Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue? "[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... " Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...? What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ? Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
Beautiful speech Minister Penny. Australia is blessed to have you as a foreign minister. I will pray for you that you may not work alone but by and with the powers of the heaven above you may go forth to establish peace and unite the region and the world together. May the Lord bless you, your family and the people of your country, Australia.
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue? "[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... " Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...? What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ? Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
As an Australian, I look forward to Penny Wong becoming our first President when we finally become a Republic. She has always been the voice of sanity in our Parliaments.
You understand in a parliamentary democracy, the president is ceremonial, right? Not political. Being a republic in the Australian context doesn't mean the same as in the American context. This uneducated sort of perception is what is likely to sink a republican movement.
We haven’t set our rules yet. And I wouldn’t call the US Presidents “ceremonial”. Perhaps your thinking is a bit short-sighted. Once we let go of the British Royal Family, the Firm, we can do whatever we like. And don’t forget, it was the “ceremonial” Governor General who sacked Gough Whitlam.
@@KerrieRedgate No. The parliamentary system is the superior system. Having a US system where a president does not have to be in Congress is a recipe for disaster by attracting celebrities int heir droves to run for the office. You end up getting a Trump style person who has no experience with government. Such a thing cannot happen in the parliamentary system. I lived in the US for 12-years, believe me, you don't want what they have to put up with. And of course the US president is not ceremonial. Like I said it is a different system so the term 'president' has different powers than it would in Australia. I would truly start researching this stuff if you want to win a debate against the constitutional monarchists. They have a pretty strong case. Might be best for a small to middle power to stay in the same club as the UK, Canada and NZ.
Very proud Aussie - thankyou Penny Wong you have shown our best face to the world at a time when it is surely needed. Here's hoping that the carnage of the autocrats will be finished and that the UN can instead turn towards the promise of our shared future - a wonderful speech.
. G Was alright until Russia mentioned. From then on it was all BS, dishonest and extremely hypocritical. In self denial about the atrocities, crimes against humanity, war crimes and human rights abuses committed in full partnership with the greatest and only real terrorist rogue nation on the planet, the USA , all over the world. Disgraceful.
Deeply proud Aussie (male) - thank you Penny Wong, I only have one complaint Penny, why aren’t you our Prime Minister? Please address this oversight, and keep being the perceptive, intelligent, and exceptional human being you embody.
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue? "[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... " Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...? What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ? Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
@@azzevria8034 What inane, imbecilic and worthless PLA propaganda. BLATANT HYPOCRISY : Blatant Hypocrisy is any support/patronage of China in relation to any subject related to human rights. 1.4 billion people of China aren’t able to express how they have been virtually colonised by a brutal force called the CCP. The Communist administration cracks down on every form of dissent in the most horrific ways possible including enforced disappearances. And then the CCP is also running a massive deracination programme with its mouthpieces dominating the media circles and running relentless Communist propaganda in mainland China. Beijing/China has been nothing but helped, assisted, supported, and bolstered by the West; Beijing/China literally would not have been able to modernise to the extent or speed it has without Western involvement. This clear fact is passed over by Beijing's glory seeking. It does not serve Beijing to be thankful, indeed not only is Beijing not thankful, it continues to seek ways to distance China’s Western benefactors. Why has Beijing/China turned on its benefactors then? Simple. The West threatens the unelected Chinese governments (the CCPs) stranglehold over China. An open China, is far more difficult to control, then a closed, internally monitored China. The majority of CCP, PLA propaganda is less than subtle, it is directly inciting hate, hostility, and resentment. Using the CCP anti-Japan model perceived historical injustice… exaggerated claims, combined with emotional almost fictional storytelling. This is now being projected onto Western/European post-imperialism and neo-colonialism. We (the West) are simply jealous of China’s perfect society, and technological success. The CCP is not nuanced, it is a blunt stick, largely matching Russian propaganda; its key to success is: it is the only game in town. And it runs 24/7 everywhere. All schools, government offices, on the streets, and places of work. It is ubiquitous. In the last 10 years China has methodically, and systematically made enemies with the entire free world. While simultaneously getting closer with every evil repressive autocratic regime on the planet. China’s alliance, the Horror Council: Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Brazil, and South Africa.🙄 Hong Kong held 12 months of massive protests, resisting the CCP’s violent repressive, aggressive regime. They were crushed, like China, crushed under a harsh, cruel, ruthless, system of oppression perfected by Beijing for exactly that purpose. To crush, remove and oppress any, and all resistance to their commands, and their corruption. Why does Beijing fear Hong Kong? Its freedom represents the possible freedom of the Chinese people. This is of great concern to a regime that has not been chosen, that has enforced its rule, for almost one hundred years. Taiwan is the next great concern to Beijing’s regime. And Taiwan must be removed, like all threats to the CCP’s ability to wield complete outright control over the Chinese people. Beijing’s obsession with control smacks of fear and desperation, so that’s almost the definitive line, and position held by Beijing. The PLA fears the West, because it represents everything counter to Beijing. Success versus Chinese failure. Truth versus subversive lies. Innovation versus Intellectual theft. Freedom versus Captivity. Forward-looking versus Stifling restriction. Strength versus oppression. Justification versus assumption. Xi Jinping rules China with absolute power, like an emperor. He has complete control over China’s sole political party, the CCP, the government, the economy, the military, the police, the judiciary, and the media. Even over religion. Sounds reasonable? Surely controlling even one aspect with a country as large as China would be… contentious, open to question? The CCP has an abhorrent domestic policy rooted in the belief that people’s lives are subordinate to state interests - after all, it still venerates Mao and Stalin, dictators who killed millions of people. Its disregard for human life is apparent in its genocide against the Uyghurs and its coverup of the Covid pandemic’s origin. Chinese citizens live in an Orwellian techno-surveillance state with police cameras everywhere and complete government censorship of the internet. They must use their mobile phones to study and take exams on the thought of Xi Jinping. They have to follow CCP rules to maintain their social credit scores so that they can be allowed to travel by plane or own pets. Dissidents are persecuted, imprisoned, or killed. The CCP’s foreign policy is just as reprehensible. Its imperialist, might-is-right ideology was summarised in July 2010 by its then-foreign minister when he demanded that dignitaries at a