Saying, "he has swiss cheese brain" about her father having dementia, TWICE, might be one of the most telling things about her personality I've seen to date. No wonder her sister hates her. Heartless.
To just use that term do casually and not even as a descriptor for the condition of the brain shows she's born wrong. If she wasn’t hellbent on being a psychopath tearing down her husband st every chance and being a legit retard to redefine the meaning of it, she'd be a serial killer. Straight up.
@@mayhaps1 yeah it is awful, not something i would wish on anyone and certainly not something i would call "swiss cheese brain" especially about my own family
Dane is my favorite character on the Anisa husband show. Him being so dumb, quiet, and boring lures everyone into a false sense of security for him to deliver precision orbital insults on them.
It took me painfully long to realize this was TF2's Uncle Dane. I'm glad that reddit loser who ushered in a wave of modern gaming troons into the game is suffering.
@@FirstFamilyCharger damn dude. Get out of here with those sad facts, it’s too awful when you think about how it is affecting him FOR REAL 😭 free idubzzz
All jokes aside, the part where they discuss having kids is actually really sad. Ian looks so dejected and can't even express his true desires to have kids to his own wife, probably in fear he'll get ridiculed by her and feels the constant need to conform to her wants and opinions to avoid conflict. He suppresses his feelings a lot and is dominated by her in conversation. It doesn't seem like a healthy relationship and I hope they both find clarity for their own sakes.
I don't get why he doesn't just say his true feelings and have a huge argument and breakup on their show. It would be the best content they ever have on the show
Ian's face when Anisa cruely laughs at him, after bringing up the idea he was publicly made fun of and ridiculed his IBS, shows a man who is shocked that the WOMAN WHO HE MARRIED chooses the side of the nameless, faceless public who would mock and ridicule him for the medical issue he is unable to ever fully cure, rather than on the side of HIM, the other half to their partnership, her supposed "ride or die" that promised to be on his side in sickness and in health, in richer and in poorer, etc. His unconfirmed IBS is a private medical matter he clearly doesn't want to talk about. He has never once brought it up on his own accord, and has never even allowed a conversation he was controlling to go anywhere near the subject of. Not only does he act annoyed to talk about it, he knows that its uninteresting, private medical details that no one would ever ask to be made public because its inherently embarrassing and always will be. Losing control over your body's ability to properly hold and dispose of its wastes? Shameful under any and every circumstance, unless you're at an age where everything is starting to break down internally and its one of many things decreasing its function and control over as the physical limits of your body's healing ability reaches its end stages. Old men and old ladies are not made fun of for it, because it happens to everyone if they live long enough. But a young man is expected to maintain control over his bladder and rectum with ease, being that its one of the first muscles we all learn to have control over from the time we're young children. The reality just means that even if its caused by something you're not directly in control of and can't stop despite recognizing you should hold it and trying as hard as you can not to have it happen... If you shit your pants as a grown man under 65 you are unavoidably going to be the subject of public mockery and ridicule if that fact EVER is made public. Its such a jarringly snap fast decision of hers its a clear indication of her true feelings on the matter, without having any time to think over and choose how to respond, it makes it impossible for her to deny it if he ever calls her out on how she could innately snap judge and choose to be on the side against him for something that she enjoys at his expense. Its psychotic to be that way when it comes to your partner who you've committed to under the watchful eye of God and is the one person he should be able to trust will go to bat for him and play defense when he's being attacked. If he doesn't witness that defense of his character from the bully actions of anonymous assassins that dunk and clown on him online, he certainly cant be of the mind that she will play defense against character assassinations that may be more detrimental, should they be made by a person with public credibility, or should he be unable to adequately speak in his own defense. Imagine this: a crazy fan of Ian's who was rejected by him when she made inappropriate advances towards him claims he SA'd her. Ian is in jail and has to rely on Anisa to get on TV to publicly state that she knows him better than anyone else alive today and knows with every fiber of her being he is innocent. I think he understands that's not a task he can trust her to accomplish. If she sees making it could seriously affect her credibility or come back and negatively impact her image or public persona, shes proven herself to be the type of person who will find a thousand different ways to excuse her decision to not do the thing that would help him out more than anything else. She is too selfish to risk being harmed herself while acting in somebody elses interests, and shes even indicating she would very reflexively and quite easily choose the path of engaging in the act of humiliating and embarrassing her husband publicly, especially if she sees that would potentially INCREASE her social and public standing. Shes a snake and is wholly incapable and blind to the normal behaviors people have as a matter of empathizing with others. She talks about empathy all the time, but only ever as a criticism of the public en masse for not empathizing with HER and HER "STRUGGLES." Empathy goes both ways Anisa, have you ever made yourself publicly vulnerable and open to possible ridicule for the sake of someone else's happiness? Is your own immediate gratification something you are EVER able to let go of, to not successfully secure for yourself, for even a moment? I've seen a lot of her publicly broadcast behavior at this point, I've never seen her show a willingness to prioritize her personal gratification anywhere other than her #1 slot of the things she cares the most about. Not only does she enjoy prioritizing her needs so high above everyone elses, but she is so adverse to the potential of someone else's gratification possibly ending up getting ranked higher than her own for even a short amount of time, that she won't allow it to drop even to the #2 spot because that leaves the #1 spot open. Since putting others needs before her own is anathema to her, it places great strain on her to be gracious enough to put gratification of self in the #2 position instead of the #1, because she needs to be hyper vigilant in that situation to avoid the slightest possibility someone else's, like "Ian's gratification" or "Ian's needs" could ever threaten to supersede her own needs. I bet she explains this shit behavior like "i need to look out for myself first, there's nothing wrong with that. If you don't do it people will walk all over you." That's true to an extent, but its a maxim to live by as a general rule, not one that is so intractable or inflexible as to mean everyone, everywhere, always, should be putting themselves first before everyone else in the world if they're acting rationally and aren't being stupid.". Okay Anisa, so much for altruism. So much as doing something good for someone else and expecting and getting nothing in return. So much for the inherent goodness of mankind, because all of it is impossible without a willingness by some to put their own needs AFTER the needs of another, especially those who are not having an easy go of it at that point in their lives, who would most benefit from receiving a helping hand. Anisa's charitable acts all come with an asterisk of *"must be publicly stated so as to let everyone know how good of a person I am." Her narcissist brain would have a difficult time accepting acting charitable towards another without there being any upside to experience.
