be no more wars? I've met decorated veterans deeply saddened by their experience and the loss of so many comrades. Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to subject a young woman (or young men) to the continual violent disintegration of another human being, hearing the sounds of wounded screaming from 4th degree burns or taking part in a graves registration detail should have their head examined. If any parent of a KIA child (because that soldier will always be their child) were asked if they would like that child back what would they say? Yes or No......Really?
I don't care how many stars this guy has, or had. His lack of enthusiasm for critically needed change is obvious. He is/was part of the problem. General stars do not make the man !
Biden would have never entered politics and should be impeached after the special prosecutor said Hunter made money off the Biden name! You can be impeached after you leave office.
@christinecupic6871 If you want to watch something entertaining. Watch what Graham said about Clinton. During his impeachment. And then you can compare it to what Graham says today. Or during Kavanaughs hearing for the SC.
Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience.
Never respected this man’s opinions. He as we must remember came up to rank during the Vietnam war. The fact this goes to Princeton graduate has nothing to do with his emotions as a leader of 3 million men and women who defend the United States. Character matters. McCaffrey doesn’t seem to take consideration.
Character? Are you out of your mind? This is a guy who gets drunk at work and impregnates mistresses while being married to his second wife. Wtf kinda character is that?
He did great, the General is more of a politician and judgemental..who cares if he doesnt have that much experience, I doubr this General ever served in combat...he can't even say he did a good job
@user-ll2je4kc4f I've deployed 5 times Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, ask me how many medals I got doing logpac missions, hoping not too hit EFPs/IEDs compare to an officer who yes can also inflate their bio's all for the purpose of getting promoted and getting medals even when they were not actually their where the rubber meets the road, it's all BS man. How old is this General and why is he still involving himself?? Don't tell me this General really gives or cares, about the SM actually doing the work. I've worked with many COLs/LTCs and I hardly see any Generals other than they making their comment..Just bc you got medals doesnt prove anything...I know plenty of SM who were involved in Dog fights, only to come back, with a couple of medals, ask me if they really care about a medals? And yet our own VA won't helped them, they leave SMs out only to learn in the dark on how to file for assistance/medical. I think we need young people in there vs old man, that's how we as a country will doesn't matter what your view is, there should term limits, and we should at least give Pete the benefit vs tearing him apart, ain't nobody perfect...
The Big Brain/Little Brain Fallacy (also, the Führerprinzip; Mad Leader Disease): A not-uncommon but extreme example of the Blind Loyalty Fallacy below, in which a tyrannical boss, military commander, or religious or cult-leader tells followers "Don't think with your little brains (the brain in your head), but with your BIG brain (mine). Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience.
True to a point. But when you get to rank of E7 and above, especially in Combat Arms, you do serve in Leadership positions. As a Major, he definitely has been in Leadership roles. As a Combat Veteran, 3 Deployments, I've seen Generals that makes you wonder how they made it into the Officer Corps at all. As the old saying in the Army was F Up Move Up.
Research Steve Bannon'$ political philosophy, a self proclaimed leninist. Some commentator said that these appointments are to be vandals in the institutions they're to run.
ever feel like you’re the one no one notices, no matter what you do? i’ve been there. i tried all the advice out there, but nothing stuck until i read Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki. the insights in chapter 3 blew my mind-it taught me how to let my energy do the talking before i even say a word.
@ Of course. Do you not realize how many prospects aren't even viable due to obesity, crime/drug records, etc.? and the generations following the boomers are much smaller in number.
@@1247.ccccccThe Non Sequitur: The deluded fallacy of offering evidence, reasons or conclusions that have no logical connection to the argument at hand (e.g. “The reason I flunked your course is because the U. S. government is now putting out purple five-dollar bills! Purple!”). (See also Red Herring.) Reductionism: (also, Oversimplifying, Sloganeering): The fallacy of deceiving an audience by giving simple answers or bumper-sticker slogans in response to complex questions, especially when appealing to less educated or unsophisticated audiences.
Why do Democrats always ask the most stupidest question and have nothing to do with his qualifications for the job are they just stupid or are they just ignorant which one is it someone let me know
Guaranteed they had meetings and each were provided with questions to embarrass and anger him. Their intent was to rattle him and hope he responds with anger and/or personal attacks against them to show he would not do well against our enemies.