conference of Asian nations obey China because “China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that’s just a fact.” Under this worldview, Xi’s China feels justified to coerce its neighbours. It has had conflicts with almost all of them, and has used its military, economic, and diplomatic power to force compliance. And Beijing’s aim is to have the entire world do its bidding. Countries as far away as Germany and Sweden have been threatened when they’ve stood up for human rights in China. American companies and individuals, afraid to lose business in China, have had to offer abject apologies for not toeing the CCP line. Chinese 🇨🇳 who lost their freedom and dignity under a repressive, coercive regime, and now become brainwashed victims of their expansionist ruler, with a lie that the sovereign country Taiwan was a "province" of China 2.0. Stop being the mouthpiece of the corrupt and oppressive CCP, and part of the oppressive boot on your country's neck. Unless we want to return to an era in which people are pawns, cattle to be manipulated, ordered, and restrained, or discarded, murdered, according to the whims of their, your overlords? The Chinese government’s attack on the international human rights system must be resisted. For the sake of all of humanity. You clearly embrace your masters treating you like cattle to be manipulated, ordered, and restrained, or discarded, murdered, according to the whims of these overlords. To put it simply, Beijing's/Chinese corruption, your corruption has been extensively catalogued asking for proof of it is akin to Sergey Lavrov telling the world Russia has committed no war crimes. It is beyond a lie, and is part of Russia’s and China's disinformation Narratives. 'We don't want to see any one country dominating?' Psychopathy, and or derangement? (mental illness) The Us has patrolled this region before many of the nations within it where even formed. And they have done so fairly. They seek to allow the voice of the people to dictate their nations behaviour and not Beijing’s demands! There is only one principle player on the global stage seeking to dominate others, and seeking slavery. The self-centered, arrogant demands of Beijing.
It's a shame that Penny stopped short of calling for the abolishment of P5 veto power. I believe many small and weak nations will stand up with her on the abolishment.
Great speech except for your references to the Ukraine conflict where you left out the role the US led NATO has had in not only starting the conflict in 2014, outlawing the Russian language in Ukraine (in 2014) which led to most of the unrest in the Donbass, then making the EU apply a massive raft of sanctions that has mostly affected themselves let alone the flow on affect to the global south. I am really concerned that you may not be getting the full story in your briefings. Please seek all the details behind the Ukraine issue (if you are allowed of course).
Very well put and said! She spoke well without prejudice. It is true that small and medium countries are being subjugated by powerful and large ones under various norms and threats. Competition leading to conflict remarks is very right. From the cold war to the Ukraine conflict are outcome of such competition. Competition among P5 would be very catastrophic.
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue? "[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... " Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...? What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ? Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue? "[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... " Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...? What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ? Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
@@azzevria8034 right put. But sometimes, give kangaroo some credits. Anyway, Mighty Chinese Dragons are still great. Long live to Mighty China 🇨🇳 Dragons.
@@jamesteh829 I'm more than happy to give Kanga credit where credit is due. In this instance, Wong is doing what she is paid to do as Foreign Minister - which is to regurgitate Washington's foreign policy. In my humble opinion, that is not acting in Kanga's national interest. Keen observers from Kanga's neighbourhood will see it for what it is. Hypocrisy. Period.
The Russia Ukraine situation is more complex than penny states in her address, remember this has been going on from well before the February intervention.
That's the hypocrisy I recognise. Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue? "[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... " Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...? What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ? Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
@@azzevria8034 Invading Afghanistan, really a theocratic totalitarian regime that brutalises its citizens for religion, no human rights. Iraq, invaded Iran in 1980, then invaded Kuwait in 1990. Iraq was active researching and then deploying weapons of mass destruction from 1962 to 1991. Iraq destroyed its chemical weapons stockpile and halted its biological and nuclear weapon programs, a requirement of the United Nations Security Council. By continuing to be secretive obstructive suspicion grew that Iraq had retained WMD. Syria, you should do your research about Syria. It is a brutal regime that breaks all the UN convention on human rights. Syria joined the United Nations with Iraq in 1945., by joining they signed to Charter of the United Nation. Libya has a deplorable history, enabling international terrorism, just one of Colonel Gaddafi despicable events, he 'ordered Lockerbie bombing. Yemen. On 26 March 2015, Saudi Arabia, leading a coalition of nine countries from West Asia and North Africa, intervened in the Yemeni Civil War. The intervention was in response to calls from the president of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, the Presidenf Yemen requested military support after he was ousted by the Houthi movement. This is a civil war and a coup. Perhaps you will notice what these counties have in common, they all have internal conflicts with their religion. If you want to examine causes of conflicts, you could start with their religious divide. These religious conflicts have been exported to the world in the form of terrorism. This is the scourge that western nations are fighting against. You may not like these truths but the biggest issue this century is autocracy (including theocracy) vs democracy. If you live in a democratic country, it might be time to check your values.
So at 2:09 we hear the Voice to Parliament will even get a say on Foreign Policy, going by that I suppose the unelected voice will get a say on immigration, defence etc as well.
Isn't that a time travel paradox? If I created a time machine to go back create the United Nations that was capable of stopping the Second World War then the United Nations that was created in the few years after the end of the incapable of stopping the second world war. Then it never have been created and I never would have built a time machine to go back in time create a United Nations before the second world war capable of stopping it stop it from happening? ♾️😵🥴🤯 Classic grandfather paradox of time travel. However if I travel back in time and informed you to read up more on history before commenting then I would never be dictating this message right now and that would. If I do that then I wouldn't be in a situation right now of wanting 2 minutes of my life back.😉 ☮️❤️✌️
Australia's foreign minister heaped high praise for one of the earlier Australians who played a key role in operationalising and stressing the key point on "sovereign rights of every UN member country and the "right to be independent". From a Melanesian Pacific Islander's perspective, I am afraid, Australia had long lost that "independence and sovereignty to uncle sam's military alliance, military aggression and zero sum games - dressed in their hollow mantra of democracy, human rights and freedom". The South South world has seen their hypocrisy and are never going to take directions and orders from Washington anymore. Australia better realises that trend, and change course for the better now! Grow a pair of Gough Whitlam balls and cease with the servility if you really mean what you say.
