Unfortunately, not all of us were financially literate early. I was 35 when I finally educated myself and started taking steps. I went from $176,000 in debt with zero savings or retirement to now, 2 years later, fully debt-free and over $1000,000 net worth. I know that doesn't SOUND like a lot, but I'm incredibly proud of it. Now l'm fast-tracking my wealth building (investing $400,000 annually) and don't owe a dime to anyone. It's a good feeling.,,
You have received your just reward...material wealth which is not evil in itself. However, the Love of material wealth is indeed evil. Now then, what about your spiritual wealth?
I am christian and i pray for all on the panel and guest. My prayer That gets me through the day is " JESUS CHRIST son Of GOD have mercy on me, a sinner"
This story has always fascinated me as a Christian and I always (even as a youngster) thought it's problematic to be an historic account of the creation of mankind on so many levels. You can't create an entire human race from just two people with incest. Who would Adam and Eve's children breed with? Their parents or siblings? Also why would God who can do anything create Adam from the earth and Eve from one of Adam's ribs. It just sounds like a super crude way of God creating humans. The other problem with this story is the time period because we know these two are closely related to Abraham and the Jewish people which places it in a time period of around 6,000 to 4,000 years ago. Now we know human beings (15-20 species before modern homo sapiens) have been around on the earth for a million years, although all are extinct except for us we know modern homo sapiens have been around much much longer, at least 70,000 to 100,000 years or more. There's two ways then of interpreting the Adam and Eve story and the history of the Jewish people. Either it's a fable or God really did create two special Jewish people separate from other humans in this protected Garden of Eden. However even so, unless there's some divine work involved Adam and Eve's off-spring would have had to breed with other existing people. Because as we know incest with siblings and close relatives like parents and even first cousins causes serious genetic birth defects which would have carried all down the Jewish ancestory and you'd see loads of historical Jews with gross deformities and learning problems. The other puzzling thing about Adam and Eve I always pondered about is why God created Adam alone and keeps him in this protected environment providing for him. Creating Adam in his own image and with no intention of creating a woman or Adam procreating. That would seem to suggest God maybe wasn't planning to create a human race but rather some kind of care-taker or perhaps even a demi-God. Or maybe he wanted to prepare Adam first. Adam says he wants company and God agrees to create Eve. Although they have no knowledge or desires until they eat the fruit and suddenly are embarassed that they're naked. Which is how God first asks why they're hiding from him. I think this is more a fable about original sin and obedience to God. I created you, I will protect and provide for you IF you obey me and stay close to me. Once they sin and disobey God he says ok you're on your own. Get out of my sight and go multiply! The snake is always intepreted as Satan in many tellings of this story yet the bible doesn't specifically say it was Satan (even though the snake talked) and yet God treats the snake like its just another creature and oddly condemns the snake to crawling on its belly which suggests this wasn't an ordinary snake! The snake part is very puzzling indeed and does suggest symbolic role in a fable. Eve gets the worst of God's wrath but she was tricked by Satan the snake into taking a bite from the forbidden fruit. There's even a problem with that. Satan as the great deceiver is very good at tricking and lying. Why didn't God punish the snake/Satan and say you caused this! You two spit that apple out now! *God waves hand and removes all their knowledge* And tells them never to believe Satan and always follow God's commands and in future run it past him if in doubt! These two have no knowledge of sin or Satan. So imagine Satan says to them, look God just changed his mind. He just now told me that you two need to eat this fruit now right away or he'll punish you. Seriously, God said he was only testing you but now the fruit is ok to eat and will give you great knowledge. How are they are going to know he's lying? Also Adam takes a bite from the apple but how does he know its from the forbidden fruit tree? She could well have tricked him and said its from another tree. And the BIG question why would God put a forbidden fruit tree of knowledge in their little Garden of Eden at all if he didn't want them to eat from it!? Unless to test for obedience. Even so, he is God so why not put a force field around the tree or prevent them actually being able to eat it. And why tell them they will die if they eat it? Did God mean literally on the spot (which means God was lying?) or does that imply Adam and Eve were immortal and by eating the fruit they had lost immortality? This story raises so many questions!
