Don’t ever think about messing up the buy and sell property game in uk. I think the uk agents do a very good job to prevent high competition among buyers to stabilize property price.
在英國,如果業主accept 你個offer 之後反口,接受另一個更高offer, 叫做gazumping. 雖然不是不合法,but it’s looked upon as a bad practice. Firstly can ask the seller to take the property off the market, ask the seller to sign a “lock out agreement” which they might not agree with, and move fast on the process by having everything ready.
@@carly28158 When my son was getting married and buying their house before the wedding, the seller accept their offer even their offer is not the highest. The seller just want them to have the house. Since it is the sellers market at the moment in California, I have seen houses sold for $300KUSD over listing price.
I'm afraid what Coco Gor's views are not all correct, in my opinion. There are practices here, to protect both buyers and sellers. For example, imagine the agent reveal the bid price to all buyers, the price will only go up and up. In long term, buyers suffer. In seal bid, you would have been told to give *best* and *final* offer. If the losing bidder is allowed to renege and offer again, and more, the system breaks down. Though agents works for the sellers, they make more money if sold price is higher. But it's the seller's decision and the seller often has other consideration apart from price. 有钱唔係乜都得嘅 The agent's attitude also depends on the current market. Probably it's now seller market in the area you are looking in. When it's buyer market (market downturn), agents behave differently. Also, unlike what Coco Gor commented in the beginning, you do need to build relationship and trust with the agent, better at the beginning of house hunting. My suggestion: look, research, build relationships. But when you are ready to buy, make offer lightening fast, firm, and attractive.
The agent likely had a contractual relationship with the buyer for an 'exclusive' listing to sell within a time period. If the seller sold it to you without informing the agent, the contract is breached and the agent can sue the seller for damages. A real estate transaction is a public record and therefore cannot be hidden from the listing agent.
This is actually a better way for the whole housing market. Seller can get a guaranteed buyer; maybe not at max profit. Agent get the commission when the transaction is done; faster transaction. Buyer can get to buy the property and seller cannot flip words; at a real market price. This way helps reduce price competition.
睇過其他港人買樓的經歷,我覺得係英國買樓嘅流程並冇與時並進,仍然停留在幾十年前的思維裏。以至在今時今日有機會遇到買或賣方突然退出的可能,為整個過程帶來一定的變數。 在加拿大,當賣方決定接受一個offer時,除了雙方都要簽合同外,買方一定要落deposit to make the contract legally binding on both sides。買方於是會好放心去安排驗樓及借貸。如果是但一方要退出的話,除非另一方同意,否則會訴諸法律去解決。 問題係,英國的流程並沒有在早期成立一個legal contract,令到雙方都冇保障。你可以話大家講個信字,但我寧願揀有法律保障。 至於有留言話唔好帶香港人的炒樓思維去外國,我係同意嘅。不過我唔覺得Coco哥喺度講緊呢樣嘢。佢只係講緊兩地不同之處,會為剛抵埗的香港人帶來一定的困擾而已。 (在加拿大,地產買賣肯定是專業過英國的。I suppose it’ll take a lot of effort and time to push the UK real estate sector to change for the better。)
Coco哥,第一次睇你,你新移民過來就識咁多,👍👍👏🏼👏🏼,我住英國已30年,買賣過幾十間樓,你說的是因為現時英國樓市非常好,買賣雙方和經紀人都想快些完成交易,Demands more than supplies,若樓市不好的話,你會看到另一現象,只要經紀 有你資料,佢哋會不停搵你,問你買晤買,你的inbox 會收到大量經紀的樓盤,他們也會幫你叫業主減價,這就是Supplies more than Demands, 到時有另一玩法。
As a hong konger who have been living in the UK for the past 20 years, my advice is either respect how they do things here, don't take your HK ways of doing things to the UK or go back to HK. I always think HKer don't understand how UK people work, things like the way to communicate like " yes please, no, thank you" will go a long way. HKer's way of speaking english is deem as blunt and rude. The impression of the HKer who have lived here for a long time will just get destroyed by people like you
Super agree your point. This guy still thinks and takes the HK way. He ignores this is the UK. If immigrants don‘t change their way of thinking like him, it is hard to live here permanently.
