Forjando Adoradores Testimonios - Belen Losa

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Se parte de este movimiento profetico que esta abarcando a muchas naciones de la tierra.
    Sientes la pasion, entonces toma el compromiso y ven a prepararte.
    Estas clases se adaptan a tu nivel y a tu ritmo de aprendizaje.
    Clases online de una hora semanal. Es un intensivo de 3 meses impartido por la pastora Belen losa.
    En cada una de las clases se trabajara la parte tecnica vocal, y la parte espiritual.
    Inscripciones abiertas

Комментарии • 33

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    “Being humble does not mean that you are depressed, but that you are humbling yourself for the sake of others. You reduce yourself from your original position just to bless somebody else. That’s not easy, when the flesh is full of pride, because pride desires promotion, to be seen, and to show off. Humility is the opposite. Humility teaches you to voluntarily abase yourself.”
    ~David E. Taylor~
    “...he that shall humble himself shall be exalted” (Matthew 23:12)

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    “Women of Destiny,
    It is never too late to fulfill the assignment that God predestined for you!
    No matter what you’ve been through, how much you’ve backslidden or rebelled, or how off track of God’s path you are, there is always hope!
    “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end,” (Jeremiah 29:11).
    The world will “cancel” people when their sins are exposed, but God is a God of second chances! His love and compassion do not fail and His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:21-23).
    Your current circumstances are not indicative of your future.
    Always remember, there is never any reason to give up!”
    -David E. Taylor

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    “Daughters of Destiny,
    You might ask yourself, ‘What does a Woman of Destiny look like?’ The truth is that the outside view, whether seen on social media or in person, will never answer that question.
    The statement, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is accurate and that’s why it's so important we remember whose we are. God is our creator and our beholder and He made us in His image!
    There are countless scriptures that will remind you just how beautiful He sees you:
    "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." (Psalm 139:14).
    "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on his height or his stature....for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart, (1 Samuel 16:7).
    Be encouraged, daughters. No matter how the world sees you, or even how you may see yourself, God is El Roi, meaning “The God Who Sees Me.” He looks upon you, His creation, and sees what man cannot by looking at your heart and love walk toward Him, others, and yourself.
    “According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love,” (Ephesians 1:4).
    Be encouraged today and walk confidently knowing that you were created by The One who makes no mistakes!”
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    "There isn't a place you can go that is out of God's reach! His love and blood is not intimidated by errors of the flesh.. God is not afraid to go where "Christians" won't!
    "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance," (2 Peter 3:9).
    Many Christians are into religion more than they are into developing a real relationship with Jesus. Therefore, they uphold the law of God higher than the love of God and cause casualties through immature and premature judgments. Their love is conditional based on right and wrong, but God's love is constant and sure and it never fails to meet us right where we are.
    His love reaches in and cleanses our deepest darkest secrets, fears, wounds, wrongs, disappointments, and any other thing that Satan tries to deceive us into believing separates us from God.
    No matter how horrific or terrible something was that you did, you MUST know that GOD'S LOVE for you is unconditional. It is not dependent upon you, it is dependent upon HIM, and it is impossible for you to go beyond God’s reach!
    God’s grace is immeasurably sufficient!! He is not keeping tabs on your bad or good choices as much as He wants your surrendered heart to trust and believe that He will never leave nor forsake you! Let's face it, none of us "deserve" Christ’s love and salvation. Nevertheless, He takes away our shame, forgives all our sins, and saves us to the uttermost.
    There are probably some of you that have a hard time believing this kind of royal and loyal love exists because of what you did.. you may believe the lie that God could not possibly love you because of what you did.. That is why you need to stay away from religious people who do not even know the LOVE of God for themselves. When God forgives, He forgets!! His love for you goes far beyond His knowledge of your wrongs.. He will never stop going after the "one" sheep, and that is the power of God's unfailing love and reach for you my friend..!"
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    "The Holy Spirit leads and guides us into all truth, and in addition to Jesus, He comforts us! He also shows us things that are to come. Which is why it is so important to develop the fruits of the Sprit in our heart and character. They will strengthen us in our process and help us attain our divine purpose and destiny.
    'But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law,' (Galatians 5:22-23).
    Despite talking about how much we desire to be more like Jesus or answering the infamous question, 'what would Jesus do,' the truth is, without the fruit of the Holy Spirit operating in our lives we will fail miserably in our attempts to become more like Jesus, never mind understanding what He would do in every situation.
    Religion bases everything Jesus would do, on the law, but when we look at the fruit of the Spirit... 'against such there is no law.' Let's take a closer look at the meaning of each of these fruits.
    According to Strong's:
    • love is: love that is affection or benevolence; specifically (plural) a love feast: - (feast of) charity ([-ably]) dear love.)
    • joy is: cheerfulness that is calm delight: - gladness X greatly (X be exceedingly) joy (-ful - fully - fulness - ous).
    • peace is: Probably from a primary verb (to join); peace (literally or figuratively); by implication prosperity: - one peace quietness rest + set at one again.
    • longsuffering is: longanimity that is (objectively) forbearance or (subjectively) fortitude: - longsuffering patience.
    • gentleness is: usefulness that is moral excellence (in character or demeanor): - gentleness good (-ness) kindness.
    • goodness is: goodness that is virtue or beneficence: - goodness.
    • faith is: persuasion that is credence; moral conviction (of religious truth or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher) especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly constancy in such profession; by extension the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: - assurance belief believe faith fidelity.
    • Meekness is: gentleness, mildness, meekness
    • temperance is: self control (especially continence): - temperance. Thayer's: self-control (the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions, esp. his sensual appetites)
    Can you recognize these characteristics in yourself? If not, the great news is, when you fellowship with the Holy Spirit and let Him fall on your life, HE WILL FILL YOU AND HE WILL HELP YOU!! Invite Him in today.. Call 1-877-843-4567 and agree with a prayer warrior now..!"
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @rubenbertoldo2353
    @rubenbertoldo2353 2 года назад +1


