Like this page and what I do here? Consider supporting me on patreon! [0:38] - 10) Nina - Breath of Fire III & IV [1:29] - 9) Magilou - Tales of Berseria [3:37] - 8) Anise - Tales of the Abyss [5:47] - 7) Carol - Wild Arms 5 [7:31] - 6) Ryfia - Arc Rise Fantasia [9:19] - 5) Shirley - Tales of Legendia [11:13] - 4) Rita - Tales of Vesperia [13:09] - 3) Rico and Rucha - Infinite Undiscovery [14:31] - 2) The Women - Star Ocean 4 [16:04] - 1) Lymle - Star Ocean 4
What's the best Tales game to start with? Tales of Berseria Tales of the Abyss Or Tale of Versperia Because I was thinking of starting with Abyss, because it has a protagonist who grows as the story continues and I love that, bit at the same time Versperia is considered the best
@@henryconner3002 I haven't played Vesperia yet. But you can't go wrong with Abyss or Berseria as a first. Both are tied for my favorite Tales. Symphonia is another great start.
for me she's the very best characterm the only one that really understands the whole shit ad just want to enjoy herself. the english dub is a pain by the way XD
Have to agree. She is the only one in the list I like. Her treatment of the party is explained later. And besides. With the exeption of 2 party members the main cast would are by extent the villains.
Also the dove scene is being taken out of context here. The point of the scene was to put on a ridiculous and absurd show to distract the guards, and it worked.
Magilou was one of the best parts of Berseria IMO. She was the only truly unique character in the game and all the others were similar to previous Tales characters in some way. This is like when David trashed on Judith from Vesperia even though she is the second best physical attacker behind Yuri.
@@ArcCaravan I enjoy when someone picks on the JRPG goody goodies who are so pure and wholesome. There are too many unrealistic pure-hearted JRPG characters, that want to save the world so everyone can be happy together. When a character like Magilou comes in and takes these best goodboy/girls down a peg it makes me smile. Magilou is also the best caster in Berseria, so she earned a spot in my party and my heart.
Carol's problem was that he seriously needed to grow a spine. He was resourceful, sure, but he was extremely cowardly and would try to act tougher than he really is, especially at first. And in Rita's defense, she actually DOES treat him nicely in one skit; plus she's very antisocial due to have lived most of her life up until you recruit her in isolation, so it's not hard to see why she is so lacking in social graces at first.
@Tekko he’s not bad in combat, I’ll give him that. Personally I just don’t like his voice, or the way he looks. Silly reason not to like him, I know. But I absolutely love everything about the other characters, so he just stands out in a bad way.
@@spinsolar He is a total coward, to the point that he was kicked out of EVERY GUILD in the game. Would constantly talk himself up and fall flat with next to no improvement, or even trying to improve, at all until about 2/3 through the game. Even the Guild he supposedly is in charge of gets all of their jobs and notoriety because of Yuri pushing him or pulling him along, basically humoring him. He showed some resourcefulness when you first meet him, but until the point at the glacier, he doesn't really change. Though, it doesnt help that a big event in his character development is an optional set of scenes, so they had to make a last straw moment where it all happens at once. Every character except Estelle tease him a bit because of these habits, Rita is just more physical.
Magilou???? ON THIS LIST???? Yeah I can see why, buuuuut. I have to absolutely, vehemently disagree here. Magilou is like, the best part about Berseria.
Seconded. Magilou is such a fun character. If you understand Japanese, set the audio to it. Most of her jokes is heavily "westernized" in the translation that it killed the original joke.
Why is not Velvet edgelord on this list instead? Seriusly i never liked her performance outside of combat. Magilou VA gives everything she had, By the way she plays Jessie on FF 7 remake or atleast i heard her voice so year Screw you man.
@@PotatoPronto That sadly is what usually happens a ton of the jokes in japanese just don't come out right when translated into english so they have to improvise.
Magilou is amazing. Quite brilliant, and unlike many other comic relief characters, she knows exactly what she's doing when she behaves the way she does. Often funny, extremely dedicated to her new "persona" as a way to keep herself separate from her past self, and consistent with it despite everything that's going on - with only a few instances in the whole game where she lets us see some cracks in the facade. Such an amazingly strong character.
Yes, she's the sad clown archetype polished to perfection imo. She's the comedic relief who turns the blade in the wound. My favourite videogame character
I liked Reimi from Star Ocean 4. :-) And I can understand why Lym is lifeless and emotionless, whilst still childish. She accidentally summoned a portal to Hell and got sucked in - having all the pain and suffering going through you WOULD be enough to shut your emotions off. She is actually almost 16 but is frozen thanks to the emotion curse in her 6-year-old state. When you play the game and get all the right cutscenes/interactions, she allows her heart to open and her curse starts to lift. Her ending that you get with Faize implies that she is back to the age she should be, 16 and she and Faize are reunited as a couple (with Faize moving on from losing Lady Amina of the Black Tribe - her name was revealed in the official almanac for SO4 and Star Ocean: Anamnesis). Lemurians are still small regardless of age though. Hopefully now the curse has lifted, Lym will gradually lose that tic of hers. I will admit, that WAS annoying... that and the Nappy Time scene with Edge... Nappy Time?!
I can totally see how someone could find Magillou annoying, and that dub voice definitely would drive me insane (like most characters on this list the voice is what makes them insuferable) But honestly the game needs a character like her, with Velvet being the walking downer she is we need strong comic relief, and the way she clashes with everyone else creates the funniest scenes in the game
@@ataridc dude just because she´s popular doesn´t mean everyone likes her, Bakugou has won multiple MHA popularity polls and tons of people still don´t liike him
5:36: Someone should hack her face onto Raven in THAT scene from Vesperia... 11:20: Including Rita when Patty exists is just WRONG. “I like skewers! I’m a pirate! I like skewers! I’m looking for treasure! Did I mention skewers in the last three seconds? Skewers! By the way, skewers!”
omg true. I played ToV on Xbox 360 first and when i played the remake on PS4 last year i was like "oh well they didn't need to add Patty to this game. It wasn't a less to play it without her before!" that's what i thought and i still think that PoV was completely fine without her before.
@@paz6666 I can agree with Anise and Shirley, somewhat with Magilou but I hated Bienfu a lot more, cannot stand that piece of shit character but Rita? Rita is awesome imo.
@@SomeRPGFan The only one? You're wrong, I love that game too! I do think it could have a better story and better mechanics but either way I think it's a pretty decent game. I don't completely understand the hate LOL.
Idk about 1 and 2 but uh spoilers? Lyme saw her parents get slaughtered in front of her and she’s emotionally stunted and talks the way her parents talked to her when she was younger. Merecle isn’t a slut lol she’s a cat showing affection for being saved. Myria shouldn’t be labeled a shit character because she has big boobs? Vast majority of the characters in that game are actually like able and good written characters you just have to do the private action events.
I’m glad I found someone else that doesn’t like Rita. I didn’t care for Karol when he joined, but he gained my immediate pity once she joined. She could be good at times, but I couldn’t really get over her sadism. (Edit: I also couldn’t stand Will’s abuse of the party in Tales of Legendia while I’m on the matter.) Also, with Anise, she wasn’t the sole reason for Arietta stalking you. She also did it because Luke, Tear, and Jade killed the liger queen that raised her.
That Liger Queen did deserve to die and I wanted to chop Arietta's head off the whole game. Also fuck Rita, she was terrible. Scarlet from FFVII is better than her and she's crazy. Reika Kitami from Bible Black was better and she raped chicks.
Magilou's like literally one of the characters with the most background development that entirely explains her personality and demeanor... but yes, if you just look at her at face value, she's a troll character. (Unlike Rita, who is just young and immature and lashes out)
Magilou was cancerous. The entire cast of Berseria was flat to me compared to past games in the series. I was honestly shocked that Berseria was as highly acclaimed as it was. It's one of the only Tales games I couldn't finish.
Hol up, Magilou is best girl in Berseria and that's an opinion held by a good majority of the Fandom. Without her, the cast would have cut themselves constantly for living on the edge. The Tales series does have an obnoxious amount of annoying women though. I feel like Cheria from Graces F could have been on here as well...