It is the same with Toronto and requires signing a contract with the real estate company. The contact ends when time passes when the property is still unsold, and then the owner can go for another real estate company. The buyer does not need to pay for the commission, and it is the seller who pays for it. However, in Toronto, an agent would take the buyer to see many houses, and the reason's that they share the commission with the selling agent. Open House is when a selling agent opens the property (usually on Sat) to allow people to freely walk in to see the house on a specific day.
Partially correct, asbestos cement materials were commonly used in the manufacture of residential building materials from the mid-1940s until the late 1980s. Therefore, if the properly was built before 1940s, chance of asbestos is low and some even solid in structure than today's construction.
Money is not the solution to everything in life! The estate agency play it differently in the UK and acts in the interest of their client (the seller), not like in HK where they act for both buyers and sellers which is a gross conflict of interest in my opinion. In most cases offers are accepted based on the financial strength of the buyers (whether they're cash buyers or need mortgage) and whether they're in a chain (ie have a property to sell) which may delay or break the deal along the way. Once the seller have found the best buyer for their property they'll honour it and stick with the verbal offer to completion. Trust and honours worth more than monetary gains.
“Once the seller have found the best buyer for their property they’ll honour it and “stick with the verbal offer to completion”. Well, all I can say is you’ll be surprised!!
@@briankinlee7979 I’m not surprised. London is a different market to the rest of uk and there’s a bigger chance of coming across a greedy seller. But there are always two sides to a coin so to speak. As a purchaser if you come across an ideal property at a bargain price or discovered major structural problems at the property when you’re half way through the conveyancing process, you may pull the rug on the seller too. Of course you would only think it’s a good system if it goes in your favour. It’s human nature! Getting a good solicitor may help avoid some disappointments 😬
就算你出高價,業主唔鍾意你嘅back ground or 冇feel 可以唔賣俾你。有D屋嘅業主,希望幫間屋揾個有品嘅好主人承接,响外國唔一定有錢就有power。好嘅State School 好難入,本地人都爭崩頭,入唔到好嘅,寧願俾貴學費去private school,以免學壞或俾人bully。Good luck!
Sole agent and multi agent fees differ by a couple of percent iirc. So most sellers would simply go with 1 agent unless there's real difficulty in selling the property.
Sometimes its not only the price, it may also be the settlement terms, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days or some other condition where the vendor needs to be able to secure another property before letting go this one. So price may not be the only factor.
after wtaching all comments here, I share one observation: there is always good side and bad sides of any system , *trust system or * * highest price get the bid* system, ..... together with natural in-born human weakness, there is no best system ( at lease in house buy/sell market ), and, there is no way to only enjoy the best thing of a system but at the same time not affected by the bad things inherited in that system. so, living in that place, just enjoy the best thing there and at the same time living with those other bad things
Look it up before you speak. It's called gazumping and gazundering, something that is being frowned upon. Memo of sales is not legal binding, either party can still pull out until exchange. It's all about cavaet emptor in the UK. Make sure you do your own research, better to have wiggle room between two parties as properties here are not as homogeneous as they are in HK. A lot more aspects and potential defects to look at.
Not true. The seller can choose whom to sell to. Even if you offer the listing price, the seller may not accept your offer. If the seller accept the offer AND signed the contract, he/she cannot rescind the contract unless the contract list a contingency. For example, he has to sell his house for X amount of money.
The agents informed buyers to watch the house on Saturday is called "Open Home" in New Zealand. Sometimes the agent would like to do this on Sunday as well.
Silence Auction 加拿大買賣都係咁樣。subject to bank financing, subject to clean title, subject to home inspection, 一簽offer 其實雙方係不能不買不能不賣。我係唔明買家甩底,賣方唔告買家lost of potential profit.
because here in UK , when the seller accept the buyer's offer, there is no need to sign any contract, and, necessary process then will needed to be process, necessary fee then paid, then,......, the second last step will be exchange contract and the buyer then pay a 10% ( or more ) deposit and only after this the deal is 必買必賣, and before this, both the buyer and the seller can cancel the transaction. One other way is, to made an Lock out agreement ( fixed the selling price, days of completion of transaction ) signed by BOTH the buyer and the seller. but, the question is obvious: in a raising market, NO seller would like to sign, and in a dropping market, NO buyer would like to sign that kind of agreement and to be fair, this is fair in doing business . That's why more and more buyer choose the third way : buy in Auction, as this is the nearest to and fasted way to make a 必買必賣 house deal
Cannot use the same measurement of Hong Kong to apply on England. Hong Kong has one of the most highest efficiency like train schedule is super on time. It's time to relax or that's why some people rather be in HK
to be fair, what Coco mentioned is true happening ( if not frequently ) here in UK ( I aslo had same experience ) : the seller cancel the transaction ONE MONTH AFTER he/ she accepted my offer and both seller/ buyer's solicitor house is already processing the transaction.
