DEVGRU | Seal Team 6

  • Опубликовано: 28 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @dorothygriggs5401
    @dorothygriggs5401 10 лет назад +94

    They all wear the uniform! They all have a job to do! all of them are Honorable men who are willing to put their lives on the line! Much respect and gratitude to all service personnel. It does not matter what branch. What matters is they are all Americans! I know many of you never get credit for what you do, and none of us civilians are there when a friend makes the ultimate sacrifice for his country and team members! I pray for all of you. Keep up the good work!

    • @mikaels6009
      @mikaels6009 5 лет назад +1

      Since when do they not get credit for what they do?? C'mon with this corny long emotional ass comment. Lol

    • @RandomOperativeRightWing
      @RandomOperativeRightWing 2 года назад

      @@mikaels6009 You shut up

    • @RobertGuyll
      @RobertGuyll 2 года назад +1

      Im with you on that and im joining them to be honest

    • @futureusmc2694
      @futureusmc2694 Год назад +1

      @@mikaels6009 A lot of veterans don‘t get treated like they should!

    • @thespecialistwarr9517
      @thespecialistwarr9517 Год назад +2

      Active Duty as well as THOSE WHOM COMMITMENTS respected and standards in Leadership of the United States VETERAN organization and the president of the United States of America Nation of States of NORTH of America are legendary hearts for the Last one THOUSAND years

  • @deltawolfpackairsoft6966
    @deltawolfpackairsoft6966 11 лет назад +60

    This is a quality RUclips video. Keep up the GREAT work.

    • @elemental868
      @elemental868 6 лет назад

      They make top notch videos. Just like the warriors TOP NOTCH.💣

  • @TheDwarfmaiden
    @TheDwarfmaiden 6 лет назад +9

    This is a great video. I love our military. Thank you for sharing it. Thank you all for your service. Means so much to me. My dad was in the Navy for 22 years and he was a hard hat diver. :)

    • @szuszur3
      @szuszur3 Год назад +1

      This is a job.
      You like this work ‽$‽

  • @TheHorta
    @TheHorta 9 лет назад +8

    OP has mad camera and edit skills... seriously. When it comes to a finished RUclips product, you're frickin' Tier-1.

  • @hshhsjhahsvs7728
    @hshhsjhahsvs7728 5 лет назад +19

    I got so hyped up i dropped down to do push up. HOO YEA!!

  • @gregberzinski
    @gregberzinski 10 лет назад +121

    The closest thing to Batman we will ever have in this life. SEALs and Delta Force.

    • @whitewarrior4777
      @whitewarrior4777 9 лет назад +2

      ***** And what country do you think Batman is from?
      Certainly not the same country as Delta Force & Navy SEALs!

    • @whitewarrior4777
      @whitewarrior4777 9 лет назад +3

      Your logic makes no sense because Batman isn't even the best superhero. You would've been much more clever in saying "So what,
      SAS is like Deadpool ..." If anyone disagreed with you, then you could've
      used the very same argument that you are using now.

    • @zigzag1able
      @zigzag1able 9 лет назад

      Lol I've been thinking the same thing for awhile.

    • @107assassin
      @107assassin 9 лет назад +1

      +Greg Berzinski I'M BATMAN!!!

    • @ussocom3644
      @ussocom3644 9 лет назад

      +Aleksandar Davidov oh look, another worthless Brit kid. Get the fuck out fucking worthless piece of shit.

  • @capt.reaper9982
    @capt.reaper9982 9 лет назад +33

    Navy SEALs Team Six , the best spec ops soldiers in the world , they are the spartans of the 21 century

    • @isaacricoskating1845
      @isaacricoskating1845 9 лет назад +5

      It's called DEVGRU not team six, and CAG is kinda a little better than DEVGRU
      CAG is the name for delta force.

    • @Giggoer1998
      @Giggoer1998 7 лет назад +6

      Cpt Soap COUGH COUGH* sas

    • @professionalretard6875
      @professionalretard6875 6 лет назад +2

      Conor Keogh let's not forget about SBS - special boat service

    • @Horatio_Ticklebottom
      @Horatio_Ticklebottom 6 лет назад +2

      @@isaacricoskating1845 not even close. Devgru and CAG are equals whether you like it or not

    • @msdeiparine
      @msdeiparine 6 лет назад

      That’s right

  • @beaulong3876
    @beaulong3876 9 лет назад +33

    The world's greatest.

    • @jackhultstrand8673
      @jackhultstrand8673 4 года назад

      Damn right.

      @WAKE-UP-BRITAIN 3 года назад

      SAS and Americas elite side by side are unstoppable I believe...I have full respect for all and every soldier serving your country, when it comes to seals, 75th etc the SAS are on it

  • @Nerkan5
    @Nerkan5 10 лет назад +9

    Awesome clip, good job dude !

  • @ALCATEL326
    @ALCATEL326 9 лет назад +4

    I fangirl a little bit everytime i see the bits he puts from MoHW in his videos

  • @westley6972
    @westley6972 4 года назад +8


    • @Shiestyk1
      @Shiestyk1 4 года назад

      I wouldn't say equivalent but much love from a ranger

    • @westley6972
      @westley6972 4 года назад +1

      @@Shiestyk1 Thanks 💪🏼

  • @wpease7
    @wpease7 10 лет назад +11

    0:39 Holy shit that looked sick

  • @ms.D35TR0
    @ms.D35TR0 4 года назад +7

    Respect and gratitude to all our servicemen around the world. For us who are not qualified to be in SF, all we can do is watch SF inspired movies and customized our Marauders TF and Joy Toys. Stay Safe everyone!