Karol’s character arc is overused and always annoying but imo he’s one of the best-executed examples of it, his development is better than many main characters (Luke)
Yes dude I love Rita! She’s on overlimit power house. And I can not STAND Karol. His voice, the way he looks, I hate that little dweeb. I always keep him benched the entire game
Let's keep in mind that Rita is only 15 in vesperia. She was introduced as a cast out only obsessed with her bastia research. She did some immature things as first but she quickly cared about the well being of Estelle over her research. If every character in the tales games were introduced as these perfect paragons, then character development wouldn't go anywhere.
I must disagree with Magilou being on this list, though it's probably because I'm aware of her backstory. Also, lmao you chose which is imo her best scene to introduce her.
Yep! If velvet was all rage and revenge, she wouldn't have even given Magilou's dove act the time of day. She would've probably ignored her and walked away lol
The alternative is magilou being a broken edge lord and we have enough of that in this game, frankly. There's limited outcomes that you can get with Magilou's past: hiding the pain behind a smile or Velvet 2.0 are a few that come to mind
Never liked Yukari or Aigis from Persona 3. Aigis was every anime female Android that wants to "live" and Yukari drive me crazy with her constant complaining about not wanting to fight. Plus every time I heard her say I won't miss! She did... And when told she'd be traversing a demon infested tower she wears a pink sweater for her protection... Considering how heavily the p3 cast played to archetype I was just waiting for Yukari to be your childhood friend
say what you will about Rita, combining the moody teenager archetype and the arrogant academic archetype into one is at least original. but I can totally understand finding her risible if you really don't enjoy the Butt of the Party as a stock storytelling element. it does get really unpleasant when a party member is repeatedly shat on for no adequate reason.
Kamoana isn't a main character so she's spared. Aside from Anise (who should've been way higher) and possibly Shirley (who I don't know cause I didn't play the game) I hardly see anyone from Tales deserving so much hate.
@@sharilshahed6106 For me its usually the side character in tales game that has the tendency to be annoying, like Teepo's english dub or Nova in Xillia 2 constantly pestering you to pay your debt. But none of them comes close to Kamoana.
THIS. Kamoana is such a spoiled little shit, holy fuck. I mean, I get that what happened to her was incredibly traumatizing but she just acts entitled. Very dissonant.
Yeah, her voice is awful and makes the crying insufferable. That said, she's still a more compelling and likable character than the bottom half of this list. And she's only a side character.
@@watchmewhipbruh1095 It Doesn't Really Matter If The Character Annoyed You For 90% Of The Game For A Development That Only Happens at The Last Bit Of The Game, And Even after That She Still Bullies Karol
Yes!!! The main reason why I dropped ColdSteel is her horrible “character development”. (Chapter 6). Falcom tried to sell a waifu and sell a trash character with the most idiot arc in a game. For me Zemuria Arc is dead. Well maybe I will play Calvard Arc
Magilou was gold in Berseria, at least in my opinion. If I had to pick who annoyed me the most in that game I'd go with Eleanor. But hey, we can't all like the same things!
I know right I think the most annoying part was when Velvet revealed how Arthur killed Laphicet and trapped velvet in a prison for 3 years and she still tried to side with him like damn Eleanor come on
Rita was also great. 2nd fav character in Vesp after Yuri. Come on, David...Karol sucks. You did get #1 right though. My god, Lymle is the absolute worst
Well my opinions are the ones I know is Magilou: I think she is a hut or miss character. Anise: Sometime annoying and sometimes annoying. Carol: I have a soft spot polite girls, so I can't really hate her. Ryfia: I find her rather amusing for some reason. Shirley: My opinion is rather neutral, so have no strong positive and negative feelings about her. Rita: I love Rita to the point that I name almost every Raichu I get Rita. Her friendship with Estelle is one of the most wholesome friendships things ever. I don't feel like describing the positives of all the star ocean women. Just know I like them.
"Lymle. She looks like a lifeless doll" Actually, if you look into her backstory, that's what they were going for...her emotional capacity has also been sealed as well. I agree, Lymle and Sarah are aggravating. The rest are fine. Nina, can't say I know, never played it. Magilou. You're crazy if you think she's annoying. Especially in a top tens list of annoying women. If you had listed 10 annoying women, I'd let it go but top 10? Please, Eiko from ffix is more annoying. Anise. Yeah. I'll allow that. I'm not sure if she's top ten but certainly top 50. Carol. She sticks to her role. Can't say I can hate a person Heck, she doesnt look a day over 10. Never played Arc's some awkward voice acting... Shirley. I actually like Shirley. Sure she has that princess peach personality but not all girls can be strong independent women. Hardly an annoying character. Rita. I don't get the hate for this but then again, I tend to like tsunderes. Her magic is decent and her style is probably some of the most unique i've seen in tales. If you want someone annoying, Carol is more annoying Never played infinite undiscovery but...I've never been a fan of the twin dynamic that always finishes each other sentences or whatever and this doesn't look any better.
Lot's of Tales games here. Totally disagree with Star Ocean 4. Have you ever played the game with the original japanese dub? The english version is just awful. Yes, Serah still is slow-motive and Welch is just Welch but especially that AI girl is fun. Meracle is also way more convincing. As for Lymle, she is the walking example of how terrible she's translated. In japanese dubs there often are characters who like to finish their sentences with a special phrase. That's normally just impossible to port to western languages. The localization team has two options, either ignore it or think of any possible english catchphrase. In this case they did latter and failed. Lymle is one of the stoic archetype making her cute without anything else. Most english translations just fail to convince in this role. And actually, you mentioned every girl except for Reimi. I guess there wasn't anything about her to complain since she is the actual protagonist who keeps everything running.
@@DenpaRaven Like Kingdom-Judge said, its the english voice acting, they should have just left out the special phrase at the end of each line for the english dub, she probally says "Desu" or something after each line, it works MUCH better in japanese than it does in english. In english it just comes off as REALLY akward.
@@scyris99 Oh I just found it. In spanish she says "¿vale?", that means the same as "okay?", but didn't found it annoying since she didn't said it that much, I know people who says it more xd (plus it was only text)
Disagreeing =/= "cannot handle". When one asserts an opinion publicly, no one is obliged to merely agree with it. I love David's content - that's why I'm here. But that doesn't mean I cannot in good faith disagree when I in fact do.
Rita might be a stretch...but not by much. She's only really awful to Karol...and Raven (although he deserves it about half the time). She's fine with the others. Yuri and Judith fire right back, she's slightly afraid of Repede so she leaves him be, and even Rita's not heartless enough to do so to Estelle. Really it's just Karol she's awful to. Honestly, she's not my favorite, but I do like her interactions with Estelle, and some of the ones with Yuri (like you showed off), so combined with the fact that she's great in battle and her voice isn't annoying: she's just okay. Also, there's something about the entire cast of SO4 that makes me question the development of that game. I really don't like anyone from that might have the worst cast of characters in rpg history. Honestly, Myuria is the only character I can stand...and if she didn't look like that I can't say that even she would make the cut.
My takeaways from these videos are that a) publishers should invest more into voice acting for the games they bring over or leave it out altogether and b) Japanese developers need to hire professional writers. Some fo these dialogues in isolation sound absolutely atrocious and cringy. Seriously, some of these scenes made me burst out laughing and I'm not sure that was intended by the developers.
Bad voice acting can destroy a character, but even the best can't save a terrible character. Both Rita and Magilou's VAs are quite prolific and popular. Even Lymle's awful performance isn't really the fault of the VA so much as the writing and directing of the character called for that type of performance.
Happy to not see Vanille or Penelo on this list, the former seems to especially be used as a scapegoat by Final Fantasy fans. I liked her a lot more than Hope and Snow in the original FFXIII at least. Penelo wasn't really prominent enough to be annoying either.
Glad to see someone else who appreciates Vanille too. Snow and Hope do at least improve significantly in the two sequels, for what that's worth. I don't get what's so bad about Penelo though? Ashe is more annoying in my opinion, though nowhere near the level of the FF8 ladies...
Kinda surprised he held himself back and didnt put Rinoa on this list. Cuz i know some people hate her because of her damsel in distress tendencies. I personally like her as her attempts to get Squall to open up to her, and him becoming a much better character for it, came across to me as very endearing.
For me... -Selphie (FF8): It annoys me how despite going to a high-class military academy, she still acts so childish that she doesn't know what having a crush is. -Lilia (Arc the Lad: Twilight of the spirits): This character is such a mary sue. She's constantly loved and butt-kissed, can't do anything on her own, gets in trouble due to her own stupidity and isn't called on it, and takes time away from the more interesting brothers. I hear the sequel she actually learns to fight so I guess that's something.