Coco哥,不同國情。西方國家賣房都是簽了獨家代理,你不簽沒中介幫你賣,買家offer 簽了就是這個價,有时候卖买会再议。等卖家确认簽名,如果賣家簽咗名,中介就會send 去各自律師,合約即生效。通常買家還有cooling off date .有啲地方7天等。
Don’t ever think about messing up the buy and sell property game in uk. I think the uk agents do a very good job to prevent high competition among buyers to stabilize property price.
Co Co 哥,幾年後你自己睇返呢條片會有另外一種感受,香港人頭腦轉數快, 適應能力強, 和家人享受移民新生活, 加油!
買了一兩次樓係人都可以做professional, 有D做realtor, 有的做裝修
完全同意😊 我初黎嘅時候,都係好似Coco咁諗。幾年之後,另外一種感受,亦真正明白呢度點運作。
就算腰纏萬貫, 也敵不過生命無常, 做人唔 應該 用盡你 這一撒那 擁有的優勢!!!!
佢哋有chain, 我嘅經驗係- 你想買佢哋代理嘅房同時畀你套舊房佢哋賣,佢哋會幫你bid你想要房(有offer竞争嘅情况下). 冇呢层關係,你試探出价嘅時候佢哋永远就係”我唔可以講”……
Coco 哥哥, 昨晚我和朋友谈及你所讲的有机會直接向業主offer,offer 高些价銭。我朋友说不能,業主和agent签了约,让agent代他賣屋,如果業主仍然還没有接受offer,他可能叫你直接和agent 联络或是他接受你的offer,然后他再付agent 的应有佣金。现在的法律很严,不像二,三十年前的做法。两年前又出了新法律,过去我们租屋给住客,双方付佣金给租屋agent, 從两年前开始,業主一个人要付所有的佣金给租屋agent, 住客不用付,原因業主有錢过住客,可以付得起。 现在疫情关系,如你想收回房屋,你要给住客6 個月通知,但如果住客想离开,他只需要给两个個通知業主。在英国不是像香港,這里有錢不是可以做任何事情。
其實係外國(好似澳洲咁)要做到Estate Agent參與 買賣樓宇嗰啲都唔係咁容易,係讀書讀出黎。而且,人哋呢啲叫private sale。人哋出咗價俾緊業主考慮時,多數都唔會受其他offer。
在英國,如果業主accept 你個offer 之後反口,接受另一個更高offer, 叫做gazumping. 雖然不是不合法,but it’s looked upon as a bad practice. Firstly can ask the seller to take the property off the market, ask the seller to sign a “lock out agreement” which they might not agree with, and move fast on the process by having everything ready.
香港人去到英國是要尊重人哋嘅制度, 不要把香港的帶到人哋地方, 在外國買屋大家可出不同offer, 當然出得高就較容易買到,但有机會買貴。出得底價又怕買不到, 當然比cash 一定會優勝, 所以你出第ㄧ個offer係好重要,不能太低, 因可能有幾個人出更高價, 代理是不會公開別人出什麼價。因要公平公正進行買賣, 不像香港有錢就大晒, 他們這樣做都是防止抄樓和美國一樣。
我喺美國 唔認同你咁講 賣同買屋都有 買時寫埋letter俾業主希望收我地offer 明明有出得更高價嘅人都選我地 到我地賣時 一樣係收到3個offers 但都accept咗最適合嘅offer唔係出最貴嗰個 我覺得美國同英國一樣 可能仲更睇承諾 抄樓留返香港/新加坡/韓國嗰啲地方啦… 外國人都冇咁市儈 不過磁場呢啲嘢都係講習慣㗎啫 習慣咗當地生活就慢慢明白 慢慢融入到㗎喇~ 香港人冇咩選擇…
@@carly28158 唔係詆毀美國人,只係覺得美國生活啱佢多啲,生活多姿多采啲.....南加州多華人,啱哂嘴型,美國人亦比歐洲人更行動派
我唔係住英國,而係住法國近巴黎嘅鎮仔.....呢度好多舖頭唔止星期日閂門,連星期一上晝都唔開 (因為星期六有做生意)歐洲稅率高但有社會保障,睇醫生生仔甚至失業都唔駛擔心.....所以好多歐洲人都有種錢係要賺,但夠就得啦嘅心態,因為你賺得多都係要扣稅,點解做人唔輕鬆啲
@@carly28158 When my son was getting married and buying their house before the wedding, the seller accept their offer even their offer is not the highest. The seller just want them to have the house. Since it is the sellers market at the moment in California, I have seen houses sold for $300KUSD over listing price.