Continuation: "Oh, I go out of my way to help someone and the only person that knows about it is me!?! That's unfair! I could've benefited from help in the past but no one offered it to me, so why should I help anyone in that matter, clearly the karma balance for such acts are wack, because I could secretly help others for years and receive no upside, yet I cant point to it being something I paid forward after I received the same type of charity in the same system I now participate in charitably. My good deeds can't travel backwards in time to benefit me when I needed it, and I'm unlikely to ever be in such a place again now that Im so vigilant and protective over ever having to risk experiencing it again. So I'm never going to see a payoff for this, not even God or karma or whatever is recognizing the good I'm doing, so I can only really quantify the detrimental actions being charitable has been for me personally. Its used up my time, my money, my energy. YeAh, FUCK THIS BEING SECRETLY CHARITABLE SHIT, IF IM CHARITABLE THERE NEEDS TO BE A PAYOFF OR IM JUST GETTING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. In fact, you could say that this time I've been being charitable secretly and without any positive affects for myself, that I've actually when you think about it been the one whose been getting abused in these transactions! I was abused and am the victim of the charity! Only Anisa would turn a charitable action done without being under a spotlight as being the actual victimization of the person donating to those who are needy and impoverished, and she would convince herself that it was true, despite knowing how insane it sounds. Ian would be gaslit until he couldn't make sense of reality in the situation, and he'd be parroting her insanity as being perfectly rational and not at all unhinged or crazy, in probably the first 24 hours he became aware of such a story and she began to cook up manipulative narratives to get anyone disagreeing with her either on her side or dismissed as being a hater, sexist, racist, or any other label allowing her to assassinate their character in order to convince others the people that disagree with her are so bad, such awful people with opinions so disgusting and unpalatable that they're not even worthy of being listened to or giving them the opportunity to make a case for their side of the argument publicly. In fact, interacting with them without bringing the tainted preconceptions I'm responsible for putting in your head, is an action which sides with, and really actually helps them because its done in a way that helps them continue being terrible and awful people for however long your credibility is able to prop up their ideas after you engage in a non confrontational, non judgemental discussion with them publicly and approach with the intent of reserving judgement of them until after you've gotten to interact with them on your own and come to your own conclusions about them. So, that desire to try and be fair and reserve judgement is not innately bad or wrong, but in this case it is, because I, Anisa, have done all the research necessary to understand it properly, and I know it to objectively factual that this is an immutably and irredeemably bad person who deserves no charitable or even neutral attitude when being engaged with in public. If you don't heed my advice you will suffer and tarnish your image and I may be unable to publicly continue supporting you if there's an unhinged backlash from my fans against you for not siding with me against them before hearing them state their side calmly and rationally. In that case, I will tell you that I warned you not to get in bed with the evil and bad man, but you chose to anyways, so that I'm now forced to disassociate myself from you and characterize you as being one of "them." One of the bad ones supporting bad and evil things. Again, you should hate this guy I'm speaking out against because he's an agent of a sick agenda, I am telling you they all represent and stand behind it, and sure, everyone I paint with the broad strokes of this scarlet letter brush will all deny that they believe any of the evil beliefs I attribute to them. They will explain a totally different belief system to you as their truth if you ever ask them about it point blank. Again, their denials are lies, they are always lies. My truths are the truths. Trust in my revelations and you will be saved, you will be one of the chosen few. TRUST ME when I tell you the truth, especially when it's a hidden or obscured truth which I reveal to you, because I keep those on the down low and only the closest of my friends have the blessings of getting to opportunity to hear revealed. And as my friend, (notice Anisa doesn't say "as your friend" here, because to Anisa everyone is her friend, stated by Anisa as, "my friend..." sad people who are unfortunate enough to be kept like props by Anisa for her own benefit or amusement at any point in the future it's convenient to her to do it to.) "Trust me when I promise that I WOULD NEVER LIE TO YOUUUUUUUUU...." 100% CHANCE that conversation has occurred in this exact form or something super similar, and big likelihood its occurred multiple times, maybe too many to count?
Some may call you “too invested in their relationship”, “incel”, or “chronically online”, but little do the people know, the house always win. You’re spitting pure columbian facts my guy. One of the best comments about them I’ve seen.
Watching these two is painful. Ian is in too deep and he would be broke if they were to divorce. There’s no spark in this marriage, no care or concern, just endless bickering and misery because every slight, real or imagined, will be paid twofold by Ian… This should scare everyone, choose your spouse carefully and know them well, else this may be you
I swear, old iDubbbz HAS to be in there somewhere watching Kino Casino and now it's just who can humiliate who more lol. And yeah I'd watch that if that was theme lol.