You think you can tell Australians who they can partner with......interesting. Unlike you, Australians remember the sacrifice of the US to free the pacific from Japanese imperialism. Crawl back under your rock.
@@タコの王 Get off the fence, get off the troll train to get across your views using your own identity to be taken seriously. Otherwise, you crawl back under your rock and stay buried there.
Aussie here, fair call. We have a new outward looking government and the most progressive parliament in our history. I think you will see a more independently minded Australian Government going forward.
@@coasterblocks3420 Yes, I agree. Our current, and very new, Aus Govt is treading as carefully as it can allow, to clean up the diplomatic mess left by our last Govt. I think Penny Wong is doing a great job at restoring respect for Australia.
Parabéns pelo trabalho como nós ficamos invisíveis como cidadão onde moramos e nascemos parece que não existimos para a sociedade e o mundo. que Deus/Ala abençoe em todos os idiomas - amém.
Wjy can't USA do like Australia to recognize native Americans also.why is that immigrants are seen as though they are the owners of natives talking too much when they ran away from germany canada mexico Africa asia india etc..these are the problematic people creating conflicts all over the world
I was looking forward to hearing Senator Wong address the UN talking about Australia's views and opinions of the many issues facing Australia and the World. After hearing her state how Australia is inclusive and united as one people and one Nation, I can not tell you how disappointed I was to hear her mention the racists, divisive intensions of the "new Australian Government" she represents.
You might think it's spin, but it isn't. I know many Turkish and Armenian people who would love to share a happy flight to visit our peaceful homelands, but, that's up to everyone in that hall; Penny is true, but we're not impoverished or have hostile neighbours, that's where we can all work together and deal with the greed that is as crippling as the envy.
ah nah.. we're generating the heat, then using A/C to cool it and exponentiating the warming effect.. the CO2 only retains the heat we generate. We are a 1000W creature devouring 10x our output... that's all heat, simple science we should all have learned in our school certificates.. so we've got more than a climate problem on our hands. Education needs to be precede our working lives, we've put the cart before the horse... Education needs to extend to 25 years for everyone, to balance economic needs of all nations and less ineffective use of skills.. Some know what they want to do before they end primary education, they are few. There's 4 years of sciences along to cover just to keep up with all the changes in the world in Penny and my lifetime...
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue. "[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... " Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...? What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ? Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue? "[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... " Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...? What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ? Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
I have listened the speeches of the world leaders, everyone is blaming to others, but this one is goosebump for me, simply, the best speech I've ever listened. Thank you
Honesty you are very humble, why becouse all of you a humbles, Iven to yourself, you relize what i mean, a strong actually, nations hiden on the huges land, thank to my nations who ever sending me to your place, i wish somedays can visiting, remaind what was my journey. Btw i have some funny moments, wen i bought i weapon its cal bownarang from your money, i trowed those think to the sky, hoping it will be go back like in the movie, than what happened, its tottaly gone away..
God Bless Australia has helped Ukraine with a great deal of equipment and have chosen the side for freedom. Zelensky has called out Isreal this week for not helping but siding and betting on Putler.
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue? "[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... " Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...? What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ? Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
Nice speech, well presented...pity there were so few attendees to listen. None of the speeches I've listened to had any more listeners. Is this effort and expense well dispensed?
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue? "[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... " Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...? What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ? Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
The sad truth. I can see Penny Wong as PM. The speech is beautifully delivered. But the blatant hypocrisy in it is hard to take. Its beneath her. Aus is internationally a puppet to the US and UK. You can tell when she mentions great powers coercing smaller ones she is referring to China and Russia and their trade with smaller countries and the war in Ukraine and not the US lead coalition of the willing killing over a million people in the middle East based on a lie and against UN. Not to mention all of their other conflicts. Or Australia and the US bullying Solomon Islands and other small nations to not trade with China based on lies and fear mongering. I feel parts of this amazing speech are beneath Penny Wong and our national interest
Parabéns pelo trabalho como alguém consegue ser cidadão do mundo sendo que nós pobres mortais não conseguimos ser cidadão onde moramos e nascemos aconteceu com minha família e eu. Deus/Ala abençoe
I am glad to see that now many women from across the glob are taking part in politics and my believe is that if 60 percent women become leaders in international organizations, new generations can see a peaceful world.
Australia is the most crucial country that could promote and ensure peace in the region. Should Australia really wants peace in the Pacific, it should ally with ASEAN, India and China. Let these countries work together, develop a security council in defending and promoting peace in the region and at the same time avoiding provocative action in the region by some powerful states outside the region. I am rather disappointed that she put visiting islands as the first priority. Countries outside the Asia Pacific region should not be allowed to set up military bases in the region.
@@johndoe1121able Just too bad. Australia foreign policy should serve the interest of Australia and the Asia Pacific region. If peace could be assured, it will be the highest growing region in the world.
No one should be allowed to set up mlitary bases any where but SOME countries are actually building artificial islands in other countries space to do just you noticed? mm I think you have!
Insults will never achieve any deplomacy, Miss Penny Wrong needs to learn about recent and pass events in Ukraine. NATO gave Kosovo got independence from Serbia with blessings from ICJ International Court of Justice. Same rules apply now to Ukraine.
Let's working together all world-wide and Let's helping each other all humanity as well as Let's respect all God created natural organic life an Let's respect natural environment natural human resources Let's respect natural Idea Let's respect our natural plants asmelash gebremariam gebreziabher
I personally find it hilarious that every nation that has criticised the five eyes, would join in a heartbeat if their country was offered the opportunity to become the 6th eyes 🤣 ✌️☮️❤️
Luís Padrão Parabéns pelo trabalho criar um hotel no espaço no ano 2025 para fugir de furacões, tornados, tempestade, chuvas e climáticos vale a pena para vocês da ONU. Deus/Ala abençoe e perdoe a nossa ganância.
