Derek Harris I kind of agree with, but the 70”s and 80”s path the way for them. Please don’t forget about the Spinner The Dramatics and others. There will never be groups like them ever again. The blue notes , etc etc. but will said.
This is when guys sung from the chest. One of troops best songs. I am so proud to be born in the 70s raised in the 80s and became an adult in the 90s. Songs like these help me express my feelings toward women as I was growing from a boy to a man.
Everything you said is me to a T. Even your growing yrs are on point. I was born in 73.....teened in the 80s and adulted in the 99's. At 49 yrs old, I think that I have was raised and adulted in the best time for music.....those decades were the best mix of what came before and even some of what came after. Ppl can say what they want, but even with the help of ALL the tech they have now AND a.i. one can EVER match these musical stylings. Some of us were lucky as FUCK to live during that time.
This is the kind of song that you stuff paper in one of your mama old gospel tapes to record on your “Slow Jam Mix” at 11:30pm on a school night after watching having the quiet storm DJ talking over it at the end....I remember those days...
New Edition and Troop are the pioneers that set the stage for the groups of the 90's. They were the foundation that inspired greatness and brought forth the age of the elite male singers (90's)
@@djkenzy407 Babyface was in a group called The Deele and they originally sang this song in 1985, Troop's version came out in 1992. Babyface also wrote this song. Know your history 🙄.
I introduced this to my wife. And she fell in love with it. Now this is our song. The one song that will always have meaning in this world to us. Not only our 5 beautiful children, but this is what kept us going!
Children these days will never know this kind of music real love music. I miss this music I miss the quiet storm, what they have now doesn't compare to this. I want this decade back can we get these groups and music please.
I first heard Troop in 89 when then blew the doors off with Mamacita!! I got the chance to see them open for Hammer in 90 at Palm beach Auditorium!! These boys sound just as good live as they do in the studio!! Man I miss those days! Thank you Troop and so many more for my young years!!
Wow this took me back to my teenage years sweet innocent wide eyed times i grew up listening too it seems like things were so much greater then. Music like this needs to be promoted now to bring back the beauty of music and romance. I am Listening in 2018 And beyond please i know im not alone in asking bring back good innocent music with depth that said something worth listen too please.
Its sad cause we will never have that era again,,80s and 90s was the shit.House parties and everybody had a good tyme.,Now days you can't go to the club and slow dance cause all the play is trap music and fights..You can't have an house party cause people don't respect your house cause they still shit.But in the 80s and 90s luv was pure cause if you had a gurl or boy it was innocent because you only had eyes for that person and nobody else existed.I remember the summer luvs we had,the person would come visit their family for the summer and yall wud be together the whole summer then they wud leave for school and you'd have to wait all the way til summer came again to see that special person again,well I know it was like that for me.And holding hands telling secrets was the thing,now nigga be scared to hold his gurl hand in public cause he scared wat people might say about the person,,(look at him/her loving that hoe everybody done smashed..I don't care me cause ever got a pass so if I'm wit her nigga can't tell me shit cause I don't want to here it,she mines now.If I had a chance I'd go back to those days in a heart beat
2021 NEEDS THIS TYPE OF VIBE! This was my Jr. High Years and I discovered TROOP thru my older brothers. This song will always be close to my heart........ Maybe because I'm a SCORPIO!
True talent! Wow, I was just transported to my high school years with my sweetheart. Still happily married after all these years. We were blessed to have music like this to help create memories and grow our love…
I unapologetically had the record, tape and CD😌 August 2022...This song STILL brings back heavy emotion. They SAAAAANNNNGGG this song so cold it was a whole Ministry.
This version and The Deele original unlock so many core memories. As a a kid in the 80s watching my mom and dad to being a teen in the 90s thinking I was in love. 😂
This song dropped in my spirit today ...08-15-18....Sweet November!!!!...Troop well Done...Babyface which i didn’t know who was behind this.....A masterpiece as usual!!!..well done Gentleman well done
@@feliciasanders2066 THANK YOU. After can't hardly listen to this one. Bc they biting NOTE FOR NOTE thru 95% of it. In THAT case, shit ... I'll just listen to the DEELE!