Highly disagree about Magilou. If I did a list about this subject my very 1# place will be Angelica, from Trails series, specially in the 1st one. She was so over sexualized , in the worst way ever.
@@georgielockhart6686 Oh yeah, Erica Lindbeck has voiced a lot of characters. I know her as Futaba from Persona 5 and Celica from Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia but she's voiced others like Mordred from fate Apocrypha and Miriam from Bloodstain Ritual of the Moon. She's great.
@@georgielockhart6686 I always like to go on Behind the Voice Actors for those who stand out to me because it always surprises me to see who certain actors/actresses have voiced in the past. I'm always learning something new/interesting when I search.
@Weston Meyer Aye, strong and badass women are great boon to JRPGs. I had enough with these weak, whiny brats troupe. Also, huge knockers are always a plus for me!
@Weston Meyer "A woman who can bench press your bed while you are sleeping in it isn’t all that attractive to me." - sooo you like physically weak women? XD
I've met Laura Bailey, Travis Willingham, and Matt Mercer. Welch and Reimi were fine. With Welch all I can think is Toru from Fruits Fruits Basket. When I met Matt, told him I didnt like him for a while with Edge being a reason. He understood. I learned about him as he took over for Troy Baker and looked him up and when I told him about edge his answer was, "yeah star ocean was really weird.". We both love Ashton Anchors from SO2 though.
I'll admit, I first found Magilou to be really annoying and disliked her immensely... but she grew on me. Add in a couple moments where she was away from the rest of the party and we got to see another side of her, and I fell in love with her character. ^^ Again, will reiterate that yes, toward the start of the game I found her annoying and thought 'why is she even here, again? Why haven't we ditched her in some forgotten corner yet?', but... yeah. I love Magilou.
She should have been on here, imo. I could barely stand her or Emil, and they made me hate that the characters from the first game were mostly sidelined in favor of these 2.
How is Magilou in this list? How is it you can't even pronounce her name when the clip you showed immediately after has her name pronounced correctly? How? Why?
@@evewhoo It's not that ALL Tales Of female characters are horrible, actually there's some incredible female characters on each game once their full arcs reach a conclusion. The problem is that in almost each game they make an effort to create an incredibly annoying or horrible female character to appeal to fans of a certain cliche or fetish and it ruins what could have been a perfect main party.
everytime I want to replay Infinite Undiscovery, I get deterred by the first 5 hours being forced to use rico and rucha; doesn't help that Capell is terrible and Aya is annoying and nags with every breath. This section feels like it lasts 25 hours instead and I'm absolutely glad to never use any of them again once you meet up with Sigmund. Capell, at least, becomes a more likable character, I try to forget about the twins... and just team them with the bear, and Aya just forces herself into a relationship with Capell.
Shirley... "Girl you're not a piece of glass, you won't break, get a grip, get a hold of your life, and while You're at it, save your damn self" This gave me everything - I was snapping my fingers to this! Put this on merch!
Shirley literally lost her powers and got kidnapped by one of the big bads and his army. She WAS helpless. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.
Other than me defending Magilou (and it seems I'm in the majority), this list seems to be all about Tales, with a bit of other titles I guess, but not really. Prominent characters that should be on the list: -half of the Chrono Chross females -Selphie (FFVIII) -Elise (Trails of Cold Steel 2) -Vanille (FFXIII)
Square Enix is horrible at designing "cute" characters, if there is supposed to be a cute kid character or ditsy female character. They are almost always annoying and borderline creepy with Square Enix's trademark idol/boy band plastic people character design.
@@ThundagaT2 Vivi was Squaresoft, not Square Enix. There is a huge difference between what the company once was and what it is now. At least in the characters, story, and world building. The only thing that has stayed in overall top quality is music.
That part about Carol confirmed my suspictions, it's the voice acting that's wrong on most of the cases in this vid Their original voices make their personality a bit more credible and justify how other party members tolerate them, the english voice actresses tend to be lacking
I am baffled how you can put Magilou and Rita on your list but completely miss Edna from Tales of Zestiria. Edna is in perma-bitch mode the whole way through and....well....with a sister like THAT, no wonder her brother turned out the way he did.
@@flariz4824 It's because she never stops with the put-downs and insults to party members who frankly don't deserve it. Like, it was understandable with someone like Jade from Tales of the Abyss because the rest of the party was stupid and awful. With Edna she just comes off as a bully. And she does this way, way worse than Rita from Vesperia so the only reason I can assume Edna didn't make the list is because he didn't play Zestiria.
Legendia isn't exactly bad especially if you get past Senel being a jerk in general during the first part. The character episode is the whole game, period. Legendia just suffer through few.... battle mechanic that made the game a bit of a drag. But, whatever happen, everyone should generally agree that Legendia stored one of the best OST in whole Tales of Series.
I suppose they were trying to make Ryfia eccentric? Considering in the same scene they have her baffled at what a "girl" is, but immediately understands that weirdo is a derogatory term for a strange person. Problem is, the running gag of someone being "too smart for their own good" only works when it's technical jargon they understand an human interaction where they flounder. Kind of the running gag they use with Sheldon on Big Bang Theory. Girl is such a common term and has nothing to do with social interaction. It's simply a gender based term for younger people. It would be like not knowing what a chair is. However, weirdo is in fact directly tied to slang and human interaction. They made her gimmick backwards.
I dunno how you think Nina in BoF 3 takes over the plot. When you recruit her in the Young part, her 100% goal is to help you find Rei and Teepo. When you recruit her in the Adult part, she asks for your help in stopping criminals, and then she can go with you on your journey. Go figure, stopping the criminals is where you get Rei. Breath of Fire 4 it was a decision to have a silent protagonist, but still have a voiced one. Nina's journey for Elina may be the face plot, but it quickly becomes "holy shit Ryu is a God and he needs to be complete."
Lila from Eternal Filena a Japan only RPG has to be on this list, while she is a healer she acts immature and then tries to get cozy with Filena for most of the game and she acts like she's her husband and acts possessive when the other male characters hit on her. Not to mention she is in your party the entire game. Milika another female from Eternal Filena is spiteful and vengeful at the start when she blinds the main character Filena with a spell for half the game and to make matters worse, she loses the antidote My bigger problem with Milika is that she never gets a real chance to redeem herself and get closure of losing her husband and rescuing her child. That's something I wish could have be implemented into the storyline Eternal Filena, a Cyan's soul type quest for her to find closure because she is a good all absent that. Those two are ones that could be on this list.
I gotta disagree fully with Magilou. She was a wonderful attachment to the party for me all the way through. I knew Star Ocean 4 would be up here but the only character that honestly bothered me was your number one.
The section in this video where Anise was talking and moving around I thought was pretty funny, the way the devs animated her nonsensical actions but wow would that charm wear off quick in-game I'm sure. Is there a possibility there is enough meat on the bone to do annoying list of animal/robot or other extremely annoying characters that aren't human? This is another great video David, thank you!
I always thought Lymle's voice acting was trying to capitalize on the success of South Park, m'kay ? Speaking of voice acting that kills a game, I couldn't finish Atelier Firis because of...Firis. She's so annoying ! And gotta have Vanille from FFXIII in there somewhere too...
Aw, another Vanille jab? She's got a good reason for being that annoying. She carries terrible burdens and guilt. Her personality is the mask she hides behind.
I'd argue any of the women from FF8 are worse. At least Vanille has a fairly good reason for being mildly annoying. She's trying to hide the weight of multiple emotional burdens and terrible guilt behind the mask of a silly and upbeat personality.
