It's more of a question of trust. There are tons of local beekeepers who are less than honest with many of them whom were reportedly caught selling fake raw honey that is either pasteurized or heavily mixed with other artificial addictives and fillers for a quick buck. Buying from local beekeepers does not guarantee you are getting 100% genuine raw or real honey. What's worst because of how technological sophisticated that some honey producer are these day, it's next to impossible to properly validate whatever a honey is real honey or otherwise unless it's tested thoroughly in a lab.
@Holden Devon If you keep doing this you will live a very lonely live. If you want to be trusted you need to trust, if you want to be respected you have to respect, and if you want love you need to give love. (not lust)
I just picked up a jar of unfiltered raw honey at the store. I've been curious to try it for a while. It's really smooth and rich, and kind of has a maple syrup taste. I don't think I can ever go back to the commercial stuff after this. I really prefer the crystallized texture over liquid honey, and it's much more sweet. I really recommend it. :)
As a beekeeper I dont like how its advertised that the market stores dont have the real raw honey, they do but the difference is it is a mass of blended homey from all over. Our local honey brings with it, the properties of our local flowers and nectar. The health benefits are strongest when its local plus it supports local businesses.
When my brother and I were young and some say suicidal, we used to rob the same honey tree every fall. We never bothered the queen, and never harmed to bees or took more than we needed. We had to leave plenty for the bees and we didnt want them to relocate.. We used a little smoke and got in and out quickly as as not to create panic in the hive. Often the honey would be almost black in color and very rich due to the abundance of flowers growing nearby.
Not necessarily! The cloudiness is from the pollen content. For instance I like my bees to keep the pollen in the brood chamber instead of honey supers but the bees do as they please. If I have frames of honey in the super with bee bread then the honey extracted will be cloudy and it will also crystalize much faster. If there is a heavy flow and the bees are giving er shit but not putting bee bread in the supers then I can have honey as clear as in the store. There really is no hard set rule. All I know is I target areas of natural diversity and keep my bee populations in those areas fairly low to ensure I'm not out competing wild bees. most commercial guys run yards with 40 hives each. 40 hives x 40,000 bees each may get you a big honey crop but nothing else in the area has a shot of thriving. So far I'm up to 30 hives total in 4 yards with 20 miles distance from the first yard to the last. I also avoid crops like canola because then you have to seed the honey with creamed honey so you get a fine texture. Mine creams naturally without any seeding and it's fine and very good according to customers. As for processing. I uncap the honey and spin it out. From there I open the honey gate on the spinner and it drops by gravity through a colander with two different mesh sizes of screen into a 5 gallon pail. From there it's dumped into my old two frame spinner that holds about 20 gallons and has a honey gate to put it into various sized glass or plastic jars tubs or 1 gallon pails. No heating no filtering. Simply fine colanders you can buy in the store for your kitchen. That's about as raw as it gets other then mauling a chunk of comb. All that being said about looks though. My honey is different than any honey you will get from the store because even Raw locally produced honey sold in the grocery store will be filtered finer than mine. I'm just making sure there is no unsightly physical particles in the honey. I want all the natural goodness beyond that going through. There is even fine dusting of wax floating on my honey. Also Commercial guys ALL target crops. Whether its fruit trees or canola or lilacs or whatever. They all target crops. Only the real small folks aren't targeting crops. 30 hives isn't huge but it's bigger than a small beekeeper. As I grew I never changed the goal of healthy bees and the highest possible quality honey without harming every other pollinator in the vicinity. This year we had a pretty good haul. about 120 gallons. But that's the easy part. Getting it all sold is the hard part. Clientele is growing. I have one customer that actually has a commercial beekeepers hives on their property. They can get all their honey free. They tried mine and they buy 5 gallons of spring honey every year. Pro tips! If you buy Raw liquid honey which will crystalize but you prefer it as a liquid. You can set up a double boiler and gently warm it. DON"T BOIL THE WATER. Real gentle like, slowly bring up the heat until it starts to liquefy then continue to warm it at the lowest temperature and it will liquefy again OR you can buy awesome liquid spring honey enough to last the year. Fill up your use container than freeze the rest. As you need it pull it out of the freezer take some and put it back. The honey won't crystalize in the frozen state and you won't harm any of the properties. The reason I got into beekeeping was because I had time and I heard bees were in trouble. So I learned how to do it over two years of you tube video's then bought two commercial hives. I had NO INTENTION of selling honey. But my wife wanted to which is why I continue. The reason I mention and even stress low yard numbers is because I learned that this whole bees in trouble thing? IS BULLSHIT! Honey bees are not natural to North America. There are no natural honey bee species in north America. Sure there are chemical and biological threats to bees but the biggest threat to our native bees is commercial bee keeping. These commercial bee keepers are simply gloming on and gaining sympathy and support from the native bees issues. I shit you not! I could loose 50% of my bees in a year and through splits and grafting I could make that colossal loss up in a single year and be back up to the same production the next. It's our un-managed natural bees that are in danger. If they have a shit weather year and have to compete with a 40 hive commercial yard of 1.6 million honey bees in the same area what chance do they have? When I say I target natural diversity I mean miles and miles of natural diversity with very low hive numbers in any area. My son's place has far more so I have 7 hives. My daughters farm has less so there are 4 hives. I have 4 in town 2 at an orchard so on and so on. Yes there are a lot of small local bee keepers that are Stuarts of the land. But even in my area there are local beekeepers that are parasitic. The biggest beekeeper in the world has 82000 hives. How much do you think this guy gives a shit about colony number 4589 other than production and how much do you think he cares about his effect on the environment? If his practices wipe out all the other pollinators it simply means his bees are now a monopoly business. It's not just natural raw honey you want to seek out. It's ethical practices. Unfortunately the only way to find that is to learn about their operation. As it so happens the worst and most unethical people out there also make the best and most convincingly victimized liars!