    • @szuszur3
      @szuszur3 Год назад

      Toy Story need'ed, help ?!
      Huh, never defender skill

  • @cranevey5932
    @cranevey5932 11 лет назад +4

    A video of complete badasses. Bless our troops...

    • @mikaels6009
      @mikaels6009 5 лет назад

      It's always one who thinks using the phrase "badasses" makes you look important! Lmaooo!

  • @blakebentley6594
    @blakebentley6594 10 лет назад +7

    I have so much respect for all military forces they keep there countries safe and they also look bad ass doing it. Hope some day I can join them and protect my country!!!!

    • @SAMEERKHAN-ev3rf
      @SAMEERKHAN-ev3rf 6 лет назад

      Yes friend you really join if you love your country and belief in your own

  • @bjornsanjuan1846
    @bjornsanjuan1846 2 года назад +2

    That's awesome! These military action heroes were really look like real-life LVN Action Heroes!

    • @squad3839
      @squad3839 2 года назад

      What does LVN mean

  • @westside4787
    @westside4787 10 лет назад +4

    Damn Awesome!
    Great work!!!
    I love it!!

  • @ethanharrell6385
    @ethanharrell6385 9 лет назад +80

    i am only 15 and ever since i was a little kid i wanted to be a seal i have read books on them and many other military spec ops but when people that i want to be a seal the tell me i shouldnt go into the military bc i might die but i tell them if i dont do it who will?

    • @AbhinavSingh-vf7bq
      @AbhinavSingh-vf7bq 9 лет назад +30

      +Ethan Harrell you got it good kid. Don't let 'em get to ya. You rock!

    • @ethanharrell6385
      @ethanharrell6385 9 лет назад +16

      ya well like i said if idont who will if somoene doesnt face fear and all the bad the evil who will and thanks adhinav singh

    • @muntapede572
      @muntapede572 9 лет назад +13

      Nice work kid. That's the mind set we need :)

    • @RealisticRaiderFan
      @RealisticRaiderFan 9 лет назад +15

      oorah kid I'm a future Marine and don't let them naysayers bring ya down on the contrary us it as motivation but good luck buddy seal training is insane

    • @gustavoarteaga8959
      @gustavoarteaga8959 9 лет назад +9

      I wanna be in the 75th Regiment RLTW HOOAHH

  • @SAMEERKHAN-ev3rf
    @SAMEERKHAN-ev3rf 6 лет назад +3

    Look at the size of their soldiers,passion,combat,training all are fantastic and heavy and these are only soldiers that are not reveal in public for insult i respect only seal team6

    @USMCLP 9 лет назад +2

    I believe 'Mark Owen', the SEAL who wrote No Easy Day and No Hero, is featured through out this vid as he was one of the SEALs who got reprimanded for disclosing shit to the Medal of Honor devs, and pretty much all of this footage is training that the devs shot of DEVGRU in order to hype the game up, even though it still failed at the end.
    And btw if you know some bits about Owen's gear, you'll be able to spot him often in the vid.

  • @kratoscraken5614
    @kratoscraken5614 5 лет назад +6

    GOD Bless the U.S. NAVY S.E.A.Ls and all U.S. Armed Forces 🇺🇸👍👊💪

  • @tcccmedic9603
    @tcccmedic9603 9 лет назад

    I'm constantly impressed with your videos. Keep up the good work!

  • @dhyocleysonjosd8778
    @dhyocleysonjosd8778 6 лет назад +4

    Sempre assisto esses vídeos antes de ir pra alguma operação, na minha unidade

  • @mikk3stan524
    @mikk3stan524 9 лет назад

    Awesome Navy Seal video, bravo and keep it up as brothers in arms

  • @byrdshot
    @byrdshot 8 лет назад +48

    What a life. It's the one for me.

    • @jyotiswarupsamal1587
      @jyotiswarupsamal1587 5 лет назад +1

      Nathan Byrd

    • @zac3713
      @zac3713 5 лет назад +1

      this takes actions not words!

    • @Slicedbyjb
      @Slicedbyjb 5 лет назад

      Z Prince. Lol you triggered

    • @jtakesnols
      @jtakesnols 5 лет назад

      Z Prince. so mad bc a kid has dreams🤣 projecting are we?

    • @zac3713
      @zac3713 5 лет назад

      Joshua Paul Nobody, me included, who has not been in the teams can say how their lifestyle plays out. I am making an actual point. I’m almost positive this kid just wants to be a SEAL because he thinks it is “cool”

  • @thevideocrazydude
    @thevideocrazydude 10 лет назад +2

    This is really sickly awesome, hooyah.