This is amazing! I don’t know WHERE in the Torah you will find all the conversations this man is claiming Adam and Eve had. Talk about not leaning to your own understanding.
When you know, you no longer believe, for Knowing destroys believing. There is no doubt in what you truly know, and you cannot be deceived by what you truly know, only by believing, as Adam and Eve were deceived. Time to know. Children believe because they have not had the time, or the experience, to come to know Truth, For this, in the scriptures, Paul said when he was a child, he thought as a child, and he followed after the ways of a child. Time to mature in Truth. Time to know, to put away the ways of a child. S e l a h
The bottom line is we are all here to be tested. You have to EARN your portion of the World to Come. That's why there are trials and tests here on earth. If we were given everything for free without our personal efforts we wouldn't appreciate anything we get and would have no relationship with Hashem (G-d). ❤
As a christian, I believe the word, All of the word, old testament to new testament, first to last. Isaiah 53 etc No one can take away from Christianity for this is the full book, bless all who have read only half of gods commandments, for they do not know
Isaiah 53 tells of the DUMBFOUNDED Kings/Leaders of the Gentile Nations LAMENTING that the Gentiles refused the Report/Truth, they Sinned and on their own initiative INFLICTED the Suffering upon Gd's Servant, Israel and Jacob, the Jews.
The Rabbi asks the very astute question: If a man is told something by G-d, wouldn’t he be impressed enough to follow what he’s told? This is a question that I have long had about the sort of Akhnai’s Oven. When the Rabbi’s see G-d’s actions and hear G-d’s words saying that the law follows R Eliezer, why do they dismiss that? I love to know if you have a thought about that.
@DovidVigler so basically when God says you'll be punished, He really means do it. so all the torah that says don't do we are actually meant to do . Got it.
I remember one time the Bible walked up to me and said "I can finally tell you what I know." And I said oh yeah whats that. And the Bible said. I don't know anything about any book that was written by a literate society, I don't know anything about any book other than myself, and I don't refer to anyone but me. I didn't invent the printing press, so I don't know anything about any book written by anyone since the invention of the printing press, I don't know anything about current events or computers or guns or missiles or photography or printing or biology or any other author other than myself. Don't believe anyone can be as illiterate and void of perception of the world that exists now than me? Just read me and find out for you self. All I know is that I know absolutely nothing about anything other than my self.
In response to Rabbi Friedman's Adam and Eve's narrative. I wholly disagree with Rabbi Friedman interpretation. Im a believer and follower of Messiah Jesus Christ, a jewish rabbi born in Isreal over 2000years ago. The Spirit of the Lord taught me that the tree of knowledge of good & evil was a symbol of the portal into the realms of darkness that predated mankind. The realms of darkness include dispensations & beings that Yahweh seperated from His "Light", where Yahweh Elohim created all things "good". GENESIS 1;3-5. Adam & Eve were created in God's image, and as 'babes' they were not equipped to handle both realms. GOD is Light, although He rules the thick darkness. Jehovah Elohim does not tempt us with evil nor required man's help to restore or defeat darkness, neither did Yahweh require mankind to go into the 'lower realm' according to Rabbi Friedman. These realms & it's beings are unredeemable. These realms were already judged and awaiting sentencing by Jehovah Elohim. Adam and Eve's connection with darkness through their disobedience resulted in a separation from God's Glory( Light). Therein, Darkness found expression through man, and corrupted creation. Man became naked without God's Glory . required a Saviour and Deliverer to rescue from the captivity of darkness. Jesus is the Messiah who restored the broken fellowship with Yaweh, our Heavenly Father. The Levitical offerings sought 'Kippur' atonement for sins Leviticus 16;6. GOD sent His Son, Jesus Christ- the Lamb of God. The birth of Jesus was prophesied by many jewish prophets, Isaiah 9:6. Isaiah chapter 7 & 9, Genesis 49;10, micah 5:2 spoke about a Messiah. Jesus Christ, The