Personally, I love when a sermon is longer, so long as it's an actual sermon with some meat to chew on and not just the pastor breaking into song every 10 minutes and dancing around the pulpit or just sharing personal stories that have nothing to do with the message. I'm here to be fed the Word of God and to learn about my faith so that I can walk more closely and humbly with Him while spreading His gospel. If I want to be entertained by singing, dancing and comedy I'll go watch a Disney movie or a stand-up special. Church is for the education and edification of the flock so that we can go out into the world better equipped to bring the lost to salvation, and that's one of the many things I appreciate about these sermons, they do exactly that. Not once so far have I finished one of these uploads and not have some new revelation or idea to meditate and pray on.
Finally someone said about nowadays prophets who have become like sorcerers or witches I don’t how to call them, people are going to them asking what God says about them,their businesses whatever one is interested in knowing the truth, that as long as someone comes to you and say “God told me “ to be honest I don’t even know it’s too much
I always used to use that in the beginning of my walk (August 2014) “eat the meat and spit out the bones” , especially when you’re listening to a preacher that you’re not too fond about but there’s some things that he is preaching that is correct, just thought that was cool. And yes we HAVE to be bereans AND ALWAYS go to the Word to make sure what was preached was correct And that’s so funny how you mentioned how pastors/preachers have made mistakes, I was listening to Pastor Charles Lawson the other day and I forgot exactly what he said, but he made a mistake and usually he catches himself like most do , but this time he didn’t and I just laughed, I’m sure if he watched it, he would’ve realized Blessings and just subscribed to this channel because I love listening to Pastor Voddie 🙏🏼🙌🏼✝️🔥⚔️👑
Thank you so much for this!! I was so tired of hearing God told me to tell you!!! They are never right about me either. They encourage this in the Charismatic church. Feeling over the Word of God. I think not!!
God is never changing, his shadow stays the same, my understanding. He gave clear guidance to ancient followers, I don't see why He would stop. The gift of discernment is a real and present gift. Discerning the Spirit of God should be among the forefront of every hope in people. Sola scriptora seems to turn some acts in a people's lives into purely coincidental events that just so happened to work out for God's favor? Idk, this sermon raises many questions inside.
But afterwards, Jesus found him in the Temple and told him, “Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you.” John 5:14 NLT I am praying for the Minister. Whom I love...He'll come back to humility. Like Paul Washer is now doing...for the Holy Spirit will speak to him, if he doesn't harden his heart and mind. With kingdom love.
Amen! We all need to constantly challenge what we think we know against what the Truth is. The fastest way a preacher can lose my trust is to tell me to not question him, that he knows better than I do about the Word. There are a lot of people out there who are more educated than I am about the Bible and it's history, but that doesn't make them infallible - cults start when someone thinks their interpretation of the Word is the "only true" interpretation and they punish anyone who challenges or questions them.
Your bible is a vile nonsense that our laws protect our children from exposure to, in our schools. Unlike in the weird US, other than dangerous religious texts, we don’t ban books from our libraries or schools.
Really enjoyed this ,..but clearly a further reading of the next few verses in the context of scripture it is revealed that clearly it was CHRIST and 2 angels...matter of fact it was the same 2 angels that went to get lot and his family out of sodom..
Look at yourself for a second, without a mirror you cannot see yourself, God can see Himself because He places Himself wherever He wants to be, you on the other hand can only see the things that He has created. A.H.I
Mr. Baucham , I found you a few months ago on you tube. Sir thank you . I listen to you everyday . You do an amazing service , I would love to hear the word of God from you in person. . God truly blessed me when I found you . Again Thank You
So if you got a dream or a vision to deliver a message to someone, isn't that by the Spirit of God? Would that be wrong to say God told you to deliver that message?
There are multiple places in the old testament that The Lord is referred to like Abraham did. I have always believed that Abraham was talking to Our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST and he knew it wasn't GOD Himself but he also knew it was the LORD. David brings up this in Psalms multiple times and it is referring to JESUS CHRIST.
@@heathersnowball1772 It is GOD the Father, GOD the son and GOD the Holy Spirit. The Trinity, HE is one in three persons. When JESUS CHRIST cried "My GOD, My GOD why hast thou forsaken me" on the cross is because GOD's spirit had to leave HIM for HIM to be fully human and die for our sins, not HIS sins. "He who had no sin took on sin to die in our place, once and for all." Why would JESUS CHRIST pray to GOD the Father and say things like " If you have seen me, you have seen the Father?" GOD tells Moses "you can not look upon my face for you will surely die." Everyone looked at JESUS CHRIST's face, HE is the spirit of GOD on earth in human form. You have to seperate the 3 spirits at certain times throughout the Bible like John 1:1, JESUS CHRIST the spirit was there in the beginning before the earth was formed. Luke 10:18 And HE said unto them, "I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven." This was JESUS CHRIST the spirit during the war in Heaven when GOD kicked Satan out of Heaven to the void earth. That is why Satan was already there before GOD made Adam and EVE. He and his angels have already been kicked out of Heaven.
Dear sir; are you guilty before God? I'm being a Barean - who are you? A Dr in what? I have been told you are a great preacher but before i commit i would like to question you, if i may.
