Interesting note: Sanson, the executioner, is played by Christopher Lee who actually witnessed the last public execution by guillotine in France in 1939.
Louis XVI a été appelé un tyran par ses contemporains, mais à plusieurs reprises, il a refusé de tirer sur son peuple. Beaucoup de rois de France n'auraient pas hésité à sa place. Et suite à son exécution, des milliers de gens sont montés sans motif valable sur l'échafaud :) Qui est le vrai tyran dans l'histoire ? Sûrement pas Louis XVI. Qu'il repose en paix
Et ta soeur j'ai horreur des gens comme toi!! Les milliers de bébés morts de faim que l'on' retrouvait le ventre gonflé d'herbe par ce qu'ils n'avaient plus que, ça à manger!! Ou morts de froid les jeunes femmes engrossées par milliers par des seigneurs et petits haubereaux puis laissées à la rue pour y mourir de misère et de honte! et les hommes taillables et corvéables à outrance! dans le peuple atteindre l'âge de trente cinq ans était exceptionnelle!! Alors si tu crois que, tu vas me faire pleurer sur le sort de ton gros Loulou!!
The execution of Louis XVI took place in the plaza that is today called the place of the Concorde. The two buildings you see in the movie are still there today (looks like the movie was filmed on location?). The building on the left is today the Hotel Crillon, a fabulous hotel my wife and I have stayed in a couple of times when on vacation in Paris. Not so fun fact: My wife is descended from lesser French royalty many of whom nonetheless met the same fate as Louis XVI during the Terror per her family's resident historian. I told her one time, "You are lucky to even be here".
Louis XVI en avait en moyenne plus de 185, car sa famille n'avait pas faim depuis de nombreuses générations. Comme toute la noblesse. Je déteste le communisme, mais ce n'est rien d'autre que le désespoir des pauvres. Comme on dit... Soit on joue tous, soit on casse le pont. Quant à la guillotine... Je préfère mourir décapité que mourir de faim et voir comment mes enfants meurent de faim avant moi.
Interesting. My younger brother recently submitted a sample for a DNA analysis to one of the popular services. He was informed that he is a distant relative of Louis XVI and insisted that I must have the same DNA as we have the same parents. I'm not so sure. I believe the connection is directly through an 8th century English King and the Spanish Bourbons. I don't put much stock in the genealogy DNA studies and find them nothing more than a vanity trip. After all who wants to learn that one of their ancestors was hanged as a horse thief. I am quite happy as a common peasant.
Louis XVI was at least 1:85 mts in height yet in every movie he’s portrayed as a short man. Are movie directors not allowed to read books before making a movie?
Louis XVI en avait en moyenne plus de 185, car sa famille n'avait pas faim depuis de nombreuses générations. Comme toute la noblesse. Je déteste le communisme, mais ce n'est rien d'autre que le désespoir des pauvres. Comme on dit... Soit on joue tous, soit on casse le pont. Quant à la guillotine... Je préfère mourir décapité que mourir de faim et voir comment mes enfants meurent de faim avant moi.
The crowd cheering the King's death is not historically accurate. Most people remained silent, and a number groaned; foreign diplomats reported back to their capitals that a deathly hush lay over Paris all that day. A royal line that had begun in the tenth century, had forged France's unity, and had brought it through the Black Death, the Hundred Years' War, the Wars of Religion, and the Fronde -- all the while creating a civilization whose art, science, and philosophy were the admiration of Europe -- had been brutally ended. Louis, like every other person guillotined during the Terror, could have done what Fouquier-Tinville actually did: turn to the crowd and ask "Tell me, my friends: how much cheaper will your bread be tomorrow morning, as a result of my head being off?"
Et la plus part des français ne voulais pas ça, ça s'est joué à Paris et la terreur s'est emparé des compagnes après pour étouffer tout résurgence de l'ancien régime. Et aujourd'hui, il y a encore des hommes en France de ce genre qui aimerait détruire notre patrimoine pour supprimer toute trace de l'ancien régime et ce qui y touche dont les représentations chrétiennes en France dans les lieux publics même s'ils ont des siècles
Louis XVI en avait en moyenne plus de 185, car sa famille n'avait pas faim depuis de nombreuses générations. Comme toute la noblesse. Je déteste le communisme, mais ce n'est rien d'autre que le désespoir des pauvres. Comme on dit... Soit on joue tous, soit on casse le pont. Quant à la guillotine... Je préfère mourir décapité que mourir de faim et voir comment mes enfants meurent de faim avant moi.
Thank you for your bit of history! I understand that French culture was not just admired, but emulated. For instance, French was the language spoken at the court of Frederick the Great. And as for music and dance, the French style had a huge influence at the courts throughout Europe. The French language was considered the language of culture and fine art.
Of the big three murdered monarchs, Louis XVI may have understood the issues less than Charles I but he was much more benevolent than him or Nicholas II. It was a great act of injustice.
I'm not so I've read some (not all) history of the English Civil War, it seems to me the Charles' could not accept the new notion that the people, through a parliament, not the monarch, were sovereign; making him a kind of tragic figure
@@montycasper4300 Nicholas Romanov wanted to leave Russia before his arrest but none of the other European nations would take him as he had become a pariah in the eyes of the other monarchies.
