He bought me a Ferrari and he said" it's yours if you take off your hijab."

  • Опубликовано: 2 дек 2023
  • You can access the long video of Shariffa Carlo who met Islam while she was in an Anti-Islamic Organization on our RUclips channel of Eternal Passenger

Комментарии • 12 тыс.

  • @break2701
    @break2701 2 месяца назад +6750

    Oddly enough they claim hijab is oppression, little did they know, they are the one who oppressed hijabi women

    • @farouqlawal1812
      @farouqlawal1812 2 месяца назад +93


    • @EL-LOFFY
      @EL-LOFFY 2 месяца назад +50


    • @SiobhanAndNassimforever
      @SiobhanAndNassimforever 2 месяца назад +17


    • @Frank-ru5im
      @Frank-ru5im 2 месяца назад

      It literally is oppression.

    • @CaptivatedOfIslam
      @CaptivatedOfIslam 2 месяца назад +93

      @@y4daaHer choice. Can't force.
      You're not gonna stop a believer from fasting mondays and thursdays are you?

  • @shammizan7643
    @shammizan7643 7 месяцев назад +15191

    She understand what some of us born muslim don't. "Dunya or Allah"

    • @Animal-Reaction-Clips
      @Animal-Reaction-Clips 7 месяцев назад +150

      "us" ? please don't say us if you mean "you"

    • @ibrahimsaber9808
      @ibrahimsaber9808 7 месяцев назад

      calm down mr. healthy@@Animal-Reaction-Clips

    • @Playeryewen
      @Playeryewen 7 месяцев назад

      @@Animal-Reaction-Clipshe’s is right so just chut up nobody is perfect even you

    • @elmalkuiabdou1268
      @elmalkuiabdou1268 7 месяцев назад +411

      ​@@Animal-Reaction-Clipshe's right, some people that are born Muslims don't understand these things

    • @Mohagnito94
      @Mohagnito94 7 месяцев назад +148

      ​@stayinghealthy8611 it's an observation, though. A lot of us born Muslims are struggling while reverts are flourishing MashAllah.

  • @lolretal
    @lolretal Месяц назад +566

    “My hijab covers my hair, not my brain”

    • @cherokeerain8517
      @cherokeerain8517 18 дней назад +3

      Alhamdulillah 👍🏽👏🏽🧕🏽

    • @ard_v4.2
      @ard_v4.2 17 дней назад +2

      Subhanallah... 😌

    • @mehaprogamer1538
      @mehaprogamer1538 16 дней назад +4

      The hijab covers the body my brother or sister , if a girl only covers her hair that's not hijab that's just a scarf , and also makeup and them , may Allah guide us all towards what he pleases and make Jannah al firdaous our home in the afterlife

    • @rosejoseph3055
      @rosejoseph3055 15 дней назад

      Also the bombs hidden under and is ofcourse gender neutral so , women's toilet is accessible.. no one questions.. what a strategy wow wow..

    • @Khan-lover-Hanzlah
      @Khan-lover-Hanzlah 15 дней назад +1

      Write ALLAH in capital in Subhan ALLAH too or at least start with capital letter but if you wrote all letters of ALLAH in capital that will be the best and also give some gap between Subhan ALLAH.
      Jazaak ALLAH

  • @HB_HB3217
    @HB_HB3217 21 день назад +314

    "so, surely with hardship comes ease" QURAN 94:5

  • @imnothere09
    @imnothere09 2 месяца назад +1716

    "This woman, who sees without being seen, frustrates the colonizer." Frantz Fanon

    • @dgrdst5810
      @dgrdst5810 Месяц назад +5


    • @MKA_Envy
      @MKA_Envy Месяц назад +17

      ​@@dgrdst5810 Rebecca was 3

    • @user-pq3ro9xr3j
      @user-pq3ro9xr3j Месяц назад +4

      ​@@MKA_Envycan 3 lift a 15 - 20 litre pot, draw water to quench the thirst of around 50 camels? Can get over a camel and down from it on her own? Can be called a damsel?
      But regarding aye s numbers it's clearly mentioned

    • @ZakirM9
      @ZakirM9 Месяц назад

      poor 3 year old, child abuse is sickening ​@@user-pq3ro9xr3j

    • @sayem1337
      @sayem1337 Месяц назад

      @@user-pq3ro9xr3j its funny how you judge which religion is right or wrong based of off a complete and near baseless societal construct..
      i heard some people suggested to increase the age from 18 to 20,
      does it mean all the people who got married at 19 are p*dophiles?
      you make up laws that did not exist anywhere in history and then judge men thousands of years ago based on those laws. something seems off right ?
      a sign of arrogance of this "modern" day society perhaps?
      a backward society where wearing less clothes than a monkey is praised..

  • @patientknight8260
    @patientknight8260 2 месяца назад +1908

    im about to tear up; may Allah grant her Jannah , Ameen.

  • @haysnairte4
    @haysnairte4 Месяц назад +112

    This woman here, she is special, even among Muslims themselves. I hope I can see her in heaven, for I'm a sinner

    • @gretebotsch4825
      @gretebotsch4825 19 дней назад +3

      Jesus Christus ist der Weg, die Wahrheit und das Leben!
      Jesus Christus ist der Weg zu Gott in den Himmel, daß Paradies Gottes!
      Jesus Christus ist der einzige Retter der Welt!
      Jesus Christus ist der HERR über Leben und Tod!

    • @ShermeenAhmad
      @ShermeenAhmad 19 дней назад +5

      In Hadith Qudsiy,
      Allah the Almighty said: O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, *I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it.*