This list is mostly Tales of women that I don't find that annoying (the Magilou scene at the start reminded me why I like her, even, as she balances out Velvet's psychopathic rage). On the other hand, I don't think that Shirely from Tales of Legendia is nearly low enough, as she's either number one or two on my worst RPG character ever list (including both men and women). Yeah, she's a damsel in distress, but she also tries to destroy the world because her brother doesn't immediately respond to her incestuous crush on him. She is the worst. Then, after part one, all her insanity is forgiven, and the game hints that she and her brother should totally be together. (And, yes, I know that Shirley and Senel are not actually blood-related, but Japan needs to stop using that as an excuse for incest). Here are some female characters I dislike a lot more than the non-Shirley Tales characters and the two Ninas: 1. Fi, from Zelda: Skyward Sword. She's technically a robot, and I don't consider Zelda games to be RPGs, but I hate Fi so much that I'm more than willing to bend the rules for her. 2. Yuna/Rikku/Paine, from Final Fantasy X-2. I hate FFX-2 and can't stand what they did to Yuna. Still, these girls are a team, and they suck together, so I'll list them together. 3. Vanille, from Final Fantasy XIII. What is up with her accent? Well, it doesn't matter, since I wouldn't like her even if she had a normal voice. 4. Elise, from the Trails of Cold Steel games. Yet another female character who is way too thirsty for her brother, and the "they're not blood related so it's okay" excuse pops up again. Elise might be okay if she wasn't obsessed with hooking up with Rean, but 95% of her scenes would need to be rewritten if Falcom wanted to remove that aspect of her characterization. 5. Josette, from the Trails in the Sky trilogy. Josette starts off as an obnoxious, weak, over-her-head villain in the first two Sky games (in which she is annoying but serves a purpose), but she takes a turn for the awful in Trails in the Sky the Third, when she continues to fawn over Joshua despite Joshua making it abundantly clear that he's not into her and never will be. On top of that, Josette is the worst in battle and the game rewards you for not making her a part of your active party. 6. Farleen, from Star Ocean 3. She's not a party member, and I don't remember a single thing about her aside from having some of the worst English voice acting I've heard in a game. Okay, I'm not being that serious by listing her here. As far as annoying characters go, I think that you can make some lists about children characters (party members or no), anthropomorphic characters, and most annoying villains (although some villains are good because they're annoying, so that's a tricky group to consider).
The one for Myu was the stupidest reason: he hates her cuz she has a nice set of tits? I mean come on, the girls in that game were not THAT bad. Other than Lymle I completly agree on her, shes very annoying in the english dub and thats the voice/translation teams fault. When I first got her I thought it was cute at first, but she got annoying real quick when I realized her 'kay was not going away the entire game.
Man I really don’t like ps3 and the Xbox era of jrpgs besides tales of vesperia and some other I just hate the art style and how it’s all realistic looking its looks creepy I prefer a more anime aesthetic
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[0:38] - 10) Nina - Breath of Fire III & IV
[1:29] - 9) Magilou - Tales of Berseria
[3:37] - 8) Anise - Tales of the Abyss
[5:47] - 7)
Carol - Wild Arms 5
[7:31] - 6) Ryfia - Arc Rise Fantasia
[9:19] - 5)
Shirley - Tales of Legendia
[11:13] - 4) Rita - Tales of Vesperia
[13:09] - 3) Rico and Rucha - Infinite Undiscovery
[14:31] - 2)
The Women - Star Ocean 4
[16:04] - 1) Lymle - Star Ocean 4
Magilou is such a fun character. It's kinda sad seeing her in this list
What's the best Tales game to start with?
Tales of Berseria
Tales of the Abyss
Or Tale of Versperia
Because I was thinking of starting with Abyss, because it has a protagonist who grows as the story continues and I love that, bit at the same time Versperia is considered the best
@@henryconner3002 I haven't played Vesperia yet. But you can't go wrong with Abyss or Berseria as a first. Both are tied for my favorite Tales. Symphonia is another great start.
In her defence of being a bully of sorts to the other party members a certain someone in the game stole her heart so she doesn't feel any emotions
@@alexanderluna4598 yeah I get that she has a balthier complex
@@henryconner3002 Vesperia
I have to disagree, Magilou wasn't that annoying for me. She was somehow cringy, but not annoying. And the Dove Scene made me laugh btw.
Kazu to me she was annoying at first and throughout half the game imo but she got a lot better later on
for me she's the very best characterm the only one that really understands the whole shit ad just want to enjoy herself. the english dub is a pain by the way XD
She has great character development throughout, I'd say.
I loved her story and her battle dialogue was top notch.
Have to agree. She is the only one in the list I like. Her treatment of the party is explained later.
And besides. With the exeption of 2 party members the main cast would are by extent the villains.
Also the dove scene is being taken out of context here. The point of the scene was to put on a ridiculous and absurd show to distract the guards, and it worked.
David: Lists Magilou
The comments: *So you've chosen death.*
Agree! Magilou is the best.
@@CJ-if1ry I agree:) She is so cool^^ And useful party member as well:)
Magilou was a character I loved and hated at the same time. Like "am I supposed to find you as annoying as I do."
Alternative Title: Top 10 Most Annoying JRPGs English Voice Acting - The Women
I gotta join in and actually be shocked magilou is on here. Her character is beyond amazing
Magilou was one of the best parts of Berseria IMO. She was the only truly unique character in the game and all the others were similar to previous Tales characters in some way. This is like when David trashed on Judith from Vesperia even though she is the second best physical attacker behind Yuri.
@@acidwizard6528 Not everyone enjoys jerks just because they're funny, especially at the suffering of others who don't deserve it.
@@ArcCaravan I enjoy when someone picks on the JRPG goody goodies who are so pure and wholesome. There are too many unrealistic pure-hearted JRPG characters, that want to save the world so everyone can be happy together. When a character like Magilou comes in and takes these best goodboy/girls down a peg it makes me smile. Magilou is also the best caster in Berseria, so she earned a spot in my party and my heart.
I never played the game but just judging by the clip he showed, it was funny
I think Luke is the best protagonist in the Tales games
In Rita's defense, I kinda constantly wanted to smack Carol around too. I can't stand him for like 80% of the game.
Chasearni more like 100% of the game. F*** that kid
@@Chestersinthecar What does Karol do exactly?
Carol's problem was that he seriously needed to grow a spine. He was resourceful, sure, but he was extremely cowardly and would try to act tougher than he really is, especially at first. And in Rita's defense, she actually DOES treat him nicely in one skit; plus she's very antisocial due to have lived most of her life up until you recruit her in isolation, so it's not hard to see why she is so lacking in social graces at first.
@Tekko he’s not bad in combat, I’ll give him that. Personally I just don’t like his voice, or the way he looks. Silly reason not to like him, I know. But I absolutely love everything about the other characters, so he just stands out in a bad way.
@@spinsolar He is a total coward, to the point that he was kicked out of EVERY GUILD in the game. Would constantly talk himself up and fall flat with next to no improvement, or even trying to improve, at all until about 2/3 through the game. Even the Guild he supposedly is in charge of gets all of their jobs and notoriety because of Yuri pushing him or pulling him along, basically humoring him.
He showed some resourcefulness when you first meet him, but until the point at the glacier, he doesn't really change. Though, it doesnt help that a big event in his character development is an optional set of scenes, so they had to make a last straw moment where it all happens at once.
Every character except Estelle tease him a bit because of these habits, Rita is just more physical.
Magilou made Berseria a much better experience. She doesn’t deserve to be on this list.
Magilou???? ON THIS LIST???? Yeah I can see why, buuuuut. I have to absolutely, vehemently disagree here. Magilou is like, the best part about Berseria.
Seconded. Magilou is such a fun character. If you understand Japanese, set the audio to it. Most of her jokes is heavily "westernized" in the translation that it killed the original joke.
Why is not Velvet edgelord on this list instead? Seriusly i never liked her performance outside of combat. Magilou VA gives everything she had, By the way she plays Jessie on FF 7 remake or atleast i heard her voice so year Screw you man.
@@PotatoPronto That sadly is what usually happens a ton of the jokes in japanese just don't come out right when translated into english so they have to improvise.
Corpse Patty seeing as you type like an annoying fool im not surprised you feel this way
Magilou is amazing. Quite brilliant, and unlike many other comic relief characters, she knows exactly what she's doing when she behaves the way she does. Often funny, extremely dedicated to her new "persona" as a way to keep herself separate from her past self, and consistent with it despite everything that's going on - with only a few instances in the whole game where she lets us see some cracks in the facade. Such an amazingly strong character.
Yes, she's the sad clown archetype polished to perfection imo. She's the comedic relief who turns the blade in the wound. My favourite videogame character
magilou is rad.
Magilou is the best caracther of the game!
