  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 53

  • @MichaelPiercePhilosophy
    @MichaelPiercePhilosophy 9 лет назад +53

    "Which is fine; they're wrong, but I just thought it was funny." LOL Man, I know that feeling. This made me so happy.

  • @baniok100
    @baniok100 7 лет назад +16

    I'm an INFP, but when im drunk I become ENFP

    • @breakandanga7762
      @breakandanga7762 7 лет назад +1

      AndreSlash me too!!

    • @ruma4399
      @ruma4399 4 года назад +2

      Introverts: being introverts
      Drunk Introverts: it's Extroversion time

  • @lilfroggyfrog
    @lilfroggyfrog 7 лет назад +6

    As an INFP, I relate more to this INFP than a lot of others. I've learned to suppress my emotions with rationality. It almost like a front, but it's a choice to not let my feelings dictate my life in terms of rational thinking. Over course, they still get a hold of me constantly and influence my life choices, I've learned to rationalize what I feel. I also believe all the personalities are a spectrum and they vary from person to person.

  • @iwasnevergivenaname7195
    @iwasnevergivenaname7195 8 лет назад +1

    HAHAHA I watched only the first 30sec of this vid and it already made me laugh so hard XD
    love your personality
    (ENFP btw)

  • @ruma4399
    @ruma4399 4 года назад

    Introverts: being introverts
    Drunk Introverts: it's Extroversion time

  • @ArdorBlossomFindle
    @ArdorBlossomFindle 8 лет назад

    I've thought about your description of tertiary Te in ENFPs quite a bit, and I'm not sure if I agree with your assessment of it (or rather, the angle you've taken to come to it). Rather than anything else, I view terTe as a compulsion towards taking action. In this case, Nassim Taleb's quote on frauds is him being unable to not act when his ideals are infringed upon, ideals which are formulated as a result of Ne-Fi, with the outside world taking precedence. Saying anything beyond that as to the nature of the action goes outside the realm of cognitive functions, I feel.

  • @PiterDeja
    @PiterDeja 9 лет назад

    I am an INFP and here is an example of codification - latelly I've been meeting with Career Councelor who advised me Computer Programmer as a starting career and then "we will see what happenes" but I feel the urge to make a plan encompassing all sceenario career choices in advance like what business in the future maby developing an application connected to the subject of psychology or music, so to say to make a "COMPLETE system" which will be a referring guide - maby it is irrational codification example because one cannot predict what my professional preferencess will be even 5 years from now. This example is better - I consider mysef a music composer, I don't like improvising as much as composing to be honest, but can be ingenues where it comes to composing music. Composing = codification. Plus I corrected this post 5 times now but maby it is OCD. Codification = OCD.

  • @johnandersson7309
    @johnandersson7309 9 лет назад

    Thanks for the video!
    You answered my request!
    I do however have a question:
    What´s the deal with Te doms and auxillaries and Liberalism (political ideology).
    I´ve found out that they do this because of a will of preserving the right of choice (to be rich or poor), Does this affect Fi doms and auxillaries too or is it a Fi tertiary and inferior thing?.

    • @johnschultzbarnes3196
      @johnschultzbarnes3196  9 лет назад

      ***** Hmm. I couldn't say. I haven't noticed that. Sorry that's such an uninteresting answer.

    • @johnschultzbarnes3196
      @johnschultzbarnes3196  9 лет назад

      ***** Here's an article that you might find interesting considering your question. ojjt.org/2015/08/on-society-and-the-cognitive-functions-a-memoir/
      It's not directly related to what you were asking but it's tangentially related. Hope you find it interesting.

    • @johnandersson7309
      @johnandersson7309 9 лет назад

      +John Barnes Thanks! Really interesting article you had there! I realise now that you can't really draw big conclusions regarding whatever or not an ideology belongs to a certain cognitive function, but you can draw some conclusions regarding the cognitive processes that lead philosophers to create and support said ideology.

  • @Oddity00
    @Oddity00 9 лет назад

    What does he say at ~1:38 ?