英國人文化好好 , 吾通重好似香港咁就烦 , 所以我覺得有啲人會玩爛個party, 之前都知道有人買樓case, 業主已經吾賣比佢, 港人還要去拍業主門講可以出高啲價叫賣比佢 , 白人吾賣,所以英國人就係講左就係 , 吾好用香港個套用吾得..
I'm afraid what Coco Gor's views are not all correct, in my opinion.
There are practices here, to protect both buyers and sellers. For example, imagine the agent reveal the bid price to all buyers, the price will only go up and up. In long term, buyers suffer.
In seal bid, you would have been told to give *best* and *final* offer. If the losing bidder is allowed to renege and offer again, and more, the system breaks down.
Though agents works for the sellers, they make more money if sold price is higher. But it's the seller's decision and the seller often has other consideration apart from price. 有钱唔係乜都得嘅
The agent's attitude also depends on the current market. Probably it's now seller market in the area you are looking in. When it's buyer market (market downturn), agents behave differently.
Also, unlike what Coco Gor commented in the beginning, you do need to build relationship and trust with the agent, better at the beginning of house hunting.
My suggestion: look, research, build relationships. But when you are ready to buy, make offer lightening fast, firm, and attractive.
*In Seller Market* when you are ready to buy, make offer lightening fast, firm, and attractive.
The agent likely had a contractual relationship with the buyer for an 'exclusive' listing to sell within a time period. If the seller sold it to you without informing the agent, the contract is breached and the agent can sue the seller for damages. A real estate transaction is a public record and therefore cannot be hidden from the listing agent.
良心agent/ 業主😇
This is actually a better way for the whole housing market. Seller can get a guaranteed buyer; maybe not at max profit. Agent get the commission when the transaction is done; faster transaction. Buyer can get to buy the property and seller cannot flip words; at a real market price. This way helps reduce price competition.
完全贊同! 最憎: 有錢唔要!! 不要再炒樓, 教壞人😒
Coco係講緊個買樓制度,同埋漏洞 - 請分清楚,唔好撈埋樓市嚟講⋯
Co Co 哥,一切安定生活,包你喜歡外國平等優質的生活,自由的空氣,種族和平共處,孩子有良好的教育,快樂成長,英國也有很多香港人,同聲同氣😀
CoCo哥所講嘅買樓經歷我哋都已親身體驗過,好難得已經揀到理想物業,過程真係要花上半年至九個月去做,而家裝修緊,問題又來啦,全屋嘅電線同水喉拆開地板間隔之後先至發覺需要更換,水喉仲用緊有毒嘅鉛喉,電線因為八十幾年前嘅安裝方法已經唔合規例所以又係要換過晒,天花隔熱又要重新做過,門窗出咗surveyor report之後又話要全部更換,雖然過咗嚟收樓,但係冇兩個月呢啲嘢都執唔晒,仲要搞裝修,唔好話買樓啊,買樓之後仲有排攪⋯應該要至少租三個月酒店等裝修好先至搬得入去住。
在加拿大,當賣方決定接受一個offer時,除了雙方都要簽合同外,買方一定要落deposit to make the contract legally binding on both sides。買方於是會好放心去安排驗樓及借貸。如果是但一方要退出的話,除非另一方同意,否則會訴諸法律去解決。
問題係,英國的流程並沒有在早期成立一個legal contract,令到雙方都冇保障。你可以話大家講個信字,但我寧願揀有法律保障。
(在加拿大,地產買賣肯定是專業過英國的。I suppose it’ll take a lot of effort and time to push the UK real estate sector to change for the better。)
英國買樓賣樓係好得意㗎,好有技術㗎,因為屋主和買家在sale agreed 到exchange contract 一共兩三個都無契約的保障,所以我地在要價和買樓都要小心,亂咁炒樓嘅人要特別小心,買錯樓亦會損失很大。
因為sole agent 的commission 平過multi agent 的收費少一半,所以大多數業主都只會簽一個agent。唔好先至轉去另一個agent
下集我會講我天真嬌,英國賣家如何不守信用,我跌左hkd兩萬,嘥我2個月時間,個agent都出email比我屌柒佢! 大家唔洗嘥氣留言話乜乜 香港人搞臭曬 英國守信用 承諾好重要 下次幫你貼堂
不衹是英國,歐洲都是一樣! 業主要見你,好似interview咁,才決定租唔租間房給你!