Australia is what it is now there is no reverse gear Australia is governed ok now. Australia can remove British crown from their government logos and Union Jack from the Australian flag. Australia can change the colonial state names also.
You are so wrong. She’s a brilliant woman, more committed than any of our Australian politicians, apart from our current Prime Minister, which is why she has this portfolio. Also, she’s wise enough to know her words are being translated live into a variety of languages. Macron, for example, speaks way too fast, and the translators lose his emotional tone in their translations as they scurry to reassemble French even into English. You may not realise that all political speeches, especially at the UN, are read via two teleprompters, which is why all people speaking move their heads from left to right to left... These are not off-the-cuff speeches, and not designed for entertainment.
Awesome. Further confirmation of the commitment to higher energy prices and more reductions in energy usage. More lockdowns coming to help achieve emissions reductions targets.
Security guards at Parliament House Canberra have more power to effect change in our system of government. To alter our constitution requires a majority of votes in a majority of states. It's a high bar the crossover but we will cross it. I also have no doubt that in time we will also remove the Union Jack from our nations flag and replace it something more appropriately reflective of the modern Australia. I personally hope it be the current flags of the first Australians. As far as I'm concerned that particular piece of real estate on our national ensign has a claim that predates the British by about 60000 years or so.
Here we go again. It could be ambiguous again. Possibly could be called some other type of crisis. Microbes might be blamed. The climate crisis or some kind of variant of it. The big problem is too many people using too much stuff. Luckily most have had the solution already. We are doing our bit. Should be all sorted out soon.
At a guess, sow division in effort to create & or exacerbate any existing animosity & or mistrust to divide and conquer. 'The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.' Sun Tzu, The Art of War. The Chinese utilise social media as a tool of information/psychological unconventional warfare in the greyzone* (*below the threshold which would trigger a more conventional perhaps even kinetic military response) the way the Russians effectively use it but they're not nearly as sophisticated or effective that said half as bad is still bad. Every again I've ever seen where religious differences between people is part of the narrative they are totally hopeless. Islamic state, extreme Orthodox Jews and radical Evangelical are expert in their use of social media as effective for propaganda to further their recruitment and political ends for exactly the same reason that the ruling party in China and thier info/psy ops are not. The ruling party in China fear religion and spirituality. It perceives such beliefs and ideals as detractors of absolute and unquestioning loyalty, devotion to and love for the rulling party thus a threat they have done the very best to, very near absolutely succeeded in eliminating. The result of destroyed, subjugated or suppressed/oppressed institutional, cultural and memory of practising religion and spirituality is a populous fundamentally doesn't understand religion or and or spirituality and thus cannot leverage those believes against those that have what day are fundamental level do not understand. At least that's my opinion anyway is true of the Soviet Union. The way Russia operates today is completely different to how the USSR did, it is much more sophisticated and doesn't seek to radicalise, infact quite the reverse.
Beautiful and poignant speech Penny. We are proud to have you represent us, the people of Australia 🇦🇺 🙌 🌏🕊🙏
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue?
"[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... "
Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...?
What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ?
Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
Beautiful speech Minister Penny. Australia is blessed to have you as a foreign minister. I will pray for you that you may not work alone but by and with the powers of the heaven above you may go forth to establish peace and unite the region and the world together. May the Lord bless you, your family and the people of your country, Australia.
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue?
"[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... "
Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...?
What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ?
Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
As an Australian, I look forward to Penny Wong becoming our first President when we finally become a Republic. She has always been the voice of sanity in our Parliaments.
Shock !! How Australian people trust CCP blood
You understand in a parliamentary democracy, the president is ceremonial, right? Not political. Being a republic in the Australian context doesn't mean the same as in the American context. This uneducated sort of perception is what is likely to sink a republican movement.
We haven’t set our rules yet. And I wouldn’t call the US Presidents “ceremonial”. Perhaps your thinking is a bit short-sighted. Once we let go of the British Royal Family, the Firm, we can do whatever we like. And don’t forget, it was the “ceremonial” Governor General who sacked Gough Whitlam.
@@KerrieRedgate No. The parliamentary system is the superior system. Having a US system where a president does not have to be in Congress is a recipe for disaster by attracting celebrities int heir droves to run for the office. You end up getting a Trump style person who has no experience with government. Such a thing cannot happen in the parliamentary system. I lived in the US for 12-years, believe me, you don't want what they have to put up with. And of course the US president is not ceremonial. Like I said it is a different system so the term 'president' has different powers than it would in Australia. I would truly start researching this stuff if you want to win a debate against the constitutional monarchists. They have a pretty strong case. Might be best for a small to middle power to stay in the same club as the UK, Canada and NZ.
@@KerrieRedgate love and respect support Australia from Pakistan
Very proud Aussie - thankyou Penny Wong you have shown our best face to the world at a time when it is surely needed. Here's hoping that the carnage of the autocrats will be finished and that the UN can instead turn towards the promise of our shared future - a wonderful speech.
. G
Was alright until Russia mentioned. From then on it was all BS, dishonest and extremely hypocritical. In self denial about the atrocities, crimes against humanity, war crimes and human rights abuses committed in full partnership with the greatest and only real terrorist rogue nation on the planet, the USA , all over the world. Disgraceful.
Deeply proud Aussie (male) - thank you Penny Wong, I only have one complaint Penny, why aren’t you our Prime Minister? Please address this oversight, and keep being the perceptive, intelligent, and exceptional human being you embody.
She could be PM in future!!!
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue?
"[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... "
Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...?
What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ?
Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
@@azzevria8034 What inane, imbecilic and worthless PLA propaganda.
BLATANT HYPOCRISY : Blatant Hypocrisy is any support/patronage of China in relation to any subject related to human rights.
1.4 billion people of China aren’t able to express how they have been virtually colonised by a brutal force called the CCP. The Communist administration cracks down on every form of dissent in the most horrific ways possible including enforced disappearances. And then the CCP is also running a massive deracination programme with its mouthpieces dominating the media circles and running relentless Communist propaganda in mainland China.
Beijing/China has been nothing but helped, assisted, supported, and bolstered by the West; Beijing/China literally would not have been able to modernise to the extent or speed it has without Western involvement.