It's called a background check! That only got sent to the chairman. That's only two people. There is over 3 million in that department. So wouldn't you want to know his management skills. It carries an 8 billion plus budget. Wouldn't you want to know his experience in money management. If he has an addiction problem. Is that important. These are not silly or dumb questions.
A subjective opinion is a personal belief or feeling about a topic that is not based on facts or truth. Subjective opinions are unique to each person and can be influenced by their experiences, emotions, and interpretations. Why are subjective opinions not objective? Subjective opinions are not based on facts or truth. Subjective opinions are influenced by personal feelings, tastes, and biases. Subjective opinions are based on a person's unique interpretation of an idea
i was just like you, wondering why some people effortlessly draw attention while i felt invisible. nothing i tried seemed to work. then i came across Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, and it completely shifted my perspective. the way chapter 3 explains energy and presence? it’s like unlocking the secret to being noticed.
The Bandwagon Fallacy (also, Argument from Common Sense, Argumentum ad Populum): The fallacy of arguing that because "everyone," "the people," or "the majority" (or someone in power who has widespread backing) supposedly thinks or does something, it must therefore be true and right. Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience.
@@kibblenbitsYou conveniently left out the parts about being a lawyer and Constitutional scholar. Your bias is showing. The Half Truth (also Card Stacking, Stacking the Deck, Incomplete Information): A corrupt argument from logos, the fallacy of consciously selecting, collecting and sharing only that evidence that supports one's own standpoint, telling the strict truth but deliberately minimizing or omitting important key details in order to falsify the larger picture and support a false conclusion
Why are subjective opinions not objective? Subjective opinions are not based on facts or truth. Subjective opinions are influenced by personal feelings, tastes, and biases. Subjective opinions are based on a person's unique interpretation of an idea. The Narrative Fallacy (also, the Fable; the Poster Child) The ancient fallacy of persuasion by telling a "heartwarming" or horrifying story or fable, particularly to less-educated or uncritical audiences who are less likely to grasp purely logical arguments or general principles.
The women killed in combat is probably due to lowering the standards for quota instead of truly making sure these people are qualified to actually go to battle. War is no joke and for this democrat to twist the truth is totally disgusting!
assumption: a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof. A "correlation causation fallacy" is a logical fallacy where someone mistakenly assumes that because two things are correlated (happen together), one must cause the other, without providing sufficient evidence to establish a true cause-and-effect relationship; essentially, it means confusing a simple association between two variables with a direct causal link
@@M.J.212 If a woman can get into the service by carrying the same weight as a man, or run with that weight on their shoulders by the highest of military standards, then Bravo for them! But what happens if those standards are lowered so women can get in. What if a soldier get shot? Can she pick him up and run with him to safety? That's the point.
Ridiculous. He is in no way qualified to be Sec of Defense. So every vet who served in wars (that the US lost) is qualified to run the DOD with an 800 billion dollar budget? NOT
The Secretaries of Defense without prior military experience were Neil H. McElroy, Robert S. McNamara, Harold Brown, and Mark Esper. So non-military people should be qualified for Secretary of Defense? But hold on...they were APPROVED to be Secretary of the DOD!!! Also check qualifications for Secretary of Defense... 10 U.S. Code § 113 - Secretary of Defense... _There is a Secretary of Defense, who is the head of the Department of Defense, appointed from civilian life by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate._
first off morans... the beuacracy runs the department and accomplished the work. his job will be to put out the commanders intent and clean up the personel issues and hopefully stop funding veteran abortions.
@@peggyivey5828He was obfuscating and evasive, he couldn't answer if he would carry out an unlawful order from Trump, he hasn't managed anything near the size of the military and their budget, the two non profits he did run had financial problems after his leadership, he had drinking issues, material fidelity issues, he'll be expected to lead people who can and do literally get charge for the same behaviours. His attitude towards women is problematic along with his radicalization. The military is big on leadership by example. Semper Fidelis 🦅🌎⚓🇺🇸
Ulysses S Grant was a famous ALCOHOLIC. He won the civil war, and Lincoln noted "I can't spare this man. He FIGHTS!' Now tell us again why a fool like YOU would've sacked him.