  • @curious2373
    @curious2373 8 лет назад


  • @spoonsnaper
    @spoonsnaper 7 лет назад +12

    Why you so thirsty

  • @ThePastAnalysis
    @ThePastAnalysis 9 лет назад +8

    Great video man! I was introduced to your channel by Michael Pierce's latest video, comparing him to you. I'm an INFP if you're wondering.
    I find the way you present your ideas here to be an interesting look at you as an ENTP.
    Near the very beginning, I picked up the Ti part of you, I think. You talk about people from the very beginning, saying that they think you're an INTP. You bluntly say they're wrong, which seems like a pretty clear Ti trait to me. I've noticed Ti users can give a statement like "they're wrong" in a cold nonchalant manner. Whereas someone like myself, an Fi dominant, could never really do that. If I were to say "they're wrong," I would put out the feelings I have towards the statement. For instance, in scenarios where I say to someone "you're wrong," I usually put out emotional frustration with the statement. Reason being, I have an inner war towards what I'm saying. I don't like saying that as it often causes the other person to confront me or bend to me. But at the same time, I do feel that they're wrong. I want them to know how I'm feeling without them necessarily changing who they are for me. Again though, with how you said "they're wrong," you were cold and nonchalant and I cannot tell remotely how you feel towards the statement.
    The rest of the video, clearly conveys, I think, your Ne dominant-ness. You're demeanor does remind me of my INTPs friends, but you explored the topic with this constant systematic exploration. Most of my INTPs would, as I like to say it, "come up for air" at some point. By this I mean, they need to stop giving ideas and go back into their head. They'd explore an idea and then go silent to think for a while and then talk some more. You paused, but you were exploring ideas for a significantly longer amount of time before going silent. This is a trait I've also noticed with my brother, an ESTP. His Ti is a lot like yours. He goes into that part of himself for only a short amount of time to then come out and stay out for a while.
    I would also say that you were emotionally rather seemless here, which I think is an Fe user trait. You're emotions towards the topic, I think, flow. They just come out and there doesn't seem to be any point when you have to think about them. They're just there. Meanwhile, I have to think about my feelings before expressing them. A major part as to why I want to express them is because I've mulled over them so much. By mulling over them, their importance grows to me. I know that this observation may seem silly for me to state. After all, how could I have come to a conclusion about something so internal for someone else? I cannot read into your mind, duh. I came to it though, because I think Fe users can jump from multiple different subjects, expressing their feelings in present time for whatever the topic may be. However, I think Fi users have to stop at some point to recollect what their feelings are on a new subject, before expressing it. For instance, if someone were to have a conversation with me and we jumped from topic to topic, I would have to make brief stops whenever we change topic. In these brief stops, I would be pulling up the feeling I have on the new topic.

  • @TeeTaan
    @TeeTaan 8 лет назад +8

    I'm actually an ISNP. Just saying. Pretty sure you're an EFTP

    • @johnschultzbarnes3196
      @johnschultzbarnes3196  8 лет назад +5


    • @TeeTaan
      @TeeTaan 8 лет назад +9

      +John Barnes Just messing around. I thought one day, wouldn't it be funny, if illogical, to imagine someone with.. like a doubled function stack. With Fe and Te for example, an EFTJ..

    • @idontcaretbh2999
      @idontcaretbh2999 7 лет назад +9

      TeeTaan360 Actually, he seems like an ITJK. Just saying. I've been researching congitive functioning for *years*.

  • @TypeTipsLeonTsao
    @TypeTipsLeonTsao 9 лет назад +7

    I can confirm you are an ENTP: can't look at the camera, lol. It is their thing to look kind of distant when talking to you.

    • @TypeTipsLeonTsao
      @TypeTipsLeonTsao 9 лет назад +1

      Type Tips also you fiddle with a lot of objects...ENTP trait.

    • @afafssaf925
      @afafssaf925 9 лет назад

      Type Tips INTP's also don't make eye contact though

    • @TypeTipsLeonTsao
      @TypeTipsLeonTsao 9 лет назад

      Judging by videos and real life ENTPs can be kind of infamous for not looking at you. INTPs yea I hear them complaining about eye contact but not too shabby.

    • @freya5902
      @freya5902 3 года назад

      i love it. you can really see much better what is going on in his head

  • @xodroraccoon
    @xodroraccoon 2 года назад +1

    Which is fine, they are wrong, casually continues the video. Love it

  • @akaboo69
    @akaboo69 7 лет назад +1

    I have repressed Te but once I'm driving it comes out and I become a Te gripped ass.

