[LOST ARK] SOLO SKIP M3 | G3 Kakul Saydon | Remaining Energy Deathblade 92% DMG MVP

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025

Комментарии • 52

  • @dennisweinmann1042
    @dennisweinmann1042 Год назад +4

    Absolute giga chad, wow! I am rerolling to RE as well now!

  • @TheRobinhai
    @TheRobinhai Год назад +1

    Did you guys notice when doing normal rotation after a surge (spincutter > BR > mael > VC > SA ) which will guarantee a full 3 orbs (having 1780+ spec), but if you click Z a split second earlier after SA and enter death trance, sometimes the 3 orbs will not be registered and you only get the 2 orb Cooldown reduction (30%).
    Doing the same exact skill rotation, and don’t immediately click Z after SA, will result in the usual 3 orbs Cool-down. I’m having high ping btw (180+). Not sure if that’s the reason causing delayed registration of the 3 orbs.
    tldr: seems like you cannot immediately click Z after your rotation. Allow some time after the last skill of your rotation so that the 3 orbs register.

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад +1

      Honestly I never experienced something like that, or at least I didn't notice
      I know if u do the same rotation but end with BR as ur last skill u need to side step before activating arts, cause u can skip BR animation with Z before skill even hits and gives u gauge, which is quite funny
      I think high ping might be an issue here indeed

    • @TheRobinhai
      @TheRobinhai Год назад

      @@freevo7912 wow I didn’t know that Z will cause BR to skip animation. Yeah it feels exactly like that. Z skipped SA animation before it even hits and give gauge if I press Z too quickly.
      Anyways I think my solution is to wait maybe 0.5 seconds, or sidestep before clicking Z even I know I’m at full 3 orbs after my rotation.
      Thank you.

    • @accarcher7900
      @accarcher7900 Год назад +1

      I lost 30% of cdr if pressing the z earlier too . Side step is the way to fix it .

    • @TheRobinhai
      @TheRobinhai Год назад

      @@accarcher7900 now I use SA first then VC. Mael > SA > VC > Z

    • @nostrahazer8970
      @nostrahazer8970 Год назад +1

      I think thats a ping issue. I also experienced that every damn time and yes my ping also 250ms+

  • @tamurahmed2436
    @tamurahmed2436 Год назад

    Crazy vid bro! Keep it up! Can you do a setup build for your RE? Surge is so overrated ! RE looks so fun seeing u run it

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад +3

      Yep, I will make a showcase soon

  • @antkdeafology
    @antkdeafology Год назад

    Sir, my 1622 db friend today was having trouble solo skipping m3 in clown. So I linked him your video and he told me to unalive myself (ingame ofc)

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      Huuuuh, sir I think Im missing context here, this video is from Kayangel release times

    • @antkdeafology
      @antkdeafology 11 месяцев назад

      @@freevo7912 Hahaha sorry, it was just a joke comment. My friend was 1622 on DB and he was running clown for some mokokos, and he was having trouble solo skipping M3 and M4 in G3 clown (struggling to do enough damage). To taunt him as a joke, I linked him your video where you're doing this as RE and much undergeared compared to 1622 (since this video is from 7 months ago, around kaya as you mentioned).
      He told me to unalive myself afterwards, as a joke response to me linking your video.
      That's the context, hopefully it was funny.

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  11 месяцев назад

      @@antkdeafology LOL, u are not a good friend, arent u? XD

  • @jorditaveras3627
    @jorditaveras3627 Год назад

    Good video man, if i just have lv 8 gems its not worth it to switch to RE right?

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      It depends, I wouldn't swap without full page of lvl 10 cd gems, but u can still play it, it's not impossible, try it out in Trixion and see if u like it :)

  • @rarelovell1093
    @rarelovell1093 Год назад +1

    You have RE3/CD3/AM3/Grudge3/SC3/adrenaline 1
    Right ?

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      Yep, exactly, with full 10 gems

    • @rarelovell1093
      @rarelovell1093 Год назад +1

      @@freevo7912 Im thinking of doing the same but I hate playing with Cursed doll 💀
      Problem is kbw isnt worth it with adrenaline 1 unless I have a 100 crit + precise on my bracelet or something.. ugh

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      @@rarelovell1093 KBW isn't worth it for Entropy classes in general, u need close to 100% crit rate to get similar dmg increase as u would get from Cursed Doll

    • @vasilispapadakis4922
      @vasilispapadakis4922 Год назад

      ​​@@freevo7912f you don't have lvl 10 gems but instead lvl 7s can u perform the same? I'm playing surge since start but re seems fun too coz of supercharge and easier to hit back attack imo + the build is better coz of adrenaline 1 instead of ep 1. Even tho idk your ilvl and stuff I'm 1580

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      @@vasilispapadakis4922 I tried full lvl 7 gems in Trixion with the same setup I have right now and sadly I need to say it feels kinda bad, higher cooldown gems really make RE go completely wild

  • @kesax787
    @kesax787 Год назад +1

    Is it possible to show ur gear ?