@@gpiano88 I know, sheltering him after the butchery of WW1 would have created instability. Tens of millions of Russians died because of his arrogance and incompetence, alive he presented a threat.
Louis XVI was a very tall man for the XVIIIth century at 1.93 metres or 6ft 4 inches. In fact he would have been nearly as tall as Christopher Lee. Obviously a bit shorter after his pruning.
Media 193 porque su familia llevaba muchas generaciones comiendo bien y de todo, mientras "la canalla" el que comía un pan al día, podía darse por afortunado.
Louis XVI en avait en moyenne plus de 185, car sa famille n'avait pas faim depuis de nombreuses générations. Comme toute la noblesse. Je déteste le communisme, mais ce n'est rien d'autre que le désespoir des pauvres. Comme on dit... Soit on joue tous, soit on casse le pont. Quant à la guillotine... Je préfère mourir décapité que mourir de faim et voir comment mes enfants meurent de faim avant moi.
"Não Matarás " é o 6° Mandamento do CRIADOR. Mais claro que isso, impossível. Somente o PAI ETERNO Consede e tira a Vida, somente o ALTÍSSIMOédono da vida. Quem infringir essa Lei, estará cometendo um grave pecado, se por ventura não se arrepender, passará a eternidade no inferno.
What always gets me about the French Revolution on Both Sides is that they had the Example of the American Revolution literally right in front of them! And yet they took the Crazy Train and went right off the Rails!
@Comunismo, não! Não apenas o que há de destrutivo nas "ideologias coletivistas", mas a revolução judaico-maçônica foi, em maior ou menor grau, também a origem ou catalisação da democracia moderna, capitalismo, igualitarismo, materialismo, libertarianismo e a chamada emancipação dos judeus, que abriu o caminha para o domínio mundial destes e suas práticas perversas, que são a causa da desgraça da maioria dos povos.
Les 2 films de Robert Enrico sont magnifiques sur la révolution française et particulièrement jean François balmer la grande classe.. une vraie réussite.
Que triste destino teve o rei Luís XVI . Aliás me assombra os ossos da carne imaginar o que passava na mente dos condenados a guilhotina. Barbaridade subir as escadas do cadafalso e lá está ele o carrasco pronto para o destino que o aguarda . Morte rápida mas cruel ao estremo.
Tudo é relativo. Antes da guilhotina os condenados eram mortos à pancada, os ossos moídos de pauladas, morte demorada, era a morte na roda, em que os condenados eram presos a uma roda de eixo vertical e demoradamente espancados. A guilhotina apareceu como uma forma de provocar a morte rapidamente e sem dor. A Alemanha de Hittler adoptou a guilhotina e nos tempos de guerra foi muito usada. Na França a guilhotina vigorou até 1981. A última execução foi de um imigrante tunisino em 1978. Na altura acompanhei as notícias. Mas já andava no ar a proposta sicialista de abolir a pena de morte na França.
Le roi est mort, vive le roi!... "Jurez moi, que vous ne chercherez jamais a venger ma mort, vous avez entendu ce que je viens de dire? Jurez moi, tous, que vous ne chercherez jamais a venger ma mort, mais que vous continuerez de vivre dans la foi et que tout ce qui est, n'est que la volonté divine" Louis XVI dans sa prison du Temple
Back the in 1793/94 there was the banging of the Drums 🥁. Head raising to the people. It was a spectacle being beheaded and have your head raised to the thousands.
À noter que le pauvre Christopher Lee a assisté à une exécution par guillotine à Paris, une des dernières qui fut réalisée en public . Il en fut marqué à jamais.
@@michelfrankaraujo4394 ellos mismos se cavaron la fosa vivieron de espaldas al pueblo,lo sojuzgaron,hambre ..miseria ..y así acabaron...lo mismo le paso a los zares de Rusia.
Not sure why the people were there. I can tell you this - if you were a peasant you would be too busy eking out a living to be bored, no running water, no toilet facilities. OTOH, if you were part of the aristocracy, being hungry was not a problem.
Human beings have a horrible history of cruelty, intolerance, battles and wars, and evil decisions cast upon those justly or unjustly accused. The animal kingdom must be appalled at us.
...ironisnya dalam revolusi ini....yg louis yg tanda tangan pembuatan guillotine dan dia jg menjadi korbannya....lalu orang orang yg menuntut louis dihukum mati satu persatu ikut merasakan guillotine juga....
Проблемы государства глава этого государства обязан решать заблоговременно, желательно по мере их поступления. И не нужно ждать, что проблемы сами как нибудь рассосутся. Как правило рассасываются они вот подобным образом.
What was more cruel, the Terror or allowing peasants to eat poorly, live a meager existence while the aristocracy dined, had dance balls, etc. I can't feel sorry for Louis XVI. He had a chance to make things right for his subjects but didn't.
@@XJarhead360 It was more complicated than that, Louis inherited a lot of problems from his father who spent a lot of money fighting in America and if you ask most French people today, they will say that the Royal family were treated as scape goats.