This is the post I left that they responded to. 1. Your room is cramped looking in the wide shot, and given the limited space available preventing you from backing up, you could use a wider lens to make it look more expansive. something 16-35mm. Alternatively, maybe not showing so much would be a better look, because of how small the room is...I get that you're already at a wide angle, if youre using a kit lens i bet its pretty zoomed out. Regardless, the setup looks cramped and not "cozy". 2. The camera tripod is uneven and the angle isn't even. the camera has a built in bubble meter you should use it, to get absolute "level". The distance between the walls should be measured and the camera placed in the center so its not warping the overall frame, or putting the perspective more towards one person or the other. 3. Your lighting setup is reflecting in the picture frame. you should be lighting Ian and Anisa diagonally from a further distance so the glare isn't in the shot. There's also not enough light, and there's no diffusion to it, so you get solid shadows. There doesn't appear to be any kind of "Fill, Back, or Accent" lighting to make the shadows less obvious, or to make the picture softer and more inviting. 4. The right picture frame is not even, needs to be bubble leveled. 5. The picture frames mounted on different levels makes the room look uneven, and not in a way that is "hipster chic" it just looks sloppy and random. 6. The planter on the floor doesn't make any sense spatially, except to hide your cable work which is routed in between the chairs when you could route them on the outside. 7. The microphone arms are jarring looking because of the sweater sleeves. it looks like someone is lying backwards with their legs up at odd angles. It doesn't look like "a hand putting a microphone to your face" 8. If your camera is 3200k white balance (common standard, your mileage may vary), and the lights you're using aren't then that would explain why your lights are cooler than they should be to look neutral or warm. 9. Again with the sweater arms, their color is distracting because of their brightness. Most of the time you don't want to "call attention" to the equipment. At least use a black sweater sleeve to cover the microphone, and not a garish color. 10. You don't both need headphones to listen to the microphone monitor if you're in the same room??? You're sitting right next to each other. 11. There's no color theory or theme to this show's decor. It doesn't tell the audience anything about what the show is about, or what the vibe is, except maybe "thrifting finds". 12. You have a three camera setup. To make editing easier, you should be using a plugin that automatically switches angles based on whomever is speaking into a specific microphone. That would cut down on post production time, and also no one has to "live switch" even on a pre-recorded show. 13. The left camera is out of focus. The right camera is not very in focus either. Someone needs to sit in the chairs with the other looking through the viewfinder so they can make sure that the focus is correct. 14. Make sure each camera's white balance is the same, and the same with the lighting! Otherwise skin tones will be off like how the left camera looks pinker. 15. What is this show supposed to be about? If you want to be like Joe Rogan, that means you have to focus on either subject matter (Fights, Men's Health/Fitness, Social dynamics, comedy) or you have to have consistent guests and make the episode about *them*. I'll tell you what is not a recipe for success. 1. Anisa talking about her regular life goings on, like feeding dogs or whatever. Those have to be good stories on their own even if it wasn't Anisa involved. I.E. "a good joke is a good joke." (you're entertaining the audience, they're not entertaining your mere existence) 2. "revealing quirky things about Idubbbz we don't know" This isn't something I actually want to know about, unless he feels like its entertaining. I don't care about Ian dusting walls by vacuuming them, or how he started lifting by using a bar. Every person has weird eccentricities, but highlighting them? It's uncomfortable. Podcasts aren't public therapy sessions even when the shows are explicitly about mental health. They're performative conversations where the audience is there to be informed or entertained. They're meant to be kept on the light side of things, but if youre going to be serious then that has to be respectful to be endearing. 3. A lack of structure: This show has had barely any "segments" that aren't just "tangents". Tangents are fine when they're explorative, but it makes no sense when the show has no central core thing being explored. 4. Not live = no superchat money 5. This is the biggest one: Things need to be able to be explored beyond where the conversation starts. The audience doesn't want judgements shutting down the exploration of conversations that could be interesting...there hasn't really been a topic thats been "explored" beyond "this is my opinion, i think". You literally have a producer, who could be doing so much more to help put together the project, why don't you utilize him? Dane should be able to pull up stuff like Jamie did on Joe Rogan's show, right?! Like you bring up a story or something, and then he can actually show the facts of the matter, and then you discuss the facts. There's no visuals to this show at all. You guys don't watch things together, or listen to audio clips, or read any articles like ANY other modern day live show. The producer element of podcasts is actually a shortcut. It provides material that can be riffed on, without having to rely on the hosts or the guests to generate the conversation. It's actually insane how regular people advice, regular advice like the stuff in this post will probably go ignored because there's some kind of ego attachment involved here that is really weird and unprofessional. Idk how else to deliver this constructive criticism, hopefully someone out there cares!
@@Idolhands360 tbf idubbbz said he took note and he did make changes. Its telling that he still cares. We share making stuff in common. I feel the same way about idubbbz the way sam hyde probably feels. Like theres some kind of disconnect where there should be common ground? Comedy? Filmmaking? Fabricating cool stuff. Riffing on dumb stuff. Its like...what happened man?
HOW DAAARREEE YOUUUU......give great advice and constructive criticism, you almost gave poor Ian an aneurism. Your last paragraph couldnt have been more spot on, even tho they did make some changes, they still couldnt detach themselves and their ego from it and it clearly upset them.
@@glibfacsimile He unfortunately lost his edge. He's been gaslit into thinking his past content was offensive, so he has changed his entire persona. Sad.
The last time I willingly watched idubbbz on his own channel was back when he started that save the squirrels initiative. I thought it was a joke that would later pay off but the punchline never came. Every so often you'd see his then girlfriend Anissa in the background. She really did ruin this man's career.
Lol. This is probably Anissa’s kink & she has Ian convinced that, between him doing this podcast & her giving him 2-3 handjobs a week (no eye contact) - they have a great sex life & it’s totally fine that she likes to drink his tears after they record an episode for their podcast because that is when he cries the most & has probably convinced himself that it’s one of those “good cries” and feels “cathartic.”
I’m sorry for double commenting, but I thought you guys would find this funny. I genuinely tried to watch their podcast as it was new, I still have hope for Ian. However I haven’t seen one in in my feed months, yet these videos are in my recommended instead lol
The last name thing makes zero sense. Even if she wanted to keep her last name she could, it doesnt mean idubz had to change his. Plenty of celebrities each keep their own last name after getting married. He cant even impregnate his own wife. How can it be 2/10 or 5/10. When you're married you either want kids or you dont. Him saying "id be more excited for a kid if you want a kid." 100% means he wants children. Im an only child and my mother was very career oriented and successful. Now that shes retired and unable to have more kids she's admitted she wishes she was a stay at home mom who had a bunch of kids.
I just realized, YOU 2 ARE THEIR THERIPISTS!!! Confirmed they watch, confirmed they care and on top of that i think Ian (a vet on air) is obsessively comment combing to show his WIFE THE OTHER PERSPECTIVE essentially forcing her to confront the BULLSHIT BLAMMMMMMM.
Why don’t they get a manager who can help them design a winning podcast? It’s not rocket science. You pick a genre, do topics within the genre each week, one person usually is funnier while the other plays it straight, etc.
What the hell does that guy even do aside from sit there & only seems to chime in when they’re fighting to say something so negative and shitty? It’s like he’s just squirting gasoline on this dumpster fire & I seriously have no idea what else he does.
@@missyelliot6237 He used to be the producer. they tried dropping him when they switched studios but their audience wanted Dane back so they brought him back to just sit there
@@sneed1208 I know he’s the producer, but there isn’t anything to produce I feel like!!! Their pod is so shoddy lol so bizarre. I wonder how much they pay him
You're supposed to know when the guy is right for having children with. Anisa knows Idubbbz is NOT the guy, therefore she's trying to convince herself to have kids, despite her soul saying otherwise. God, please don't let these two have children.