    • @Carlito321
      @Carlito321 17 дней назад

      ​@@gretebotsch4825Koran 3:84-85
      Sprich: "Wir glauben an Allah und an das, was auf uns herabgesandt wurde, und an das, was zuvor herabgesandt wurde auf Abraham, Ismael, Isaak, Jakob und die Stämme Israels und an das, was Moses, Jesus und den anderen Propheten von ihrem Herrn gegeben wurde. Wir machen keinen Unterschied zwischen ihnen, und Ihm allein sind wir ergeben.
      Und wer eine andere Religion als den Islam begehrt, so wird diese nicht (von Allah) angenommen werden; und im Jenseits wird er zu den Verlierern gehören."
      Koran 4:171
      "O Leute der Schrift, übertreibt nicht in eurer Religion und sprecht über Allah nur die Wahrheit. Der Messias, Jesus, der Sohn Marias, ist lediglich der Gesandte Allahs und (Allah) entbot durch Sein Wort eine Seele in ihr (Maria). Darum glaubt an Allah und Seine Gesandten und sagt nicht: "Drei." Hört auf damit; es ist besser für euch. Allah ist der Eine, und Er ist viel zu erhaben, um ein Kind zu haben. Ihm gehört alles, was in den Himmeln und auf der Erde ist; und Allah ist der (alleinige) Sachwalter (aller Dinge)."
      Koran 5:19
      "O Leute der Schrift, Unser Gesandter ist nunmehr zu euch gekommen, um euch nach einer Unterbrechungszeit (in der Reihe) der Gesandten Klarheit zu geben, damit ihr (nicht etwa) sagt: "Zu uns ist kein Frohbote und kein Warner gekommen." Nun ist ja ein Frohbote und ein Warner zu euch gekommen. Und Allah hat zu allem die Macht."
      Koran 5:73-75
      "Fürwahr, ungläubig sind diejenigen, die sagen: "Gewiß, Allah ist einer von dreien." Es gibt aber keinen Gott außer dem Einen Einzigen. Wenn sie mit dem, was sie sagen, nicht aufhören, so wird denjenigen von ihnen, die ungläubig sind, ganz gewiß schmerzhafte Strafe widerfahren.
      Wenden sie sich denn nicht in Reue zu Allah und bitten Ihn um Vergebung? Allah ist All vergebend und Barmherzig.
      Al-Masih (der Messias), der Sohn der Maria, war doch nur ein Gesandter, vor dem bereits Gesandte vorübergegangen waren."
      Koran 9:31
      "Und sie erheben ihre Rabbiner und Mönche neben Allah zu Herren, ebenso wie den Messias, den Sohn der Maria. Dabei wurde ihnen (doch) befohlen, nur einem einzigen Gott zu dienen - einem Gott, neben dem es keine andere Gottheit gibt. Erhaben ist Er, und Er steht weit über dem, was sie Ihm beigesellen."
      Koran 19:34-35
      "Das ist Isa (Jesus), der Sohn Maria: (Es ist) das Wort der Wahrheit, woran sie zweifeln.
      Es steht Allah nicht an, Sich ein Kind zu nehmen. Preis sei Ihm! Wenn Er eine Angelegenheit bestimmt, so sagt Er dazu nur: ,Sei!', und so ist es."
      Koran 61:6
      Und als Jesus, der Sohn der Maria, sagte: "O Kinder Israels, ich bin Allahs Gesandter für euch, der die Thora bestätigt, die vor mir war, und einen Gesandten ankündigt, der nach mir kommen wird. Sein Name wird Ahmad sein." Doch als er mit den eindeutigen Beweisen zu ihnen kam, sagten sie: "Das ist offensichtliche Zauberei." (Ahmad ist die Kurzform von Muhammad)
      Koran 17:15
      "Wer der Rechtleitung folgt, der ist nur zu seinem eigenen Vorteil rechtgeleitet. Und wer irregeht, der geht nur zu seinem Nachteil irre. Und keine lasttragende (Seele) nimmt die Last einer anderen auf sich. Wir strafen nicht eher, bis Wir einen Gesandten geschickt haben."
      Koran 21:25
      Und Wir haben vor dir keinen Gesandten gesandt, dem Wir nicht (die Weisung) eingegeben hätten: "Es gibt keinen Gott außer Mir, so dient Mir!"
      Koran 16:36
      Und Wir haben ja bereits in jeder Gemeinschaft einen Gesandten erweckt: "Dient dem einen wahren Gott und meidet die Anbetung falschen Götter."
      Koran 3:3
      "Er liess auf dich das Buch mit der Wahrheit herabkommen, als Bestätigung dessen, was vorher war. Die Thora und das Evangelium."
      Koran 5:48
      "Und zu dir (Muhammad) haben Wir das Buch mit der Wahrheit herabgesandt, das bestätigt, was vor ihm war (Thora, Evangelium, Psalter) und um darüber zu wachen. So richte zwischen ihnen nach dem, was Allah herabgesandt hat, und folge nicht ihren Neigungen, die von der Wahrheit abbringen. Für jeden von euch haben Wir Richtlinien und einen (eigenen) Weg bestimmt. Und wenn Allah wollte, hätte Er euch zu einer einzigen Gemeinschaft gemacht, aber Er prüft euch in dem, was Er euch gegeben hat. Darum wetteifert in guten Taten. Zu Allah werdet ihr alle zurückkehren, und Er wird euch dann kundtun, worüber ihr uneinig wart."
      Koran 2:79
      "Und wehe denen, die mit ihren eigenen Händen eine Schrift verfassen und dann sagen: "Dies ist von Allah", um damit einen verächtlichen Profit zu erzielen. Wehe ihnen für das, was ihre Hände geschrieben haben, und wehe ihnen für das, was sie damit erworben haben."
      Koran 2:159
      "Diejenigen, die verheimlichen, was Wir an klaren Beweisen und Rechtleitung hinabgesandt haben, nachdem Wir es den Menschen in der Schrift klar gemacht haben, sie werden von Allah verflucht und auch von den Fluchenden."
      Koran Kapitel 112:
      Sprich: "Er ist Gott, ein Einziger, Gott, der Absolute (Ewige Unabhängige, von Dem alles abhängt). Er zeugt nicht und ist nicht gezeugt worden, und Ihm ebenbürtig ist keiner."
      Koran 5:3
      „Heute habe ich euch eure Religion vollständig gemacht und meine Gnade an euch vollendet und habe daran Gefallen, dass der Islam eure Religion ist.“
      Koran 15:9-11
      "Wahrlich, Wir haben die Ermahnung offenbart und Wir sind ihre Hüter. Und wahrlich, Wir entsandten bereits vor dir (Gesandte) unter die früheren (Generationen). Und nie kam ein Gesandter zu ihnen, über den sie nicht gespottet hätten."

    • @BeardedArab
      @BeardedArab 13 дней назад +3

      We're all sinners, the point is the seek the forgiveness and mercy of the Creator

    • @obz1357
      @obz1357 12 дней назад

      Exactly ​@@BeardedArab

  • @elepentx2
    @elepentx2 Месяц назад +115

    Girl wearing almost no clothing
    Society: 🎉😁
    Girl Covering herself
    Society: 🤬

    • @GREX-ve2wx
      @GREX-ve2wx Месяц назад +18

      Those are shameless people who don't lower their gaze
      Alhamdulilah, I'm not one of them ❤

    • @balajic1495
      @balajic1495 Месяц назад

      Western countries are worried they could be suicide bombers

    • @mohamedemad2051
      @mohamedemad2051 25 дней назад +10

      It is merely about projecting, and jealousy, they know deep down they are wrong and immoral and they want everyone to be like them, So the time someone acts modest they lose their shit because they know they aren't as good as them.

    • @Nidge2013
      @Nidge2013 24 дня назад

      Girl wearing almost no clothing = free, confident, independent, able to express herself, nothing to hide
      Girl covering herself up = seen as suspicious, hiding, oppressed, no self confidence, expressionless and emotionless

    • @Da2012Na
      @Da2012Na 16 дней назад

      Cuz they are terrified.. im Muslim myself but I give them excuse..

  • @danyalm.
    @danyalm. Месяц назад +371

    My employer found out I was muslim when I started fasting for Ramadan this year (Reverted 2022). Was fired 3 days later for no reason, Alhamdulilah.

    • @h1tboxabuser314
      @h1tboxabuser314 21 день назад +26

      may allah make it easier for you. I hope allah keeps you firm on your deen

    • @rayhans7853
      @rayhans7853 21 день назад +12

      In Sha Allah you find a better job

    • @user-gm7uu6ih5w
      @user-gm7uu6ih5w 20 дней назад +8

      No worries Sis, they only showed their true dull, dismal colours!, so it came as a Blessing, they were NOT Worth as Employers 👎🏼or people worth knowing ❗️or being in your good Soul’s Blessed Life - that’s how I see it and you would do well, to believe the same for yourself ❤️‍🩹& your higher good 😇🫡🫡~ Trust me Dear🫶🏼🙏🏼

    • @ant713m
      @ant713m 20 дней назад +5

      Maybe it's because you said revert. You are a convert. When you say revert you Re basically trying to insult everyone else's faith. Only babies born to Muslim parents are born Muslim. Every other religion is equally valid. Why would Allah make a mistake? If we were all Muslims he wouldn't choose different religions for us all if he was real.
      This Islamic concept is wrong. You are not the first religion in the planet
      The original religion is only true, all others are following.

    • @Rachid-cg2qy
      @Rachid-cg2qy 20 дней назад

      @@ant713momg just 🤐

  • @ummsoapy
    @ummsoapy 2 месяца назад +862

    I've knows her for 25 years. We hung out for sometime. MashaAllah she's inspiring as she was when I met her decades ago. Her stories are true.

    • @hanasujoi
      @hanasujoi 2 месяца назад +28

      alhamdullillah, some of these comments are hateful and accuse of her lying for attention..sad world

    • @hefjeb2168
      @hefjeb2168 2 месяца назад


    • @hanasujoi
      @hanasujoi 2 месяца назад

      @@hefjeb2168 something like that

    • @ericdeniz5413
      @ericdeniz5413 2 месяца назад +1

      That story came from your ass?

    • @ericdeniz5413
      @ericdeniz5413 2 месяца назад

      Did that story came from your arse?

  • @mohsenmaqboolmoh8742
    @mohsenmaqboolmoh8742 9 дней назад +3

    What an inspiration...putting your belief in God beyond anything. Alhamdulillah

  • @obiazmi
    @obiazmi Месяц назад +6

    Reverts have strongest faith, they're an inspiration❤.. Masha Allah.. hope we all get faith like them.. Insha Allah..

  • @Amna_imaan_sisters
    @Amna_imaan_sisters 2 месяца назад +521

    May Allah grant her the highest level of Jannah, Ameen.

    • @riedewaanisaacs5967
      @riedewaanisaacs5967 Месяц назад +4

      Ameen yah rabbal a'lameen Allahu Akbar trust in the MERCY of Allah everything will work out for the best AMEEN yah rabbal A'lameen

    • @ismaelfraser47
      @ismaelfraser47 Месяц назад +2


    • @CrimeAndPopcorn
      @CrimeAndPopcorn Месяц назад +3

      Is it a sin to be black in Islam religion, I just watched a funny video and they read passages from your religion claiming it's a sin?

    • @Aa2005-
      @Aa2005- Месяц назад +1

      To be black? Wa do u mean

    • @angelliqx_luv
      @angelliqx_luv Месяц назад +2


  • @lukaswastaken8756
    @lukaswastaken8756 2 месяца назад +198

    And they say hijab oppressess women?
    Yet they don't realise that they're the one making hijab oppressive.