Coco哥,第一次睇你,你新移民過來就識咁多,👍👍👏🏼👏🏼,我住英國已30年,買賣過幾十間樓,你說的是因為現時英國樓市非常好,買賣雙方和經紀人都想快些完成交易,Demands more than supplies,若樓市不好的話,你會看到另一現象,只要經紀 有你資料,佢哋會不停搵你,問你買晤買,你的inbox 會收到大量經紀的樓盤,他們也會幫你叫業主減價,這就是Supplies more than Demands, 到時有另一玩法。
希望你多做一些資料收集,你無遇過唔代表無,大把soucing agents 做buy to let investments
外國賣樓好多時都用Open House 型式,特別係Exclusive Rights 專利特約 Open 全日朝10am晚,6pm, 開放日2-3天,跟住Close. 如果仲未賣出. 過一兩星期後又再Open House.
我個業主accept 咗offer, 兩日後話有人拍門經過出高過我哋offer,問我哋可以再加幾多俾佢。又唔肯講人地出幾高?只問你再願依家幾多,再同業主傾,唔係就取消交易,問你死未!
As a hong konger who have been living in the UK for the past 20 years, my advice is either respect how they do things here, don't take your HK ways of doing things to the UK or go back to HK.
I always think HKer don't understand how UK people work, things like the way to communicate like " yes please, no, thank you" will go a long way. HKer's way of speaking english is deem as blunt and rude. The impression of the HKer who have lived here for a long time will just get destroyed by people like you
Super agree your point. This guy still thinks and takes the HK way. He ignores this is the UK. If immigrants don‘t change their way of thinking like him, it is hard to live here permanently.
我稔西方國家都係咁,當賣家接受咗 offered, 就不會再去接受第二個 offered, 值到笫一個買家未能做到按揭,會再推出市場。
It is the same with Toronto and requires signing a contract with the real estate company. The contact ends when time passes when the property is still unsold, and then the owner can go for another real estate company. The buyer does not need to pay for the commission, and it is the seller who pays for it. However, in Toronto, an agent would take the buyer to see many houses, and the reason's that they share the commission with the selling agent. Open House is when a selling agent opens the property (usually on Sat) to allow people to freely walk in to see the house on a specific day.
Nice of you to share your experience so that subsequent HK buyers know what to expect.
很有共鳴👍🏻😂我用咗5個月buy and let,現在覺得香港啲經紀原來好可愛!
@@jackytan3929 都係,香港經紀辛苦好多,慢啲就俾行家搶咗個客
Coco 哥, Hertfordshire and Surrey 校網好,可考慮啊
Coco, 要買百年老屋,有石棉。 Conversatory 冬凍夏熱,extension 好些,睇樓留意牆身,天花板和牆角有無發黴,滲水跡象。
Partially correct, asbestos cement materials were commonly used in the manufacture of residential building materials from the mid-1940s until the late 1980s. Therefore, if the properly was built before 1940s, chance of asbestos is low and some even solid in structure than today's construction.
Cocogor 好好呀~ 又開心 share D 要比錢嘅知識
英國主要係賣家搵一個好的agent ,合同都寫明不能同時搵兩個agents, 因為買家出價在暗,勁的經紀可以令你的買家出一個超高的價而買家不感吃虧。
其實冇人叫你去睇幾十年嘅樓 ,如果買都預咗要大裝修啦 ,用你嘅思維去買樓, 難怪咁耐買唔到樓啦 ,原來一心諗住用錢去搶就大晒 ,英國地產有口頭承諾 ,根本唔同香港地產佬走精面價高者得 ,如要用呢套買樓就去加拿大買啦 ,加國樓升到咁高價 ,就係華人搶高樓價先係咁.