only Rabbi who healed the sick and lame, opened blind eyes, turned water into wine, set people free from demons, raised the dead etc. Jesus was rejected by His people, crucified as a criminal, died and rose again from the dead as testified by many jewish eyewitness accounts. Jesus is the Messiah as prophesied in Isaiah 53 and 61. Messiah shall return physically through the Eastern Gates Zechariah 14:4 to continue God's reign through the lineage of the House of David. God's direct rule over Isreal through the house of David was broken. Isreal has been taken captive many times, dispersed, regathered and had given over to the Gentiles ( Assyrians, babylonians, Romans etc), only for a time.( 2 kings 25, Ezekiel 21:26, 27 and Daniel 4). Jesus also warned. “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations until the appointed time" El Elyon loves is revealed through His Grace and Mercy, and not through the law. Although, El Shaddiah gave the Laws to demonstrate man's inability to live up to God's standards, as a sinner. Ezekiel 18:20 tells us that a soul that sinned shall die. The same principle in Genesis 2:17. Rabbi's Friedman narrative of Adam and Eve is fundamentally flawed. As fish outside water dies, a man outside the Glory of God also dies. Why will El- Shaddiah send a dead feeble & powerless man to fight evil? Lets ponder, and reflect on any lasting victory achieved by man in the past 6000 years? Due to seperation from God's Glory, creation was subject to futility and corruption. Creation and mankind yearns for a saviour & restoration to Righteousness, Peace and Joy. Even, the Jewish families are awaiting a Messiah. Jesus will return a second time as a fierce Judge and rule the nations with an iron fist. No doubt, God has an established covenant with Isreal and He will always preserve a remnant (Jeremiah 1:12 , psalms 121;4.) No nation, people or decree can destroy Isreal or the jewish people entirely (Psalms 2). Due to the blindness and hardness of heart of my Jewish nation, God is demonstrating His intents through the Church of Jesus Christ. Isreal's and the world's redemption and reconciliation are possible only through Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, who offers restoration of fellowship with God. Israel’s future salvation depends on recognizing and accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, which will lead to the full understanding of the Torah and transformation. Since Jesus Christ returned to Heaven, Jehovah -Elshaddai- Elohim sent His HolySpirit to reveal the truths hidden in the torah, now accessible to gentile believers in Mesiach, who was prophesied by many prophets. Moses spoke of Him in Deuteronomy 18. In conclusion, God does not test us with evil, nor commissioned Eve and Adam to rescue the lower realms or conquer darkness. GOD seperated the darkness. God sent Jesus to rescue us from the clutches of the rulers in darkness that mankind's liberty to freely love and serve Him. GOD wants us to repent, receive The truth, The way and The Life in Jesus Christ, who is the bridge back to Jehovah Elohim.
As this Hedonistic, Heathen filled World of DIVISION, CHAOS, MAYHEM and One Bloody WAR after another TESTIFIES, neither ELIJAH nor MOSHIACH have yet come. So far, only FALSE TEACHERS whose lies have led Gentiles to bring this World to its present sorrowful state that reflects the Days of Noah have shown up.
Mortal humans need fixing...all mortal humans come from Adam and Eve. Mortal human ancestry needs fixing. We are chosen...we are all chosen. We who are True Jews are not chosen in/by our mortal human ancestry which "needs fixing". The Jew and the non Jew all came from Adam and Eve and therefore are together "the very soul of humanity"...just saying. Accept All that All May Accept you. Remember that what is impossible for man is simple for God Most High. Hear O Israel!!! The Lord our God is One. Much Love to ALL SOULS (soul of humanity), Darrell ❤
I sometimes wonder if after Adam and Eve ate of the fruit an hour later after God told them not too that he (God) came back and put his hand on his forehead and said, "oh my God".
Psalm 22 is where David tells of his own difficult life, his own Enemies and his own faith experiences and Isaiah 53 is where the DUMBFOUNDED Kings/Leaders of the Gentile Nations LAMENT that the Gentiles refused the Report/Truth, they Sinned and on their own initiative INFLICTED the Suffering upon Gd's Servant, Israel and Jacob, His Firstborn Son/High Holy Ones, Israel the Jews.