    • @user-xf3cu4le5z
      @user-xf3cu4le5z 28 дней назад

      In Iran women are burning their hijabs in front of armed government, cause they are sick of the Islamic laws forcing them to wear it.

    • @SohrabNoor
      @SohrabNoor 13 дней назад

      Guilty always blame the innocent. France has banned the Hijab and they accuse Muslims of oppressing women.

  • @esmeehuisman4469
    @esmeehuisman4469 Месяц назад +7

    I am christian but I have so so much respect for people like her❤❤❤

  • @NoThatRyan
    @NoThatRyan 6 месяцев назад +2483

    Even if you're not Muslim, discrimanating against people based on their faith will always be wrong.

    • @user-do2ns3dv7y
      @user-do2ns3dv7y 6 месяцев назад +17

      Everyone must follow Islam brother or sister . This is true faith . Please read qurhan with understanding

    • @hadesobscuro2822
      @hadesobscuro2822 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@user-do2ns3dv7yI don't

    • @chrisaddidas3240
      @chrisaddidas3240 6 месяцев назад +1

      Now can you pls be kind enough to respond...
      You think allah is real ?
      Allah WAS NOT THERE to protect his quran from eaten by a tame sheep
      Allah was NOT there to save his creator prophet muhammad from eating poison.
      You think Allah or Isa exist??
      Just in case you think allah is real... There is a sahih hadith that narrates that Muhammad imagined having sex with all his nine wives. In the same way. he also imagined up a Isa and a allah.
      I posted the sahih hadith on Muhammad's famous imagination for you to digest .
      Read the PROOF of allah's non existence. ...
      Sunan Ibn Majah
      Dar-us-Salam reference
      Volume 3, Book 9, Hadith 1944
      In-book reference
      Book 9, Hadith 2020
      Hadith 1944
      It was narrated that 'Aishah said:
      “The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed1, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.”
      This is a SAHIH HADITH. .
      So the tame sheep ate the Quran when allah was sleeping ?
      Questions for you.
      Where is allah when the tame sheep ate the quran?
      Where is allah when muhammad was poisoned causing him to die a slow and painful death as a false prophet?
      I will be waiting for your learned answers.
      Islam is false and Jesus Christ is Lord

    • @muhamadtaufik8033
      @muhamadtaufik8033 6 месяцев назад +8

      And it doesnt work clockwise..

    • @ralouph3238
      @ralouph3238 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@user-do2ns3dv7yGod created us in his own image but we sinned and broke that image so now we deserve hell but God wanted a way of forgiveness so he took on the form of man suffered on the cross for the forgiveness of sins that whoever repents of his sins and puts his faith in jesus christ can be saved to get that forgiveness u have to repent of ur sins put ur faith in jesus christ follow him and rely on his finished work on the cross and not ur own works to be saved repentence first means realising ur a sinner who needs Gods help then u change ur mind about sin realising its disgusting before God and u let him help u to stop doing sin putting ur faith in jesus means u do his commandments which u can know about in the bible loving jesus means to do his commandments but u have to be careful first of all u dont know when ur gonna die so come to God and repent today and that jesus is the only way to heaven the only truth and the only life and we can go to heaven bc of what he did on the cross not bc of our own works so ur good works dont get u to heaven its only bc if what jesus did on the cross but that doesnt mean u live a life of sin no u live a life pleasing to God having a true relationship with him but u trust in what jesus did on the cross and not ur own works that can get u to heaven jesus loves u and he can give u eternal life repent today

  • @Muno-M1H
    @Muno-M1H 2 месяца назад +185

    as a Muslim and seeing other muslims calling this person a liar is disgusting, ive been a muslim my whole life and i call the niqab a hijab. THERES NOTHING WRONG with it. either that she didnt know or forgot, we all make mistakes and someone said something abt her dad buying a ferrari and she denied it or her being rich and went to islam for attention. You dont know her life, you dont know her. Allah says in the Quran to not judge others. so dont judge and she might be true to her words. leave her alone you guys are making a big fuss about this. Allah knows her true intentions and you dont, Allah knows her best so stop with the criticizing and find your relationship with Allah! LEAVE HER BE!

    • @yusufrosheed3748
      @yusufrosheed3748 2 месяца назад +8

      Hijab, khimar and jalbab all are thesame meaning but hijab can also mean niqob

    • @AlexVechivtch
      @AlexVechivtch Месяц назад

      Why leave her be? Shouldn't her claims be questioned?

    • @kampiiresauda968
      @kampiiresauda968 Месяц назад +2

      Allahu Akbar

    • @qwerty-yc
      @qwerty-yc Месяц назад +8

      ​@@AlexVechivtchThe prophet said to assume the best of your brothers and sisters.

    • @azhmir4586
      @azhmir4586 Месяц назад +4

      this is hijab. please look up the islamic definition of hijab

  • @hollaifyahearme5771
    @hollaifyahearme5771 15 дней назад +3

    Shout out to the brothers and sisters who supported this sister in order for her to remain steadfast

  • @eikmaladam6145
    @eikmaladam6145 Месяц назад +17

    "It's very simple to choose"
    Oh Allah, give us your strength to help us keep our faith on u without hesitation 🤲 aamiin

  • @muhammadfarukh4739
    @muhammadfarukh4739 7 месяцев назад +2321

    You're an inspiration sister.

    • @DIAMOND-qd2yz
      @DIAMOND-qd2yz 7 месяцев назад +22


    • @lenicois909
      @lenicois909 7 месяцев назад +10

      not really

    • @deathscythe7571
      @deathscythe7571 7 месяцев назад +19


    • @0mar1948
      @0mar1948 7 месяцев назад

      @@lenicois909 I see this clown under every Muslim post. You love Muslims and Islam very much don’t you? Well we don’t need your love, we need your hate because without your hate, we are weak

    • @pecerusty8308
      @pecerusty8308 6 месяцев назад +8

      She can do and wears outside the college and in her motherland

  • @saramoooon
    @saramoooon 6 месяцев назад +543

    Sometimes being a “revert” in a foreign country & still holding on to your faith very strongly makes you 10x better than a person who is already faithful from birth. For any revert reading, I am so proud of you for taking this step yet still facing daily challenges for simply having faith. You are way stronger than you think. May Allah guide you. I hope you find peace from within.

    • @Ezekiel903
      @Ezekiel903 6 месяцев назад +9

      cant understand it, most women in Turkey, Iran and many other Muslim countries want get rid of the hijab, and when they are in western countries they want wear it??

    • @khiljinagor8976
      @khiljinagor8976 6 месяцев назад

      She is notba born musljm, she investigated the religion and accepted it where as most born Muslims take it for granted and are there as a cultural musljm without tobhave investigate it further and have deep conviction ​@@Ezekiel903

    • @corester3018
      @corester3018 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@Ezekiel903well in these cases its non muslim women who are forced upon the hijab as law and not by choice

    • @dr.habibwizzy9546
      @dr.habibwizzy9546 6 месяцев назад

      @@Ezekiel903stop with the Tv. If 10 women march on the streets with CNN on them talking about throwing away the hijab, how’s that women in Iran or Turkey? Those countries have millions of women.

    • @user-nu4um2gr3d
      @user-nu4um2gr3d 6 месяцев назад +9

      I'm sorry, but there's no way anyone can convince me that only being able to see a person's eyes while talking with them is normal. There is something seriously wrong with these people. God Bless America!

  • @tjscar2543
    @tjscar2543 Месяц назад +2

    The definition of true imaan well done sister very inspirational

  • @M4captain16
    @M4captain16 22 дня назад +2

    Allah swt tested her so much because he loves the ones he tests

  • @at9048
    @at9048 7 месяцев назад +891

    Faith always wins 🏆

    • @m.haz1656
      @m.haz1656 6 месяцев назад +11

      Don't use that emoji instead use this 🤲 the emoji you're using is like praying in other religions

    • @at9048
      @at9048 6 месяцев назад +5

      @@m.haz1656 noted

    • @endritneziri8390
      @endritneziri8390 6 месяцев назад


    • @Tsuki-Sii
      @Tsuki-Sii 6 месяцев назад +7

      Faith does not always win and I don't understand where you got that from.

    • @at9048
      @at9048 6 месяцев назад +6

      @Tsuki-Sii firstly you need have faith to understand this, if you don't have faith then don't expect to understand this..... now go fly a kite!

  • @spiritzen
    @spiritzen 6 месяцев назад +40

    If the school or college did that, then you need to make it a legal case. There are no grounds in the US to fail a student because of clothing or religion.

    • @petrpohnan875
      @petrpohnan875 6 месяцев назад

      BS. People in US do not wear towels on heads. If someone wants to live there, he/she simply needs to follow that. If he/she does not like it, he is free to leave to any underdeveloped country where they do wear towels.

