Good Presentation. Got to see how the implementation of developing a stateful stream processing application. On a side note, @Oleg seemed to be little rude toward his co-presenter and kept repeating the same thing that he was saying at the end could spare one min for his co-presenter to close the presenter... Dude take it easy bud... Be Kind ...
I was struggling to find what is the main idea of spring kafka streams. Here is where i got a complete idea.Thank you so much Spring Developer Team!!
Good Presentation. Got to see how the implementation of developing a stateful stream processing application. On a side note, @Oleg seemed to be little rude toward his co-presenter and kept repeating the same thing that he was saying at the end could spare one min for his co-presenter to close the presenter... Dude take it easy bud... Be Kind ...
very useful video about kafka with Spring Cloud!
spring cloud has changed a lot.
Really confusing presentation - then he should say it, but actually doesn't want too... sorry - not up to the standards I have seen ...
Safe harbour statement. Pivotal is becoming like oracle? A legal firm with a software department?
git link please
Can Tobi also introduce myself ?
It's great. Can you share me source code on git?
Github link: