*Further Study Notes* _For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first._ 1 Thessalonians 4:16. The Finishing Touch of Immortality-We have a living, risen Saviour. He burst the fetters of the tomb after He had lain there three days, and in triumph. He proclaimed over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, _“I am the resurrection and the life.”_ And He is coming. Are we getting ready for Him? Are we ready so that if we shall fall asleep, we can do so with hope in Jesus Christ? Are you labouring for the salvation of your brothers and sisters? The Life-giver is soon to come. *The Life-giver is coming to break the fetters of the tomb.* He is to bring forth the captives and proclaim, _“I am the resurrection and the life.”_ There stands the risen host. The last thought was of death and its pangs. The last thoughts they had were of the grave and the tomb, but now they proclaim, _“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”_ The pangs of death were the last things they felt. _“O death, where is thy sting?”_ The last thing they acknowledged was the pangs of death. *When they awake the pain is all gone....* 6BC 1093.4 *Here they stand, and the finishing touch of immortality is put upon them, and they go up to meet their Lord in the air.* The gates of the city of God swing back upon their hinges, and the nations that have kept the truth enter in. There are the columns of angels on either side, and the ransomed of God walk in through the cherubims and seraphims. Christ bids them welcome and puts upon them His benediction. _“Well done, thou good and faithful servant: ... enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”_ What is that joy? He sees of the travail of His soul, and is satisfied. 6BC 1093.5 That is what we labour for. Here is one, who in the night season we pleaded with God on his behalf. There is one that we talked with on his dying bed, and he hung his helpless soul upon Jesus. Here is one who was a poor drunkard. We tried to get his eyes fixed upon Him who is mighty to save and we told him that Christ could give him the victory. There are the crowns of immortal glory upon their heads, and then the redeemed cast their glittering crowns at the feet of Jesus; and then the angelic choir strikes the note of victory, and the angels in the two columns take up the song, and the redeemed host join as though they had been singing the song on the earth, and they have been. 6BC 1093.6
*Further Study Notes*
_For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first._ 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
The Finishing Touch of Immortality-We have a living, risen Saviour. He burst the fetters of the tomb after He had lain there three days, and in triumph. He proclaimed over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, _“I am the resurrection and the life.”_ And He is coming. Are we getting ready for Him? Are we ready so that if we shall fall asleep, we can do so with hope in Jesus Christ? Are you labouring for the salvation of your brothers and sisters? The Life-giver is soon to come. *The Life-giver is coming to break the fetters of the tomb.* He is to bring forth the captives and proclaim, _“I am the resurrection and the life.”_ There stands the risen host. The last thought was of death and its pangs. The last thoughts they had were of the grave and the tomb, but now they proclaim, _“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”_ The pangs of death were the last things they felt. _“O death, where is thy sting?”_ The last thing they acknowledged was the pangs of death. *When they awake the pain is all gone....* 6BC 1093.4
*Here they stand, and the finishing touch of immortality is put upon them, and they go up to meet their Lord in the air.* The gates of the city of God swing back upon their hinges, and the nations that have kept the truth enter in. There are the columns of angels on either side, and the ransomed of God walk in through the cherubims and seraphims. Christ bids them welcome and puts upon them His benediction. _“Well done, thou good and faithful servant: ... enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”_ What is that joy? He sees of the travail of His soul, and is satisfied. 6BC 1093.5
That is what we labour for. Here is one, who in the night season we pleaded with God on his behalf. There is one that we talked with on his dying bed, and he hung his helpless soul upon Jesus. Here is one who was a poor drunkard. We tried to get his eyes fixed upon Him who is mighty to save and we told him that Christ could give him the victory. There are the crowns of immortal glory upon their heads, and then the redeemed cast their glittering crowns at the feet of Jesus; and then the angelic choir strikes the note of victory, and the angels in the two columns take up the song, and the redeemed host join as though they had been singing the song on the earth, and they have been. 6BC 1093.6