I have a legitimate question...... I mean this from the bottom of my heart and I would really like an answer. My wife cheated on me and I fought to not get divorce for a little while, I wanted reconciliation. A couple of months later in a Sermon called Mosaic.....I heard GOD tell me to move on because she didn't want reconsilation. It was as clear as water. Scripture was given and Phillipians 3 was what the Message was on. After all this years the Promise of those verses have become truth, the future I am living now is much better than the present at the moment. And she moved on and never wanted reconciliation. Now after hearing this message I wonder.....if what I heard was wrong. If the message given with Scripture and the way I heard it was just my own biases. I know GOD hates divorce but I also know GOD doesn't force his way into others. What should I think about my experience?
Me too. I hope that pastor Voddie will clarify. As I recall him saying that God confirmed that Lusaka was the place for his next assignment (maybe I heard it wrong). How do we navigate in this world without the Holy Spirit guiding us in specific situations?
I disagree, quit strongly, that The Spirit of God doesn't nudge us through life to particular directions and circumstances. Nudging IS speaking. I get that people could and would be afraid of being decieved, for good reason, however, that guidance can be easily affirmed by judging by the understood characteristics of God. He won't have us off doing anything outside of His own character. His will is unfathomable but yet and still, He can and does use us for His own good will. Watering, nurturing and harvesting is all under the direction of God.
And speaking of prejudice toward a pastor, you can also say the word bias, which can be biased toward or biased against. You need to hear the word of God but being doctrinally sound is very important and if a pastor is not that and you’re going because you’re like the guy, then that’s not the right reason to be there. Well, he went and said exactly what I was saying. I’ll just shut up and listen.
We have to be careful to think we have God figured out. I respectfully disagree with some of these points due to the fact that he is putting God in a box. He mentioned it in the beginning, we are not perfect but we need to be mindful to encourage people into a place that we are controlling the narrative of Gods revelation to us. Praying for all those listening and that the Holy Spirit, the one Jesus left behind, why? To comfort and teach us. Why would Jesus say that if we humans have this Bible figured out? Be blessed youtube community
Asking humbly... but in what other instance is sharing truths about God from Scripture referred to as "putting God in a box"? When He has revealed to us aspects of His nature through His Word, we don't say that that's limiting Him. He has simply chosen to share certain things with us and not others. God can do anything He wants but He also does not lie... so therefore, His Word will never contradict our reality and God's presence in it 🙏💜
What about this Holy Spirit living in me directing me. He doesn't talk me? If he revealed something to me that didn't agree with the word of God it would not be the holy spirit. Do you not believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? What does he do in you if he doesn't speak in some way to your heart and mind? No, people shouldn't say God told them something rashly but if it is really the Holy spirit he will be speaking the word to me from the Bible. Be careful and clarify what you say so you don't preach heresy and discourage people from witnessing to others. Otherwise you will have people thinking they can't witness to people until they have the entire Bible memorized!
As much as we know Voddie is a good teacher but that line you just pointed out i don’t think is heresy, I know is heresy. Just as you say, Holy Spirit is dwelling in us and guides us through trials and life and often times we hear His voice telling us what we need to do in order to get through and wait for His deliverance. I don’t know if he really meant something else but that’s what he had given the impression as to think that we cannot have personal revelations meantime he does say in the sermon that you cannot know God unless he reveals Himself to you. But may I ask, how is he revealing to ourselves unless through revelation? Reading the word is not personal revelation, is food for the soul.
Acts chapter 2 the 17th verse "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my spirit on all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:" According to what you said in your message, when this happens we shouldn't tell anyone or at least not mention where we heard it for fear of heresy! I sincerely want to know your explanation on this matter because up to now I believed I could rely on your messages for the truth but if you deny scripture it is as heretical as if you try to add to it and I would not listen to another word from you. No offense meant but we have to test what is said/ preached in the name of God!
All these things you are talking about happened before the scripture was closed off by the writing of Revelation. At the end of revelation it warns that anyone who tries to add to the words of scripture or take away, will have great punishment Rev 22:18-19. Scripture also teaches that the Word is completely sufficient. The moment we begin saying “God revealed something to me that is new and not from scripture”, the Bible becomes insufficient because God needed new revelation to instruct us. The Holy Spirit convicting our hearts or “nudging” us as you say, is not nearly the same as scripture, which is the point Voddie is making. It is not authoritative in the way scripture is. The best you can do is say “I think this is what God wants me to do” and thats good for you, but it has no authority over anyone else. For instance, no one can say “God told me we should no longer do this” and then claim we must add it to the list of commands we have from scripture. What God commands is in scripture and if its not, then its never going to be. We simply would not prescribe authority to it because it is not the authoritative, divine revelation that God has given us in scripture. Therefore, to take some nudging from the Holy Spirit and then say that “thus saith the Lord” would be heresy because God said everything He needed and wanted to say in the Bible so you are claiming God has said something that He really Has not. I hope this helps. Not a great explanation but I tried to reiterate very Biblical, and trustworthy teaching I have heard in the past. Much love, God bless.
@@ogbassfishing2428 For clarification, I never said that if God reveals something that it should be added to scripture. I do believe that scripture is enough, but that God can still speak to something in our lives that would be confirmed using scripture. Scripture should always be first but I firmly believe that anything that He has created can point us to the Creator. Love Voddie and lean toward reformed pastors when seeking doctrinally sound sermons, but there's literally no way that I could be a cessationist because of how God brought me to where I am today as a born again Christian, and has spoken to me since childhood that aligns with scripture. God bless you too and thanks for adding to the conversation!