    • @samer258
      @samer258 6 месяцев назад +2

      I bet she doesn't study law😂❤

    • @betrousaltaweel
      @betrousaltaweel 6 месяцев назад +11

      Exactly her story is obviously made up and untrue. It’s just clickbait.

    • @andybarnard4575
      @andybarnard4575 6 месяцев назад +1

      Actually I dont think you can wear a posing pouch to chemistry lab.

    • @elizabethkinzey3865
      @elizabethkinzey3865 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, I thought perhaps that part was made up or perhaps she got expelled for harassing her classmates/professors with her Islam B.S.

  • @mizzshkodra
    @mizzshkodra 2 дня назад +1

    This woman deserves all the love, turning down all her future opportunities for Allah ❤️❤️❤️

  • @sahinsader6329
    @sahinsader6329 Месяц назад +4

    Mashallah, sister, your Iman is 1000 times better than born Muslims

  • @gangsta2926
    @gangsta2926 6 месяцев назад +908

    May Allah grant her the highest level of Jannah

    • @chrisaddidas3240
      @chrisaddidas3240 6 месяцев назад

      Now can you pls be kind enough to respond...
      You think allah is real ?
      Allah WAS NOT THERE to protect his quran from eaten by a tame sheep
      Allah was NOT there to save his creator prophet muhammad from eating poison.
      You think Allah or Isa exist??
      Just in case you think allah is real... There is a sahih hadith that narrates that Muhammad imagined having sex with all his nine wives. In the same way. he also imagined up a Isa and a allah.
      I posted the sahih hadith on Muhammad's famous imagination for you to digest .
      Read the PROOF of allah's non existence. ...
      Sunan Ibn Majah
      Dar-us-Salam reference
      Volume 3, Book 9, Hadith 1944
      In-book reference
      Book 9, Hadith 2020
      Hadith 1944
      It was narrated that 'Aishah said:
      “The Verse of stoning and of breastfeeding an adult ten times was revealed1, and the paper was with me under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah died, we were preoccupied with his death, and a tame sheep came in and ate it.”
      This is a SAHIH HADITH. .
      So the tame sheep ate the Quran when allah was sleeping ?
      Questions for you.
      Where is allah when the tame sheep ate the quran?
      Where is allah when muhammad was poisoned causing him to die a slow and painful death as a false prophet?
      I will be waiting for your learned answers.
      Islam is false and Jesus Christ is Lord

    • @ralouph3238
      @ralouph3238 6 месяцев назад +11

      God created us in his own image but we sinned and broke that image so now we deserve hell but God wanted a way of forgiveness so he took on the form of man suffered on the cross for the forgiveness of sins that whoever repents of his sins and puts his faith in jesus christ can be saved to get that forgiveness u have to repent of ur sins put ur faith in jesus christ follow him and rely on his finished work on the cross and not ur own works to be saved repentence first means realising ur a sinner who needs Gods help then u change ur mind about sin realising its disgusting before God and u let him help u to stop doing sin putting ur faith in jesus means u do his commandments which u can know about in the bible loving jesus means to do his commandments but u have to be careful first of all u dont know when ur gonna die so come to God and repent today and that jesus is the only way to heaven the only truth and the only life and we can go to heaven bc of what he did on the cross not bc of our own works so ur good works dont get u to heaven its only bc if what jesus did on the cross but that doesnt mean u live a life of sin no u live a life pleasing to God having a true relationship with him but u trust in what jesus did on the cross and not ur own works that can get u to heaven jesus loves u and he can give u eternal life repent today

    • @nicolasmartin-minaret6157
      @nicolasmartin-minaret6157 6 месяцев назад +7

      Good that God doesn't exist

    • @Jazeerakiko
      @Jazeerakiko 6 месяцев назад +5

      Aameen Yaa Rabbi Aameen

    • @shadyabdelrahman1616
      @shadyabdelrahman1616 6 месяцев назад +4


  • @saltyolbroad2962
    @saltyolbroad2962 5 месяцев назад +466

    That couldn't have been in the US because that whole college and work thing would be totally illegal! And she's wearing a niqab not a hijab.

    • @pattypatricia4429
      @pattypatricia4429 5 месяцев назад +8


    • @ginajackson9413
      @ginajackson9413 5 месяцев назад +42

      She doesn't know what she is on about.All lies

    • @roygeorge5364
      @roygeorge5364 5 месяцев назад +28

      Why would you even assume it was the US? Its also not Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Wales, Canada, Denmark...... The list goes on and on about countries that have proper working conditions. You Americans seem to think you are the only people in the world with access to the world wide web. Fun fact ( as the Americans like to say ) There are more people using the net who aren't American than those who are!

    • @ilovehorses38
      @ilovehorses38 5 месяцев назад +22

      I had teachers give me bad grades from since 9/11 days. Don't speak what u don't know

    • @saltyolbroad2962
      @saltyolbroad2962 5 месяцев назад +9

      @ilovehorses38 and as an American (again, assuming she is but I think not) the ACLU would've taken her case in a heartbeat!

  • @sannie777
    @sannie777 22 дня назад +3

    Why are people oppresing someone who just doesn't want to reveal her body parts?

  • @marywafi9696
    @marywafi9696 11 дней назад +1

    May Allah’s mercy be upon you. Ma sha Allah . We proud of you such a strong faith Muslim.❤

  • @Nematullah_44
    @Nematullah_44 2 месяца назад +273

    These is the real Hijab/ Niqab,
    Where men cannot judge her beauty rather than other Hijab .

    • @alifirouzabadi3719
      @alifirouzabadi3719 Месяц назад

      This is not real Hijab.
      Hijab under Koranic law states clearly that the Pill of o the Face has to clearly show. "Pill means the face only, no hair no ears, no neck. Read your Koran surah regarding Hijab.
      Don't make up shit and lie.

    • @FaiyazFahmiSyed
      @FaiyazFahmiSyed Месяц назад +10

      Basically you’re saying if some women don’t cover their face then they are not doing the proper hijab/niqab which is wrong according to Sheikh Nasiruddin Al-Albani and many others. Many of the today’s scholars also deny it like Dr Zakir Naik.

    • @Nematullah_44
      @Nematullah_44 Месяц назад +2

      @@FaiyazFahmiSyed ,
      The point should be noted that 85% of beauty of women is face,

    • @FaiyazFahmiSyed
      @FaiyazFahmiSyed Месяц назад +12

      @@Nematullah_44 So now WE are going to make things halal and haram according to OUR logic?

    • @Nematullah_44
      @Nematullah_44 Месяц назад +3

      @@FaiyazFahmiSyed ,Not my Logic,
      According to the rule of Allah and Prophet Mohammad SAW.

  • @alekhaalrem1408
    @alekhaalrem1408 Месяц назад +20

    "Do people think once they say, “We believe,” that they will be left without being put to the test? We certainly tested those before them. And ˹in this way˺ Allah will clearly distinguish between those who are truthful and those who are liars." (Q.S Al-'Ankabut 2:3)

  • @WillowWhosTuya
    @WillowWhosTuya 3 месяца назад +237

    I don't understand why people say things without proof. The Haram Police is always lurking. I'm sorry. I am a revert and as soon as I took shahada my change was immediate alhamdullillah. It's been rough but so rewarding. Nothing wrong with the sisters wearing niqab as long as they cover according to the word of Allah Subhannah Wa Taala. they are fine and wa Allahu alim. Allah knows best. It just bothers me how so many people want to correct everyone else. Are you correcting yourself? I was a bar owner when I converted. I dressed like a New Yorker dress. When I took shahadah my change was immediate I did get rid of my bar of everything I READ was permitted and forbidden - Halar or Haram. My family all turned their backs on my I gave up the bar everything I was before my shahadah became second to me. I made a promise to Allah if he helped me I would serve Him for the rest of Life. right after my prayer which I did in shujoot which I had no idea was how we pray . Subhaalah Allah my prayer was answered immediately. Its been a very rough road but Alhamdulillah I educated myself before I did it. My daughter took shahada on her 7th birthday on her own alhamdulilah. Please people stop giving fatwahs from yourself and find them and post them from the teachings of Allah and Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessing be upon him ) Check yourselves out before you say something that is incorrect. I too wore a niqab right away :) I love it May Allah guide us all and sister may He make it easy for you ameen.

    • @yusafimran8951
      @yusafimran8951 2 месяца назад +4

      Ma sha Allah. I wish to have a spouse that wears Full Niqab.

    • @elise97
      @elise97 2 месяца назад +15

      Islam is perfect but Muslims are not. We all are trying, and the best we could do is encourage one another and not to belittle, cause we dont know whats going on in someone's else life. So I agree with you. And allahuma barik, it is a blessing if your children became Muslim as well. May Allah keep them steadfast. Ameen.