@@RoughAndWretchedRAW Wow! thank you for such a thorough read… def learned a lot from your insight! I have been incorporating local raw honey into my daily regime- from consumption to even beauty (skin, hair)… it truly is incredible how much of a difference I have already begun to notice & it has only been less than a week of regular use. It truly is medicinal! Learning about what goes on behind the actual product itself makes it that much more wonderful, especially for those who truly care & support their bees rather than treating them simply as a business. Much love & honor towards our beautiful, small yet mighty friends! 🐝
I don't agree with saying that cancer sufferers should avoid fruit as much as possible due to the high sugar content... there is so much goodness in fruit especially antioxidants, which outweighs or cancels out the sugar issue. People say a lot of things like this, for example, some people say that if you're trying to lose weight you shouldn't eat bananas or avocados, but it's not correct. A diet consisting of many healthy things including these is so good for you; losing weight isn't a straightforward as just thinking that all fat and sugar is evil; a balanced and nutritious diet corrects the metabolism and hormones which is vital. Still a great video, thank you!!
Be careful not to eat Raw Honey. It may contain spores of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which can grow in the gut of developing infants, according to
I have a love for raw honey and consider myself a bit of a connoisseur. I have about 8 different types on the go at any one time. I particularly like the dark clear honey from the Oak (honeydew) and Chestnut trees. I also love the Pine and Linden (Lime) tree honey 🍯
I only buy raw the way nature intended. I make sure it’s “true” raw basically extracted directly from the hive using a centrifuge device. You might end up with bee parts and wax but whatever it’s fine and much more beneficial. Vast majority of honey is filtered, disinfected, processed through various stages adulterated and mixed with corn syrup or low quality honey and then packaged in toxic plastic bottles you end up with a sugar syrup like substances
I love eating honey straight from the hives. My bees seem to always have enough to share during the nectar flow. I never take more than they can easily replace. I put my rich unfiltered honey in nearly all my bath products.🛀 Jen
i love these videos because i can learn while i wash dishes! but the background music is NOT needed please! its kind of annoying and distracting and it has a monotonous and repetitive tune!!
This is so true, when you find out how industrial food is procesed, you realize we eat a lot of shit on daily basis. The best thing to do is to buy products direcly from agricultors, i know it's not posible sometimes or you might have to go fer to get it but, those are the best products. Industrial goods contain lots of chemicals as well, to make it last longer or to improve the color etc.
@@FloryJohann don't eat a lot of honey from corporate a lot of these farmers are working with corporate America so they're putting a lot of chemicals in their honey so they can make money that rides but it's so true the best kind of the get is unfiltered and it's expensive but you won't feel bad afterwards
I have a question though I use honey in my plain yogurt and I was wondering does that hurt a man's testosterone or is it okay I heard I hear stories that honey is good for it
I wish more people understood just how dangerous chemicals are. have you heard of this recent batch they've discovered that are being added or used in nearly everything at the supermarket? dihydrogen monoxide and sodium chloride were the two most pervasive. terrible
+Garret Miller - Thank you, Garret. I admire true beekeepers who know the true from inside the hive. Ignore the ignorant, and keep up the excellent work you are doing. I too, work a thankless job that is misunderstood. Thank God for beekeepers.
+Garret Miller - Sorry I posted so many times, but I kept getting an error message and didn't think it was posting. Question: In your opinion, how bad is the drought and is there anything being done to help beekeepers and their bees?
The drought is definitely hurting me right now. I'm just north of LA on a few different ranches and my bees have been needing to be fed for the past two years. A few of the beekeepers in the rich areas are getting honey mostly because the rich people water way too much. As for what's being done for the drought to help us not much. But we do have a very big el nino brewing so that should be great for us next year.
+Garret Miller - I cannot say that I am surprised by the lack of help. Now, if bees were involved in a study of how drunk prostitutes with tattoos react to bee stings on their private parts - the funding would be there. Just an idea though to look into some grants or funding which may help your situation. Thank you again. When people say thank a farmer, they should also thank a beekeeper. 🐝
majority of people keep on thinking something like ...sweet=sugar=bad likewise they will also tell you that all salt, table (leftover from mining industry) and natural (sea salt, Himalayan salt) is the same HEY IT ALL TASTES SALTY Too bad ignorance is not painful!
honey is something very special it is so amazing ho those small creatures. can make honey so fast. it just proves that there is a God in heaven .God created those little creatures .and God give them wisdom to make honey. even the Bible says eating honey is very healthy. God bless you .
As a bee keeper my advice is google your local bee keepers association uk and buy your honey straight from them. it will have been gravity filtered , nothing added, bottled in a sterile jar and sold to you.
I always help local beekeepers whenever possible. It's noble... I think bees are amazing creatures but I'm too afraid of them to manage them. They also can sense anxieties and they'll get nervous too. I don't think ot easy work either
I bought L.R. Rice local hive southwest honey. alphalfa,mesquite,clover and sunflower based in Greely Colorad0 any opinions? also if buying local honey or even the brand I bought how can a person be sure the bees are not foraging in insecticide contaminted areas such as spraying or crop spraying from planes? also SHOULD I KEEP IT IN THE REFRIDGE?? thanks
@@SuperfoodEvolution thanks-yes I was researching and realize it does not spoil and the main thing to avoid dont let it get over 100 or so. I was amazed to see when they find honey in egyptian tombs they warmed it and could eat it.
but what color is it for raw honey? i have seen white and also dark brown and both say raw honey. wich is the one im suppose to get? the white raw honey or the dark brown raw honey?
Tanytui G depends on the flowers that the bees collect from. Sage honey has a lighter colour than wildflowers as well as taste. It's up to you to choose which Flower species of honey you like more
I hear the Manuka Honey business here in New Zealand is pretty harsh. Rival companies poisoning or smashing up other people's hives, and even launching assaults on the bee keepers themselves is common!
I've been to beekeeping clubs/events and they discuss it. You can also find reports of it online, on the radio and in the news papers. - Been in New Zealand my whole life.