  • @Bigjustin627
    @Bigjustin627 7 лет назад +3

    Thank GOD for all those who have served our country freedom is bought and paid for I love ALL you men and women that have protected the USA

  • @matthewkoralewski3122
    @matthewkoralewski3122 Год назад +1

    America yeah Boyz and girls and men and women hell's yeah respect

  • @santiagoavanzatti7450
    @santiagoavanzatti7450 10 лет назад +15

    navy seal six best tactical group of history

  • @wadegonzalez5824
    @wadegonzalez5824 4 года назад

    Thank you for your service

  • @jerniganloh
    @jerniganloh 8 лет назад +14

    i love seal team 6 : )

    • @yahirgarcia3315
      @yahirgarcia3315 7 лет назад +1

      Jack Penny have you served? No? Then why tf are you saying that? Racist fuck

    • @Horatio_Ticklebottom
      @Horatio_Ticklebottom 5 лет назад

      @@wholelottared8590 hey look a punk ass bitch

    • @maxkober7300
      @maxkober7300 3 года назад

      Me too!👨‍✈️

  • @ChristieKeller
    @ChristieKeller 6 лет назад +1

    Miss those boys. Rip.

  • @belgianpeacekeeper7443
    @belgianpeacekeeper7443 9 лет назад +52

    seals are the best of the best !!!!

    • @gamerdareswins2825
      @gamerdareswins2825 9 лет назад +10

      Even former seal Richard marcinko the man who founded seal team six said the SAS where far better trained and got tougher missions.

    • @ussocom3644
      @ussocom3644 9 лет назад +15

      GamerDares Wins here come the Brit kids ha-ha, GET THE FUCK OUT.

    • @gamerdareswins2825
      @gamerdareswins2825 9 лет назад +4

      2XRemix truth hurts yankee retards.

    • @belgianpeacekeeper7443
      @belgianpeacekeeper7443 9 лет назад +14

      GamerDares Wins dude everybody knows seals are better

    • @gamerdareswins2825
      @gamerdareswins2825 9 лет назад +5

      belgian peacekeeper​
      No they aren't.
      Anyone can be a seal, but SAS are selected from what is already considered THE best of the best.
      "British soldiers are the best trained soldiers on earth and the SAS are absolutely spectacular"
      US military general David Petraeus.
      put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  • @brianbomarsi1668
    @brianbomarsi1668 9 лет назад

    You make the best videos.

  • @daviddobransky4898
    @daviddobransky4898 10 лет назад +4

    Love the video

  • @alexthefunnydude1
    @alexthefunnydude1 10 лет назад +2

    Great vid love the song

  • @ethanstevens567
    @ethanstevens567 9 лет назад +4

    The best of the best of the best.... get em team 6

  • @beachbum23
    @beachbum23 6 лет назад

    This was the first video i watched on your channel i was 14 in 2014 and now im 18 and and considering to enlist in the military

  • @Slasher865
    @Slasher865 10 лет назад +24

    SEALs are the best on earth
    No one can be better

    • @VulpesDiabolicaXIVGemina
      @VulpesDiabolicaXIVGemina 10 лет назад +8

      1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Combat Applications Group)

    • @tyleralexander1137
      @tyleralexander1137 10 лет назад +2

      Vulpes Diabolica And that's why JSOC automatically assigns SEALs when it comes to maritime operations...they both can do the same missions, but SEALs can do it while wet.

    • @Giggoer1998
      @Giggoer1998 7 лет назад +3

      Tank Demphsey SAS train our seals bro

    • @markmorgan2624
      @markmorgan2624 7 лет назад +3

      Sas are

    • @jaydenshepard7928
      @jaydenshepard7928 7 лет назад +1

      Lol Delta, try again. Delta are the true Apex Predators. Plus they don't brag and act like celebrities. You will struggle to find Delta guys almost anywhere. They don't even want attention, it's not their mentality. They'd rather stay in the shadows. Silent Professionals. That's why they will always be scarier than the Seals. They went to DELTA first to do the Osama Bin Laden raid. There were just problems and Delta couldnt do it. I gaurantee you, if Delta had done that op...they wouldn't have been making movies about it, and publishing like 15 books. We'd barely even know what happened that night.

  • @miqueiassantos8392
    @miqueiassantos8392 9 лет назад +3

    +Moura Graphics faz um vídeo do COT

  • @marcosvilla9178
    @marcosvilla9178 10 лет назад +4

    Wanna know a secret that will settle this Devgru vs Delta debate? Devgru recruits the top operators from all the SEAL teams. They all have the same training and are all part of the same brotherhood. Delta recruits from the ranger regiments, army special forces aka green berets, and the conventional forces. When jsoc determines which unit will be used for a specific mission they look either devgru or delta. If that mission involves ANY maritime attribute the seals get the mission automatically. Basically seals can do anything delta can do but they can do it wet. These are facts. My little brothers friends dad was a devgru gold squadron opertor.

    • @marcosvilla9178
      @marcosvilla9178 10 лет назад

      You dont know shit. Look up adam brown navy seal. His son nathan is friends with my brother they go to lake hamilton school together and thats where adam went also.

    • @jamesk5374
      @jamesk5374 10 лет назад +2

      There's an interesting article on a webiste called SOFREP. It explains the differences between CAG and DEVGRU.
      Basically, yes DEVGRU owns maritime operations. CAG has cross trained with SEALs so they also have some maritime capabilities but clearly the SEALs are naturals in this doman.
      CAG, being drawn from Army Rangers and SF and even some other branches (ie Marines and SEALs) all understanding infantry combat tactics like its second nature. If CAG is caught out in the open, they know exactly how to fight back. Fact is, in an open firefight, CAG is going to utilize the same combat tactics any Ranger would. This is a understanding SEALs do not possess because SEALs are not and have never been soldiers....they're SEALs.
      Of coures, as CAG had cross trained with DEVGRU, much of their mission capabilities have been shared. So while these two tier one units have a slight difference in capabilities, both can do a little of what the other considers its proprietary domain.
      Often, the two Units will operate in tandem and in mixed teams. I'm just happy they're both on our side.

