Will you or are you currently financially taken care of your parents? Should filial laws even exist in today’s economy? Do you think it’s fair for Gen Z to pay for Boomers' bills? Why or why not? Who’s really responsible for this mess-Boomers or the system? Also, what percentage is your phone🔋on? I'm on 40%. 😭
I just realized- this is part of their plan to cut social security. They’re saying: we won’t take of them or ourselves - YOU do it. Left holding the bill. Everything on the shoulders of the ppl
I have had to help my parent financially and they don't feel particularly comfortable with it, but I did it because i love them and want to take care of them willingly. I think that it is a strange concept to have children take care of a parent by law. To me the family unit, regardless is a very personal element to a persons life and how they choose to interact with that family is their choice. So If they are estranged and the parent falls under financially hard times, the child being asked to pay for a bill involuntarily is an issue to me. I don't think the state should be telling children they should pay for a parent if A) it is not debt or cost incurred by the party being asked to pay ( the child), B) They did not have any contract to the parent or firm to cover such a cost( ie they did not consent or participate to the transaction, For example cosigning a loan), or C) The child took no actions leading to the incurring cost (for example the parent suffered an injury on their property because of poor maintenance, such as a tree branch falling on them). Basically it shouldn't be families responsibility, inherently, to take care of parents due to blood or legal relations, hence unfair. Unlike a child who doesn't have the means, from 0 to 16 (at the bare minimum),,to functionally live on their own for a vast majority of cases. I think the issue of who is responsible is slightly off, because the premise to presume that there is a who, or entity, responsible rather than what i think is more likely. I think a vast majority of boomers were not much different than Americans today in spending habits, it may have been a different market (no uber eats), but mostly the same. A lot of them likely didn't plan for retirement, weren't as financially literate as they could have been (like plenty of people today) and probably lived their lives not entirely thinking about the future. All the while there were a lot of events taking place that they may have known about, but in reality were likely more concerned with day to day activities. I think the reality for a vast majority of them were like we are today and made a lot of bad decisions. Now I say this based of the personal savings rate, how much disposable income people save, according to the federal reserved has generally been 5 to 10 percent since the 1980's. Americans have had a generally low savings rate and I think we're seeing the after effects of this. But there is also the issue of increased consumer spending, inflation, a variety of economic and political climates over the past 100 years, etc. All this to say Its complicated and I think this mess is culmination of all of these factors that make a gumbo of messiness. I also think it should be up to the person, unless there is a some sort of prior agreement, to see if they want to help their parent. And 85%.
I would be able to, but I won't be caring for them in old age. As much as I love them, they F'd up raising me. If they can put trips, romantic flings, drugs, ect over my safety as a child they can take care of themselves. I remember when you called me an idiot for not knowing things you didn't teach me, mom. I was only a kid, and when I told you what he did to me, you told me to suck it up despite also having been hurt like that too. I remember when you gaslit a 10 y/o girl into signing away her rights to her mother, Kurtis. Or when you later tried to use her SSN right after she turned 18 to collect government checks. You won't even get a wooden box for your body. The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.
my parents neglected and abused me, but i’m not sure how i would go about proving it. there’s no way i would pay their bills when they didn’t give me the bare minimum as a helpless child. i think these laws are ridiculously unjust. if the kids have a good two way relationship with their parents, they will probably help them without being forced. if they’re not, there’s a reason
My old man abandoned me at 4 years old and refused to go pay 100$ a month in child support….. I’ll declare bankruptcy before you think I’m giving that man half a penny
Exactly. I'm in a non falial law state. My parents were neglectful and refused to plan. They didn't take care of me. Better miss me with this non sense.
My boomer grandma got two free houses, financially mismanaged them and lost them and now my mom is paying her bankruptcy so the bank doesn’t take the house she’s in rn. Successfully taking away from my mom’s financial future. How can I not feel resentful?
@juliac8225 @rdavis2021 Your Mother did not have to pay the bankruptcy; this was not required by law. That was her choice; although a short-sighted and bad decision for her own long-term financial health. Yes, an entire family suffers due to anyone's financial mismanagement.
A parent can kick out their 18 year old child even if they don't have a job or a feasable way to support themselves with ZERO consequences, but the child has to support their parents or risk going to JAIL. Parents often kick out children who aren't even legal adults yet, but apparently as long as they waited till you were 16 to do so its all fine and you still gotta pay for them?? If a child ends up homeless its their own fault and they suffer the burden alone, but if a parent struggles its the child who must bear the weight of it.
Yeah, like. Would the kid who received an eviction notice for his 18th birthday be required to pay his mom's medical bills? That evil woman wrapped it, filmed it, and then laughed when her son realized she wasn't joking
Adult children are not responsible for their parents' debts. That is unconstitutional. If the parents have high medical bills, that comes out of what they left behind. If they don't have money to pay it, you can't charge someone for the bills, not even if it's their children. The company takes a loss, unfortunately. It's not legal or your responsibility to take care of everyone!
Yes this video is confusing. You can’t be forced to pay another persons debt. Even in marriage if both names are not on the bill the surviving spouse is not responsible for the debt.
We don't choose to be born, but we choose to have babies. Making children pay for their parents' problems is low-key evil and high-key unjust. Do it in good will, yes, but to be legally forced is CRAZZZYYY
These Republican politicians are complete ghouls. They want us younger people to suffer. They openly hate us and no longer have the decency to hide it.
This is so outrageous. Imagine having to support a parent that abused you. Imagine having to support someone who squandered away their money through addiction or selfish behavior. These laws are so unAmerican.
Parents really have to do less than bare minimum to be guaranteed service too. Food, housing, medical care, until 16. Not even 18, just 16. Absolutely disgusting
This is about companies wanting kids to be forced to pay medical bills of their dead parents. Now that people are dying without assets, they want to be able to transfer those bills to any relative and collect.
I feel this at a visceral level. The past generations left us with a world that seems to only promise increasing anxiety and despair. It's hard not to feel bitter about it.
You can create a ballot initiative, which is a way of making new laws undoing the current filial laws. It's one of the best ways to undo the filial laws, with or without the support of the boomers and their colleagues in state legislatures. It's one thing to help one's parents out of love. It's a completely different thing to have an entitled old person believe they have the right to claw money out of your paycheck for 20-30+ years.
They got free school, bought cheap houses, had multiple kids, and lived well on a single salary from one manual labor job. We're drowning in debt even with multiple white collar jobs, in our tiny apts with 12 roommates, sharing one bean between us.
My mom was the best and I took care of her when she couldn't do for herself and I would do it a thousand times again...my mom worked so hard to get us to be successful..I owe her everything...I wouldn't need to be forced or asked I volunteer..because mom was the best... 😢...now the lesson here is ... treat your kids right and they Will do right by you ..simple
And people who don't treat their kids right, needn't expect their kids to do anything for them. Looking after your mother was your choice, made out of love, not an obligation. People who are forced to look after a parent don't even have the option to choose to do so out of love.
I would do the same for my mother, aunt, stepfather, I know soon accomodations will be made them. My father who is very ill and did not help raise me, he can fend for himself.
Elder abuse is going to SKYROCKET. Can you imagine the resentment some of these abused, abandoned, or otherwise harmed adult children will feel if they’re suddenly forced to “take care of” their parents? They’re gonna do the absolute bare minimum to keep those old folks alive. Maybe not even that.
There's gonna be a lot of "Mom fell down the stairs when everyone was sleeping" or "The ambulance didn't get here in time to save him from his heart attack,so sad"
Imagine growing up in an abusive household and leaving the moment you turn 18. Working hard to better your life and then BAM. The government is forcing you to take care of the people that abused you.
I hear you. And I’m imagining everyone who got their ass kicked OUT at 16-17-18 and are expected to take care of parents who blatantly didn’t want them. Fucking hell.
GEN X here. This was my experience and opinion forever! Every career path was filled with old guys gumming up the works. I finally started to get paid enough to buy a house at 49.
So true, it took me forever to raise up in the rank at my employment to make enough money to pay off college, credit card debt from college (expenses not covered), and save enough money to buy my first house at 40. No body retires they get force out when their health fails to the point they can't work, or they die. Why, because they didn't save their money so they can't afford to retire.
This is why they are pushing the maid program and similar in USA to euthanize elderly due to population flip scientists have predicted. Personally I think covid was an attempt to balance out the generation numbers to relieve the burden on younger generations 😢
I told my dad this. They are the first generation to pawn their parents off on homes, and the last generation to afford retirement. Effin boomers spent 4 generations worth of money on themselves
My mom is like this. She has probably blown $500,000+ on useless stuff, failed get rich quick schemes, etc. Has a paid off house, car, 2 homes over seas, and she STILL wants to guilt me into taking care of her when shes old because she doesnt know how she will retire... She doesnt want to talk about her money and dismissed my attempts to set her up with a financial manager. But wants to depend on me. Wtf?!?!?
Let her figure her future plans out by herself then. You don't owe them forever, and it's not wrong or selfish to be opposed to being stuck with your mother in adulthood it's a normal response.
@spicygal8564 agreed. And while I won't let her to be destitute in her 80s, but if she thinks I'm going to finance a life of luxury for her, that's not going to happen. Wont live with me either. I'm not telling her that I do plan on making sure she lives with dignity though. I want her scared enough to plan for herself and not expect my help.
We’re talking about the generation the 1. Started the “tradition” of sticking elderly family into homes, 2. In mass started the trend of kicking your kids out the moment you legally could, 3. Have been hoarding family assets to sell or us family savings/inheritance for their own interests, 4. In large numbers were terrible parents and treated their kids horribly, and 5. Now are running back to those very kids to save the day and not only pay for them but provide a comfortable retirement most likely living in their kids home so they can be waited on hand and foot. Edit: not to mention it was probably those very boomers that created the laws that try to force adult children to take on the burden of their parents poor choices.
They did not start 'kicking kids out' when you legally could, atleast not the female kids. Men got out and worked earlier before the Boomers, the women could stay a bit longer while waiting for a husband, but definitely not 'til 30+. When you are 60 are you going to let your grand children and great grand children dictate what to *you* they believe is morally appropriate for you to do with your 'family assets' (I.e. your own assets)? Does 'family assets' equal things that the Boomers' themselves worked 40 hour weeks for years and paid for fair and square with their own hard earned money? What makes it a 'family asset'? What did you contribute to it? Terrible parents and treated their kids horribly? Says who? Apparently it's only 'Boomers' that you're allowed to talk about like this, and they generally don't come on here and defend themselves, so they are a very safe, socially acceptable scapegoat for everyone. Brave commentary, brave content!
This is like child support but worse because they’re elders who should have saved up for themselves and the adult children didn’t ask to be brought into this financial burden.
Right? The amount of boomers I know personally who bought nice cars or boats or RVs or a nicer house the SECOND they got access to their retirement funds is insane
@@abbigailcarr2725 rEVeRse m0RtgAgE ... and the amount of boomers who think RVs will magically appreciate in value because you can live in it, and not immediately lose value because it's a vehicle. I swear, the most financially illiterate generation ever.
Can't say I blame her. Your kids are not your plan. They're here, because you wanted them to be here (or at least allowed that to happen). They don't owe you shit.
@@missshannonsunshine that's fine, but plenty of parents did bare minimum or were straight up ab/usive. Parents don't deserve gratitude or a reward for raising their kid well, that's the bare minimum expectation. You help your good parents because you have a good relationship and love them and don't want them to struggle. Not because 'well they raised me so I OWE them.'
@@missshannonsunshine She did a lot for you...because that's what someone who has kids is supposed to do? LOL. The bare minimum. It's a choice she made....
@@ewidontlikeyou nope, I'm east indian and my friends are Asian and in our cultures we are not that selfish. Parents take care of kids when they're young because children need guidance and help. When the children become adults we take care our parents to return the favor and because the elderly need help just like we did when we were kids. The problem is Americans are self centered and gen z is immature and ready for adult life. This exactly why American society is crumbling and why Indian and Asians are doing better than Americans in their own country. American values need to change for the better.
@missshannonsunshine I think the thing you're forgetting is not many parents are your mother lol. So while you don't like it, you understand your mother's sacrifice and love.. Most parents don't deserve that benefit of doubt like yours
SHE’S SO GODDAMN RIGHT. rare sincerity and truth right here! Next generations were growing up with such feeling of doom boomers have no right to judge us.
I think what’s most upsetting is that boomers are the most fortunate generation in all of human history and still managed to be financially unstable and burn the bridge for everyone else. Super villain level
this is not true for all boomers especially the younger ones. Its also not true for working class boomers or non-white boomers. Generational classifications are arbitrary. More likely does not mean most. This conversation is more nuanced than the video can get into. These people are also living in an America with increasing cost of living and reducing social safety nets just like other generations of Americans. The rug is being pulled from under everyone.
The boomers didn't make the laws. The laws are created by politicians backed by corporations. Direc your anger toward the oligarchy, not your average boomer.
@@LoveK1 I'm going to need you to grow up and grow a brain and start separating age from money. This is not an issue of age. This is an issue of money. They got idiots fighting in the comments over micro issues instead of realizing that the real issue is the 99% against the 1%. Your issue is with the 1% that makes the laws it doesn't matter the age of the 1%. My God.
My grandma is 66, my mom is 46, and I’m 29. My grandma didn’t think she’d live this long so did absolutely no retirement planning until she turned like 64. My mom and her siblings give her $250 each, every month totaling $1000 a month to help her pay her rent. They’ll probably do it for the rest of her life. She will have a pension because she was a union worker, but it won’t be as much as her paycheck currently is. She’s lucky af that her kids all turned out to make 6 figures each, and aren’t selfish. But the entitlement of my grandma disgusts me as she said that they should give her more money so she can get a 2 bedroom apartment that guests can use. Like nahhh. She didn’t have to pay rent for 10 years because she lived with my aunt from like 50 to 60. Where did that money go? And she definitely is one of the boomers that turn around and call my generation lazy. We aren’t lazy. We try to be efficient and get what we’re working for.
Do you live with your parents at 29? Also how long your parents supported you? In many cultures people do this for their parents because to pay them back for supporting them until they are financially able including until adult age. At the same time everyone of your grandma's kids didn't have to give Grandma a dime if they don't want to.
Taking care of elderly financially insecure parents will absolutely become more of an issue in the future. Growing up, I wasn’t thinking about taking care of my mother or father. Now, my mother is struggling to pay for the high price of rent in Miami and there is this constant battle between wanting my independence and wanting to help my mother. Awesome video as always!
Honestly, downsizing and moving into a more "affordable" place may help, but take don't yourself out helping family and I say this with kindness. If your mom is a senior citizen, there are resources for her, especially elder communities that are a fraction of the cost to live. 💜
There is a lot bigger picture then what she ranted about. Boomers got the best jobs with the least education, got pay raises often, loyalty to a company paid off for them, they got pensions, they get social security that will not be around for the next generation, they got Medicare and Medicaid that will not be around for the next generation, they got interest on money in the bank, great returns on stocks, and when the economy enters crisis their investments got bailed out on credit the generations after them have to pay. Since then the dollar has lost 97.5 percent of its purchasing power and life is unaffordable. If they benefited from everything and could not make it work how can the generations after them? So yes the rant is legitimate. We all work for the 1 percent that own 86 percent of the stock now cradle to grave and they built that world. Best you can do is make it somehow and ignore these problems like they did. Sounds stupid but what is your idea?