@@XJarhead360 your uneducated cliche lines aren't worth anymore! but of course, the fact that you say that Terror which was brought upon people who disagreed with such a logics and everything you say (and existed by the way)is better, says a lot about you! only psychos say that
I apologize that I do not French. What is the main reason that French exuted Luis XVI. In 1918 during October Revolution in Russia the Bolhevics shooted the family of the Nicolas the Second and his doctor Botcin and his servantes and also the French tutor for ill Alex who was the son of the Nicolas the Second. Dmitry Melnikov from Russia, Tomsk.
talvez ele não tivesse tido as instruções necessárias e devidas para governar um país. Tiro pelo que sei de D.Pedro II, que recebeu instruções na infância e começou a governar o Brasil na adolescência. Ou possa ser que ele não tivesse nascido pra "coisa".
starting with Hammer Films in his twenties, he's always looked this age!! and he's everywhere. Hammer Films ownership is unknown: in WW2 it built all those fake tanks and installations to fool the invasiion of France, too. Christopher Lee was there as well. inotherwords, he's 200 years old! hasn't aged a day.
En effet, les dernières paroles de Louis XVI ont été étouffées par les acclamations de la foule. Il est dommage que toutes ses dernières paroles n'aient pas été transmises aux générations futures. S'il était né fils d'un forgeron ou d'un riche agriculteur au lieu d'un roi, il n'aurait pas connu une telle fin. L'histoire est parfois ironique.
"Não Matarás " é o 6° Mandamento do CRIADOR. Mais claro que isso, impossível. Somente o PAI ETERNO Consede e tira a Vida, somente o ALTÍSSIMOédono da vida. Quem infringir essa Lei, estará cometendo um grave pecado, se por ventura não se arrepender, passará a eternidade no inferno
The people had had enough. The higher clergy on the one hand and a host of minor nobles on the other, all bleeding the people dry. But the Reign of Terror replaced one lot of privileged people with another.
Je ne te le souhaite pas. La révolution française a été une catastrophe pour la France, mais aussi pour l'humanité. Elle a apporté l'anticlericalisme donc l'ultra-liberisme, la possibilité aux dictateur d'organiser des extermination de masse sans rendre de compte à personne. Elle a apporté le communisme et les idéologie du 20eme siècle. Elle est responsable des guerres atroce du 19eme et 20eme siècle.
@@BenzemonstreENTs Louis XVI en avait en moyenne plus de 185, car sa famille n'avait pas faim depuis de nombreuses générations. Comme toute la noblesse. Je déteste le communisme, mais ce n'est rien d'autre que le désespoir des pauvres. Comme on dit... Soit on joue tous, soit on casse le pont. Quant à la guillotine... Je préfère mourir décapité que mourir de faim et voir comment mes enfants meurent de faim avant moi.
Una revolución que produjo un baño de sangre y que acabó con otro tío en el trono con una forma distinta de monarquía? La revolución francesa está muy mitificada y Luis XVI no merecía la muerte.
@@cacomofono Nadie merece la muerte, pero si me dan a elegir entre morir guillotinado y morir de hambre o tuberculosis en un sótano de Paris del siglo XVII ... ¿Tu cual crees que elegiría? . Luis XVI no se veía el pito al orinar, de la tripa que tenía, como todos los nobles de aquel tiempo. Los (sirvientes) eran más bien esclavos, no se compraban, pero se les pagaba lo justo para mal vivir. Y no sabían lo que era tener barriga a menos que la tuvieran hinchada por parásitos intestinales. Pues normal que se sublevara la "canalla" y les cortaran el pescuezo a los que veían como culpable de sus males por varias generaciones. Fue una revolución comunista pero sin comunismo. Napoleón traicionó a la revolución al nombrarse emperador vitalicio y hereditario, y volver a crear nombramientos de nobles. Dijo que quería exportar la revolución francesa a toda Europa (cosa que acojonó a la monarquía y nobleza inglesa) Pero en realidad lo que quería era más poder. Era el Alejandro Magno o el Julio Cesar del siglo XVIII
@@africanogloriosus7474 Comunista ? todavía eso no se sabía ni que era quedaba mucho para que Marx naciese se rebeló el tercer estado que era el que pagaba impuestos y que buscaba que tanto el Alto Clero como la Alta nobleza pagarán impuestos. Como no estaban por la labor decidirá el tercer estado liderado por la Burguesía y la nobleza intelectual influidas ambas por los valores de la ilustración crear una constitución para Francia, había hambre en parte de la población si pero en realidad ese no fue el motivo no todos pasaban hambre los cabecillas de la revolución no pasaban hambre, hambre pasaban los Sans Coulottes. Luis XVI como sus antecesores pensaba que su poder provenía de Dios no de los hombres y se encontraba además atrapado entre el pueblo y los estamentos más privilegiados que se oponían a las reformas, se le condenó a muerte porque lo pillaron huyendo de Francia hacia Austria pues en la práctica era un rehén de la revolución. Los campesinos rurales en algunos casos vieron su situación mejorada pero en otra terminaron siendo perjudicados pues al caer la relación que existía entre señor y siervo habrá campesinos que perderán la protección de su señor que los obligaba a alimentar y a vestir a sus siervos en caso de que estos no pudiesen hacerlo. La nobleza entorno a Napoleón era algo distinta pues está era una nobleza de servicio, no de origen. El símil más correcto de Napoleón quizá seria Julio César. Pues ambos llegaron al poder en un triunvirato aunque César no llegó nunca a convertirse en emperador romano.