    • @KornyKidz
      @KornyKidz 10 лет назад

      Your brothers friend wasn't shit, due to the fact that it's a direct PERSEC violation to mention any JSOC operators name to the general public.

    • @gogeo1349
      @gogeo1349 10 лет назад +1

      Tony .338 Yup and if he is retired is not PERSEC violation too.

    • @gogeo1349
      @gogeo1349 10 лет назад

      Tony .338 you`ve seen "Act of Valor"? There are real SEALs and i`m kind of confused because they are still active Navy SEALs. Any idea why did they played in the movie?

  • @vgarnicav
    @vgarnicav 10 лет назад +2

    Best of the best for sure

  • @eliseaborn6590
    @eliseaborn6590 9 лет назад +11

    yo you should put your songs and all on spotify

    • @MouraGraphics
      @MouraGraphics  9 лет назад +4

      Future marine I can try

    • @tonysmith62
      @tonysmith62 9 лет назад +9

      Moura Graphics I have to say all your videos are sick they are awesome

    • @iGame360fficial
      @iGame360fficial 9 лет назад

      FASST Airsoft Team there more then likely on there.

    • @mar1amb2
      @mar1amb2 9 лет назад

      +Tony Smith yep

    • @ussocom3644
      @ussocom3644 9 лет назад +6

      not his songs.

  • @dylanstopicsofinterest2188
    @dylanstopicsofinterest2188 10 лет назад +2

    Thank you it's between seals and berets I like both teams and want to find out more about each before a decision but more than likely I will join the military

    • @steverusch2726
      @steverusch2726 10 лет назад +3

      Good luck and tell yourself that your not going to quit because those moments where you'll want to, will come.

    • @dylanstopicsofinterest2188
      @dylanstopicsofinterest2188 10 лет назад +3

      Thanks Steve I have been training and I am only 15 in high school but this is my all time dream it's mostly all mental when you are being pushed as hard as them I have great respect for them

  • @Unboundedominion
    @Unboundedominion 9 лет назад +5

    Remember the name.
    I would tell you but then.. I'd have to.. keep you to a oath of silence.
    Head down in solemn remembrance.. never forget, always remember.

  • @jeffreycayless70
    @jeffreycayless70 10 лет назад +2

    Grat job it is amazing

    • @MouraGraphics
      @MouraGraphics  10 лет назад

      thanks, we try to do our best, and innovate at each new post!

  • @Norwegian733
    @Norwegian733 8 лет назад +8

    And none of the pictures in the video was actually from Team Six.

    • @arnproductions8849
      @arnproductions8849 8 лет назад


    • @brooklynpatriot3887
      @brooklynpatriot3887 8 лет назад

      +ARN Productions its informally known as st6

    • @codyklump584
      @codyklump584 8 лет назад

      yeah but the Navy seals use the night vision we saw when the were in that building

    • @emperorbrandon3501
      @emperorbrandon3501 8 лет назад

      +432fuuzz There is a huge difference between ST6 and DEVGRU. ST6 is the predecessor of DEVGRU. ST6 use to take the most SEALs with experience and put them on the same team creating a taskforce that could handle stuff the others couldn't, ST6 got disbanded in 87. DEVGRU takes SEALs with the lots of experience (they say 6-7 years in the teams before they get invited to take selection) and the best combat records from the Teams. DEVGRU selection they have to train for 6-8 months molding them to Tier 1 operator. Even the founder of ST6 said ST6 and DEVGRU are not the same.

    • @emperorbrandon3501
      @emperorbrandon3501 8 лет назад

      +432fuuzz I was addressing the problem when you said ST6 and DEVGRU are the same when they are clearly not. ST6 never achieved Tier 1 they were just SEALs with a ton of experience. That's why I never understood how people say NSWDG is ST6 when thy got disbanded in 87.

  • @21stchangemaker
    @21stchangemaker 5 лет назад +1

    These men are modern day warriors NAVY SEALS🇺🇸💪👊

  • @Lilpiktdude
    @Lilpiktdude 8 лет назад +4

    I will be one of these Men one day.

    • @alexdurocher4311
      @alexdurocher4311 8 лет назад +8

      Eliseo Alilin You can do it man, I'm soon to be force recon.

  • @martin2560
    @martin2560 Год назад

    My Heroes since... forever.

  • @insanejosh7227
    @insanejosh7227 9 лет назад +9

    Green Berets MARSOC Army Rangers Delta Force Navy Seals DEVGRU it dont matter which one of them is better because they are the best in the world and when they all are put together no one I mean one no one can beat and yes that includes the S.A.S and Alpha Group as well if you dont believe me just try and fuck with them anyone of them will wipe you off the face of the earth

    • @gamerdareswins2825
      @gamerdareswins2825 9 лет назад +1

      The SAS are the best of the best... trained your seals and Delta.
      SAS are selected from what is already considered THE best of the best.
      Anyone can be a seal..

