De do do do - Obama Pelosi and Reid

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2009

Комментарии • 44

  • @crcrew62
    @crcrew62 14 лет назад

    This is great.....!

  • @LindaHammonds
    @LindaHammonds 14 лет назад

    Well done!

  • @mycatslistentome
    @mycatslistentome 13 лет назад

    Wanted to tell "tadshort" that as a former drunken sailor i always quit spending when i was broke..unlike the present administration..

  • @acspop
    @acspop 13 лет назад

    This may be our last chance to take back our beloved United States of America

  • @rocknrollpolution
    @rocknrollpolution 13 лет назад

    lol this sounds like The Police!

  • @danelsons
    @danelsons 13 лет назад


  • @RebelStangII
    @RebelStangII 14 лет назад

    Long Live The Rebellion!

  • @Rereversed
    @Rereversed 13 лет назад

    @Gravelandart If I could roll my eyes any harder I would pull a socket muscle.

  • @pointdan
    @pointdan 13 лет назад

    Nov 2, 2010 - Obama as kickin day
    SOCIALISM SUCKS, Barry . . . .

  • @mycatslistentome
    @mycatslistentome 13 лет назад

    As a former drunken sailor, i gotta say that when i was broke
    i quit spending..

  • @rickroadway
    @rickroadway 13 лет назад

    Those against the President do nothing productive but spend their time thinking up jingles and catch phrases to toss around like cheerleaders.

  • @fernstream
    @fernstream 13 лет назад

    is this supposed to be a gag reel? because it sure had me laughing.

  • @boomer1954ful
    @boomer1954ful 14 лет назад

    Good Video, AJSeebart, I wonder where I can buy myself one of those three cornered hats my forefathers wore? "Don't Tread On Me" Amen. In 2008 I could see BHO for the phony, lying, thug he really was, why couldn't others??

  • @Jacquelacy
    @Jacquelacy 13 лет назад

    God bless our President and all those who care so much about the average person. I pray that all those who spew hate and division have a REAL spiritual awakening. God is still on the throne. He was there during the last 8 years and He is there right now!

  • @MrDrawingguy
    @MrDrawingguy 13 лет назад

    Dr Paul 2012!!!

  • @chaosad09
    @chaosad09 13 лет назад

    @TumisHumis probably not too many would. it seems like most presidents would rather line their pockets then fight for any thing to make the world a beter place.

  • @MovieTheaterHead
    @MovieTheaterHead 13 лет назад

    @Justprayfirst Oh yeah I can't wait to be told to buy healthcare or be penalized! Fuck that. But when it comes to national security, I will leave that in the hands of the government. If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear. The gov. does not have the manpower to needlessly search everyone in the so called "constitution free zone". But, if someone is entering my home without permission, federal agent or not, they will be dealt with accordingly. If you catch my drift. :)

  • @pengee0419
    @pengee0419 13 лет назад

    @albinio157 Ha ha ha I like that one

  • @duardough
    @duardough 13 лет назад

    @durvid48 - Some may be, but at least most know how to spell "really", that "republicans" should be "Republicans", that a comma should follow "sorry" and that a period comes at the end of a sentence.

  • @albinio157
    @albinio157 13 лет назад

    @albinio157 Da da da da da Bucket.

  • @tadshort
    @tadshort 13 лет назад

    @tightlines51 This has got to be the absolute uninformed statement.
    Did you wake up this morning? When you did, you starting paying taxes and it did not end when you went to sleep.
    It is not that we do not want to pay taxes, we want them to stop spending money like a drunken sailor.
    We are paying far too much for them to grow government to levels unsustainable for the tax base.

  • @MovieTheaterHead
    @MovieTheaterHead 13 лет назад

    @Justprayfirst I want to make another profile just to thumb that up again.

  • @slipstick99
    @slipstick99 14 лет назад

    BRILLIANT! Simply effing brilliant! The ONLY problem I see with this video is your use of an entire track of copyrighted music, which might get your video pulled. Otherwise, spot on, Semper Vigilans!

  • @GatremagWenYm
    @GatremagWenYm 12 лет назад

    @durvid48 As can democrats. No one is perfect, I mean just look at your sentence!

  • @XXsclausmanXX
    @XXsclausmanXX 13 лет назад

    im jewish (:

  • @XXsclausmanXX
    @XXsclausmanXX 13 лет назад

    @WeCanKnowDottCom lol
    i dont belive in that sorry
    im not gunna get brain washed

  • @fernstream
    @fernstream 13 лет назад

    and if i thought the video was funny, i didn't read the comments. lol. america will never be socialist. silly conspiracy theorists.

  • @tightlines51
    @tightlines51 12 лет назад

    I hope you say the same things when your social security and medicare gone and you are worrying whether eat that week or get your medications.
    It is not difficult for a law abiding citizen to get a gun. Just stop in at any gun show. If you are law abiding, you will get one, or two or a thousand. Oh. I see. You want your gun right away! Ah! Well, good things take time. Don't you think?
    and I believe the word is forefathers.