And what comes next a phoney emperor an autocrat who’s cruelty was almost beyond imagination Napoleon and his disastrous wars France loses the opportunities in the Southern Hemisphere to colonise the great southern land Australia and yield to Great Britain
Interesting note: Sanson, the executioner, is played by Christopher Lee who actually witnessed the last public execution by guillotine in France in 1939.
I thought it was him . Interesting little fact that , thanks for sharing
also christopher lee in clone wars as count douko was killed by decapitation.
And it was all so bloody that he only played vampires afterwards.
He's also Count Dooku
Louis XVI a été appelé un tyran par ses contemporains, mais à plusieurs reprises, il a refusé de tirer sur son peuple. Beaucoup de rois de France n'auraient pas hésité à sa place. Et suite à son exécution, des milliers de gens sont montés sans motif valable sur l'échafaud :) Qui est le vrai tyran dans l'histoire ? Sûrement pas Louis XVI. Qu'il repose en paix
@HelenaSHARAPOV-bd8qp Merci de ne pas plagier mon commentaire
O verdadeiro tirano? Robes-pierre!!!!!
Et ta soeur j'ai horreur des gens comme toi!! Les milliers de bébés morts de faim que l'on' retrouvait le ventre gonflé d'herbe par ce qu'ils n'avaient plus que, ça à manger!! Ou morts de froid les jeunes femmes engrossées par milliers par des seigneurs et petits haubereaux puis laissées à la rue pour y mourir de misère et de honte! et les hommes taillables et corvéables à outrance! dans le peuple atteindre l'âge de trente cinq ans était exceptionnelle!! Alors si tu crois que, tu vas me faire pleurer sur le sort de ton gros Loulou!!
The execution of Louis XVI took place in the plaza that is today called the place of the Concorde. The two buildings you see in the movie are still there today (looks like the movie was filmed on location?). The building on the left is today the Hotel Crillon, a fabulous hotel my wife and I have stayed in a couple of times when on vacation in Paris.
Not so fun fact: My wife is descended from lesser French royalty many of whom nonetheless met the same fate as Louis XVI during the Terror per her family's resident historian. I told her one time, "You are lucky to even be here".
Hopefully she gives head to you instead of an executioner.
Louis XVI en avait en moyenne plus de 185, car sa famille n'avait pas faim depuis de nombreuses générations. Comme toute la noblesse. Je déteste le communisme, mais ce n'est rien d'autre que le désespoir des pauvres. Comme on dit... Soit on joue tous, soit on casse le pont. Quant à la guillotine... Je préfère mourir décapité que mourir de faim et voir comment mes enfants meurent de faim avant moi.
De l'autre côté se trouve l'ambassade des USA ...
@@lucidecassandre4096 C'est exact.
Interesting. My younger brother recently submitted a sample for a DNA analysis to one of the popular services. He was informed that he is a distant relative of Louis XVI and insisted that I must have the same DNA as we have the same parents. I'm not so sure. I believe the connection is directly through an 8th century English King and the Spanish Bourbons. I don't put much stock in the genealogy DNA studies and find them nothing more than a vanity trip. After all who wants to learn that one of their ancestors was hanged as a horse thief. I am quite happy as a common peasant.
Louis XVI was at least 1:85 mts in height yet in every movie he’s portrayed as a short man. Are movie directors not allowed to read books before making a movie?
you ' right, luis became short after this🤣
Everyone next to Christopher Lee looks small
Louis XVI en avait en moyenne plus de 185, car sa famille n'avait pas faim depuis de nombreuses générations. Comme toute la noblesse. Je déteste le communisme, mais ce n'est rien d'autre que le désespoir des pauvres. Comme on dit... Soit on joue tous, soit on casse le pont. Quant à la guillotine... Je préfère mourir décapité que mourir de faim et voir comment mes enfants meurent de faim avant moi.
@@maryvonnemarie1840 🤣
So he looked more like Charles de Gaulle, didn't he? It's interesting to know, that de Gaulle went straight to Germany during the street riots of '68.
The crowd cheering the King's death is not historically accurate. Most people remained silent, and a number groaned; foreign diplomats reported back to their capitals that a deathly hush lay over Paris all that day. A royal line that had begun in the tenth century, had forged France's unity, and had brought it through the Black Death, the Hundred Years' War, the Wars of Religion, and the Fronde -- all the while creating a civilization whose art, science, and philosophy were the admiration of Europe -- had been brutally ended. Louis, like every other person guillotined during the Terror, could have done what Fouquier-Tinville actually did: turn to the crowd and ask "Tell me, my friends: how much cheaper will your bread be tomorrow morning, as a result of my head being off?"
The frogs find a way to emulate Cromwell as his band of merry men.