Let us make man in our image, in our likeness....Did the Son come in the image/likeness of All-Knowing God, the Father of Truth, or in the image/likeness of the lying serpent, the great believer who believes he can be as God, the father of lies? Which image/likeness did Adam choose? We are born into the image/likeness Adam chose, born into believing, fallen from Truth, from the Father of Truth, yet the Son was not born under Adam. You cannot be born again into Truth by believing. That is impossible. You cannot be one with Truth, with All-Knowing God, as the Son showed us, by believing. That is impossible. Al Truth is determined, defined, and given by All-Knowing God, the Father of Truth. All exist by Truth. Nothing was believed into existence. The love for Truth is the love for All-Knowing God. Those who love Truth love Knowing. Whatever you do by Knowing, you do for All-Knowing God, taking part in the fulfillment of all Truth, as determined by God, putting God first, as the Son showed us. Those who love lies love believing. Lies and liars have no authority, unless they are believed. In the world, many profit and make a name for themselves by the authority given them by believers of all kinds, the authority of man. Only by believing can one teach what they do not know, the blind leading the blind. One must know Truth to judge, interpret, and translate truth, otherwise you get believing, not Knowing. For this, many will be caught unaware in the approaching time, caught not Knowing, lacking knowledge, believing much, Knowing little, the way of the world, not the way of All-Knowing God. Of all those named in the written word, not one was saved by the written word, yet the haughty search the scriptures believing they have found Truth and salvation, convincing others to believe the same, just as the lying serpent convinced Eve to believe and Adam followed after. Many know not who they serve. All-Knowing God righteously judges by Knowing, not by believing, as the world judges, even as you judge these words. No believers will be caught up to judge and reign with the Son so they can judge by believing, as they do now. We are not divided by what we all know. We are divided by what we choose to believe. Look out at the world. The world is divided by believing. When all know Truth, there will be no division. Since All-Knowing God will never submit to what anyone believes, and no one is as God that they can make what they believe be Truth, it is wise to continuously seek to know Truth, never accepting less than Knowing, as did Adam and Eve, never accepting compromise, which is believing. The time of serving two masters will soon end. It is your choice, the same choice Adam and Eve faced. Truth is for those who love Truth. There is much to know and time is short. Some Truth cannot be thrown out to the world to be judged by believing. The Holy Spirit is a Knowing Spirit, just as God is All-Knowing, not the believing spirit that consumes the world, for now. Believers have many teachers. Those who love Truth have One...The bride was asked if she takes the Groom to be her Husband. The bride said, "I believe I do"... Foolish bride... Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. S e l a h
It makes a lot of sense. Thank you Rabbi for sharing it with us❤ Hashem bless you all❤
I was born Muslim and I am inspired by both Rabbis ❤
Heaven, my 2 favorite Rabi's. I'm Christian and they inspire me.
motHER motHEr
Will my Grandparents come back too or just Jews?
@@SixOneNiner23 I believe so....but.....I'm only human. Try Google to find the scriptures for your answers. I'm not a scholar on the bible.
I love him!! Would love to meet him!!❤
Unfortunately, not all of us were financially literate early. I was 35 when I finally educated myself and started taking steps. I went from $176,000 in debt with zero savings or retirement to now, 2 years later, fully debt-free and over $1000,000 net
worth. I know that doesn't SOUND like a lot, but I'm incredibly proud of it. Now l'm fast-tracking my wealth building (investing $400,000 annually) and don't owe a dime to anyone. It's a good feeling.,,
You have received your just reward...material wealth which is not evil in itself. However, the Love of material wealth is indeed evil. Now then, what about your spiritual wealth?
I am christian and i pray for all on the panel and guest. My prayer That gets me through the day is " JESUS CHRIST son Of GOD have mercy on me, a sinner"
Thank you for sharing:)
🌟💙 Absolutely wonderful 🎉 🎉 two of my fav wise Rabbi's together!
Aww I wish I were there.