  • @katherinepuerto7718
    @katherinepuerto7718 2 года назад

    Que hermoso lo que Dios a puesto Aser a Belén,que Dios siga bendiciendo su vida.
    Me encantaría ser parte de esto ,pero no tengo ni como poder moverme🥺🙏 bendiciones pastora Belén losa

  • @miriamsalinas1884
    @miriamsalinas1884 2 года назад

    Me encanta el vídeo 🙌🙌 Amennnn

  • @charlycaicedo8057
    @charlycaicedo8057 Год назад

    Hola cómo estás Belén Dios te bendiga quisiera saber cómo tomar estás clases necesito aprender mucho como hago para comunicarme con tigo

  • @juanmoreno2745
    @juanmoreno2745 2 года назад

    Hola Belén bendiciones.
    Quisiera saber cómo consigo su participación en el cap 2016 donde ministro la alabanza junto a la profeta Ana Maldonado 🙏🙏🙏

  • @kerenibarra
    @kerenibarra 2 года назад

    Hola como me inscribo?

  • @XxdiamondxX_2008
    @XxdiamondxX_2008 2 года назад

    Dios les bendiga quisiera saber cuando vienen acá x Madrid

  • @ajorgensen86
    @ajorgensen86 2 года назад

    Como uno se inscribe?

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    Trust Him.
    Trust The Father, Son
    And Holy Spirit,
    With Those Things
    That You Don’t Understand, Or
    That Are Out Of Your Control.
    When You Are Worried
    About Tomorrow,
    God Is Not Worried!
    He Knows What Will Happen
    If You Will Trust Him,
    If You Will Let The Son, Jesus Christ,
    Be In Control Of Your Life!
    For Jesus Guides And Protects Those
    Who Belong To Him,
    Who Choose To Believe His Promises.
    Have Faith In God.
    His Promises Are Sure.
    His Love Never Fails.
    He Is Not Worried About Tomorrow.
    ~David E. Taylor~
    “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10)