This clear fact is passed over by Beijing's glory seeking. It does not serve Beijing to be thankful, indeed not only is Beijing not thankful, it continues to seek ways to distance China’s Western benefactors.
Why has Beijing/China turned on its benefactors then?
Simple. The West threatens the unelected Chinese governments (the CCPs) stranglehold over China.
An open China, is far more difficult to control, then a closed, internally monitored China.
The majority of CCP, PLA propaganda is less than subtle, it is directly inciting hate, hostility, and resentment. Using the CCP anti-Japan model perceived historical injustice… exaggerated claims, combined with emotional almost fictional storytelling. This is now being projected onto Western/European post-imperialism and neo-colonialism. We (the West) are simply jealous of China’s perfect society, and technological success.
The CCP is not nuanced, it is a blunt stick, largely matching Russian propaganda; its key to success is: it is the only game in town. And it runs 24/7 everywhere. All schools, government offices, on the streets, and places of work. It is ubiquitous.
In the last 10 years China has methodically, and systematically made enemies with the entire free world. While simultaneously getting closer with every evil repressive autocratic regime on the planet. China’s alliance, the Horror Council: Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Brazil, and South Africa.🙄
Hong Kong held 12 months of massive protests, resisting the CCP’s violent repressive, aggressive regime. They were crushed, like China, crushed under a harsh, cruel, ruthless, system of oppression perfected by Beijing for exactly that purpose. To crush, remove and oppress any, and all resistance to their commands, and their corruption.
Why does Beijing fear Hong Kong? Its freedom represents the possible freedom of the Chinese people. This is of great concern to a regime that has not been chosen, that has enforced its rule, for almost one hundred years.
Taiwan is the next great concern to Beijing’s regime. And Taiwan must be removed, like all threats to the CCP’s ability to wield complete outright control over the Chinese people.
Beijing’s obsession with control smacks of fear and desperation, so that’s almost the definitive line, and position held by Beijing.
The PLA fears the West, because it represents everything counter to Beijing.
Success versus Chinese failure.
Truth versus subversive lies.
Innovation versus Intellectual theft.
Freedom versus Captivity.
Forward-looking versus Stifling restriction.
Strength versus oppression.
Justification versus assumption.
Xi Jinping rules China with absolute power, like an emperor. He has complete control over China’s sole political party, the CCP, the government, the economy, the military, the police, the judiciary, and the media. Even over religion. Sounds reasonable? Surely controlling even one aspect with a country as large as China would be… contentious, open to question?
The CCP has an abhorrent domestic policy rooted in the belief that people’s lives are subordinate to state interests - after all, it still venerates Mao and Stalin, dictators who killed millions of people. Its disregard for human life is apparent in its genocide against the Uyghurs and its coverup of the Covid pandemic’s origin.
Chinese citizens live in an Orwellian techno-surveillance state with police cameras everywhere and complete government censorship of the internet. They must use their mobile phones to study and take exams on the thought of Xi Jinping. They have to follow CCP rules to maintain their social credit scores so that they can be allowed to travel by plane or own pets. Dissidents are persecuted, imprisoned, or killed.
The CCP’s foreign policy is just as reprehensible. Its imperialist, might-is-right ideology was summarised in July 2010 by its then-foreign minister when he demanded that dignitaries at a conference of Asian nations obey China because “China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that’s just a fact.”
Under this worldview, Xi’s China feels justified to coerce its neighbours. It has had conflicts with almost all of them, and has used its military, economic, and diplomatic power to force compliance.
And Beijing’s aim is to have the entire world do its bidding. Countries as far away as Germany and Sweden have been threatened when they’ve stood up for human rights in China. American companies and individuals, afraid to lose business in China, have had to offer abject apologies for not toeing the CCP line.
Chinese 🇨🇳 who lost their freedom and dignity under a repressive, coercive regime, and now become brainwashed victims of their expansionist ruler, with a lie that the sovereign country Taiwan was a "province" of China 2.0.
Stop being the mouthpiece of the corrupt and oppressive CCP, and part of the oppressive boot on your country's neck.
Unless we want to return to an era in which people are pawns, cattle to be manipulated, ordered, and restrained, or discarded, murdered, according to the whims of their, your overlords?
The Chinese government’s attack on the international human rights system must be resisted. For the sake of all of humanity.
You clearly embrace your masters treating you like cattle to be manipulated, ordered, and restrained, or discarded, murdered, according to the whims of these overlords.
To put it simply, Beijing's/Chinese corruption, your corruption has been extensively catalogued asking for proof of it is akin to Sergey Lavrov telling the world Russia has committed no war crimes. It is beyond a lie, and is part of Russia’s and China's disinformation Narratives.
'We don't want to see any one country dominating?'
Psychopathy, and or derangement? (mental illness)
The Us has patrolled this region before many of the nations within it where even formed. And they have done so fairly. They seek to allow the voice of the people to dictate their nations behaviour and not Beijing’s demands!
There is only one principle player on the global stage seeking to dominate others, and seeking slavery. The self-centered, arrogant demands of Beijing.
@@bubbamacks4896 I hope you're right.
So proud of Hon Penny Wong, from Malaysia
We r proud of Malaysia - 🇲🇾 thanks from , Bhutan 🇧🇹
Tahniah Penny Wong. 👍👍
It's a shame that Penny stopped short of calling for the abolishment of P5 veto power. I believe many small and weak nations will stand up with her on the abolishment.
USA will never let it go, they use it more than all others combined to impose sanctions on countries who disagree with them.
I have the highest respect for you Penny
Great speech except for your references to the Ukraine conflict where you left out the role the US led NATO has had in not only starting the conflict in 2014, outlawing the Russian language in Ukraine (in 2014) which led to most of the unrest in the Donbass, then making the EU apply a massive raft of sanctions that has mostly affected themselves let alone the flow on affect to the global south.
I am really concerned that you may not be getting the full story in your briefings. Please seek all the details behind the Ukraine issue (if you are allowed of course).