Blessings to all 💙🙏💙
This story has always fascinated me as a Christian and I always (even as a youngster) thought it's problematic to be an historic account of the creation of mankind on so many levels. You can't create an entire human race from just two people with incest. Who would Adam and Eve's children breed with? Their parents or siblings?
Also why would God who can do anything create Adam from the earth and Eve from one of Adam's ribs. It just sounds like a super crude way of God creating humans.
The other problem with this story is the time period because we know these two are closely related to Abraham and the Jewish people which places it in a time period of around 6,000 to 4,000 years ago. Now we know human beings (15-20 species before modern homo sapiens) have been around on the earth for a million years, although all are extinct except for us we know modern homo sapiens have been around much much longer, at least 70,000 to 100,000 years or more.
There's two ways then of interpreting the Adam and Eve story and the history of the Jewish people. Either it's a fable or God really did create two special Jewish people separate from other humans in this protected Garden of Eden. However even so, unless there's some divine work involved Adam and Eve's off-spring would have had to breed with other existing people. Because as we know incest with siblings and close relatives like parents and even first cousins causes serious genetic birth defects which would have carried all down the Jewish ancestory and you'd see loads of historical Jews with gross deformities and learning problems.
The other puzzling thing about Adam and Eve I always pondered about is why God created Adam alone and keeps him in this protected environment providing for him. Creating Adam in his own image and with no intention of creating a woman or Adam procreating. That would seem to suggest God maybe wasn't planning to create a human race but rather some kind of care-taker or perhaps even a demi-God. Or maybe he wanted to prepare Adam first. Adam says he wants company and God agrees to create Eve. Although they have no knowledge or desires until they eat the fruit and suddenly are embarassed that they're naked. Which is how God first asks why they're hiding from him.
I think this is more a fable about original sin and obedience to God. I created you, I will protect and provide for you IF you obey me and stay close to me. Once they sin and disobey God he says ok you're on your own. Get out of my sight and go multiply! The snake is always intepreted as Satan in many tellings of this story yet the bible doesn't specifically say it was Satan (even though the snake talked) and yet God treats the snake like its just another creature and oddly condemns the snake to crawling on its belly which suggests this wasn't an ordinary snake! The snake part is very puzzling indeed and does suggest symbolic role in a fable.
Eve gets the worst of God's wrath but she was tricked by Satan the snake into taking a bite from the forbidden fruit. There's even a problem with that. Satan as the great deceiver is very good at tricking and lying. Why didn't God punish the snake/Satan and say you caused this! You two spit that apple out now! *God waves hand and removes all their knowledge* And tells them never to believe Satan and always follow God's commands and in future run it past him if in doubt!
These two have no knowledge of sin or Satan. So imagine Satan says to them, look God just changed his mind. He just now told me that you two need to eat this fruit now right away or he'll punish you. Seriously, God said he was only testing you but now the fruit is ok to eat and will give you great knowledge. How are they are going to know he's lying? Also Adam takes a bite from the apple but how does he know its from the forbidden fruit tree? She could well have tricked him and said its from another tree.
And the BIG question why would God put a forbidden fruit tree of knowledge in their little Garden of Eden at all if he didn't want them to eat from it!? Unless to test for obedience. Even so, he is God so why not put a force field around the tree or prevent them actually being able to eat it. And why tell them they will die if they eat it? Did God mean literally on the spot (which means God was lying?) or does that imply Adam and Eve were immortal and by eating the fruit they had lost immortality?
This story raises so many questions!
This is amazing! I don’t know WHERE in the Torah you will find all the conversations this man is claiming Adam and Eve had. Talk about not leaning to your own understanding.