I can't describe how this song makes me feel except for pure happiness. There's so much positively and optimism laced in each word. Not to mention how the beat and strings come together to create harmony. This is the type of song you can listen to, regardless of how shitty you feel, and it shall uplift you into a peaceful place.
We'll never get this type of music again! This when music actually had meaning and purpose! People that grew up off this time era of music definitely have a old soul and are very intelligent! If you're looking for your soul mate you'll find them in the people who grew up with this music bcuz they understand that True Love and A Loyal Relationship Matters! ❤❤❤❤
This song is still so pretty. I play it from time to time.. not to reminisce about anything in particular, but to hear the beautiful arrangement and imagine the emotion of the writer at the time of composition. So beautiful ❤.
In the late 80s, I played this slow song at a house party. I still remember it killed the dance floor. Young, fly Puerto Rican females ate it up. I will remember that night til my dying days.
Spent my teen listening to this who still listening to this and it’s 2019 this song be jammin especially them high notes love this song so much very nice
My goodness the 90's was so special, so much love was in the air,now it's hate, and murder, my beautiful bkl people please can we calm down ,and get back to loving each other? Please! It don't cost anything
😢😢Since he passed I didn’t want the a month of September his Birthday month to come . We ALWAYS CELEBRATE and talked about OUR Birthday’s God has him I know he does just asking God to keep helping E to get through this lost. I MISS HIM😢🥰😢🥰😢😭😭😭🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
It's All About Keeping The Legacy Alive...We Also Did A Tribute To The Impressions So In Love, Steve Did A Tribute To MJ's Rock With You, Allen And Steve Did A Tribute To MJ's Lady In Mylife And I Did A Tribute To Luther Vandross Jon Jon Never Too Much Again I Say It's About Keeping The Legacy Alive...Love Yall Fa'Life One Love Fa'Sho...
WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YALL! I just saw y’all documentary. It made me so sad cuz I have loved y’all since Mamacita! I’m sad to see all the drama y’all had in the group. But I will love y’all forever!!! #1FAN
I bought their first cassette tape by chances back late 80's... I have never heard of them prior to purchasing , and I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the entire album. Underrated is over played these days.. I would put them in a different category.. They did the Jacksons, and they did it better in 89, and here is the deal, and they did this song better in 92.... Love them since day one.
Oh yes I remember my puppy love days of having crushes and liking someone but I definitely remember being in love for real too feeling all warm and fuzzy inside I couldn't wait for my next chance to be close to him again.
Oh yes I remember my puppy love days of having crushes and liking someone but I definitely remember being in love for real too feeling all warm and fuzzy inside I couldn't wait for my next chance to be close to him again.
Damn this brings back great memories. 90’s Best decade of slow jams
Troop is one of the best of the 90's
One of best of alltime!
Real talk !! From both comments
For those of us that spent our teens and young adult years in the 90's we witnessed the grestest era in music EVER!!!! It will never great again.
It was a good time, but remember that was also decade of remakes from the 40s, 50s and 60s. But, the 90s still remain the best decade for me as well😊
Most certainly❤💯💯
The 90s were great, but I can't say that it was the greatest ever. The 70s and 80s hold that distinction. The 90s aren't far behind, though.
Just another classic written by Babyface. His pen is legendary...
Aint no R&B like 90's R&B
80s wasn't bad!
Absolutely 💪🏾
Derek Harris I kind of agree with, but the 70”s and 80”s path the way for them. Please don’t forget about the Spinner The Dramatics and others. There will never be groups like them ever again. The blue notes , etc etc. but will said.
@@coachsimpson732 I agree
RIP Uncle Reggie Warren. Gone too soon. You and your group gave us some magic that is timeless
Oh I didnt know he had passed away I'm so sorry been a fan since I was 12
@@racheldwilliams4562 Please Please Keep Us All In Your Prayers...One Love Fam...