Make you wish black Friday could happen again (no protection from the federal reserve) so they start jumping off highrises. Ok, it's dark and harsh but the people who think that the 1% will trickle funds down to the rest of us is on a different plain.
It's not that they couldn't make it work. They did make it work, but *only* for them. They didn't see progress as something to preserve for future generations.
Gen X here and I am part of the "sandwich" generation. I have a 14 year old and my mother has dementia and it has been hell trying to stay afloat. She is a boomer that made 6 figures and now doesn't have a dime saved because she felt that her money should not be locked up in a 401k. The bottom line is that these states don't want to pat and are putting it on the kids, which, in my opinion, isn't fair.
@@hollin37depends on the age of the parent. I’m a 1990 model and my parents would be 75 and 77 if they still lived. Having children later in life May make you more financially stable when you have a baby, but it also means you get old earlier your child’s life and have to lean on them when they’re still trying to figure out how to be an adult. It’s this weird catch 22 that nobody has a good answer for in this economy.
I know people in their 40s who still don't have a single dime saved and no children who care enough about them anyway. Time is almost up. Treat your kids right, manage your savings, and have a plan.
I don't even want to ask my parents why I don't have any money for school, and they just kept having kids to fix things. Money was spent on moves because they were emotionally unstable and kept separating. My stepfather was hiding his debt from my mom and decided to marry her when she had kids he didn't want. I wish my mom just focused on helping and teaching us how to build ourselves up for school.
My parents moved in with me shortly after I bought a house (I’m a single woman, I was 28 at the time) they’re here almost a year later and I can’t wait till they leave honestly. They never prepared and honestly it pisses me off.
NEW HAMPSHIRE?? the “live free or die” state is going to force ME to support my adult parents?? you dont even have to wear a goddamn seatbelt there!!!!
If this predatory, disgusting, deplorable system thinks for one second that i am going to pay my dead relatives debts whenever i FINALLY get my slice of the cake, they got me f'd up. Ill pull out all my money, close my bank accounts, buy a rv or van with cash and live in it i straight up dgaf. They are not getting a dime from me. I dont/cant even pay my own debts, like hell am i going to pay the debts of any of my family.
As a late Boomer from ‘59, she is right. I’m angry as hell at the way this country is manipulated by the rich to vote against supporting its population. I started with the gift of a vehicle from my parents. I got tuition reimbursement, WIC to help feed my kids, affordable state college tuition to become a nurse and now get a pension. However I’m about as mad as this young lady. I’ve voted for social education, health care and progressive programs all my life. I care for my 90 year old mom in my home who lives off social security. My plan though throughout life was to avoid debt, pay it off as soon as possible and passed this plan on to my kids who have no tuition debt. Rice and beans, clearance clothing, camping vacations, used cars, grow your own, don’t buy into debt, stay healthy and educated. Maybe we’ll survive what is coming.
I just talked to someone about this. My parents took out a 30 year mortgage IN THEIR 50’s!!!! My mom has been a SAHM since the early 2000’s and my dad isn’t going to be able to work until his 80’s. I’m the eldest by 10 years. My dad scoffed when I said I would have to financially plan for them. They’re conservative voters who hate social supports yet ask to borrow money from me NOW. Not planning for them anymore 🤷🏽♀️
@ my parents are borrowing money from me a bit too regularly. I’m not confident they won’t lose it or make some other bad decision. Their lack of transparency isn’t comforting. They also relied on my grandparents for years so they don’t have much in the way of retirement. The house was an emotional decision. It’s more a matter of knowing them than this specific issue.
My husband had us wait until he retired from the Army in his early 40s. I wasn’t too pleased. It’s why I’m helping him pay the house off faster. No one wants to be burdened with that mess.
@@jasmine1926my mom used to “borrow” money from me as soon as I started working at 16 to pay bills. Once the electric bill was up to $5000… I didn’t have it and a partial payment wasn’t going to stop the company from shutting it off. I moved out at 18 and she was still asking for money to help with the mortgage. The house was falling apart because they didn’t have money to fix it. I debated on taking over the mortgage for a little bit but did NOT want to move back so we did not do that. House went into foreclosure shortly after the 2008 crash, they did a short sale to walk away with something. Rented for awhile and then became homeless. Got a low income apartment a few years later (which I personally think the rent is too damn high). Mom passed away in 2019 and thankfully my dad’s job covered the cremation expense (Shout out to Home Depot). My dad had a good paying job until his second heart attack in 2007, after being laid off he was never able to get back into his field. Financially he’s better off now but it’s still a struggle. I’m grateful his insurance has been covering all his medical care (so far). I love my parents, they did the best they could, but adult children should not be footing the bills unless they want to.
Boomer generation had it cheap/good due to # of their generation. If millennials mass birthed a huge generation of kids then society would have to reshape around them and cost of things would go down. With less and less ppl cost gets spread out aka goes up
@@ElinWinblad ummmm i don't think that's how inflation works. 😂😂😂😂 If anything mass reproduction will increase demand without the man power nor resources to fulfill said demand driving prices up. The just had the boom of a war and industrial period following it in they favor. Also national debt wasn't over 2 trillion dollars. They just had overall more stable economic conditions. Mass population won't fix the problem it would just make it worse. Mass population decline overtime will actually help. Because with less people the demand increase driving prices down as goods go into an overflow or reduce production saves money also wages are likely to go up because af the limited amount of people and the abundance of work that needs to be done. So now u have an high hiring demand. Again it won't fix the problem but it would help. Inflation will never stop completely nor will it go back down to what it was in their generation. It is what it is. 🤷🏿
@@ElinWinbladThe older generation have syphoned everything. There are not enough resources on the planet for a lot more people for one. And 2 if it was not currently so expensive to have kids more people would consider it. I hate suggesting people should just have kids as if there are not large expenses that come with it. Do not have kids if you cannot afford them. They were not brought into this world to suffer. People can barely take care of themselves. The real issue is politicians have stopped taking into consideration how certain policies are harmful to the people they are supposed to serve. They are in the pockets of big corporations. Everything they do is to benefit the few people at the top. And that's the majority of politicians regardless of party. Other countries who are not as rich have figured it out. Look up employment laws in other developed nations and see how employees are protected. look at their public transportation and how advanced it is and ask yourself why it not like that in America and read about how the Ford brothers spent millions and years to block any legislation that promoted better public transportation so people would rely on cars. Compare prices of college and university in the US to other countries. There are so many more examples.
@@SCA1273 scientists say we are due for population flip which is why we are having so much consolidation not enough ppl. Boomers parents had kids even if they couldn’t afford it and society was forced to adjust to those numbers and that caused childcare etc to be cheaper
I think this young woman had a moment of realization of how much longer, and even harder she has to work to afford those bills. her frustration is understandable.
It's shocking how many parents disrespect, hurt, and guilt their children and then expect their help later in life. My parents have taught and given me respect my whole life and I'm ready to support them financially if need be. But I also know that they planned for their life without me or my siblings being their safety net.
People making and/or enforcing these laws are acting like the others being forced to take care of their parent won’t stage “accidents,” create hostile environments, or delay in calling 911 in the hopes to speed along their parents’ end.
0:20 My mother was a boomer. She had the best economy, the best everything. She got a house mortgage, a mortgage, as a single mother, and she worked as a cashier. A cashier! And heck back then if she worked 2 jobs, by herself, she could have gotten 2 mortgages. Now it’s 2024 and I can’t even find a job. Houses are 1 million dollars and apartments half a million. I’ve been looking and looking for a job for a whole year. Over 700+ resumes I believe. A guy I dated is in the same boat, he is also looking for a job too, and his parents were boomers too and had it good. Yeah, the economy sucks now.
Tbh her anger is valid because as somebody from Ohio, when my grandfather and grandmother died, they left my already broke family in more debt and it's so fucking unfair. Why should we have to take on the responsibility of somebody's own mistakes? Like they were nice grandparents, and I loved them, but that doesn't excuse why WE should have to pay their burden.
@Ghost_of_Joe_Biden the Bible says " better yet are those who were never born because they hane not seen the evil works done under the sun." So I'm not sure what you are talking about. That's eclessiates 4:3 in case you were wondering.
@Ghost_of_Joe_Biden i love how you say that like its a flex you do know that some people have suffered since they were born right also life ain't always sunshine and flowers or even a blessing so stop saying that shit
My dad paid our education up to bachelor's and said while we're in his house we will never go hungry or have to pay for bills. But he never gave us a leg up after that. House, car, spouse, etc, we're on our own. Why? Cos he's busy putting aside money for himself and our mother. Now he's comfortably retired and us kids are free to build our our finance to prepare for our future.
Technically, they love currency devaluation. They get to keep the house equity and devalue your wages in order to maintain their standard of living That's how it works.
@user-Kova15 Not really, no. It's mainly with more recent generations that people have been trending against religion. The main group who complains about it and blame us for that are Boomers.
In my culture, the adult children financially take care of their parents until they pass on. We're basically viewed as retirement plans and it has been happening for a while. Im not sure how they expect us to build generational wealth if we keep taking car of our parents AND kids. It doesn't make sense to me. As a kid I heard "I cant wait until you start working so you can finally take care of me" a lot... like please this isn't how its supposed to be.
lol are you Asian? Sounds like Asian families. I dunno I’ve been working since before I was legal to work and been taking care of my parents since 25. I dunno I guess when it’s part of your culture it’s not a big deal?? But also my parents did a lot to help set me up for generational wealth so I also don’t know how this young lady feels.
@@itsjstjane not just Asians. Many cultures including Americans (although more quiet about it) do this. U should hear carriben and African parents. Absolutely the worst
I think there are nuances to this. I'm African and this is quite common. But in all honesty, I wouldn't have it any other way. My parents don't really expect me or my siblings to but trust me the stampede to is unreal😅. There is nothing I would not do. From watching a lot of videos online, I honestly realise what I grew up knowing as family where I'm from seems does not exist everywhere. As such I never can relate to a lot of 'American' family dynamics. None of us are ever forced to leave home at a certain age, they know it's rough out there and unless if you have to, your space in the family home is always guaranteed. Our social fabric is just different I guess. That doesn't mean it's any superior, it's just that_different.
My boomer parents did not plan for retirement and so can't. They get pensions but still work side jobs to keep afloat. My boomer in laws on the other hand are burning through money like it's going out of style. Annual trip to Hawaii, annual skiing trip, annual trip to DC, annual trip to Vegas, annual trip to the Smokey Mountains for the last 3 years at least. That's not including international trips or stays at their vacation home. Their attitude is we earned it. I'm sure they did and they really are lovely people. They're constantly offering to take us with them but we can't afford it because we need to pay off student loans...which they could easily help us do so that we could afford to someday do some of those things with them. My mil told my husband the reason she thinks we always turn down their offer is because I'm the fun police. The real reason is we need to pay off our student loans so we can save for retirement and apparently take in my mom and disabled brother when dad dies. No real reason to post this except that there's nowhere else I can vent. Recently my in laws traveled to the aegean to go island hopping (the place i wanted to take our honeymoon) and did the exact things i had wanted to do and then came home and wanted me to sit and look at all their pics. Social tact is not their strong suit. 🙄
We've been told for decades now that Social Security is going to get cut/be insolvent by the time we need it but we continue to pay into it so the previous generation can still get THEIR benefits out. So as soon as our parents went on SS, we were already paying for their basics in a way that we've been told we will never get back. 🤷♀️
It’s morally wrong to not care about your parents and spend all your money on Starbucks going into debt what’s funny is the older generation has paid more for the younger generation even past adulthood age so get over yourself
@@haleylogsdon8791 Starbucks versus a medical bill are two different things. The older generation hasn't given our generation a leg up to even be able to do so. They were selfish and irresponsible and are using the newer generation to foot the bill and that is unfair and unjust
@@haleylogsdon8791 kids don't owe their parents anything as they didn't choose to be here. If you didn't plan and save for your old age then that's on YOU. Go take a loan or keep working until you die if you want to cry about it some more. It's not the kids fault that their parents are financially illiterate nor is it their responsibility to be taking care of that at the expense of their own future or even their kids future. Leeching off of your kids is the truly morally wrong thing to do.
4:57 my husband and I were just discussing the fact that my parents were medically negligent in to me. I needed a back brace for my scoliosis, they didn’t get me one, I needed braces, they didn’t get me them. But I have three sisters who all got braces and medical needs met. 2 older and one younger. But my mom took me to the psych dr, never let me talk, would talk for me about how terrible I was, and got me medicated at 11 on for bipolar disorder…. Over 20 years later I went off meds with the help of my doctor to try to get pregnant… and for miraculously was more mentally stable than I have ever been in my life. 2 years later I still am mentally stable. My doctor agreed that I was probably misdiagnosed as bipolar before she left the practice. My parents were also absent, when they were home they were emotionally and physically abusive. I got spanked multiple times a day with various objects and my sisters rarely ever did. I was told I was stupid and constantly told I needed to lose weight. The bad thing is living in Kentucky… I’d probably be responsible for them. I keep them at a distance now as an adult. The crazy thing is my husband has taken care of my medical needs and emotional needs. He got me braces to fix my teeth as much as they could be fixed as an adult. 10 years ago he paid for me to get an experimental medical brace for my back. I told him today after my retainer follow up how wild it is that he has cared for me better than my parents ever did. I got emotional and cried.
My mother had a 401k. She blew through it in very wasteful ways in just a few years. She tiled the walls in her bathroom and washer/dryer closet for no reason whatsoever. 😒 And she reverse mortgaged her house. And now she needs help. I tried to help her manage her money better for years and she got mad at me every single time. I warned her I wouldn’t help her when she went broke. I knew it was coming. And then she started asking for help.
Im a millennial and and I've had this conversation with my boomer grandmother and she definitely confirmed everything this lady is saying it's messed up but the adults had warned us back since middle school that these benefits would not be there for us when we reached retirement age so the next generations better start saving accordingly
Can't save when they don't pay you enough accordingly. You literally have to be doing some shady stuff to get ahead, or stupid lucky. And by 'shady', I don't necessarily mean illegal. Investors are scooping wealth away from the workers who actually produce real products and labor, and stuffing it in their pockets.
The government is going to say we should be able to “reasonably” support our parents so they don’t have to support them for us. It’s so obvious. This feels unjust and unreal. Sure I’d like to have the means to support my parents if they really needed the help, but if the government is saying I am forced to that’ll just make parents rely on their kids instead of actually trying themselves.
If they wanted us to support them, then they shouldn't of taxed us for Social Security reasons. The whole purpose of that was to ensure people could have the security to retire...now suddenly that's all gone? Gone 'POOF!'? Should've let us keep the money then. It's like when they give funding to FEMA, but suddenly they decide not to save people from disaster. It would have been better to keep that money ourselves to save OURSELVES from disaster. But let's be real: Those in power just want everyone dead, so they and their children can have the entire planet to themselves.