This is the teachings of Chassidus- the mystical teachings of Torah that Chabad specializes in
When you know, you no longer believe, for Knowing destroys believing. There is no doubt in what you truly know, and you cannot be deceived by what you truly know, only by believing, as Adam and Eve were deceived. Time to know. Children believe because they have not had the time, or the experience, to come to know Truth, For this, in the scriptures, Paul said when he was a child, he thought as a child, and he followed after the ways of a child. Time to mature in Truth. Time to know, to put away the ways of a child. S e l a h
Adam and Eve are inside. Diminished capacity making you "King David"
Look deeper ❤
The bottom line is we are all here to be tested. You have to EARN your portion of the World to Come. That's why there are trials and tests here on earth. If we were given everything for free without our personal efforts we wouldn't appreciate anything we get and would have no relationship with Hashem (G-d). ❤
God stay with you
Every word and deed shall receive its due reward !
As a christian, I believe the word, All of the word, old testament to new testament, first to last. Isaiah 53 etc No one can take away from Christianity for this is the full book, bless all who have read only half of gods commandments, for they do not know
Isaiah 53 tells of the DUMBFOUNDED Kings/Leaders of the Gentile Nations LAMENTING that the Gentiles refused the Report/Truth, they Sinned and on their own initiative INFLICTED the Suffering upon Gd's Servant, Israel and Jacob, the Jews.
Wow!!! I just wish this was translated into spanish for my the guilty (Zohar) family.
The Rabbi asks the very astute question: If a man is told something by G-d, wouldn’t he be impressed enough to follow what he’s told?
This is a question that I have long had about the sort of Akhnai’s Oven. When the Rabbi’s see G-d’s actions and hear G-d’s words saying that the law follows R Eliezer, why do they dismiss that?
I love to know if you have a thought about that.
Personally.. rabbi,
I love everything of GOD, I am not ashamed, LIKE I SAID TO GOD "BEFORE", USE ME GOD, HAVE YOUR WAY GOD..
@DovidVigler so basically when God says you'll be punished, He really means do it. so all the torah that says don't do we are actually meant to do . Got it.
Did we listen to the same video?
I know God and God knows I, SELF praise is no recommendation. Belief is never a good idea.
I remember one time the Bible walked up to me and said "I can finally tell you what I know." And I said oh yeah whats that. And the Bible said. I don't know anything about any book that was written by a literate society, I don't know anything about any book other than myself, and I don't refer to anyone but me. I didn't invent the printing press, so I don't know anything about any book written by anyone since the invention of the printing press, I don't know anything about current events or computers or guns or missiles or photography or printing or biology or any other author other than myself. Don't believe anyone can be as illiterate and void of perception of the world that exists now than me? Just read me and find out for you self. All I know is that I know absolutely nothing about anything other than my self.
That sounds very narcissistic. I don’t believe that is the message of Bible maybe your own interpretation of it
In response to Rabbi Friedman's Adam and Eve's narrative. I wholly disagree with Rabbi Friedman interpretation. Im a believer and follower of Messiah Jesus Christ, a jewish rabbi born in Isreal over 2000years ago.
The Spirit of the Lord taught me that the tree of knowledge of good & evil was a symbol of the portal into the realms of darkness that predated mankind. The realms of darkness include dispensations & beings that Yahweh seperated from His "Light", where Yahweh Elohim created all things "good". GENESIS 1;3-5.
Adam & Eve were created in God's image, and as 'babes' they were not equipped to handle both realms.
GOD is Light, although He rules the thick darkness. Jehovah Elohim does not tempt us with evil nor required man's help to restore or defeat darkness, neither did Yahweh require mankind to go into the 'lower realm' according to Rabbi Friedman. These realms & it's beings are unredeemable. These realms were already judged and awaiting sentencing by Jehovah Elohim.
Adam and Eve's connection with darkness through their disobedience resulted in a separation from God's Glory( Light). Therein, Darkness found expression through man, and corrupted creation.
Man became naked without God's Glory . required a Saviour and Deliverer to rescue from the captivity of darkness. Jesus is the Messiah who restored the broken fellowship with Yaweh, our Heavenly Father. The Levitical offerings sought 'Kippur' atonement for sins Leviticus 16;6. GOD sent His Son, Jesus Christ- the Lamb of God.