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    "Women of Purpose,
    I challenge you today to get comfortable NOT knowing everything! Love and faith will always advance you further than the "knowledge" many of you so desperately seek.. Women have a tendency to stop where their knowledge does, without realizing that knowledge has limitations and an end, but Love NEVER ends because it never fails and it never runs out.. It endures ALL things!
    ‘And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God,' (Ephesians 3:19).
    Daughters, don't stop BELIEVING.. There is MORE to you than you "know," so stay rooted in God's love and just watch how beautifully you grow and not only surpass what you know about yourself, but what others have limited you to.. With God, ALL things are possible and His promises toward you, are always true..!" ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    “Daughters of Destiny,
    Did you know that fear is often what stops you from loving yourself or letting someone love you?
    Do you fear that you're not worthy of love? Did you love someone who turned from you or left you? Do you fear that you will be abandoned and be alone?
    Don’t let fear rule your life! As women, you sometimes hide from love and let bitterness and offense overtake you! A healthy woman fights for loving relationships, not against them!
    We all know God’s Commandment, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” (Matthew 22:39) but in the New Testament, Jesus also said, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another,” (John 13:34).
    How are we supposed to obey the commandment of loving our neighbors as ourselves when we don’t even love ourselves? Jesus says to love as HE loves, not as we love.
    Go to God for your healing today, break free from fear and the “love” you know, and ask the Lord to fill you with His love.
    “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness,” (Isaiah 41:10).
    The Word says turn to God, for He is love and will strengthen and help you!
    How different the world would be if Eve fought for her relationship with God!
    Stand on the foundation and trust of GOD’S LOVE. There you will find true love and victory!”
    ~David E. Taylor

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    "Faithfulness tends to be a one-sided expectation for many believers. They expect God's faithfulness in their lives, but reciprocating faithfulness back to Him is not often portrayed or demonstrated genuinely..
    'His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord,' (Matthew 25:23).
    Many Christians claim to be faithful to the "work of God," but can't see that their faithfulness is really to the work they choose to do for God, not necessarily the work He desires to do through them, to fulfill His will.
    There is a great divide in where faithfulness lies among many believers in the Body of Christ. Some are faithful to their service to people above their service to God. How can you really love and serve God without considering what He desires? Without considering His will and His expected outcome? Being faithful to God should not be second place to anything else in our lives!! Without Him, we are completely nothing.. Walking with Him should be first! Seeking Him should be first! Loving Him should be first!! Only then will we truly be able to be faithful to the infamous quoted scripture, 'thy will be done!'
    Faithfulness is not just about what we receive from God, but it is how we serve and give back to Him..!"
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    “Women of Purpose,
    I know some women love to talk.. so much so that they’ll talk to anyone.. but God wants you to talk to Him!
    ‘The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them,’ (Psalm 145:18-19).
    The problem with you talking with anyone is that you receive more than you should. It’s likely that as many women as you go to, ‘to talk,’ you will get that many different responses. I’m not saying there isn’t the potential for some wise counsel in that mix, but in your vulnerability you may only receive the parts that serve your feelings, emotions, and experiences instead of your purpose and destiny.
    God doesn’t play on your emotions just so you’ll like or follow Him.. He is crazy about you and desires your friendship, fellowship, petition, supplication, and above all your love, adoration, and trust!
    Don’t jeopardize your destiny by listening to people who don’t understand or agree with God’s plan and purpose for you!
    You can call upon the Lord at anytime and know that He hears you and He is for you, not some of the time, but every time..!” ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    “Women of Purpose,
    I know some women love to talk.. so much so that they’ll talk to anyone.. but God wants you to talk to Him!
    ‘The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them,’ (Psalm 145:18-19).
    The problem with you talking with anyone is that you receive more than you should. It’s likely that as many women as you go to, ‘to talk,’ you will get that many different responses. I’m not saying there isn’t the potential for some wise counsel in that mix, but in your vulnerability you may only receive the parts that serve your feelings, emotions, and experiences instead of your purpose and destiny.
    God doesn’t play on your emotions just so you’ll like or follow Him.. He is crazy about you and desires your friendship, fellowship, petition, supplication, and above all your love, adoration, and trust!
    Don’t jeopardize your destiny by listening to people who don’t understand or agree with God’s plan and purpose for you!
    You can call upon the Lord at anytime and know that He hears you and He is for you, not some of the time, but every time..!” ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    “Men of Valor,
    Let me remind you - this world is a constant battlefield and you must be ready at all times to stand and fight against the devils that wage war against our souls.
    'Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil,' (Ephesians 6:10-11).
    'The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly,” (John 10:10).
    Don’t let the enemy steal, kill, or destroy you because you neglect to walk in God’s strength, power, and armor. Today, I am charging you men of valor to put on the whole armor of God, strengthen yourself in Him, and walk in the power of His might! Remember, you have access to an unlimited supply of strength, power, and impenetrable armor at your disposal to prevail in victory at all times..!" ~David E. Taylor~