    • @Aviator727
      @Aviator727 2 месяца назад +4

      Even if you converted don't turn your back on family Allah will hate it I can understand you but also do care them in emergencies don't break relations

    • @clasicolxjr9885
      @clasicolxjr9885 2 месяца назад +6

      Subhanallah, your story was amazing and relatable; although I was born into Islam, I had to find Islam again on my own, Allah had to break me down to bring me back to Him.
      The biggest blessing we have as Muslims is Islam, the disbelievers may have everything in the dunya but we know the nature life is fleeting/transient/cyclical, things come and go and nothing is forever here, which is why it proves to us even more that there has to be more after our death.
      May Allah guide us and keep us steadfast and forgive us all.

    • @sheryfa_
      @sheryfa_ 2 месяца назад +1

      Who said something is wrong with it do you really think that Muslim will tell Muslim to not wear hijab and even more niqab ? If she’s reconverted she’s probably from a non Muslim country.

  • @maruwaanryland4749
    @maruwaanryland4749 11 дней назад +3

    Masha Allah Sister. May Almighty Allah guide us all and protect us.

  • @mira_136
    @mira_136 23 дня назад +1

    omg the way she is speaking mashallah so smart

  • @MarkSmith-yd9kh
    @MarkSmith-yd9kh 5 месяцев назад +47

    Keep it on - probably for the best !

    • @user-vb3yb9kp9o
      @user-vb3yb9kp9o 3 месяца назад +2

      😂Lol I

    • @witcheshour9718
      @witcheshour9718 3 месяца назад


    • @denisadellinger4543
      @denisadellinger4543 3 месяца назад

      Not all Muslim women cover themselves completely like this. If she wants this lifestyle she should go to Iran and marry a Muslem man and subjugate herself.

    • @billhert4141
      @billhert4141 3 месяца назад


    • @rosbar4752
      @rosbar4752 3 месяца назад


  • @user-rk9yq2qy7q
    @user-rk9yq2qy7q 7 месяцев назад +427

    Wow Mashallah ! Good for you for sticking to what is best!

    • @lenicois909
      @lenicois909 7 месяцев назад

      its not tho

    • @user-rk9yq2qy7q
      @user-rk9yq2qy7q 7 месяцев назад +10

      For you it’s not. You should do some reading, if not then don’t.

    • @ACE1_GAMING
      @ACE1_GAMING 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@lenicois909why not?

    • @jhgmail7214
      @jhgmail7214 6 месяцев назад +1

      Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!!

    • @ACE1_GAMING
      @ACE1_GAMING 6 месяцев назад

      @@jhgmail7214 then why do you guys follow modern edited version of Christianity rather than following the original one.

  • @FuriousHajang
    @FuriousHajang Месяц назад +2

    This is when a Sister truly truly knows her Worth

  • @AbubakarHalima-ih3gq
    @AbubakarHalima-ih3gq День назад +1

    I was really getting angry but when you get to the part of "dunya or Allah " Alhmdulillah it felt my heart smiling. Alhmdulillah deen over duniya❤❤

  • @JeffreySmith84
    @JeffreySmith84 6 месяцев назад +1405

    All I heard was "bored rich girl went Muslim for attention."

    • @starizstar5135
      @starizstar5135 5 месяцев назад +26

      What do you mean huh

    • @afrivox
      @afrivox 5 месяцев назад +90

      And wants a victimhood trophy 😅

    • @Esat_Abdullah_Ibrahim
      @Esat_Abdullah_Ibrahim 5 месяцев назад +121

      What attention are you talking about?????? pure negative attention from the whole world????? your comment makes no sense

    • @user-ot7jd9dt7t
      @user-ot7jd9dt7t 5 месяцев назад +9

      Literally 😂😂😂

    • @spaarm
      @spaarm 5 месяцев назад +10

      Exactly dude

  • @user-lo2di7sp8n
    @user-lo2di7sp8n 5 месяцев назад +175

    Next episode, American woman goes to Saudi Arabia and complains she can't get a job while wearing a crop top and yoga pants.

    • @noeoleole6911
      @noeoleole6911 4 месяца назад +3

      Good one!

    • @DuhaYum
      @DuhaYum 4 месяца назад +4

      She needs to marry Muslim man there not a job. Muslim man must bear her and she should get all free of cost in living. Why should she get a job if she can get better life. Saudi treat women high class there, not a severe servant compulsory

    • @cathy4264
      @cathy4264 3 месяца назад

      @DuhaYum same way Janet Jackson was deceived by a Saudi Prince .at the end, he made her a pouncing box. She is in England now with her son thank God she is divorced. The biggest hypocrites are found in Muslim men especially.

    • @mohammadmoh9335
      @mohammadmoh9335 3 месяца назад +8

      Theres a difference, you can cover up all you want it shouldnt bother anyone. But walking half naked on the streets is bothering

    • @waqarafghannaseer
      @waqarafghannaseer 3 месяца назад +1

      That’s actually funny, if that law states you can’t wear this or that you must follow the law or just leave to another country.

  • @ahmednuur2750
    @ahmednuur2750 5 дней назад +1

    She is a role model for Muslim women
    I couldn't be more proud of her 👏
    May Allah grant you the highest rank in jannah

  • @santanawilliams6542
    @santanawilliams6542 18 дней назад +8

    I gave my entire life for becoming muslim. I have a great life by the grace of Allah. Many people left my life.

  • @zaayy23
    @zaayy23 2 месяца назад +73

    please please make dua for my loved ones to be guided to islam as well, it would mean so so much

    • @abdimohammed3907
      @abdimohammed3907 2 месяца назад

      I will do my friend

    • @s.bk.655
      @s.bk.655 2 месяца назад +1

      May Allah make your entire family and progeny enter Islam inshallah and may you all be granted Jannatul Firdous together Ameen ❤

    • @0ArshKhan0
      @0ArshKhan0 Месяц назад +2

      May Allah guide your loved ones towards Islam and grant you steadfastness

    • @zaayy23
      @zaayy23 Месяц назад

      @@0ArshKhan0 ameen summa ameen. جزاك الله’خيراً

  • @lewstherintelamon1377
    @lewstherintelamon1377 6 месяцев назад +447

    This isn't a Hijab, and I'm not buying "her" story.

    • @JayDillDrums
      @JayDillDrums 5 месяцев назад +16

      Yes I’m calling bs. Propaganda on youtube shorts?? Christ. Lol

    • @shahadahazizah7622
      @shahadahazizah7622 5 месяцев назад +3

      Why is what she wearing NOT a hijab. If not what is it called…

    • @betsydey5500
      @betsydey5500 5 месяцев назад +22

      It's a niqab.

    • @JayDillDrums
      @JayDillDrums 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@shahadahazizah7622 no one cares really

    • @JoyofRVing
      @JoyofRVing 5 месяцев назад +16

      That’s more of a Burqa 😮

  • @Mulkhonmerxuri
    @Mulkhonmerxuri 3 дня назад +1

    When I first started learning martial arts while wearing my hijab everyone was like take it out. You'll feel uncomfortable and I was like" Dude chill am comfortable with it cause if I won't wear it I'll feel like am missing something very important". Alhamdulillah I didn't gave up on both my passion and my hijab and am happy for it😊😊

  • @electricircuit.solutions
    @electricircuit.solutions 16 дней назад +3

    Professor threatening with an F
    Her father tempting her with an F
    (a Ferrari)
    But Allah's promise F ( Al Firdous )
    To Allah we shall return for His judgement and we won't be wronged !

  • @mmalmosa
    @mmalmosa 5 месяцев назад +813

    This is a proof that you can't cover or hide narcissism or attention seeking behavior .

    • @theminicooper
      @theminicooper 5 месяцев назад +15

      Quite literally

    • @osky529
      @osky529 5 месяцев назад +39

      No it's true I was the Ferrari! I remember Donald Trump told her she could be president and she said presidency or Allah? And she choose Allah and everyone got up and clapped

    • @Anonymous_Buttocks
      @Anonymous_Buttocks 5 месяцев назад +12

      What makes u say that? Is she known for something before?

    • @efikeffect4454
      @efikeffect4454 5 месяцев назад

      @@Anonymous_Buttocksignore the idiot please. The internet is filled with tons of them.

    • @BridgesDontFly
      @BridgesDontFly 5 месяцев назад +7


  • @ivanjimenez3003
    @ivanjimenez3003 7 месяцев назад +323

    You are powerful. I hear you and I am not Muslim, but lived over a decade in 3 Gulf countries, so I know where you are coming from.