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I am not sure your response was to my comment though. I nor any other responder mentioned any “nudging us as you say”. While your response is well worded and has Bible references it appears to be directed at what you are thinking I am thinking and not what I am actually thinking. My suggestion would be to start with questions to gain understanding instead of espousing responses you have heard others state as you attempt to replicate their answer to a question that you think is the same. So let’s start (I’ll be using the NIV but the same goes for many other translations as well) Question 1) Where does it say in Revelation 22:18-19 “add to the words of scripture or take away”? In Revelation 22:18-19 the writer mentions “this book” four times and “this book of prophecy” two times. The writer begins the introduction of Revelation by stating “the words of this prophecy” (Revelation 1:3). As the writer begins to close out the book of Revelation the writer states “the prophecy in this book” (Revelation 22:7). The book, or rather scroll as it would have been at the time it was written, of Revelation was a letter to be circulated to those following “the way” as encouragement during a time of great persecution. The Bible as we know it today did not exist. It’s quite possible that followers of the Way only heard this letter and no others. It’s also possible that Revelation wasn’t even the last book written by John (there is evidence that John wrote the Book of John after Revelation as there is vice versa). Question 2) If we want to hold strongly to the belief that Revelation 22:18-19 seals the deal on any more being added to scripture then what do we do about the writers of Deuteronomy, Proverbs? The writer of Deuteronomy which was written ia 1,000+ years before Revelation), specifically Deuteronomy 4:2, states, to not add or subtract the commands of God given to the Israelites. To go along with that, the writer of Proverbs 30:6 (who wrote much later than The writer of Deuteronomy and way before Revelation) specifically states to not add to the words of God. Again these are books that were written a long long time before Revelation was written yet they have similar warnings. Question 3) When we pray to God for answers/guidance/help and the result is something that He knows is for our best, isn’t that Devine revelation? We may dismiss it, misread it, or be completely oblivious to it but that doesn’t mean God didn’t give provision out of His love for us to be more like Him to in turn being more people to Him (His glory). I may make an investment thinking that God told me to do that and then lose all my money…and that may have been exactly what God wanted! Just because it doesn’t produce what I/the world sees as good means that God sees it as good. I can know all the stories of the Bible and know their application to other people but if I do not know God, if I don’t love Him - the Bible is just another self-help book. Certainly God has provided us His words and we are to follow them. But to limit His power to only being able to teach through a book is, well, limiting. Yes, we are to test the spirits (1 John 4:2-3), hold everything up to the truths of scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:21 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17), and contend for the faith (Jude 3); but we must not put God in a box as the Pharisees did in not believing that the messiah was to first come as a sacrifice and then a warrior. Remember the Pharisees were the foremost knowledgeable scholars on scripture at that time. They spent their lives studying, yet they were wrong. I could be too. So, please pray for me, yourself, and all those seeking God. We need it. Numbers 6:24-26
on tight budget or I would re subscribe to U-Tube Without advertisements . TRULY TRULY I TELL YOU , Yuk 99.9% of ads are so evident of human falleness bunch of info I dont care to hear about from face creams to diet etc.... I do not care to know nothing other than TRUTH aka GODS WORD!
When your children or grandchildren are old enough to be taught about God, You and your spouse must tell the truths of reformed Calvinism to your children. You must be honest and tell them what you believe about God: Little Johnny, God has predestined the minority of people to be saved and go to heaven forever, and He has predestined the majority of people to be eternally damned and burn in the fires of hell. We have no idea, little Johnny, if God has predestined you to be forever damned or forever saved. We love you, little Johnny, but we accept the fact that God might not love you, and that He may have plans to send you to hell for your future sins. If you do find yourself one day burning in hell because He hasn’t elected to save you, just remember that we will always love you, even if God hates you. Take comfort knowing that we are not like God. We will be in heaven forever only because we were unconditionally chosen for salvation before we were born. That would be the only reason that we won’t be in hell with you if you find yourself there. It won’t be because of anything we did. So also take comfort in knowing that. It may not seem fair, but who are we to judge God? So again, if you find yourself in hell, remember that we will always love you as we forever worship the God who loved us but who hated you, the God who sent His Son to die for us but not for you. Please, we ask, don’t let it bother you-if you find yourself in hell-that we love the God who hated you and showed you no mercy. We must accept the fact that God is sovereign, and He does what He pleases. Will you teach that to your children or grandchildren? Watch their spiritual progress over the ensuing years. I suspect that your answer will be “never.” But why not? Its easy to call yourself a Calvinist but when it comes to saying it anyone can see the hideousness of it. TRUTH IN LOVE
You seem to be under the impression that God owes you something; that He must bow to your own understanding of what morality is. What you are forgetting is that His ways are above your ways; His thoughts above your thoughts. Do you not understand that NO ONE deserves heaven. Instead of being mad that some aren’t saved, rejoice that any even are. We should all go to hell, its what we have earned. Its by the grace of God that some come to Him despite the fact that our nature is wholly and completely opposed to Him. Shall the clay say to the potter “why have you made me like this”. Who are you, oh man, to question God; to attempt to confine Him to your definition of right and wrong? If you have read the scriptures, you have ignored what was so plainly stated because it did not meet your fallen presuppositions. No man comes to Jesus unless the Father draws Him John 6:44. Acts 13:48 states that as many were appointed to salvation out of the present group believed. These scriptures and many others point directly towards what you falsely claim is not taught. Pray for discernment; pray that the Lord would remind you that He is God, and you are not; that you were be able to read what is written, not what you wish was written. Pray that the Lord would have mercy on you and help you to believe.