Money is not the solution to everything in life! The estate agency play it differently in the UK and acts in the interest of their client (the seller), not like in HK where they act for both buyers and sellers which is a gross conflict of interest in my opinion. In most cases offers are accepted based on the financial strength of the buyers (whether they're cash buyers or need mortgage) and whether they're in a chain (ie have a property to sell) which may delay or break the deal along the way. Once the seller have found the best buyer for their property they'll honour it and stick with the verbal offer to completion. Trust and honours worth more than monetary gains.
“Once the seller have found the best buyer for their property they’ll honour it and “stick with the verbal offer to completion”. Well, all I can say is you’ll be surprised!!
@@briankinlee7979 I’m not surprised. London is a different market to the rest of uk and there’s a bigger chance of coming across a greedy seller. But there are always two sides to a coin so to speak. As a purchaser if you come across an ideal property at a bargain price or discovered major structural problems at the property when you’re half way through the conveyancing process, you may pull the rug on the seller too. Of course you would only think it’s a good system if it goes in your favour. It’s human nature! Getting a good solicitor may help avoid some disappointments 😬
有意思。加拿大是有buyer agent同seller agent。兩個人平分佣金。賣家出佣。
Co Co哥樣樣都係新鮮,多謝你分享😀
就算你出高價,業主唔鍾意你嘅back ground or 冇feel 可以唔賣俾你。有D屋嘅業主,希望幫間屋揾個有品嘅好主人承接,响外國唔一定有錢就有power。好嘅State School 好難入,本地人都爭崩頭,入唔到好嘅,寧願俾貴學費去private school,以免學壞或俾人bully。Good luck!
想請教你關於英國private school 的好處,state school (good)是否都比較品流複雜
Sole agent and multi agent fees differ by a couple of percent iirc. So most sellers would simply go with 1 agent unless there's real difficulty in selling the property.
Same for rental.
英國生活方式就是這樣, 你還有很多嘢要學啊
CoCo 哥,不如考慮吓你成立一間地產中介公司,引入香港服務模式,說不定你能在英成為新一代 『施老闆』。 你又可以做老闆,又可請同路人幫手。
同意,因Coco 哥已非常專業,有心得,可以香港人幫香港人
It’s run by different business model. The local practice is to have a sole agent or agency only to sell the property, not multi listing.
我覺得你抗距英國 覺得英國人做事樣樣都好蠢 如果你已決定在英國生活 就應虛心些習慣英國生活
其實香港有為數不小既人 (連帶佢地既下一代) 都因香港樓價大升而得益, Coco 哥放左之前香港層樓我估佢都因此賺左過百粒以上.
當年九成按揭, 每個人都賺10倍首期. 100萬首期賺左1千萬
Ur presentation is v entertaining indeed ✌🏻
Sometimes its not only the price, it may also be the settlement terms, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days or some other condition where the vendor needs to be able to secure another property before letting go this one. So price may not be the only factor.
不過英國真係講個信字,accept 就accept.但最大問題係buyer借唔到mortgage
after wtaching all comments here, I share one observation: there is always good side and bad sides of any system , *trust system or * * highest price get the bid* system, ..... together with natural in-born human weakness, there is no best system ( at lease in house buy/sell market ), and, there is no way to only enjoy the best thing of a system but at the same time not affected by the bad things inherited in that system. so, living in that place, just enjoy the best thing there and at the same time living with those other bad things
Coco哥 你仍然未習慣英國生活 英國買賣屋的手法吾同 estate agent 不是如你説好懶 坐著等運到 如果一間屋是800千 1%是8千 佢地也想生意做成 佢地會check potential買家的背景等等 買家可以offer高些或低些的價錢 買賣手續也比較復雜你 應該用些時間來適應英國生活 真正生活和來英國旅遊不同
Coco哥好天真 唔知道扮代表笑死人
tear R 很多時出售的物業賣家一家仍然在居住, 很多不想被人打擾正常生活(工作/平常日程), 例如星期一有甲買家, 星期二有乙買家………係人都感到煩啦! 何况有10 - 20家有興趣。
Agent 會看情形來按排一兩次"開放日'', 賣家通常會避免這種熱鬧埸合, Agent 亦省了不少時間/工作。
所以由香港人地產 agent 做既話, 好快會成為 top sales
Look it up before you speak. It's called gazumping and gazundering, something that is being frowned upon. Memo of sales is not legal binding, either party can still pull out until exchange. It's all about cavaet emptor in the UK. Make sure you do your own research, better to have wiggle room between two parties as properties here are not as homogeneous as they are in HK. A lot more aspects and potential defects to look at.
