FOIL ball BURGER for lunch! Kluna Tik Dinner| ASMR sounds no talk Papel aluminio bola ,アルミホイルボール

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • ➜ Made a HAMBURGER out of tin FOIL and decited to EAT it!
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    ➜ Hi, I'm Kluna and together with my venus flytrap we eat funny/absurd meals like: mermaids, soap, cement and much more!
    Today we did the Mirror-Polished Japanese Foil Ball burger Challenge , we crushed Aluminium foil and made a hamburger!
    ➜ WARNING: Eating is NOT real, DON'T try this at home!
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    In this video I make a Japanese polished foil ball burger with cheese and buns by using only aluminum foil!
    This polished foil burger started with a Japanese man who made a ball out of foil, but youtube became obsessed with it and everyone started making them!
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    I made a giant polished ball and burger out of tin foil. This crazy challenge came out of Japan and it looked so delicious I had to try it
    myself. So I made a burger out of foil and heated it in a pan, then I made the buns and a slice of cheese on top.
    It was a little dry so I poured some gold sauce on top of the burger, it was delicious.
    Warning this is not real, don't try this at home.
    These videos contain ASMR sounds like: drinking, swallowing, eating, chewing but no talking
    Hice una bola gigante pulida y una hamburguesa con papel de aluminio. Este desafío loco salió de Japón y parecía tan delicioso que tuve que probarlo
    mí mismo. Así que hice una hamburguesa con papel de aluminio y la calenté en una sartén, luego preparé los bollos y una rodaja de queso encima.
    Estaba un poco seco, así que serví un poco de salsa dorada encima de la hamburguesa, estaba delicioso.
    Advirtiendo que esto no es real, no intentes esto en casa.
    Estos videos contienen sonidos ASMR como: beber, tragar, comer, masticar pero no hablar
    J'ai fait une boule polie géante et un hamburger en feuille d'étain. Ce défi fou est sorti du Japon et il semblait si délicieux que je devais l'essayer
    moi même. J'ai donc fait un hamburger en papier et je l'ai fait chauffer dans une poêle, puis j'ai fait les brioches et une tranche de fromage par-dessus.
    C'était un peu sec donc j'ai versé de la sauce dorée sur le hamburger, c'était délicieux.
    Attention, ce n'est pas réel, ne l'essayez pas à la maison.
    Ces vidéos contiennent des sons ASMR comme: boire, avaler, manger, mâcher mais pas parler
    Я сделал гигантский полированный шар и гамбургер из оловянной фольги. Эта сумасшедшая задача вышла из Японии, и это выглядело так вкусно, что я должен был попробовать
    себя. Поэтому я сделал гамбургер из фольги и нагрел его в кастрюле, затем я сделал булочки и кусочек сыра сверху.
    Это было немного сухим, поэтому я налил себе золотой соус на бургер, это было вкусно.
    Предупреждение, что это не реально, не пробуйте это дома.
    Эти видео содержат звуки ASMR: пить, глотать, есть, жевать, но не говорить
    Jeg lagde en gigantisk polert ball og burger ut av tinnfolie. Denne galne utfordringen kom ut av Japan, og det så så deilig jeg måtte prøve den
    meg selv. Så jeg lagde en burger ut av folie og oppvarmet den i en panne, så lagde jeg boller og et stykke ost på toppen.
    Det var litt tørt så jeg strømmet litt gullsaus på toppen av burgeren, det var deilig.
    Advarsel dette er ikke ekte, prøv ikke dette hjemme.
    Disse videoene inneholder ASMR lyder som: drikker, svelger, spiser, tygger, men ikke snakker
    كرة ورق الألمنيوم كرة
    Boule en aluminium
    Алюминиевая фольга
    Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a euphoric experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine, precipitating relaxation. It has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia.Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) signifies the subjective experience of 'low-grade euphoria' characterized by 'a combination of positie feelings, relaxation, and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin'.It typically begins 'on the scalp' before moving 'down the spine' to the base of the neck, sometimes spreading 'to the back, arms and legs as intensity increases'.

Комментарии • 19 тыс.