GOD Bless 🙏🏾❤
This is when guys sung from the chest. One of troops best songs. I am so proud to be born in the 70s raised in the 80s and became an adult in the 90s. Songs like these help me express my feelings toward women as I was growing from a boy to a man.
Everything you said is me to a T. Even your growing yrs are on point. I was born in 73.....teened in the 80s and adulted in the 99's. At 49 yrs old, I think that I have was raised and adulted in the best time for music.....those decades were the best mix of what came before and even some of what came after. Ppl can say what they want, but even with the help of ALL the tech they have now AND a.i. one can EVER match these musical stylings. Some of us were lucky as FUCK to live during that time.
37yrs old!! Proud to say I grew up with tha best music ever! Late 70s... 80s... & early90s!!
Best years ! Period....koolbreez9865 things certainly sad ! But hey, that's what the good Lord said would happen as time will get worse.
@@oscarconner1009 sad but so true bro.
@@koolbreez9865 I truly appreciate you, stay strong bro,......Oscar
38 and this was my Mama Jam! 😂
I'm 44 years old and I can't stop listening to this
Reminds me of listening to The Quiet Storm on the radio .
So True those were the days.
Yes I remember falling asleep listening to music playing
This is the kind of song that you stuff paper in one of your mama old gospel tapes to record on your “Slow Jam Mix” at 11:30pm on a school night after watching having the quiet storm DJ talking over it at the end....I remember those days...
Im 53 im glad i grew up listening to my moms music 60s 70s my gen 80s 90s 2000 music is trash now not all most
New Edition and Troop are the pioneers that set the stage for the groups of the 90's. They were the foundation that inspired greatness and brought forth the age of the elite male singers (90's)
plus Force MDs
That's a lot of work To make that song here it is November I still work but it's sweet to be November tho
and they were probably my 2 favorite groups of all time to listen to
let's not forget hi-five & tevin campbell!
and Baby Face, Tony Tone Toni!
They bodied this damn song. One of my favorite songs of all times, hands down ❤
Life was so simple then!! Music at it's finest!! TROOP
One of the BEST groups to come out the late 80s early 90s
More like mid 80s but I agree
Listening to this on November 16, 2021! Loved this from my childhood.
back in 2024 still listening. ❤
man when i purchased this cassette back in 1992 i held on to it as long as i could. love me some TROOP
Got mine still. Did you get it from the Record Bar?
Laverna Runnels can't nobody do like baby face n tha deel!
@@fredblocker3891 That part!! 😍
I did too & I still have it.😀
same...eventually upgraded to the CD
This the one ive been looking for from my childhood and i couldnt remember the words for like 15 yrs
90’s me pleaseeee!! I so miss this era of music!!
They slayed this version 🔥🔥🔥🎤🎼
this is the original version
@@djkenzy407 Babyface was in a group called The Deele and they originally sang this song in 1985, Troop's version came out in 1992. Babyface also wrote this song. Know your history 🙄.
@@lovelynight5967 😂😂😂😂
@@ISVVVc628Babyface did write this song
I introduced this to my wife. And she fell in love with it. Now this is our song. The one song that will always have meaning in this world to us. Not only our 5 beautiful children, but this is what kept us going!
Awwww that so beautiful thanks for sharing .
I remember falling in love with this guy I met in the summer and we dated for a while but by sweet November I found out I was having our little baby.
RIP Reggie Warren spread your wings.....
Children these days will never know this kind of music real love music. I miss this music I miss the quiet storm, what they have now doesn't compare to this. I want this decade back can we get these groups and music please.
This is The Deele song, but Troop sings the hell out of it.
They killed this!
I agree🤗
@@nikkiejackson1211 oh yes.
All the I Do is Think of You is a Jackson's song and they killed that too!