@@theboydownunder531 The Russian language isn't illegal in Ukraine, the president of Ukraine speaks mainly Russian, your argument has no credibility
Kyall, I think you need to do a bit more research into this.
Love you australia from India 🇮🇳
We ❤ u Rahul… from - Bhutan 🇧🇹 ….
Very well put and said! She spoke well without prejudice. It is true that small and medium countries are being subjugated by powerful and large ones under various norms and threats. Competition leading to conflict remarks is very right. From the cold war to the Ukraine conflict are outcome of such competition. Competition among P5 would be very catastrophic.
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue?
"[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... "
Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...?
What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ?
Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
Love from Geelong Victoria Australia 🇦🇺.
Love, from Bhutan 🇧🇹 - pls come and visit us. We are the happiest country in the world 🌎 😊
x2 🥰👍🏼
& Go the cats!😜
Penny Wong you are the best thank you 🙏
Penny Wong FM of Australia. Very articulate and brilliant speech. Bring proud to Australia.
Bring pride!!! 🇦🇺💯🥇🏆🪃🥩🥑⭐️🦘🐨👩🦳👱♂️👨🏿
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue?
"[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... "
Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...?
What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ?
Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
@@azzevria8034 right put. But sometimes, give kangaroo some credits. Anyway, Mighty Chinese Dragons are still great. Long live to Mighty China 🇨🇳 Dragons.
@@jamesteh829 I'm more than happy to give Kanga credit where credit is due. In this instance, Wong is doing what she is paid to do as Foreign Minister - which is to regurgitate Washington's foreign policy. In my humble opinion, that is not acting in Kanga's national interest. Keen observers from Kanga's neighbourhood will see it for what it is. Hypocrisy. Period.
@@azzevria8034 You are awasome. Never give her as credit till she really perform
Superb Australian Minister God bless you
The Russia Ukraine situation is more complex than penny states in her address, remember this has been going on from well before the February intervention.
That's the democracy that I recognise.
That's the hypocrisy I recognise.
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue?
"[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... "
Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...?
What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ?
Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
@@azzevria8034 Invading Afghanistan, really a theocratic totalitarian regime that brutalises its citizens for religion, no human rights. Iraq, invaded Iran in 1980, then invaded Kuwait in 1990. Iraq was active researching and then deploying weapons of mass destruction from 1962 to 1991. Iraq destroyed its chemical weapons stockpile and halted its biological and nuclear weapon programs, a requirement of the United Nations Security Council. By continuing to be secretive obstructive suspicion grew that Iraq had retained WMD. Syria, you should do your research about Syria. It is a brutal regime that breaks all the UN convention on human rights. Syria joined the United Nations with Iraq in 1945., by joining they signed to Charter of the United Nation. Libya has a deplorable history, enabling international terrorism, just one of Colonel Gaddafi despicable events, he 'ordered Lockerbie bombing. Yemen. On 26 March 2015, Saudi Arabia, leading a coalition of nine countries from West Asia and North Africa, intervened in the Yemeni Civil War. The intervention was in response to calls from the president of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, the Presidenf Yemen requested military support after he was ousted by the Houthi movement. This is a civil war and a coup.
Perhaps you will notice what these counties have in common, they all have internal conflicts with their religion. If you want to examine causes of conflicts, you could start with their religious divide. These religious conflicts have been exported to the world in the form of terrorism. This is the scourge that western nations are fighting against. You may not like these truths but the biggest issue this century is autocracy (including theocracy) vs democracy. If you live in a democratic country, it might be time to check your values.
Love Australia from india🇮🇳
Best regards from Brazil! Very nice speech!
No worries 😉👍🏼
Thank you for everything. and peace.
Excellent speech and pronunciation.
I wont b surprised if she bcomes d PM of Australia in d future.
May God bless You for doing the needful.
Even are darkness We seeing things very clear different way. 🙏🇦🇺
So at 2:09 we hear the Voice to Parliament will even get a say on Foreign Policy, going by that I suppose the unelected voice will get a say on immigration, defence etc as well.
She understands human lifes good hearted woman
Penny Wong is a very capable foreign minister.
Only praises for the UN which couldn't stop the world suffering from avoidable wars since after the WWII 🤦♂️
Isn't that a time travel paradox?
If I created a time machine to go back create the United Nations that was capable of stopping the Second World War then the United Nations that was created in the few years after the end of the incapable of stopping the second world war. Then it never have been created and I never would have built a time machine to go back in time create a United Nations before the second world war capable of stopping it stop it from happening? ♾️😵🥴🤯
Classic grandfather paradox of time travel.
However if I travel back in time and informed you to read up more on history before commenting then I would never be dictating this message right now and that would. If I do that then I wouldn't be in a situation right now of wanting 2 minutes of my life back.😉
Australia's foreign minister heaped high praise for one of the earlier Australians who played a key role in operationalising and stressing the key point on "sovereign rights of every UN member country and the "right to be independent".
From a Melanesian Pacific Islander's perspective, I am afraid, Australia had long lost that "independence and sovereignty to uncle sam's military alliance, military aggression and zero sum games - dressed in their hollow mantra of democracy, human rights and freedom".
The South South world has seen their hypocrisy and are never going to take directions and orders from Washington anymore. Australia better realises that trend, and change course for the better now! Grow a pair of Gough Whitlam balls and cease with the servility if you really mean what you say.
You think you can tell Australians who they can partner with......interesting. Unlike you, Australians remember the sacrifice of the US to free the pacific from Japanese imperialism. Crawl back under your rock.
@@タコの王 Get off the fence, get off the troll train to get across your views using your own identity to be taken seriously. Otherwise, you crawl back under your rock and stay buried there.
Excellent! You hit the bull’s eye, scholar.
Aussie here, fair call. We have a new outward looking government and the most progressive parliament in our history. I think you will see a more independently minded Australian Government going forward.
Yes, I agree. Our current, and very new, Aus Govt is treading as carefully as it can allow, to clean up the diplomatic mess left by our last Govt. I think Penny Wong is doing a great job at restoring respect for Australia.