@@ogbassfishing2428 Its always the self convinced 'Elect"pride of Calvinist that preach nothing but. We are saved and you are not. Too bad so sad I am glad that I am not you! A tow year old could say what you said. It's foolishness and shallow. Lordship salvation = God gives salvation, to some while everyone else is chosen to go to hell. Proof text: “We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is fore-ordained for some, eternal damnation for others.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5) Calvinism salvation = Your either picked to go to Heaven or picked to go to hell by God. Proof text: “God arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death and are to glorify him by their destruction.”( John Calvin Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6) Reformed Theology = Most people are barred from Heaven by God and chosen for hell by God. Proof text : “…salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5) Lordship salvation = Calvinism = Reformed Theology All = heresy and another gospel!
@@truth7416 even if you had actual authority and reason to claim that I was unsaved and that my convictions were wrong, there is absolutely no excuse for the way you are acting. You exhibit no love towards those you agree with, only alienation and hatred. To say “too bad so sad” about someone you belive to be unsaved is the exact opposite of Christ-like behavior. You claim calvinistic views are evil and yet you yourself are glad that I am “unsaved”. Calvinists are not glad that some are not saved, but it seems you are. This is no way to win someone to Christ and if that is not the intent of a debate with someone you deem unsaved, then you have missed your mark as a Christian by miles. Repent. Ask God to give you love for others and may God have mercy and give you what you ask for.
@@ogbassfishing2428 You have twisted my words to mean the opposite I intended? I have no authority to judge any ones salvation. But! we are commanded to judge those who claim to be in the church. You said "You exhibit no love towards those you agree with, only alienation and hatred." I love all those who are saved and all those who are not saved. Why do you think I would bother doing what I am doing. I have a burning hatred for false religion, who are leading people away from the cross and salvation that is offered to them! We are commanded to mark out false teachers and expose the yeast of heresy moving in almost every modern church. “too bad so sad” That is the attitude of cult members towards those who reject their system. That is not me. You said "You claim calvinistic views are evil and yet you yourself are glad that I am “unsaved”" I did not say that, Calvinism is evil and it is my purpose to expose it for what it is to those who follow it. Many are waking up through my and many others ministry on these demonic sites and turning to the Lord Jesus Christ. You said "This is no way to win someone to Christ" That statement cannot be made by a true Calvinist. That is double speak! Calvinism is totally against it : Listen to the founder of Calvinism. No one can win anyone according to John Calvin. Proof text: “We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is fore-ordained for some, eternal damnation for others.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5) Calvinism salvation = Your either picked to go to Heaven or picked to go to hell by God. Proof text: “God arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death and are to glorify him by their destruction.”( John Calvin Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6) Reformed Theology = Most people are barred from Heaven by God and chosen for hell by God. Proof text : “…salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5) Truth in love (sincerely)
Here is a Reformed 5-Point Calvinist song you will enjoy singing. It is all the rage in deformed circles right now! "Jesus loves me, this I know. As for you, I don't think so. Only some to Him belong. We are right and you are wrong. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! But I hope this isn't effervescent grace that I'm walking in and instead I'm actually deceived and one of the reprobates that He created to burn as a candle for His glory in Hell forever." Calvinism IS addressed in the Bible as the following states. Calvinism "The different Gospel!" Calvinism " The perverted Gospel!" Calvinism "Under a curse!" Calvinism "Under God's curse!" I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! Galatians 1:6-9 Truth in love to the enemy's of the cross.
Personally, I love when a sermon is longer, so long as it's an actual sermon with some meat to chew on and not just the pastor breaking into song every 10 minutes and dancing around the pulpit or just sharing personal stories that have nothing to do with the message. I'm here to be fed the Word of God and to learn about my faith so that I can walk more closely and humbly with Him while spreading His gospel. If I want to be entertained by singing, dancing and comedy I'll go watch a Disney movie or a stand-up special. Church is for the education and edification of the flock so that we can go out into the world better equipped to bring the lost to salvation, and that's one of the many things I appreciate about these sermons, they do exactly that. Not once so far have I finished one of these uploads and not have some new revelation or idea to meditate and pray on.
Finally someone said about nowadays prophets who have become like sorcerers or witches I don’t how to call them, people are going to them asking what God says about them,their businesses whatever one is interested in knowing the truth, that as long as someone comes to you and say “God told me “ to be honest I don’t even know it’s too much
I always used to use that in the beginning of my walk (August 2014) “eat the meat and spit out the bones” , especially when you’re listening to a preacher that you’re not too fond about but there’s some things that he is preaching that is correct, just thought that was cool. And yes we HAVE to be bereans AND ALWAYS go to the Word to make sure what was preached was correct
And that’s so funny how you mentioned how pastors/preachers have made mistakes, I was listening to Pastor Charles Lawson the other day and I forgot exactly what he said, but he made a mistake and usually he catches himself like most do , but this time he didn’t and I just laughed, I’m sure if he watched it, he would’ve realized
Blessings and just subscribed to this channel because I love listening to Pastor Voddie 🙏🏼🙌🏼✝️🔥⚔️👑
Id love for Voddie to do a sermon with THIS message toward female "pastors"
Thanks be given to our God for his Special Revelation. May his word be kept in our minds and our acts testify of it. Amen
Praise God for His word
I sure love this study. Helps I'm reading along _ahead
Praise God
Very good sermon thank God for faithful men like Voddie
Praise God for His Grace and Mercy
Love you Voddie
Praise God for His word
Thankful To be able to hear a good lesson on My way to work and at work😇💗🙏
You are so welcome
Thank you so much for this!! I was so tired of hearing God told me to tell you!!! They are never right about me either. They encourage this in the Charismatic church. Feeling over the Word of God. I think not!!