The birth of Jesus was prophesied by many jewish prophets, Isaiah 9:6. Isaiah chapter 7 & 9, Genesis 49;10, micah 5:2 spoke about a Messiah. Jesus Christ, The only Rabbi who healed the sick and lame, opened blind eyes, turned water into wine, set people free from demons, raised the dead etc. Jesus was rejected by His people, crucified as a criminal, died and rose again from the dead as testified by many jewish eyewitness accounts.
Jesus is the Messiah as prophesied in Isaiah 53 and 61. Messiah shall return physically through the Eastern Gates Zechariah 14:4 to continue God's reign through the lineage of the House of David.
God's direct rule over Isreal through the house of David was broken. Isreal has been taken captive many times, dispersed, regathered and had given over to the Gentiles ( Assyrians, babylonians, Romans etc), only for a time.( 2 kings 25, Ezekiel 21:26, 27 and Daniel 4). Jesus also warned. “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations until the appointed time"
El Elyon loves is revealed through His Grace and Mercy, and not through the law. Although, El Shaddiah gave the Laws to demonstrate man's inability to live up to God's standards, as a sinner. Ezekiel 18:20 tells us that a soul that sinned shall die. The same principle in Genesis 2:17. Rabbi's Friedman narrative of Adam and Eve is fundamentally flawed. As fish outside water dies, a man outside the Glory of God also dies. Why will El- Shaddiah send a dead feeble & powerless man to fight evil?
Lets ponder, and reflect on any lasting victory achieved by man in the past 6000 years? Due to seperation from God's Glory, creation was subject to futility and corruption.
Creation and mankind yearns for a saviour & restoration to Righteousness, Peace and Joy. Even, the Jewish families are awaiting a Messiah. Jesus will return a second time as a fierce Judge and rule the nations with an iron fist.
No doubt, God has an established covenant with Isreal and He will always preserve a remnant (Jeremiah 1:12 , psalms 121;4.) No nation, people or decree can destroy Isreal or the jewish people entirely (Psalms 2). Due to the blindness and hardness of heart of my Jewish nation, God is demonstrating His intents through the Church of Jesus Christ.
Isreal's and the world's redemption and reconciliation are possible only through Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, who offers restoration of fellowship with God.
Israel’s future salvation depends on recognizing and accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, which will lead to the full understanding of the Torah and transformation.
Since Jesus Christ returned to Heaven, Jehovah -Elshaddai- Elohim sent His HolySpirit to reveal the truths hidden in the torah, now accessible to gentile believers in Mesiach, who was prophesied by many prophets. Moses spoke of Him in Deuteronomy 18.
In conclusion, God does not test us with evil, nor commissioned Eve and Adam to rescue the lower realms or conquer darkness. GOD seperated the darkness. God sent Jesus to rescue us from the clutches of the rulers in darkness that mankind's liberty to freely love and serve Him. GOD wants us to repent, receive The truth, The way and The Life in Jesus Christ, who is the bridge back to Jehovah Elohim.
As this Hedonistic, Heathen filled World of DIVISION, CHAOS, MAYHEM and One Bloody WAR after another TESTIFIES, neither ELIJAH nor MOSHIACH have yet come.
So far, only FALSE TEACHERS whose lies have led Gentiles to bring this World to its present sorrowful state that reflects the Days of Noah have shown up.
Mortal humans need fixing...all mortal humans come from Adam and Eve. Mortal human ancestry needs fixing. We are chosen...we are all chosen. We who are True Jews are not chosen in/by our mortal human ancestry which "needs fixing". The Jew and the non Jew all came from Adam and Eve and therefore are together "the very soul of humanity"...just saying.
Accept All that All May Accept you.
Remember that what is impossible for man is simple for God Most High.
Hear O Israel!!! The Lord our God is One.
Much Love to ALL SOULS (soul of humanity),
Darrell ❤
I sometimes wonder if after Adam and Eve ate of the fruit an hour later after God told them not too that he (God) came back and put his hand on his forehead and said, "oh my God".
The temptation, being as God. Satan twisted God's word, Adam's sin, he did not teach his wife or stop.her, knowing the truth.
Perfect !!.. Baruch HaShem
Just milking that golden bull as long as you can ... literally a cash cow ....