Et la plus part des français ne voulais pas ça, ça s'est joué à Paris et la terreur s'est emparé des compagnes après pour étouffer tout résurgence de l'ancien régime. Et aujourd'hui, il y a encore des hommes en France de ce genre qui aimerait détruire notre patrimoine pour supprimer toute trace de l'ancien régime et ce qui y touche dont les représentations chrétiennes en France dans les lieux publics même s'ils ont des siècles
Louis XVI en avait en moyenne plus de 185, car sa famille n'avait pas faim depuis de nombreuses générations. Comme toute la noblesse. Je déteste le communisme, mais ce n'est rien d'autre que le désespoir des pauvres. Comme on dit... Soit on joue tous, soit on casse le pont. Quant à la guillotine... Je préfère mourir décapité que mourir de faim et voir comment mes enfants meurent de faim avant moi.
@@schoolssection Frogs? Not an acceptable word in this context.
Thank you for your bit of history! I understand that French culture was not just admired, but emulated. For instance, French was the language spoken at the court of Frederick the Great. And as for music and dance, the French style had a huge influence at the courts throughout Europe. The French language was considered the language of culture and fine art.
Of the big three murdered monarchs, Louis XVI may have understood the issues less than Charles I but he was much more benevolent than him or Nicholas II. It was a great act of injustice.
Of the 3 Charles I had the option not to be executed had he abdicated and gone into exile.
@@montycasper4300 and the option to leave it alone! But he was clearly a man of conviction if nothing else.
I'm not so I've read some (not all) history of the English Civil War, it seems to me the Charles' could not accept the new notion that the people, through a parliament, not the monarch, were sovereign; making him a kind of tragic figure
@@montycasper4300 Nicholas Romanov wanted to leave Russia before his arrest but none of the other European nations would take him as he had become a pariah in the eyes of the other monarchies.
@@gpiano88 I know, sheltering him after the butchery of WW1 would have created instability. Tens of millions of Russians died because of his arrogance and incompetence, alive he presented a threat.
Louis XVI was a very tall man for the XVIIIth century at 1.93 metres or 6ft 4 inches. In fact he would have been nearly as tall as Christopher Lee.
Obviously a bit shorter after his pruning.
I've read that Christopher Lee was present when Louis was executed by the guillotine :p.
Media 193 porque su familia llevaba muchas generaciones comiendo bien y de todo, mientras "la canalla" el que comía un pan al día, podía darse por afortunado.
Louis XVI en avait en moyenne plus de 185, car sa famille n'avait pas faim depuis de nombreuses générations. Comme toute la noblesse. Je déteste le communisme, mais ce n'est rien d'autre que le désespoir des pauvres. Comme on dit... Soit on joue tous, soit on casse le pont. Quant à la guillotine... Je préfère mourir décapité que mourir de faim et voir comment mes enfants meurent de faim avant moi.
@@africanogloriosus7474 elegir nuevo rey cada 4 o 6 años desgasta más que tener al mismo pansón siempre.
The king was “head & shoulders” above the rest.
"A melhor cabeça a ser cortada é aquela que não é a minha." (desconhecido)
Depois dele, virou bagunça. Qualquer um poderia perder a cabeça..
Ainda bem..pq ninguém melhor q ninguém
Aqui no Brasil tem muito político que merecia essa punição
Lularapio e sua quadrilha
You are not Alone, here in Europe
We have some good candidates 😝
@@Captain-Nostromo .....AND in some South East Asian countries for that matter !!
"Não Matarás " é o 6° Mandamento do CRIADOR. Mais claro que isso, impossível. Somente o PAI ETERNO Consede e tira a Vida, somente o ALTÍSSIMOédono da vida. Quem infringir essa Lei, estará cometendo um grave pecado, se por ventura não se arrepender, passará a eternidade no inferno.
@@renalGuns2010 MERMÃO FODASE
What always gets me about the French Revolution on Both Sides is that they had the Example of the American Revolution literally right in front of them! And yet they took the Crazy Train and went right off the Rails!
Antes de cuidar do planeta, do buraco de ozônio e das mudanças climáticas era mais importante que o homem zelasse pela sua própria humanidade.
Es que la falta de humanidad se refleja en la destrucción de la naturaleza
Oh dear, I hope he was alright.
He good
Just a brief pain in the Neck!
Revolução francesa foi uma tragédia...
Peninha de monarca é o caralho, viva a guilhotina!!
Foi a gênese de toda podridão atual!
@@visaodissidente5560 O que vc chama de "podridão atual"?
@Comunismo, não! Não apenas o que há de destrutivo nas "ideologias coletivistas", mas a revolução judaico-maçônica foi, em maior ou menor grau, também a origem ou catalisação da democracia moderna, capitalismo, igualitarismo, materialismo, libertarianismo e a chamada emancipação dos judeus, que abriu o caminha para o domínio mundial destes e suas práticas perversas, que são a causa da desgraça da maioria dos povos.
Les 2 films de Robert Enrico sont magnifiques sur la révolution française et particulièrement jean François balmer la grande classe.. une vraie réussite.
Que triste destino teve o rei Luís XVI . Aliás me assombra os ossos da carne imaginar o que passava na mente dos condenados a guilhotina. Barbaridade subir as escadas do cadafalso e lá está ele o carrasco pronto para o destino que o aguarda . Morte rápida mas cruel ao estremo.
Obrigado pela dica Yasmin, vou ver a matéria.