Parabéns pelo trabalho como nós ficamos invisíveis como cidadão onde moramos e nascemos
parece que não existimos para a sociedade e o mundo. que Deus/Ala abençoe em todos os
idiomas - amém.
She understands human"s.
Yes Patel, u r correct!!$
☮️ All the best to the people of Australia.
Wjy can't USA do like Australia to recognize native Americans also.why is that immigrants are seen as though they are the owners of natives talking too much when they ran away from germany canada mexico Africa asia india etc..these are the problematic people creating conflicts all over the world
Indeed ❤️from- Philippines
I was looking forward to hearing Senator Wong address the UN talking about Australia's views and opinions of the many issues facing Australia and the World. After hearing her state how Australia is inclusive and united as one people and one Nation, I can not tell you how disappointed I was to hear her mention the racists, divisive intensions of the "new Australian Government" she represents.
The other place we all come together is our home.
You might think it's spin, but it isn't. I know many Turkish and Armenian people who would love to share a happy flight to visit our peaceful homelands, but, that's up to everyone in that hall; Penny is true, but we're not impoverished or have hostile neighbours, that's where we can all work together and deal with the greed that is as crippling as the envy.
ah nah.. we're generating the heat, then using A/C to cool it and exponentiating the warming effect.. the CO2 only retains the heat we generate. We are a 1000W creature devouring 10x our output... that's all heat, simple science we should all have learned in our school certificates.. so we've got more than a climate problem on our hands. Education needs to be precede our working lives, we've put the cart before the horse... Education needs to extend to 25 years for everyone, to balance economic needs of all nations and less ineffective use of skills.. Some know what they want to do before they end primary education, they are few.
There's 4 years of sciences along to cover just to keep up with all the changes in the world in Penny and my lifetime...
Not my home, its not big enough.
Perhaps I didn't word it correctly, *I meant nation as a home
Best regards from Bangladesh
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue.
"[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... "
Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...?
What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ?
Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
Very beautiful speech indeed, minister Penny Wong.
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue?
"[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... "
Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...?
What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ?
Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
I have listened the speeches of the world leaders, everyone is blaming to others, but this one is goosebump for me, simply, the best speech I've ever listened. Thank you
Great respect to you even though we 're not of the same nationality but we share the skin color..
My fellow Sabahan. We lost so many talent thanks to Malaya.
Why is a First Nations issue a foreign affairs concern?
Honesty you are very humble, why becouse all of you a humbles, Iven to yourself, you relize what i mean, a strong actually, nations hiden on the huges land, thank to my nations who ever sending me to your place, i wish somedays can visiting, remaind what was my journey. Btw i have some funny moments, wen i bought i weapon its cal bownarang from your money, i trowed those think to the sky, hoping it will be go back like in the movie, than what happened, its tottaly gone away..
Joint venture group COUNTRIES with general scientist agreement documents required complete in Saudi Arabia
Australia knows better! They are strong and will not faulter under the fear of evil forces!
God Bless Australia has helped Ukraine with a great deal of equipment and have chosen the side for freedom.
Zelensky has called out Isreal this week for not helping but siding and betting on Putler.
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue?
"[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... "
Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...?
What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ?
Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
Very good speech indeed,
Before all joint venture group COUNTRIES and United nations SERVICES provided to general scientist arrangement shipting to Saudi Arabia
Wuhuu! 👍🏼👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼She from North Borneo (Sabah)
Mr guterres secretary general of general assembly of United nation 8 months before finishing jobs of United nation
Big brother is not always right.
Nice speech, well presented...pity there were so few attendees to listen. None of the speeches I've listened to had any more listeners. Is this effort and expense well dispensed?
Penny Wong speaking with forked tongue?
"[South East Asia] ...we don't want to see any one country dominating or any one country being dominated. We cannot accept a situation where large countries determining the fate of smaller countries. That is why Russia's immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine cannot be normallised or minimised... "
Stating the bleeding obvious - US and allies (including Australia) invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen...?
What do you call American and British aircraft carrier battle groups, sailing 10,000kms away from home ports, patrolling the East and South China Seas, another country's backyard ?
Two words to describe Senator Wong's speech - BLATANT HYPOCRISY
I used to be a fan of. Now, I am very disappointed in her.
You said that elsewhere. However you haven’t illuminated us as to your displeasure.
Don't forget that Australian policy is dictated from Washington and London!
The sad truth. I can see Penny Wong as PM. The speech is beautifully delivered. But the blatant hypocrisy in it is hard to take. Its beneath her. Aus is internationally a puppet to the US and UK. You can tell when she mentions great powers coercing smaller ones she is referring to China and Russia and their trade with smaller countries and the war in Ukraine and not the US lead coalition of the willing killing over a million people in the middle East based on a lie and against UN. Not to mention all of their other conflicts. Or Australia and the US bullying Solomon Islands and other small nations to not trade with China based on lies and fear mongering.
I feel parts of this amazing speech are beneath Penny Wong and our national interest
No it isn’t.
That is rude Neb…. R u saying Australia can not think itself?? !
Introduce myself my name is Ariful Islam leeton im software engineer and members of the international organization who and investors
Please ...admit the Palestinian state a new member of the U.N..
Stop the genocide....
Salute to the nations to prevent killings of the humanity ....
Cool ❤❤❤
Parabéns pelo trabalho como alguém consegue ser cidadão do mundo sendo que nós pobres
mortais não conseguimos ser cidadão onde moramos e nascemos aconteceu com minha
família e eu. Deus/Ala abençoe
Why don't you save your hero citizen Assange?
Hi everyone Do you know what Australia did to Solomon Islands
I notice you dont have a pacific islander name...isnt Lam a chinese name?
I am glad to see that now many women from across the glob are taking part in politics and my believe is that if 60 percent women become leaders in international organizations, new generations can see a peaceful world.
กราฟรวบรวมประเทศทั่วโลก 232 ประเทศทั่วโลกปี 2022
ผู้ค้นพบหลักฐานกราฟการประเมินผลคือ คุณกิตติเดช ทองผอม..." คุณพระกิตติเดช กิตติปัญโญ..."
กราฟรวบรวมอยู่ในเพจคือ Thailand youth Delegates to the United Nations..."