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    “God desires that you finish well!!
    ‘Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit,’ (Ecclesiastes 7:8).
    I want to encourage you to never get complacent or comfortable in your relationship with Jesus or the revelation, gifts, and even the answered prayers you have received from Him. Don’t put your confidence in what God gives you, and lose sight of HIM, His heart, or His ways.
    After David, Solomon became king, however, he was not confident in governing the people and he made a sacrifice to God to help him.. As always, God was faithful and visited him in a dream. God told Solomon that he could ask for anything and God would give it to him! Solomon pleased the Lord when he asked Him for an understanding heart to judge the people. His request resulted in Solomon receiving wisdom and understanding and a wealth of other blessings as well! He handled the people he was over with wisdom and today we apply his wisdom as well!
    These things were all great, but they were not enough to keep Solomon on course to finish well. Because it was his weaknesses that caused him to stumble and disobey God’s commands, not his strengths (Exodus 23:32-33).
    You must remember that Satan’s plan is always to attack your weaknesses.. with an appearance of something good or even as an answered prayer.. while it subtly destroys you.
    Christians tend to be so focused on their strengths that they miss the areas where they are weak. When you fail to face your weaknesses, Satan gets in, trips you up, and causes you to get off the course to the good and expected end God planned for you. Friends, I pray that you don’t only ask God for what helps you help others, but that you will keep Him first and never put anything between your heart and His.. Stay in Him and His will and you will finish well..!”
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @fernandapenaloza7692
    @fernandapenaloza7692 Год назад

    Holaaa Dios fortaleza más, estoy muy interesada en ver clases con usted, e escrito al correo dos veces pero no obtengo respuesta, esas clases online son pagas pastora? Soy de Venezuela, calabozo, estado Guárico.

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    "The Bible tells us to do, whatever we do, heartily unto the Lord...
    'And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men,' (Colossians 3:23).
    Sadly, in this day, most people are more concerned with doing what they do, unto themselves or for people who they want to impress, for their own gain. Which leads me to the point that God also tells us to treat people the way we want to be treated. So, when we go through the motions with people and do the bear minimum of what we know is more pleasing to God, we are not doing it unto Him, but to ourselves.
    Have you ever worked for a company and only did enough to make it "look" like you were doing all of your work, but inside, you knew more was required of you? Maybe you worked with children and gave them less than your best, because you thought they would not know the difference? Perhaps you have worked with people that were not as talented as you or as productive, and you slowed your pace to fit in, rather than doing your best to be set apart?
    Many Christians are deceived by the outward appearance of works and fail to see the inner motive of the heart.. Precious friends, God is focused on your heart and looks to find people with hearts that are not deceived by their works but are purified by developing a heart after His.. It is time to come out of the deception and genuinely do all you do as unto the Lord! Remember, when you do what pleases you, you're still a "people pleaser," instead of being a God pleaser.. God never gives His less to you.. He always gives His best! You were created in His image and likeness to do the same.. and you can.. in Jesus' name..!"
    ~David E. Taylor~

  • @eugeniasanchez1892
    @eugeniasanchez1892 2 года назад

    Bendiciones. Belén losa soy de Uruguay y quisiera aprender con Tigo pero no sé cómo puedo comunicarme o como puedoaser por vía de sum o otra vía de comunicación por la redes sociales muchas gracias si me respondes

  • @AnaMaria-cw5qh
    @AnaMaria-cw5qh 2 года назад +1

    Hice de todo por inscribirme y nada.

    • @rosamancia554
      @rosamancia554 2 года назад

      Esa muchacha nunca le va a responder🥲🥲🥲😢😏😏😢😢😢🥲🥲😭😭😭😭mire cada comentario a ningúna persona le responde hijas

    • @belenlosamusica
      @belenlosamusica  2 года назад

      Hola Ana las inscripciones eran por email, estúvimos colocando toda la información en las diferentes redes sociales, espero que pueda ser parte en un nuevo ciclo.
      Muchas gracias un abrazo!