Lleva usted toda la razón enfrentarte a la muerte tan terrible y cuantos inocentes habrán perdido la vida
Tudo é relativo. Antes da guilhotina os condenados eram mortos à pancada, os ossos moídos de pauladas, morte demorada, era a morte na roda, em que os condenados eram presos a uma roda de eixo vertical e demoradamente espancados. A guilhotina apareceu como uma forma de provocar a morte rapidamente e sem dor. A Alemanha de Hittler adoptou a guilhotina e nos tempos de guerra foi muito usada. Na França a guilhotina vigorou até 1981. A última execução foi de um imigrante tunisino em 1978. Na altura acompanhei as notícias. Mas já andava no ar a proposta sicialista de abolir a pena de morte na França.
@@MANUELDIASDASILVA obrigado pelo rico esclarecimento , um bom dia .
Acho que morrer de fome sustentando burguês não é menos cruel. Garanto que ele sofreu bem menos que o povo que comandou.
"O povo não deve temer os seus políticos, os políticos é que devem temer o seu povo"
Le roi est mort, vive le roi!... "Jurez moi, que vous ne chercherez jamais a venger ma mort, vous avez entendu ce que je viens de dire? Jurez moi, tous, que vous ne chercherez jamais a venger ma mort, mais que vous continuerez de vivre dans la foi et que tout ce qui est, n'est que la volonté divine" Louis XVI dans sa prison du Temple
Back the in 1793/94 there was the banging of the Drums 🥁. Head raising to the people. It was a spectacle being beheaded and have your head raised to the thousands.
À noter que le pauvre Christopher Lee a assisté à une exécution par guillotine à Paris, une des dernières qui fut réalisée en public . Il en fut marqué à jamais.
Weidman en 1939 devant la prison de Versailles !! Étrange coïncidence !
Monstrous. The French can never be forgiven. Ever.
Uma revolução Realmente Macabra e obscura.....
@@michelfrankaraujo4394 Sim ,era necessário as motivações mas eles fizeram coisas realmente obscuras ,Proibiram até mesmo o cristianismo
@@michelfrankaraujo4394 ellos mismos se cavaron la fosa vivieron de espaldas al pueblo,lo sojuzgaron,hambre ..miseria ..y así acabaron...lo mismo le paso a los zares de Rusia.
@@michelfrankaraujo4394 Abriu caminho pra decadência moral e depravação humana de hoje em dia.
Sim, dps disso a França virou uma zona.
Please name of this film or series? Thanks
La révolution.
A good man, but unprepared. He didn't deserve the fate he got.
Um abração Douglas!
Saudades da UFES!
O povo...sempre o "pobre" povo....platéia de aplausos a tragedias...o ser humano bendito.
I would hope that if I had lived back then that my life wasn’t so boring that I would want to be any part of such a spectacle.
The most french people were there out of fear, not to have fun.
@@leonardobonkoski5174 which is so asinine. The best thing they could have done was not provide an audience.
@@davidbrandel1311 they had to applaud the practically daily executions, any sign of discontent with the regime was punishable by death.
If they didn't show, their heads would be next.
Not sure why the people were there. I can tell you this - if you were a peasant you would be too busy eking out a living to be bored, no running water, no toilet facilities. OTOH, if you were part of the aristocracy, being hungry was not a problem.
Leiam o livro O Grande Conflito no capítulo 15 onde fala sobre a revolução francesa.
Como se chama o filme?
La révolution.
Human beings have a horrible history of cruelty, intolerance, battles and wars, and evil decisions cast upon those justly or unjustly accused. The animal kingdom must be appalled at us.
You may have noticed most animal shun humans
don't insult animals like that
Ah se o Rei tivesse conseguido fugir até a Vendéia...
Revolução francesa foi a primeira vez que as elites tremeram
...ironisnya dalam revolusi ini....yg louis yg tanda tangan pembuatan guillotine dan dia jg menjadi korbannya....lalu orang orang yg menuntut louis dihukum mati satu persatu ikut merasakan guillotine juga....
Проблемы государства глава этого государства обязан решать заблоговременно, желательно по мере их поступления. И не нужно ждать, что проблемы сами как нибудь рассосутся. Как правило рассасываются они вот подобным образом.
Em que contexto você quer dizer isso? Não entendi, voce queria que o rei fosse menos piedoso e mais incisivo ?
Ceux qui ont condamné le roi à mort sont morts de la même manière le seigneur les a punis
@@Piratinas17 oui car le roi est le représentant de dieu sur terre
@@christopheherpin155 viva ao Rei!
Havia a possibilidade de banimento mas foi votada a sentença de morte.
At least they made sure the blade was nice and sparkling clean for the king.
Thank God this is the scene of the movie.But I cannot imagine the cruality happened during the period of the French revolution.
What was more cruel, the Terror or allowing peasants to eat poorly, live a meager existence while the aristocracy dined, had dance balls, etc. I can't feel sorry for Louis XVI. He had a chance to make things right for his subjects but didn't.
70 000 persons killed by those pigs, without any reason.
@@XJarhead360 It was more complicated than that, Louis inherited a lot of problems from his father who spent a lot of money fighting in America and if you ask most French people today, they will say that the Royal family were treated as scape goats.