Manuka Honey is also ridiculously expensive :O My mum takes a tablespoon of it a day to keep her health up and it's pretty good when you're sick as well.
the only real difference is raw honey crystallizes faster because it wasn't heated up (which the solution to crystallized honey is to heat it up so back to square one)
For your kind information in 'Indian Ayurvedic Medicines, Honey is the primary mix for many diseases, not just Western Medicines. It is not about East or West, we should take wherever, whoever, Good Things comes from. Thanks
I want to buy some raw honeycomb and I want to know if honey feast raw honey is pure or not. I found it on amazon and its like 20$ a jar. Do you know if it is really raw or not? :D
This guy is giving you as many half truths as he is criticizing, he he some basis in fact but throws out the "buzz words of the day" to create a narrative that all commercial beekeepers are cheats and immoral, the reality is that without these common com.ercial practices food as you know it in the grocery store would look much diff
Does anyone happen to know if Y.S Organic Bee Farms' honey is actually organic? I've looked at their products on Amazon but they seem to sell their products on three different accounts, all of which word the company's name differently.
Forever Living Product have a presented nice honey products. They own acres of land, in which they have planted different varieties of flower and that area is pollution free also, because people don't live their, that's the property of the company only, and the bees suck the nectar from those flowers and present honey.
@SuperfoodEvolution my girlfriend is a vegan and does not eat animal products. I think raw honey produced by bee friendly keepers should be on their diet due to the health beneifites
P-nutts for everyone yeah im vegan and eat raw/manuka honey (ssome wouldnt call me vegan for that but i dont eat any other animal products) honey has helped with my digestion, gives me energy, boosts immune system and it tastes good xD
If the coffee is hotter than 118 degrees F, one way you can check is by putting the tip of your pinky in the coffee for ten seconds. If after ten seconds your pinky is not burning then you're Ay ok
Why does all raw honey come with a maximum or recommended daily consumption label?! It can't just be a calorie thing because they don't put such labels on anything else like peanut butter! I've heard some tribes will consume 3/4 litre of honey for breakfast then walk and climb trees all day!
I'm getting another 2 sets of bees,I ordered them cpl day's ago,I stopped using any man made chemicals or on my farm,I keep my bees happy with non gmo flowers and vegetables, and fresh clean water.
What is the deal with the Eco Bee Farms Raw Honey? Why is it so cloudy? They say on their label that the cloudiness is not from crystallization. Other raw honeys are amber colored, and also claim to be raw and unpasteurized like the cloudy Eco Bee Honey. So raw honey is both cloudy and amber color?
One to three TEASPOONS per day only in the morning. Mix it in a cup of lukewarm water (40 C or body temperature), consume it and go for a workout or do your chores. Eat breakfast and drink water only after 45 minutes to 1 hour after drinking honey water. This practice would yield maximum health benefits. Especially kickstarting metabolism, improving digestive process and aiding a gradual weight loss. Make sure you consume no other sugar products or starchy foods during the course of the day.
+Neon Pegasus When I'm detox/fasting, each day I consume 46-64 fluid ounces of concord grape juice mixed with the juice of 3-4 lemons and 3 tablespoons of organic, raw, unpasteurized, unfiltered honey. A little much, and a perfect balance for my _individualized_ fasting.
consider it as you would an amount of white sugar. Take your blood sugar level as recommended. Sugar level in your blood is different for everyone so check yourself out or ask your doctor if you don't have a machine to check it yourself.
pasteurized honey has the same effect it's because the sugar content is so high that though osmosis it sucks the water out of bacteria killing them and use wet dry treatment for best effect
+Josh Noss honey is an antibiotic because of osmosis the high sugar content siphons the water out of bacteria. the type of honey has no affect only sugar concentration.
+hanz cruz you wouldn't find that much propolis inside a regular batch of honey. mainly because you filter the wax out when harvesting. they must be blending at least wax into the honey for it to be that translucent
+Trevor Lukacs You take the frames away (no bees) you un cap the honey (break the wax caps they talked about) and spin it normally or put it in a humid place so the honey runs off, then its normally put through a sieve to get rid of bee parts from bees that died naturally and then debate how much stuff you want to filter out, you wouldnt blend the entire hive or you would have to buy new ones every year. It looks different in the pictures because the sugar in it can crystallise (which heating stops) but thats why the honey can look so different it different pictures :)
+Alice I know how honey is harvested normally. it just seems like the amount of particulates in some of the honey brands are obnoxious like many other foods for the health nut target audience.
Trevor Lukacs Huh, i've seen honey right off the comb it does have alot of particles depending on how its extracted, i've never bought honey so i cant really comment on how it looks :)
I agree with you... but it has too be orginal and pure.... since there is lots of cheating going on ... sometime they feed the bees sugar... mostly a seder honey should be bought from trustful places...
you don't build up your immune system like that if that was true then eating honey might give you arthritis (a hyperactive immune reaction to your own cells)
2:37 Artificial insemination OMG noo!!! poor bees how could they do something so horrific... oh wait we do that to all domesticated animal, endangered animals to save the species, an extensive number of trees and plants to produce our food and last but not least we do that to ourselves, human beings!
Arılara müdahale edilmeden doğal şartlarda arılar tarafında üretilen Bal , ısıl işlem ve filtrasyon uygulanmazsa bir süre sonra krem haline dönüşür. Bu kimyasal değil fiziksel bir dönüşümdür.Balın kendi halinde kremleşmesi bala hiçbir şekilde müdahale edilmediğini gösterir. Yani bu bal içerik olarak en yüksek besleyici değerlere sahiptir. Bu tip balların prolin değerleri de çok yüksek olur.Prolin balda yer alan bir amino asittir ve bu değerin yüksek olması bala herhangi bir müdahalede bulunulmadığını gösterir.Labaratuvar analizi yapılmış , Arılara müdahale edilmeden doğal şartlarda arılar tarafında üretilen Bal , ısıl işlem ve filtrasyon uygulanmazsa bir süre sonra krem haline dönüşür. Bu kimyasal değil fiziksel bir dönüşümdür.Balın kendi halinde kremleşmesi bala hiçbir şekilde müdahale edilmediğini gösterir. Yani bu bal içerik olarak en yüksek besleyici değerlere sahiptir. Bu tip balların prolin değerleri de çok yüksek olur.Prolin balda yer alan bir amino asittir ve bu değerin yüksek olması bala herhangi bir müdahalede bulunulmadığını gösterir.Labaratuvar analizi yapılmış , Prolin değeri yüksek , Kremleşmiş balları tüketmek en doğru davranış olacaktır. En güvenilir ürün labaratuvardan geçmiş analiz raporlu üründür.