  • @activeseasons
    @activeseasons 2 года назад

    "Daughters of Destiny,
    What is holding you back today?
    Fear that you won't get the job? Fear the clothes you ordered online won't fit? Fear about your results from the doctor? I challenge you this day to take all of that fear and replace it with faith! I know you probably say and hear, "there is nothing impossible for God," but do you believe it in your heart? You can say it, repeat it, write it, and type it, but if you don't believe it is true... you stay incomplete and defeated.
    You must remind yourself daily that Jesus overcame it all, and there is nothing He has not or will not do for you. You have already been delivered and set free! You only need FAITH the size of a mustard seed..
    "I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears," (Psalm 34:4).
    F - Forsake
    A - All
    I - Issues
    T - Trust
    H - Him
    This is the day that the Lord has made! Whatever fear or anxious thought that comes in your path to distract you from believing God's Word and promises concerning your life, needs to be cast down by YOU!! Do not give another second to fear! Remind Satan that he is defeated and you are a completed daughter of the Most High God who has already won your victory..!" ~David E. Taylor~

    • @mariamoreno9717
      @mariamoreno9717 Год назад

      Me gozo mucho, de poder ver, tanta jovencita con ese llamado por el Seńor, aun yo no pierdo la esperanza de poder ver a Mi hija, mayor estar con uds, ella tiene ese llamado, y por fe se que el Seńor abrira esa puerta, yo tambien tengo ese llamado tengo 66 ańos, y soy su adoradora, y tambien anhelo aprender mas, y si el Seńor le place en su voluntad abrir esa puerta tambien para mi, es un privilegio muy grande, poder hacer, lo que el Seńor quiera hacer, conmigo, y mis demas hijos, aun pasando luchas y deciertos, no estamos solas, el Seńor prometio estar conmigo, y creo sus promesas eternas . Isaias 54 -13 y dice su palabra, y todos tus hijos seran enseńados por Jehovà y se multiplicara la paz de tus hijos, prverbios 11-21. Tarde o temprano, el malo serà castigado, pero la decendensia de los justos serà librada. Hechos 16-31. Cree en el Seńor Jesucristo y seras salvo tu y toda tu casa. Tengo 26 ańos que le entrege mi vida al Seńor Jesùs, y en tantas luchas pruebas dolor sufrimiento, lagrimas, enfermedades todavia gracias al Seńor, con tanta debilidades y fallas herrrores todavia estoy de pie, creyendo al Seńor, y aunque no pueda ver, se que el esta obrando, porque no ando por lo que veo, sino por lo que creo, y se que mis 5 hijos y nietos esposo hnos hnas toda mi casa, Serviremos al Seńor, no importa que sea lo ultimo que vea mientras respire, le creo al Seńor, que vere su Gloria manifestarse en toda mi familia. El Seńor es fiel, y cumple sus promesas solo le pido, q me siga sosteniendo en pie, y derrame su fuerza divina, Sobrenatural para lograr llegar ver el proposito que el tiene para mi y mi family. le doy toda la Gloria al Seńor, por lo que me permite pasar, aunque no lo entienda, espero un dia si el Seńor nos permite estar en esas clases con la Pastora Belen que es de grande bendicion escuchar alabar y adorar al Seńor, les mando a todas las jovenes que el Seńor esta levantando sigan adelante, adorando al Seńor. Les mando muchas bendiciones , saludos hermosas jovencitas, amadas, reciban todo mi amor en el Seńor Jesùs, sigan firmes y adelante esforzandose para Glorificar y serbir en la obra del Seńor. Dios las bendiga grandemente a uds, y a todo el grupo de adoradoras, les saluda hna Maria. Moreno, desde, California, Estados Unidos. Saludos a todo el pueblo de Dios. Es un privilegio para mi saludarlos, sirban al Seńor, es lo mas hermoso, poder dejarse usar por el, y cada dia, preparemonos mas, para agradarlo mas, y ser de bendicion para otros q no le conocen. mientras el viene vivamos haciendo el bien,y todo para su Gloria. Aleluya. Bendiro el sea. Por siempre.

  • @lupitalinares8059
    @lupitalinares8059 2 года назад +1

    Hola Como me inscribo ? Bendiciones

  • @grisellecolon7308
    @grisellecolon7308 2 года назад

    Amén Hermoso es Dios❤️
    Felicidades Muchas 💖💖 Bendiciónes ✨️

  • @sandramontoya78
    @sandramontoya78 2 года назад

    Quiero ser parte de este movimiento