I also can’t help but think Anissa is so vain and so full of herself - her desperate need for attention and skewed perspective of how “good” she looks will forever keep her from going audio only.
how do you go from "we try not to be internet brained" to "why doesnt the internet have accurate information about you? they should know your birthday and where you were born"
They say they dont care about the name change and changing names is a hassle. So then just don’t change your names? Almost no one would have cared if they both kept their names.
"I can't go to Australia, I have dogs at home (who literally think I am gone, every time I leave the house)- but I also am incapable of playing fetch with them, or spending any time with them..."
damm, imagine the hell Idubbz would be stuck in if if Anissa managed to shit a kid out that shares his DNA. not only could Anisa accuse him of terrible things and turn the public against him already, but the kid would ensure that he'd have to shell out lots of cash for her and the kid. then the kid would also grow up with a stuck up narcisist like Anisa, what was said in this episode really had some dark implications.
This is the only channel that makes me truly L-O-L. Everything good about it is why Anisa's show sucks. Warski and Ashton plan their entertainment. They make sure to synergize. They realize if we get bored we'll tune out. How come iDubbbz lost all his prowess, isnt this just basic stuff? They cant even hone in on the internet podcast market like WTF?! All of that aside, you guys are seriously talented on top of everything said. Building a casino theme out of the felted/feltening/felt vocabulary is very creative and fun to be included in. I'll never post bait on their channel, I wanna see all their numbers stay as shallow as the depths of Anisa's heart.
This was so frustrating listening it live, PPP this whole segment felt like the guy that catches you in the hall while you were in the way to the toilet and he's trying to tell you a joke, but explaining it while he is trying to tell it and never finishing the joke. He got so ahead after Idubbbz just said 2 words in, talking about things that were 15 mins in the video.
I don't want them to do better, I want a poverty arc for these two. I'd take a poverty arc for most people that make loads streaming, it would be great.
Please, more. MORE! I love this series. Shame may be appropriate to free this helpless fool from the chains. She, sadly is un-savable. How can we reach someone who literally cannot form thoughts in her head.
It's crazy to me when PPP says "Why is it our business whether or not you have kids?" This man MAKES MONEY off of the sordid and private details these two share and he still has more of a morality over iDubbbbz personal privacy than Anisa does. Shameful.
I can't find the same episode i watched, but i completely died laughing, fully out loud. It was at the "Human Feltapide" comment 😂😂 what sucks is that its too much to explain why its the funniest thing ive heard in ages. ❤❤❤ this show so much
Posted 1 minute ago? I don't even have notifications set up, I just felt the felting in my bones
We’ve got Spider sense except it’s only for casino related videos
Same! These iDubbbz clips are always at the very top of my feed whenever they’re posted.
...a disturbance in the felt...
It was posted 2 hours ago dude…a little late with this comment LOSER!
Let's go!
Saying, "he has swiss cheese brain" about her father having dementia, TWICE, might be one of the most telling things about her personality I've seen to date. No wonder her sister hates her. Heartless.
Yep. Taking care of someone who cannot properly think, form sentences, or do ANY normal tasks, is an endeavor of love, usually.
To just use that term do casually and not even as a descriptor for the condition of the brain shows she's born wrong.
If she wasn’t hellbent on being a psychopath tearing down her husband st every chance and being a legit retard to redefine the meaning of it, she'd be a serial killer. Straight up.
I'm pretty sure she's repeating that from Redbar which makes it funnier, she got PISSED when redbar said that.
A loved one with dementia is beyond heartbreaking.
@@mayhaps1 yeah it is awful, not something i would wish on anyone and certainly not something i would call "swiss cheese brain" especially about my own family
Dane is my favorite character on the Anisa husband show. Him being so dumb, quiet, and boring lures everyone into a false sense of security for him to deliver precision orbital insults on them.
It took me painfully long to realize this was TF2's Uncle Dane. I'm glad that reddit loser who ushered in a wave of modern gaming troons into the game is suffering.
Suffah Anisas husband Suffah -Dane
The fact Casino makes more views covering Anisa's boywife than the actual podcast is so dope
😂 For reals
Their microphones look like two mini pairs of Eugenia Cooney legs, clad in red trousers, and dancing. I can't unsee it.
Remember that sweet Coomey vag flash? 🤤
That's horrifying
@@Trevor-08 Suffah!
its super annoying to look at. they put all this effort into the set just to ruin it with a useless sock over the mic arm...
And now, I can't, either. Thanks, bruh.
The biggest crime is how Anisa completely killed iDubbbsTV spirit. His channel was legendary.... no more
More like she killed Ian Washburn’s spirit.
They don’t wear their rings because it got stolen in their car during a boxing training session lmfao
It was the lord trying to show them that they need to break the fuck up already
I don’t buy that even a little bit
Their Podcast should be called "She Is Actively Ruining My Career"
She’s ruining his entire being. Permanently. Even if he left her he would never be normal again. He’s been permanently altered to be her plaything.
@@nylonpython that would probably be a solo podcast, audio only, and it’s just idubzzz sobbing for 45 mins
@@FirstFamilyCharger damn dude. Get out of here with those sad facts, it’s too awful when you think about how it is affecting him FOR REAL 😭 free idubzzz
This channel rules. This solves everyone's bitching about the super chat reads
All jokes aside, the part where they discuss having kids is actually really sad. Ian looks so dejected and can't even express his true desires to have kids to his own wife, probably in fear he'll get ridiculed by her and feels the constant need to conform to her wants and opinions to avoid conflict. He suppresses his feelings a lot and is dominated by her in conversation. It doesn't seem like a healthy relationship and I hope they both find clarity for their own sakes.
That was super dark man. Almost couldn’t make it through that one. Her referring to a baby as a creature too. Evil exists.
I don't get why he doesn't just say his true feelings and have a huge argument and breakup on their show. It would be the best content they ever have on the show
2 hour idubbbz? Let's go, felted, etc.
Pod awful won x3
Diddlediddleewwwwweewww deedleneeenle wewaaaawwww
This is gold. Your iDubbbz coverage is my favorite RUclips content
lol same
Every episode Ian does is just him slowly chewing through the leash Yoko Ono has him in
Andy is so smooth, and everybody loves him.
PPP has to be one of the greatest showman/hypeman of sector history.
PPP is the new Flava Flave of this era , without the crack and with way more hype🎉🎉🎉🎉
PPP could be a therapist or relationship counselor hahahaha its crazy the way he can read into these people and break everything down in a funny way
He's playing it up for drama though. He makes assumptions about people that are outrageous BECAUSE they're funny not because of its veracity
@@trompell0Be careful, copium can be highly addictive.
a priest maybe.