Sad thing is there are abusive parents that give their kids only the basics and that would qualify for that so they can hurt their children again even when the kids try to get away from them. Like there are parents that once the kid reaches 18 kicks them out of the house too, leaving them without any resources. Then you gonna tell those kids hey pay up for your abusive parents?
This is my situation. I haven’t spoken to one parent in over a decade, and the other in five years. They were both horrible to me, I’ll go to prison before I care for them.
Truth. I left before I was kicked out. (I could not get out of there fast enough) But my other siblings were all kicked out (forced out) when they turned 18. They were not ready. I'm the most independent of all my siblings and I struggled but not as much as them. They were set up to fail.
Im sick of hearing elderly with pension complain they can't afford a stick of butter when their pension is significantly better. I have to work until 62 to collect full benefits and contribute entirely towards my pension. It's basically an IRA that i'm forced into. If anyone is wondering what i'm talking about, look up Tier 6 pension compared to previous Tiers.
@@zrt7195And that's if there is anything left for you to claim when you are 65. Future generations will not get Social Security with the way things are right now
Actually you can get a dr to write off on pretty much anything and retire at 50 due to health, all they have to say is it’s in the best interest of your health to retire early. You can draw ssi, work part time then after so much time has passed you can work full time, all while drawing ssi, and at whatever age get your whole 401k without penalties. I’m not sure what time constraints before you can work full time, I plan to check on that before then. I recently heard about this from a coworker from a previous job
There was a time when I was working and some of our retirees were making more money from their pensions than I was making working every day. Beyond frustrating. Good for them, but those fantastic benefits were whittled away. Now when I retire 25 years later…I still wont collect as much from my pension as those boomers did all those years ago.
Social Security is not a benefit. It's OUR money that we paid into the system. OUR parents elected LBJ who legalized congress raiding the social security funds to pay for other stuff.
things started going downhill fast with the "spend it while i'm alive!" trend in the 80s, 90s instead of passing down an inheritance to help their descendants.
I don’t have children and I work in a hospital. I get this all the time “you don’t have kids? Who is gonna take care of you when you’re old?” Look, none of those poor elderly people in the permanent unit have seen their children in years. They get dropped off like baggage. The truth is people can’t just put their lives on hold and it’s tough. It might not even be malice. I don’t expect my children to take care of me. I think we should take care of our future and set things up. It is a burden, financially, mentally and physically. Both my parents have and had cancer. It was really tough to take care of them at times but I love them and they love me. I didn’t feel obligated. They took care of me and I want to for them. But it is so HARD sometimes. I got life threateningly depressed. People who are already struggling cannot bear extra weight. I have a good relationship with my family, but imagine being abused only to be abused again by law?
Ive heard of adult children who care about their parents having no choice but to abandon them at an ER when their dementia gets too severe because the parent requires constant care and the child can’t afford to be home with them, or hire a caretaker, or to put them in a nursing home. It’s like women that hand over their newborns at ERs. They assume that at least their loved one will survive here
I have a boomer parent who literally got a free house, good GM pension, bought a rental property for like 9k cash in the 90s, but now he needs help, now he wants to hear from me. Sir what? I feel this girl’s frustration.
Starter homes in the area my parents purchased their first home for was $50-$60k and their combined income was $68k/yr. That same area has starter homes for $280k w/$60-$80k/yr combined salary. Our are starter homes are $529k and combined income is still $60-$80k/yr. That's college educated stats for parents/children. The average home price in my area is $780k and the average individual earning is $38k. Make it make sense.
THIS!!! This is EXACTLY why I won't care. The boomers went up the ladder, pulled it up behind them, then act like we are the lazy ones!!! WHERE ARE OUR STARTER HOMES??. All we get are permits approved for 500k homes and overpriced rentals NOTHING in between, yet BOOMERS want our help??? F NO!!!
Same here in suburban NE Kansas. The houses used to be $110,000"renovated" little ranches 3 bed 1 bath 1 car garages at 1,200 sqft. Now they go for $300,000.
I’m in Ohio and I’m 62. My dad had to retire at 62 because his company shut down to be relocated overseas. Guess what ? He was two years shy of getting his pension. So he lost out. Not everyone had or has the opportunity to get a pension unless you have a government paid job, (teachers, police, fire). 401ks we’re new when pensions were leaving and most brokers were sharks back then. I remember one time losing $400 a month more than I put in when the market was down. We’ve had recessions, job losses (going overseas or another country mostly). Most of the economy of the middle class came from factories. Back when I started working minimum wage was $2.30 per hour. $10 an hour was a good wage. If you saved 10%, you’re looking at .23 cents to $1, per hour. But when the economy was tough, you had to use it to eat. I did not know this rule was in effect. I get so frustrated hearing young people blaming “boomers” for everything. We don’t get to vote on most of this stuff that gets passed. We all were in your shoes at one time or another. I remember one time not having food and our assistance was standing in a line for peanut butter and government cheese. We knew a grocer who had a box of canned good where the labels had fallen off. He couldn’t sell them because of that and gave them to us. I would shake the can to guess what it was and that’s what we ate for dinner. Yes, there are some boomers that had it good, but a lot didn’t. For someone to win, someone has to lose. I’m tired of everyone being divided to keep their eyes off the real villain. We’re being divided by race and generations to point the fingers at each other. Believe me, I was upset I didn’t get the same opportunities as the small group that had it good. Many of those are in the late 70-80s in age. The end age group they consider boomers kind of got left out and are being blamed. As our jobs got shipped overseas, we kept sliding backwards and having to start over. My youngest daughter (is like the girl who is ranting) economy wise. Believe me, I’m pissed for her and I’m pissed for me. I see the writing on the wall. I’m helping her get, and keep, footing now. I would rather die than make my children get stuck with a bill that’ll hurt them, so thanks for the heads up. Not all us parents are trying to put one on you.
Agreed. But most of their complaints have the premise of parents who had it pretty good, treated them like trash and were thoughtless in their forethought regarding smart spending and generational wealth. Mine was a single mom. But she HAD to refinance a PAID off home because she wanted to go here and go there. She had to keep up with the shopping and spending of clothing and etc. That didn't make sense to me. Refinance over a good reason not a superficial one. 🤦🏾
That's not true. Every boomer is personally contacted by Congress and State legislators before any bill becomes a law. Moreover, if we can't be contacted by phone or email, they pay us a personal visit to get our opinions before moving forward. Politicians are influenced by Boomers first and then lobbyists.
Having this built into the law is vile. Guess what, if you didn’t treat your children like shit then they will WANT to have a relationship with you and take care of you (if they can). Mandating that anyone who was provided basic shelter and food for 16 years, which is a pretty low bottom line, HAS to financially take care of their parents is insane to me
I have been begging my mom since I was 11-12 years old (I am 29 now) to save her money and to try to find ways to increase her money. I would miss days from school helping her get her GED (which she never got), trying to talk positivity into her, and trying to help her get a budget together. Did she ever do better? NO! She wasn’t a bad parent but she just could never save money. Right now she has absolutely no savings, no health insurance… yet spend $250 on a new mirror for her bedroom when her car is in need of repairs. I absolutely REFUSE to help her when the inevitable happens.
She might have ADHD or some other neurodivergence, it doesn't matter how logically I think, I need regular help not giving into insane impulses like a random mirror. It's not an excuse just an angle to approach it from. If that is the problem, it will never improve until that's understood. The trying to improve your life and not sticking to it thing sounds horribly familiar
You can create a ballot initiative, which is a way of making new laws undoing the current filial laws. It's one of the best ways to undo the filial laws, with or without the support of the boomers and their colleagues in state legislatures. It's one thing to help one's parents out of love. It's a completely different thing to have an entitled old person believe they have the right to claw money out of your paycheck for 20-30+ years.
My parents were making $150+k a year until my mom ended up on disability in her late 50s. My dad has hustled and has a nest egg of stocks but mom....has over 100k in student debt that won't be dying with her, medical issues that are building each year, and the weird idea that she can live off her $2300/month social security when she needs the extra care. They have a house that they let fall apart and let the insurance lapse. In order to get it reinsured it'll have to pass inspection. It won't. They haven't stayed on top of their taxes, property and otherwise, for a few years now. I grew up in an environment of financial irresponsibility. We could buy a $300 gazebo to rot in storage for years, but we couldn't swing more than 1 dentist appointment every few years. We could afford to remodel the kitchen every two years but we couldn't afford to level the house so the walls didn't buckle and break. Too rich for college aid, but no money to help. I don't even wanna know what debts are hiding in the floorboards. My sisters are in denial of how bad it's gonna get. I'm slowly creeping further away geographically so I'm not the first choice when shtf because it will and it's not my problem. Cold as that is. They had every chance to set themselves, and us kids, up for success and flubbed it hard.
Children generally don’t inherit a parent’s debt unless it is for something they co-signed. However if there is outstanding debt they usually go after the assets in a person’s estate. So you may not inherit any money/property when your parents pass away if they have more debt than assets, but the parents’ debt won’t be transferred to you or your siblings. (Not to minimize anything you said, caring for them might still cost you/your siblings while they are aging if they are financially irresponsible, but just want to let you know in case you are afraid of being stuck with their debt)
@@vickell2887this filial law business will make sure that able-bodied children will inherit their parents medical debt before the death of the parents.
@vickell2887 Thanks. I'm not really worried about us inheriting the debts directly. My parents live in a state that operates under communal debt (I think that's the term). If my mom dies first, which she likely will given the state of her health, my dad will inherit the full responsibility for her private school loans and other debts. Knowing him, he'll try to pay them off as a matter of pride and ruin his nest egg in the process. Then my sisters will try to help where they can and then it'll set them back and then yada yada. I don't expect to inherit anything but my sisters and parents are expecting the house to stay in the family. Odds are, before either parent goes the house will either get dragged out from under them due to back taxes or damaged naturally and they'll drain tons of money trying to hold onto it. It's just....sad, you know. Any way this plays out, it's going to be sad and it didn't have to be.
I think it more than just kids taking care of their parents. I think it's about the politicians that are older generations or have been voted in by older generations, systematically stripping away all the safety nets for the generations after them.
@@sw3783 It used to, actually. But then boomers voted in our current crop of politicians who signed away a lot of our rights and now actively defend that new status quo.
Thank you for doing this video!!! I had NO CLUE!!! My dad is a very sweet man, but he's very financially irresponsible. He has no retirement savings because he blew it all on lotto tickets. So I definitely understand that lady's frustration! I'm in Florida, so this probably won't apply to my situation. I empathize with the people in this predicament.
People arent having kids because of money. People are now being FORCED to take on a dependant. So the reason why they choose not to have kids - to have money for retirement, to buy a home, is not null. It doesnt matter, they must now pay for another person. And who determines their financial capacity to take care of their parents? And how fair will it be?
I was born in 1985 (millennials) and I have expressed my frustration over my parents and those before me not thinking about future generations. They have done nothing to build generational wealth. So yeah I’m pissed 😡
😂😂😂😂I’ve been talking to my family since I was ten years old. Crickets…. 🦗 won’t tell me nothing I’m cool 😎 at this point, just don’t ask me for nothing. Apparently yall got it 😂
Exactly. People really don't realize how the boomers are the worst. The same people (boomers) that are coming with these policies are the same ones that siphoned money and labour from their parents and pawned them off to retirement homes when they were too sickly. The same retirement homes paid for by the government.
I'm not even mad about the generational wealth thing. It just pisses me off that they get to essentially live without consequences because they get pushed onto either their kids or the taxpayer (also their kids lol)
I absolutely refuse to pay for care because my father squandered his money. I spent the first 10 years of my adult life managing the bills and making sure he was the most comfortable he had ever been. I tried time and time again to get him to save ANYTHING, to have a financial safety net if something happened, but he never allowed it to happen. The number of times I heard “it’s MY money” made me want to scream. I would have to pay for emergencies (often on credit cards) and he would pay me back, sometimes I would just have to eat that cost. I finally realized that if I continued the way I was, that my finances would always be tied to him and I would never get out of the paycheck to paycheck life he led. I can’t and won’t let him ruin my future too. As the older generations say “you made your bed”.
The real issue here is USA is doing anything to not implement universal health care. This is yet another way to keep people in the struggle. I'm grateful my parents are extremely honest about their finances but this is awful and honestly can severely harm people's mental health if they had a harmful relationship with their parents.
@@Jem4u90 look at how people are dying in the UK and Canada, while the government denies or delays healthcare There is no such thing as free. Universal healthcare just means higher taxes, worse medical coverage, longer wait times for appointments, and less incentive for the brightest students to become doctors. Bad all around
I’m a boomer woman. After decades of work, I was able to purchase a home mortgage free. I was thrilled to have my daughter and her family move in. It allows her and her husband to save enough to be able to provide my granddaughters with a similar situation in the future. If families can work together, it is still possible to accumulate “generational wealth”.
My parents blew all of. Their money and opportunities chasing pipe dreams. My dad has 3 college degrees inn3 different fields, and has failed to identify any of them, instead opting to be a career student. They somehow managed to own 3 houses, but rented them out at near nothing and were surprised when they got rented by broke drug users that trashed the houses and plummeted their value. They spent 300,000 from inheritance in a single year, mostly on a time share in Mexico we used 3 times. I grew up with the ceiling falling on me as I slept and a father I couldn't talk to because I would get yelled to for interrupting his studies, and a mother who was never home because she was keeping the family financially afloat. We had money to go out to eat twice a week and order food all the time but never had enough money for me to have lunch money on school trips. Always got yelled at for not keeping the house cleaned but every mess in the house was always theirs, and now they expect me to house them in their old age when I'm on my feet and they want to retire. I never want to live in a house with them again considering the disgusting state they like to live in.
I'm thankful my parents are financially ok. They don't need me to assist. My mom retired with a pension then went back to work out of boredom and will retire again next year. My dad is straight, too. Our goal is to not be a burden to our children, either.
@@turquoise_sky Financially educated people usually have all of that planned. I refuse to lean on my children when i get up in age. i just want their time, not their money!!
This sounds like a horror movie. I can’t imagine having to pay for my parents bills without my consent. They chose to have me, not the other way around. Imagine how many people whose lives are going to be destroyed by this??
The main problem with this is the government looks at your paycheck before taxes and says you make so much money. Yeah. Before taxes. Government doesn't go over our Bills, medicals, rent. Then being forced with more finances that we didn't sign up for and if we don't pay, jail time. I live in Louisiana which is one of these states. Me and my husband just paid off our house, only for my husband's lawyer to say our house can legally be taken because of this. There's a loophole because my husband financial can't care for himself as he's disabled. That's how we got off the hook. Imagine being an adult and making smart decisions and making it through life and struggling on your right decision making. Only to be told everything you've worked so hard for will be taken from you because your parents made poor decisions. I am not having kids and will never have kids because I am not selfish enough to put this on my would-be children.
It didn't get dark. She reacted accordingly. Don't you dare shame her or act like she's going too far. You added nothing with your "stitch." She said it all. But thanks for sharing.
