Basically the pigs are taking the egg back to the starting point to break their cars into parts to hide them back, with heavy balloons they go down from cliffs and get sucked by wind, and lastly they get the pieces of the map randomly spread, finally repairing it using fan
1:35 my favourite part
Sounds like the original
Other songs in reverse: creepy
Bad piggies theme song in reverse: this sounds good
Search never gonna give you up in reverse
Lol! This has always been stuck in my head all day for the past few days
Did this play in your head when you put a engine in a box and thought it will magically turn into a car💀
I love this song it just remind me of something back In a day
When I heard this theme I always remember I played it alot since March 4 2019- Augest 12 2019
Good times
This actually sounds really cool!
Koopahunter 197 actually, it sounds like Sonic.EXE plays Bad piggies
Basically the pigs are taking the egg back to the starting point to break their cars into parts to hide them back, with heavy balloons they go down from cliffs and get sucked by wind, and lastly they get the pieces of the map randomly spread, finally repairing it using fan
Sounds like a theme where your fighting someone with a high royalty
What if this was boss battle music against an evil alternate king pig from an alternate universe
This actually sounds pretty good
I keep forgetting what I remind back for like 8 oh 12 years
seiggip daB
King pig . Exe confirmed.
WOW Looks Like Bad Piggies (Backwards Remix) [and Pretty Cool I Like This]
My favorite part 1:52
I love Bad Piggies.
when you are playing the level in reverse
This song is like the Undertale OST: it can't be broken.
Bad Piggies.EXE Song Backwards But Backmasked
That's what I do when I here songs forward and backwards
Blitzwolfer Roars
Daniel and All His Aliens
True Music
Wildmutt Roars
Ultimate Wildmutt
Bad Piggies Backmasked Music
I Like This Song So Much
Normal video : backwards
Video in 0.5x : pig.exe
Gear Fourth Boundman
Nightmare Daniel
Gear Fourth Snakeman
Chaos Charged
Gear Second
Gear Third
Nightmare Daniel
Gear Fourth Boundman
Gear Fourth Tankman Suffed Version
Gear Fourth Snakeman
Gear Five Nika Man
Ultra Instinct & Baryon Mode
Songs that I like backwards or forawrds
Echo Echo
Ball Weevil
Pesky Dust
Super Daniel
Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun
VeggieTales 30th Anniversary
Oh My God Cool
Turbo Modes & Metal Gears
Ultimate Daniel
ShapeTales Theme Song
Four Arms
Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling Gun
VeggieTales Theme Song 1994
Gear Second & Gear Third
Gomu Gomu no Stamp Gatling Gun
Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka
Ditto Echo Echo & Slapback
Final Daniel
Its even better then the first song! 0:00 to 2:27!
no not really
Daniel's Harem
😀😊☺☺😁bad piggies
+patsy millar Thank You
Lol this is my backround music for my videos now
its still a bop backwards
Gear Fourth Snakeman
Daniel (Soap Shoes)
Daniel Vs Valdate Full Fight
Super Saiyan God
seiggiP daB
Wow nice backwards😍😍
Dark Ultra Daniel
Daniel 19th Anniversary
Daniel 19 End Credits
Gear Fourth Boundman
Gomu Gomu no Bazooka
Super Saiyan Blue
Ultra Daniel
Gomu Gomu no Gatling Gun
Gomu Gomu no Storm
Daniel All Clones
Echo Echo
Ditto Echo Echo & Slapback
Lol why is this so funny
Daniel 18 Theme Song
Ultimate aliens from Omni enhanced omni kix omni naut
FruityTales Theme Song
true music
Robbie Rotten I I
:-):-):-):-):-):-);-);-);-);-);-) This one is awsome!
Dark Super Daniel
White Tanooki Daniel
seggiP daB seggiP daB
Gomu Gomu no Red Hawk
😎 Cool 👍👍👍
the only thing showing in tew video HD app sign
Season 1 season 2 season 3 season 4 season 5 season 6 v2
BAD ENDING: You let the King die from eating too much cake.
Background Of Azul
Drums do Rillaboom
Excalibur Daniel
Dark Daniel & Hyper Daniel
Música do Bad Piggies
Echo Echo
Turbo Daniel
Do Reversed bad piggies
Dark Daniel
Wow hi wawa
Super Daniel 2
Super Saiyan 4
Spindash & Box Form
Daniel The Werelima