Frankly General you are clueless which leads me to believe the Army made a grievous mistake by promoting you to the rank of General in the first place!
As of now women aren’t required to sign up for Selective Service and I think if they want to be in combat and be equal to men Congress needs to pass the law requiring women to sign up for selective service on there 18th Bday just my opinion
OMG, you people, especially you McCaffrey, say what you really think, not beat around the bush. McCaffrey, you know Pete is the BEST pick and Pete will clean-up the "MESS" at the Pentagon. It will happen!
The Narrative Fallacy (also, the Fable; the Poster Child) The ancient fallacy of persuasion by telling a "heartwarming" or horrifying story or fable, particularly to less-educated or uncritical audiences who are less likely to grasp purely logical arguments or general principles. Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience.
Reductionism: (also, Oversimplifying, Sloganeering): The fallacy of deceiving an audience by giving simple answers or bumper-sticker slogans in response to complex questions, especially when appealing to less educated or unsophisticated audiences.
The Narrative Fallacy (also, the Fable; the Poster Child) The ancient fallacy of persuasion by telling a "heartwarming" or horrifying story or fable, particularly to less-educated or uncritical audiences who are less likely to grasp purely logical arguments or general principles.
The Narrative Fallacy (also, the Fable; the Poster Child) The ancient fallacy of persuasion by telling a "heartwarming" or horrifying story or fable, particularly to less-educated or uncritical audiences who are less likely to grasp purely logical arguments or general principles.
When a past general doesn't like something I say go for it because you know they were corrupt.. that just makes me want Pete hegseth.. these generals are scared they're going to find dirt on them..
for the longest time, i thought being magnetic was something you either had or didn’t. i used to watch others shine while i felt stuck. then i found Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, and it made me realize it’s all about the vibe you give off. chapter 3 especially changed the way i carry myself-it’s such a powerful shift.
This guy is totally wrong. He did NOT say he was going to use military force. He said he would not DENY its use. That is totally different. As an Army veteran I am ashamed of you Sir. Go home and get off the stage.
CNN and MSNBC said he did, so a large proportion of people believed that.
@no_way4165 why not , magats believe everything donnie says !!!
@@06colkurtz Exactly! I'm so tired of people lying or at least totally misrepresenting what Republicans are saying. It's rampant and all you have to do is listen or watch what they say to know the truth.
GOP = lies
You don't know what your talking about.
So many very old people that have been in too long
felon trump?
Yep, they're old as hell and not just chronologically!
Not a good idea,, we need people with experience in knowing what's going on. It isn't 1902
Age limits too.
@lauramatz3063 This general is retired. And has been for years!
It's shameful when a retired general resorts to lying and poor judgement to try and cover his bias. Apparently, he and Mark Milley are cut from the same rag.
The General is weak
Milley & McCaffrey are both honourable men that served their country at the highest possible level with distinction. I'm not looking for an argument, but to say anything else is simply untrue. It's possible you're letting your political bias prompt you to make armchair observations of men that are far more complex than can be see from an armchair, yours or mine. But you & I both know that you don't rise to the position those men rose to in the greatest military force to ever be assembled in the history of the human race by chance. They are honourable men, good men...just because you disagree politically doesn't mean you have to slander their legacy.
@user-te9ut7ms4l I certainly do support President Trump. I also pray for the leaders of our country, as I have for President Biden.
The Big Brain/Little Brain Fallacy (also, the Führerprinzip; Mad Leader Disease): A not-uncommon but extreme example of the Blind Loyalty Fallacy below, in which a tyrannical boss, military commander, or religious or cult-leader tells followers "Don't think with your little brains (the brain in your head), but with your BIG brain (mine)."
Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience
Let the DOJ and FBI and others do there job on illegal conduct . Please let Trump concentrate on Immigration, hostages, wars, fires and all the other catastrophes The big guy made America broken!
Concentrate on fires? You must be joking
Trumps first term budget added 7.8 Trillion to the national debt while Biden reduced it by one trillion during his and added 14M jobs.