Na, she really said a lot and nothing at all at the same time. She looks young, has a car, and is throwing a tantrum. Im a millennial and almost a gen Z and own a home, i know someone that is almost 22 and has 40K on his personal account and a better car than me. Her parents failed her, not society. Probably, record less and work on a solution. But noone on tik tok will tell you that, they have a pack mentality and cry and cry!!! But noone tries anything to do better. They just cry because its easier and it gets them attention.
You can create a ballot initiative, which is a way of making new laws undoing the current filial laws. It's one of the best ways to undo the filial laws, with or without the support of the boomers and their colleagues in state legislatures. It's one thing to help one's parents out of love. It's a completely different thing to have an entitled old person believe they have the right to claw money out of your paycheck for 20-30+ years.
My dad was born the year after the Boomer cut-off. He was a good dad for the most part and he made good money. The problem was that he was kind and financially irresponsible. He would “loan” people money and figured he would get paid back. He hardly ever did. He got into so much debt that he never told his two kids or his immigrant wife about. Then when he developed early dementia and could no longer work or fix the mess he created, guess who had to fix it? His kids. My mom still couldn’t speak English well and never had to handle financial matters before. She didn’t know how. It caused so much unnecessary stress to the two of us who had to deal with it. And are still dealing with it. That said, I do feel some of the anger is misplaced. We SHOULD be angry, but I think more eyes should also turn to the GOVERNMENT AND POLITICIANS who suggested this law. They are trying to offload financial responsibility on children so companies still get paid instead of having the adults or government cover it themselves.
Disabled 20 year old with a boomer parent here. My dad is 62, in Indiana, and I live with egg donor in Virginia. My dad has to take care of his mom. He's still working. He's stretched thin, financially supporting her, who squandered her money on alcohol and clothes, and me and my friend(also disabled, long story, unrelated) who currently live with egg donor. I can't work. I can't really walk. Right now, I'm being medically neglected. I'm scared for my dad. He's deteriorating. But I CAN'T take care of him. These laws need to be dismantled. Her outrage is justified.
As a 47 year old with a child with special needs. I just found out I'm on cognitive decline with damage to my brain. No diagnosis but either Ms that is attacking my brain or dementia. We will all form this brain deterioration if we don't live/eat right but will some even so. It's sad myself and my 7 year old who is severely affected by down syndrome, autism, heart failure, global delays(he is not and likely will not be independent) could end up in a facility one of these days together. I feel in your situation your dad is doing his best. I give him props for trying working, taking care of his mother, etc., to be neglected is not okay. I work for in home health care services for elderly and disabled. You and your grandma can both get these services, hours based on needs. Medicaid and Medicare will cover these costs for your care.
I'm a minority in a Eastern European country, and the way my community works, you support your kids for much longer than it's considered normal in the West, and then your kids take care of you in your old age instead of sending you to any kind of an institution. I'd never leave my parents without support, but even I wouldn't want to do what I deem right because some law dictates so. The fact that some US states even needs this type of laws is telling. Maybe if older people didn't neglect their kids, they wouldn't need the government to step up for them. P.S. this young lady sounds so emotional, there's definitely some story there, hope she's ok.
Yeah having institutions like carehomes is the mark of a developed country. Generally countries who have a culture of taking care of elders for the rest of their life is one of tradition and a hyper capitalist country like America needs these institutions in order to function
I'm Asian and I immigrated to the US. I noticed it's more of the US culture of individuality and selfishness makes it so everyone is thinking about oneself instead of the family unit. It's another reason why divorce is so high. It's another reason people complain that they don't get along with their family and have no friends. Some American parents spoil their kids to no end and once they become 18 they expect them to leave the house and be adults. Maybe instead of buying whatever toys they want as kids they should teach their kids actual independence. All these young people screaming about boomers are pretty spoiled young people. They don't actually learn honor and respect and just scream about "I want" "I need!" The ones who raised their kids right and the ones who have kids who will be there for them. The ones who taught theirs kids independence and respect have successful kids with stable jobs with decent or great pays. Also for a capitalistic country they sure have many young adults taking on non-practial careers and also delayed responsibilities. Also don't forget the debt society where everyone owes money somewhere and delays paying off their debts.
I'm chronically ill and don't have kids and I've gotten the " who's gonna take care of you " question a lot. I always say I'm seriously ill, my body is gonna shut down more and more. I will be in a nursing home for sure. Not looking forward to it but I refuse to be a burden on my family or friends
State Governments just don’t want to be on the hook for all the entitled Boomers who squandered their money & made bad decisions, so they passed laws to force adult children to pay for their parents. Parents chose to have kids. When they made that choice it was their obligation to feed, clothe, house and raise those children. Those children did not choose any of this. This is going to result in so much hatred for elderly parents.
This is my first time ever hearing about this. It really sad that our government can send our taxes over seas to help others and we can’t get them to support our elderly citizens. I’m Gen X and retired 3 years ago. I just bought my father and stepmother a new stove because they needed it. I bought my mother a new dinning room set. I have always taken care of my mother and will continue to do so but being forced to by the government is terrible.
Ukraine is a war - Grandma isn't going to clean her house sig ammunition Which isn't to say they're strictly giving them overstock but any money on new equipment gets funneled back into American arms companies (not saying that's a good thing necessarily but the majority of the actual capital stays here, for better or worse) Assuming we got the tax *raises* on billionaires like we were supposed to.. _that_ might've been enough to cover things all the way around, but alas.. Seems the rest of America had other plans about that
It's actually military contracts where we waste most of our money. Buying weapons and vehicles that effectively just sits in warehouses gathering dust unless we decide to go commit violence overseas. Also giving hand outs to billion dollar corporations. Our waste is making the number go up for people who have more money than some of those other countries. They just like to complain about overseas because they don't want to be looked at for embezzling tax funds for personal profit.
Send our tax money where exactly? I'm GenX, retired military, both parents deceased. Now if million and billionaires pay what they owe instead of all these tax cuts and shelters a lot of the issues will be taken care of. We are old enough to know when this started in the 80s with Reaganomics 🙄😒 Everything has been going up exponentially since then, except wages, and the younger generations struggle with everything because of it.
No, I'm not taking care of my parents, they are divorced...they made good money during their working years, father is retired military and mother retired from school nutrition.....they had a house full junk and never went anywhere....but made sure to keep up with the Joneses. It's not my responsibility to take care of them. I'm choosing to remain child free and single until I see fit otherwise. Right now, I'm taking care of me because when I get to retirement age, there may not be Social Security to look forward to and many jobs aren't offering retirement packages as they were 30-40 years ago. Phone on 68%.
I sat my parents down a long time ago to talk about their debt because I wasn't going to be stuck with it . I added it up including the house and the cost of a funeral plus $30000 over that incase they were in the hospital. I got them whole life insurance and they agreed it was a good idea. I explained it wasn't trying to make money off of them but it's not my debt either. I will still help them if they need it. They actually were grateful.
My brother and I learned about that law when our estranged father died and we suddenly had to pay over 60k in Medicaid bills. He did not have retirement, savings, and only had stocks. We went into massive debt for basically a stranger dying.
That's not your parent screwing you. That's the federal government trying to screw you. I've never heard of it being legal to try to recoup Medicaid expenses from a surviving child.
This has always been something that weighs heavy on me because my family is extremely prideful and never wants to discuss money but as the oldest I just know the math ain't mathing and the money might not be money-ing.
It's called debt slavery and I'd argue that's what social security is in the first place. Every American is born with debt accrued by previous generations that they will need to pay starting with their very first paycheck.
New Law: Before you are allowed to reproduce, you have to set up a trust fund which will pay the cost of living, housing, food, etc for your kid for the rest of their lives such that they will never have to work. Violators will be sterilized and be forced to pay child support to create the trust fund. No child will have to work for a living unless they want children of their own. That was your choice to make a kid, not theirs. You have to pay for the life you create, you are not allowed to birth slaves who then have to work off the cost of your choices themselves.
It's worse for me. Not only do I got to contribute money to the home I'm financially TRAPPED in, but I also got to physically help my dad. And I mean wipe his butt and bath him on top of taking care of the house. Otherwise I'm looking at jail time for "senior neglect". In short I'm essentially TRAPPED legally in my dad's home. This is a factor in why gen z (me included) are not wanting kids at all. WE CAN'T AFFORD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have 3 children and I will NEVER take advantage of them financially. If they WANT to help me financially i would be grateful and see it as a gift but will NEVER feel entitled to anything my kids may earn. I work hard to ensure my kids will never feel burdened as I become elderly. I’d rather starve than take from my child. They are people and deserve everything they work for, they are not my property. I love my children more than life itself.
"Taking care (basic things, like social security, medicare and pension) of people (whether they are parents or not) " is the Government's job, it should be what the tax is for. Us (tax payers) should be responsible for this, not some individual's children. Otherwise why even bother having a government??
The base of the problem is all these things we the people pay into our entire adult lives has been grossly mishandled by our government that was supposed to make sure it would be there when it came time to retire.
Oh dear girl, the world is not, nor has it ever been fair. Trust me. At 12 I was kicked out of my home when my mom caught my uncle SA me. Aged out of the system at 18 and it’s been a struggle ever since. Good luck but you will have to fight in this world. I got zero my entire life. It is what it is.
Will you or are you currently financially taken care of your parents? Should filial laws even exist in today’s economy? Do you think it’s fair for Gen Z to pay for Boomers' bills? Why or why not? Who’s really responsible for this mess-Boomers or the system? Also, what percentage is your phone🔋on? I'm on 40%. 😭
Boomers and the system
I just realized- this is part of their plan to cut social security. They’re saying: we won’t take of them or ourselves - YOU do it. Left holding the bill. Everything on the shoulders of the ppl
I have had to help my parent financially and they don't feel particularly comfortable with it, but I did it because i love them and want to take care of them willingly. I think that it is a strange concept to have children take care of a parent by law. To me the family unit, regardless is a very personal element to a persons life and how they choose to interact with that family is their choice. So If they are estranged and the parent falls under financially hard times, the child being asked to pay for a bill involuntarily is an issue to me. I don't think the state should be telling children they should pay for a parent if A) it is not debt or cost incurred by the party being asked to pay ( the child), B) They did not have any contract to the parent or firm to cover such a cost( ie they did not consent or participate to the transaction, For example cosigning a loan), or C) The child took no actions leading to the incurring cost (for example the parent suffered an injury on their property because of poor maintenance, such as a tree branch falling on them). Basically it shouldn't be families responsibility, inherently, to take care of parents due to blood or legal relations, hence unfair. Unlike a child who doesn't have the means, from 0 to 16 (at the bare minimum),,to functionally live on their own for a vast majority of cases.
I think the issue of who is responsible is slightly off, because the premise to presume that there is a who, or entity, responsible rather than what i think is more likely. I think a vast majority of boomers were not much different than Americans today in spending habits, it may have been a different market (no uber eats), but mostly the same. A lot of them likely didn't plan for retirement, weren't as financially literate as they could have been (like plenty of people today) and probably lived their lives not entirely thinking about the future. All the while there were a lot of events taking place that they may have known about, but in reality were likely more concerned with day to day activities. I think the reality for a vast majority of them were like we are today and made a lot of bad decisions. Now I say this based of the personal savings rate, how much disposable income people save, according to the federal reserved has generally been 5 to 10 percent since the 1980's. Americans have had a generally low savings rate and I think we're seeing the after effects of this. But there is also the issue of increased consumer spending, inflation, a variety of economic and political climates over the past 100 years, etc.
All this to say Its complicated and I think this mess is culmination of all of these factors that make a gumbo of messiness. I also think it should be up to the person, unless there is a some sort of prior agreement, to see if they want to help their parent.
And 85%.
I would be able to, but I won't be caring for them in old age. As much as I love them, they F'd up raising me. If they can put trips, romantic flings, drugs, ect over my safety as a child they can take care of themselves.
I remember when you called me an idiot for not knowing things you didn't teach me, mom. I was only a kid, and when I told you what he did to me, you told me to suck it up despite also having been hurt like that too. I remember when you gaslit a 10 y/o girl into signing away her rights to her mother, Kurtis. Or when you later tried to use her SSN right after she turned 18 to collect government checks. You won't even get a wooden box for your body.
The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.
my parents neglected and abused me, but i’m not sure how i would go about proving it. there’s no way i would pay their bills when they didn’t give me the bare minimum as a helpless child. i think these laws are ridiculously unjust. if the kids have a good two way relationship with their parents, they will probably help them without being forced. if they’re not, there’s a reason
My old man abandoned me at 4 years old and refused to go pay 100$ a month in child support….. I’ll declare bankruptcy before you think I’m giving that man half a penny
I'll put everything in someone else's name. Work under the table. Go missing. Heck no
I was just thinking this! It would suck but declare bankruptcy…or don’t move to those 29 states
Exactly. I'm in a non falial law state. My parents were neglectful and refused to plan. They didn't take care of me. Better miss me with this non sense.
Well in this case, he didnt take care of you or provide basic needs so you wont have to pay anything
Then he didn't support you until you were 16 did he?
My boomer grandma got two free houses, financially mismanaged them and lost them and now my mom is paying her bankruptcy so the bank doesn’t take the house she’s in rn. Successfully taking away from my mom’s financial future. How can I not feel resentful?
Oh my, I am so sorry to hear this! This is so sad! 💔
My boomer sister has lived off her Greatest Generation mother her entire life.
@juliac8225 @rdavis2021 Your Mother did not have to pay the bankruptcy; this was not required by law. That was her choice; although a short-sighted and bad decision for her own long-term financial health. Yes, an entire family suffers due to anyone's financial mismanagement.
You can become legally estranged from you parents to where they are no longer seen as you parents legally if you really want to cry about it
To be fair, your mother made a choice. She could say no. You can't say yes and then be resentful. Let your grandma figure it out.
My parents were abusive for 18 years straight and they’re financially illiterate. Never in my life will i help them. Ill go to jail before I do.
I'm right there with you
Just move to a state without this law, don't give up your freedom.
Is that not illegal? @@xx-bu1hx
Same. My mother is an abusive harpy. Haven't spoken to her in 4 years, never will again.
Yep. Me too
A parent can kick out their 18 year old child even if they don't have a job or a feasable way to support themselves with ZERO consequences, but the child has to support their parents or risk going to JAIL. Parents often kick out children who aren't even legal adults yet, but apparently as long as they waited till you were 16 to do so its all fine and you still gotta pay for them?? If a child ends up homeless its their own fault and they suffer the burden alone, but if a parent struggles its the child who must bear the weight of it.
Yeah, like. Would the kid who received an eviction notice for his 18th birthday be required to pay his mom's medical bills?
That evil woman wrapped it, filmed it, and then laughed when her son realized she wasn't joking
Gotta rob Pete to pay Paul
@@mechengr1731 Teens need to start video taping their parents behavior to bring to court when they come for them years later.
@@deceitfulhero1723 I honestly hope that your comment gets a pin.
Thank you.