Ya he has a knack for taking in everything and condensing it into one thought
@@glibfacsimileimagine confessing & hearing a PPP laugh on the other side
Ian's face when Anisa cruely laughs at him, after bringing up the idea he was publicly made fun of and ridiculed his IBS, shows a man who is shocked that the WOMAN WHO HE MARRIED chooses the side of the nameless, faceless public who would mock and ridicule him for the medical issue he is unable to ever fully cure, rather than on the side of HIM, the other half to their partnership, her supposed "ride or die" that promised to be on his side in sickness and in health, in richer and in poorer, etc.
His unconfirmed IBS is a private medical matter he clearly doesn't want to talk about. He has never once brought it up on his own accord, and has never even allowed a conversation he was controlling to go anywhere near the subject of. Not only does he act annoyed to talk about it, he knows that its uninteresting, private medical details that no one would ever ask to be made public because its inherently embarrassing and always will be. Losing control over your body's ability to properly hold and dispose of its wastes? Shameful under any and every circumstance, unless you're at an age where everything is starting to break down internally and its one of many things decreasing its function and control over as the physical limits of your body's healing ability reaches its end stages. Old men and old ladies are not made fun of for it, because it happens to everyone if they live long enough. But a young man is expected to maintain control over his bladder and rectum with ease, being that its one of the first muscles we all learn to have control over from the time we're young children. The reality just means that even if its caused by something you're not directly in control of and can't stop despite recognizing you should hold it and trying as hard as you can not to have it happen... If you shit your pants as a grown man under 65 you are unavoidably going to be the subject of public mockery and ridicule if that fact EVER is made public.
Its such a jarringly snap fast decision of hers its a clear indication of her true feelings on the matter, without having any time to think over and choose how to respond, it makes it impossible for her to deny it if he ever calls her out on how she could innately snap judge and choose to be on the side against him for something that she enjoys at his expense. Its psychotic to be that way when it comes to your partner who you've committed to under the watchful eye of God and is the one person he should be able to trust will go to bat for him and play defense when he's being attacked. If he doesn't witness that defense of his character from the bully actions of anonymous assassins that dunk and clown on him online, he certainly cant be of the mind that she will play defense against character assassinations that may be more detrimental, should they be made by a person with public credibility, or should he be unable to adequately speak in his own defense.
Imagine this: a crazy fan of Ian's who was rejected by him when she made inappropriate advances towards him claims he SA'd her. Ian is in jail and has to rely on Anisa to get on TV to publicly state that she knows him better than anyone else alive today and knows with every fiber of her being he is innocent. I think he understands that's not a task he can trust her to accomplish. If she sees making it could seriously affect her credibility or come back and negatively impact her image or public persona, shes proven herself to be the type of person who will find a thousand different ways to excuse her decision to not do the thing that would help him out more than anything else. She is too selfish to risk being harmed herself while acting in somebody elses interests, and shes even indicating she would very reflexively and quite easily choose the path of engaging in the act of humiliating and embarrassing her husband publicly, especially if she sees that would potentially INCREASE her social and public standing.
Shes a snake and is wholly incapable and blind to the normal behaviors people have as a matter of empathizing with others. She talks about empathy all the time, but only ever as a criticism of the public en masse for not empathizing with HER and HER "STRUGGLES." Empathy goes both ways Anisa, have you ever made yourself publicly vulnerable and open to possible ridicule for the sake of someone else's happiness? Is your own immediate gratification something you are EVER able to let go of, to not successfully secure for yourself, for even a moment? I've seen a lot of her publicly broadcast behavior at this point, I've never seen her show a willingness to prioritize her personal gratification anywhere other than her #1 slot of the things she cares the most about. Not only does she enjoy prioritizing her needs so high above everyone elses, but she is so adverse to the potential of someone else's gratification possibly ending up getting ranked higher than her own for even a short amount of time, that she won't allow it to drop even to the #2 spot because that leaves the #1 spot open. Since putting others needs before her own is anathema to her, it places great strain on her to be gracious enough to put gratification of self in the #2 position instead of the #1, because she needs to be hyper vigilant in that situation to avoid the slightest possibility someone else's, like "Ian's gratification" or "Ian's needs" could ever threaten to supersede her own needs.
I bet she explains this shit behavior like "i need to look out for myself first, there's nothing wrong with that. If you don't do it people will walk all over you." That's true to an extent, but its a maxim to live by as a general rule, not one that is so intractable or inflexible as to mean everyone, everywhere, always, should be putting themselves first before everyone else in the world if they're acting rationally and aren't being stupid.". Okay Anisa, so much for altruism. So much as doing something good for someone else and expecting and getting nothing in return. So much for the inherent goodness of mankind, because all of it is impossible without a willingness by some to put their own needs AFTER the needs of another, especially those who are not having an easy go of it at that point in their lives, who would most benefit from receiving a helping hand. Anisa's charitable acts all come with an asterisk of *"must be publicly stated so as to let everyone know how good of a person I am." Her narcissist brain would have a difficult time accepting acting charitable towards another without there being any upside to experience.
"Oh, I go out of my way to help someone and the only person that knows about it is me!?! That's unfair! I could've benefited from help in the past but no one offered it to me, so why should I help anyone in that matter, clearly the karma balance for such acts are wack, because I could secretly help others for years and receive no upside, yet I cant point to it being something I paid forward after I received the same type of charity in the same system I now participate in charitably. My good deeds can't travel backwards in time to benefit me when I needed it, and I'm unlikely to ever be in such a place again now that Im so vigilant and protective over ever having to risk experiencing it again. So I'm never going to see a payoff for this, not even God or karma or whatever is recognizing the good I'm doing, so I can only really quantify the detrimental actions being charitable has been for me personally. Its used up my time, my money, my energy. YeAh, FUCK THIS BEING SECRETLY CHARITABLE SHIT, IF IM CHARITABLE THERE NEEDS TO BE A PAYOFF OR IM JUST GETTING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. In fact, you could say that this time I've been being charitable secretly and without any positive affects for myself, that I've actually when you think about it been the one whose been getting abused in these transactions! I was abused and am the victim of the charity! Only Anisa would turn a charitable action done without being under a spotlight as being the actual victimization of the person donating to those who are needy and impoverished, and she would convince herself that it was true, despite knowing how insane it sounds. Ian would be gaslit until he couldn't make sense of reality in the situation, and he'd be parroting her insanity as being perfectly rational and not at all unhinged or crazy, in probably the first 24 hours he became aware of such a story and she began to cook up manipulative narratives to get anyone disagreeing with her either on her side or dismissed as being a hater, sexist, racist, or any other label allowing her to assassinate their character in order to convince others the people that disagree with her are so bad, such awful people with opinions so disgusting and unpalatable that they're not even worthy of being listened to or giving them the opportunity to make a case for their side of the argument publicly. In fact, interacting with them without bringing the tainted preconceptions I'm responsible for putting in your head, is an action which sides with, and really actually helps them because its done in a way that helps them continue being terrible and awful people for however long your credibility is able to prop up their ideas after you engage in a non confrontational, non judgemental discussion with them publicly and approach with the intent of reserving judgement of them until after you've gotten to interact with them on your own and come to your own conclusions about them.