The problem is in selecting english for playing jrpgs
Magilou is the best character in the rooster
I liked Reimi from Star Ocean 4. :-)
And I can understand why Lym is lifeless and emotionless, whilst still childish. She accidentally summoned a portal to Hell and got sucked in - having all the pain and suffering going through you WOULD be enough to shut your emotions off. She is actually almost 16 but is frozen thanks to the emotion curse in her 6-year-old state. When you play the game and get all the right cutscenes/interactions, she allows her heart to open and her curse starts to lift. Her ending that you get with Faize implies that she is back to the age she should be, 16 and she and Faize are reunited as a couple (with Faize moving on from losing Lady Amina of the Black Tribe - her name was revealed in the official almanac for SO4 and Star Ocean: Anamnesis). Lemurians are still small regardless of age though. Hopefully now the curse has lifted, Lym will gradually lose that tic of hers. I will admit, that WAS annoying... that and the Nappy Time scene with Edge... Nappy Time?!
I'm happy to see someone defending Lymle =]
I'd say yes to all of that except all girls in star ocean 4 sarah was horrid everyone else was fine
Omg I totally agree with this. Sarah is by far worse than lymel
Magilou's is one of the best things about Berseria, but go off
I can totally see how someone could find Magillou annoying, and that dub voice definitely would drive me insane (like most characters on this list the voice is what makes them insuferable)
But honestly the game needs a character like her, with Velvet being the walking downer she is we need strong comic relief, and the way she clashes with everyone else creates the funniest scenes in the game
yeah no she frequently wins fav character polls from tales of berseria, it's fine to be contrarian if you like, but let's be clear that's what this is
@@ataridc dude just because she´s popular doesn´t mean everyone likes her, Bakugou has won multiple MHA popularity polls and tons of people still don´t liike him
5:36: Someone should hack her face onto Raven in THAT scene from Vesperia...
11:20: Including Rita when Patty exists is just WRONG.
“I like skewers! I’m a pirate! I like skewers! I’m looking for treasure! Did I mention skewers in the last three seconds? Skewers! By the way, skewers!”
jbleichman Patty is kawaii AF tho
omg true. I played ToV on Xbox 360 first and when i played the remake on PS4 last year i was like "oh well they didn't need to add Patty to this game. It wasn't a less to play it without her before!" that's what i thought and i still think that PoV was completely fine without her before.
I like Rita as a character, she is funny, but Patty is completely irrelevant and annoying.
I agree. Patty is much more annoying. The voice acting, the way she clings to Yuri is just cringy, and the skewers! Always with the skewers.
Well Atleast She's Not Constantly Hurting a Kid, Both Physically And Mentally
How about a top 10 well rounded or compelling characters? I think Fei from Xenogears deserves a spot on that list.
The hate for the Tales of series is strong in here xD
@@paz6666 I can agree with Anise and Shirley, somewhat with Magilou but I hated Bienfu a lot more, cannot stand that piece of shit character but Rita? Rita is awesome imo.
i mean i love the tales of series, but there is like nearly always one charakter who's annoying xD
At least he didn't put anyone from Zestiria there. I feel like I'm the only one who loves that game. :(
@@SomeRPGFan The only one? You're wrong, I love that game too! I do think it could have a better story and better mechanics but either way I think it's a pretty decent game. I don't completely understand the hate LOL.
Ahhhhh magilou is fun
To be's the voice acting. It's 80% the voice acting that makes these characters insufferable.
lol this video could be just called "Girls in Tales games that I hate" and little editing would be needed XD
Only 4/9 are Tales characters.
Rita compliments the entire party. They’ve got a family dynamic thing going on.
100% agree, especially once she gets closer to Estelle later in the story. She's the awkward middle child between Karol and Estelle.
I guess Every Family Has A Bitch
Idk about 1 and 2 but uh spoilers? Lyme saw her parents get slaughtered in front of her and she’s emotionally stunted and talks the way her parents talked to her when she was younger. Merecle isn’t a slut lol she’s a cat showing affection for being saved. Myria shouldn’t be labeled a shit character because she has big boobs? Vast majority of the characters in that game are actually like able and good written characters you just have to do the private action events.
Come on, the story didn’t justify shite. They were SO ANNOYING and deserves all of this ice cold shade 😂😂😂😂
I’m glad I found someone else that doesn’t like Rita. I didn’t care for Karol when he joined, but he gained my immediate pity once she joined. She could be good at times, but I couldn’t really get over her sadism. (Edit: I also couldn’t stand Will’s abuse of the party in Tales of Legendia while I’m on the matter.)
Also, with Anise, she wasn’t the sole reason for Arietta stalking you. She also did it because Luke, Tear, and Jade killed the liger queen that raised her.
Honestly yeah I kinda felt bad whenever Rita kept beating I Karol... ngl it was pretty funny tho
It Didn't Help That She Has The Same Voice Actress As Yukari From Persona 3
That Liger Queen did deserve to die and I wanted to chop Arietta's head off the whole game. Also fuck Rita, she was terrible. Scarlet from FFVII is better than her and she's crazy. Reika Kitami from Bible Black was better and she raped chicks.
Magilou's like literally one of the characters with the most background development that entirely explains her personality and demeanor... but yes, if you just look at her at face value, she's a troll character. (Unlike Rita, who is just young and immature and lashes out)
She's my favourite videogame character
Magilou is the best character ever
Magilou was cancerous. The entire cast of Berseria was flat to me compared to past games in the series. I was honestly shocked that Berseria was as highly acclaimed as it was. It's one of the only Tales games I couldn't finish.
Magilou and Rita!? Either you're wrong or I just like bitchy characters. Maybe both?
Just the latter. You like bitchy women, like the average Saiyan male.
Rita is amazing
You're A Masochist
I also quite enjoyed Rita, personally. She was my favorite character to play as, and probably is the single most overpowered mage in the whole series!
Hol up, Magilou is best girl in Berseria and that's an opinion held by a good majority of the Fandom. Without her, the cast would have cut themselves constantly for living on the edge. The Tales series does have an obnoxious amount of annoying women though. I feel like Cheria from Graces F could have been on here as well...
Not everyone agrees with the fandom.
Rita is my favorite character in Tales of Vesperia. I love how sassy she is. It helps that I hate Karol.
Excellsion oh, hell yes, she gets points just for busting on that annoying little gnome of a character.
Karol’s character arc is overused and always annoying but imo he’s one of the best-executed examples of it, his development is better than many main characters (Luke)
I had no problem with most of them but gatta say I would have agreed with him if he said Estelle was the most annoying could not stand her
Yes dude I love Rita! She’s on overlimit power house. And I can not STAND Karol. His voice, the way he looks, I hate that little dweeb. I always keep him benched the entire game
So basically all Ruta fans are all
Vanille in FF13. I remember wanting to throw her into a wood chipper.
The way Vanille is so sexualized is really weird
Bob Gray I just picture Jeff from Community going “Vanille is pretty young; we try not to sexualize her.”
I think I hated Hope more but yeah they both were super annoying.
She is considerably less cringe in the Japanese voice over. But holy hell do i hate her voice in English. Her accent isn't even consistent.
I forgot about her since I never played past the intro! What a HUGE oversight! Maybe it was the same for him too lol
Let's keep in mind that Rita is only 15 in vesperia. She was introduced as a cast out only obsessed with her bastia research. She did some immature things as first but she quickly cared about the well being of Estelle over her research. If every character in the tales games were introduced as these perfect paragons, then character development wouldn't go anywhere.
David Vinc HATES little girls, CONFIRMED
I think they really nailed it in vesperia. I dont recall any particular character overly annoying. Maybe Carol, but kids have to be alittle annoying.
My personal hate character is Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII. Made me wish Squall stayed that asocial git instead of going all gooey over her.
I must disagree with Magilou being on this list, though it's probably because I'm aware of her backstory. Also, lmao you chose which is imo her best scene to introduce her.
Yeah, that scene is so good cause it humanized Velvet, chipping her armor of revenge and fury and it showed how crafty and helpful Magilou can be.
Yep! If velvet was all rage and revenge, she wouldn't have even given Magilou's dove act the time of day. She would've probably ignored her and walked away lol
The alternative is magilou being a broken edge lord and we have enough of that in this game, frankly. There's limited outcomes that you can get with Magilou's past: hiding the pain behind a smile or Velvet 2.0 are a few that come to mind
@@FarisFlowers Or just punched her on the spot, you know DAMN well Velvet REALLY wanted to punch Magilou there. You could see it on her face.
