Interviu cu pastorul Petru Popovici la 100 de ani

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024
  • Pastorul Ionel Tutac a stat de vorba cu Petru Popovici care a trecut de 100 de ani.

Комментарии • 31

  • @augustinmoldovan8256
    @augustinmoldovan8256 5 лет назад +6

    Un frate scump iubit de Isus un om a lui Dumnezeu care a avut experiențe cu isus cu dragoste in Domnul Isus Hristos amin Moldovan Augustin cluj

  • @dumitrudeac3566
    @dumitrudeac3566 5 лет назад +13


  • @monicagalatanu9151
    @monicagalatanu9151 5 лет назад +4

    Amin! Multumesc pentru acest interviu💚🙏Slavit sa fie Domnul😇🌹Aleluia!

  • @corneliuslu1
    @corneliuslu1 5 лет назад +6

    Am avut Harul sa-l cunosc, personal in Melbourne, in anul 1984- DOAMNE, AJUTA-NE SA FIM ROBI TAI !!!

  • @valherromania7659
    @valherromania7659 5 лет назад +21

    Vino în ajutor Doamne, că se duc dintre noi oamenii neprihăniți!

    • @Nickk.02
      @Nickk.02 5 лет назад +2

      Cred ca soluția lui Dumnezeu pentru cerința dumitale este ca noi sa fim oamenii neprihăniți ce rămân in urma altor frați ca și fratele Pit

    • @monicadaogaru484
      @monicadaogaru484 5 лет назад +3

      Dumnezeu sa va binecuvânteze. Un adevărat Slujitor al lui Dumnezeu.. Rut 2:12

    • @rodicaurs403
      @rodicaurs403 4 года назад

      @@monicadaogaru484 uimiit

  • @claudiunicolaedan3217
    @claudiunicolaedan3217 5 лет назад +9

    Slava domnului nostru Isus Hristos !!!!

  • @sleepyfunxd3761
    @sleepyfunxd3761 5 лет назад +2

    L-a luat Domnul la El!

  • @corneliadeaconu4344
    @corneliadeaconu4344 9 месяцев назад

    Sa va fie rusine ca puteți sa fiti asa de ipocriti si s un sfint ca acesta Slava Domnului Isus Hristos pentru credinta acestui sfint sa ne fie un exemplu

  • @davidsteel6745
    @davidsteel6745 5 лет назад +2

    Va rog frumos sa stergeti aceasta filmare , nu se cade ca sa se auda lucrurile astea de oricine, puteti pune lucruri care se pot pune ! Domnul sa va ajute .

    • @jacobwillow050
      @jacobwillow050 5 лет назад +9

      După părere ta, care parte din filmare o consideri tu nepotrivită? Noi credem că tot ce spune acest titan al credinței se cuvine să audă toți, peste tot, și pretutindeni.

    • @gherlindeianas341
      @gherlindeianas341 5 лет назад +2

      @@davidsteel6745 nu crezi ca esti putin depasit de situatie oare???

    • @davidsteel6745
      @davidsteel6745 5 лет назад +1

      @@gherlindeianas341 Deloc , omul asta merita respect , nu sa fie pus pe RUclips , etc , parerea mea

    • @TonyEsq1
      @TonyEsq1 5 лет назад

      DAR, ce credeti, lucrurile de mai jos, se pot spune la orice Crestin (despre liderii Crestinismului)? Rev. Iosif Tzon scrie: "Dar oricum, eretic categoric nu sunt." OK, let's see, if his statement is in sync with biblical revealed facts? For a legal ignorant, small heresies or big heresies don't matter! Why? Because the translator of the New Testament has decided both issues, and no one is permitted to question his translation! However, IF a neutral person looks carefully at the 114 words which replaced the Greek word "ekklesia" in the Original Inspired Greek New Testament Text, it will quickly be noted that the Romanian and British Bible Society translator intentionally "supplanted" 114 times the original word "ekklesia" [just as it appears in the King James Version (KJV]. As loyal Christians, do we really have to be concerned when any Bible translator is fooling around with the very Words of Christ Jesus--the Almighty who has ALL POWER in heaven and on earth? Of course, we must and should be very concerned. Read text of Matthew --16:18-- and Acts --20:28-- with your own eyes and the remaining 112 verses alluded to above! Did Iosif Tzon (as a self-proclaimed Baptist leader) really cared that Jesus Words in the Romanian or English translation were intentionally SUPPLANTED by the respective translators? Let's be very clear: Even ONE WORD that Jesus Christ the Lord spoke in the original text is TOO MUCH of a fooling around with His Words! Period! He gave permission to no mortal men and women to be fooling around with His Words of Life! Yes, HIS WORDS OF LIFE--that's what He said about HIS OWN WORDS which we read in the Gospel of John! [John 6:63-70)]. So in closing, does Iosif Tzon or any other baptist leader is CONCERNED IF the Words of Life (alluded to above) are being supplanted in the Romanian translation of the Bible? (or even in the English translation of the Bible?). And, is the Inspired Original Greek Text needs to be STUDIED by every such baptist or Christian leader--as the Greek New Testament Inspired Text commands? (2 Timothy --2:15--). OK, if Iosif Tzon is not "eretic" then is he an ignorant towards the Inspired Greek Text of the New Testament? Well, by being ignorant--even drastic ignorant-- it demonstrates his lack of real interest to the Words of Jesus! Only one Word is too much to IGNORE for a professing Bible teacher like Iosif Tzon. Hello...what is he thinking about and doing to the Words of Life? That's the big question his critics should ask of him! After all, he is just a legal ignorant who relies upon shabby translations (like most Christian leaders) without diligently studying the Inspired Text--like Bereans did! I wonder what Jesus Christ has to say to all of the above, seeing that His Words are being supplanted in various Bible translations? Is that not fooling around with His very Words?

    • @jacobwillow050
      @jacobwillow050 5 лет назад +1

      @@TonyEsq1 forgive me for saying, but here is not the place for judging other people or questioning their beliefs. If you intend to do so then you can make a blog and have it available for everyone within the same views as yours. Thank you. Be blessed.

  • @ionbolborici8492
    @ionbolborici8492 5 лет назад

    Cate turnatorii a facut la viata lui ?
    A trait in America si a observat acolo,ca,au gresit.
    Rusii sant ok.

  • @boldcut5163
    @boldcut5163 5 лет назад

    Pacat de el ca intr-o 100 de ani nu a descoperit Ortodoxia!

    • @dincutacristian8949
      @dincutacristian8949 5 лет назад +2

      si daca ar fi descoperit ortodoxia, cu ce se schimbau datele problemei ?

    • @Tghetes
      @Tghetes 4 года назад +3

      Te înșeli, el a trăit credința adevărată.

    • @mariuscovasintan3371
      @mariuscovasintan3371 4 года назад +2

      Ce oferă ortodoxia!!????!!că eu nu văd nimic!

    • @vasilefinta4
      @vasilefinta4 4 года назад +6

      Ortodoxia oferă obiceiuri tradiții sărbători nebiblice, ingramadiala la moaște, la apa sfințită dar Biblia nu o citesc.

    • @irinagoia2146
      @irinagoia2146 3 года назад +6

      Poate tie iti pare rau ca nu si-a trait viata ca si ortodox ? In betii ,inselatori , in minciuna in idolatirie si fara biblie . Dar sa stii ca si-a trait viata dupa cuvantul Lui Dumnezeu .El isi va primi rasplata, viata vesnica impreuna cu Domnul Isus .