at 3:42, you lost me. the honey bee is european, how would native americans have known the benefits of honey and pollen? there is no honey producing bee native to north america, in what era did the native american indians learn about honey and pollen? was the knowledge passed down from their ancestors that had never seen a honey bee or a european? im a bee keeper and i can tell you that the honey bee comes europe, africa, and parts of the middle east, with the greatest majority of honey bees being kept by beekeepers being italian honey bees. italian honey bees are also believed to be the only honey bees to have survived the last ice age. the first recorded account of honey bees being brought to north america was in 1622. however, before that, there was a honey bee found in north america....14 million years ago. your video was interesting and had my attention...up until then. if you dont believe me, look for yourself, google native american tales about honey bees, very few legends of "bees" exist in native american folklore.
Local beekeepers have the best local raw honey. Always support your local beekeepers if at all possible!
yes only if they are honest
It's more of a question of trust. There are tons of local beekeepers who are less than honest with many of them whom were reportedly caught selling fake raw honey that is either pasteurized or heavily mixed with other artificial addictives and fillers for a quick buck.
Buying from local beekeepers does not guarantee you are getting 100% genuine raw or real honey. What's worst because of how technological sophisticated that some honey producer are these day, it's next to impossible to properly validate whatever a honey is real honey or otherwise unless it's tested thoroughly in a lab.
@Holden Devon If you keep doing this you will live a very lonely live. If you want to be trusted you need to trust, if you want to be respected you have to respect, and if you want love you need to give love. (not lust)
@Holden Devon we have to regard the others needs.
I’ve recently started helping out the one in our town because he has delicious honey
I just picked up a jar of unfiltered raw honey at the store. I've been curious to try it for a while. It's really smooth and rich, and kind of has a maple syrup taste. I don't think I can ever go back to the commercial stuff after this. I really prefer the crystallized texture over liquid honey, and it's much more sweet. I really recommend it. :)
Well they're both commercial at that point.
As a beekeeper I dont like how its advertised that the market stores dont have the real raw honey, they do but the difference is it is a mass of blended homey from all over. Our local honey brings with it, the properties of our local flowers and nectar. The health benefits are strongest when its local plus it supports local businesses.
When my brother and I were young and some say suicidal, we used to rob the same honey tree every fall.
We never bothered the queen, and never harmed to bees or took more than we needed.
We had to leave plenty for the bees and we didnt want them to relocate..
We used a little smoke and got in and out quickly as as not to create panic in the hive.
Often the honey would be almost black in color and very rich due to the abundance of flowers growing nearby.
+Cherokee Knight. The black color is because of the pollen, not the abundance of flowers. It can be anywhere between nearly colorless or really dark.
it add to the taste of the honey. if it was blueberry flowers, it would give it a blueberry flavor (slight) wich is very good indeed!
If you are suffering from pollen allergy local raw unfiltered honey is the cure. Not further than 50 miles from home
Raw honey color is always cloudier. It looks totally different than we buy from supermarket.
Not necessarily! The cloudiness is from the pollen content. For instance I like my bees to keep the pollen in the brood chamber instead of honey supers but the bees do as they please. If I have frames of honey in the super with bee bread then the honey extracted will be cloudy and it will also crystalize much faster. If there is a heavy flow and the bees are giving er shit but not putting bee bread in the supers then I can have honey as clear as in the store. There really is no hard set rule. All I know is I target areas of natural diversity and keep my bee populations in those areas fairly low to ensure I'm not out competing wild bees. most commercial guys run yards with 40 hives each. 40 hives x 40,000 bees each may get you a big honey crop but nothing else in the area has a shot of thriving. So far I'm up to 30 hives total in 4 yards with 20 miles distance from the first yard to the last. I also avoid crops like canola because then you have to seed the honey with creamed honey so you get a fine texture. Mine creams naturally without any seeding and it's fine and very good according to customers. As for processing. I uncap the honey and spin it out. From there I open the honey gate on the spinner and it drops by gravity through a colander with two different mesh sizes of screen into a 5 gallon pail. From there it's dumped into my old two frame spinner that holds about 20 gallons and has a honey gate to put it into various sized glass or plastic jars tubs or 1 gallon pails. No heating no filtering. Simply fine colanders you can buy in the store for your kitchen. That's about as raw as it gets other then mauling a chunk of comb.
All that being said about looks though. My honey is different than any honey you will get from the store because even Raw locally produced honey sold in the grocery store will be filtered finer than mine. I'm just making sure there is no unsightly physical particles in the honey. I want all the natural goodness beyond that going through. There is even fine dusting of wax floating on my honey. Also Commercial guys ALL target crops. Whether its fruit trees or canola or lilacs or whatever. They all target crops. Only the real small folks aren't targeting crops. 30 hives isn't huge but it's bigger than a small beekeeper. As I grew I never changed the goal of healthy bees and the highest possible quality honey without harming every other pollinator in the vicinity. This year we had a pretty good haul. about 120 gallons. But that's the easy part. Getting it all sold is the hard part. Clientele is growing. I have one customer that actually has a commercial beekeepers hives on their property. They can get all their honey free. They tried mine and they buy 5 gallons of spring honey every year.
Pro tips! If you buy Raw liquid honey which will crystalize but you prefer it as a liquid. You can set up a double boiler and gently warm it. DON"T BOIL THE WATER. Real gentle like, slowly bring up the heat until it starts to liquefy then continue to warm it at the lowest temperature and it will liquefy again OR you can buy awesome liquid spring honey enough to last the year. Fill up your use container than freeze the rest. As you need it pull it out of the freezer take some and put it back. The honey won't crystalize in the frozen state and you won't harm any of the properties.