    • @thenationofghazis
      @thenationofghazis 7 месяцев назад +14

      May The Almighty Creator bless and guide you and your family to the truth 🤍

    • @arkamraza792
      @arkamraza792 7 месяцев назад +8

      If you have any questions about Islam You can ask me without any hesitation.
      May Allah guide you

    • @ivanjimenez3003
      @ivanjimenez3003 7 месяцев назад +8

      @arkamraza792 thank you. Not really. I have lived in the Gulf countries for 14 years. Love the people. However, I am a happy secular Buddhist and married a Thai lady. Like you, I am happy with my decision.

    • @arkamraza792
      @arkamraza792 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@ivanjimenez3003 Ok , not forcing you . But can you tell me what the belief of Buddhism is ?

    • @rdvancamuzcu9728
      @rdvancamuzcu9728 7 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@arkamraza792bro doing dawah even in comments 😂😂. Respect bro I try to do that too. Inshallah it will be accepted by Allah 🤲☝️🇹🇷

  • @syedabdulrahman2884
    @syedabdulrahman2884 Месяц назад +1

    Duniya will become aged old beauty lose then scrap but Allah is eternal and his paradise is forever evergreen. This is this genius girl's intellectulity and scholarship.

  • @mohammedabdulla6239
    @mohammedabdulla6239 День назад

    Ya Allah, such a high level of Emaan😭😭

  • @loganshotrod4x464
    @loganshotrod4x464 6 месяцев назад +393

    “Daddy bought me a Ferrari.”
    The icing on the cake after the whole “universities are evil &
    I’m so oppressed” pity party she threw for herself.
    Privileged people really don’t live in the same reality as the rest of us.

    • @jackiemyers2773
      @jackiemyers2773 5 месяцев назад +17

      She didn't tell the story of a privileged person. I think you are misusing the word. She was discriminated against because of her religion, that doesn't make her privileged.

    • @loganshotrod4x464
      @loganshotrod4x464 5 месяцев назад +12

      @@jackiemyers2773: Her Daddy’s rich & generous enough to buy her a Ferrari & she’s not privileged.

    • @afrivox
      @afrivox 5 месяцев назад +21

      ​@@loganshotrod4x464absolutely privileged and making things up to get a victimhood card😂

    • @AaronJeffers
      @AaronJeffers 5 месяцев назад +6

      @@afrivox in all fairness the world's not black and white. She's definitely extremely privileged but could still have been discriminated against based on religion, no way to know for sure without both sides of the story but I suspect not all has been told here

    • @gringa4914
      @gringa4914 5 месяцев назад

      watch the whole story before you make bold assumptions like this lmfao

  • @rwusa1117
    @rwusa1117 6 месяцев назад +727

    When I was 4 years old I learned people lied for attention...

    • @eulabell4871
      @eulabell4871 5 месяцев назад +13

      But is it true that Islam doesn't consider it a sin to lie to anyone seen as the enemy? Because in Christianity lying is a sin regardless. Because God is just and pure and doesn't lie.

    • @therealxemperor7423
      @therealxemperor7423 5 месяцев назад +15

      ​@@eulabell4871 lying to ensure peace among a nation, couple or to protect Islam against hostility is halal

    • @rwusa1117
      @rwusa1117 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@therealxemperor7423 I'll have to say that's a slippery belief about lies. That belief opens the thought that Mohammed could have lied in the Quran

    • @daviddrake6875
      @daviddrake6875 5 месяцев назад

      @@eulabell4871Yes Taqiyya

    • @daviddrake6875
      @daviddrake6875 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@rwusa1117Aloha says he deceived that Judah was Crucified not Yeshua of Nazareth. But YAH says he is not a man that he should lie. Was Mohammed duped or is he a fraud?

  • @Abdihakim206
    @Abdihakim206 3 дня назад +1

    Alhamdulillah. Allah reward you with Jannat-ul-Firdaws, sister.

  • @Hopelove73
    @Hopelove73 5 дней назад +1

    The best choice ever! Allah always with no hesitation .

  • @cestall1
    @cestall1 5 месяцев назад +687

    I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for 100, Alex.

  • @jasonmadura5094
    @jasonmadura5094 6 месяцев назад +587

    Why am I having a hard time believing this person? In this day and age there is no way a college would discriminate (especially so blatantly) against someone wearing a hijab. There's no "f" in "way"

    • @IARRCSim
      @IARRCSim 6 месяцев назад +49

      because your brain is working

    • @pl574
      @pl574 6 месяцев назад +56

      My first thought, as well. If this is true, why hasn't there been a massive lawsuit against the university?

    • @justanaquarius320
      @justanaquarius320 6 месяцев назад +76

      Use your brain, look at her eyes, she is not young, this must happen long time ago

    • @brucecookieboyz233
      @brucecookieboyz233 6 месяцев назад +20

      Lmao I went to a lot of racist school. Even high school. Back then there were a lot of racist people in school including the kids.

    • @bigjoe3437
      @bigjoe3437 6 месяцев назад +32

      She's playing victim for attention.

  • @Adamkhannn
    @Adamkhannn 14 часов назад

    She’s enlightened and brave and those cowards will never stop a sister this brave

  • @ryuukakhadijah7766
    @ryuukakhadijah7766 Месяц назад

    Ma shaa Allah 😢 She's stronger than us born muslims..many of us would take up the offer without a second thought

  • @anthonyburke5656
    @anthonyburke5656 6 месяцев назад +9

    “As if somehow this made me stupid”, she said it!

  • @arianamarsello4739
    @arianamarsello4739 5 месяцев назад +400

    As a recently reverted Muslim woman, I need to say, that's NOT a hijab. A hijab covers only the hair and neck. The person in the video wears a niqab, NOT a hijab.

    • @eiwagarciabrito495
      @eiwagarciabrito495 4 месяца назад +2

      What’s the difference?

    • @coucoubrandy1079
      @coucoubrandy1079 4 месяца назад

      ​@eiwagarciabrito495 are you dumb or you can't read ?

    • @SpaPartyCentral
      @SpaPartyCentral 4 месяца назад

      The niqab covers the face, hijab covers hair. I hope this "recent revert" comes to her senses sooner rather than later.​@@eiwagarciabrito495

    • @musiclover2.06
      @musiclover2.06 4 месяца назад +3

      @@Honest_FreePalestineWhy is a hijab wrong??

    • @Emmma916
      @Emmma916 4 месяца назад +28

      😂😂😂She doesn't even know the difference and she is talking non sense 😂

  • @elepentx2
    @elepentx2 Месяц назад +1

    They say women have the rights to wear anything. Unless it's about wearing to cover yourself rather then exposing

  • @s1r3n1971
    @s1r3n1971 6 месяцев назад +132

    The deen among reverts is beyond remarkable and worthy of respect and awe.

    • @joel425
      @joel425 6 месяцев назад +5

      also seems like complete bs but I could be wrong

    • @shireenmakda4442
      @shireenmakda4442 6 месяцев назад

      @@joel425 free will is free will, get over it

    • @Bookah-1o1
      @Bookah-1o1 6 месяцев назад

      May aallah reward you you inshallahaah😊

  • @codingvio7383
    @codingvio7383 5 месяцев назад +182

    If this was a true story, the university would be under massive social media backlash. No college professor in the age of social media would say that. Let's not lie here and say what really happened.

    • @rivertam7827
      @rivertam7827 5 месяцев назад +15

      Even prior to social media this would have violated anti discrimination laws.

    • @asmaj.631
      @asmaj.631 5 месяцев назад +25

      She looks like an older woman so perhaps she was in university when SM wasn’t really a thing. Stop discrediting people just cause yours quick to lie.

    • @beverlyjohnson2266
      @beverlyjohnson2266 5 месяцев назад

      I thought she was a he, just stirring every thing up.

    • @starkochmodig5815
      @starkochmodig5815 5 месяцев назад +4

      OH! How I miss Sharia law!!! I shall move to Iran.

    • @dana-moore
      @dana-moore 5 месяцев назад +11

      do y’all not know about other countries existing and how she might’ve went to a christian college

  • @insomnia113
    @insomnia113 Месяц назад

    I smiled involuntarily when he asked "Dunya or Allah." .May Allah gives this woman a good life Inshallah.

  • @Anwar-wl8xm
    @Anwar-wl8xm 13 дней назад

    May Allah bless our beautiful sister with all the happiness in the world Ameen

  • @AdversaryOne
    @AdversaryOne 6 месяцев назад +30

    "Daddy knows that I love fast cars"
    I don't know why that's so funny to me. 🤣

    • @reesemorgan2259
      @reesemorgan2259 6 месяцев назад +2

      It is hilarious you're right. I wasn't sure I heard it right until you confirmed it to me. Some much needed (but unintended) comic relief...