    • @insanejosh7227
      @insanejosh7227 9 лет назад +5

      GamerDares Wins This is the most ignorant shit i have ever read no not everyone can be a SEAL 1,000 guys start BUDS training each year under 200 make it through and BUDS is just the first part Navy SEAL training is 3 years in total which is longer than SAS training and i know SAS are better than regular SEALs but im not so sure about DEVGRU their entry requirements are stricter than SAS requirements you need to have spent at least 6 years as a SEAL most of the time they spend more than that before they are selected than you even after you are considered you have to be approved by the members of the team and then you begin training and SAS does not train SEALs or Delta and SEALs Delta and SAS are pretty much on the same level

    • @gamerdareswins2825
      @gamerdareswins2825 9 лет назад +1

      Joshua Dominguez​ 200? That's heaps.
      Out of 280 candidates every 6 months 6 guys go onto become SAS... even then their position as SAS is not permanent.
      The success rate of SAS is about 1%
      The success rate of seals is 10%. Far lower than seals.
      Sas train for upto 10 years... 3 years is kids stuff.
      Devgru is not stricter than the SAS... you are wrong.
      And like i said before even the man who set up seal team 6 said the SAS are far better trained.
      SAS do train seals... in the book On patrol with the SAS it talks briefly how seals undertook training excersizes from SAS.
      SAS members also led seals.
      My own father in law is former SAS and he has lead seals in the past.
      SAS are the best of the best.
      Anyone can be a seal...

    • @insanejosh7227
      @insanejosh7227 9 лет назад +3

      GamerDares Wins First off they are not called SEAM Team 6 SEAL Team 6 was disbanded in 1987 the team you are referring to is called United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group or DEVGRU Second SAS does not train for 10 years thats complete bullshit they train for 2 Navy SEALs train for 3 years Third 1% pass rate my ass their pass rate is 15% - 20% which is higher than Navy SEALs 10% pass rate Fourth SAS does not lead SEALs thats more bullshit your Father In Law may have served alongside Navy SEALs but Navy SEALs lead their own no one else Fifth Navy SEALs and SAS are nothing alike SEALs are Navy SAS are Army two completely different units the but SAS and Delta Force are more alike and they are on the same level Sixth anyone can be a SEAL is the most ignorant statements I have ever seen why dont you go through SEAL training and see if you make it but i doubt you would due to your extreme ignorance

    • @gamerdareswins2825
      @gamerdareswins2825 9 лет назад

      Joshua Dominguez​ The SAS does train your seals.
      Like i said before, even tier 2 spec ops have trained your seals.
      The book On patrol with the SAS written by journalist Gary mckay tells how SAS trained and led seals in vietnam. own father in law also confirms that SAS have 10 years of training, you are full of shit.
      Bullshit again... seal pass rate is far higher than SAS pass rate, SAS has been proven to be in the 1% by many military analysts... once again you are full of shit.
      My father in law trained and led seals... deal with it.
      SAS are trained for all environments and to survive and work in them.
      SAS have proven to be far superior operators...
      You are a full of shit liar...

  • @sadoichicorreia
    @sadoichicorreia 11 лет назад

    half of the footage is from some RUclipsr with the video titled nswdg smu and pretty sure the other half is from medal of honor warfighter the tier 1 operators and the other half of the documentry is to do with breaching and former sf guys talking about SAS, seals ,spetsnaz ,grom ,sasr ,fsk and rok udt

  • @andreinita1367
    @andreinita1367 11 лет назад +3

    Osama or others bad fuckers from Somalia, Yeme, etc has 100 % reasons to remember these guys..

  • @itzmoose4905
    @itzmoose4905 7 лет назад

    That's why the DEVGRU is the best special force in the world

  • @thedarkreble8670
    @thedarkreble8670 6 лет назад +4

    This is my dream im only ten any body that’s wants to join good like don’t give up if u give up u quit and u never can quit in this life

    • @a-n.
      @a-n. 3 года назад

      Aw I hope you will achieve your dream, even if your dream doesn't stay the same :) good luck!

  • @josepdalmauanglada
    @josepdalmauanglada 2 года назад

    Lux and Very Thank you Sirs ¡

  • @jaysealenduro5618
    @jaysealenduro5618 10 лет назад +26

    us navy seals all the way hooaaahh

    • @RoccoXV
      @RoccoXV 10 лет назад +7


    • @gus3380
      @gus3380 10 лет назад +3


    • @markdean6703
      @markdean6703 10 лет назад +2

      OORAH they are Navy so OORAH, HOOAH is Army

    • @gus3380
      @gus3380 10 лет назад

      Mark Dean MARINES say Oorah. NAVY says Hooyah. So HOOYAH

    • @markdean6703
      @markdean6703 10 лет назад +2

      my dad was Navy and they were told to say oorah

  • @GianWarGasm
    @GianWarGasm 8 лет назад

    this CQB training footage from 0:35 is in a lot of his videos, where is that from?? i looked everywhere for this CQB footage

  • @moryakov4165
    @moryakov4165 9 лет назад +4

    Why do most people fight over which branch is best and which is worse?

    • @rocha7686
      @rocha7686 9 лет назад

      Well , I don't . . Except USCG , USCG sucks.