Why is such evil coming to the West?
What would a Father tell his children of rebellion?
Do not eat your fruits and vegetables?
Sly as a fox I'd say
You know what else they've kept from you? Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22
Psalm 22 is where David tells of his own difficult life, his own Enemies and his own faith experiences and Isaiah 53 is where the DUMBFOUNDED Kings/Leaders of the Gentile Nations LAMENT that the Gentiles refused the Report/Truth, they Sinned and on their own initiative INFLICTED the Suffering upon Gd's Servant, Israel and Jacob, His Firstborn Son/High Holy Ones, Israel the Jews.
As Jeremiah prophesied, the Gentiles will come to see that they have inherited only LIES, EMPTINESS in which there is nothing of any avail!
They don't have the answers bro. It's all fairy tales.
Story’s like Trumps ear and scapegoats to make suffer
It’s pitty how people believe dumb stories. And how the rabbi think he is thinking like a god.
How do you know it was one hour ?? you ..
Please, I can’t listen to this nonsense anymore. Please make it stop. A Rabbis who barely understands the way Biblical Hebrew works.
This is the real answer, israel is their promised land. Not true.
Let us make man in our image, in our likeness....Did the Son come in the image/likeness of All-Knowing God, the Father of Truth, or in the image/likeness of the lying serpent, the great believer who believes he can be as God, the father of lies? Which image/likeness did Adam choose? We are born into the image/likeness Adam chose, born into believing, fallen from Truth, from the Father of Truth, yet the Son was not born under Adam. You cannot be born again into Truth by believing. That is impossible. You cannot be one with Truth, with All-Knowing God, as the Son showed us, by believing. That is impossible. Al Truth is determined, defined, and given by All-Knowing God, the Father of Truth. All exist by Truth. Nothing was believed into existence. The love for Truth is the love for All-Knowing God. Those who love Truth love Knowing. Whatever you do by Knowing, you do for All-Knowing God, taking part in the fulfillment of all Truth, as determined by God, putting God first, as the Son showed us. Those who love lies love believing. Lies and liars have no authority, unless they are believed. In the world, many profit and make a name for themselves by the authority given them by believers of all kinds, the authority of man. Only by believing can one teach what they do not know, the blind leading the blind. One must know Truth to judge, interpret, and translate truth, otherwise you get believing, not Knowing. For this, many will be caught unaware in the approaching time, caught not Knowing, lacking knowledge, believing much, Knowing little, the way of the world, not the way of All-Knowing God. Of all those named in the written word, not one was saved by the written word, yet the haughty search the scriptures believing they have found Truth and salvation, convincing others to believe the same, just as the lying serpent convinced Eve to believe and Adam followed after. Many know not who they serve. All-Knowing God righteously judges by Knowing, not by believing, as the world judges, even as you judge these words. No believers will be caught up to judge and reign with the Son so they can judge by believing, as they do now. We are not divided by what we all know. We are divided by what we choose to believe. Look out at the world. The world is divided by believing. When all know Truth, there will be no division. Since All-Knowing God will never submit to what anyone believes, and no one is as God that they can make what they believe be Truth, it is wise to continuously seek to know Truth, never accepting less than Knowing, as did Adam and Eve, never accepting compromise, which is believing. The time of serving two masters will soon end. It is your choice, the same choice Adam and Eve faced. Truth is for those who love Truth. There is much to know and time is short. Some Truth cannot be thrown out to the world to be judged by believing. The Holy Spirit is a Knowing Spirit, just as God is All-Knowing, not the believing spirit that consumes the world, for now. Believers have many teachers. Those who love Truth have One...The bride was asked if she takes the Groom to be her Husband. The bride said, "I believe I do"... Foolish bride... Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. S e l a h
As Jeremiah prophesied, the Gentiles will come to see that they have inherited only Lies, Emptiness in which there is nothing of any avail!
I cant listen to these lies.
You eat from the tree of knowledge and you become barred from the tree of life. Redeem your soul from the serpent. Atonement does naught.