Hi I saw the original Ragtime and I always felt that as talented as the cast was the restrained direction stifled numbers such as these. Here at last the number is vital and powerful. Bravo!
If a good performance of this piece doesn't make every inch of hair on your body stand on end, then you're not human. Amazing soloist, too; probably one of the two or three best I've seen play this part. It's an easy part to overdo, and she strikes the perfect balance between restraint and excess. I just wish the audience had waited till the end to clap, because the silence after that huge unaccompanied minor chord is absolutely necessary. Granted, I sympathize with their enthusiasm.
I'm really happy to see this back up! Thank you Erik for posting this... idk if I ever thanked you :) so weird that that was freshman year! haha! I can truly say that this was one of the highlights of my college career!
She has such a beautiful and strong voice. I really wish they would film this like Allegiance(saw it today). This is a favorite of mine and wish I could see the play.
oh.....my......god........i was skeptic to see after reading the comments while it buffered, but my hands are like shaking, holy shit, i would've cried my face off if that had've been live
@fozmubi I know what I'm talking about. I repeat I saw the original cast of "Ragtime" at Ford Center for Performing Arts 6 months into the run. Marin Mazzie, Audra Ann and Brian Mitchell displayed rare gifts as musical theatre performers. I teach musical theatre and I am currently choreographing a local production of "Ragtime." On a 2nd viewing of this clip. I understand your reservations as the soloist overpowers the proceedings. I still like this take on the song as an isolated clip.
damn this version is the one! the power and passion sung in it is phenomenal and they're only students wow. sarah's friend was born to sing-absolutely sublime
I recently played Booker T Wasshington in the community production where I live and this cast is so amazing. But Im kind of sad because the song "look what you've done" isn't up and it's the only song that didnt make it, in fact I can't find the song on youtube at all
Seriously. Potical correctness/incorrectness aside, it's no fun when there's none of them in your community and you can't do shows like this. We need you!
15 years later and it still lives RENT FREE in my head. I sob every time.
This is, in fact, the best performance of till we reach that day
Let me tell you right now. I am not okay. Those vocals. DEAR LORD THAT WOMAN IS BLESSED. Had me crying my eyes out like a baby
WOW!!!!! Are you kidding me?
Beautiful! Piper Jones has one gorgeous voice.
Literally in tears . We are putting this show up soon and i don't think we will be topping that performance . AMAZING !
The emotion...the tears. Absolutely beautiful.
Hi I saw the original Ragtime and I always felt that as talented as the cast was the restrained direction stifled numbers such as these. Here at last the number is vital and powerful. Bravo!
this lady has an outrageous voice!!!!!
If a good performance of this piece doesn't make every inch of hair on your body stand on end, then you're not human. Amazing soloist, too; probably one of the two or three best I've seen play this part. It's an easy part to overdo, and she strikes the perfect balance between restraint and excess.
I just wish the audience had waited till the end to clap, because the silence after that huge unaccompanied minor chord is absolutely necessary. Granted, I sympathize with their enthusiasm.
I have been looking at HUNDREDS of videos of this song... and this is the BEST!
I'm really happy to see this back up! Thank you Erik for posting this... idk if I ever thanked you :) so weird that that was freshman year! haha! I can truly say that this was one of the highlights of my college career!
She has such a beautiful and strong voice. I really wish they would film this like Allegiance(saw it today). This is a favorite of mine and wish I could see the play.
Piper you killed that song!!!! Utter Awesomeness!!
oh my goodness! this girl's voice gave me chills. every nerve inside of me went out of control. her voice is beautiful
Feeling this song right now after the election. Beautiful and heartbreaking.
This has to be one of my favorite songs from ragtime, it’s so beautiful.
This soloist is amazing. I'm literally sitting here in tears. Brava!
Kevin Gasio 8 years later and I agree.
um. this is the most AMAZING thing i have ever heard. ever. ever. seriously!
This song gives me chills every time i hear it
Wow!! Piper Jones is phenomenal!!
That soloist is Absolutely AMAZING. And if this isn't the Black Lives Matter anthem, I don't know what is.
Oh. my. God. This is absolutely outstanding.
I can't even handle the intense chills this production gives me!
Amazing I get chills everytime i listen to this!!!!!!
no words can describe this beauty of a scene...
Superb! One of my favorite musicals. I did the audio mix for Musical Theatre Southwest in 2004 and was moved by each performance.
HOLY SHIT! This is better than the OST!!! What POWER! The EMOTION!!!!! Dang man. Tears are dropping...
prolly one of the best versions of the broadway number ive seen. Go Belmont! POW!
Thank you for this. Voice of an angel. Your soul has wisdom beyond your ears.
oh.....my......god........i was skeptic to see after reading the comments while it buffered, but my hands are like shaking, holy shit, i would've cried my face off if that had've been live
wow. i still get chills watching this. i can't wait to perform it again.
Got me in tears! Chills all over!
Sarah's friend, she's someone who can sing!
@piperjonesmusic You are so welcome. It is one of the highlights of my college career too! So lucky to work with you. ALWAYS!
The emotion in this is fucking incredible
i sung in the choir with piper we are good friends, she is amazing
The Best I've seen on this site for this song!
So great!
Amazing! Gave me chills.
you bettah WORK!
my school did this show and it was good too. but i absoultly LOVE this school.
I just felt god inside me an he wanted me to tell that woman play sarah's friend that god was blessing her voice!!!!!!!!
It took a bit before I realized this wasn't the Broadway vocalist- amazing.
piper. this is hannah. um.... i'm going to watch it again.. and again and again.. but seriously.... you are SO FIERCE.
DDAAAMMNNN i want those set of pipes!!
I don't even know you girl and I am sooooooo proud of you!!
Sarah's Friend =SIIIINNG!
dang shes a abeastttt! omg shes really good!
@fozmubi I know what I'm talking about. I repeat I saw the original cast of "Ragtime" at
Ford Center for Performing Arts 6 months into the run. Marin Mazzie, Audra
Ann and Brian Mitchell displayed rare gifts as musical theatre performers. I
teach musical theatre and I am currently choreographing a local production of
"Ragtime." On a 2nd viewing of this clip. I understand your reservations as the
soloist overpowers the proceedings. I still like this take on the song as an
isolated clip.
girl u just .....u just...go head girl!!!
damn this version is the one! the power and passion sung in it is phenomenal and they're only students wow. sarah's friend was born to sing-absolutely sublime
Wonderful.... Amazing.... Beautiful... Whold one happen to know the lady leading the song?
Piper is a goddess tbh
sing girl!
Brave-oh! Brave-oh!
I recently played Booker T Wasshington in the community production where I live and this cast is so amazing. But Im kind of sad because the song "look what you've done" isn't up and it's the only song that didnt make it, in fact I can't find the song on youtube at all
Better than broadway! I mean it. The singers on broadway don't put that feeling into it.
sing girl
it does sound good although the actual emotion in this song is sad so i would a lot quieter or crying over Broadway belting
GO PIPER, I sang in choir with that girl
3:17....oh my god...
alright, which one of you is piper jones? as i am ALSO piper jones, and would like to meet my curiously talented copy :)
SING KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOD these mics sound like shit
the performance is great though
Seriously. Potical correctness/incorrectness aside, it's no fun when there's none of them in your community and you can't do shows like this. We need you!