Proud to have grown up with these guy’s in high school!!😎 RIP Reggie🙏🏼
Biggest flex ever
I first heard Troop in 89 when then blew the doors off with Mamacita!! I got the chance to see them open for Hammer in 90 at Palm beach Auditorium!! These boys sound just as good live as they do in the studio!! Man I miss those days! Thank you Troop and so many more for my young years!!
Mamacita was my jam!!!
This take me back to days of MidNight Soul on BET. Oh! How I missed ole dayz of good music.
#REPEAT...DAMN I miss this music...
RIP Reg 🙏🏾. Troop is one of the best 💪🏾
Love both versions - The Deele and Troop!
Wow this took me back to my teenage years sweet innocent wide eyed times i grew up listening too it seems like things were so much greater then. Music like this needs to be promoted now to bring back the beauty of music and romance. I am Listening in 2018 And beyond please i know im not alone in asking bring back good innocent music with depth that said something worth listen too please.
Romance is dead
Its sad cause we will never have that era again,,80s and 90s was the shit.House parties and everybody had a good tyme.,Now days you can't go to the club and slow dance cause all the play is trap music and fights..You can't have an house party cause people don't respect your house cause they still shit.But in the 80s and 90s luv was pure cause if you had a gurl or boy it was innocent because you only had eyes for that person and nobody else existed.I remember the summer luvs we had,the person would come visit their family for the summer and yall wud be together the whole summer then they wud leave for school and you'd have to wait all the way til summer came again to see that special person again,well I know it was like that for me.And holding hands telling secrets was the thing,now nigga be scared to hold his gurl hand in public cause he scared wat people might say about the person,,(look at him/her loving that hoe everybody done smashed..I don't care me cause ever got a pass so if I'm wit her nigga can't tell me shit cause I don't want to here it,she mines now.If I had a chance I'd go back to those days in a heart beat
Damn I wish I had been born in the late 70's to have been around as a late teen/adult during the 80's and 90's just for the music
You missed out those years where like butta
They did baby face right in this 🙌🏻🙌🏻
It was originally done by the music group The Deele featuring "Babyface" Kenneth Edmonds 40 years ago.
The best song in sweet November keep that woman warm real talk..
A R&B song about love. I miss music like this.
Song still gives me chills in 2017
Carlotta Lee yes still get dem chills!!!
Miss Lee. Takes u back make u think lol
Me too
Miss Lee
Beautiful song
Wish I could
Such a glorious autumn dream…..
2021 NEEDS THIS TYPE OF VIBE! This was my Jr. High Years and I discovered TROOP thru my older brothers. This song will always be close to my heart........ Maybe because I'm a SCORPIO!
Same here my birthday is November 18th 1983 #scorpio
R.I.P. to anyone who has lost a loved one. I can't stop 😢 for my child. She has to grow up without her dad. One day she will see him again
Sorry for your loss and prayers are with you and her
Yes Revelation 21:3, 4. It's a promise.
Storm Lewis my condolences queen
I lost my mother about 97 came to this song thinking about her I do have my Father but he's 82 still hear
My condolences and I gotta bury my dad tomorrow 😪
I miss those days so much...Ouch.
Carry me back to the old days. House parties and backyard parties. 😂😂😂
One of the best groups of the 80s!! I still have their first CD................
Man. This LP version way better than the video version
OK Thank you!
Babyface Actually Did The Video Mix...One Love Fam...
Song brings back memories of love loss and the great times I had with that love. The 90"s was the best!! Really something to remember!!
True talent! Wow, I was just transported to my high school years with my sweetheart. Still happily married after all these years. We were blessed to have music like this to help create memories and grow our love…
The 90's / and then there was TROOP. Perfect
I unapologetically had the record, tape and CD😌
August 2022...This song STILL brings back heavy emotion. They SAAAAANNNNGGG this song so cold it was a whole Ministry.
RIP Reggie Warren 😭🙏🏾💔
One of my all time favorite songs EVER!!!
I love the 70s and 90s music so Touching
This 90s and 80s
Hands down one of the best songs and artists of the 90's. I miss good music and great times. Memories 💪❤❤
I agree...