To God be the Glory
Oh Lord Yahweh Yeshua how blessed I am, may I honor You humbly!
Thanks for listening
Very good.
Thank you, God.
Thank you, Rev Baucham.
Glad you enjoyed it
God is never changing, his shadow stays the same, my understanding. He gave clear guidance to ancient followers, I don't see why He would stop. The gift of discernment is a real and present gift. Discerning the Spirit of God should be among the forefront of every hope in people. Sola scriptora seems to turn some acts in a people's lives into purely coincidental events that just so happened to work out for God's favor? Idk, this sermon raises many questions inside.
Thanks for listening
Truly, perplexing.
But afterwards, Jesus found him in the Temple and told him, “Now you are well; so stop sinning, or something even worse may happen to you.”
John 5:14 NLT
I am praying for the Minister. Whom I love...He'll come back to humility. Like Paul Washer is now doing...for the Holy Spirit will speak to him, if he doesn't harden his heart and mind. With kingdom love.
Thanks for listening
Thank God for this study as I am doing a deep dive into the book of Genesis.
Exodus 15:3 KJV
*The LORD is a man of war:* the LORD is his name.
Thanks for listening
Preachers are not infallible and the audience either. We all depend on God's love and mercy
Praise God for His Grace and Mercy
Amen! We all need to constantly challenge what we think we know against what the Truth is.
The fastest way a preacher can lose my trust is to tell me to not question him, that he knows better than I do about the Word. There are a lot of people out there who are more educated than I am about the Bible and it's history, but that doesn't make them infallible - cults start when someone thinks their interpretation of the Word is the "only true" interpretation and they punish anyone who challenges or questions them.
God’s Word, the Holy Bible is:
Praise God for His word
Your bible is a vile nonsense that our laws protect our children from exposure to, in our schools. Unlike in the weird US, other than dangerous religious texts, we don’t ban books from our libraries or schools.
I’m a bit overwhelmed of how much the Lord Jesus loves me. Lord, thank you ❤❤❤
Your comment is so obsequious as to sound nauseating and pathetic.
Really enjoyed this ,..but clearly a further reading of the next few verses in the context of scripture it is revealed that clearly it was CHRIST and 2 angels...matter of fact it was the same 2 angels that went to get lot and his family out of sodom..
Thanks for listening
Look at yourself for a second, without a mirror you cannot see yourself, God can see Himself because He places Himself wherever He wants to be, you on the other hand can only see the things that He has created.
Semper Reformanda
Ive never seen anything proven to have been created by a god.
If this sermon offended you I sincerely hope you repent 🙏🏼
Thank You Father for your servant and his obedience. I would ask you to please let the video continue through the prayer thank you 🙏🏼
Mr. Baucham , I found you a few months ago on you tube. Sir thank you . I listen to you everyday . You do an amazing service , I would love to hear the word of God from you in person. . God truly blessed me when I found you . Again Thank You
The title of this sermon ) : is what attracted me here to listen.
So if you got a dream or a vision to deliver a message to someone, isn't that by the Spirit of God? Would that be wrong to say God told you to deliver that message?
Ohhh dear, Voddie lost me here. 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for listening
So is he saying God doesn’t speak to us through the Holy Spirit living in the Christian
Thanks for listening
There are multiple places in the old testament that The Lord is referred to like Abraham did. I have always believed that Abraham was talking to Our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST and he knew it wasn't GOD Himself but he also knew it was the LORD. David brings up this in Psalms multiple times and it is referring to JESUS CHRIST.
Abraham believed and it was credited to him as righteousness
Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior, IS God himself. Scripture clearly teaches this..
@@heathersnowball1772 It is GOD the Father, GOD the son and GOD the Holy Spirit. The Trinity, HE is one in three persons. When JESUS CHRIST cried "My GOD, My GOD why hast thou forsaken me" on the cross is because GOD's spirit had to leave HIM for HIM to be fully human and die for our sins, not HIS sins. "He who had no sin took on sin to die in our place, once and for all." Why would JESUS CHRIST pray to GOD the Father and say things like " If you have seen me, you have seen the Father?" GOD tells Moses "you can not look upon my face for you will surely die." Everyone looked at JESUS CHRIST's face, HE is the spirit of GOD on earth in human form. You have to seperate the 3 spirits at certain times throughout the Bible like John 1:1, JESUS CHRIST the spirit was there in the beginning before the earth was formed. Luke 10:18 And HE said unto them, "I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven." This was JESUS CHRIST the spirit during the war in Heaven when GOD kicked Satan out of Heaven to the void earth. That is why Satan was already there before GOD made Adam and EVE. He and his angels have already been kicked out of Heaven.
Dear sir; are you guilty before God? I'm being a Barean - who are you? A Dr in what? I have been told you are a great preacher but before i commit i would like to question you, if i may.
