LEGO Harry Potter Hagrid's Hut Buckbeak's Rescue 75947 Review!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 227

  • @UTMG
    @UTMG 5 лет назад +115

    I wish this also it came with fang

  • @philipportelli7700
    @philipportelli7700 5 лет назад +82

    Too bad they didn't include Dumbledore but am really surprised that they didn't include Scabbers because he was hiding in Hagrid's Hut which leads to the next scene by the Whomping Willow!

    • @phoenixwillington7329
      @phoenixwillington7329 4 года назад +3

      philip portelli or fang😭

    • @ltn6995
      @ltn6995 4 года назад

      Yay that is really strange.

    • @Willrc57
      @Willrc57 4 года назад +2

      You've got to remember how many ways you can get the newer Dumbledores. There's two in both HP Collectable Minifigure Series' and in the Great Hall set.

    • @ollie7833
      @ollie7833 4 года назад +2

      I know it’s annoying but you can pretend that the chocolate frog is scabbers 😂

  • @VerneditheSnail
    @VerneditheSnail 4 года назад +1

    At 17:47 LOL!!! I enjoy the bits of comedy you include in your videos.

  • @The_token__black
    @The_token__black 3 года назад +1

    love the annunciation of potter

  • @TCDP10
    @TCDP10 5 лет назад +68

    Old Hagrid has molded fingers.
    Let that sink in.

    • @thespoon5403
      @thespoon5403 4 года назад +4

      The ninjago ninjas have printed toes

    • @TCDP10
      @TCDP10 4 года назад +1

      @@thespoon5403 The original hulk had molded toes and all modern big figs have molded fingers

    • @thespoon5403
      @thespoon5403 4 года назад

      TCDP diamond oh yeah I remember that

    • @coltinaragsdala9203
      @coltinaragsdala9203 3 года назад +3

      What does that sink want now?

    • @vincentcordi
      @vincentcordi 3 года назад +1

      @@coltinaragsdala9203 he wants you money

  • @vendingmachinedude6724
    @vendingmachinedude6724 4 года назад +3

    I am getting this set this week. I think it is really nice. The detailing is AWESOME

  • @zone9581
    @zone9581 4 года назад +8

    I just got this set today i think it looks really cool! I cant wait to start building this set!!😁

  • @john1754
    @john1754 5 лет назад +13

    My favorite set of Harry Potter!! I love your videos

  • @locquetbaptiste7852
    @locquetbaptiste7852 5 лет назад +49

    You accidentally switched the executioner’s and fudge’s legs !

  • @archie1205
    @archie1205 5 лет назад +36

    Walden and Fudge’s legs are the wrong way round. Fudge needs Walden’s and Walden needs Fudge’s.

  • @TH3HY3N4
    @TH3HY3N4 5 лет назад +16

    I have no clue what's up with the lightbrick in your set, but mine doesn't bump up the roof at all and it illuminates the fireplace and surrounding area pretty darn well. Also can't really see what's better about the older hagrid's hut in terms of interior detailing, since this one has the layout down way more and has tons more little details, but i guess that's a matter of preference and nostalgia. Nonetheless a great and detailed review with a lot of added goodies, so great job. :)

    • @DashyXI
      @DashyXI 4 года назад +1

      TH3HY3N4 same with mine it lights up pretty well but it does bump the roof up a bit

    • @DezarasPrime
      @DezarasPrime 3 года назад

      Mine's the same: illuminates well, doesn't bump up the roof. I have to lift the panel to press the light button though.

  • @saiparalikar9477
    @saiparalikar9477 4 года назад

    21:01 to 21:24
    . Hmmm, Hagrid's Hut Did Appear Many Times In The First Movie. And Baby Groot At 26:45.