@@serenasmith26 the problems already existed with his grandfather Louis XIV who had spent the taxes of his subjects on the Reggia in the first place
@@XJarhead360 your uneducated cliche lines aren't worth anymore! but of course, the fact that you say that Terror which was brought upon people who disagreed with such a logics and everything you say (and existed by the way)is better, says a lot about you! only psychos say that
I apologize that I do not French. What is the main reason that French exuted Luis XVI. In 1918 during October Revolution in Russia the Bolhevics shooted the family of the Nicolas the Second and his doctor Botcin and his servantes and also the French tutor for ill Alex who was the son of the Nicolas the Second. Dmitry Melnikov from Russia, Tomsk.
Christopher Lee!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
R.I.P Louis.
O nome do filme?
Sanson was the man who executed Damien 36 years ago
Es más terrorífico Christopher Lee,que la guillotina
De hecho él fue testigo de la última ejecución de la guillotina en 1939
@@cristianalejandroalvarezme8719 ¡¡¡ Cierto !!!
The Tragedy of the French Republic Revolution!
A revolução francesa é uma farça,Napoleão é um ídolo .Naquela época todo povo passava pela quela situação
Vive la France chrétienne et royale ! 🇨🇵✝️⚜
Oui, la France est chrétienne et mort aux islamistes !!!
It cured nothing, Robespierre and Saint-Just were considerably worse than Louis.
Rien n’a changé ceux qui ont de l’argent continuent de dominer les plus pauvres même au XXIe siècle !!!
Christopher Lee cut several men's throats when he was in Special Forces in WWII.
Didn't he design the blade himself ?
The government doesn’t wanna shelter and feed condemned men
Sick people back then 😤
We have them amongst us today!
...o vídeo tá errado.
vcs devem estar pensando q ele morreu na primeira vez q a lâmina caiu mas ñ a lâmina travou na primeira vez
Conte me mais
No Brasil... 19 horas
O Rei mas confuso da historia ( Franca sec XVIII ), alguns dizem que talves ele fosse autista.
talvez ele não tivesse tido as instruções necessárias e devidas para governar um país. Tiro pelo que sei de D.Pedro II, que recebeu instruções na infância e começou a governar o Brasil na adolescência. Ou possa ser que ele não tivesse nascido pra "coisa".
eu sou austista. ok? e por isso eu considero isso um insulto
Autismo nao existe isso e coisa inventa por esses psicologos inulteis so para ganhar dinheiro
@@PauloPereira-jj4jv Ta nervosa fica não garota...
How old is this movie? Isn't that Christopher Lee? 🤔
starting with Hammer Films in his twenties, he's always looked this age!! and he's everywhere. Hammer Films ownership is unknown: in WW2 it built all those fake tanks and installations to fool the invasiion of France, too. Christopher Lee was there as well. inotherwords, he's 200 years old! hasn't aged a day.
Che film é questo?
Rewolucja francuska i wszystkie kolejne to tylko terror...
Its very sad to see long live the king.
What was the name of this movie?
The Revolution. It was produced by the french national tv in 1989.
Um banho de sangue, que abriu caminho ao Capitalismo...
Abriu caminho ao cumunismo
I recognize Christopher Lee. what film is this?
La révolution française 1989)
Qual o nome deste filme?
La révolution.
La révolution.
@@marciasimoes7311 Merci.🌹
Mundo louco este nosso ! Guerra revolução crueldade
Saudades daqueles tempos!
They wouldn’t even let him address the crowd , how despicable
and coward
Quanta crueldade meu Deus !
En effet, les dernières paroles de Louis XVI ont été étouffées par les acclamations de la foule. Il est dommage que toutes ses dernières paroles n'aient pas été transmises aux générations futures.
S'il était né fils d'un forgeron ou d'un riche agriculteur au lieu d'un roi, il n'aurait pas connu une telle fin. L'histoire est parfois ironique.
Maria Antonieta era a Mãe de Luiz XVI e não sua esposa.
Pois ela mais agia como Mãe dele do que uma esposa.
Naverdade a real mãe de louis xvi e maria josefa da saxonia
Verdade, Reis bons com péssimas esposas terminam em tragédia
"Não Matarás " é o 6° Mandamento do CRIADOR. Mais claro que isso, impossível. Somente o PAI ETERNO Consede e tira a Vida, somente o ALTÍSSIMOédono da vida. Quem infringir essa Lei, estará cometendo um grave pecado, se por ventura não se arrepender, passará a eternidade no inferno
Humans have been worse than all the sentient beings god made on this earth. Even animals kill out of necessity.
Historia de una revolución (1989)
Engracado q os tais " revolucionários " tambem foram pra guilhotina kkkk😂😂😂
Imagina uma execução global em live ao vivo usando esse método antigo contra o kin jon un
Quanta irracionalidade
Vive le roi!
Vive la République ! Vive la Liberté ! Mort au tyran !
@@louisthomasic275 Vive le contre-révolution !
@@louisthomasic275 à bas la république et vive la France !
@@louisthomasic275 La republique a fait beaucoup de crimes. Pire que sous Louis XVI et les trois rois qui lui ont succédé.
Vive Dieu! Vive le roi! Vive le contre-révolution ! Vive la Vendée!