So, that desire to try and be fair and reserve judgement is not innately bad or wrong, but in this case it is, because I, Anisa, have done all the research necessary to understand it properly, and I know it to objectively factual that this is an immutably and irredeemably bad person who deserves no charitable or even neutral attitude when being engaged with in public. If you don't heed my advice you will suffer and tarnish your image and I may be unable to publicly continue supporting you if there's an unhinged backlash from my fans against you for not siding with me against them before hearing them state their side calmly and rationally. In that case, I will tell you that I warned you not to get in bed with the evil and bad man, but you chose to anyways, so that I'm now forced to disassociate myself from you and characterize you as being one of "them." One of the bad ones supporting bad and evil things.
Again, you should hate this guy I'm speaking out against because he's an agent of a sick agenda, I am telling you they all represent and stand behind it, and sure, everyone I paint with the broad strokes of this scarlet letter brush will all deny that they believe any of the evil beliefs I attribute to them. They will explain a totally different belief system to you as their truth if you ever ask them about it point blank. Again, their denials are lies, they are always lies. My truths are the truths. Trust in my revelations and you will be saved, you will be one of the chosen few. TRUST ME when I tell you the truth, especially when it's a hidden or obscured truth which I reveal to you, because I keep those on the down low and only the closest of my friends have the blessings of getting to opportunity to hear revealed. And as my friend, (notice Anisa doesn't say "as your friend" here, because to Anisa everyone is her friend, stated by Anisa as, "my friend..." sad people who are unfortunate enough to be kept like props by Anisa for her own benefit or amusement at any point in the future it's convenient to her to do it to.)
"Trust me when I promise that I WOULD NEVER LIE TO YOUUUUUUUUU...."
100% CHANCE that conversation has occurred in this exact form or something super similar, and big likelihood its occurred multiple times, maybe too many to count?
Some may call you “too invested in their relationship”, “incel”, or “chronically online”, but little do the people know, the house always win. You’re spitting pure columbian facts my guy. One of the best comments about them I’ve seen.
Watching these two is painful. Ian is in too deep and he would be broke if they were to divorce. There’s no spark in this marriage, no care or concern, just endless bickering and misery because every slight, real or imagined, will be paid twofold by Ian…
This should scare everyone, choose your spouse carefully and know them well, else this may be you
I swear, old iDubbbz HAS to be in there somewhere watching Kino Casino and now it's just who can humiliate who more lol. And yeah I'd watch that if that was theme lol.
Anisa is really just a female DSP
Dont you dare compare her to our king
@@sarcofaygo6218 *bam daiper fetish porn*
I never thought I would enjoy idubz content again, but you guys are doing miracle work.
This is the post I left that they responded to.
1. Your room is cramped looking in the wide shot, and given the limited space available preventing you from backing up, you could use a wider lens to make it look more expansive. something 16-35mm. Alternatively, maybe not showing so much would be a better look, because of how small the room is...I get that you're already at a wide angle, if youre using a kit lens i bet its pretty zoomed out. Regardless, the setup looks cramped and not "cozy".
2. The camera tripod is uneven and the angle isn't even. the camera has a built in bubble meter you should use it, to get absolute "level". The distance between the walls should be measured and the camera placed in the center so its not warping the overall frame, or putting the perspective more towards one person or the other.
3. Your lighting setup is reflecting in the picture frame. you should be lighting Ian and Anisa diagonally from a further distance so the glare isn't in the shot. There's also not enough light, and there's no diffusion to it, so you get solid shadows. There doesn't appear to be any kind of "Fill, Back, or Accent" lighting to make the shadows less obvious, or to make the picture softer and more inviting.
4. The right picture frame is not even, needs to be bubble leveled.
5. The picture frames mounted on different levels makes the room look uneven, and not in a way that is "hipster chic" it just looks sloppy and random.
6. The planter on the floor doesn't make any sense spatially, except to hide your cable work which is routed in between the chairs when you could route them on the outside.
7. The microphone arms are jarring looking because of the sweater sleeves. it looks like someone is lying backwards with their legs up at odd angles. It doesn't look like "a hand putting a microphone to your face"
8. If your camera is 3200k white balance (common standard, your mileage may vary), and the lights you're using aren't then that would explain why your lights are cooler than they should be to look neutral or warm.
9. Again with the sweater arms, their color is distracting because of their brightness. Most of the time you don't want to "call attention" to the equipment. At least use a black sweater sleeve to cover the microphone, and not a garish color.
10. You don't both need headphones to listen to the microphone monitor if you're in the same room??? You're sitting right next to each other.
11. There's no color theory or theme to this show's decor. It doesn't tell the audience anything about what the show is about, or what the vibe is, except maybe "thrifting finds".
12. You have a three camera setup. To make editing easier, you should be using a plugin that automatically switches angles based on whomever is speaking into a specific microphone. That would cut down on post production time, and also no one has to "live switch" even on a pre-recorded show.
13. The left camera is out of focus. The right camera is not very in focus either. Someone needs to sit in the chairs with the other looking through the viewfinder so they can make sure that the focus is correct.
14. Make sure each camera's white balance is the same, and the same with the lighting! Otherwise skin tones will be off like how the left camera looks pinker.
15. What is this show supposed to be about? If you want to be like Joe Rogan, that means you have to focus on either subject matter (Fights, Men's Health/Fitness, Social dynamics, comedy) or you have to have consistent guests and make the episode about *them*.