  • @Edwardop
    @Edwardop 5 лет назад +3

    Epic review Jeremy! I bought this set about 2 months ago and it didn’t disappoint me! Its awesome to see reviews of sets that i own :)

  • @bswift166
    @bswift166 3 года назад

    I have this set and I managed to make it fold
    Thanks for making this great video it’s great to watch in the morning

  • @Woodenfan
    @Woodenfan 3 года назад +4

    I'd love to see you review the 2004 set someday :) probably a bit expensive now but it sounds fun.
    Heck, the Hogwarts from that year really sounds like a treat too.

  • @mathildahello9064
    @mathildahello9064 5 лет назад +5

    Good review, well done! Hagrid’s hut was in the first movie he hatched the dragon in it, also he sat outside it whilst playing the flute.

  • @danishscribe
    @danishscribe 4 года назад +1

    I would love to see Rita Skeeter, the Dursleys, and Winky to name a few 😁

  • @tastytraci6564
    @tastytraci6564 Год назад

    Great video I just ordered this to go to my Harry Potter Lego collection 🥰

  • @jb_agri
    @jb_agri 4 года назад +6

    I have the hagrid’s hut set

  • @maisiel3240
    @maisiel3240 5 лет назад +1

    I have been really looking forward to this one I really wanted a hagrids hut and thanks for such a great review 👍👍☀️☀️❤️😋

  • @Jackster8484
    @Jackster8484 4 года назад +2

    Am a bit disappointed that they did not use the Lord of the rings horse body for buckbeack (It does so the horse cal lift there front legs). That feature would have been great for the scene were buckbeak scratches Malfoy .

  • @gustavberg5460
    @gustavberg5460 4 года назад

    Nice set :) i'm getting this for my birthday (25th april) so i needed a rewiew and i knew i could go to you:) thank you!

  • @darkeclipse3102
    @darkeclipse3102 5 лет назад +2

    “Buckbeek the hipagrif that broke malvoyants’s arm its a sham it didn’t break his leg” that made me laugh 😆 😁😂🤣😂😅😅😀😄😆😆☺️☺️

  • @mainlineproductions9419
    @mainlineproductions9419 5 лет назад +31

    26:45 i am starting to get tired of counting every single lego baby groot you hide in your videos

  • @jefferywagner6282
    @jefferywagner6282 5 лет назад +29

    I love it. That means you only have 3 more sets to review. The Knight Bus, Beauxbatons Carriage Arrival at Hogwarts, and The Rise Of Voldemort. Does the Advent Calendar count as a set? If it does, then it makes 4.

    • @jeremyherbertofficial
      @jeremyherbertofficial  5 лет назад +5

      The advent calendar counts. It will be part of a daily advent calendar opening series in December. #nosleepforjeremy

    • @jefferywagner6282
      @jefferywagner6282 5 лет назад +3

      @@jeremyherbertofficial Ok good. Quick Question. If you went to Hogwarts, what would be your Hogwarts House?

    • @jeremyherbertofficial
      @jeremyherbertofficial  5 лет назад +5

      I was sorted into Ravenclaw

    • @jefferywagner6282
      @jefferywagner6282 5 лет назад +2

      @@jeremyherbertofficial Good choice. If it was me, i would want to be in Gryffindor.If i wanted to see any minifigures in series 2, they would be Gilderoy Lockhart, the older Felius Flitwick, Madam Pomfrey, Ginny Weasley in her robes, Rita Skeeter, and mostly Moaning Myrtle just to name a few.

    • @johanboersma6195
      @johanboersma6195 5 лет назад +1

      @@jeremyherbertofficial so, your SMART

  • @mrbje55
    @mrbje55 4 года назад

    Look at the cool play feature on the back at 2:28.

  • @jasondowell8268
    @jasondowell8268 4 года назад +1

    Executioner in the minister of magic have the wrong leg do you need to switch them around

  • @apprenricebrickoflegend
    @apprenricebrickoflegend 5 лет назад +7

    Seems a little small for 60 U.S. dollars. I'll definitely pick it up if I can find it for $50, because all the characters look really cool.