@@alexanderluna4598 Shes not really annoying though, shes just whimsical I guess.
Just another comment disagreeing with you about Magilou!
I feel like the children need their own list.
Never liked Yukari or Aigis from Persona 3. Aigis was every anime female Android that wants to "live" and Yukari drive me crazy with her constant complaining about not wanting to fight. Plus every time I heard her say I won't miss! She did... And when told she'd be traversing a demon infested tower she wears a pink sweater for her protection... Considering how heavily the p3 cast played to archetype I was just waiting for Yukari to be your childhood friend
Yeah, I don't get people that are saying that she's the ,,best'' girl
The Rita and Karol bullying crap bothered me too. Especially since Karol is a relatable misfit character.. though he can be a bit too wussy.
say what you will about Rita, combining the moody teenager archetype and the arrogant academic archetype into one is at least original. but I can totally understand finding her risible if you really don't enjoy the Butt of the Party as a stock storytelling element. it does get really unpleasant when a party member is repeatedly shat on for no adequate reason.
Magilou is great, however Kamoana in Berseria literally makes my ears bleed.
Kamoana isn't a main character so she's spared. Aside from Anise (who should've been way higher) and possibly Shirley (who I don't know cause I didn't play the game) I hardly see anyone from Tales deserving so much hate.
@@sharilshahed6106 For me its usually the side character in tales game that has the tendency to be annoying, like Teepo's english dub or Nova in Xillia 2 constantly pestering you to pay your debt. But none of them comes close to Kamoana.
THIS. Kamoana is such a spoiled little shit, holy fuck.
I mean, I get that what happened to her was incredibly traumatizing but she just acts entitled.
Very dissonant.
Yeah, her voice is awful and makes the crying insufferable. That said, she's still a more compelling and likable character than the bottom half of this list. And she's only a side character.
I dont know why but i like kamoana's voice; i just dont like when she cryies, but besides that, its a unusual and interesting voice to hear
Seems like Veronica in Dragon Quest 11 is the only child in a jrpg that you don’t want to kill or find annoying.
I never had a problem with Rita? Well I myself have a big sis, and they remind me of us when we where small, so maybe that explain it?
You, my friend, are a broken person and probably need help.
@@KaiHyouookami nah, its pretty standard "you just don't understand I HATE YOU" ring any bells?
*sees Magilou on the list*
Me: This man bout to end his whole career!
LMAOOO facts!
lymle feels like she was created by mr mackey from south park, mkay.
I think the problem here is the Eng DUB, I kinda agree on that tho
but I dont think Rita and Magilou should be here,
Not everyone can tolerate jerks.
Arc Caravan even when those jerks have a character arc and become friendly by the end?
@@watchmewhipbruh1095 If they are big enough jerks, development won't change opinion. Especially if they are still unrepentant jerks.
@@ArcCaravan So character development is pointless to you then? Rita and Magilou are definitely not jerks beyond redemption lol. Rita's literally 15.
@@watchmewhipbruh1095 It Doesn't Really Matter If The Character Annoyed You For 90% Of The Game For A Development That Only Happens at The Last Bit Of The Game, And Even after That She Still Bullies Karol
Lymle legit killed SO4 for me. I just couldn't take her voice, or looks.
What about the fucking angel lady...Sarah? she was god awful aswell
Worst Female Characters in video Game:
Alisa Reinford (Cold Steel) and Shirley (Tales of Legendia)
The main reason why I dropped ColdSteel is her horrible “character development”. (Chapter 6). Falcom tried to sell a waifu and sell a trash character with the most idiot arc in a game.
For me Zemuria Arc is dead. Well maybe I will play Calvard Arc
Marco Caixeta
Falcom’s World building: 💪
Falcom’s character building: 🐒
Try to give another chance to ColdSteel saga
ColdSteel 2 is better and Alisa is not a relevant character if you just ignore her.
No 👍🏽
Please make a Top 10 unappreciated characters
The mascot version. :)
Now that's a good idea.
Magilou was gold in Berseria, at least in my opinion. If I had to pick who annoyed me the most in that game I'd go with Eleanor. But hey, we can't all like the same things!
I know right I think the most annoying part was when Velvet revealed how Arthur killed Laphicet and trapped velvet in a prison for 3 years and she still tried to side with him like damn Eleanor come on
Magilou was amazing. Easily my favorite character in Berseria
Rita was also great. 2nd fav character in Vesp after Yuri. Come on, David...Karol sucks. You did get #1 right though. My god, Lymle is the absolute worst
Well my opinions are the ones I know is
Magilou: I think she is a hut or miss character.
Anise: Sometime annoying and sometimes annoying.
Carol: I have a soft spot polite girls, so I can't really hate her.
Ryfia: I find her rather amusing for some reason.
Shirley: My opinion is rather neutral, so have no strong positive and negative feelings about her.
Rita: I love Rita to the point that I name almost every Raichu I get Rita. Her friendship with Estelle is one of the most wholesome friendships things ever.
I don't feel like describing the positives of all the star ocean women. Just know I like them.
"Lymle. She looks like a lifeless doll"
Actually, if you look into her backstory, that's what they were going for...her emotional capacity has also been sealed as well.
I agree, Lymle and Sarah are aggravating. The rest are fine.
Nina, can't say I know, never played it.
Magilou. You're crazy if you think she's annoying. Especially in a top tens list of annoying women. If you had listed 10 annoying women, I'd let it go but top 10? Please, Eiko from ffix is more annoying.
Anise. Yeah. I'll allow that. I'm not sure if she's top ten but certainly top 50.
Carol. She sticks to her role. Can't say I can hate a person Heck, she doesnt look a day over 10.
Never played Arc's some awkward voice acting...
Shirley. I actually like Shirley. Sure she has that princess peach personality but not all girls can be strong independent women. Hardly an annoying character.
Rita. I don't get the hate for this but then again, I tend to like tsunderes. Her magic is decent and her style is probably some of the most unique i've seen in tales. If you want someone annoying, Carol is more annoying
Never played infinite undiscovery but...I've never been a fan of the twin dynamic that always finishes each other sentences or whatever and this doesn't look any better.
Lot's of Tales games here.
Totally disagree with Star Ocean 4. Have you ever played the game with the original japanese dub? The english version is just awful.
Yes, Serah still is slow-motive and Welch is just Welch but especially that AI girl is fun. Meracle is also way more convincing.
As for Lymle, she is the walking example of how terrible she's translated. In japanese dubs there often are characters who like to finish their sentences with a special phrase. That's normally just impossible to port to western languages. The localization team has two options, either ignore it or think of any possible english catchphrase. In this case they did latter and failed. Lymle is one of the stoic archetype making her cute without anything else. Most english translations just fail to convince in this role.
And actually, you mentioned every girl except for Reimi. I guess there wasn't anything about her to complain since she is the actual protagonist who keeps everything running.
That's right. I played the game with japanese audio and spanish subtitles, and never found Limle anoying. I alway wondered why people hated her
@@DenpaRaven Like Kingdom-Judge said, its the english voice acting, they should have just left out the special phrase at the end of each line for the english dub, she probally says "Desu" or something after each line, it works MUCH better in japanese than it does in english. In english it just comes off as REALLY akward.
@@scyris99 She says "nano", and yeah the "kay" thing is bothersome xd I think she said another thing in spanish, but never paid much attention to it
@@scyris99 Oh I just found it. In spanish she says "¿vale?", that means the same as "okay?", but didn't found it annoying since she didn't said it that much, I know people who says it more xd (plus it was only text)
The amount of people who cannot handle someone's personal opinion is astonishing.
Disagreeing =/= "cannot handle". When one asserts an opinion publicly, no one is obliged to merely agree with it. I love David's content - that's why I'm here. But that doesn't mean I cannot in good faith disagree when I in fact do.
Rita might be a stretch...but not by much. She's only really awful to Karol...and Raven (although he deserves it about half the time). She's fine with the others. Yuri and Judith fire right back, she's slightly afraid of Repede so she leaves him be, and even Rita's not heartless enough to do so to Estelle. Really it's just Karol she's awful to. Honestly, she's not my favorite, but I do like her interactions with Estelle, and some of the ones with Yuri (like you showed off), so combined with the fact that she's great in battle and her voice isn't annoying: she's just okay.
