I forgot to include Up-B along with some other things, whoopsies, here's a short summary: Up B - You teleport in any direction, wherever you land, you will cause a tiny explosion - If you teleport into a smoke cloud, you can teleport/use up b again - This will not reveal you in smoke Side B - Using again nearby clone will throw you at enemy
The clones will run around and generally follow the enemy, if they are hit they will spawn 1 tile of smoke, otherwise you can either use down b to detonate it and cause a small explosion (this explosion is larger if you have full smoke/inhaled 3 smokes using down b). If you have inhaled 3 smokes tiles (full smoke) using down b, your clone will occasionally throw out attacks. If you are nearby your clone, you are able to input side b again and launch yourself in the direction you are facing with a hitbox, this will cause the clone to despawn.
You can make the basic clone run away from the enemy or approach them. The upgraded clone you can do the same and also command it to attack you can also make the clone drop off the stage when the enemy is of the edge
No, the clone throws you if you press side special near him or if you hold it at a long distance, you get your clone to start running towards you and when he makes contact he grabs you, throws you forward, and returns to you (disappears). You can throw your clone if you're empowered (3 stacks of smoke) with the same method.
I forgot to include Up-B along with some other things, whoopsies, here's a short summary:
Up B
- You teleport in any direction, wherever you land, you will cause a tiny explosion
- If you teleport into a smoke cloud, you can teleport/use up b again
- This will not reveal you in smoke
Side B
- Using again nearby clone will throw you at enemy
Can you jump out of smoke after up b
@@Beastmd yes, it will not put you in freefall as long as you teleport into smoke
Missed a lot of clone techniques
Im very new to rivals and this helped a bit. Ty!
No problem, and if you need any in-depth explanations there is a channel RUclips called Wisely, he is very useful
He'll grab you and hit you with the nub on his knife lol.
This was the most important info I needed goated content man keep it up and keep being you.
Forsburn bricks my game unfortunately😔 and he’s the one I wanted to play the most
isn't there a sweetspot on backair and dtilt? I think there was in RoA1
There is a sweetspot on back air that kills and the tip of his blade on downtilt knocks more upwards
but how do the clones work? :c
The clones will run around and generally follow the enemy, if they are hit they will spawn 1 tile of smoke, otherwise you can either use down b to detonate it and cause a small explosion (this explosion is larger if you have full smoke/inhaled 3 smokes using down b). If you have inhaled 3 smokes tiles (full smoke) using down b, your clone will occasionally throw out attacks. If you are nearby your clone, you are able to input side b again and launch yourself in the direction you are facing with a hitbox, this will cause the clone to despawn.
You can make the basic clone run away from the enemy or approach them. The upgraded clone you can do the same and also command it to attack you can also make the clone drop off the stage when the enemy is of the edge
can you grab your own clone?
i just mashed side special and it looks like the real one throws the clone or vice versa
No, the clone throws you if you press side special near him or if you hold it at a long distance, you get your clone to start running towards you and when he makes contact he grabs you, throws you forward, and returns to you (disappears). You can throw your clone if you're empowered (3 stacks of smoke) with the same method.
This in fact was not helpful because I no play this game and now I have less space in my brain for more important stuff. Thanks 😫😋🤣😜🥰😍🤪🤪😘👆🤯👀🙊