  • @mainlineproductions9419
    @mainlineproductions9419 5 лет назад +1

    Yes it was in the philosephers/sorceres stone

  • @jacobw9227
    @jacobw9227 3 года назад

    I used the holes on the side to hold up buck beak with Harry and Hermione, to make it look like they were flying him

  • @archie1205
    @archie1205 5 лет назад +2

    Yes! You are like the only RUclipsr who said Cornelius Fudge and Walden Macnair!

  • @hfw910skills_6
    @hfw910skills_6 4 года назад

    When u were doing the mini figures u cut off a bit where u put the ecxicutioner’s (sorry about spelling) hood on

  • @phoenixwillington7329
    @phoenixwillington7329 4 года назад

    Hagrid’s hut was in the first film but it was just the front entrance for the exterior, for the interior there was the dining room with the dragon egg

  • @amyoakley1803
    @amyoakley1803 5 лет назад +1

    Another great vid! 🤙🏻 I’ve got the 2010 set that one is personally my fave, what sells this one for me is the buckbeak and the 2 exclusive figures but that’s about it 🙈😂

  • @Sh4ne21
    @Sh4ne21 3 года назад

    I like the way he says there full names

  • @josephmannion1714
    @josephmannion1714 4 года назад

    This set is on its way to me!!!!!!

  • @Gurllitsme
    @Gurllitsme 4 года назад +1

    Jeremy: to bad he didnt break his leg aswell.
    Me: to bad he didnt break his face aswell!!

  • @Harleyman1231
    @Harleyman1231 3 года назад +5

    FYI, Hagrid’s wand was broken when he was expelled, Dumbledore let him keep the pieces, that’s why he can do VERY basic magic

  • @TSLstudio2010
    @TSLstudio2010 3 года назад +2

    Hagrids hut in the first 2 movies looks different from the 3rd movie ;) it didn't had that 2nd hut thing yet. Actually, the first lego version is quite movie accurate.

  • @gibleboi7135
    @gibleboi7135 4 года назад

    i had 2004 version but this version is really gorgeus

  • @okokpt2
    @okokpt2 5 лет назад

    Great video!

  • @BrandosWorld-ef5dq
    @BrandosWorld-ef5dq 2 месяца назад

    Do you have the original Mad eye moody

  • @zenith6013
    @zenith6013 4 года назад

    Love your vids,

  • @stevenstansfield1971
    @stevenstansfield1971 2 года назад

    it was in Movie 1 when Harry,Ron and Hermoine ask hagrid about the stone

  • @cameronross5725
    @cameronross5725 3 года назад

    hi Jeremy, I am thinking of getting a Harry Potter Lego set but and I have £42, but I cant decide if I want the buildable Hedwig and room of requirement or Hagrid hut and thought I should ask your opinion.

    • @jeremyherbertofficial
      @jeremyherbertofficial  3 года назад

      It’s a tough choice Cameron. The buildable Hedwig is an awesome set and I really like The Room of Requirement but Hagrid’s Hut is probably my favorite. Buckbeak is a great addition, as are the MacNair and Fudge minifigures. If you’re into technical builds, go with Hedwig but if you prefer to recreate scenes from the movies, go for Hagrid’s Hut!

    • @cameronross5725
      @cameronross5725 3 года назад

      @@jeremyherbertofficial thank you so much keep up the good work

  • @lilysolomon6966
    @lilysolomon6966 5 лет назад +11

    That’s so weird that you’re light brick didn’t work because mine actually lit up very nicely

  • @browncow8476
    @browncow8476 5 лет назад +2

    I saw Baby Groot again! :D

  • @duckeroni865
    @duckeroni865 5 лет назад +3

    You mixed walden’s and fudge’s legs

  • @Japanesekantaaaaa
    @Japanesekantaaaaa 4 года назад

    Hello! I am Japanese lego and Harry Potter fan!

  • @Tyrelshed123
    @Tyrelshed123 2 года назад

    The light bricks works for me

  • @synrgi
    @synrgi 4 года назад +5

    Best exterior : 2019 version
    Best interior : 2010 version

  • @tango9059
    @tango9059 4 года назад +1

    He said the Executioner was Macnair who in goblet of fire appears at the resserectuion

    • @jeremyherbertofficial
      @jeremyherbertofficial  4 года назад +1

      Correct. Macnair was involved in both.

    • @VerneditheSnail
      @VerneditheSnail 4 года назад

      @@jeremyherbertofficial Even I hadn't noticed that! Great attention to detail, sir!
      @The Escapist *resurrection

  • @robloxman274abc
    @robloxman274abc 3 года назад +1

    I wish they gave hagrid normal minifigure legs. I did put some normal minifigure legs and it made no difference. He would've been a lot better if he had normal legs.

  • @alc_studios
    @alc_studios 5 лет назад

    how much does it cost

  • @NotJohannes1
    @NotJohannes1 5 лет назад +1

    I was you 8 000th subscriber!

  • @GabrielEscobosa
    @GabrielEscobosa 4 года назад

    It would be great to have the 2004, the 2010 and the 2010 set, and mix them creating a bigger and more detailed one. I really like the fireplace and chimney from the 2004 one. I don't quite like the doors from the 2019 one.

  • @johanboersma6195
    @johanboersma6195 5 лет назад


  • @Optimalanimations127
    @Optimalanimations127 3 года назад

    Hagrid's hut was in the first book and the first movie that's the movie where Norbert was born in Hagrid's hut

  • @themixerbros1083
    @themixerbros1083 3 года назад

    i think there should be trees for the frobiden foreset

  • @GabrielEscobosa
    @GabrielEscobosa 4 года назад

    I have the 2004 one, just found it today and assembled it after watching one of your videos. Unfortunately some pieces went missing. I had also 2 sets from 2002, one of the forbidden forest with Aragog and the Whomping Willow, and another with Dobby and Lucius Malfoy, but I don't know where they ended up, must have gone missing as well, sad.

  • @Joystar_XD
    @Joystar_XD 4 года назад

    What’s the name of the music in the speed build

    • @jeremyherbertofficial
      @jeremyherbertofficial  4 года назад

      Happy Haunts by Aaron Kenny -видео.html

    • @Joystar_XD
      @Joystar_XD 4 года назад

      Thank you keep up the good work

  • @soaringemolga7171
    @soaringemolga7171 3 года назад +1

    You swapped the leg pieces for the executioner and Cornelius.

  • @abrildavalos8056
    @abrildavalos8056 4 года назад

    i hope they make fang

  • @tamaravargova2240
    @tamaravargova2240 4 года назад +1

    Only Harry and Hermione use Time Turner!!! No hate, i love this unboxings

  • @whybonwk4171
    @whybonwk4171 5 лет назад

    I'm hoping to see The elf with The horukrux

  • @StopMotionStories
    @StopMotionStories 5 лет назад

    Very nice 👍🙂

  • @lordpreclik7451
    @lordpreclik7451 4 года назад

    Yes,hagrid's hut was in first movie

  • @roccdavs4012
    @roccdavs4012 5 лет назад +1

    I find it annoying that there’s no fang 🐶🐶

  • @JamievanBuuren.
    @JamievanBuuren. 4 года назад

    Wat is the name of the music 3.14

  • @breadley5159
    @breadley5159 3 года назад

    What is wrong with your light brick, mine shines really bright.

  • @reidlyon9388
    @reidlyon9388 4 года назад

    I believe it is in almost all the movie

  • @EmotionalBurritoEnjoyer
    @EmotionalBurritoEnjoyer 4 года назад

    Ik how to replace the batteties in the light thing

  • @Stavr0ss
    @Stavr0ss 3 года назад

    I think you have put corneeleeos rug legs on miner

  • @CattopyTheWeb
    @CattopyTheWeb 4 года назад

    Hi Jeremy, did you switch Hermione Granger's hair 75947 ?