  • @rubeng9092
    @rubeng9092 5 месяцев назад

    I think it is neither due to a lack of Si nor due to an abundance of Ne that Ne-doms dislike dogma. It comes from the fact, that they lead with perception, and have an introverted judging as their auxiliary. The judging thus is something that is not objectified or externalized, but is tied to the borders of the subject, which in turn always are secondary, to what the valueless perception of the external produces. An ESFP can thusly be said to have just as little dogmatism within him as an ENFP. They both have a system of judgement called Fi, but it is as a tool, not as an end, because perception dictates the end. And thats why Exxp is always so restless, because he has to go out and seek perceptual input.

  • @redbulleurope
    @redbulleurope 8 лет назад +1

    How about a video like ''why i'm entp?''

  • @M.Moadeli123
    @M.Moadeli123 9 лет назад +2

    He's so "correct". Amazing.

    • @johnschultzbarnes3196
      @johnschultzbarnes3196  9 лет назад +1

      What do you mean?

    • @M.Moadeli123
      @M.Moadeli123 9 лет назад +2

      +John Barnes your thinking, the way you articulate things, it's faultless.

    • @johnschultzbarnes3196
      @johnschultzbarnes3196  9 лет назад +1

      +Sarah M oh lol I thought you meant like politically correct or proper.

    • @M.Moadeli123
      @M.Moadeli123 9 лет назад

      +John Barnes hahaa nah. I'm an enfp. Never come across an entp before. Where's your fe? Hihii

  • @akaboo69
    @akaboo69 7 лет назад

    I make videos about my views but I don't do anything about it I just voice it. INFP here

  • @yeghor
    @yeghor 9 лет назад

    This might be an ENTP:
    or this:
    Ne-doms blurt out their crazy ideas. You can see craziness in their gestures and mimics.
    My opinion is that you are too contained and calm to be an Ne-dom.

    • @johnschultzbarnes3196
      @johnschultzbarnes3196  9 лет назад +2

      yeghor I'm inclined to exclude the way people speak when dealing with the question of someone's type. That's not to say that there aren't correlations between say, ENTPs and playing with objects or what have you. I just think these facial/social expressions fall in the realm of stereotype and not type.
      Another problem with the social/expressive/whatever approach to determining type is that the subject is going to be under the influence of his environment, e.g., you see an ENTP in a room with people he doesn't know and you're doubtless to think he's introverted, but see him arguing with his friends and you'll call him extroverted. Even in my case, I'm under the influence of a script and not just freely riffing like I was in my older videos.
      All of which is to say you'll need a better argument to convince me that I'm not ENTP.

    • @yeghor
      @yeghor 9 лет назад

      Our true type is an extension of our adaptation to hostile environment. It's an armor, a survival mechanism.
      If you get introverted around strangers and extraverted around people you know than your adooted strategy to deal with life's hurdles must be introversion, where you can come out of your shell and reveal your inner core only when you feel safe enough.

    • @ricearoni1766
      @ricearoni1766 9 лет назад +1

      +yeghor A lot of ENTPs fall under the anti-social personality so while your point is understandable, it's just wrong to assume he's an Introvert based on that statement alone. Extroverts and Introverts alike are all more comfortable with their friends than a group of strangers - that's just common sense. If we view Extrovert vs. Introvert in this narrow-minded but often used frame of "If you enjoy people, then you're an Extrovert! If you don't enjoy people, you're an Introvert!" then ENTPs are merely extroverted in comparison to INTPs, so you would likely have to have an INTP and an ENTP in a room together to accurately be able to spot the difference. To put it in terms I came across the other day which I thought was rather amusing, "INTPs are Nerds. INTJs are Nerds with a Superiority Complex. And ENTPs are Nerds with social skills."

    • @johnschultzbarnes3196
      @johnschultzbarnes3196  9 лет назад +1

      +Ricearoni While I can't exactly tell how you're using the term anti-social, just know that anti-social is a misnomer. It describes more of a non-conforming and confrontational personality than a misanthropic one (although ENTPs are inclined to misanthropy as well).

    • @ricearoni1766
      @ricearoni1766 9 лет назад

      +John Barnes Anti-social, as in "Not wishing to socialize." Black Humoured Girl (an ENTP) did a video titled "Why funny people are Anti-Social" which basically just goes to show that many ENTPs prefer to keep themselves even though this isn't typically the way extroverts are thought of, and that the key difference between INTP and ENTP isn't necessarily how often they socialize (many INTPs may seek out social situations because they acknowledge they need to develop their people skills) but how successful they are at interacting with others (ENTPs having the edge due to Fe being higher up in their cognitive stack for example). Idk, I could be completely wrong since that's just my personal observation about identifying the difference between INTP and ENTP.