Thank you so much Dominique 🥰 I still have the member's only to do so I'm not done yet, but I wish you a very happy holiday season and the very best for a happy & healthy new year!
Love these, as I've already said in your Facebook posts. You made some really cool patterns and finished pieces! Thanks for including a video of your How To of the impression tools you've made, too! Might i suggest you use clay softener when your clay and temperature are causing the clay to crumble when conditioning should have been able to smooth it - I like the oil-like Sculpey softener and I use it with Cernit often. It *might* have prevented the unfortunate crack in your pendant. But you fixed the problem beautifully. I just want to save you and others the stress. I hope your Gallery Show is going really well and wish you Happy Holidays!!
Thanks Debbie 🥰 I recognized your name from the MG group! I used cernit softener and these were softened. But of course they did not cooperate when filming time came, as per my norm lol. But I don’t like to give up on a project, especially on camera. I wish you all the best for the holidays!
Thank you 🥰 Time is a factor when filming/editing my videos as I try to keep them around 1 hour long. I have many tutorials in which I put the pendants on cord or chain. Here's one where I go into full detail on how I do this particular cord technique. It's at 39:10видео.html
These remind me of a tiger cane I did years ago. I like these results even better tho. Great color sense. I enjoy listening to you thinking the process out loud! I even find myself commenting out loud in response! Lol!👍✌️🫶😊
Lovely, thank you so much. Could you please tell us what type of plastic wrap you are using to store your rolled out slas. I understand that some plastic interacts badly with polymer clay, and am wanting to know what plastic you use when you lay out your slabs as in the video. Thank you very much in advance.
Thank you S 🥰 It’s page pockets (protectors) that you put in a binder. I cut off the bottom and hole punched edge and cut the folded sheet in half. The clay I have rolled out on the thickest setting of my machine. It’s a great way of storing colour collections instead of putting them back in their individual packets 😉 Polymer clay over time can eat through certain plastics, even silicone. I lost a silicone stamp that was touching raw clay! Basically the softer and more bendable plastics are good for clay, and the harder cheaper plastics are not good for storage.
Oh these r beautiful! I love the color combos as well! The beads really set the pendant off! Their lovely! If u have answered this before please forgive me but where did u get your roller from? I’m always looking for a larger roller and can never find one! Thank u!
Oh thank u! The little black one right?! I was wondering about the metal roller that u use for rolling out your clay? I always get a little rigorous with my clay and it rolls all the way around the rod then!😅 I figure if I have a little bit bigger rod that may not happen!
I like them all but I really like the third one down as well. The one that you’re not sure about, the squiggly one, that’s not finished, doesn’t have as much going on showing the layers. Do you know why it had such a different effect? Was it not shaved all over as the others were? It looks like the squiggle got shaved but the surrounding area has the blend not shaved. Not sure, but that’s what I’m guessing is the difference. The one you finished in the segment showing making the glue gun stamps, looks wonderful. I also liked the black and white you made with the garden hose thigamajig. Now I have to see if I can locate that here. Another rabbit hole source. 😂 Oh, and the nail foils, I bought them way back when I was gathering supplies and have never used them. Now that I see how well they worked I’m going to give it a try. Thank you.
Thanks Suzan 🥰 Ya, the one with the squiggle looks so bland because there's only a blend around the imprint. I made the exact same pendant in my last members only, but on top of black & white MG (the one in the short video of the glue gun squiggles). The other pendants I did off camera with the stripes worked well because the stamp covered a much larger area and the areas outside the lines have the mica shift. And, both the foils, transfer & leaf are great and suit different looks. For example, I used gold foil in the Christmas snowflake pendant, and the crackle suited it. But transfer foils are completely different and move with the clay leaving a smoother foiled imprint. Definitely, give the foils a go! Re the hose thingamajig, the finer threads don't leave the deepest imprints, but I'll be experimenting more with it and other items 😉
When you are cutting through and we see the gold- have you left a fine layer of translucent on the gold foil to protect it? I am interested to know when to stop cutting so that the gold foil comes through and is also protected- can you speak to that please. thank you.
Sure! The translucent is to protect the foil underneath. The trick is knowing when to stop shaving. You also need to know in advance how you plan to finish your piece. Because I sanded & buffed it, I left a little extra clay because the sanding will ‘shave’ off more again. If you’re intending on using Kato liquid clay or resin as a finish, you don’t need the layer of translucent. I’m doing something different for this months members only, but I will address it again in the video 🥰
@@MichelleFillion-thebeesknees Yes, it's a liquid clay, but it's for adhering raw clay to baked clay. You wouldn't want to use it in your clay or for finishing like other liquid clays. If it says glue or adhesive, it's no supposed to be seen. I hope this makes sense...?
And Merry Christmas to you too 🎄❤️
Thanks so much 🥰🎄
Hello Keilan,
These will sell like hell next week at the gallery!!! So Beautifulll!
Wish you very happy holidays and all the best for the new year.
Thank you so much Dominique 🥰 I still have the member's only to do so I'm not done yet, but I wish you a very happy holiday season and the very best for a happy & healthy new year!
Thank you very much😍
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this !!! Thanks !! xx
Thank you Catherine 🥰
Great color combination... subscribed.
Thank you 🥰 and thank you!
Beautiful pieces!