@@tojamco59 Keep dreaming.
Well, he isn't. Trump hasn't mentioned one of these things since elected. Maybe immigration. No wait. He did say well it's very hard to bring down prices.
The news caster seems disappointed that she didn't get the kind of anti-Pete response she expected from the Retired General.
She did get plenty of TDS though. That should help a little.
@ TDS is what the Dump supporters have not the people who don't want a criminal as their president.
this General needs to recognize he was part of the problem
@amp2463 this man's time has come and gone. Sun has gone down.
Try and support your position and you'll have more creditably.
In a debate, the onus of proof, or burden of proof, is typically placed upon the person making the claim; meaning whoever asserts a statement is responsible for providing evidence to support it.
Key points about the onus of proof:
Claimant responsibility:
The individual making a claim bears the burden of proving its truthfulness.
Logical principle:
This principle is based on the idea that a statement should not be considered true unless there is sufficient evidence to support it.
Shifting the burden:
Attempting to put the onus of proof on the person denying a claim is considered a logical fallacy.
When is media going to learn that Trump says things to get reactions and watch the media go crazy. Meanwhile we are all laughing that you think he would engage the military in anything like that lol
It's called a hypothetical question for a reason. It's to get an idea of how someone would react and Pete panicked and showed his inability to hold the position.
One of the pillar qualifications of a leader. Everything is bull pucky.
@@madgreek253 No he didn't
Well they have spent close to a million dollars. To get every republican to a yes vote. So far.
@@valeriereeves9373 so then your saying our president is a joke who's word mean the same as a pile of dirt?
This old guy is out of touch. I’ll stop short of calling him a rhino, but he definitely leans to the unitary. He can’t proclaim one thing heheh said that was false or one this that would be to the detriment of the country. Paid actor.
Because he hardly answered any questions, he was obfuscating and evasive. He couldn't say that he wouldn't follow unlawful orders from Trump, he hid behind his religious indoctrination. The guy hasn't managed anything near the size of the military or its budget. He's a well versed and polished propagandist.
Is this general one of the 51 intel officials who vouched for Hunter's laptop as Russian disinformation? He sounds like one.
Does king 5 always find someone to lie for them.
they all bend their knees
Thank God this guy retired
Do you recall at one point he was the US Drug Czar?
Didn't Petie sleep his way to the top? After all, his third wife was his boss at Fox entertainment.
Yes use military power to advance USA interests! Duh......Hasnt this been going on since the beginning of time!!!!!
Hey - they don't want you to use that narrative lol
I'm not impressed with how many women have been killed in combat, they and even any of our young men should have never had to suffer combat to begin with. I'm a student of military history and have met hundreds of combat veterans from multiple conflicts and I have an extensive home library on the subject of war. My father (U.S.M.C.) was wounded in Korea. Are we so short on memory that we've forgotten the complete waste in Afghanistan? Do any of these people actually know what horrendous violence occurs in combat, and on both sides. Have we completely missed the stories of adversaries meeting some time after they faced each other on the battlefield becoming close friends lamenting the loss of dear friends and stating there should be no more wars? I've met decorated veterans deeply saddened by their experience and the loss of so many comrades. Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to subject a young woman (or young men) to the continual violent disintegration of another human being, hearing the sounds of wounded screaming from 4th degree burns or taking part in a graves registration detail should have their head examined. If any parent of a KIA child (because that soldier will always be their child) were asked if they would like that child back what would they say? Yes or No......Really?
Peace through strength as opposed to war with Russia is what sounds good.
I don't care how many stars this guy has, or had. His lack of enthusiasm for critically needed change is obvious. He is/was part of the problem. General stars do not make the man !
Where did you dig up this cadaver? He looks like he is DEAD. Pete did a great job.
🤣😂I just spit my coffee up! Excellent response
This old fool would’ve rather had Harris for President. What a joke.
Hegsmith isnt qualified. It'll be a disater
And Austin is? Remember Afghanistan!
How so
@@LouisCapps-p3zDid you bother to watch his confirmation hearing, not just the clips from R/W media?
Hegseth is totally unfit!