Fuck that I'll be like idk this person and shut the door
Adult children are not responsible for their parents' debts. That is unconstitutional. If the parents have high medical bills, that comes out of what they left behind. If they don't have money to pay it, you can't charge someone for the bills, not even if it's their children. The company takes a loss, unfortunately. It's not legal or your responsibility to take care of everyone!
Yes this video is confusing. You can’t be forced to pay another persons debt. Even in marriage if both names are not on the bill the surviving spouse is not responsible for the debt.
@woodrage1 Yes you can. It depends on your states laws.
@@NaNa-ou1sg What state are you referring to where is legal?
@@woodrage1 You can be forced to pay for the healthcare of a parent in some states, but not for their debts. You're right about the debt part.
@NaNa-ou1sg the creditors can sue their estate, but not their adult children
We don't choose to be born, but we choose to have babies. Making children pay for their parents' problems is low-key evil and high-key unjust. Do it in good will, yes, but to be legally forced is CRAZZZYYY
Tell that to a women who has been raped if it was choice.
This comment!!
These Republican politicians are complete ghouls. They want us younger people to suffer. They openly hate us and no longer have the decency to hide it.
That’s the part I have issues with as well. I’d do it out of good will. But forcing this on every person is insensitive to the adult children
You can become legally estranged from you parents to where they are no longer seen as you parents legally if you really want to cry about it
This is so outrageous. Imagine having to support a parent that abused you. Imagine having to support someone who squandered away their money through addiction or selfish behavior. These laws are so unAmerican.
What laws. There is no laws that say you have to care for your parents.
@@JAM661some states say you do
You can become legally estranged from you parents to where they are no longer seen as you parents legally if you really want to cry about it
Parents really have to do less than bare minimum to be guaranteed service too.
Food, housing, medical care, until 16. Not even 18, just 16.
Absolutely disgusting
@@JAM661 The law she showed in the video.
This is about companies wanting kids to be forced to pay medical bills of their dead parents. Now that people are dying without assets, they want to be able to transfer those bills to any relative and collect.
Exactly! Though I wonder, how many children will legally disown their parents to avoid this?
Death Taxes on steroids?! The entire human species is going to go extinct if this happens! Oh wait….it’s already “The Beginning of The End!” ❤
At this rate more CEOs are gonna be targeted by lone wolves - I don’t think they understand Gen Z has nothing to lose
Just don't pay lmfao
@@marcfrancois8789 no we dont...
I feel this at a visceral level. The past generations left us with a world that seems to only promise increasing anxiety and despair. It's hard not to feel bitter about it.
You can create a ballot initiative, which is a way of making new laws undoing the current filial laws. It's one of the best ways to undo the filial laws, with or without the support of the boomers and their colleagues in state legislatures. It's one thing to help one's parents out of love. It's a completely different thing to have an entitled old person believe they have the right to claw money out of your paycheck for 20-30+ years.
This goes double when boomers point the finger at you and blame you for not having a better job / earning high 6 figures by 25.
They got free school, bought cheap houses, had multiple kids, and lived well on a single salary from one manual labor job. We're drowning in debt even with multiple white collar jobs, in our tiny apts with 12 roommates, sharing one bean between us.
cheap college was a major game changer for boomers as well.
Yeah cheap houses with 20% interest
Well said
Things that aren't true for $300.
After they got all tht were successful they kicked ladder out from under em n sht on everyone under them then maj of them were abusive and neglectful
My mom was the best and I took care of her when she couldn't do for herself and I would do it a thousand times again...my mom worked so hard to get us to be successful..I owe her everything...I wouldn't need to be forced or asked I volunteer..because mom was the best... 😢...now the lesson here is ... treat your kids right and they Will do right by you ..simple
Did your mother make responsible financial decisions?
And people who don't treat their kids right, needn't expect their kids to do anything for them. Looking after your mother was your choice, made out of love, not an obligation. People who are forced to look after a parent don't even have the option to choose to do so out of love.
I would do the same for my mother, aunt, stepfather, I know soon accomodations will be made them. My father who is very ill and did not help raise me, he can fend for himself.
Elder abuse is going to SKYROCKET. Can you imagine the resentment some of these abused, abandoned, or otherwise harmed adult children will feel if they’re suddenly forced to “take care of” their parents? They’re gonna do the absolute bare minimum to keep those old folks alive. Maybe not even that.
There's gonna be a lot of "Mom fell down the stairs when everyone was sleeping" or "The ambulance didn't get here in time to save him from his heart attack,so sad"
@@vintagetriplex3728did you watch the video…?
@@vintagetriplex3728 it depends on the filial laws in those states
Yep. People will straight up be abandoning their loved ones in hospital.
I honestly think that's why my mother in-law asked me to take care of her and not her actual daughter. She knows she's deserved some licks 🤔
Imagine growing up in an abusive household and leaving the moment you turn 18. Working hard to better your life and then BAM. The government is forcing you to take care of the people that abused you.
I hear you. And I’m imagining everyone who got their ass kicked OUT at 16-17-18 and are expected to take care of parents who blatantly didn’t want them. Fucking hell.
Accidents happen all the time.
@@kimberlyplatt2382this is true. Very very true. 😂😂
That Mainland China there.
Correction: 16. The quoted law said they only had to raise you to 16. They could turf you out on the street on your 16th birthday and you'd owe them.
She is channeling as the rage that we all feel.
GEN X here. This was my experience and opinion forever! Every career path was filled with old guys gumming up the works. I finally started to get paid enough to buy a house at 49.
So true, it took me forever to raise up in the rank at my employment to make enough money to pay off college, credit card debt from college (expenses not covered), and save enough money to buy my first house at 40. No body retires they get force out when their health fails to the point they can't work, or they die. Why, because they didn't save their money so they can't afford to retire.
"That got dark" Symone😂😂😂
It was dark from the beginning
My thoughts exactly. God bless them.🫂
Romans 5:15-20
True but it took a turn! 😂😂😂
@@SocialSymone yo the way u said "that got dark" took me out 😂😂😂😂
Right. I get it's frustrating but like wtf is she so unhinged
@Townie7177 sensitive. Shes 💯 reality must not have bumped into you yet😂
The older generation are afraid that they won't be taken care of, because they abandoned their own parents in the nursing homes.
This is why they are pushing the maid program and similar in USA to euthanize elderly due to population flip scientists have predicted. Personally I think covid was an attempt to balance out the generation numbers to relieve the burden on younger generations 😢
I told my dad this. They are the first generation to pawn their parents off on homes, and the last generation to afford retirement. Effin boomers spent 4 generations worth of money on themselves
You can become legally estranged from you parents to where they are no longer seen as you parents legally if you really want to cry about it
This comment! This fact right here needs highlighted way more.
@@haleylogsdon8791 who is crying besides the boomers that will rot alone? All I see here is commentary that points out the cause.
My mom is like this. She has probably blown $500,000+ on useless stuff, failed get rich quick schemes, etc. Has a paid off house, car, 2 homes over seas, and she STILL wants to guilt me into taking care of her when shes old because she doesnt know how she will retire...
She doesnt want to talk about her money and dismissed my attempts to set her up with a financial manager. But wants to depend on me.
Time for her to sell some shit
Let her figure her future plans out by herself then. You don't owe them forever, and it's not wrong or selfish to be opposed to being stuck with your mother in adulthood it's a normal response.
@spicygal8564 agreed. And while I won't let her to be destitute in her 80s, but if she thinks I'm going to finance a life of luxury for her, that's not going to happen. Wont live with me either.
I'm not telling her that I do plan on making sure she lives with dignity though. I want her scared enough to plan for herself and not expect my help.
@@jacklyndeans6590your pfp doesn’t seem to boost your argument.
We’re talking about the generation the 1. Started the “tradition” of sticking elderly family into homes, 2. In mass started the trend of kicking your kids out the moment you legally could, 3. Have been hoarding family assets to sell or us family savings/inheritance for their own interests, 4. In large numbers were terrible parents and treated their kids horribly, and 5. Now are running back to those very kids to save the day and not only pay for them but provide a comfortable retirement most likely living in their kids home so they can be waited on hand and foot.
Edit: not to mention it was probably those very boomers that created the laws that try to force adult children to take on the burden of their parents poor choices.
They did not start 'kicking kids out' when you legally could, atleast not the female kids. Men got out and worked earlier before the Boomers, the women could stay a bit longer while waiting for a husband, but definitely not 'til 30+.
When you are 60 are you going to let your grand children and great grand children dictate what to *you* they believe is morally appropriate for you to do with your 'family assets' (I.e. your own assets)? Does 'family assets' equal things that the Boomers' themselves worked 40 hour weeks for years and paid for fair and square with their own hard earned money? What makes it a 'family asset'? What did you contribute to it?
Terrible parents and treated their kids horribly? Says who?
Apparently it's only 'Boomers' that you're allowed to talk about like this, and they generally don't come on here and defend themselves, so they are a very safe, socially acceptable scapegoat for everyone. Brave commentary, brave content!
So true. We never saw such an amount of homeless 18-22 year olds until then! Or people with 5 children in a nursing home.
Boomers didn’t make this law, the health insurance companies did. Some boomers got screwed too.
Cap more CEOs and they’ll start listening.
This ^^^^^^^^^^°
This is like child support but worse because they’re elders who should have saved up for themselves and the adult children didn’t ask to be brought into this financial burden.
Right? The amount of boomers I know personally who bought nice cars or boats or RVs or a nicer house the SECOND they got access to their retirement funds is insane
@@abbigailcarr2725 rEVeRse m0RtgAgE
... and the amount of boomers who think RVs will magically appreciate in value because you can live in it, and not immediately lose value because it's a vehicle. I swear, the most financially illiterate generation ever.
They should still have working brain cells to give wisdom and self reliance, but no, all were brined in alcohol from champagne and vices
Where I live, I often see old man in their 70s to 90s driving corvettes. Lol.
Face the truth these laws are a different type of chattel slavery.
I really feel her frustration. She said it all with the phrase "we were supposed to share"
You can become legally estranged from you parents to where they are no longer seen as you parents legally if you really want to cry about it
@@haleylogsdon8791 stop copy pasting this crappy excuse as a response to every comment
@ bc apparently woe is me and everything is lost well there you there’s your escape clause took two seconds of googling you selfish people
@@haleylogsdon8791bad bait
@@haleylogsdon8791 You shouldn't be legally forced to care for your parents in the first place.
Can't say I blame her. Your kids are not your plan. They're here, because you wanted them to be here (or at least allowed that to happen). They don't owe you shit.
Idk I hate it but I do feel a responsibility to make sure my mom is okay. I didn’t ask to be here but she did a lot for me.
@@missshannonsunshine that's fine, but plenty of parents did bare minimum or were straight up ab/usive.
Parents don't deserve gratitude or a reward for raising their kid well, that's the bare minimum expectation.
You help your good parents because you have a good relationship and love them and don't want them to struggle. Not because 'well they raised me so I OWE them.'
@@missshannonsunshine She did a lot for you...because that's what someone who has kids is supposed to do? LOL. The bare minimum. It's a choice she made....
@@ewidontlikeyou nope, I'm east indian and my friends are Asian and in our cultures we are not that selfish. Parents take care of kids when they're young because children need guidance and help. When the children become adults we take care our parents to return the favor and because the elderly need help just like we did when we were kids. The problem is Americans are self centered and gen z is immature and ready for adult life. This exactly why American society is crumbling and why Indian and Asians are doing better than Americans in their own country. American values need to change for the better.
@missshannonsunshine I think the thing you're forgetting is not many parents are your mother lol. So while you don't like it, you understand your mother's sacrifice and love.. Most parents don't deserve that benefit of doubt like yours
SHE’S SO GODDAMN RIGHT. rare sincerity and truth right here! Next generations were growing up with such feeling of doom boomers have no right to judge us.
And for better or for worse, this one of the reasons why a lot of today’s generation don’t want to have kids of their own.
I think what’s most upsetting is that boomers are the most fortunate generation in all of human history and still managed to be financially unstable and burn the bridge for everyone else. Super villain level
this is not true for all boomers especially the younger ones. Its also not true for working class boomers or non-white boomers. Generational classifications are arbitrary. More likely does not mean most. This conversation is more nuanced than the video can get into. These people are also living in an America with increasing cost of living and reducing social safety nets just like other generations of Americans. The rug is being pulled from under everyone.
The boomers didn't make the laws. The laws are created by politicians backed by corporations. Direc your anger toward the oligarchy, not your average boomer.
@@UndertheNeedle282the average Boomer VOTES FOR THAT SH!T. That is the problem.
@@UndertheNeedle282and what generation was the politicians that started passing these laws. Come on, I know you can do it. Use that thinking cap.
@@LoveK1 I'm going to need you to grow up and grow a brain and start separating age from money. This is not an issue of age. This is an issue of money. They got idiots fighting in the comments over micro issues instead of realizing that the real issue is the 99% against the 1%. Your issue is with the 1% that makes the laws it doesn't matter the age of the 1%. My God.
My grandma is 66, my mom is 46, and I’m 29. My grandma didn’t think she’d live this long so did absolutely no retirement planning until she turned like 64. My mom and her siblings give her $250 each, every month totaling $1000 a month to help her pay her rent. They’ll probably do it for the rest of her life. She will have a pension because she was a union worker, but it won’t be as much as her paycheck currently is.
She’s lucky af that her kids all turned out to make 6 figures each, and aren’t selfish. But the entitlement of my grandma disgusts me as she said that they should give her more money so she can get a 2 bedroom apartment that guests can use. Like nahhh. She didn’t have to pay rent for 10 years because she lived with my aunt from like 50 to 60. Where did that money go?
And she definitely is one of the boomers that turn around and call my generation lazy. We aren’t lazy. We try to be efficient and get what we’re working for.
This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of someone who’s poor thinking they deserve a SPARE bedroom. Do without just like the rest of us have done!
@@heysarasfor sure, they don’t get to have any say on “upgrading” anything. The grandma has to live on the means of everyone else paying for her.
didn't think she'd live till her 60s?😅sounds borderline su%cidal to me
Do you live with your parents at 29? Also how long your parents supported you? In many cultures people do this for their parents because to pay them back for supporting them until they are financially able including until adult age.
At the same time everyone of your grandma's kids didn't have to give Grandma a dime if they don't want to.
@@CrimsonEclipsethis is not true, always!!! It is because The Gov’t & companies do not have old & OUTDATED RETIREMENT PLANS anymore.
Taking care of elderly financially insecure parents will absolutely become more of an issue in the future. Growing up, I wasn’t thinking about taking care of my mother or father. Now, my mother is struggling to pay for the high price of rent in Miami and there is this constant battle between wanting my independence and wanting to help my mother. Awesome video as always!
Omg. I feel that. 😢
Honestly, downsizing and moving into a more "affordable" place may help, but take don't yourself out helping family and I say this with kindness. If your mom is a senior citizen, there are resources for her, especially elder communities that are a fraction of the cost to live. 💜
If you're helping your mom, she can't stay in Miami... She needs to compromise.
If there is 2 rooms, why don’t you put 1 on Airbnb, it will help you pay the rent?
3:30 i feel this girls anger as a 35 year old man. America is a hell hole.
