If you are not romanian and you are learning romanian, this song feels like you aren't learning anything, even as a romanian you'll understand like 70% on the first listen, there's is a lot of slang combined with english "Îți fac manevră solo, nici n-am nevoie de back-up, MOB pe linie, te-am tăiat merg la un check-up", "I'm coming alone to catch you lacking, I don't even need back-up, MOB on the line I slashed you and go to a check-up"
Welcome back
If you are not romanian and you are learning romanian, this song feels like you aren't learning anything, even as a romanian you'll understand like 70% on the first listen, there's is a lot of slang combined with english "Îți fac manevră solo, nici n-am nevoie de back-up, MOB pe linie, te-am tăiat merg la un check-up", "I'm coming alone to catch you lacking, I don't even need back-up, MOB on the line I slashed you and go to a check-up"
react to mgk stai nu fugi
He nigerian lightskin
@@Damiao.Jr.doBrazil oh shit that’s dope