RAD and Deaf Rainbow UK: LGBTIQA+ Employment rights (BSL)

  • Опубликовано: 13 май 2024
  • This video is part of a series produced in partnership with Deaf Rainbow UK.
    Everyone has the right to be treated with respect, no matter what their sexual orientation, as it is one of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.
    No-one should be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation or 'perceived' sexual orientation. 
    The law against sexual orientation discrimination at work covers: 
    -Terms and Conditions
    -Pay and benefits
    -Transfer opportunities
    People in a civil partnership are entitled to same benefits as married people. 
    The law protects people from harassment or victimisation because of their sexuality or perceived sexuality. For example, bullying or homophobic jokes. 
    A person does not have to tell their employer their sexual orientation. 
    If you’re being discriminated against, victimised or harassed at work because of your sexual orientation, keep all evidence and talk to your employer or your HR department.
    If you belong to a trade union, you can contact your union representative. 
    If you’re not satisfied with your employer’s response, you can follow the grievance procedure in your contract of employment.
    If you’re not satisfied with your employer’s response to your grievance (complaint) you can take your case to an industrial (employment) tribunal. 
    If you think that you were not offered a job because of your sexual orientation, or you have been sacked because of your sexual orientation, you can take your case to an industrial tribunal, regardless of how long you've worked there. 
    For more information, please email or send a BSL video to:
    The series will feature on:
    RAD BSL Information Hub: bit.ly/4c5Id3P
    Deaf Rainbow UK website: www.deafrainbowuk.org.uk/
    BSL (British Sign Language)
    Royal Association for Deaf people: royaldeaf.org.uk/

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