Thanks for listening
Paul did not know the principles for the attention span either, hahaha
Thanks for listening
Anyone else get the Unitarian RUclips add in the middle of this? SMH.
I have a legitimate question......
I mean this from the bottom of my heart and I would really like an answer.
My wife cheated on me and I fought to not get divorce for a little while, I wanted reconciliation.
A couple of months later in a Sermon called Mosaic.....I heard GOD tell me to move on because she didn't want reconsilation. It was as clear as water. Scripture was given and Phillipians 3 was what the Message was on.
After all this years the Promise of those verses have become truth, the future I am living now is much better than the present at the moment. And she moved on and never wanted reconciliation.
Now after hearing this message I wonder.....if what I heard was wrong. If the message given with Scripture and the way I heard it was just my own biases.
I know GOD hates divorce but I also know GOD doesn't force his way into others.
What should I think about my experience?
Thanks for listening
@@gfbc1689 that's hardly an answer
I’m trying to unpack the idea that G-d doesn’t speak to us directly.
He speaks to us directly through His word
Me too.
I hope that pastor Voddie will clarify. As I recall him saying that God confirmed that Lusaka was the place for his next assignment (maybe I heard it wrong).
How do we navigate in this world without the Holy Spirit guiding us in specific situations?
Do you imagine your imaginary god to have a U.S. accent?
I disagree, quit strongly, that The Spirit of God doesn't nudge us through life to particular directions and circumstances. Nudging IS speaking. I get that people could and would be afraid of being decieved, for good reason, however, that guidance can be easily affirmed by judging by the understood characteristics of God. He won't have us off doing anything outside of His own character. His will is unfathomable but yet and still, He can and does use us for His own good will. Watering, nurturing and harvesting is all under the direction of God.
I disagree strongly, God doesn't tell people to do things.He simply impresses them thru the Holy Spirit.Thats why he was sent.
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And speaking of prejudice toward a pastor, you can also say the word bias, which can be biased toward or biased against.
You need to hear the word of God but being doctrinally sound is very important and if a pastor is not that and you’re going because you’re like the guy, then that’s not the right reason to be there.
Well, he went and said exactly what I was saying. I’ll just shut up and listen.
Thanks for listening
We have to be careful to think we have God figured out. I respectfully disagree with some of these points due to the fact that he is putting God in a box. He mentioned it in the beginning, we are not perfect but we need to be mindful to encourage people into a place that we are controlling the narrative of Gods revelation to us. Praying for all those listening and that the Holy Spirit, the one Jesus left behind, why? To comfort and teach us. Why would Jesus say that if we humans have this Bible figured out? Be blessed youtube community
Asking humbly... but in what other instance is sharing truths about God from Scripture referred to as "putting God in a box"? When He has revealed to us aspects of His nature through His Word, we don't say that that's limiting Him. He has simply chosen to share certain things with us and not others. God can do anything He wants but He also does not lie... so therefore, His Word will never contradict our reality and God's presence in it 🙏💜
Maybe the three men represent the Trinity
Thanks for listening
What about this Holy Spirit living in me directing me. He doesn't talk me? If he revealed something to me that didn't agree with the word of God it would not be the holy spirit. Do you not believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? What does he do in you if he doesn't speak in some way to your heart and mind? No, people shouldn't say God told them something rashly but if it is really the Holy spirit he will be speaking the word to me from the Bible. Be careful and clarify what you say so you don't preach heresy and discourage people from witnessing to others. Otherwise you will have people thinking they can't witness to people until they have the entire Bible memorized!
Thanks for watching
As much as we know Voddie is a good teacher but that line you just pointed out i don’t think is heresy, I know is heresy. Just as you say, Holy Spirit is dwelling in us and guides us through trials and life and often times we hear His voice telling us what we need to do in order to get through and wait for His deliverance. I don’t know if he really meant something else but that’s what he had given the impression as to think that we cannot have personal revelations meantime he does say in the sermon that you cannot know God unless he reveals Himself to you. But may I ask, how is he revealing to ourselves unless through revelation? Reading the word is not personal revelation, is food for the soul.
The nonsense of gods is so ridiculous that laughing at it is the only rational reaction
Acts chapter 2 the 17th verse "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my spirit on all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:"
According to what you said in your message, when this happens we shouldn't tell anyone or at least not mention where we heard it for fear of heresy!
I sincerely want to know your explanation on this matter because up to now I believed I could rely on your messages for the truth but if you deny scripture it is as heretical as if you try to add to it and I would not listen to another word from you. No offense meant but we have to test what is said/ preached in the name of God!
Thanks for listening
Sounds kinda like the Pharisees. Putting God in a box. Telling people what God can/can’t do.
Right, did God not reveal Himself to Paul after Christ resurrected?.. Also Peter’s dream where God spoke directly to him in what could now be eaten.