  • @mortocai
    @mortocai 6 месяцев назад +249

    If her daddy is buying her a Ferrari then she's not hurting for money.

    • @sevimcruz3551
      @sevimcruz3551 5 месяцев назад +10

      It’s her dad’s money! What good does it to to her?

    • @finlockheart8763
      @finlockheart8763 5 месяцев назад

      u realize many muslims are disowned and if so yes automatically hurting for money they been cut off especially if they cant get an education or job

    • @PFay
      @PFay 5 месяцев назад +6

      Yes, but they’re very spiritual people you know ? That’s what she’s portraying in this costumed performance.

    • @evierich3085
      @evierich3085 5 месяцев назад +5

      This is my mother in law, I can see what you mean by it feels like a performance I suppose trying to combine a small snippet of your life into an edited video can feel that way, but she isn't lying. :)@@PFay

    • @daviddrake6875
      @daviddrake6875 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @kandegomdah4718
    @kandegomdah4718 2 дня назад

    Masha Allah. The guidance of Allah is the best of guidance.

  • @wotdouwan
    @wotdouwan Месяц назад

    That's why the Qur'an says " we will bring forth replacing those who have lost their mission"

  • @picklepoppers8223
    @picklepoppers8223 7 месяцев назад +212

    Such strong Imaan and devotion to Allah SWT

    • @7Samadhi777
      @7Samadhi777 6 месяцев назад

      Dressed up like this has nothing to do with righteousness or Allah, and the Quran certainly does not require it. Chances are this video with its comments are Zionist concoctions….

    • @MahsaAmini-vc3de
      @MahsaAmini-vc3de 6 месяцев назад

      the definition of stupidity. Starts living in a burlap sac in the name of BS called Islam.

    • @cherylnielson4710
      @cherylnielson4710 6 месяцев назад

      No. Someone devoted to Allah wouldn’t be such a liar.

    • @7Samadhi777
      @7Samadhi777 6 месяцев назад

      This whole hijab scam was started by Zionists, who continue to propagandise like they do here….

    • @titbits2304
      @titbits2304 4 месяца назад

      ​@@cherylnielson4710 Allah is a lie.

  • @RenownLion
    @RenownLion 5 месяцев назад +36

    Imagine suffering so much in the world only to be told "Depart from me, I never knew you." People seek Jesus before it's too late.

    • @evierich3085
      @evierich3085 5 месяцев назад

      As muslims we believe Jesus to be a prophet, unfortunately we do not believe that a human can be God and even in the Bible, Jesus says that he is not able to do what he does alone without God.

    • @hideem1
      @hideem1 5 месяцев назад

      Jesus is a major prophet in Islamic faith. Maybe you need to educate yourself? Also, the woman in this video is lying.

    • @jesuswarnedusaboutthem7710
      @jesuswarnedusaboutthem7710 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@evierich3085God can do anything he wants. Why do u put human limits on God? Jesus is the son of God

    • @Susweca5569
      @Susweca5569 5 месяцев назад

      I'll "seek Jesus" if I need some yard work done...🤣

    • @Susweca5569
      @Susweca5569 5 месяцев назад

      My sister is a Muslim. I know that Jesus is a prophet in Islam. Her husband's name also happens to be Isa. I don't believe in any religion, but I believe this woman is lying. Being Muslim has never impeded my sister in any way, and she has a PHD. In fifty years, I've never seen her wearing hijab. Of course, she wears one out of respect when she's in a Middle Eastern country that requires it, but wearing it doesn't determine her faith. She's pragmatic and choses not to make herself a target or create unnecessary social conflict when she's here in America or in Europe. Her husband is a deeply spiritual man, but he's also wise enough not to attempt to oppress or control her.

  • @user-lt5ho3of6f
    @user-lt5ho3of6f Месяц назад

    She has already got a booked Jannah ticket❤❤❤ I respect.

  • @nomi_87
    @nomi_87 6 дней назад +1

    We are very proud of your sister May Allah bless you ❤

  • @bluelilly22222
    @bluelilly22222 6 месяцев назад +52

    If you disobey I will choose people better than you....
    Ya RABBU forgive me, don't leave me alone n don't replace me... Aameen.
    This sister is awesome ❤

    • @freepalestine8701
      @freepalestine8701 6 месяцев назад

      @@Sadeeqyt indeed Allah SWT can replace anyone with someone better than us . This why we should always be grateful to Allah . The biggest blessing we have is Islam ☝🏽 Alhamdulilah 🤲🏽

    • @freepalestine8701
      @freepalestine8701 6 месяцев назад

      Ya Allah please do not let us stop loving you and worshiping you with a pure heart , Amiin

  • @Skeeeyeeee
    @Skeeeyeeee 6 месяцев назад +303

    Alhamdulillah I am a revert 🤲🏽 I became a hijabi a couple days after going to my first masjid & I haven’t missed a jummah since🥳🥳 it’s always the highlight of my week & I feel this extreme happiness, like a little child when I’m in the house of Allah🥹🤲🏽❤️❤️ proud to be a Muslimah🥰

    • @annetteniebelski7513
      @annetteniebelski7513 6 месяцев назад +1

      Check out Muslims debating "the Christian Prince "

    • @amyreizei824
      @amyreizei824 6 месяцев назад

      ​@michaellthearch1138 jehovah said he only speaks with jews. Most of christian is not jews. Also jews spit on you when thay see you 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @kayc.8283
      @kayc.8283 6 месяцев назад


    • @zulqarnainabdullah4254
      @zulqarnainabdullah4254 6 месяцев назад +2


    • @AbdulqadriGhaniyah-dj6gr
      @AbdulqadriGhaniyah-dj6gr 6 месяцев назад

      Barakah llahu fihi

  • @Deeyas33
    @Deeyas33 Месяц назад

    she go through somany tests, she kept her faith 👍🏼that's it masha allah.

  • @shahrukhansari1224
    @shahrukhansari1224 18 дней назад

    Jazak Allahu Khayran 🌷

  • @tattyshoesshigure5731
    @tattyshoesshigure5731 5 месяцев назад +85

    She sounds way too full of herself to be genuine… the “Daddy bought me a Ferrari” line is 100% bull.

    • @EB-om1uo
      @EB-om1uo 5 месяцев назад +2

      I know right, sounds pretty far fetched.

    • @ginajackson9413
      @ginajackson9413 5 месяцев назад +5

      Don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth.Fed up with all these BS about religion.
      Hijab has got nothing to do with being a Muslims It's a choice .

    • @sarahjabr4760
      @sarahjabr4760 5 месяцев назад +1

      Let ne guess, you grew up without a father figure in the house didn't you?

    • @tattyshoesshigure5731
      @tattyshoesshigure5731 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@sarahjabr4760 wrong guess… no surprise there lol! 🤣

    • @miovicdina7706
      @miovicdina7706 5 месяцев назад

      "She" sounds like a man.

  • @samztubez
    @samztubez 15 дней назад +1

    Sister you sacrificed Duniya for the sake of Alah; I can’t even imagine how your reward will be in Paradise! May Allah bless you 🤲🏼

  • @PeakMotivaton
    @PeakMotivaton 2 дня назад

    May Allah protect her at all cost.

  • @sayfde4941
    @sayfde4941 7 месяцев назад +312

    May Allah protect and bless you more

    • @lenicois909
      @lenicois909 7 месяцев назад +4

      doesnt exist

    • @dontworryimok...55
      @dontworryimok...55 7 месяцев назад +10

      ​@@lenicois909your brain

    • @alimerza744
      @alimerza744 7 месяцев назад

      @@dontworryimok...55 Ohhhhh nice one

    • @shariffacarloalandalusia4492
      @shariffacarloalandalusia4492 7 месяцев назад

      ameen, ya Rabb, al Alameen آمين يا رب العالمين

    • @zzzzxxxx341
      @zzzzxxxx341 6 месяцев назад

      You didn't even have the guts to show up in front of the NEWS to condemn the acts of atrocities, lameness and cowardness of your brothers and sisters in ISIS and HAMAS and do something to stop their terrorism against people all over the world saying you are a peaceful religion. Why did you not condemn your brothers and sisters in ISIS ( Islamic State in Iraq and Syria for killing churchgoers in Marawi, Philippines? Why did you not condemn them for killing the Filipinos??? I HAVE NEVER SEEN THE MOST COWARDLY RELIGION IN THE WORLD!!!. YOU ARE ALL HYPOCRITES AND COWARDS!!!
      God the Father will rule righteous people forever and not COWARDS!!!
      Thy kingdom come, thy will be done!!!