The reason I got into beekeeping was because I had time and I heard bees were in trouble. So I learned how to do it over two years of you tube video's then bought two commercial hives. I had NO INTENTION of selling honey. But my wife wanted to which is why I continue. The reason I mention and even stress low yard numbers is because I learned that this whole bees in trouble thing? IS BULLSHIT! Honey bees are not natural to North America. There are no natural honey bee species in north America. Sure there are chemical and biological threats to bees but the biggest threat to our native bees is commercial bee keeping. These commercial bee keepers are simply gloming on and gaining sympathy and support from the native bees issues. I shit you not! I could loose 50% of my bees in a year and through splits and grafting I could make that colossal loss up in a single year and be back up to the same production the next. It's our un-managed natural bees that are in danger. If they have a shit weather year and have to compete with a 40 hive commercial yard of 1.6 million honey bees in the same area what chance do they have? When I say I target natural diversity I mean miles and miles of natural diversity with very low hive numbers in any area. My son's place has far more so I have 7 hives. My daughters farm has less so there are 4 hives. I have 4 in town 2 at an orchard so on and so on. Yes there are a lot of small local bee keepers that are Stuarts of the land. But even in my area there are local beekeepers that are parasitic. The biggest beekeeper in the world has 82000 hives. How much do you think this guy gives a shit about colony number 4589 other than production and how much do you think he cares about his effect on the environment? If his practices wipe out all the other pollinators it simply means his bees are now a monopoly business. It's not just natural raw honey you want to seek out. It's ethical practices. Unfortunately the only way to find that is to learn about their operation. As it so happens the worst and most unethical people out there also make the best and most convincingly victimized liars!
@@RoughAndWretchedRAW Wow! thank you for such a thorough read… def learned a lot from your insight! I have been incorporating local raw honey into my daily regime- from consumption to even beauty (skin, hair)… it truly is incredible how much of a difference I have already begun to notice & it has only been less than a week of regular use.
It truly is medicinal! Learning about what goes on behind the actual product itself makes it that much more wonderful, especially for those who truly care & support their bees rather than treating them simply as a business. Much love & honor towards our beautiful, small yet mighty friends! 🐝
I have some raw honey now and it isn’t « cloudy »-looking
I don't agree with saying that cancer sufferers should avoid fruit as much as possible due to the high sugar content... there is so much goodness in fruit especially antioxidants, which outweighs or cancels out the sugar issue. People say a lot of things like this, for example, some people say that if you're trying to lose weight you shouldn't eat bananas or avocados, but it's not correct. A diet consisting of many healthy things including these is so good for you; losing weight isn't a straightforward as just thinking that all fat and sugar is evil; a balanced and nutritious diet corrects the metabolism and hormones which is vital. Still a great video, thank you!!
I absolutely AGREE with you!
I recently tried raw honey and I loved it. Now I'll never go back to store bought honey.
Be careful not to eat Raw Honey. It may contain spores of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which can grow in the gut of developing infants, according to
@@durece100yes but only infants can get harmed from it.
Just bought my first jar of raw honey in Somerset 🇬🇧. Tastes great and i will buy more. Very distinct taste and texture 😊
You get more benefits from raw honey.. I love it.. best to get raw honey from your local bee keeper..
just make sure ur local honey is actually doing the job right u wouldn't want jim to water it down or left dead bees in there
stfu, you honey thief.
ew dead bees yuck
conner s where is a beekeeper in ohio
I just polished off 12oz of raw wild unfiltered honey in 24 hrs. Do you think I'll be ok?
I have a love for raw honey and consider myself a bit of a connoisseur. I have about 8 different types on the go at any one time. I particularly like the dark clear honey from the Oak (honeydew) and Chestnut trees. I also love the Pine and Linden (Lime) tree honey 🍯
I am using "ORGANIC BLACK SEED HONEY" in my daily routine. Really a great energy booster for whole day.
Sorry dude. No such thing as organic honey
This don't even sound right. Stop lying 🤣
I only buy raw the way nature intended. I make sure it’s “true” raw basically extracted directly from the hive using a centrifuge device. You might end up with bee parts and wax but whatever it’s fine and much more beneficial. Vast majority of honey is filtered, disinfected, processed through various stages adulterated and mixed with corn syrup or low quality honey and then packaged in toxic plastic bottles you end up with a sugar syrup like substances
On planet earth? Thank god for the clarification
I love eating honey straight from the hives. My bees seem to always have enough to share during the nectar flow. I never take more than they can easily replace. I put my rich unfiltered honey in nearly all my bath products.🛀 Jen
Lucky you!
@@SuperfoodEvolution I'm grateful every day!
raw honey is SOOO GOOD to eat by its self 😍😍😍😍
i love these videos because i can learn while i wash dishes! but the background music is NOT needed please! its kind of annoying and distracting and it has a monotonous and repetitive tune!!
Emily Bartlett your head needs checked lolz
Agree fully, music is irritating when trying to listen.
I didn't even realize there's a music until you said that 😂
Thank you for useful and interesting Video! I enjoy it very much!
Best greetings from Ukrainian bekeepers! Good luck, Victor
there is so much controversy about "real honey" here on youtube.
this is the only video i found with solid information.
After eating raw honey, the common pasteurized honey tastes less fresh, like canned foods.
This is so true, when you find out how industrial food is procesed, you realize we eat a lot of shit on daily basis. The best thing to do is to buy products direcly from agricultors, i know it's not posible sometimes or you might have to go fer to get it but, those are the best products. Industrial goods contain lots of chemicals as well, to make it last longer or to improve the color etc.
Farmers are adding a lot of chemicals to their products. So I am not so sure if their food is actually better than anyone elses.