So, Hegseth can run his mouth, big deal. This man should not be trusted to operate a fruit stand let alone the Defence Department.
Mr McCaffrey Thank you for your insight!! God bless
hegseth a tv presenter and am i.... if he can manage the pentagon i can manage the next spaceX launch all my myself
Hegseth's moral compass like Trump's should disqualify him
Hegseth's moral compass is like the little propellor on top of a beanie. It spins all the time.
Biden would have never entered politics and should be impeached after the special prosecutor said Hunter made money off the Biden name! You can be impeached after you leave office.
He is nothing but a blind cult follower. A dangerous individual to have in such a position.
@@rallen5470 Is that how you felt about Clinton?
@christinecupic6871 If you want to watch something entertaining. Watch what Graham said about Clinton. During his impeachment. And then you can compare it to what Graham says today. Or during Kavanaughs hearing for the SC.
Trump wants a cabinet he can blackmail.
Ok Karen
Cry baby Dem 😢
@@LouisCapps-p3z looks like I hit a nerve for you to troll. 🖕🤣🖕
Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience.
Never respected this man’s opinions. He as we must remember came up to rank during the Vietnam war. The fact this goes to Princeton graduate has nothing to do with his emotions as a leader of 3 million men and women who defend the United States. Character matters. McCaffrey doesn’t seem to take consideration.
Character? Are you out of your mind? This is a guy who gets drunk at work and impregnates mistresses while being married to his second wife. Wtf kinda character is that?
McAffrey? The Iraq War guy? No thanks.
He is SHOCKED!!! that Kamala didn't win. McAffrey just never tires of being wrong.
He did great, the General is more of a politician and judgemental..who cares if he doesnt have that much experience, I doubr this General ever served in combat...he can't even say he did a good job
@@DanielOlivas-m3x No he didn't
@user-ll2je4kc4f I've deployed 5 times Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, ask me how many medals I got doing logpac missions, hoping not too hit EFPs/IEDs compare to an officer who yes can also inflate their bio's all for the purpose of getting promoted and getting medals even when they were not actually their where the rubber meets the road, it's all BS man. How old is this General and why is he still involving himself?? Don't tell me this General really gives or cares, about the SM actually doing the work. I've worked with many COLs/LTCs and I hardly see any Generals other than they making their comment..Just bc you got medals doesnt prove anything...I know plenty of SM who were involved in Dog fights, only to come back, with a couple of medals, ask me if they really care about a medals? And yet our own VA won't helped them, they leave SMs out only to learn in the dark on how to file for assistance/medical. I think we need young people in there vs old man, that's how we as a country will doesn't matter what your view is, there should term limits, and we should at least give Pete the benefit vs tearing him apart, ain't nobody perfect...
The Big Brain/Little Brain Fallacy (also, the Führerprinzip; Mad Leader Disease): A not-uncommon but extreme example of the Blind Loyalty Fallacy below, in which a tyrannical boss, military commander, or religious or cult-leader tells followers "Don't think with your little brains (the brain in your head), but with your BIG brain (mine).
Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience.
Because he's a combat veteran doesn't mean he can lead.
Because he’s not a General doesn’t mean he can’t
True to a point. But when you get to rank of E7 and above, especially in Combat Arms, you do serve in Leadership positions. As a Major, he definitely has been in Leadership roles. As a Combat Veteran, 3 Deployments, I've seen Generals that makes you wonder how they made it into the Officer Corps at all. As the old saying in the Army was F Up Move Up.
Why is trump trying so hard to make America fail!?
Not once, but TWICE!
We were in much better shape under Trump than sleepy Joe.
What about Biden?
Research Steve Bannon'$ political philosophy, a self proclaimed leninist. Some commentator said that these appointments are to be vandals in the institutions they're to run.
A Drunk, A Accused Sexual Predator and A Alcoholic Go Into A Bar, Bar Keeper say's ,,, TABLE FOR (1) ONE MR. HEGSETH ?
ever feel like you’re the one no one notices, no matter what you do? i’ve been there. i tried all the advice out there, but nothing stuck until i read Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki. the insights in chapter 3 blew my mind-it taught me how to let my energy do the talking before i even say a word.
