PACK WITH ME FOR DISNEY WORLD!! 🧳🏰🐭✨ tips and tricks for packing light as a family 💛

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @mrsbricknit7234
    @mrsbricknit7234 3 часа назад

    Thanks for this, looking forwards to the hand luggage vid!
    We went to Disney just after you in January 2022 (it was when I first found you as I watched your travel videos to understand the process with Covid). It was an absolute cold snap (went down to 0C and there were signs about lizards falling out of trees).
    I layered up. I wore a vest top, thin thermal long sleeve, jumper and oversized denim jacket I’d had for travelling - it was a case of wear all the clothes at once 😂 but it worked fine and I avoided having a coat. It still wasn’t as cold as the UK so it didn’t feel so bad.

  • @silentanomaly3697
    @silentanomaly3697 14 часов назад

    I just bought a pop-up hamper for my next Disney trip because the laundry bag I had was not practical taking to the laundromat….im also like you and bring my own laundry pods since my kiddo is sensitive to certain detergents…hope you have a wonderful Disney holiday!!!

  • @smileylady8503
    @smileylady8503 20 часов назад

    Have a great trip 😊 I’m the same way when I pack for a trip. I also do laundry when I’m on vacation 😊

    • @AdventuresByKnapp
      @AdventuresByKnapp  15 часов назад +1

      Thank you!! It helps when getting home too to not have as much laundry to do!

  • @lauranewman7734
    @lauranewman7734 20 часов назад

    I hope you have a great trip !! Safe travels !🎄❤️

  • @HollyWinget
    @HollyWinget 21 час назад +3

    As an Orlando local who was born and raised in Wales I say BRING COATS 🤣 It gets cold , and our cold here is REALLY cold! I’ve had friends come visit from other states who say 50-60° in FL is not the same as other places 🤣 If you have the room I’d bring yourself and Callum a coat of some sort as well 🤗 Safe travels ❤️

    @MISSLEONAJB 20 часов назад

    Hey Sian 🤗 I’m such an over packer, I need to be more like you. Have an amazing time 🩷 xxx

    • @AdventuresByKnapp
      @AdventuresByKnapp  15 часов назад

      I think because I’m restricted on space I’ve just learnt the be like this!

  • @velbels
    @velbels 20 часов назад

    Evenings waiting for fireworks etc can be really cold. Hats and gloves can help but aren't very bulky.

    • @velbels
      @velbels 20 часов назад

      As well as coats!

    • @AdventuresByKnapp
      @AdventuresByKnapp  15 часов назад +1

      To be fair we won’t be out late in the evenings much really! ☺️

  • @jenniferbailey202
    @jenniferbailey202 16 часов назад

    Would you not consider hiring a villa, now you are a family of 5?

    • @AdventuresByKnapp
      @AdventuresByKnapp  15 часов назад +1

      No we are very much hotel people! And we have our DVC membership that we use ☺️