@@FloryJohann don't eat a lot of honey from corporate a lot of these farmers are working with corporate America so they're putting a lot of chemicals in their honey so they can make money that rides but it's so true the best kind of the get is unfiltered and it's expensive but you won't feel bad afterwards
I have a question though I use honey in my plain yogurt and I was wondering does that hurt a man's testosterone or is it okay I heard I hear stories that honey is good for it
I wish more people understood just how dangerous chemicals are. have you heard of this recent batch they've discovered that are being added or used in nearly everything at the supermarket? dihydrogen monoxide and sodium chloride were the two most pervasive. terrible
80 iq commenters only here
+Garret Miller - Thank you, Garret. I admire true beekeepers who know the true from inside the hive. Ignore the ignorant, and keep up the excellent work you are doing. I too, work a thankless job that is misunderstood. Thank God for beekeepers.
thanks for the appreciation.
+Garret Miller - Sorry I posted so many times, but I kept getting an error message and didn't think it was posting.
Question: In your opinion, how bad is the drought and is there anything being done to help beekeepers and their bees?
The drought is definitely hurting me right now. I'm just north of LA on a few different ranches and my bees have been needing to be fed for the past two years. A few of the beekeepers in the rich areas are getting honey mostly because the rich people water way too much. As for what's being done for the drought to help us not much. But we do have a very big el nino brewing so that should be great for us next year.
+Garret Miller - I cannot say that I am surprised by the lack of help. Now, if bees were involved in a study of how drunk prostitutes with tattoos react to bee stings on their private parts - the funding would be there. Just an idea though to look into some grants or funding which may help your situation.
Thank you again. When people say thank a farmer, they should also thank a beekeeper. 🐝
majority of people keep on thinking something like ...sweet=sugar=bad
likewise they will also tell you that all salt, table (leftover from mining industry) and natural (sea salt, Himalayan salt) is the same HEY IT ALL TASTES SALTY
Too bad ignorance is not painful!
yeah have you heard of the great salt lake? there is no mining there and Himalayan salt has radioactive elements in it so.....
radioactive elements are in the air too also there in bananas well i guess bananas are the evil now.
ignorance could be painful
Kenneth Powers it hurts me so much seeing how ignorant people just like that bot "nym"
Awesome video! Got any link directly to noniland honey?
good job, long overdue information.
Thank you for providing a needed service!!!
Our pleasure!
honey is something very special it is so amazing ho those small creatures. can make honey so fast. it just proves that there is a God in heaven .God created those little creatures .and God give them wisdom to make honey. even the Bible says eating honey is very healthy. God bless you .
and you as well...
gosh, what an imformative posting thank you so much
I just invested in some and I'm so glad I did!
As a bee keeper my advice is google your local bee keepers association uk and buy your honey straight from them. it will have been gravity filtered , nothing added, bottled in a sterile jar and sold to you.
Man sales it in a plastic containers n is very runny n clear could it be sugar added
i agree with those that suggest the music should be less volume by about 1/2.
Duly noted...
I always help local beekeepers whenever possible. It's noble... I think bees are amazing creatures but I'm too afraid of them to manage them. They also can sense anxieties and they'll get nervous too. I don't think ot easy work either
You speak of antibacterial/antifungal/antiviral/etc. properties of honey. From what specifically do these arise?
I bought L.R. Rice local hive southwest honey. alphalfa,mesquite,clover and sunflower based in Greely Colorad0 any opinions? also if buying local honey or even the brand I bought how can a person be sure the bees are not foraging in insecticide contaminted areas such as spraying or crop spraying from planes? also SHOULD I KEEP IT IN THE REFRIDGE?? thanks
Being bees you really can't. Get the best you can afford and make peace with it. No refrigeration necessary!
@@SuperfoodEvolution thanks-yes I was researching and realize it does not spoil and the main thing to avoid dont let it get over 100 or so. I was amazed to see when they find honey in egyptian tombs they warmed it and could eat it.
but what color is it for raw honey? i have seen white and also dark brown and both say raw honey. wich is the one im suppose to get? the white raw honey or the dark brown raw honey?
Tanytui G depends on the flowers that the bees collect from. Sage honey has a lighter colour than wildflowers as well as taste. It's up to you to choose which Flower species of honey you like more
PrinceLinkOfDragona thank you ☺
Jeremy Honeycutt wow you seem to know alot about this. thanks 🖒
Jeremy Honeycutt 😂
Thank you for sharing
Thanks for your comment!
What about manuka blend honey? Can anybody tell me?
I use honey to quit smoking, since honey is the sweetest thing I know. Sweetest thing because I quit sugar long time ago.
Excellent content
I just bought raw honey from my local bee keeper? Is it safe to consume? I was told that I should not consume unpastuerized honey.
who told you that
I hear the Manuka Honey business here in New Zealand is pretty harsh. Rival companies poisoning or smashing up other people's hives, and even launching assaults on the bee keepers themselves is common!
do you have evidence for this?
I've been to beekeeping clubs/events and they discuss it. You can also find reports of it online, on the radio and in the news papers. - Been in New Zealand my whole life.
I blame money
Manuka Honey is also ridiculously expensive :O My mum takes a tablespoon of it a day to keep her health up and it's pretty good when you're sick as well.
Wolfcchi other than an extremely slight risk of containing a neurotoxin it's just the same as regular honey I would suggest she saves her money
We really appreciate that!
Thank you beautiful information as always ❤
Thanks for watching!
nice & thanks for information
Wow this video is great! Thank you for so much good information on honey :)
"What is raw honey?" a question 4:30 into the video. Sounds like an opening question to me.
the only real difference is raw honey crystallizes faster because it wasn't heated up (which the solution to crystallized honey is to heat it up so back to square one)
***** I wasn't actually asking, I was talking about the video. Thank's though. Just bought some raw honey the other day, good stuff. :)
TheOnePistol it's more for those that happen upon it it's not a magical cure it's mostly sugar there's alot of misinformation out there
Nym what are you even taalking about
Oh Beehave Mr Narrator
Ha! (What did I do?)
im havin bee movie script flashbacks pls
For your kind information in 'Indian Ayurvedic Medicines, Honey is the primary mix for many diseases, not just Western Medicines. It is not about East or West, we should take wherever, whoever, Good Things comes from. Thanks
TheIndianAnalyst mms moo
God creat everything pure it’s human that make it toxic
Get that “Savannah Bee Company” shizzle!, best I’ve ever had and friendly to the Bees! Lots of incredibly tasting honey!