How does having someone THIS UNQUALIFIED help with building the morale of the military?
Oh dear. You sound vaccinated.
There were very low numbers of people signing up these last 4 years
@ Of course. Do you not realize how many prospects aren't even viable due to obesity, crime/drug records, etc.? and the generations following the boomers are much smaller in number.
@@1247.ccccccThe Non Sequitur: The deluded fallacy of offering evidence, reasons or conclusions that have no logical connection to the argument at hand (e.g. “The reason I flunked your course is because the U. S. government is now putting out purple five-dollar bills! Purple!”). (See also Red Herring.)
Reductionism: (also, Oversimplifying, Sloganeering): The fallacy of deceiving an audience by giving simple answers or bumper-sticker slogans in response to complex questions, especially when appealing to less educated or unsophisticated audiences.
Why do Democrats always ask the most stupidest question and have nothing to do with his qualifications for the job are they just stupid or are they just ignorant which one is it someone let me know
Guaranteed they had meetings and each were provided with questions to embarrass and anger him. Their intent was to rattle him and hope he responds with anger and/or personal attacks against them to show he would not do well against our enemies.
It's called a background check! That only got sent to the chairman. That's only two people. There is over 3 million in that department. So wouldn't you want to know his management skills. It carries an 8 billion plus budget. Wouldn't you want to know his experience in money management. If he has an addiction problem. Is that important. These are not silly or dumb questions.
"Most stupidest?" Really?
They are as bright as the questions they ask.
A subjective opinion is a personal belief or feeling about a topic that is not based on facts or truth. Subjective opinions are unique to each person and can be influenced by their experiences, emotions, and interpretations.
Why are subjective opinions not objective?
Subjective opinions are not based on facts or truth.
Subjective opinions are influenced by personal feelings, tastes, and biases.
Subjective opinions are based on a person's unique interpretation of an idea
Everything about Trump and his cronies is just an embarrassment to our great country.
You need to research more. Biden wandering around the stage. And the debate was classic garbled dementia patient! Joe is incompetent! Good riddance!
How so. Cry baby 🍼
i was just like you, wondering why some people effortlessly draw attention while i felt invisible. nothing i tried seemed to work. then i came across Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, and it completely shifted my perspective. the way chapter 3 explains energy and presence? it’s like unlocking the secret to being noticed.
National Guard troops are well respected but I don’t think this gives qualification to lead active duty forces
Pete will be confirmed and do a great job.
Hegseth is a drunk, well documented!
The Bandwagon Fallacy (also, Argument from Common Sense, Argumentum ad Populum): The fallacy of arguing that because "everyone," "the people," or "the majority" (or someone in power who has widespread backing) supposedly thinks or does something, it must therefore be true and right.
Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience.
I would say watch Tammy Duckworth's questioning of the candidate. She reamed him a new one.
A talk show host for Secretary of defense….sounds like a joke to me.
Reality TV show became President, it's on brand. USA is a joke
A Community Organizer with no international experience for President was a joke to me.
@@kibblenbits Plus. No birth certificate either. Photo-shopping DOES NOT COUNT!
Princeton grad….Special Forces Combat Veteran..stay in your cave folks, you can’t handle the truth.
@@kibblenbitsYou conveniently left out the parts about being a lawyer and Constitutional scholar. Your bias is showing.
The Half Truth (also Card Stacking, Stacking the Deck, Incomplete Information): A corrupt argument from logos, the fallacy of consciously selecting, collecting and sharing only that evidence that supports one's own standpoint, telling the strict truth but deliberately minimizing or omitting important key details in order to falsify the larger picture and support a false conclusion
He's unqualified and disgraced!
Cry looser
How so?
Pete is a great man
Trump Pick & is in
You obviously love lying, drunken rapists.
Why are subjective opinions not objective?
Subjective opinions are not based on facts or truth.
Subjective opinions are influenced by personal feelings, tastes, and biases.
Subjective opinions are based on a person's unique interpretation of an idea.
The Narrative Fallacy (also, the Fable; the Poster Child) The ancient fallacy of persuasion by telling a "heartwarming" or horrifying story or fable, particularly to less-educated or uncritical audiences who are less likely to grasp purely logical arguments or general principles.