  • @abcabc9893
    @abcabc9893 5 месяцев назад +20

    Immediately she gets the contagion of the victim status....a true Muslim.

  • @Ari_2169
    @Ari_2169 Месяц назад

    May Allah grant her highest level of jannah

  • @murshedaziz3742
    @murshedaziz3742 2 дня назад

    You are 10000% better muslim than most of us who are born muslims.

  • @darrellcoe5630
    @darrellcoe5630 6 месяцев назад +81

    She lost me at "daddy bought me a Ferrari".

  • @carls.1000
    @carls.1000 6 месяцев назад +122

    In Afghanistan the Islamic government does not allow women to go to university, to leave home without covering, to work in offices nor drive cars.

    • @johnnycorn7225
      @johnnycorn7225 6 месяцев назад +7

      Right! My aunt was one of the last 3,000 Americans left there and she had to shoot her way out to the evac

    • @daviddrake6875
      @daviddrake6875 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @johnnycorn7225
      @johnnycorn7225 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@daviddrake6875 I was thinking how lucky we were to still have her over Thanksgiving when we all got together. We are Lebanese, unspeakable terrible things have happened to our family that never made it to USA, committed by the same extremist whackos that run Hezbollah and Hamas.

    • @1234jazy
      @1234jazy 5 месяцев назад +1

      Thats Afghanistan . She not in Afghanistan

    • @johnnycorn7225
      @johnnycorn7225 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@1234jazy thank God not anymore we told her not to go

  • @miroiboii8936
    @miroiboii8936 22 дня назад

    Mashallah! May Allah protect you from all evil,Ameen

  • @ismaelfraser47
    @ismaelfraser47 Месяц назад +1

    May Allah reward you my sister and grant you Allah, as you've given up the dunyaa for his sake aameen.

  • @1x1x1is1
    @1x1x1is1 5 месяцев назад +111

    Serious doubts that a university will threaten a student like than for hijab in west

    • @lorna7338
      @lorna7338 5 месяцев назад +9

      She was attending a fashion university and they don't tolerate bad taste.

    • @mariarusch572
      @mariarusch572 5 месяцев назад +2

      You can read news and they force Cristian student to wear hijab,on country like indonesia

    • @patricenagel9442
      @patricenagel9442 5 месяцев назад

      Well they do in France, I don't know of it in the US but if this woman said it happened to her, then why wouldn't I believe her? Ever since trump came on the scene in 2016, people hate all people of color, they hate Muslims and Jews, and it's horrible that this kind of hate happens here

    • @mmorgado751
      @mmorgado751 5 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@mariarusch572she didn't mention where it was.

    • @user-or1tg2ch9k
      @user-or1tg2ch9k Месяц назад

      ​​@@mariarusch572im indonesian, i can confirm that is bulshit..

  • @jamese1596
    @jamese1596 6 месяцев назад +150

    Everyone should be free to make really stupid decisions. You go, girl.

    • @slytlion
      @slytlion 6 месяцев назад +6

      exactly but they'll be banned if they make smart decisions 😊

      @VMAG-AUDITS 6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, just coz she wears a hijab doesn't make her stupid but it's a good indicator 😂

    • @wheelie642
      @wheelie642 6 месяцев назад +12

      She never names the university or time or place. I’m calling bull shit.

    • @barrywilliams3147
      @barrywilliams3147 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@wheelie642me too

    • @sumaiyyaht
      @sumaiyyaht 3 месяца назад

      Yep too true...and now after gaining many qualifications and a superb education she travels internationally all expenses paid speaking and lecturing in environments of her choosing.....wow....yh....real stupid.

  • @ernstrichardmesserle9813
    @ernstrichardmesserle9813 26 дней назад

    To be consequent in faith is not always easy - but the reward for this rightghesness
    is it more than worth.

  • @anzumafia9888
    @anzumafia9888 22 дня назад +1

    BarakAllahu feekum

  • @sasujones226
    @sasujones226 3 месяца назад +435

    Im a white American muslim living in Saudiarabia, i wear a scarf but NEVER wore a face veil (niqab) . 33 years here. No one ever said anything to me about covering my face. Its not necessary

    • @DomestikMatterz
      @DomestikMatterz 3 месяца назад +33

      True thr purdah is more cultural. Derived from the strong desert winds but people somehow attached it as mandatory in some places. But I honed more into her commit to pleasing our creator over choosing worldly things. I’m not trying to judge her by nitpicking into every little thing.

    • @rubimalik4878
      @rubimalik4878 3 месяца назад +23

      Veil on the face is not compulsory

    • @nimo6972
      @nimo6972 3 месяца назад +10

      As a western I think it's cool, hope to see this everywhere.

    • @zeekhan1434
      @zeekhan1434 3 месяца назад +12

      Covering a woman's face is a psychological barrier to onlookers who may be tempted with amorous feelings off an attractive woman. But in the West it is normal to be amorously vivid.

    • @Antiliberal777
      @Antiliberal777 3 месяца назад

      So, you're just a traitor and you deserve a traitor's fate!

  • @bbq4323
    @bbq4323 6 месяцев назад +167

    You can't get thrown out of a university for being a a Muslim. You can get rejected from a course if it requires you to show your face. Most jobs around the world will not hire a person who refuses to show their face.

    • @JustinZero0
      @JustinZero0 6 месяцев назад +14

      this is the real answer

    • @nicholas_scott
      @nicholas_scott 6 месяцев назад +27

      So much of the story is missing making it completely unbelievable. The only part that made sense was the Ferrari bit. Clearly a spoiled upper class white girl who wants attention

    • @sejfomirvic8813
      @sejfomirvic8813 6 месяцев назад +2

      Give me a course that requires to show face

    • @bbq4323
      @bbq4323 6 месяцев назад +7

      Police course

    • @nicholas_scott
      @nicholas_scott 6 месяцев назад +11

      @@sejfomirvic8813 Most remote synchronous classes, like via zoom, etc, require the face shown to verify that you "showed up". Its been that way for a while

  • @azramnaeem3701
    @azramnaeem3701 14 дней назад

    She is great Example for us , May Allah grant us iman like her and we become strong muslim like her Ameen.

  • @user-fn7ye5kz5e
    @user-fn7ye5kz5e Месяц назад +2

    Mashallah Allahuma baarik

    • @ZeaRexz
      @ZeaRexz 29 дней назад

      8 year olds are getting mad

  • @crimnclove1970
    @crimnclove1970 5 месяцев назад +106

    I have a hard time believing her college told her she can not continue her education due to her religious outfit lol. That just would never happen.

    • @charaf7662
      @charaf7662 5 месяцев назад +3

      Depends who's running it.

    • @tvs9978
      @tvs9978 5 месяцев назад +6

      If it was an ultra Christian college or a uni in France where the Hijab is banned, then it's possible

    • @lorna7338
      @lorna7338 5 месяцев назад

      She was kicked out because all her cheat test notes were in that porta-tent she is wearing.

    • @asmaj.631
      @asmaj.631 5 месяцев назад

      Oh yeah? What about France?

    • @crimnclove1970
      @crimnclove1970 5 месяцев назад

      @@asmaj.631 I’m sure France would, I was thinking more of the US. We are very political correct here now that tRumpenstiltskin isn’t in charge anymore. And colleges here are businesses with profit as the main focus, all the students are paying customers. You can wear whatever hell you want as long as you cough up that tuition.

  • @solarcompaniesarefraud
    @solarcompaniesarefraud 6 месяцев назад +276

    A reverted Muslim is much more sincere then people like me who was born a Muslim.
    Masha’ALLAH, this women is a perfect example! Nothing on earth can change her faith an believe in allah swt

    • @nicolasmartin-minaret6157
      @nicolasmartin-minaret6157 6 месяцев назад

      Indeed, perfect example of brain washing and utter stupidity

    • @SaifiBhai001
      @SaifiBhai001 6 месяцев назад +2

      Literally i had tears in my eyes
      How much love she has for ALLAH.
      Will never go unnoticed....for sure

    • @marianisse4031
      @marianisse4031 6 месяцев назад +3

      It’s because they choose to be muslim,must of us that were born muslim don’t realize that being muslim is not just u were born to it,it’s a choice that u make and it has to come from your heart 💯

    • @nicolasmartin-minaret6157
      @nicolasmartin-minaret6157 6 месяцев назад

      @marianisse4031 from your heart?? To follow a religion supporting pedophilia, murder, extortion, domestic violence, rape, mutilation and slavery??? What kind of heart?

    • @nicolasmartin-minaret6157
      @nicolasmartin-minaret6157 6 месяцев назад

      @@SaifiBhai001 but she is too old for Mohammed the Pedophile Prophet. She is insane