Also, there's something about the entire cast of SO4 that makes me question the development of that game. I really don't like anyone from that might have the worst cast of characters in rpg history. Honestly, Myuria is the only character I can stand...and if she didn't look like that I can't say that even she would make the cut.
Mona Marshall voiced Carol in WA5... she's a legend and was probably told to make her sound like that.
Magilou was my fav along with Eizen lol.
bite your tongue sir! Magilou is gold!
My takeaways from these videos are that
a) publishers should invest more into voice acting for the games they bring over or leave it out altogether and
b) Japanese developers need to hire professional writers. Some fo these dialogues in isolation sound absolutely atrocious and cringy.
Seriously, some of these scenes made me burst out laughing and I'm not sure that was intended by the developers.
Bad voice acting can destroy a character, but even the best can't save a terrible character. Both Rita and Magilou's VAs are quite prolific and popular. Even Lymle's awful performance isn't really the fault of the VA so much as the writing and directing of the character called for that type of performance.
Happy to not see Vanille or Penelo on this list, the former seems to especially be used as a scapegoat by Final Fantasy fans. I liked her a lot more than Hope and Snow in the original FFXIII at least. Penelo wasn't really prominent enough to be annoying either.
Glad to see someone else who appreciates Vanille too. Snow and Hope do at least improve significantly in the two sequels, for what that's worth. I don't get what's so bad about Penelo though? Ashe is more annoying in my opinion, though nowhere near the level of the FF8 ladies...
Penelo is a piece of wood, she's just there.
Kinda surprised he held himself back and didnt put Rinoa on this list. Cuz i know some people hate her because of her damsel in distress tendencies. I personally like her as her attempts to get Squall to open up to her, and him becoming a much better character for it, came across to me as very endearing.
For me...
-Selphie (FF8): It annoys me how despite going to a high-class military academy, she still acts so childish that she doesn't know what having a crush is.
-Lilia (Arc the Lad: Twilight of the spirits): This character is such a mary sue. She's constantly loved and butt-kissed, can't do anything on her own, gets in trouble due to her own stupidity and isn't called on it, and takes time away from the more interesting brothers. I hear the sequel she actually learns to fight so I guess that's something.
Wow. Someone actually remembers Infinite Undiscovery.
Such an underrated jrpg
I couldn't stand it. Voice over and the battle and the loading times ugh.
It was a perfect game!
Highly disagree about Magilou. If I did a list about this subject my very 1# place will be Angelica, from Trails series, specially in the 1st one. She was so over sexualized , in the worst way ever.
Having played Final Fantasy 7 Remake, whenever I hear Magiolou's voice, I just hear Jessie lol.
OH MY GOD!!! Im playing Remake now and I freaking knew I recognized Jessie somewhere!!!! Ahhh
At least I reconized that Badger was Wedge lol
@@georgielockhart6686 Oh yeah, Erica Lindbeck has voiced a lot of characters. I know her as Futaba from Persona 5 and Celica from Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia but she's voiced others like Mordred from fate Apocrypha and Miriam from Bloodstain Ritual of the Moon. She's great.
So she voiced Menat as well? I need to clean my damn ears out. I main Menat.
@@georgielockhart6686 I always like to go on Behind the Voice Actors for those who stand out to me because it always surprises me to see who certain actors/actresses have voiced in the past. I'm always learning something new/interesting when I search.
She also does Vita Clotilde in Trails of Cold Steel
Oof, I loved Magilou. She was one of my favorite party members in Berseria.
Aight, lolis in JRPGs are just bad. Wee need more strong female characters, like Tifa!
@Weston Meyer Aye, strong and badass women are great boon to JRPGs. I had enough with these weak, whiny brats troupe. Also, huge knockers are always a plus for me!
@Weston Meyer "A woman who can bench press your bed while you are sleeping in it isn’t all that attractive to me." - sooo you like physically weak women? XD
Gabirele from lord of magna: maiden heaven would like to have a word with you.
Disagree on Magilou, Anise, Rita and especially on Star Ocean. Lymle’s past is why she is how she is. But you didn’t mention that at all.
Having an excuse doesn't always make up for their problems.
Lymle makes me want to break my SO4 discs in half.
I never went back to that game because of Lymle
I've met Laura Bailey, Travis Willingham, and Matt Mercer. Welch and Reimi were fine. With Welch all I can think is Toru from Fruits Fruits Basket. When I met Matt, told him I didnt like him for a while with Edge being a reason. He understood. I learned about him as he took over for Troy Baker and looked him up and when I told him about edge his answer was, "yeah star ocean was really weird.". We both love Ashton Anchors from SO2 though.
I'll admit, I first found Magilou to be really annoying and disliked her immensely... but she grew on me. Add in a couple moments where she was away from the rest of the party and we got to see another side of her, and I fell in love with her character. ^^
Again, will reiterate that yes, toward the start of the game I found her annoying and thought 'why is she even here, again? Why haven't we ditched her in some forgotten corner yet?', but... yeah. I love Magilou.
I thinked Martha from Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World would be here...
Could you make a second part of this video?
She should have been on here, imo. I could barely stand her or Emil, and they made me hate that the characters from the first game were mostly sidelined in favor of these 2.
How is Magilou in this list? How is it you can't even pronounce her name when the clip you showed immediately after has her name pronounced correctly? How? Why?
You can fill an entire list just with Tales Of female characters
@@evewhoo It's not that ALL Tales Of female characters are horrible, actually there's some incredible female characters on each game once their full arcs reach a conclusion. The problem is that in almost each game they make an effort to create an incredibly annoying or horrible female character to appeal to fans of a certain cliche or fetish and it ruins what could have been a perfect main party.
But Magilou isn't one of them. 😲
everytime I want to replay Infinite Undiscovery, I get deterred by the first 5 hours being forced to use rico and rucha; doesn't help that Capell is terrible and Aya is annoying and nags with every breath. This section feels like it lasts 25 hours instead and I'm absolutely glad to never use any of them again once you meet up with Sigmund. Capell, at least, becomes a more likable character, I try to forget about the twins... and just team them with the bear, and Aya just forces herself into a relationship with Capell.
Shirley... "Girl you're not a piece of glass, you won't break, get a grip, get a hold of your life, and while You're at it, save your damn self"
This gave me everything - I was snapping my fingers to this! Put this on merch!
Shirley literally lost her powers and got kidnapped by one of the big bads and his army.
She WAS helpless. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.
@@wesmeyer1888 And when perchance did you lose all your sense of humour good sir? #calmdownnsweety
I love Magilou but I still understand your argument, for the rest... I agree.
Other than me defending Magilou (and it seems I'm in the majority), this list seems to be all about Tales, with a bit of other titles I guess, but not really.
Prominent characters that should be on the list:
-half of the Chrono Chross females
-Selphie (FFVIII)
-Elise (Trails of Cold Steel 2)
-Vanille (FFXIII)
Selphie: yes. Vanille: no. At least Vanille has a good reason to be that annoying.
Only 4/10 are Tales.
@@SpaceCat1111 An excuse for being annoying doesn't always make someone less annoying.
Elise? Blasphemy
Square Enix is horrible at designing "cute" characters, if there is supposed to be a cute kid character or ditsy female character. They are almost always annoying and borderline creepy with Square Enix's trademark idol/boy band plastic people character design.
Vivi tho? He has a lot of fans for a reason.
@@ThundagaT2 Vivi was Squaresoft, not Square Enix. There is a huge difference between what the company once was and what it is now. At least in the characters, story, and world building. The only thing that has stayed in overall top quality is music.
I'd argue there's still a couple of cute characters from after the Enix merger. Such as Rhyme from The World Ends With You.
Magilou is one of the best parts of Berseria.
That part about Carol confirmed my suspictions, it's the voice acting that's wrong on most of the cases in this vid
Their original voices make their personality a bit more credible and justify how other party members tolerate them, the english voice actresses tend to be lacking
Joining the bandwagon. I love Berseria and Magilou’s scenes with Melchior were some of the best parts of an already great game.
Tbh, I found Estelle to be way more annoying than Rita. She's so oblivious all the time, Rita at least knows what she wants to do.
Magilou is my all time favorite tales character 😭
I am baffled how you can put Magilou and Rita on your list but completely miss Edna from Tales of Zestiria. Edna is in perma-bitch mode the whole way through and....well....with a sister like THAT, no wonder her brother turned out the way he did.