This General (ret) is exactly why a person like Pete is needed. He represents exactly what needs changing in DoD. Listen to his words
Dissinformation that’s not what he said
Nice little portrait of him and the Prolific Island Visitor in the background.
The women killed in combat is probably due to lowering the standards for quota instead of truly making sure these people are qualified to actually go to battle. War is no joke and for this democrat to twist the truth is totally disgusting!
assumption: a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
A "correlation causation fallacy" is a logical fallacy where someone mistakenly assumes that because two things are correlated (happen together), one must cause the other, without providing sufficient evidence to establish a true cause-and-effect relationship; essentially, it means confusing a simple association between two variables with a direct causal link
@@M.J.212 If a woman can get into the service by carrying the same weight as a man, or run with that weight on their shoulders by the highest of military standards, then Bravo for them! But what happens if those standards are lowered so women can get in. What if a soldier get shot? Can she pick him up and run with him to safety? That's the point.
Him saying they want a meritocracy is laughable.
What are HIS merits??
Decorated combat veteran? How about you?
Harvard, Princeton, 20 years service, decorated combat vet. You ?
He has served his country .
@@andreww-u1r Yeah!!! By getting to old to serve.
Snowflake disappeared lol
The general has made it
This is comical.
What does either Trump or Hegseth know about military. I’m sorry National Guard doesn’t cut being military
Ridiculous. He is in no way qualified to be Sec of Defense. So every vet who served in wars (that the US lost) is qualified to run the DOD with an 800 billion dollar budget? NOT
The Secretaries of Defense without prior military experience were Neil H. McElroy, Robert S. McNamara, Harold Brown, and Mark Esper. So non-military people should be qualified for Secretary of Defense? But hold on...they were APPROVED to be Secretary of the DOD!!!
Also check qualifications for Secretary of Defense... 10 U.S. Code § 113 - Secretary of Defense...
_There is a Secretary of Defense, who is the head of the Department of Defense, appointed from civilian life by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate._
first off morans... the beuacracy runs the department and accomplished the work. his job will be to put out the commanders intent and clean up the personel issues and hopefully stop funding veteran abortions.
@@griffini19 cry looser 🤣🤣
@@griffini19 Please tell me a past DOD the country had that truly made a difference.
Articulate!? Wtf. The guy couldn't answer a bloody question.!
You americans are screwed
He answered you just had to focus on his answer above the idiots not letting him answer without butting in!
I guess you were tuned in in the alternate reality MAGA lives in.
@@peggyivey5828He was obfuscating and evasive, he couldn't answer if he would carry out an unlawful order from Trump, he hasn't managed anything near the size of the military and their budget, the two non profits he did run had financial problems after his leadership, he had drinking issues, material fidelity issues, he'll be expected to lead people who can and do literally get charge for the same behaviours. His attitude towards women is problematic along with his radicalization. The military is big on leadership by example. Semper Fidelis 🦅🌎⚓🇺🇸
@swapshots4427 If you voted for dumb Kumswallow, that is all anyone needs to know.
Jack Reed from Conn. is a good guy great support for the military. We could use a few more like him.
He has never stopped drinking and within 6 months he will be revealed.
You know nothing, you sound like a typical demo-scat
Ulysses S Grant was a famous ALCOHOLIC. He won the civil war, and Lincoln noted "I can't spare this man. He FIGHTS!' Now tell us again why a fool like YOU would've sacked him.
Homer Simpson would be a much better choice.
No need to guess which left side this guy is on.
MAGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha! He talks partisan left while standing in front of his framed photo with Bill Clinton. This dude…
General you are GREAT 👍
He has. A picture with. Bill. You lost me there sir. Enough said
Ya right. Think of the baggage that will do to the force! Combat duty assigned no doubt but look at what he did. Public affairs etc. Ya right!
Another case of diapers 🍼
Frankly General you are clueless which leads me to believe the Army made a grievous mistake by promoting you to the rank of General in the first place!
if this was a joe biden nomination the dems would be kissing his feet and drunk before 10 am
Joe Biden would never nominate such a unqualifoed person.