Same. Exact same. 😒
This is bull man. This modern economic system is one BIG FKN SCAM.
No one's stopping you from leaving.
There is a lot bigger picture then what she ranted about. Boomers got the best jobs with the least education, got pay raises often, loyalty to a company paid off for them, they got pensions, they get social security that will not be around for the next generation, they got Medicare and Medicaid that will not be around for the next generation, they got interest on money in the bank, great returns on stocks, and when the economy enters crisis their investments got bailed out on credit the generations after them have to pay. Since then the dollar has lost 97.5 percent of its purchasing power and life is unaffordable. If they benefited from everything and could not make it work how can the generations after them? So yes the rant is legitimate. We all work for the 1 percent that own 86 percent of the stock now cradle to grave and they built that world. Best you can do is make it somehow and ignore these problems like they did. Sounds stupid but what is your idea?
Make you wish black Friday could happen again (no protection from the federal reserve) so they start jumping off highrises. Ok, it's dark and harsh but the people who think that the 1% will trickle funds down to the rest of us is on a different plain.
It's not that they couldn't make it work. They did make it work, but *only* for them. They didn't see progress as something to preserve for future generations.
Gen X here and I am part of the "sandwich" generation. I have a 14 year old and my mother has dementia and it has been hell trying to stay afloat. She is a boomer that made 6 figures and now doesn't have a dime saved because she felt that her money should not be locked up in a 401k. The bottom line is that these states don't want to pat and are putting it on the kids, which, in my opinion, isn't fair.
Yes. GenX is I the thick of it now. It hasn't rolled down to the younger generations yet but it will.
You can become legally estranged from you parents to where they are no longer seen as you parents legally if you really want to cry about it
@@hollin37depends on the age of the parent. I’m a 1990 model and my parents would be 75 and 77 if they still lived. Having children later in life May make you more financially stable when you have a baby, but it also means you get old earlier your child’s life and have to lean on them when they’re still trying to figure out how to be an adult. It’s this weird catch 22 that nobody has a good answer for in this economy.
I know people in their 40s who still don't have a single dime saved and no children who care enough about them anyway. Time is almost up. Treat your kids right, manage your savings, and have a plan.
@ imma say that to the younger generation the most infant the 20 somethings are the largest group jobless on Medicare living off their family at 27
I can actually understand being mad if your parents didn’t plan for their future
yup, my parents didnt plan shit, idk how my parents are gonna retire. I can barely pay for my own mortgage, and they can't move in... their hoarders
She's just mad that her family members voted for Trump.
I don't even want to ask my parents why I don't have any money for school, and they just kept having kids to fix things. Money was spent on moves because they were emotionally unstable and kept separating. My stepfather was hiding his debt from my mom and decided to marry her when she had kids he didn't want. I wish my mom just focused on helping and teaching us how to build ourselves up for school.
Yeah...so many seniors with absolutely nothing and had kids struggle with them when they were younger. Smh.
My parents moved in with me shortly after I bought a house (I’m a single woman, I was 28 at the time) they’re here almost a year later and I can’t wait till they leave honestly. They never prepared and honestly it pisses me off.
NEW HAMPSHIRE?? the “live free or die” state is going to force ME to support my adult parents?? you dont even have to wear a goddamn seatbelt there!!!!
@@Bri0reosspoken like a CHILD 😂😂
What the hell!? Used to be such an awesome state.
If this predatory, disgusting, deplorable system thinks for one second that i am going to pay my dead relatives debts whenever i FINALLY get my slice of the cake, they got me f'd up. Ill pull out all my money, close my bank accounts, buy a rv or van with cash and live in it i straight up dgaf. They are not getting a dime from me. I dont/cant even pay my own debts, like hell am i going to pay the debts of any of my family.
As a late Boomer from ‘59, she is right. I’m angry as hell at the way this country is manipulated by the rich to vote against supporting its population.
I started with the gift of a vehicle from my parents. I got tuition reimbursement, WIC to help feed my kids, affordable state college tuition to become a nurse and now get a pension. However I’m about as mad as this young lady. I’ve voted for social education, health care and progressive programs all my life. I care for my 90 year old mom in my home who lives off social security. My plan though throughout life was to avoid debt, pay it off as soon as possible and passed this plan on to my kids who have no tuition debt.
Rice and beans, clearance clothing, camping vacations, used cars, grow your own, don’t buy into debt, stay healthy and educated. Maybe we’ll survive what is coming.
I just talked to someone about this. My parents took out a 30 year mortgage IN THEIR 50’s!!!! My mom has been a SAHM since the early 2000’s and my dad isn’t going to be able to work until his 80’s. I’m the eldest by 10 years. My dad scoffed when I said I would have to financially plan for them. They’re conservative voters who hate social supports yet ask to borrow money from me NOW. Not planning for them anymore 🤷🏽♀️
You can sell homes without paying the mortgage off. Calm down, jasmine.
Can’t they just sell the house and downsize? Not everyone sees out their entire mortgage duration.
@ my parents are borrowing money from me a bit too regularly. I’m not confident they won’t lose it or make some other bad decision. Their lack of transparency isn’t comforting. They also relied on my grandparents for years so they don’t have much in the way of retirement. The house was an emotional decision. It’s more a matter of knowing them than this specific issue.
My husband had us wait until he retired from the Army in his early 40s. I wasn’t too pleased. It’s why I’m helping him pay the house off faster. No one wants to be burdened with that mess.
@@jasmine1926my mom used to “borrow” money from me as soon as I started working at 16 to pay bills. Once the electric bill was up to $5000… I didn’t have it and a partial payment wasn’t going to stop the company from shutting it off. I moved out at 18 and she was still asking for money to help with the mortgage. The house was falling apart because they didn’t have money to fix it. I debated on taking over the mortgage for a little bit but did NOT want to move back so we did not do that. House went into foreclosure shortly after the 2008 crash, they did a short sale to walk away with something. Rented for awhile and then became homeless. Got a low income apartment a few years later (which I personally think the rent is too damn high). Mom passed away in 2019 and thankfully my dad’s job covered the cremation expense (Shout out to Home Depot). My dad had a good paying job until his second heart attack in 2007, after being laid off he was never able to get back into his field. Financially he’s better off now but it’s still a struggle. I’m grateful his insurance has been covering all his medical care (so far). I love my parents, they did the best they could, but adult children should not be footing the bills unless they want to.
Yall are already struggling to get us to have kids and now you want us to babysit our grown parents too? Ok.
Boomer generation had it cheap/good due to # of their generation. If millennials mass birthed a huge generation of kids then society would have to reshape around them and cost of things would go down. With less and less ppl cost gets spread out aka goes up
@@ElinWinblad ummmm i don't think that's how inflation works. 😂😂😂😂
If anything mass reproduction will increase demand without the man power nor resources to fulfill said demand driving prices up. The just had the boom of a war and industrial period following it in they favor. Also national debt wasn't over 2 trillion dollars. They just had overall more stable economic conditions. Mass population won't fix the problem it would just make it worse. Mass population decline overtime will actually help. Because with less people the demand increase driving prices down as goods go into an overflow or reduce production saves money also wages are likely to go up because af the limited amount of people and the abundance of work that needs to be done. So now u have an high hiring demand.
Again it won't fix the problem but it would help. Inflation will never stop completely nor will it go back down to what it was in their generation. It is what it is. 🤷🏿
@@ElinWinbladThe older generation have syphoned everything. There are not enough resources on the planet for a lot more people for one. And 2 if it was not currently so expensive to have kids more people would consider it. I hate suggesting people should just have kids as if there are not large expenses that come with it. Do not have kids if you cannot afford them. They were not brought into this world to suffer. People can barely take care of themselves.
The real issue is politicians have stopped taking into consideration how certain policies are harmful to the people they are supposed to serve. They are in the pockets of big corporations. Everything they do is to benefit the few people at the top. And that's the majority of politicians regardless of party. Other countries who are not as rich have figured it out. Look up employment laws in other developed nations and see how employees are protected. look at their public transportation and how advanced it is and ask yourself why it not like that in America and read about how the Ford brothers spent millions and years to block any legislation that promoted better public transportation so people would rely on cars. Compare prices of college and university in the US to other countries. There are so many more examples.
@@ElinWinbladthat’s unsustainable regardless
@@SCA1273 scientists say we are due for population flip which is why we are having so much consolidation not enough ppl. Boomers parents had kids even if they couldn’t afford it and society was forced to adjust to those numbers and that caused childcare etc to be cheaper
I think this young woman had a moment of realization of how much longer, and even harder she has to work to afford those bills. her frustration is understandable.
It's shocking how many parents disrespect, hurt, and guilt their children and then expect their help later in life. My parents have taught and given me respect my whole life and I'm ready to support them financially if need be. But I also know that they planned for their life without me or my siblings being their safety net.
People making and/or enforcing these laws are acting like the others being forced to take care of their parent won’t stage “accidents,” create hostile environments, or delay in calling 911 in the hopes to speed along their parents’ end.
My mother was a boomer. She had the best economy, the best everything.
She got a house mortgage, a mortgage, as a single mother, and she worked as a cashier.
A cashier!
And heck back then if she worked 2 jobs, by herself, she could have gotten 2 mortgages.
Now it’s 2024 and I can’t even find a job. Houses are 1 million dollars and apartments half a million.
I’ve been looking and looking for a job for a whole year. Over 700+ resumes I believe.
A guy I dated is in the same boat, he is also looking for a job too, and his parents were boomers too and had it good.
Yeah, the economy sucks now.
Must’ve been a white boomer
Tbh her anger is valid because as somebody from Ohio, when my grandfather and grandmother died, they left my already broke family in more debt and it's so fucking unfair. Why should we have to take on the responsibility of somebody's own mistakes?
Like they were nice grandparents, and I loved them, but that doesn't excuse why WE should have to pay their burden.
Because you would not be alive without them!!!
@@The_LION_Emperordoesnt count
@Ghost_of_Joe_Biden the Bible says " better yet are those who were never born because they hane not seen the evil works done under the sun." So I'm not sure what you are talking about. That's eclessiates 4:3 in case you were wondering.
@@The_LION_Emperorno one asks to be born. Having babies is not an accomplishment. You don’t owe your fetal carrier and sperm donor anything
@Ghost_of_Joe_Biden i love how you say that like its a flex you do know that some people have suffered since they were born right also life ain't always sunshine and flowers or even a blessing so stop saying that shit
My dad paid our education up to bachelor's and said while we're in his house we will never go hungry or have to pay for bills. But he never gave us a leg up after that. House, car, spouse, etc, we're on our own. Why? Cos he's busy putting aside money for himself and our mother. Now he's comfortably retired and us kids are free to build our our finance to prepare for our future.
My parents didn't even pay for my education. They actually drained my savings since I was a child to pay for their stuff.
@@pkmntrainernumbers8111 okay
Lol when did it go from "i can't afford kids" to "i can't afford to have parents"
I felt her rage. I feel it.
Old people like bootstraps, right? Lets give em those.
And churches. Maybe the church should take care of them
@@heysarasalot of old people are just as atheistic
Technically, they love currency devaluation. They get to keep the house equity and devalue your wages in order to maintain their standard of living That's how it works.
@user-Kova15 Not really, no. It's mainly with more recent generations that people have been trending against religion. The main group who complains about it and blame us for that are Boomers.
@@heysarasmany of these old people, especially men, avoid church
In my culture, the adult children financially take care of their parents until they pass on. We're basically viewed as retirement plans and it has been happening for a while. Im not sure how they expect us to build generational wealth if we keep taking car of our parents AND kids. It doesn't make sense to me. As a kid I heard "I cant wait until you start working so you can finally take care of me" a lot... like please this isn't how its supposed to be.
lol are you Asian? Sounds like Asian families. I dunno I’ve been working since before I was legal to work and been taking care of my parents since 25. I dunno I guess when it’s part of your culture it’s not a big deal?? But also my parents did a lot to help set me up for generational wealth so I also don’t know how this young lady feels.
@@itsjstjanetbh that’s a lot black family’s mainly single mom homes if I am being so honest my father don’t ask me to take care of him
@@itsjstjane not just Asians. Many cultures including Americans (although more quiet about it) do this. U should hear carriben and African parents. Absolutely the worst
I think there are nuances to this. I'm African and this is quite common. But in all honesty, I wouldn't have it any other way. My parents don't really expect me or my siblings to but trust me the stampede to is unreal😅. There is nothing I would not do. From watching a lot of videos online, I honestly realise what I grew up knowing as family where I'm from seems does not exist everywhere. As such I never can relate to a lot of 'American' family dynamics. None of us are ever forced to leave home at a certain age, they know it's rough out there and unless if you have to, your space in the family home is always guaranteed. Our social fabric is just different I guess. That doesn't mean it's any superior, it's just that_different.
I commented almost the exact same thing!!
My boomer parents did not plan for retirement and so can't. They get pensions but still work side jobs to keep afloat. My boomer in laws on the other hand are burning through money like it's going out of style. Annual trip to Hawaii, annual skiing trip, annual trip to DC, annual trip to Vegas, annual trip to the Smokey Mountains for the last 3 years at least. That's not including international trips or stays at their vacation home. Their attitude is we earned it. I'm sure they did and they really are lovely people.
They're constantly offering to take us with them but we can't afford it because we need to pay off student loans...which they could easily help us do so that we could afford to someday do some of those things with them. My mil told my husband the reason she thinks we always turn down their offer is because I'm the fun police. The real reason is we need to pay off our student loans so we can save for retirement and apparently take in my mom and disabled brother when dad dies.
No real reason to post this except that there's nowhere else I can vent. Recently my in laws traveled to the aegean to go island hopping (the place i wanted to take our honeymoon) and did the exact things i had wanted to do and then came home and wanted me to sit and look at all their pics. Social tact is not their strong suit. 🙄
We've been told for decades now that Social Security is going to get cut/be insolvent by the time we need it but we continue to pay into it so the previous generation can still get THEIR benefits out. So as soon as our parents went on SS, we were already paying for their basics in a way that we've been told we will never get back. 🤷♀️
3:10 shiii white girl was SPITTING FAX. Righteous Indignation: a feeling of anger and shock that is motivated by a sense of injustice or moral wrong
You can become legally estranged from you parents to where they are no longer seen as you parents legally if you really want to cry about it
It’s morally wrong to not care about your parents and spend all your money on Starbucks going into debt what’s funny is the older generation has paid more for the younger generation even past adulthood age so get over yourself
@@haleylogsdon8791 Starbucks versus a medical bill are two different things. The older generation hasn't given our generation a leg up to even be able to do so. They were selfish and irresponsible and are using the newer generation to foot the bill and that is unfair and unjust
@@haleylogsdon8791What about all the boomers who pissed away their money on gambling and cruises.
@@haleylogsdon8791 kids don't owe their parents anything as they didn't choose to be here. If you didn't plan and save for your old age then that's on YOU. Go take a loan or keep working until you die if you want to cry about it some more. It's not the kids fault that their parents are financially illiterate nor is it their responsibility to be taking care of that at the expense of their own future or even their kids future. Leeching off of your kids is the truly morally wrong thing to do.
