【Apple】My MIL kept nagging me over the fact that I got dental treatment immediately after marriage!!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 29

  • @RockDay-wv8jq
    @RockDay-wv8jq 18 часов назад +25

    Honestly, I think Matt made the right choice to hide how much his wife made because he wanted to protect his wife from his mother.

    • @SifGreyfang
      @SifGreyfang 16 часов назад

      Fr yeah. His mom is an old leech that should've minded her own business

  • @sakilynn
    @sakilynn 12 часов назад +11

    Crowns, and an implant don't sound like cosmetic enhancements, they sound like a necessity.
    And Matt's smart, he knows exactly what his mother is like, and chose to protect his wife. Glad his marriage wasn't affected.

  • @rosaleenstark9187
    @rosaleenstark9187 15 часов назад +13

    I remember this one episode of apple text where the monster was so stingy and money hungry that she didn't want her son and dil to have kids because she didn't want them spending money on the baby so she tired to convince her dil to abort the baby and when she refused she tried to cause a miscarriage and failed, it was only when she learned that they had planned to get her anew home and huge allowance that she changed her mind but he cut ties with her, this monster is alot like her

  • @Native-Kitty
    @Native-Kitty 14 часов назад +6

    I enjoyed this story. Matt and Lily were badass in dealing with the MIL. I definitely agreed with Matt in how he handled his mother because she was money hungry. All Matt’s mother had to was be nice and she would have got what she wanted, but she couldn’t control her desire to be a douche.

  • @BecauseWhyNot660
    @BecauseWhyNot660 17 часов назад +6

    MIL isn't too bright. She can't understand even common phrases.😅

  • @gabrielaubry1334
    @gabrielaubry1334 14 часов назад +5

    This is screaming "I WANT ALL MONEY FOR ME ONLY!"

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 17 часов назад +6

    Actually, to make it fair, Lily should give her parents 2,000 because there are two of them and Brenda is just one person. I've not heard anything about a husband of Brenda or father for Matt.

  • @claudiaarjangi4914
    @claudiaarjangi4914 10 часов назад +1

    I really liked this story. The type of guy everyone wants.
    I've always preferred guys with less $$$ but better personalities.
    I can look after myself, money-wise,
    so CAN afford to pick a wonderful guy that suits me & treats me right.
    Who'd want to rely on HAVING to pick someone for money first, so HAVING to also put up with less-than in personality, treatment etc.
    No one is perfect or can have everything.
    We're human, not romance novel characters.
    So you've gotta pick for the important non- negotiable traits first .

  • @JTM74
    @JTM74 12 часов назад +2

    Too long and no emotional payoff.

  • @garysakamoto4007
    @garysakamoto4007 6 часов назад +2

    This story is about 30 minutes too long.

  • @instigatedeye5941
    @instigatedeye5941 2 часа назад

    2800 for an implant, plus the other work is a damn bargain, over here, the implanted tooth alone would cost that much

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 17 часов назад +1

    Lily told her MIL Brenda, the payment for the dental work was her money. Brenda just wants more money from her son for herself and Lily might cut into that money. SMH. We had to lie to my mom about EBT cards. She wouldn't let us help her financially, so we told her the EBT cards are for all people her age for free groceries. I do not like people like Brenda.

  • @breemystic
    @breemystic 5 часов назад

    I love how the mil is surprised when the DIL says okay you want money managed separately because you think your son is making more, fine, we'll do it separately, your allowance will come from your son then and your son can buy his own car.
    The MIL doesn't see that she went too far. She couldn't just take that Lily was paying for her dental work herself for an answer. She had to say, show me the bank statements that the dental work is coming out of your account.

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 17 часов назад +2

    Brenda can sure talk out of both sides of her mouth.

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 17 часов назад +1

    Is it just me, or is Matt just interested in Lily for her money prospects.

  • @SandraBagans
    @SandraBagans 18 часов назад +9

    Mom you were told multiple times stay out of things that don't concern you. But you just couldn't do that and now you have to deal with the aftermath

  • @donnarupert4926
    @donnarupert4926 12 часов назад

    Seems like so many MILs are so insufferable 😖Lilly needs to mind her beeswax!!!

    • @Nitro89
      @Nitro89 9 часов назад

      I think you mean Brenda or her friend Audrey since Lilly is the daughter in law

  • @Mehp2
    @Mehp2 18 часов назад +2

    Well some of that made no sense towards the end. Not to mention they spent the last 5-10 minutes talking in circles.

    • @LoveOnTheInsidex3
      @LoveOnTheInsidex3 2 часа назад

      The way she kind of said her husband wasn’t all that handsome?? I was confused

  • @SandraBagans
    @SandraBagans 18 часов назад +10

    I'm sorry but taking care of your mouth is just as important as everything else.

    • @beckygilmore4798
      @beckygilmore4798 18 часов назад +5

      it sure is!!

    • @patricebrown
      @patricebrown 18 часов назад +5

      Yes it is, I take care of my mouth and I'm getting my very first dentures very soon and I am so proud of myself for doing it. So taking care of your teeth is very important and getting dental work is also important to you.❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊

    • @MsWill813
      @MsWill813 7 часов назад +3

      Bad teeth can even lead to heart problems