Biden wouldn't ever nominate such an inexperienced candidate for the position
@@victorchavez3096 I think getting drunk before 10 am was Hegseths modus operandi.
As of now women aren’t required to sign up for Selective Service and I think if they want to be in combat and be equal to men Congress needs to pass the law requiring women to sign up for selective service on there 18th Bday just my opinion
Double standards for women? I'm shocked.....
Have you served?
General, go take your cookies and apple sauce and have a nap
The General spoke fairly
Generals generally promoted by buddy politicias, worthless get a Warrior to lead.
I see an old establishment type. We need Hegseth, we have weak as p types in leadership roles.
Bad news
Most stupidest? 😅
I'm not impressed with you, General.
Glad he retired.
"IF" he were 100% guilty of all accusations I would still vote to confirm him.
This general here I wouldn't confirm to clean my toilet!
Pete sounds like great fun. Having a go at dancing with the talent and not being tossed out on your head is the mark of a true professional.
OMG, you people, especially you McCaffrey, say what you really think, not beat around the bush. McCaffrey, you know Pete is the BEST pick and Pete will clean-up the "MESS" at the Pentagon. It will happen!
Pete probably will stay drunk on the job
@@garyleetillman6772 Nancy Pelosi and many others do, but you keep putting them in.
The Narrative Fallacy (also, the Fable; the Poster Child) The ancient fallacy of persuasion by telling a "heartwarming" or horrifying story or fable, particularly to less-educated or uncritical audiences who are less likely to grasp purely logical arguments or general principles.
Blind Loyalty (also Blind Obedience, Unthinking Obedience, the "Team Player" appeal, the Nuremberg Defense): The dangerous fallacy that an argument or action is right simply and solely because a respected leader or source (a President, expert, one’s parents, one's own "side," team or country, one’s boss or commanding officers) says it is right. This is over-reliance on authority, a gravely corrupted argument from ethos that puts loyalty above truth, above one's own reason and above conscience.
This guy is as demented as sleepy joe....
this is why this old goat is retired hes has no clue.
Reductionism: (also, Oversimplifying, Sloganeering): The fallacy of deceiving an audience by giving simple answers or bumper-sticker slogans in response to complex questions, especially when appealing to less educated or unsophisticated audiences.
What the heck is he talking about??? Pete Hegseth will NEVER be confirmed.
I will be surprised if he is not. The GOP has the numbers, and there is always one or two Dem defectors who will vote for the GOP nominee.
@@stevensica5918 Time will tell....
C.d4438, hide and watch! 😅😅
@@lindamaskus5142 No need to hide....but you might want to take your own advice 😢
This person is not acceptable as one who can lead our soldiers.....neither is 45.....oh well.....truth will win 😂truth will win 😁👽💚💙🩵💜💛🧡🩷❤️
Bidens Afganistan debacle was the time democrats should have taken the old demented fool out of office!
This man is out of touch concerning ethics, honesty and obviously has no insight into a person’s character. Sad old man.
Who is this person 😂
You must smoke crack to come up with that opinion
The Narrative Fallacy (also, the Fable; the Poster Child) The ancient fallacy of persuasion by telling a "heartwarming" or horrifying story or fable, particularly to less-educated or uncritical audiences who are less likely to grasp purely logical arguments or general principles.
@M.J.212 All one has to do is Google McCaffrey corruption, the stories are endless. But thanks for the logic 101 refresher professor...
what is that thing a wax drip?
Who cares what any effing general says
Generals like this guy are out of date clowns.
You know he has been retired for many years.
General is obviously a graduate of the Wesley Clark Academy of Quislings
Pete is an excellent choice for secretary of defense and he will be confirmed.
The Narrative Fallacy (also, the Fable; the Poster Child) The ancient fallacy of persuasion by telling a "heartwarming" or horrifying story or fable, particularly to less-educated or uncritical audiences who are less likely to grasp purely logical arguments or general principles.
When a past general doesn't like something I say go for it because you know they were corrupt.. that just makes me want Pete hegseth.. these generals are scared they're going to find dirt on them..
Total respect for Pete