Agreed, I currently live in Savannah!
Awesome video! If you could do a video just like this one about royal jelly and pollen, it would be even better.
I want to buy some raw honeycomb and I want to know if honey feast raw honey is pure or not. I found it on amazon and its like 20$ a jar. Do you know if it is really raw or not? :D
great video
I like that video I learned a lot about raw honey
Awesome, thanks for tuning in!
@@SuperfoodEvolution நன்றி
This guy is giving you as many half truths as he is criticizing, he he some basis in fact but throws out the "buzz words of the day" to create a narrative that all commercial beekeepers are cheats and immoral, the reality is that without these common com.ercial practices food as you know it in the grocery store would look much diff
Good video. Thank you.
Thanks for your informative video.
Glad it was helpful!
I love raw honey! 🐝
Ho Stevie! honeth is honey there is no difference
James of course there is.
well thats not true i know this cause i'm a beekeeper
mr Molasses so if they give the bees sugar it's still raw honey?
what do mean give the bees sugar?
Does anyone happen to know if Y.S Organic Bee Farms' honey is actually organic?
I've looked at their products on Amazon but they seem to sell their products on three different accounts, all of which word the company's name differently.
Victor King l
but where can we buy them raw honeys though?
Samuel James I purchase my honey from a local beekeeper, so I wouldn't know. Try a farmers market, maybe they'll have some.
Much appreciated
Pls give information abt pure honey product
Forever Living Product have a presented nice honey products. They own acres of land, in which they have planted different varieties of flower and that area is pollution free also, because people don't live their, that's the property of the company only, and the bees suck the nectar from those flowers and present honey.
LOVED this INFO...I've been buying HONEY from FLORIDA LOCAL PRODUCERS ...the BEST !!!
Thanks for your comment!
Great explanations!
My favorite raw honey is the Cactus flower honey from California! Thick and sweet!
great video! very educational
Nice video, Thanks.
Wait, how does raw honey help with pollen season, when there's most likely pollen IN the raw honey?
They carry the pollen around
Raw honey freeze in winter or not
You can melt it again in a pan of hot water but don't heat...
One of my mate use Forever honey, and he told me that, he keeps his bottle of honey in the fridge and it didn't froze.
Thank you 👍
you need to make a video on molasses! That be great thanks! keep up the good work!
Michele Morgan
@SuperfoodEvolution my girlfriend is a vegan and does not eat animal products. I think raw honey produced by bee friendly keepers should be on their diet due to the health beneifites
P-nutts for everyone yeah im vegan and eat raw/manuka honey (ssome wouldnt call me vegan for that but i dont eat any other animal products) honey has helped with my digestion, gives me energy, boosts immune system and it tastes good xD
aria boosting your immune system makes no sense because if it did do that you would get an autoimmune disease as that is a "boosted" immune system.
Nym whoops I didn't know what I was saying there I guess lol...thanks for catching it
if i microwave the honey will that kill the nutrients?
+Chance Bristow You can't kill something that was never alive in the first place.
Raw honey has like a good texture too feels like a bunch of sugar in it!
May you talk about honey maturation used to conserve it for a longer time? Thanks!
Raw honey tastes better, only honey i use, organic from my moms aunt’s bee farm in Ukraine 🇺🇦
I have a question if I put honey in my coffee would the heat of the coffee kill good nutrients?
If the coffee is hotter than 118 degrees F, one way you can check is by putting the tip of your pinky in the coffee for ten seconds. If after ten seconds your pinky is not burning then you're Ay ok
+Brett Norris Thats really clever thanks i'll use that!
+Look Inside You can't kill nutrients.. Because nutrients are just naturally formed chemical compounds.
+Guts SO, putting Honey in your coffee is good ? Or useless ?
+Patricia Davidson if you like your coffee sweet it's good but there is no scientific evidence that consuming it is beneficial
Great Video.
Why does all raw honey come with a maximum or recommended daily consumption label?! It can't just be a calorie thing because they don't put such labels on anything else like peanut butter! I've heard some tribes will consume 3/4 litre of honey for breakfast then walk and climb trees all day!
I'm getting another 2 sets of bees,I ordered them cpl day's ago,I stopped using any man made chemicals or on my farm,I keep my bees happy with non gmo flowers and vegetables, and fresh clean water.
Awesome, way to LIVE!
I'm lucky that my mom (random women) some how knows a bee keeper and got me a bottle full of raw honey.
What is the deal with the Eco Bee Farms Raw Honey? Why is it so cloudy? They say on their label that the cloudiness is not from crystallization. Other raw honeys are amber colored, and also claim to be raw and unpasteurized like the cloudy Eco Bee Honey. So raw honey is both cloudy and amber color?
If we see cloudy, we see good.
What color should it be?
Amber or dark?
Should it be thick and runny or opaque and not runny at all?
Thank you
How much raw honey can I typically have a day if I don't want to raise my blood sugar? I am pre diabetic.
One to three TEASPOONS per day only in the morning. Mix it in a cup of lukewarm water (40 C or body temperature), consume it and go for a workout or do your chores. Eat breakfast and drink water only after 45 minutes to 1 hour after drinking honey water. This practice would yield maximum health benefits. Especially kickstarting metabolism, improving digestive process and aiding a gradual weight loss. Make sure you consume no other sugar products or starchy foods during the course of the day.
+Neon Pegasus When I'm detox/fasting, each day I consume 46-64 fluid ounces of concord grape juice mixed with the juice of 3-4 lemons and 3 tablespoons of organic, raw, unpasteurized, unfiltered honey. A little much, and a perfect balance for my _individualized_ fasting.