Edna is amazing, I don’t see how could she be hated tbh.
@@flariz4824 It's because she never stops with the put-downs and insults to party members who frankly don't deserve it. Like, it was understandable with someone like Jade from Tales of the Abyss because the rest of the party was stupid and awful. With Edna she just comes off as a bully. And she does this way, way worse than Rita from Vesperia so the only reason I can assume Edna didn't make the list is because he didn't play Zestiria.
I disagree with every Tales character on here except Shirley, and thats only due to me never having played Legendia.
Im not interested in playing Legendia
@Weston Meyer Due to my particular tastes when it comes to Tales games, i highly doubt that.
@Weston Meyer I liked Eternia, Destiny DC, Destiny 2, and Hearts. The rest of the 2D games are meh to me. I also liked Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon.
Legendia isn't exactly bad especially if you get past Senel being a jerk in general during the first part. The character episode is the whole game, period.
Legendia just suffer through few.... battle mechanic that made the game a bit of a drag. But, whatever happen, everyone should generally agree that Legendia stored one of the best OST in whole Tales of Series.
I suppose they were trying to make Ryfia eccentric? Considering in the same scene they have her baffled at what a "girl" is, but immediately understands that weirdo is a derogatory term for a strange person. Problem is, the running gag of someone being "too smart for their own good" only works when it's technical jargon they understand an human interaction where they flounder. Kind of the running gag they use with Sheldon on Big Bang Theory. Girl is such a common term and has nothing to do with social interaction. It's simply a gender based term for younger people. It would be like not knowing what a chair is. However, weirdo is in fact directly tied to slang and human interaction. They made her gimmick backwards.
So is the next video going to be the Most Annoying Kids.
A good chunk of these entries were kids. Non-humans?
@Weston Meyer I know. I meant that these two lists didn't seem to have any age restrictions on who got in.
I dunno how you think Nina in BoF 3 takes over the plot. When you recruit her in the Young part, her 100% goal is to help you find Rei and Teepo. When you recruit her in the Adult part, she asks for your help in stopping criminals, and then she can go with you on your journey. Go figure, stopping the criminals is where you get Rei.
Breath of Fire 4 it was a decision to have a silent protagonist, but still have a voiced one. Nina's journey for Elina may be the face plot, but it quickly becomes "holy shit Ryu is a God and he needs to be complete."
5:02 I didn't know the luminary worked at a casino
Wow! The creators of DQ11, (only one I played) have some explaining to do!
lmao!!!!!! wow
Lila from Eternal Filena a Japan only RPG has to be on this list, while she is a healer she acts immature and then tries to get cozy with Filena for most of the game and she acts like she's her husband and acts possessive when the other male characters hit on her. Not to mention she is in your party the entire game. Milika another female from Eternal Filena is spiteful and vengeful at the start when she blinds the main character Filena with a spell for half the game and to make matters worse, she loses the antidote My bigger problem with Milika is that she never gets a real chance to redeem herself and get closure of losing her husband and rescuing her child. That's something I wish could have be implemented into the storyline Eternal Filena, a Cyan's soul type quest for her to find closure because she is a good all absent that. Those two are ones that could be on this list.
"Rude? What is rude?" Oh lord...
Reno: Where's Rude, lady!?
Top tier dialogue
I was fine with how Rita treated Karol, even after his arc to be brave, he had so dumb lines that he deserved to be hit for.
I gotta disagree fully with Magilou. She was a wonderful attachment to the party for me all the way through. I knew Star Ocean 4 would be up here but the only character that honestly bothered me was your number one.
The section in this video where Anise was talking and moving around I thought was pretty funny, the way the devs animated her nonsensical actions but wow would that charm wear off quick in-game I'm sure. Is there a possibility there is enough meat on the bone to do annoying list of animal/robot or other extremely annoying characters that aren't human? This is another great video David, thank you!
I always thought Lymle's voice acting was trying to capitalize on the success of South Park, m'kay ? Speaking of voice acting that kills a game, I couldn't finish Atelier Firis because of...Firis. She's so annoying ! And gotta have Vanille from FFXIII in there somewhere too...
South Park? How so, I don't understand the connection.
@@PissedGrunty Drugs are bad, m'kay ? on a monotone...
Aw, another Vanille jab? She's got a good reason for being that annoying. She carries terrible burdens and guilt. Her personality is the mask she hides behind.
@@SpaceCat1111 Well, like David himself said in his video about Anise..."I know it's explained why she is the way she is, but I don't care..." lol.
@@adequaterandomgaming982 Least someone gets that. So many act like excuses instantly make up for problems.
Rita id say is the only one id dissagree with due to her character arc and learning how to trust and love people by the end of the game.
How the hell didn't Vanille make this list?
I'd argue any of the women from FF8 are worse. At least Vanille has a fairly good reason for being mildly annoying. She's trying to hide the weight of multiple emotional burdens and terrible guilt behind the mask of a silly and upbeat personality.
This list is mostly Tales of women that I don't find that annoying (the Magilou scene at the start reminded me why I like her, even, as she balances out Velvet's psychopathic rage). On the other hand, I don't think that Shirely from Tales of Legendia is nearly low enough, as she's either number one or two on my worst RPG character ever list (including both men and women). Yeah, she's a damsel in distress, but she also tries to destroy the world because her brother doesn't immediately respond to her incestuous crush on him. She is the worst. Then, after part one, all her insanity is forgiven, and the game hints that she and her brother should totally be together. (And, yes, I know that Shirley and Senel are not actually blood-related, but Japan needs to stop using that as an excuse for incest).
Here are some female characters I dislike a lot more than the non-Shirley Tales characters and the two Ninas:
1. Fi, from Zelda: Skyward Sword. She's technically a robot, and I don't consider Zelda games to be RPGs, but I hate Fi so much that I'm more than willing to bend the rules for her.
2. Yuna/Rikku/Paine, from Final Fantasy X-2. I hate FFX-2 and can't stand what they did to Yuna. Still, these girls are a team, and they suck together, so I'll list them together.
3. Vanille, from Final Fantasy XIII. What is up with her accent? Well, it doesn't matter, since I wouldn't like her even if she had a normal voice.
4. Elise, from the Trails of Cold Steel games. Yet another female character who is way too thirsty for her brother, and the "they're not blood related so it's okay" excuse pops up again. Elise might be okay if she wasn't obsessed with hooking up with Rean, but 95% of her scenes would need to be rewritten if Falcom wanted to remove that aspect of her characterization.
5. Josette, from the Trails in the Sky trilogy. Josette starts off as an obnoxious, weak, over-her-head villain in the first two Sky games (in which she is annoying but serves a purpose), but she takes a turn for the awful in Trails in the Sky the Third, when she continues to fawn over Joshua despite Joshua making it abundantly clear that he's not into her and never will be. On top of that, Josette is the worst in battle and the game rewards you for not making her a part of your active party.
6. Farleen, from Star Ocean 3. She's not a party member, and I don't remember a single thing about her aside from having some of the worst English voice acting I've heard in a game. Okay, I'm not being that serious by listing her here.
As far as annoying characters go, I think that you can make some lists about children characters (party members or no), anthropomorphic characters, and most annoying villains (although some villains are good because they're annoying, so that's a tricky group to consider).
This list was hilarious, don't agree with all choices but enjoy hearing why.
The one for Myu was the stupidest reason: he hates her cuz she has a nice set of tits? I mean come on, the girls in that game were not THAT bad. Other than Lymle I completly agree on her, shes very annoying in the english dub and thats the voice/translation teams fault. When I first got her I thought it was cute at first, but she got annoying real quick when I realized her 'kay was not going away the entire game.
Bro, Rita is the best.
4:08 Yes, they are pretty scary.
Man I really don’t like ps3 and the Xbox era of jrpgs besides tales of vesperia and some other I just hate the art style and how it’s all realistic looking its looks creepy I prefer a more anime aesthetic
Yeah, that plastic doll look they tend to have it very off putting. Only Final Fantasy has really pulled off the realistic look.
PissedGrunty yeah true the rest like star ocean 4 just look creepy soulless dolls
Bro, Magilou gets old by about the 3rd conversation. Glad it's not just me. They should have used the character less in dialogues.
It's Says a Lot When These Lists Are Mostly Composed Of Tales Of Characters