All these things you are talking about happened before the scripture was closed off by the writing of Revelation. At the end of revelation it warns that anyone who tries to add to the words of scripture or take away, will have great punishment Rev 22:18-19. Scripture also teaches that the Word is completely sufficient. The moment we begin saying “God revealed something to me that is new and not from scripture”, the Bible becomes insufficient because God needed new revelation to instruct us. The Holy Spirit convicting our hearts or “nudging” us as you say, is not nearly the same as scripture, which is the point Voddie is making. It is not authoritative in the way scripture is. The best you can do is say “I think this is what God wants me to do” and thats good for you, but it has no authority over anyone else. For instance, no one can say “God told me we should no longer do this” and then claim we must add it to the list of commands we have from scripture. What God commands is in scripture and if its not, then its never going to be. We simply would not prescribe authority to it because it is not the authoritative, divine revelation that God has given us in scripture. Therefore, to take some nudging from the Holy Spirit and then say that “thus saith the Lord” would be heresy because God said everything He needed and wanted to say in the Bible so you are claiming God has said something that He really Has not. I hope this helps. Not a great explanation but I tried to reiterate very Biblical, and trustworthy teaching I have heard in the past. Much love, God bless.
@@ogbassfishing2428 For clarification, I never said that if God reveals something that it should be added to scripture. I do believe that scripture is enough, but that God can still speak to something in our lives that would be confirmed using scripture. Scripture should always be first but I firmly believe that anything that He has created can point us to the Creator. Love Voddie and lean toward reformed pastors when seeking doctrinally sound sermons, but there's literally no way that I could be a cessationist because of how God brought me to where I am today as a born again Christian, and has spoken to me since childhood that aligns with scripture. God bless you too and thanks for adding to the conversation!
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I am not sure your response was to my comment though. I nor any other responder mentioned any “nudging us as you say”.
While your response is well worded and has Bible references it appears to be directed at what you are thinking I am thinking and not what I am actually thinking. My suggestion would be to start with questions to gain understanding instead of espousing responses you have heard others state as you attempt to replicate their answer to a question that you think is the same.
So let’s start (I’ll be using the NIV but the same goes for many other translations as well)
Question 1) Where does it say in Revelation 22:18-19 “add to the words of scripture or take away”? In Revelation 22:18-19 the writer mentions “this book” four times and “this book of prophecy” two times. The writer begins the introduction of Revelation by stating “the words of this prophecy” (Revelation 1:3). As the writer begins to close out the book of Revelation the writer states “the prophecy in this book” (Revelation 22:7). The book, or rather scroll as it would have been at the time it was written, of Revelation was a letter to be circulated to those following “the way” as encouragement during a time of great persecution. The Bible as we know it today did not exist. It’s quite possible that followers of the Way only heard this letter and no others. It’s also possible that Revelation wasn’t even the last book written by John (there is evidence that John wrote the Book of John after Revelation as there is vice versa).
Question 2) If we want to hold strongly to the belief that Revelation 22:18-19 seals the deal on any more being added to scripture then what do we do about the writers of Deuteronomy, Proverbs?
The writer of Deuteronomy which was written ia 1,000+ years before Revelation), specifically Deuteronomy 4:2, states, to not add or subtract the commands of God given to the Israelites. To go along with that, the writer of Proverbs 30:6 (who wrote much later than The writer of Deuteronomy and way before Revelation) specifically states to not add to the words of God. Again these are books that were written a long long time before Revelation was written yet they have similar warnings.
Question 3) When we pray to God for answers/guidance/help and the result is something that He knows is for our best, isn’t that Devine revelation? We may dismiss it, misread it, or be completely oblivious to it but that doesn’t mean God didn’t give provision out of His love for us to be more like Him to in turn being more people to Him (His glory). I may make an investment thinking that God told me to do that and then lose all my money…and that may have been exactly what God wanted! Just because it doesn’t produce what I/the world sees as good means that God sees it as good. I can know all the stories of the Bible and know their application to other people but if I do not know God, if I don’t love Him - the Bible is just another self-help book.
Certainly God has provided us His words and we are to follow them. But to limit His power to only being able to teach through a book is, well, limiting. Yes, we are to test the spirits (1 John 4:2-3), hold everything up to the truths of scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:21 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17), and contend for the faith (Jude 3); but we must not put God in a box as the Pharisees did in not believing that the messiah was to first come as a sacrifice and then a warrior. Remember the Pharisees were the foremost knowledgeable scholars on scripture at that time. They spent their lives studying, yet they were wrong. I could be too. So, please pray for me, yourself, and all those seeking God. We need it.
Numbers 6:24-26
There are many things God can't do. For instance God can't lie Heb 6:18
on tight budget or I would re subscribe to U-Tube Without advertisements .
Yuk 99.9% of ads are so evident of human falleness
bunch of info I dont care to hear about from face creams to diet etc.... I do not care to know nothing other than TRUTH aka GODS WORD!
ok i need context otherwise your out of your mind if you have any sense no one should ever even consider such a thing
Listen to the sermon. It's in the text
When your children or grandchildren are old enough to be taught about God, You and your spouse must tell the truths of reformed Calvinism to your children. You must be honest and tell them what you believe about God:
Little Johnny, God has predestined the minority of people to be saved and go to heaven forever, and He has predestined the majority of people to be eternally damned and burn in the fires of hell. We have no idea, little Johnny, if God has predestined you to be forever damned or forever saved.
We love you, little Johnny, but we accept the fact that God might not love you, and that He may have plans to send you to hell for your future sins. If you do find yourself one day burning in hell because He hasn’t elected to save you, just remember that we will always love you, even if God hates you.
Take comfort knowing that we are not like God.
We will be in heaven forever only because we were unconditionally chosen for salvation before we were born. That would be the only reason that we won’t be in hell with you if you find yourself there. It won’t be because of anything we did.