+Neon Pegasus ask your doctor don't base what you do on youtube comments
consider it as you would an amount of white sugar. Take your blood sugar level as recommended. Sugar level in your blood is different for everyone so check yourself out or ask your doctor if you don't have a machine to check it yourself.
How to distinguish 100% natural honey from others
Good Video to watch
It is great use raw honey on wounds which I have doing past 5 years belive me it is extremely effcetive
pasteurized honey has the same effect it's because the sugar content is so high that though osmosis it sucks the water out of bacteria killing them and use wet dry treatment for best effect
Use your own saliva, you'll be surprised ;)
Nature made us perfect, we have just been blind all along.
is that why cancer is natural?
+Josh Noss honey is an antibiotic because of osmosis the high sugar content siphons the water out of bacteria. the type of honey has no affect only sugar concentration.
yes that is true also my dog would lick my wounds and they would heal perfect
is Billy bee honey that's from Canada raw honey because it's very slow,very thick,and it's not clear
so what you are saying is that when you make raw honey you throw an entire beehive into a blender, bees and all?
Uh... They're farmed, look at beekeeping videos and honey harvesting, unless you're being sarcastic ;)
+hanz cruz you wouldn't find that much propolis inside a regular batch of honey. mainly because you filter the wax out when harvesting. they must be blending at least wax into the honey for it to be that translucent
+Trevor Lukacs You take the frames away (no bees) you un cap the honey (break the wax caps they talked about) and spin it normally or put it in a humid place so the honey runs off, then its normally put through a sieve to get rid of bee parts from bees that died naturally and then debate how much stuff you want to filter out, you wouldnt blend the entire hive or you would have to buy new ones every year. It looks different in the pictures because the sugar in it can crystallise (which heating stops) but thats why the honey can look so different it different pictures :)
+Alice I know how honey is harvested normally. it just seems like the amount of particulates in some of the honey brands are obnoxious like many other foods for the health nut target audience.
Trevor Lukacs Huh, i've seen honey right off the comb it does have alot of particles depending on how its extracted, i've never bought honey so i cant really comment on how it looks :)
i must say the honey lover should try Yemen raw honey like sidr honey and sumur honey .
where do u buy them and are they real good honey.
you may find this honey only in middle east market like Dubai or Saudi Arabic . sidr honey (عسل السدر)is super delicious and natural
there's minimal difference between honeys it's mostly sugar
I agree with you... but it has too be orginal and pure.... since there is lots of cheating going on ... sometime they feed the bees sugar... mostly a seder honey should be bought from trustful places...
I will never in my life eat or buy honey from the store I always will buy from local bee keepers that’s just messed up
Duly noted!
how much honey wood u need pur day to build up r imunesystem
+terry saunders you just need a teaspoon daily mixed with water.
you don't build up your immune system like that if that was true then eating honey might give you arthritis (a hyperactive immune reaction to your own cells)
Hi can i order
i'll be a bee keeper soon..😁😁😁
Amén. Thanks for the advice. Go local.
I need it to help my throat do i chew it or swallow it?
2:37 Artificial insemination OMG noo!!! poor bees how could they do something so horrific... oh wait we do that to all domesticated animal, endangered animals to save the species, an extensive number of trees and plants to produce our food and last but not least we do that to ourselves, human beings!
crave painting in Spain😏
A Very Good Video. Good Information. It gives me a craving for some Honey.
nice clip
Love it
Arılara müdahale edilmeden doğal şartlarda arılar tarafında üretilen Bal , ısıl işlem ve filtrasyon uygulanmazsa bir süre sonra krem haline dönüşür. Bu kimyasal değil fiziksel bir dönüşümdür.Balın kendi halinde kremleşmesi bala hiçbir şekilde müdahale edilmediğini gösterir. Yani bu bal içerik olarak en yüksek besleyici değerlere sahiptir. Bu tip balların prolin değerleri de çok yüksek olur.Prolin balda yer alan bir amino asittir ve bu değerin yüksek olması bala herhangi bir müdahalede bulunulmadığını gösterir.Labaratuvar analizi yapılmış , Arılara müdahale edilmeden doğal şartlarda arılar tarafında üretilen Bal , ısıl işlem ve filtrasyon uygulanmazsa bir süre sonra krem haline dönüşür. Bu kimyasal değil fiziksel bir dönüşümdür.Balın kendi halinde kremleşmesi bala hiçbir şekilde müdahale edilmediğini gösterir. Yani bu bal içerik olarak en yüksek besleyici değerlere sahiptir. Bu tip balların prolin değerleri de çok yüksek olur.Prolin balda yer alan bir amino asittir ve bu değerin yüksek olması bala herhangi bir müdahalede bulunulmadığını gösterir.Labaratuvar analizi yapılmış , Prolin değeri yüksek , Kremleşmiş balları tüketmek en doğru davranış olacaktır. En güvenilir ürün labaratuvardan geçmiş analiz raporlu üründür.
Where the FUCK am I supposed to run into a "local" bee keeper?
you would be surprised
look for someone with wings! lol
Frédéric François Chopin go to countryside and look for beehives. Ask the owner for honey
at 3:42, you lost me. the honey bee is european, how would native americans have known the benefits of honey and pollen? there is no honey producing bee native to north america, in what era did the native american indians learn about honey and pollen? was the knowledge passed down from their ancestors that had never seen a honey bee or a european? im a bee keeper and i can tell you that the honey bee comes europe, africa, and parts of the middle east, with the greatest majority of honey bees being kept by beekeepers being italian honey bees. italian honey bees are also believed to be the only honey bees to have survived the last ice age. the first recorded account of honey bees being brought to north america was in 1622. however, before that, there was a honey bee found in north america....14 million years ago. your video was interesting and had my attention...up until then. if you dont believe me, look for yourself, google native american tales about honey bees, very few legends of "bees" exist in native american folklore.
for me, as my personal experienced ...i have been cured ...for what i have suffered...