4:57 my husband and I were just discussing the fact that my parents were medically negligent in to me. I needed a back brace for my scoliosis, they didn’t get me one, I needed braces, they didn’t get me them. But I have three sisters who all got braces and medical needs met. 2 older and one younger. But my mom took me to the psych dr, never let me talk, would talk for me about how terrible I was, and got me medicated at 11 on for bipolar disorder…. Over 20 years later I went off meds with the help of my doctor to try to get pregnant… and for miraculously was more mentally stable than I have ever been in my life. 2 years later I still am mentally stable. My doctor agreed that I was probably misdiagnosed as bipolar before she left the practice. My parents were also absent, when they were home they were emotionally and physically abusive. I got spanked multiple times a day with various objects and my sisters rarely ever did. I was told I was stupid and constantly told I needed to lose weight.
The bad thing is living in Kentucky… I’d probably be responsible for them. I keep them at a distance now as an adult.
The crazy thing is my husband has taken care of my medical needs and emotional needs.
He got me braces to fix my teeth as much as they could be fixed as an adult. 10 years ago he paid for me to get an experimental medical brace for my back. I told him today after my retainer follow up how wild it is that he has cared for me better than my parents ever did. I got emotional and cried.
I’m so sorry you went though that in your childhood, sending a virtual hug❤
I’m so happy that you have such a lovely husband!
You didn't deserve any of that cruelty or neglect. I'm glad you have real love in your life now.
Wow, your story sounds exactly like mine. I mean word for word. My mother has Munchausen by Proxy. Maybe yours did too.
My mother had a 401k. She blew through it in very wasteful ways in just a few years. She tiled the walls in her bathroom and washer/dryer closet for no reason whatsoever. 😒 And she reverse mortgaged her house. And now she needs help. I tried to help her manage her money better for years and she got mad at me every single time. I warned her I wouldn’t help her when she went broke. I knew it was coming. And then she started asking for help.
Im a millennial and and I've had this conversation with my boomer grandmother and she definitely confirmed everything this lady is saying it's messed up but the adults had warned us back since middle school that these benefits would not be there for us when we reached retirement age so the next generations better start saving accordingly
Right... in this messed up economy?
Easier said then done.
Can't save when they don't pay you enough accordingly. You literally have to be doing some shady stuff to get ahead, or stupid lucky. And by 'shady', I don't necessarily mean illegal. Investors are scooping wealth away from the workers who actually produce real products and labor, and stuffing it in their pockets.
This is a raw depiction of "Anger" in the 5 steps of grief.
The government is going to say we should be able to “reasonably” support our parents so they don’t have to support them for us. It’s so obvious. This feels unjust and unreal.
Sure I’d like to have the means to support my parents if they really needed the help, but if the government is saying I am forced to that’ll just make parents rely on their kids instead of actually trying themselves.
And you will leave the state and the government will go bankrupt.
"Making us support them so the government doesn't have to support them for us." Spot on 🎯 💯
And so prices can stay artificially inflated because they can get all the services they want at any price and it's someone elses problem
If they wanted us to support them, then they shouldn't of taxed us for Social Security reasons. The whole purpose of that was to ensure people could have the security to retire...now suddenly that's all gone? Gone 'POOF!'? Should've let us keep the money then. It's like when they give funding to FEMA, but suddenly they decide not to save people from disaster. It would have been better to keep that money ourselves to save OURSELVES from disaster.
But let's be real: Those in power just want everyone dead, so they and their children can have the entire planet to themselves.
Sad thing is there are abusive parents that give their kids only the basics and that would qualify for that so they can hurt their children again even when the kids try to get away from them.
Like there are parents that once the kid reaches 18 kicks them out of the house too, leaving them without any resources. Then you gonna tell those kids hey pay up for your abusive parents?
This is my situation. I haven’t spoken to one parent in over a decade, and the other in five years. They were both horrible to me, I’ll go to prison before I care for them.
Truth. I left before I was kicked out. (I could not get out of there fast enough) But my other siblings were all kicked out (forced out) when they turned 18. They were not ready. I'm the most independent of all my siblings and I struggled but not as much as them. They were set up to fail.
Im sick of hearing elderly with pension complain they can't afford a stick of butter when their pension is significantly better. I have to work until 62 to collect full benefits and contribute entirely towards my pension. It's basically an IRA that i'm forced into. If anyone is wondering what i'm talking about, look up Tier 6 pension compared to previous Tiers.
I know. I am tier 4, at 57 can retire but still won't get SSI until 62 or maybe 65.
@@zrt7195And that's if there is anything left for you to claim when you are 65. Future generations will not get Social Security with the way things are right now
Actually you can get a dr to write off on pretty much anything and retire at 50 due to health, all they have to say is it’s in the best interest of your health to retire early. You can draw ssi, work part time then after so much time has passed you can work full time, all while drawing ssi, and at whatever age get your whole 401k without penalties. I’m not sure what time constraints before you can work full time, I plan to check on that before then. I recently heard about this from a coworker from a previous job
There was a time when I was working and some of our retirees were making more money from their pensions than I was making working every day. Beyond frustrating. Good for them, but those fantastic benefits were whittled away. Now when I retire 25 years later…I still wont collect as much from my pension as those boomers did all those years ago.
With a $300 pension??? 🤦🏾♂️
Social Security is not a benefit. It's OUR money that we paid into the system. OUR parents elected LBJ who legalized congress raiding the social security funds to pay for other stuff.
things started going downhill fast with the "spend it while i'm alive!" trend in the 80s, 90s instead of passing down an inheritance to help their descendants.
I don’t have children and I work in a hospital. I get this all the time “you don’t have kids? Who is gonna take care of you when you’re old?”
Look, none of those poor elderly people in the permanent unit have seen their children in years. They get dropped off like baggage. The truth is people can’t just put their lives on hold and it’s tough. It might not even be malice. I don’t expect my children to take care of me. I think we should take care of our future and set things up. It is a burden, financially, mentally and physically.
Both my parents have and had cancer. It was really tough to take care of them at times but I love them and they love me. I didn’t feel obligated. They took care of me and I want to for them. But it is so HARD sometimes. I got life threateningly depressed.
People who are already struggling cannot bear extra weight. I have a good relationship with my family, but imagine being abused only to be abused again by law?
Ive heard of adult children who care about their parents having no choice but to abandon them at an ER when their dementia gets too severe because the parent requires constant care and the child can’t afford to be home with them, or hire a caretaker, or to put them in a nursing home. It’s like women that hand over their newborns at ERs. They assume that at least their loved one will survive here
I already have my answer to that question of "Who is gonna take care of you when you're old?":
Mr. Smith and Wesson
I have a boomer parent who literally got a free house, good GM pension, bought a rental property for like 9k cash in the 90s, but now he needs help, now he wants to hear from me. Sir what? I feel this girl’s frustration.
What??!! 😮😲No way, hell no!
Starter homes in the area my parents purchased their first home for was $50-$60k and their combined income was $68k/yr. That same area has starter homes for $280k w/$60-$80k/yr combined salary.
Our are starter homes are $529k and combined income is still $60-$80k/yr.
That's college educated stats for parents/children.
The average home price in my area is $780k and the average individual earning is $38k.
Make it make sense.
It's not supposed to make sense they are doing it on purpose destroying middle class on purpose
This is EXACTLY why I won't care. The boomers went up the ladder, pulled it up behind them, then act like we are the lazy ones!!!
WHERE ARE OUR STARTER HOMES??. All we get are permits approved for 500k homes and overpriced rentals NOTHING in between, yet BOOMERS want our help??? F NO!!!
Same here in suburban NE Kansas. The houses used to be $110,000"renovated" little ranches 3 bed 1 bath 1 car garages at 1,200 sqft. Now they go for $300,000.
Y'all voted democrat and live beyond your means.
@@Jkarsjenslol how many Boomers voted Democrat and left everyone holding the bag? The kids didn't make up these laws
I’m in Ohio and I’m 62. My dad had to retire at 62 because his company shut down to be relocated overseas. Guess what ? He was two years shy of getting his pension. So he lost out. Not everyone had or has the opportunity to get a pension unless you have a government paid job, (teachers, police, fire). 401ks we’re new when pensions were leaving and most brokers were sharks back then. I remember one time losing $400 a month more than I put in when the market was down. We’ve had recessions, job losses (going overseas or another country mostly). Most of the economy of the middle class came from factories. Back when I started working minimum wage was $2.30 per hour. $10 an hour was a good wage. If you saved 10%, you’re looking at .23 cents to $1, per hour. But when the economy was tough, you had to use it to eat. I did not know this rule was in effect. I get so frustrated hearing young people blaming “boomers” for everything. We don’t get to vote on most of this stuff that gets passed. We all were in your shoes at one time or another. I remember one time not having food and our assistance was standing in a line for peanut butter and government cheese. We knew a grocer who had a box of canned good where the labels had fallen off. He couldn’t sell them because of that and gave them to us. I would shake the can to guess what it was and that’s what we ate for dinner. Yes, there are some boomers that had it good, but a lot didn’t. For someone to win, someone has to lose. I’m tired of everyone being divided to keep their eyes off the real villain. We’re being divided by race and generations to point the fingers at each other. Believe me, I was upset I didn’t get the same opportunities as the small group that had it good. Many of those are in the late 70-80s in age. The end age group they consider boomers kind of got left out and are being blamed. As our jobs got shipped overseas, we kept sliding backwards and having to start over. My youngest daughter (is like the girl who is ranting) economy wise. Believe me, I’m pissed for her and I’m pissed for me. I see the writing on the wall. I’m helping her get, and keep, footing now. I would rather die than make my children get stuck with a bill that’ll hurt them, so thanks for the heads up. Not all us parents are trying to put one on you.
Agreed. But most of their complaints have the premise of parents who had it pretty good, treated them like trash and were thoughtless in their forethought regarding smart spending and generational wealth.
Mine was a single mom. But she HAD to refinance a PAID off home because she wanted to go here and go there. She had to keep up with the shopping and spending of clothing and etc. That didn't make sense to me. Refinance over a good reason not a superficial one. 🤦🏾
That's not true. Every boomer is personally contacted by Congress and State legislators before any bill becomes a law. Moreover, if we can't be contacted by phone or email, they pay us a personal visit to get our opinions before moving forward. Politicians are influenced by Boomers first and then lobbyists.
Having this built into the law is vile. Guess what, if you didn’t treat your children like shit then they will WANT to have a relationship with you and take care of you (if they can). Mandating that anyone who was provided basic shelter and food for 16 years, which is a pretty low bottom line, HAS to financially take care of their parents is insane to me
I have been begging my mom since I was 11-12 years old (I am 29 now) to save her money and to try to find ways to increase her money. I would miss days from school helping her get her GED (which she never got), trying to talk positivity into her, and trying to help her get a budget together. Did she ever do better? NO! She wasn’t a bad parent but she just could never save money. Right now she has absolutely no savings, no health insurance… yet spend $250 on a new mirror for her bedroom when her car is in need of repairs. I absolutely REFUSE to help her when the inevitable happens.
She might have ADHD or some other neurodivergence, it doesn't matter how logically I think, I need regular help not giving into insane impulses like a random mirror. It's not an excuse just an angle to approach it from. If that is the problem, it will never improve until that's understood. The trying to improve your life and not sticking to it thing sounds horribly familiar
You can create a ballot initiative, which is a way of making new laws undoing the current filial laws. It's one of the best ways to undo the filial laws, with or without the support of the boomers and their colleagues in state legislatures. It's one thing to help one's parents out of love. It's a completely different thing to have an entitled old person believe they have the right to claw money out of your paycheck for 20-30+ years.
My parents were making $150+k a year until my mom ended up on disability in her late 50s. My dad has hustled and has a nest egg of stocks but mom....has over 100k in student debt that won't be dying with her, medical issues that are building each year, and the weird idea that she can live off her $2300/month social security when she needs the extra care. They have a house that they let fall apart and let the insurance lapse. In order to get it reinsured it'll have to pass inspection. It won't. They haven't stayed on top of their taxes, property and otherwise, for a few years now. I grew up in an environment of financial irresponsibility. We could buy a $300 gazebo to rot in storage for years, but we couldn't swing more than 1 dentist appointment every few years. We could afford to remodel the kitchen every two years but we couldn't afford to level the house so the walls didn't buckle and break. Too rich for college aid, but no money to help. I don't even wanna know what debts are hiding in the floorboards. My sisters are in denial of how bad it's gonna get. I'm slowly creeping further away geographically so I'm not the first choice when shtf because it will and it's not my problem. Cold as that is. They had every chance to set themselves, and us kids, up for success and flubbed it hard.
Those student loans will pass on to you after death. I suggest leaving the country and changing your name.
Children generally don’t inherit a parent’s debt unless it is for something they co-signed. However if there is outstanding debt they usually go after the assets in a person’s estate. So you may not inherit any money/property when your parents pass away if they have more debt than assets, but the parents’ debt won’t be transferred to you or your siblings. (Not to minimize anything you said, caring for them might still cost you/your siblings while they are aging if they are financially irresponsible, but just want to let you know in case you are afraid of being stuck with their debt)
@@vickell2887this filial law business will make sure that able-bodied children will inherit their parents medical debt before the death of the parents.
@vickell2887 Thanks. I'm not really worried about us inheriting the debts directly. My parents live in a state that operates under communal debt (I think that's the term). If my mom dies first, which she likely will given the state of her health, my dad will inherit the full responsibility for her private school loans and other debts. Knowing him, he'll try to pay them off as a matter of pride and ruin his nest egg in the process. Then my sisters will try to help where they can and then it'll set them back and then yada yada. I don't expect to inherit anything but my sisters and parents are expecting the house to stay in the family. Odds are, before either parent goes the house will either get dragged out from under them due to back taxes or damaged naturally and they'll drain tons of money trying to hold onto it. It's just....sad, you know. Any way this plays out, it's going to be sad and it didn't have to be.
I think it more than just kids taking care of their parents. I think it's about the politicians that are older generations or have been voted in by older generations, systematically stripping away all the safety nets for the generations after them.
It’s absolutely cruel and I hate watching this happen.
This is absolutely what's happening and (I believe) exactly what the girl in the video is saying also.
The cake is a lie. There is no cake .. because the boomers and their politicians ate what they could and threw away the rest.
@@sw3783 It used to, actually. But then boomers voted in our current crop of politicians who signed away a lot of our rights and now actively defend that new status quo.
@@sw3783 Bullets do though
Thank you for doing this video!!!
I had NO CLUE!!!
My dad is a very sweet man, but he's very financially irresponsible. He has no retirement savings because he blew it all on lotto tickets. So I definitely understand that lady's frustration! I'm in Florida, so this probably won't apply to my situation. I empathize with the people in this predicament.
People arent having kids because of money. People are now being FORCED to take on a dependant. So the reason why they choose not to have kids - to have money for retirement, to buy a home, is not null. It doesnt matter, they must now pay for another person. And who determines their financial capacity to take care of their parents? And how fair will it be?
