How robots SAVE time and money | Painting large metal products

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • Let's figure it out: is a robot or a painter better when painting large metal products?
    Well, look, the areas are large. This means that the painter will have to move from place to place several times. It will be necessary to come up with various designs in order to rise to heights. Or use the elevators. For a robot, the project can provide a linear movement system - one/two/three axes, the movement along which will be controlled by the robot's control system
    An important factor, of course, if all technological requirements of the coating are met, is the time of painting the metal.
    For example, the robot will paint 180 square meters of surface to be painted with a layer thickness of 100 microns of wet film in 10 minutes with a layer overlap of 50%.
    One painter will have to spend about 5-6 hours of work to paint the metal of such a large and geometrically complex product, such as a car frame. This is if you don’t take time for smoke breaks or lunch. And at the same time, when painting by hand, there will be a huge waste of paint.
    Of course, I'm not saying that you can get by with just an industrial painting robot. Since there are places that are difficult for the manipulator to reach and places where the product comes into contact with the equipment. But at the same time, it is possible to ensure that when painting the same 180 square meters, only 7% may remain for manual painting.
    An important factor is human health. Even with the use of protective measures, painting 180 square meters of metal product can be harmful to human health due to the release of large amounts of harmful fumes. But nothing will happen to the robot at all.
    So, to summarize, in addition to the fact that the robot allows you to work with large-sized and complex products, such as a car body, the robotic complex also provides enormous savings for the enterprise.
    First of all, by reducing the consumption of paints and varnishes, improving the quality and stability of work, which means reducing the number of complaints from the end user of the product, which in turn will affect the reduction of warranty and post-warranty service work;
    Secondly, by reducing the energy consumption required for ventilation and lighting; reduction of equipment downtime; reducing costs for consumables and spare parts; staff reductions and a number of other factors that ultimately cost the company money.
    When taking into account a combination of factors, the total savings achieved when introducing robotic painting can be in the range of 30-50%.

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