So also take comfort in knowing that. It may not seem fair, but who are we to judge God?
So again, if you find yourself in hell, remember that we will always love you as we forever worship the God who loved us but who hated you, the God who sent His Son to die for us but not for you.
Please, we ask, don’t let it bother you-if you find yourself in hell-that we love the God who hated you and showed you no mercy. We must accept the fact that God is sovereign, and He does what He pleases.
Will you teach that to your children or grandchildren? Watch their spiritual progress over the ensuing years.
I suspect that your answer will be “never.” But why not? Its easy to call yourself a Calvinist but when it comes to saying it anyone can see the hideousness of it.
You seem to be under the impression that God owes you something; that He must bow to your own understanding of what morality is. What you are forgetting is that His ways are above your ways; His thoughts above your thoughts. Do you not understand that NO ONE deserves heaven. Instead of being mad that some aren’t saved, rejoice that any even are. We should all go to hell, its what we have earned. Its by the grace of God that some come to Him despite the fact that our nature is wholly and completely opposed to Him. Shall the clay say to the potter “why have you made me like this”. Who are you, oh man, to question God; to attempt to confine Him to your definition of right and wrong? If you have read the scriptures, you have ignored what was so plainly stated because it did not meet your fallen presuppositions. No man comes to Jesus unless the Father draws Him John 6:44. Acts 13:48 states that as many were appointed to salvation out of the present group believed. These scriptures and many others point directly towards what you falsely claim is not taught. Pray for discernment; pray that the Lord would remind you that He is God, and you are not; that you were be able to read what is written, not what you wish was written. Pray that the Lord would have mercy on you and help you to believe.
@@ogbassfishing2428 Its always the self convinced 'Elect"pride of Calvinist that preach nothing but. We are saved and you are not. Too bad so sad I am glad that I am not you! A tow year old could say what you said. It's foolishness and shallow.
Lordship salvation = God gives salvation, to some while everyone else is chosen to go to hell.
Proof text: “We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is fore-ordained for some, eternal damnation for others.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
Calvinism salvation = Your either picked to go to Heaven or picked to go to hell by God.
Proof text: “God arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death and are to glorify him by their destruction.”( John Calvin Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6)
Reformed Theology = Most people are barred from Heaven by God and chosen for hell by God.
Proof text : “…salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
Lordship salvation = Calvinism = Reformed Theology All = heresy and another gospel!
@@truth7416 even if you had actual authority and reason to claim that I was unsaved and that my convictions were wrong, there is absolutely no excuse for the way you are acting. You exhibit no love towards those you agree with, only alienation and hatred. To say “too bad so sad” about someone you belive to be unsaved is the exact opposite of Christ-like behavior. You claim calvinistic views are evil and yet you yourself are glad that I am “unsaved”. Calvinists are not glad that some are not saved, but it seems you are. This is no way to win someone to Christ and if that is not the intent of a debate with someone you deem unsaved, then you have missed your mark as a Christian by miles. Repent. Ask God to give you love for others and may God have mercy and give you what you ask for.
Thanks for listening
@@ogbassfishing2428 You have twisted my words to mean the opposite I intended?
I have no authority to judge any ones salvation. But! we are commanded to judge those who claim to be in the church.
You said "You exhibit no love towards those you agree with, only alienation and hatred."
I love all those who are saved and all those who are not saved. Why do you think I would bother doing what I am doing. I have a burning hatred for false religion, who are leading people away from the cross and salvation that is offered to them! We are commanded to mark out false teachers and expose the yeast of heresy moving in almost every modern church.
“too bad so sad” That is the attitude of cult members towards those who reject their system. That is not me.
You said "You claim calvinistic views are evil and yet you yourself are glad that I am “unsaved”" I did not say that, Calvinism is evil and it is my purpose to expose it for what it is to those who follow it. Many are waking up through my and many others ministry on these demonic sites and turning to the Lord Jesus Christ.
You said "This is no way to win someone to Christ" That statement cannot be made by a true Calvinist. That is double speak! Calvinism is totally against it : Listen to the founder of Calvinism. No one can win anyone according to John Calvin.
Proof text: “We call predestination God’s eternal decree, by which he compacted with himself what he willed to become of each man. For all are not created in equal condition; rather, eternal life is fore-ordained for some, eternal damnation for others.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
Calvinism salvation = Your either picked to go to Heaven or picked to go to hell by God.
Proof text: “God arranges all things by his sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death and are to glorify him by their destruction.”( John Calvin Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 6)
Reformed Theology = Most people are barred from Heaven by God and chosen for hell by God.
Proof text : “…salvation is freely offered to some while others are barred from access to it.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, Paragraph 5)
Truth in love (sincerely)
Here is a Reformed 5-Point Calvinist song you will enjoy singing. It is all the rage in deformed circles right now!
"Jesus loves me, this I know.
As for you, I don't think so.
Only some to Him belong. We are right and you are wrong.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
But I hope this isn't effervescent grace that I'm walking in and instead I'm actually deceived and one of the reprobates that He created to burn as a candle for His glory in Hell forever."
Calvinism IS addressed in the Bible as the following states.
Calvinism "The different Gospel!"
Calvinism " The perverted Gospel!"
Calvinism "Under a curse!"
Calvinism "Under God's curse!"
I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! Galatians 1:6-9
Truth in love to the enemy's of the cross.
Thanks for listening