    • @DanielPRails
      @DanielPRails 9 лет назад +4

      Ken Clouser except when they are out doing there job, seizing more drugs, stopping more illegal immigrants and participating in more search and rescue every day than any other U.S. agency combined. Contrary to popular belief they did/do serve in Iraq and Afghanistan. Or just like this past week when they were/are out 24/7 organizing and directing the search and subsequently recovery efforts for the Army and Marine Corps personnel involved in the unfortunate helicopter crash down in Florida. Why don't you ask all the fellow Marine Corps, Army, Air Force and Navy personnel who all worked alongside the Coast Guard day and night to find their brothers in arms how much they suck. In fact, while you are at it we can take a look back at history and notice the Coast Guard was involved in every major conflict this country has ever seen including firing the first shots of the Civil War, defending Marines landing at Guadalcanal, or perhaps how they manned the landing craft during the invasion of Nazi occupied Normandy...Just because it is the smallest branch that does a shit load with fewer personnel than the NYC police department doesn't mean that they don't do their part and then some. Know your history...or you could just keep being ignorant.

    • @supersanity6897
      @supersanity6897 9 лет назад

      Panic Button Taking interservice rivalry a bit too seriously.

    • @ethancoil8796
      @ethancoil8796 9 лет назад

      Robert Gornick No he is not.

    • @supersanity6897
      @supersanity6897 9 лет назад

      Ethan Coil Yes. Yes he is. When you get all but hurt about it, that's taking it too seriously.

  • @beachbum23
    @beachbum23 3 года назад

    That digital camo truck I've seen it before but dont remember where

  • @Besver
    @Besver 10 лет назад +4

    Respect from Poland

  • @justinwright2198
    @justinwright2198 7 лет назад

    DEVGRU is by far my favorite unit in the world.

  • @mariomikulic9876
    @mariomikulic9876 8 лет назад +64

    Seals, the only part of the navy that's not gay

    • @mariomikulic9876
      @mariomikulic9876 8 лет назад +1

      You missed my point. Every branch mocks the other branches for being gay. For example the army says for the marines that you will never find so many gays in denial in one place

    • @BKamin14
      @BKamin14 6 лет назад +1


    • @zac3713
      @zac3713 5 лет назад +3

      WhoAmI you can’t talk shit about other branches, if you are not even in the service

    • @kem9952
      @kem9952 5 лет назад +2


    • @aptcmpasion
      @aptcmpasion 5 лет назад +1


  • @JEshca-kt5pb
    @JEshca-kt5pb 4 года назад

    Кто вернулся тот симпатичный

  • @evangraham
    @evangraham 9 лет назад +6

    So DEVGRU uses a Ford Raptor?
    Or are they just having fun while in their uniform

      @KEVINJOBY 9 лет назад +1

      Evan Graham
      Why not both? XD

    • @evangraham
      @evangraham 9 лет назад

      Seems semi possible

    • @SpiritLead7
      @SpiritLead7 9 лет назад

      Off course they don't use a ford raptor. It's just for training and well like you said fun

    • @thedarkreble8670
      @thedarkreble8670 6 лет назад

      Evan Wintrath Graham there serious

  • @rodrigoapolinario9147
    @rodrigoapolinario9147 6 лет назад +2

    A nossa paz é garantida por causa desses nobres Guerreiros!

  • @henrybowers4060
    @henrybowers4060 10 лет назад +4

    Don't send a Ranger to do a SEAL job.

    • @aliiogimioo8115
      @aliiogimioo8115 5 лет назад

      No dont send a SEAL to do a DELTA job hehe

  • @empire-classfirenationbatt2691
    @empire-classfirenationbatt2691 6 лет назад

    Oh man, to think that SEAL team 6 is the Elite of the Elite. The best of the SEALs - who are already elite...awesome

  • @macmillan9110
    @macmillan9110 8 лет назад +3


  • @VO_AshishMishra
    @VO_AshishMishra 7 лет назад

    A super salute to these guys

  • @007ATDuncan
    @007ATDuncan 10 лет назад +7

    I want that truck!!! lol anyone know the specs on it?

    • @militarytactics876
      @militarytactics876 10 лет назад +6

      ford f-150 svt raptor with a project honor camo wrap as far as i know

    • @camaro2390
      @camaro2390 7 лет назад

      Call me whenever you get stuck and I'll pull you out with my Chevy. ;)

  • @SACHINYADAV-hp4jm
    @SACHINYADAV-hp4jm 3 года назад

    I don't know what to say ....but evrytime I am obsessed with DEVGRU aura

  • @РоманЛоран
    @РоманЛоран 9 лет назад +3

    видео супер ))))))))

  • @sierra5912
    @sierra5912 9 лет назад

    fantastic video

  • @Est8sArt
    @Est8sArt 11 лет назад +5

    wheres all this footage from?

    • @egruter89
      @egruter89 10 лет назад +6

      medal of honor video game... its real navy seals from devgru and they got in major trouble for making it

    • @chrisctullo
      @chrisctullo 10 лет назад

      egruter89 understandable their faces could have been captured in this footage

    • @Rayniz604
      @Rayniz604 10 лет назад +1

      It's a footage of a training unit of JSOC, called wannabe airsofters. They know more about DEVGRU then the DEVGRU operators themselves and they occassionally suck the real operators cocks because they love them so much.

    • @egruter89
      @egruter89 10 лет назад

      Rayniz604 google it they got in trouble matt bissonette recruited them

    • @egruter89
      @egruter89 10 лет назад +18

      Rayniz604 because airsofters would have access to c130... little birds and breaching charges?

  • @christosantonopoulos2018
    @christosantonopoulos2018 7 лет назад

    you know when you punch 4wd through rough terrain your just grinding metal would want failure out in the middle of nowhere like me coming off my bike at 200km/hr at 1.30am in outback nsw aust having to pick myself up after being out cold for about 2hrs thinking back on it.