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      1580 with 22 weapon and full 10 gems in the video here

    • @kesax787
      @kesax787 Год назад

      Ty ! is it possible to show ur gear in ur future vid ? I'm playing db too and learn few things with ur vid @@freevo7912

  • @RoninRyae
    @RoninRyae Год назад

    GigaREchad Freevo

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      When are u swapping ur blade to RE

    • @RoninRyae
      @RoninRyae Год назад

      @@freevo7912 when i find gold xD

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      @@RoninRyae XD

  • @valeriucaduc9388
    @valeriucaduc9388 Год назад

    did u swap from Surge to RE?

  • @zedmania6350
    @zedmania6350 Год назад +1

    The Difference Between LvL 10 Gem vs Other Gems HAHA!

  • @lambofreaky
    @lambofreaky Год назад

    Man, how is strong is ur db, holy!! Congrats

  • @Renzo_Martinez
    @Renzo_Martinez Год назад

    Maybe show your gear+build+gems? Insane dps.

  • @drgremory5275
    @drgremory5275 Год назад

    cries in swiftness reaper
    tbh i wonder if i could do it too lol

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      Try it out then

    • @drgremory5275
      @drgremory5275 Год назад

      @@freevo7912 almost :deadge: 7bars

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      @@drgremory5275 close, just needs a bit more gear :)

  • @rushdrift
    @rushdrift Год назад

    I'm tired of playing surge, surge is shit in kayengel I cant damage, I would rather trade consistent dps than gambling all dmg in 1 skill, everytime I want to surge the boss doesnt have his back towards or basically jumping out doing random pattern, also in G5 brel hard surge sucks when you want to damage but you have to keep your stack also be aware to get your shape its anoying, I really want to change to RE but right now I dont have the gold to do it T.T

  • @tomenart
    @tomenart Год назад +2

    :/ im confused how did you skip M3/M4 "on your own" when the bard buffed and went in to M3 before you wiped

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад +3

      Cause the other dps died, and if I wouldn't kill it there it would end up as a restart, why do I even need to explain it

    • @tomenart
      @tomenart Год назад +2

      @@freevo7912 well you didnt kill it on your own is what im saying lol. Clearly we have different understandings of what solo means

  • @elityordis1533
    @elityordis1533 Год назад +1

    RE competes with Surge having the gems at 10, but I still think that Surge wins is battle really, only RE is more comfortable and consistent.

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад +6

      I play a full roster of 6 deathblades, I had 5 of them on Surge, including my main and 1 of my alts was RE and I cannot agree with ur opinion from my personal point of view
      At my lvl of investment RE is outperforming Surge by a ton and is better in every scenario u can think off
      RE has higher dpc than Surge, and way easier accesible burst, u can check my atropine dps, I did 600 mil dmg in 10 seconds with ulti, without any specific setup and during bingo window I did 620 mil without ulti and with 0 gauge, by just pressing atro
      Other than RE having higher dps, higher dpc, way easier accessible burst it also does way better stagger, weakpoint and ur teammates love u for maelstrom uptime
      RE doesnt compete, RE owes the competition
      Still, I could agree 100% if it was for low investment on both specs

    • @luphyjr
      @luphyjr Год назад

      @@freevo7912i have both build atm,, my opinion is, it really depends on what raid u do ,, in some raid, RE> Surge,, but not in every raid,, as u said if we just doing burst 10s/mech phasing, RE will outperform surge, as surge stacks release on 13-15s,, but in longer raid like brel g6, Surge will shines there.. it is like u compare Igniter who always be one of Queen on doing 10s burst, compared to Surge,, yet,still Surge will outperform igniter in longer raid.. me personally think Surge>Re in higher content (i take out Kayangel Gate4 in this list, it is pain in the ass for Surge there), Re>Surge in lower content like vykas,kakul,valtan ,etc when we doing damage and boss doing mech phasing faster.. just my 2 cents. @,@v

    • @freevo7912
      @freevo7912  Год назад

      @@luphyjr Hmm, I can agree when u say Surge will usually outperform RE in longer raids IN GENERAL but I can't apply this opinion to myself hahaha
      I played both of them in all content and I achieved better results with Remaining in every single raid so far

  • @abdelrahmanrashed2534
    @abdelrahmanrashed2534 Год назад +1

    pls stop uploading, you are raising the RE books and i want it to go lower ♥