The people had had enough. The higher clergy on the one hand and a host of minor nobles on the other, all bleeding the people dry. But the Reign of Terror replaced one lot of privileged people with another.
Hoy necesitamos una revolución similar en España.
Je ne te le souhaite pas. La révolution française a été une catastrophe pour la France, mais aussi pour l'humanité. Elle a apporté l'anticlericalisme donc l'ultra-liberisme, la possibilité aux dictateur d'organiser des extermination de masse sans rendre de compte à personne. Elle a apporté le communisme et les idéologie du 20eme siècle. Elle est responsable des guerres atroce du 19eme et 20eme siècle.
@@BenzemonstreENTs Louis XVI en avait en moyenne plus de 185, car sa famille n'avait pas faim depuis de nombreuses générations. Comme toute la noblesse. Je déteste le communisme, mais ce n'est rien d'autre que le désespoir des pauvres. Comme on dit... Soit on joue tous, soit on casse le pont. Quant à la guillotine... Je préfère mourir décapité que mourir de faim et voir comment mes enfants meurent de faim avant moi.
Una revolución que produjo un baño de sangre y que acabó con otro tío en el trono con una forma distinta de monarquía? La revolución francesa está muy mitificada y Luis XVI no merecía la muerte.
@@cacomofono Nadie merece la muerte, pero si me dan a elegir entre morir guillotinado y morir de hambre o tuberculosis en un sótano de Paris del siglo XVII ... ¿Tu cual crees que elegiría? . Luis XVI no se veía el pito al orinar, de la tripa que tenía, como todos los nobles de aquel tiempo. Los (sirvientes) eran más bien esclavos, no se compraban, pero se les pagaba lo justo para mal vivir. Y no sabían lo que era tener barriga a menos que la tuvieran hinchada por parásitos intestinales. Pues normal que se sublevara la "canalla" y les cortaran el pescuezo a los que veían como culpable de sus males por varias generaciones. Fue una revolución comunista pero sin comunismo. Napoleón traicionó a la revolución al nombrarse emperador vitalicio y hereditario, y volver a crear nombramientos de nobles. Dijo que quería exportar la revolución francesa a toda Europa (cosa que acojonó a la monarquía y nobleza inglesa) Pero en realidad lo que quería era más poder. Era el Alejandro Magno o el Julio Cesar del siglo XVIII
@@africanogloriosus7474 Comunista ? todavía eso no se sabía ni que era quedaba mucho para que Marx naciese se rebeló el tercer estado que era el que pagaba impuestos y que buscaba que tanto el Alto Clero como la Alta nobleza pagarán impuestos. Como no estaban por la labor decidirá el tercer estado liderado por la Burguesía y la nobleza intelectual influidas ambas por los valores de la ilustración crear una constitución para Francia, había hambre en parte de la población si pero en realidad ese no fue el motivo no todos pasaban hambre los cabecillas de la revolución no pasaban hambre, hambre pasaban los Sans Coulottes. Luis XVI como sus antecesores pensaba que su poder provenía de Dios no de los hombres y se encontraba además atrapado entre el pueblo y los estamentos más privilegiados que se oponían a las reformas, se le condenó a muerte porque lo pillaron huyendo de Francia hacia Austria pues en la práctica era un rehén de la revolución. Los campesinos rurales en algunos casos vieron su situación mejorada pero en otra terminaron siendo perjudicados pues al caer la relación que existía entre señor y siervo habrá campesinos que perderán la protección de su señor que los obligaba a alimentar y a vestir a sus siervos en caso de que estos no pudiesen hacerlo. La nobleza entorno a Napoleón era algo distinta pues está era una nobleza de servicio, no de origen. El símil más correcto de Napoleón quizá seria Julio César. Pues ambos llegaron al poder en un triunvirato aunque César no llegó nunca a convertirse en emperador romano.
Makes my neck hurt just thinking about it.
L'uomo ha sempre esagerato nel suo senso di giustizia
That could be really dangerous...!
Que bom que não mostram cenas desagradáveis
A senhora achou agradáveis as cenas que viu?
E olhe que lá a gasolina ainda não tinha chegado a 9,00
O Carrasco com tanto orgulho pelo que fez a rainha Marie Antoinette e o Rei Luis XVI
Did you know Christopher Lee can speak fluent french!
Read:" The French Revolution " by Professor Gaxotte.
Dracula is out in daylight?
The execution of the king took place on January the 21th.
Surely what we have seen isn't a winter scene.
Christofer Lee era alto né??
Coitado eu sei que ele era meio ruim mas não precisava de tudo isso
This is the TOOL we need in front of the Canadian house of parliament in Ottawa and every legislative building in Canada
Another goofball.
Why was this King executed in the first place?
"executed" implies some sort of lawful this case I'd call it political homicide.
@@schoolssection but what was the reason he was executed or murdered?
@@markcheek5006 He was recognized guilty of betrayal
You won't feel thing ?
And what comes next a phoney emperor an autocrat who’s cruelty was almost beyond imagination Napoleon and his disastrous wars
France loses the opportunities in the Southern Hemisphere to colonise the great southern land Australia and yield to Great Britain
concerteza ele foi pro Céu 😢
Povo selvagem.
Já imaginaram aqui esse modo de pegar os corruptos?😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