Thanks Michelle 🥰
@@keipfr you're very welcome
Thanks so much Bella ❤️
Love these, as I've already said in your Facebook posts. You made some really cool patterns and finished pieces! Thanks for including a video of your How To of the impression tools you've made, too!
Might i suggest you use clay softener when your clay and temperature are causing the clay to crumble when conditioning should have been able to smooth it - I like the oil-like Sculpey softener and I use it with Cernit often. It *might* have prevented the unfortunate crack in your pendant. But you fixed the problem beautifully. I just want to save you and others the stress.
I hope your Gallery Show is going really well and wish you Happy Holidays!!
Thanks Debbie 🥰 I recognized your name from the MG group! I used cernit softener and these were softened. But of course they did not cooperate when filming time came, as per my norm lol. But I don’t like to give up on a project, especially on camera. I wish you all the best for the holidays!
Nice Necklace😍😍😍, but why you don't show us the finishing 😢? Wish you would show us next time please.
Thank you 🥰 Time is a factor when filming/editing my videos as I try to keep them around 1 hour long. I have many tutorials in which I put the pendants on cord or chain. Here's one where I go into full detail on how I do this particular cord technique. It's at 39:10видео.html
These remind me of a tiger cane I did years ago. I like these results even better tho. Great color sense. I enjoy listening to you thinking the process out loud! I even find myself commenting out loud in response! Lol!👍✌️🫶😊
Thank you 🥰 I start with a plan that always ends up changing.
Lovely, thank you so much. Could you please tell us what type of plastic wrap you are using to store your rolled out slas. I understand that some plastic interacts badly with polymer clay, and am wanting to know what plastic you use when you lay out your slabs as in the video. Thank you very much in advance.
Thank you S 🥰 It’s page pockets (protectors) that you put in a binder. I cut off the bottom and hole punched edge and cut the folded sheet in half. The clay I have rolled out on the thickest setting of my machine. It’s a great way of storing colour collections instead of putting them back in their individual packets 😉 Polymer clay over time can eat through certain plastics, even silicone. I lost a silicone stamp that was touching raw clay! Basically the softer and more bendable plastics are good for clay, and the harder cheaper plastics are not good for storage.
Thank you very much 😍
Of course 🥰
Oh these r beautiful! I love the color combos as well! The beads really set the pendant off! Their lovely! If u have answered this before please forgive me but where did u get your roller from? I’m always looking for a larger roller and can never find one! Thank u!
Thank you 🥰 I got the roller at the garden centre for 99 cents 😉
Oh thank u! The little black one right?! I was wondering about the metal roller that u use for rolling out your clay? I always get a little rigorous with my clay and it rolls all the way around the rod then!😅 I figure if I have a little bit bigger rod that may not happen!
I like them all but I really like the third one down as well. The one that you’re not sure about, the squiggly one, that’s not finished, doesn’t have as much going on showing the layers. Do you know why it had such a different effect? Was it not shaved all over as the others were? It looks like the squiggle got shaved but the surrounding area has the blend not shaved. Not sure, but that’s what I’m guessing is the difference. The one you finished in the segment showing making the glue gun stamps, looks wonderful. I also liked the black and white you made with the garden hose thigamajig. Now I have to see if I can locate that here. Another rabbit hole source. 😂 Oh, and the nail foils, I bought them way back when I was gathering supplies and have never used them. Now that I see how well they worked I’m going to give it a try. Thank you.
Thanks Suzan 🥰 Ya, the one with the squiggle looks so bland because there's only a blend around the imprint. I made the exact same pendant in my last members only, but on top of black & white MG (the one in the short video of the glue gun squiggles). The other pendants I did off camera with the stripes worked well because the stamp covered a much larger area and the areas outside the lines have the mica shift. And, both the foils, transfer & leaf are great and suit different looks. For example, I used gold foil in the Christmas snowflake pendant, and the crackle suited it. But transfer foils are completely different and move with the clay leaving a smoother foiled imprint. Definitely, give the foils a go! Re the hose thingamajig, the finer threads don't leave the deepest imprints, but I'll be experimenting more with it and other items 😉
When you are cutting through and we see the gold- have you left a fine layer of translucent on the gold foil to protect it? I am interested to know when to stop cutting so that the gold foil comes through and is also protected- can you speak to that please. thank you.
Sure! The translucent is to protect the foil underneath. The trick is knowing when to stop shaving. You also need to know in advance how you plan to finish your piece. Because I sanded & buffed it, I left a little extra clay because the sanding will ‘shave’ off more again. If you’re intending on using Kato liquid clay or resin as a finish, you don’t need the layer of translucent.
I’m doing something different for this months members only, but I will address it again in the video 🥰
Thank you very much.😍
What was that glue you used to adhere the unbaked back to the baked pendant?
I used cernit glue to adhere the back and added locktite super glue to hold the bail in place
@keipfr so the Cernit is like a liquid clay?
@@MichelleFillion-thebeesknees Yes, it's a liquid clay, but it's for adhering raw clay to baked clay. You wouldn't want to use it in your clay or for finishing like other liquid clays. If it says glue or adhesive, it's no supposed to be seen. I hope this makes sense...?
Do you use hollow 3mm buna cord or solid?
All my buna cords are hollow. I go into detail at the end of my previous tutorial 🥰видео.htmlsi=sLCBj3i3N1W-7MOv
@@keipfr Thank you very much.