Have had Arum italicum Tiny for many years now, good plant originally from Cally Gardens from the previous owner of the walled garden in Dumfrieshire. Had some lovely Paris from him as well.
I so agree with Tim re tissue culture plants not living long! I try as hard as I can to not buy them for that very reason. If you can divide them as soon as possible after purchase seems to perhaps help.
Galanthus plicatus generally have a second flower scape on mature bulbs.
Have had Arum italicum Tiny for many years now, good plant originally from Cally Gardens from the previous owner of the walled garden in Dumfrieshire. Had some lovely Paris from him as well.
I so agree with Tim re tissue culture plants not living long! I try as hard as I can to not buy them for that very reason. If you can divide them as soon as possible after purchase seems to perhaps help.
The snowdrops with twisted leaves are galanthus gracilis and its hybrids