This version and The Deele original unlock so many core memories. As a a kid in the 80s watching my mom and dad to being a teen in the 90s thinking I was in love. 😂
This song dropped in my spirit today ...08-15-18....Sweet November!!!!...Troop well Done...Babyface which i didn’t know who was behind this.....A masterpiece as usual!!!..well done Gentleman well done
Katrina Chapman
Yes, I agree with you!! Babyface wrote this classic song back in the early 80's when he was part of the band, The Deele.
@@shamondavis406 He not only wrote it, but he sang it while with the Deele and that version is better.
@@feliciasanders2066 I liked both versions!!
@@feliciasanders2066 THANK YOU. After can't hardly listen to this one. Bc they biting NOTE FOR NOTE thru 95% of it. In THAT case, shit ... I'll just listen to the DEELE!
@@VINZBROWN Exactly!!
troop always comes thru with the remix.Damn good artists.Never will they let u down.
this is one of my all time favorite songs.
I can't describe how this song makes me feel except for pure happiness. There's so much positively and optimism laced in each word. Not to mention how the beat and strings come together to create harmony. This is the type of song you can listen to, regardless of how shitty you feel, and it shall uplift you into a peaceful place.
I love this song. This is one of my favorite songs from Troop
Troop - Guy - jodeci - silk -.mind condition my Favorite groups....Dont forgett new edition
Still listening in 2016, 90s R&B will always be the best!!!!
Filipinoheat44 I still give prompts to Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds for wrote the song with the group The Deele.
Filipinoheat44 AND IN 2018
May 2018
This is my favorite song by this group.. They made it theirs...
80s and 90s are the best 👏👏👏👏👏
Yup, facts
They made Babyface proud!
❤❤❤❤❤This will be my sweet November I claim in Jesus Christ name❤❤❤❤❤
We'll never get this type of music again! This when music actually had meaning and purpose! People that grew up off this time era of music definitely have a old soul and are very intelligent! If you're looking for your soul mate you'll find them in the people who grew up with this music bcuz they understand that True Love and A Loyal Relationship Matters! ❤❤❤❤
reminds me of my first love and still makes my heart flutter listening to this song
Steven Russell got to show how talented he was on this song..🔥
Love this song. Been listening to this version and the original by the Deele
I thought i was da only one who remembered the deeles version you got taste in music mrs. lady
Keeping real music alive in 2021!! One of my favs!
2024 anyone?
Meh 2k24
Yessss!!! I'm here 2024. ❤
I'm here ❤
They had great vocals!🥰
Yesssssua we need R&B back ASAP!!! 😩😩😩😩
straight throwback...but still killin a lot of this r&b today in 2017! this was and stil my shizzle!
This song is still so pretty. I play it from time to time.. not to reminisce about anything in particular, but to hear the beautiful arrangement and imagine the emotion of the writer at the time of composition.
So beautiful ❤.
Oh take us back to the 90s!! Best era ever!!
I'm listening to Sweet November in Novemer 2017!😉
2018 me lol
@@FirstSonsMotif Same here
@@loveladyp88 Which version you like best Troop or Babyface?
@@FirstSonsMotif Gosh I love em both
@@FirstSonsMotif I def gotta give it to babyface
In the late 80s, I played this slow song at a house party. I still remember it killed the dance floor. Young, fly Puerto Rican females ate it up.
I will remember that night til my dying days.
That Quite Storm had it going on back in the day. In 2020 I am still listening.
Rest in Peace Mr Reggie Warren.
2019....and this song still touches me
This one of the best songs from my junior years in school that kept me thinking about one girl that I liked.
I'm 39 years old and this song made me fall in love with music I was a kid kid this the song that caught my attention and Ill never forget
Ooo. I miss this ERA of music and life.
Spent my teen listening to this who still listening to this and it’s 2019 this song be jammin especially them high notes love this song so much very nice
Great music!!! My teen young adult years were awesome..