  • @TheMizFiz09
    @TheMizFiz09 9 лет назад +5

    Is it just me or does it seem people confuse DEVGRU with the Navy SEALS alot?

    • @wp19824
      @wp19824 8 лет назад +1

      +Sleepy Panda DEVGRU is composed of Navy Seals who are selected from existing Teams.

    • @TheMizFiz09
      @TheMizFiz09 8 лет назад

      OriginalModders Does that mean Rangers are Delta Force?

    • @wp19824
      @wp19824 8 лет назад

      +Sleepy Panda Yes

    • @TheMizFiz09
      @TheMizFiz09 8 лет назад

      OriginalModders -_-

    • @Alex-mp9kv
      @Alex-mp9kv 8 лет назад

      +Sleepy Panda no, although some cag operators are rangers

  • @christosantonopoulos2018
    @christosantonopoulos2018 7 лет назад

    Thinking ahead even in over a billion years to save our sun.

  • @emperorbrandon3501
    @emperorbrandon3501 8 лет назад +17

    Lmao civilians trying to compare Devgru and Delta

    • @kestismma9513
      @kestismma9513 6 лет назад

      Or SAS😂😂

    • @stackedspud
      @stackedspud 5 лет назад

      Well NSWDG and Delta are equals, practically. They're almost, if not as good as the SAS.

    • @113charlie7
      @113charlie7 5 лет назад

      What u know about super secret seal team 0? Ahahaha you guys are right

    • @captainjacksliving6608
      @captainjacksliving6608 5 лет назад

      Don't bring delta here... In front or deltas every SF look like child's gang

  • @DevilFrog61
    @DevilFrog61 9 лет назад

    Cool video...good footage

  • @yjeey8109
    @yjeey8109 6 лет назад +6

    0:19 CAMPER !

  • @christosantonopoulos2018
    @christosantonopoulos2018 7 лет назад

    nice career book I reflect that and what Ive seen in this world can't help but ask What ya'll building here

  • @vinniestevens284
    @vinniestevens284 10 лет назад +5

    DEVGRU stuff shouldn't be linked out. Good job letting the enemy get a hold of this. Brav fucking o.

    • @KMAN31225
      @KMAN31225 10 лет назад +7

      all of the videos of DEVGRU are promotional. SEALs have been asked about the attention they have gotten the past couple years and they say so far there hasn't been any problems with leaked tactics that would put any of the guys in harms way. Plus any videos of a sensitive operation is a serous federal offence and depending on how severe they could be sentenced to death.

    • @wpease7
      @wpease7 10 лет назад

      Uh the clips in this video are from a MOH Warfighter promo. Blame EA and all the SEALs in on this, not the guy who uploded it.

    • @SpiritLead7
      @SpiritLead7 9 лет назад

      Plus this doesn't help the enemy in any circumstances when most of DEVGRU's operation are in night anyways.

    • @vinniestevens284
      @vinniestevens284 9 лет назад

      True didn't think about that. Thanks for easing my mind on that.

  • @sashimijones
    @sashimijones 9 лет назад +2

    I know I will have some people bias on this, but,
    I am wondering whether or not I should go SEALS or I should go MarSOC.
    Which do you guys think? If I fail in the SEALS, i will be sent to clean some shit, if I fail at MarSOC, i will just go and be some infantry, I would assume.

    • @USN1985dos
      @USN1985dos 9 лет назад

      +Princess Twilight Sparkle
      As a former sailor that eventually went Army, I always recommend Raiders(MarSOC), Rangers or SF for that very reason. The Navy is fine if that is all you want out of it, but if you're trying to be high speed and fail out of the SEAL pipeline then the closest you'll get is a ship's VBSS team.
      The only problem with the Raiders is that they seem to be struggling to find their place in the grand scheme of SOCOM. Rangers are great at DA on land based targets, SEALs are doing their thing all over the place, and SF is getting back to their bread and butter of UW (training locals to support or overthrow the government). To make matters worse, the Raiders have to compete with Force Recon since they used to be the Corp's go-to force.
      From what the Raiders have done in Afghanistan thus far, it seems like they're following more in the footsteps of SF than any other American SOF unit as they've worked closely with ANA & ANP units to train them up and fight with them.
      Hope it helps, and good luck with whatever you do.

    • @sashimijones
      @sashimijones 9 лет назад

      +USN1985dos Thank you. This info helps. I will probably end up going MarSOC.

    • @pintsizedpb1123
      @pintsizedpb1123 8 лет назад

      +Princess Twilight Sparkle the seal training has a 90% drop out rate so id try marsoc

    • @sashimijones
      @sashimijones 8 лет назад

      +Clay Creed Yeah, the MARSOC training is very similar, but the people that go into MarSOC usually come from Marine Recon.

    • @sashimijones
      @sashimijones 8 лет назад

      Thank you, *****​

  • @MrLogicChannel
    @MrLogicChannel 9 лет назад +10

    1-Army Combined Applications Group aka Delta Force
    2-SEAL Team 6 Rainbow/DEVGRU
    3-Force Reconnaissance Marines aka Force Recon
    4- Special Activities Division, C.I.A. 5-Division Marine Recon
    6-Army Green Berrets-Special Forces
    7-US Army Rangers
    8-Air Force Combat Controllers
    9-Naval Special Warfare Combat-craft Crewmen, SWCC
    10-Marines Special Operations Command, aka MARSOC

    • @nikonxxx
      @nikonxxx 9 лет назад +24

      MrLogicChannel that ranking is so stupid, its like comparing tools and that have different purposes and ranking them
      its like saying
      1. scalp
      2.surgical razor
      4.binoculars army knife

    • @DisabledResources
      @DisabledResources 9 лет назад +2

      MrLogicChannel LOL We all play together, it's not a competition. We all have different skills making up each platoon/team. It's all about cohesion and the ability to do your part as a team!