Australia is the most crucial country that could promote and ensure peace in the region. Should Australia really wants peace in the Pacific, it should ally with ASEAN, India and China. Let these countries work together, develop a security council in defending and promoting peace in the region and at the same time avoiding provocative action in the region by some powerful states outside the region. I am rather disappointed that she put visiting islands as the first priority. Countries outside the Asia Pacific region should not be allowed to set up military bases in the region.
too bad. the OZ government does not have an independent foreign policy
@@johndoe1121able Just too bad. Australia foreign policy should serve the interest of Australia and the Asia Pacific region. If peace could be assured, it will be the highest growing region in the world.
No one should be allowed to set up mlitary bases any where but SOME countries are actually building artificial islands in other countries space to do just you noticed? mm I think you have!
Informative talk
Great speech 🎤
Love you from 🇰🇪 🇰🇪 +254
Our new government certainly has been doing a lot of work in the best interests of the people of Australia since being elected in May.
Insults will never achieve any deplomacy, Miss Penny Wrong needs to learn about recent and pass events in Ukraine.
NATO gave Kosovo got independence from Serbia with blessings from ICJ International Court of Justice. Same rules apply now to Ukraine.
I dont know how truth can be confused for insults..but you want insults to be construed as truth...please explain?
Australia joint venture group of general scientist globally peace
Australia joint venture group COUNTRIES of general scientist globally peace
If someday any aliens come UN will represent earth to fight them back.
Dude, get your feet back on the ground and tale care of your neighbour, the aliens are subject to the same physics we are...
If that was to happen we would all be dead. You obviously haven’t seen the UN in action
Courteous but still it is a hollow talk as usual
🗺planets places 🌏🌎🌍🇳🇬
No thrut apart from self fish.
يريدون قتلي لحد التجويع وأنا خارج المنزل بل يريدون قتلي فيه
Keningau the real leader UN 😆
*Head of State Australia, still King of United Kingdom 😮*
Not QUITE right Diaz...I wont tell you how it really is, but with your name I can only conclude you have no real idea.
Let's working together all world-wide and Let's helping each other all humanity as well as Let's respect all God created natural organic life an Let's respect natural environment natural human resources Let's respect natural Idea Let's respect our natural plants asmelash gebremariam gebreziabher
Pakistan in the hunder general scientist globally peace
Australia should close Pine Gap. Period.
I personally find it hilarious that every nation that has criticised the five eyes, would join in a heartbeat if their country was offered the opportunity to become the 6th eyes 🤣
Luís Padrão
Parabéns pelo trabalho criar um hotel no espaço no ano 2025 para fugir de furacões, tornados, tempestade, chuvas e climáticos vale a pena para vocês da ONU. Deus/Ala abençoe e perdoe a nossa ganância.
Two child policy lao....
I’m pretty sure China abolished that policy.
Australian pm give citizenship to armenian refugee childerns
Virgin mary❤
Australia is what it is now there is no reverse gear Australia is governed ok now. Australia can remove British crown from their government logos and Union Jack from the Australian flag. Australia can change the colonial state names also.
All world COUNTRIES agreement closing in the hunder rules regulations policy of general scientist globally peace
United nations in all subject in the hunder general scientist globally peace
It sounds like a robot reading a script given to her. No conviction at all.
You are so wrong. She’s a brilliant woman, more committed than any of our Australian politicians, apart from our current Prime Minister, which is why she has this portfolio. Also, she’s wise enough to know her words are being translated live into a variety of languages. Macron, for example, speaks way too fast, and the translators lose his emotional tone in their translations as they scurry to reassemble French even into English. You may not realise that all political speeches, especially at the UN, are read via two teleprompters, which is why all people speaking move their heads from left to right to left... These are not off-the-cuff speeches, and not designed for entertainment.
Thats rubbish Paulo
Hercules 🌐👀 Work
Awesome. Further confirmation of the commitment to higher energy prices and more reductions in energy usage. More lockdowns coming to help achieve emissions reductions targets.
Security guards at Parliament House Canberra have more power to effect change in our system of government. To alter our constitution requires a majority of votes in a majority of states. It's a high bar the crossover but we will cross it.
I also have no doubt that in time we will also remove the Union Jack from our nations flag and replace it something more appropriately reflective of the modern Australia. I personally hope it be the current flags of the first Australians. As far as I'm concerned that particular piece of real estate on our national ensign has a claim that predates the British by about 60000 years or so.
You’ve got your tinfoil hat on too tight.
Here we go again. It could be ambiguous again. Possibly could be called some other type of crisis. Microbes might be blamed. The climate crisis or some kind of variant of it. The big problem is too many people using too much stuff. Luckily most have had the solution already. We are doing our bit. Should be all sorted out soon.
why so many muslim hate australia in the comment?
At a guess, sow division in effort to create & or exacerbate any existing animosity & or mistrust to divide and conquer.
'The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.'
Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
The Chinese utilise social media as a tool of information/psychological unconventional warfare in the greyzone* (*below the threshold which would trigger a more conventional perhaps even kinetic military response) the way the Russians effectively use it but they're not nearly as sophisticated or effective that said half as bad is still bad. Every again I've ever seen where religious differences between people is part of the narrative they are totally hopeless. Islamic state, extreme Orthodox Jews and radical Evangelical are expert in their use of social media as effective for propaganda to further their recruitment and political ends for exactly the same reason that the ruling party in China and thier info/psy ops are not.
The ruling party in China fear religion and spirituality. It perceives such beliefs and ideals as detractors of absolute and unquestioning loyalty, devotion to and love for the rulling party thus a threat they have done the very best to, very near absolutely succeeded in eliminating. The result of destroyed, subjugated or suppressed/oppressed institutional, cultural and memory of practising religion and spirituality is a populous fundamentally doesn't understand religion or and or spirituality and thus cannot leverage those believes against those that have what day are fundamental level do not understand. At least that's my opinion anyway is true of the Soviet Union.
The way Russia operates today is completely different to how the USSR did, it is much more sophisticated and doesn't seek to radicalise, infact quite the reverse.