I'll tell you what is not a recipe for success.
1. Anisa talking about her regular life goings on, like feeding dogs or whatever. Those have to be good stories on their own even if it wasn't Anisa involved. I.E. "a good joke is a good joke." (you're entertaining the audience, they're not entertaining your mere existence)
2. "revealing quirky things about Idubbbz we don't know" This isn't something I actually want to know about, unless he feels like its entertaining. I don't care about Ian dusting walls by vacuuming them, or how he started lifting by using a bar. Every person has weird eccentricities, but highlighting them? It's uncomfortable. Podcasts aren't public therapy sessions even when the shows are explicitly about mental health. They're performative conversations where the audience is there to be informed or entertained. They're meant to be kept on the light side of things, but if youre going to be serious then that has to be respectful to be endearing.
3. A lack of structure: This show has had barely any "segments" that aren't just "tangents". Tangents are fine when they're explorative, but it makes no sense when the show has no central core thing being explored.
4. Not live = no superchat money
5. This is the biggest one:
Things need to be able to be explored beyond where the conversation starts. The audience doesn't want judgements shutting down the exploration of conversations that could be interesting...there hasn't really been a topic thats been "explored" beyond "this is my opinion, i think".
You literally have a producer, who could be doing so much more to help put together the project, why don't you utilize him? Dane should be able to pull up stuff like Jamie did on Joe Rogan's show, right?! Like you bring up a story or something, and then he can actually show the facts of the matter, and then you discuss the facts. There's no visuals to this show at all. You guys don't watch things together, or listen to audio clips, or read any articles like ANY other modern day live show. The producer element of podcasts is actually a shortcut. It provides material that can be riffed on, without having to rely on the hosts or the guests to generate the conversation.
It's actually insane how regular people advice, regular advice like the stuff in this post will probably go ignored because there's some kind of ego attachment involved here that is really weird and unprofessional. Idk how else to deliver this constructive criticism, hopefully someone out there cares!
This is actually really good advice. I'm not surprised that they cried about it instead of actually trying to incorporate some of the changes.
seems pretty reasonable & not even aggro
@@Idolhands360 tbf idubbbz said he took note and he did make changes. Its telling that he still cares. We share making stuff in common. I feel the same way about idubbbz the way sam hyde probably feels. Like theres some kind of disconnect where there should be common ground? Comedy? Filmmaking? Fabricating cool stuff. Riffing on dumb stuff. Its like...what happened man?
HOW DAAARREEE YOUUUU......give great advice and constructive criticism, you almost gave poor Ian an aneurism. Your last paragraph couldnt have been more spot on, even tho they did make some changes, they still couldnt detach themselves and their ego from it and it clearly upset them.
@@glibfacsimile He unfortunately lost his edge. He's been gaslit into thinking his past content was offensive, so he has changed his entire persona. Sad.
That ending bit on children is insane, bruh she's beyond BPD and he's beyond cucked lol.
That was really fucking dark. Evil exists.
The last time I willingly watched idubbbz on his own channel was back when he started that save the squirrels initiative. I thought it was a joke that would later pay off but the punchline never came. Every so often you'd see his then girlfriend Anissa in the background. She really did ruin this man's career.
"Bent over with diameter and driven"
Hell yeah I have 2 hours left in my shift
Same!! Love to end my work days with a good felting
kino af
The felting continues
Who does Anisa’s husband make his podcast for?
These episodes seem like they are Taylor made for the casino format.
The Casino boys dont seem to realize they’re a participant in the Johmas’ latest sexual exploits.
Lol. This is probably Anissa’s kink & she has Ian convinced that, between him doing this podcast & her giving him 2-3 handjobs a week (no eye contact) - they have a great sex life & it’s totally fine that she likes to drink his tears after they record an episode for their podcast because that is when he cries the most & has probably convinced himself that it’s one of those “good cries” and feels “cathartic.”
There’s no way you guys don’t pass them in subscribers soon. Always bet on the house
idubbz should of watched s2 fishtank to see what a 70s theme looks like
I'm glad i finally know what happened to Carl and Sheen after Jimmy Neutron went to college
Bangin' comment 😂😂
10:41 zoom in on Anissa’s face.
THAT, had an OF??
Lord, please cleanse me.
THAT currently has and still runs one
@@redfs7414 yikes 😂
Sees Ttitle: Oh Jesus, it gets worse.
Bret Hart on PPP’s shirt. Canadian excellence of execution.
I’m sorry for double commenting, but I thought you guys would find this funny. I genuinely tried to watch their podcast as it was new, I still have hope for Ian. However I haven’t seen one in in my feed months, yet these videos are in my recommended instead lol
Idubbz, if you're reading this, don't shit your pants.
Casino dropping the Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Saga of idubbbz feltings this week
It’s like she took a bucket full of felt and just FELTED HIM RIGHT UP HIS..
Does anyone remember when she told Ian to close his legs? 😂
I can’t stand how she leaves hers open like that tbh. I hate that trait in a woman. and this is coming from a woman lol.
The last name thing makes zero sense. Even if she wanted to keep her last name she could, it doesnt mean idubz had to change his. Plenty of celebrities each keep their own last name after getting married.
He cant even impregnate his own wife. How can it be 2/10 or 5/10. When you're married you either want kids or you dont. Him saying "id be more excited for a kid if you want a kid." 100% means he wants children. Im an only child and my mother was very career oriented and successful. Now that shes retired and unable to have more kids she's admitted she wishes she was a stay at home mom who had a bunch of kids.
Yes the greatest thing a woman can be is a mother.
PPP has become an expert student on the psychology of Ian and Anisa, and I'm here for it!
Say hi to the Casino, Ian!
lol name changes are not "arbitrary". It's a whole process that takes a month or more and a couple trips to the courthouse.
She couldn't finish a degree in color theory? Christ...
I just realized, YOU 2 ARE THEIR THERIPISTS!!! Confirmed they watch, confirmed they care and on top of that i think Ian (a vet on air) is obsessively comment combing to show his WIFE THE OTHER PERSPECTIVE essentially forcing her to confront the BULLSHIT BLAMMMMMMM.
I don't know anything about these guys other than watching the casino, all I know is it's the girl that fingers & the boy that blows
The candy man gave idubbz the golden ticket, he turned it in and got felted.