    • @Operator0190
      @Operator0190 9 лет назад +6

      How the fuck are you going to rank the CIA SAD under Delta Force and DevGru, the Special Activities Division recruits from those two tier 1 units and go through further training, those guys are black the very top

    • @lioncelica5170
      @lioncelica5170 9 лет назад +2

      MrLogicChannelHow is a freakin' RECON unit higher than Green Berets? How Are AIR FORCE Combat Controllers higher than SWCC's? Hoe are Rangers higher than MARSOC? This is ridiculous.

    • @WolfOfTheRed2
      @WolfOfTheRed2 9 лет назад +1

      SharkyHD _ Sorry,but thats bullshit.SASR doesn't have near as much of experiance as those listed...not to mention many other units,such as SAS.

  • @koskinas97
    @koskinas97 10 лет назад +1

    I'd be glad to see a Hellenic Special Forces video by you.Could you make one?

  • @apache2013
    @apache2013 9 лет назад +13

    Shitty music! But cool video thou!

  • @tomjy9905
    @tomjy9905 4 года назад +1

    everyone says thats the type of life for them but not everyone end up going for it

  • @emmanuelmawudo4796
    @emmanuelmawudo4796 4 года назад


  • @aiiiipappiiiichinoooo4351
    @aiiiipappiiiichinoooo4351 7 лет назад

    I knew shit was going to go down when the music came on 🔫💣

  • @creature2302
    @creature2302 8 лет назад +1

    you notice how this video is 8 minutes and the CAG one is only 3 minutes with some of the footage not even being CAG that just goes and shows you something. you can't find crap on CAG on the Internet and can find way more on devgru

    • @TheArtofBoxing101
      @TheArtofBoxing101 8 лет назад +1

      Lol DEVGRU is more secretive? How secretive is hundreds of DEVGRU operators writing books and talking about missions and revealing their missions word by word? There's not even ONE Delta footage in operation out there, only training videos.

    • @TheArtofBoxing101
      @TheArtofBoxing101 8 лет назад +1

      ***** Good information, can't argue with that, I can still argue there are def still more secretive than DEVGRU.

    • @emperorbrandon3501
      @emperorbrandon3501 8 лет назад

      Most of this footage isn't from the DEVGRU you fucking idiot. CAG had footage leaked in there's from 10 years ago in training. There is no real footage how DEVGRU training, but nice try though.

    • @emperorbrandon3501
      @emperorbrandon3501 8 лет назад

      ***** Those were DEVGRU members talking but the footage of the training wasnt them. You can tell they had EA patches and some other patches MOH gave them. During the making of the game two DEVGRU guys got in trouble for just doing the interview and talking, so that is defiantly not them training.

    • @emperorbrandon3501
      @emperorbrandon3501 8 лет назад

      ***** You totally did not read my comment. I said the training footage. Two DEVGRU members got two months without pay and other shit just for doing the interview. So if that was really DEVGRU training they would have gotten in wayyy more trouble for showing that footage than just sitting down doing a little interview. DEVGRU doesnt normally wear patches unless its from their squadron, plus they don't wear their patches while their training. Only two DEVGRU operators got in trouble for the MOH stuff, so in the footage they show while training there were more than just two DEVGRU operators their, so if that was DEVGRU than all of them would have gotten in deep shit. It was most likely regular SEALs doing the training clips sense quite a few were there during the development of the game.

  • @Apophis0322
    @Apophis0322 10 лет назад

    @ Tony. 338 you're right this stuff look like it was pulled from a recruiting video.

  • @gypsymanjeff2184
    @gypsymanjeff2184 4 года назад

    Gr8 vid luv da tune..whats it's title.

  • @brianyang6948
    @brianyang6948 9 лет назад

    Perfect song for this video

  • @SondreWingarElnes
    @SondreWingarElnes 9 лет назад

    100% what? This is awesome!

  • @johnrodriguez7742
    @johnrodriguez7742 6 лет назад +2

    The United States Navy's response to the US Army's Delta Force ( 1st SFOD-D ( ACE) ) : Ladies and Gentlemen. Introducing USSOCOM's finest. Naval Special Warfare Development Group ( NAVSPECWAR DEVGRU), aka SEAL Team Six. When The Navy is in trouble , they call in The SEALS. When The SEALS are in trouble, they call in SEAL Team Six. HooYah, ST6 Operators, from a former Force Recon Marine and Army Ranger!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🤘💀

  • @christosantonopoulos2018
    @christosantonopoulos2018 7 лет назад

    44yrs in the making actually

  • @pheonixeye_1162
    @pheonixeye_1162 6 лет назад

    This video is BADASS!!!!

  • @dennisoriel4313
    @dennisoriel4313 7 лет назад

    they also have the ISA...a more secretive organization.

  • @chakritramkratok6300
    @chakritramkratok6300 9 лет назад

    The accompanying music video clips that.