I was born in 1985 (millennials) and I have expressed my frustration over my parents and those before me not thinking about future generations. They have done nothing to build generational wealth. So yeah I’m pissed 😡
😂😂😂😂I’ve been talking to my family since I was ten years old.
Crickets…. 🦗 won’t tell me nothing
I’m cool 😎 at this point, just don’t ask me for nothing. Apparently yall got it 😂
Exactly. People really don't realize how the boomers are the worst. The same people (boomers) that are coming with these policies are the same ones that siphoned money and labour from their parents and pawned them off to retirement homes when they were too sickly. The same retirement homes paid for by the government.
I'm not even mad about the generational wealth thing. It just pisses me off that they get to essentially live without consequences because they get pushed onto either their kids or the taxpayer (also their kids lol)
I absolutely refuse to pay for care because my father squandered his money. I spent the first 10 years of my adult life managing the bills and making sure he was the most comfortable he had ever been. I tried time and time again to get him to save ANYTHING, to have a financial safety net if something happened, but he never allowed it to happen. The number of times I heard “it’s MY money” made me want to scream. I would have to pay for emergencies (often on credit cards) and he would pay me back, sometimes I would just have to eat that cost.
I finally realized that if I continued the way I was, that my finances would always be tied to him and I would never get out of the paycheck to paycheck life he led. I can’t and won’t let him ruin my future too.
As the older generations say “you made your bed”.
The real issue here is USA is doing anything to not implement universal health care. This is yet another way to keep people in the struggle. I'm grateful my parents are extremely honest about their finances but this is awful and honestly can severely harm people's mental health if they had a harmful relationship with their parents.
Universal healthcare is a sham
That will just mean higher taxes 😮💨
Damn right
@@Jem4u90 look at how people are dying in the UK and Canada, while the government denies or delays healthcare
There is no such thing as free. Universal healthcare just means higher taxes, worse medical coverage, longer wait times for appointments, and less incentive for the brightest students to become doctors.
Bad all around
I’m a boomer woman. After decades of work, I was able to purchase a home mortgage free. I was thrilled to have my daughter and her family move in. It allows her and her husband to save enough to be able to provide my granddaughters with a similar situation in the future. If families can work together, it is still possible to accumulate “generational wealth”.
My parents blew all of. Their money and opportunities chasing pipe dreams. My dad has 3 college degrees inn3 different fields, and has failed to identify any of them, instead opting to be a career student. They somehow managed to own 3 houses, but rented them out at near nothing and were surprised when they got rented by broke drug users that trashed the houses and plummeted their value. They spent 300,000 from inheritance in a single year, mostly on a time share in Mexico we used 3 times. I grew up with the ceiling falling on me as I slept and a father I couldn't talk to because I would get yelled to for interrupting his studies, and a mother who was never home because she was keeping the family financially afloat. We had money to go out to eat twice a week and order food all the time but never had enough money for me to have lunch money on school trips. Always got yelled at for not keeping the house cleaned but every mess in the house was always theirs, and now they expect me to house them in their old age when I'm on my feet and they want to retire. I never want to live in a house with them again considering the disgusting state they like to live in.
I'm thankful my parents are financially ok. They don't need me to assist. My mom retired with a pension then went back to work out of boredom and will retire again next year. My dad is straight, too.
Our goal is to not be a burden to our children, either.
For now they are ok. If they develop dementia or need nursing home care for another reason, can they pay $10,000 a month for years on end?
@@turquoise_sky Financially educated people usually have all of that planned. I refuse to lean on my children when i get up in age. i just want their time, not their money!!
This sounds like a horror movie. I can’t imagine having to pay for my parents bills without my consent. They chose to have me, not the other way around. Imagine how many people whose lives are going to be destroyed by this??
The main problem with this is the government looks at your paycheck before taxes and says you make so much money. Yeah. Before taxes. Government doesn't go over our Bills, medicals, rent.
Then being forced with more finances that we didn't sign up for and if we don't pay, jail time.
I live in Louisiana which is one of these states. Me and my husband just paid off our house, only for my husband's lawyer to say our house can legally be taken because of this.
There's a loophole because my husband financial can't care for himself as he's disabled. That's how we got off the hook.
Imagine being an adult and making smart decisions and making it through life and struggling on your right decision making. Only to be told everything you've worked so hard for will be taken from you because your parents made poor decisions.
I am not having kids and will never have kids because I am not selfish enough to put this on my would-be children.
It didn't get dark. She reacted accordingly. Don't you dare shame her or act like she's going too far. You added nothing with your "stitch." She said it all. But thanks for sharing.
Na, she really said a lot and nothing at all at the same time. She looks young, has a car, and is throwing a tantrum. Im a millennial and almost a gen Z and own a home, i know someone that is almost 22 and has 40K on his personal account and a better car than me. Her parents failed her, not society. Probably, record less and work on a solution. But noone on tik tok will tell you that, they have a pack mentality and cry and cry!!! But noone tries anything to do better. They just cry because its easier and it gets them attention.
@@halakon666 Privileged, tone-deaf response. Just because YOU were fortunate doesn't mean the societal issues don't exist! Smdh
You can create a ballot initiative, which is a way of making new laws undoing the current filial laws. It's one of the best ways to undo the filial laws, with or without the support of the boomers and their colleagues in state legislatures. It's one thing to help one's parents out of love. It's a completely different thing to have an entitled old person believe they have the right to claw money out of your paycheck for 20-30+ years.
My dad was born the year after the Boomer cut-off. He was a good dad for the most part and he made good money. The problem was that he was kind and financially irresponsible.
He would “loan” people money and figured he would get paid back. He hardly ever did. He got into so much debt that he never told his two kids or his immigrant wife about. Then when he developed early dementia and could no longer work or fix the mess he created, guess who had to fix it? His kids. My mom still couldn’t speak English well and never had to handle financial matters before. She didn’t know how. It caused so much unnecessary stress to the two of us who had to deal with it. And are still dealing with it.
That said, I do feel some of the anger is misplaced. We SHOULD be angry, but I think more eyes should also turn to the GOVERNMENT AND POLITICIANS who suggested this law. They are trying to offload financial responsibility on children so companies still get paid instead of having the adults or government cover it themselves.
Disabled 20 year old with a boomer parent here. My dad is 62, in Indiana, and I live with egg donor in Virginia.
My dad has to take care of his mom. He's still working. He's stretched thin, financially supporting her, who squandered her money on alcohol and clothes, and me and my friend(also disabled, long story, unrelated) who currently live with egg donor. I can't work. I can't really walk. Right now, I'm being medically neglected.
I'm scared for my dad. He's deteriorating. But I CAN'T take care of him. These laws need to be dismantled. Her outrage is justified.
As a 47 year old with a child with special needs. I just found out I'm on cognitive decline with damage to my brain. No diagnosis but either Ms that is attacking my brain or dementia. We will all form this brain deterioration if we don't live/eat right but will some even so. It's sad myself and my 7 year old who is severely affected by down syndrome, autism, heart failure, global delays(he is not and likely will not be independent) could end up in a facility one of these days together.
I feel in your situation your dad is doing his best. I give him props for trying working, taking care of his mother, etc., to be neglected is not okay. I work for in home health care services for elderly and disabled. You and your grandma can both get these services, hours based on needs. Medicaid and Medicare will cover these costs for your care.
Filial law. A lot of old people are going to be pushed down the stairs. "Oh no, mom fell." 🤫
Gotta make sure its a lot of stairs because you gotta pay their medical bills if they make it out lol
I'm a minority in a Eastern European country, and the way my community works, you support your kids for much longer than it's considered normal in the West, and then your kids take care of you in your old age instead of sending you to any kind of an institution. I'd never leave my parents without support, but even I wouldn't want to do what I deem right because some law dictates so. The fact that some US states even needs this type of laws is telling. Maybe if older people didn't neglect their kids, they wouldn't need the government to step up for them.
P.S. this young lady sounds so emotional, there's definitely some story there, hope she's ok.
Yeah having institutions like carehomes is the mark of a developed country. Generally countries who have a culture of taking care of elders for the rest of their life is one of tradition and a hyper capitalist country like America needs these institutions in order to function
I'm Asian and I immigrated to the US. I noticed it's more of the US culture of individuality and selfishness makes it so everyone is thinking about oneself instead of the family unit. It's another reason why divorce is so high. It's another reason people complain that they don't get along with their family and have no friends.
Some American parents spoil their kids to no end and once they become 18 they expect them to leave the house and be adults. Maybe instead of buying whatever toys they want as kids they should teach their kids actual independence. All these young people screaming about boomers are pretty spoiled young people. They don't actually learn honor and respect and just scream about "I want" "I need!"
The ones who raised their kids right and the ones who have kids who will be there for them. The ones who taught theirs kids independence and respect have successful kids with stable jobs with decent or great pays.
Also for a capitalistic country they sure have many young adults taking on non-practial careers and also delayed responsibilities. Also don't forget the debt society where everyone owes money somewhere and delays paying off their debts.
I don't speak to my parents...😑can't imagine being asked to pay their bills.
I found out my dad died when a credit card company me. I simply said I hadn’t talked to him in 10 years and hung up
I'm chronically ill and don't have kids and I've gotten the " who's gonna take care of you " question a lot. I always say I'm seriously ill, my body is gonna shut down more and more. I will be in a nursing home for sure. Not looking forward to it but I refuse to be a burden on my family or friends
State Governments just don’t want to be on the hook for all the entitled Boomers who squandered their money & made bad decisions, so they passed laws to force adult children to pay for their parents.
Parents chose to have kids. When they made that choice it was their obligation to feed, clothe, house and raise those children. Those children did not choose any of this.
This is going to result in so much hatred for elderly parents.
That hatred belongs with the govt too
This is my first time ever hearing about this. It really sad that our government can send our taxes over seas to help others and we can’t get them to support our elderly citizens. I’m Gen X and retired 3 years ago. I just bought my father and stepmother a new stove because they needed it. I bought my mother a new dinning room set. I have always taken care of my mother and will continue to do so but being forced to by the government is terrible.
im gen x too. i remember in junior high being told we will have no social security by the time we need it.
Ukraine is a war - Grandma isn't going to clean her house sig ammunition
Which isn't to say they're strictly giving them overstock but any money on new equipment gets funneled back into American arms companies (not saying that's a good thing necessarily but the majority of the actual capital stays here, for better or worse)
Assuming we got the tax *raises* on billionaires like we were supposed to.. _that_ might've been enough to cover things all the way around, but alas.. Seems the rest of America had other plans about that
It's actually military contracts where we waste most of our money. Buying weapons and vehicles that effectively just sits in warehouses gathering dust unless we decide to go commit violence overseas. Also giving hand outs to billion dollar corporations. Our waste is making the number go up for people who have more money than some of those other countries. They just like to complain about overseas because they don't want to be looked at for embezzling tax funds for personal profit.
Send our tax money where exactly? I'm GenX, retired military, both parents deceased. Now if million and billionaires pay what they owe instead of all these tax cuts and shelters a lot of the issues will be taken care of. We are old enough to know when this started in the 80s with Reaganomics 🙄😒 Everything has been going up exponentially since then, except wages, and the younger generations struggle with everything because of it.
@seanportgee2002 THANK 👏 YOU 👏
Holy hell.
No, I'm not taking care of my parents, they are divorced...they made good money during their working years, father is retired military and mother retired from school nutrition.....they had a house full junk and never went anywhere....but made sure to keep up with the Joneses.
It's not my responsibility to take care of them. I'm choosing to remain child free and single until I see fit otherwise. Right now, I'm taking care of me because when I get to retirement age, there may not be Social Security to look forward to and many jobs aren't offering retirement packages as they were 30-40 years ago. Phone on 68%.
Thank you so much! I appreciate the love and support 💓
I sat my parents down a long time ago to talk about their debt because I wasn't going to be stuck with it . I added it up including the house and the cost of a funeral plus $30000 over that incase they were in the hospital. I got them whole life insurance and they agreed it was a good idea. I explained it wasn't trying to make money off of them but it's not my debt either. I will still help them if they need it. They actually were grateful.
My brother and I learned about that law when our estranged father died and we suddenly had to pay over 60k in Medicaid bills. He did not have retirement, savings, and only had stocks. We went into massive debt for basically a stranger dying.
Ummmmm that’s crazy ….did you pay it ?
Let it go go collections
That's not your parent screwing you. That's the federal government trying to screw you.
I've never heard of it being legal to try to recoup Medicaid expenses from a surviving child.
If you paid it, you got fleeced
This has always been something that weighs heavy on me because my family is extremely prideful and never wants to discuss money but as the oldest I just know the math ain't mathing and the money might not be money-ing.
WOW. 😳 Don’t forget that a lot of people from this generation have gone no contact with their parent/s.
That’s so illegal. Paying for someone’s else’s debt should never be allowed period.
It's called debt slavery and I'd argue that's what social security is in the first place. Every American is born with debt accrued by previous generations that they will need to pay starting with their very first paycheck.
New Law: Before you are allowed to reproduce, you have to set up a trust fund which will pay the cost of living, housing, food, etc for your kid for the rest of their lives such that they will never have to work. Violators will be sterilized and be forced to pay child support to create the trust fund. No child will have to work for a living unless they want children of their own. That was your choice to make a kid, not theirs. You have to pay for the life you create, you are not allowed to birth slaves who then have to work off the cost of your choices themselves.
It's worse for me. Not only do I got to contribute money to the home I'm financially TRAPPED in, but I also got to physically help my dad. And I mean wipe his butt and bath him on top of taking care of the house. Otherwise I'm looking at jail time for "senior neglect". In short I'm essentially TRAPPED legally in my dad's home. This is a factor in why gen z (me included) are not wanting kids at all. WE CAN'T AFFORD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have 3 children and I will NEVER take advantage of them financially. If they WANT to help me financially i would be grateful and see it as a gift but will NEVER feel entitled to anything my kids may earn. I work hard to ensure my kids will never feel burdened as I become elderly. I’d rather starve than take from my child. They are people and deserve everything they work for, they are not my property. I love my children more than life itself.
At first I didn’t understand the young lady’s tone and hysterics, but by the end, I understood. The government once again oversteps.
And yet under steps in terms of providing the actual social support that everyone needs when they’re elderly.
"Taking care (basic things, like social security, medicare and pension) of people (whether they are parents or not) " is the Government's job, it should be what the tax is for. Us (tax payers) should be responsible for this, not some individual's children. Otherwise why even bother having a government??
Shhhhhh, that’s the extreme right’s fantasy. Create hell on earth because they assume they’ll profit from it.
The base of the problem is all these things we the people pay into our entire adult lives has been grossly mishandled by our government that was supposed to make sure it would be there when it came time to retire.
Oh dear girl, the world is not, nor has it ever been fair. Trust me. At 12 I was kicked out of my home when my mom caught my uncle SA me. Aged out of the system at 18 and it’s been a struggle ever since. Good luck but you will have to fight in this world. I got zero my entire life. It is what it is.
So we shouldn't even try to make it more fair? "It is what it is" but it doesn't HAVE to be. It is what it is, because we LET IT be that way.