  • @FlipinSneck
    @FlipinSneck 5 лет назад

    Got the set, think it’s awesome

  • @00plac00
    @00plac00 5 лет назад

    Потрясный обзор! Шикарный канал для поклоников ЛЕГО!

  • @mainlineproductions9419
    @mainlineproductions9419 5 лет назад

    27:47 it is 6040 pieces not 6020

  • @builderdabrickshop6701
    @builderdabrickshop6701 4 года назад

    It was in the first movie.

  • @ruby23876
    @ruby23876 4 года назад

    There is something very wrong with your light brick , mine is MUCH more glowing . That is so odd!

  • @squizzzel_kav
    @squizzzel_kav 4 года назад

    It was the first movie when the gang are in Hagrid’s hut and the dragon hatches

  • @girijas3578
    @girijas3578 5 лет назад

    It was in the movie

  • @halanderson7928
    @halanderson7928 4 года назад +1

    Save Bukbeak

  • @phoenixwillington7329
    @phoenixwillington7329 4 года назад

    So no fang?😭

  • @khiyan_sofia4026
    @khiyan_sofia4026 4 года назад +1

    Wait why is Ron here he got bitten and cant come with them??

  • @clarellawler6819
    @clarellawler6819 4 года назад

    It was in first film

  • @ConnerKursave123
    @ConnerKursave123 5 лет назад

    Jeremy the new Lego movie 2 sets are in August

  • @memegold7159
    @memegold7159 5 лет назад +1

    I would say this set is a 7+ because the set isn’t that big

  • @wolfpackproductions7270
    @wolfpackproductions7270 4 года назад

    You switched executioners and Cornelius Fudge’s legs

  • @cOmAtOrAn
    @cOmAtOrAn 4 года назад

    You may have figured this out already, but the instructions for this set include a section at the beginning on how to change the batteries of a light brick.

  • @Tyrelshed123
    @Tyrelshed123 2 года назад

    I have this set

  • @garrettb4277
    @garrettb4277 5 лет назад

    I used to be a Harry Potter MANIAC I still have all the knowledge. I was rewinding in my brain for the Sorcerer’s Stone and Harry Ron and Hermione went out to Hagrids house when Hagrid is hatching Norbert and Hagrid went to kick them out and they screamed “We know about the Sorcerer’s Stone!” Your Welcome

    • @jeremyherbertofficial
      @jeremyherbertofficial  5 лет назад +2

      As well as having a different title for the book, elements of the movie were changed for the USA release including change references from "philosophers stone" to "sorcerers stone" (the actors had to record both lines). There's an interesting thread on Reddit about the differences which also include Dudley having a preference for "hamburger restaurants" in the USA rather than "hamburger bars" in the UK. I bet RUclips will have some videos pointing out all the differences but here's that thread:

    • @garrettb4277
      @garrettb4277 5 лет назад

      Jeremy Herbert wow I never knew that. That’s very interesting

  • @clarellawler6819
    @clarellawler6819 4 года назад

    Can hagrid even get through the door

  • @lazyfox66
    @lazyfox66 3 года назад

    Your light brick is dead for some reason idk why cuz it was a new and sealed set

  • @benjaminthemandmsgeneral5376
    @benjaminthemandmsgeneral5376 2 года назад

    I got this set

  • @lucaslangford8610
    @lucaslangford8610 4 года назад

    Who is waiting for a pivot drive set to come out

  • @t-rexje9100
    @t-rexje9100 4 года назад

    love your nails

  • @Scaroth1979
    @Scaroth1979 4 года назад

    hagrids hut was in the philosophers stone

  • @clarellawler6819
    @clarellawler6819 4 года назад

    If I got the hagrid I'd give him adult legs so then he is bigger

  • @squizzzel_kav
    @squizzzel_kav 4 года назад

    Normal people do call it the Philosophers stone

  • @Tyrelshed123
    @Tyrelshed123 2 года назад

    It comes with a light brick but Iam annoyed that Dumbledore isn’t in the set he was in this scene