My first concert ever!!! Them, Mc Hammer, 357, oh man !!! Those were the days🥰🥰🥰
Love Troop!!!!
Make me cry!!!! Singing and crying......crying and singing.....
Got the ugly face huh,,singing wit the snot bubbles..Aint nothing wrong my gurl cause it gets me too
@@marvincezair5254 LMAO!!! Nah I don't be doing no snot bubbles but I do get the ugly face😌
@@geministwin6074 where you from my G
@@marvincezair5254 born in in VA
@@geministwin6074 you ever been to Louisiana
Its 2018 and this track still kills it
WOW! I forgot about this song! So nostalgic. I miss the 90's...
I remember dedicating these kind of songs on the radio to my girlfriends in the 90's. Lol
This song.... this group.. Nothing but 🔥🔥🔥
My goodness the 90's was so special, so much love was in the air,now it's hate, and murder, my beautiful bkl people please can we calm down ,and get back to loving each other? Please! It don't cost anything
This takes me back when I were a teenager hearing this song on a cold sweet November evening
😢😢Since he passed I didn’t want the a month of September his Birthday month to come . We ALWAYS CELEBRATE and talked about OUR Birthday’s God has him I know he does just asking God to keep helping
E to get through this lost. I MISS HIM😢🥰😢🥰😢😭😭😭🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
This is definitely a nice remake!!!
Yes, I hate to admit that this one sounds better because i'm a Babyface clone.....
@@FirstSonsMotif This is great, but nothing beats the original with Face on lead.
It's All About Keeping The Legacy Alive...We Also Did A Tribute To The Impressions So In Love, Steve Did A Tribute To MJ's Rock With You, Allen And Steve Did A Tribute To MJ's Lady In Mylife And I Did A Tribute To Luther Vandross Jon Jon Never Too Much Again I Say It's About Keeping The Legacy Alive...Love Yall Fa'Life One Love Fa'Sho...
@@FirstSonsMotif I truly love both!! Troop definitely did the song justice too which can be hard with classics!!
@@FashionSasha Yes, they did a great job with "All I Do Is Think Of You " too
This one and All I Do is Think of You are wonderful high school memories. Great work Troop & Babyface
Beautifully sung. Glad they remade The Deele's "Sweet November" beautiful song. ❤
they made this song their own no doubt!!!! A beautiful song that says to your ex; let's try again ya know
Yes I love him but it's a hell no for me.
This song makes me blush. 90s definitely rules r&b. takes me back to my middle/high school days. First crush/love👏😂💜😘
2020 still listening!
Slow song for the halftime show back when I was in the marching band '92 fall season!
I was playing FM in the book today. I found another masterpiece
Thank U Guys So So Much We Love And Really Appreciate U...It's All About Keeping The Legacy Alive...Fam Fa'Life One Love Fa'Sho...
Troop was one of the Best!!!!! I am so glad I grew up in this era.
Hi JonJon🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YALL! I just saw y’all documentary. It made me so sad cuz I have loved y’all since Mamacita! I’m sad to see all the drama y’all had in the group. But I will love y’all forever!!! #1FAN
@@tracystewart2766 Hi Sweetie...
@@tracystewart2766 We'll Always Love U Too...
I bought their first cassette tape by chances back late 80's... I have never heard of them prior to purchasing , and I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the entire album. Underrated is over played these days.. I would put them in a different category.. They did the Jacksons, and they did it better in 89, and here is the deal, and they did this song better in 92.... Love them since day one.
Listening in 2019. Remember how u felt all warm and fuzzy inside? Puppy love days
Oh yes I remember my puppy love days of having crushes and liking someone but I definitely remember being in love for real too feeling all warm and fuzzy inside I couldn't wait for my next chance to be close to him again.
Oh yes I remember my puppy love days of having crushes and liking someone but I definitely remember being in love for real too feeling all warm and fuzzy inside I couldn't wait for my next chance to be close to him again.
Such innocent and carefree days. Take me back pls