Coco 哥可以開班了
是否英國經紀是固定月薪?不是分 佣金制度?不願做心態通常低薪無佣才會如此。
美國同英國買樓有很大分別,美國賣屋是價高者得,因為經紀靠佣金搵食,賣價越高佣金越多。若業主accept the offer 就不可以反口,會被對方告。
Not true. The seller can choose whom to sell to. Even if you offer the listing price, the seller may not accept your offer. If the seller accept the offer AND signed the contract, he/she cannot rescind the contract unless the contract list a contingency. For example, he has to sell his house for X amount of money.
The agents informed buyers to watch the house on Saturday is called "Open Home" in New Zealand. Sometimes the agent would like to do this on Sunday as well.
In South Africa Joburg it's on Sunday.
Not open home, the agent booked all day viewings so they don't have to go to the house more than once.
Silence Auction 加拿大買賣都係咁樣。subject to bank financing, subject to clean title, subject to home inspection, 一簽offer 其實雙方係不能不買不能不賣。我係唔明買家甩底,賣方唔告買家lost of potential profit.
because here in UK , when the seller accept the buyer's offer, there is no need to sign any contract, and, necessary process then will needed to be process, necessary fee then paid, then,......, the second last step will be exchange contract and the buyer then pay a 10% ( or more ) deposit and only after this the deal is 必買必賣, and before this, both the buyer and the seller can cancel the transaction. One other way is, to made an Lock out agreement ( fixed the selling price, days of completion of transaction ) signed by BOTH the buyer and the seller. but, the question is obvious: in a raising market, NO seller would like to sign, and in a dropping market, NO buyer would like to sign that kind of agreement and to be fair, this is fair in doing business . That's why more and more buyer choose the third way : buy in Auction, as this is the nearest to and fasted way to make a 必買必賣 house deal
@@9451hen 一處鄉村一處例
Buying property in Canada is similar to UK... buying a new property has less trouble...
唔話得人地的 offer price 可能是因為英國的資料保障法例
澳洲都係咁架,睇完屋吾會follow up. 香港agents 勤力好多。
想買樓既真心預半年左右既時間先可以完成交易, 仲未計你成交之後要裝修既時間
其實香港正式規矩都係accept咗agent係唔會再講之後買家的出價。只不過他們想賺更多commission, 又覺得咁樣做吹他唔脹,所以先形成咁的風氣。
半年前個樓價同現在肯定唔同啦! 我以當時個市價同你買, 個agent又唔講又唔做嘢係咁拖住你,我們想辦法直接搵業主傾先知道要加錢,因為我哋唔使借貸冇可能係咁 耐時間?個邊Dagent又唔復你又冇做野,真的激死,但最後加左錢都好快成交左😥😥
Meaningless to compare to the usual practice in Hong Kong. Buy your house through auction if you can afford . The winning beat is the market price .
the UK does not require certain educational background or licensing to become a real estate agent.
Cannot use the same measurement of Hong Kong to apply on England. Hong Kong has one of the most highest efficiency like train schedule is super on time. It's time to relax or that's why some people rather be in HK
Offer accept左就唔可以反口係正常架, 你買唔到只不過係萄葡人地早落offer, 如果咁鍾意層樓做咩唔早d 落offer? 香港人有好多唔好習慣, 以為自己有錢就大晒, 但人地都生意都要顧及公司聲譽架, 你有錢就以為人地無錢咩?
to be fair, what Coco mentioned is true happening ( if not frequently ) here in UK ( I aslo had same experience ) : the seller cancel the transaction ONE MONTH AFTER he/ she accepted my offer and both seller/ buyer's solicitor house is already processing the transaction.