"One comment that I really took issue with - it was directed at me..."
Another wonderful episode of 'The Boy That Blows & The Girl That Fingers. '
Why don’t they get a manager who can help them design a winning podcast? It’s not rocket science. You pick a genre, do topics within the genre each week, one person usually is funnier while the other plays it straight, etc.
I think that's too much work for them. They are as lazy as someone can be.
Dane seems like the fly on the wall for this train wreck and im all for it lol
What the hell does that guy even do aside from sit there & only seems to chime in when they’re fighting to say something so negative and shitty? It’s like he’s just squirting gasoline on this dumpster fire & I seriously have no idea what else he does.
@@missyelliot6237 He used to be the producer. they tried dropping him when they switched studios but their audience wanted Dane back so they brought him back to just sit there
@@sneed1208 I know he’s the producer, but there isn’t anything to produce I feel like!!! Their pod is so shoddy lol so bizarre. I wonder how much they pay him
"You're a sacrificer"
Yes, Ian. She sacrificed your career for nothing and received it in abundance.
Plot twist is dane is ians bull
"Lord Poop Sock" is the single greatest user name of all time!
You're supposed to know when the guy is right for having children with.
Anisa knows Idubbbz is NOT the guy, therefore she's trying to convince herself to have kids, despite her soul saying otherwise.
God, please don't let these two have children.
They would have gone audio only by now to avoid being seen seething at each other but their egos and narcissism won't let them
This is what technology has done. Even the most lowly human is crippled by their narcissism breeding tracking devices
I also can’t help but think Anissa is so vain and so full of herself - her desperate need for attention and skewed perspective of how “good” she looks will forever keep her from going audio only.
PPP is actually very insightful
Andy Warski and PPP are living rent free in LOLCOWS heads that haven't even been born yet 😂😂😂
Going through therapy doesn't mean you know better
how do you go from "we try not to be internet brained" to "why doesnt the internet have accurate information about you? they should know your birthday and where you were born"
This one was a banger
"Buddy, if words could speak..." never change, Warski
Man them gym grapes got Anisa’s husband looking empty inside.
he must have gotten concussed or something
there's just no way bro 🤣
Ian’s facial expressions remind me of the guy from Gator Poon. Back in the kickstarter crap days.
They say they dont care about the name change and changing names is a hassle. So then just don’t change your names? Almost no one would have cared if they both kept their names.
I live for PPPs righteous rants
"I can't go to Australia, I have dogs at home (who literally think I am gone, every time I leave the house)- but I also am incapable of playing fetch with them, or spending any time with them..."
that was one of the best episodes ever. its going to be really interesting to see where idubbbz is at just 5 years from now.
damm, imagine the hell Idubbz would be stuck in if if Anissa managed to shit a kid out that shares his DNA. not only could Anisa accuse him of terrible things and turn the public against him already, but the kid would ensure that he'd have to shell out lots of cash for her and the kid.
then the kid would also grow up with a stuck up narcisist like Anisa, what was said in this episode really had some dark implications.
And you know damn well that child would be A they/ them
I cant believe im saying this, but a part of me does feel a little bad for them. Like dang man. They did it to themselves.
The last third portion of this episode was beyond grim. Extremely unconfortable. It’s way too real.
Let us all gather in the Copestine Chapel on this holy summer day, our new Mershiah Jersh will speak the blessed word of the internet.
2 hours of Kino Casino and idubbbz getting felted? Oh helllll yes
I'm actually starting to wonder if idubbz might be engaging in the longest long-con troll ever at this point...
Another jackpot this kino episode
This whole show just feels like idubbz throwing Anisa a bone and letting her ride his coat tails.
This is the only channel that makes me truly L-O-L. Everything good about it is why Anisa's show sucks. Warski and Ashton plan their entertainment. They make sure to synergize. They realize if we get bored we'll tune out. How come iDubbbz lost all his prowess, isnt this just basic stuff? They cant even hone in on the internet podcast market like WTF?!
All of that aside, you guys are seriously talented on top of everything said. Building a casino theme out of the felted/feltening/felt vocabulary is very creative and fun to be included in. I'll never post bait on their channel, I wanna see all their numbers stay as shallow as the depths of Anisa's heart.
If the podcast was any use, nobody would even notice the set.
Okay Flaked. What are you going to do when this channel hits 10k subs.
Keep posting lol
Theres more! Fuck yes. These get me through my work days
This was so frustrating listening it live, PPP this whole segment felt like the guy that catches you in the hall while you were in the way to the toilet and he's trying to tell you a joke, but explaining it while he is trying to tell it and never finishing the joke. He got so ahead after Idubbbz just said 2 words in, talking about things that were 15 mins in the video.
You guys are killing me
I don't want them to do better, I want a poverty arc for these two. I'd take a poverty arc for most people that make loads streaming, it would be great.
I love hearing about Anisa and her husband
What is it with art school rejects and going through villain arcs…? Wtf are they teaching in those classes?!?
Seeing IDubbz now just depresses me. Never catwr to the mob, even if they send a large breasted woman your way.
Ian and Anisa found a rare W exploit where they just keep felting each other
Please, more. MORE! I love this series.
Shame may be appropriate to free this helpless fool from the chains. She, sadly is un-savable. How can we reach someone who literally cannot form thoughts in her head.
I can't decide which segment I like more. Anisas husband or Dickers.
ppp and andy had to watch this void of emptiness podcast for our entertainment. Hats off to them
Knowing them, they take their rings off so people can leave comments and they can feel like they have fooled the viewers
1:38:08 That "sure" SPEAKS VOLUMES!!! get felted 😢😂😂😂😂
That’s an awesome wrestlemania shirt
Watched y’all once and moved on but I couldn’t help myself to watch more. Witches!!!
PPP is right, the only way Mr. Johma can get any semblance of manhood back is with a merk self-delete. And even then it would still be cringe.
Anissa and her husband lmfao
It's crazy to me when PPP says "Why is it our business whether or not you have kids?"
This man MAKES MONEY off of the sordid and private details these two share and he still has more of a morality over iDubbbbz personal privacy than Anisa does.
I can't find the same episode i watched, but i completely died laughing, fully out loud. It was at the "Human Feltapide" comment 😂😂 what sucks is that its too much to explain why its the funniest thing ive heard in ages. ❤❤❤ this show so much
Somebody needs to ask Ian what his maiden name is.