but he is top warrior, look at the playstyle of the mage and preist, they are fuking scared most of the fights, theyre choking, its only when they manage to get a good cd FINALLY on the hpal they actually kill the warrior, if they fuck up, this warrrior will absolutely take that opportunity to shit on them hard
Man War/Pally depends so much on the Pally being good .. If he fcks up your sitting in all CC
greetings, can u plz upload the marm vod or any other classic/wrath vods related? ty
You need à New paly. The man has put aura of dévotion vs shadow frost. He should had put shadow or frost resistance
I am not qwneer, choko is best paladin wotlk arguably, i think he knows what hes doing, and also i dont play this game anymore
Hey! Google-cache says that one time you had a video with a title "Marm games taken from stream". Does there any chance that you still have it?
who is this mage? where can I follow him?
Qwneer: "look at this shit player"
Also Qwneer: loses 3 times in a row
but he is top warrior, look at the playstyle of the mage and preist, they are fuking scared most of the fights, theyre choking, its only when they manage to get a good cd FINALLY on the hpal they actually kill the warrior, if they fuck up, this warrrior will absolutely take that opportunity to shit on them hard
yea I mean to be fair Dreamful was the goat, at least on wowcircle
Almost like it's a counter comp or something
@@wowwt it's not tho lol. One of the most interesting 2s matchups since the better team usually wins, it's a 50-50
Не знал что Куинер ру говорящий:)
track list?
Нихерасе чел там по клавишам херачит, походу каждый стрим с новой клавиатуры играет
shitiest dog war ! damage is litterally broken ! so stupid class ...
Insane as always of course..and a question damage text addon?
its just a Font
Вначале играл как даун)) чарж, тринькует дип, даёт бш на пол секунды, дознет и ливает с арены как крутой, хоть потом что то в башке появилось
You need a silencer for your keyboard lol
warr pally is worse then dbl rogue tbc. Only PURE dogs would play warr pally.
Rogahn Route