WHY Muslims Have to Speak to The Modern World

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @zak992
    @zak992 3 месяца назад +6

    Spot on, you are so right to point out that we are too busy with in house issues, hair splitting theology, justifying good old sectarian differences, to an outsider looking in we do look, backward and intolerant. We are at the bottom of almost every positive field of human endeavour. Understanding where we are and the lofty heights we need to be is half the battle, may we be better custodians of Allah`s religion

  • @abdulkamau2862
    @abdulkamau2862 3 месяца назад


    @ALWAYSFAITHFUL247 3 месяца назад +2


  • @IamProlific
    @IamProlific 3 месяца назад +2

    Alhamdoulilahi for your perspective Imam and your consistency with the vision you've been spoon feeding me with. You're making it clearer and clearer as my the days go for me personally. I really do think Allah prepared my life to understand what you are providing and alhamdolilahi it is constantly reforming my mind.

  • @ahmedkabladj
    @ahmedkabladj 3 месяца назад +3

    Salam alaykom shaikh

  • @kaydappa
    @kaydappa 3 месяца назад +5

    Nothing but facts. Many Muslims see their religion as a cultural identity marker and set of rituals more than a God-centred worldview and code of how to conduct ourselves in society. May we get our priorities in order.

  • @rashidsavage6806
    @rashidsavage6806 3 месяца назад

    I think we are addressing them to a certain extent. As for the FBA/ADOS, we can definitely look at our community from our perspective through history.

    @ACADEMICREHAB 3 месяца назад


  • @kojothaguru
    @kojothaguru 3 месяца назад +1

    Salaam, how can the average Muslim who lacks great influence(me a college student) contribute to addressing the issues that’ve been spoken of in a meaningful way?

    • @eletralad
      @eletralad 3 месяца назад

      You're already a step there brother, we have the internet

  • @Mamoo139
    @Mamoo139 3 месяца назад +1

    I wish we had another MAN like Malcom on the scene. He was fearless, articulate, and a strong Muslim leader. A real MAN. All our leaders now are too concerned about what “THEY” will say about us. They don’t speak straight.

  • @godblesskingsley8611
    @godblesskingsley8611 3 месяца назад +1

    Jesus Christ says, "He would cast all souls of Muslims into the hellfire; if you die as a Muslim, you will go to hellfire".
    In the vision God showed me on 12th August 2023, a woman of God told me in the vision, "Jesus Christ is looking for you".
    As I was waiting on Jesus Christ, a great invisible wind (the Holy Spirit) took me into hellfire. I was directed alone by the invisible wind (the Holy Spirit) in the hellfire. In the hellfire, I was protected from the fire by the surrounding of the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit); I saw many souls entering the hellfire. The invisible wind (the Spirit of God) told me: "Those souls entering hellfire are Muslims".
    Immediately Jesus Christ spoke to me directly to warn all Muslims that if they believe Al-Lah (the name given to that fallen angel), the Qur'an (satanic revelations), bow and prostrate towards the Kaaba (the image and idol of the beast who is Al-Lah in the Qur'an) and Muhammad (the false prophet), they will enter hellfire. If Muslims refuse to accept Jesus Christ as God and Saviour of their life, they will die and go to hellfire.
    The invisible wind (the Holy Spirit) directed me to a certain place in hellfire and I saw many big black snakes like anaconda. One anaconda can grip 1000s of souls together. The souls were in great agony. These souls were Muslims who were deceived by the false prophet Muhammad that Al-Lah of the Qur'an is the one true God, and they bowed towards the Kaaba, which is the image of the beast, the false God called Al-Lah.
    No! No! No! Al-Lah in the Qur'an is a fallen angel. Jesus Christ is the Almighty God who manifested as a fully human being through His Word and Holy Spirit and was born by Mary.
    In July 2021, the Spirit of the Most High God (the Holy Spirit) opened my eyes to a vision. I saw a fallen angel and the wings of this fallen angel was weak and the fallen angel was lying on the floor weak. Then the Holy Spirit said to me, "That is Al-Lah!"

    • @raymondjefferson2514
      @raymondjefferson2514 3 месяца назад

      You are a delusional lier who needs help.

    • @eletralad
      @eletralad 3 месяца назад

      ​@@believer114 that's a bot bro, don't pay attention it cannot even see your comment

  • @Mamoo139
    @Mamoo139 3 месяца назад +1

    I don’t think Muslims are addressing modern world issues. Just like the 60’s we didn’t get involved with world issues. Although they got there militancy from Muslims. We have not changed. A bad teacher would say to her class: “ I got mine.” That’s how a lot of Muslims feel. I’m a Muslim, I’m not involved in this world. If we had been more involved I don’t think LBGQ or whatever wouldn’t have got to the level it has. We didn’t protest this issue. Now it has even infiltrated our community weather we acknowledge it or not.

    • @louisdeniau8571
      @louisdeniau8571 3 месяца назад

      lgbt is not an issue because it doesnt repress our freedom. where are our freedom repressed. worry about that

  • @godblesskingsley8611
    @godblesskingsley8611 3 месяца назад +1

    Revelation 19
    [vs 20] - [NIV] But the beast [Al-Lah, the false God of the Qur'an] was captured, and with him the false prophet [Muhammad] who had performed the miraculous signs on his [Al-Lah, the false God's] behalf. With these signs, he [Muhammad] had deluded [led into error] those [all Muslims] who had received the mark of the beast [the badge of Al-Lah, Islam, or shahadah] and worshipped his image [the Kaaba] . The two of them [Al-Lah and Muhammad] were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur [lake of fire] .
    Revelation 14
    [vs 9] - [NIV] A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone [any Muslim] worships the beast [Al-Lah, the false God of the Qur'an] and his image [the Kaaba] and receives his mark [the badge or banner of the shahadah, Al-Lah or Islam] on the forehead or the hand,
    [vs 10] - [NIV] he [that Muslim], too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury [extreme anger], which has been poured full strength into the cup of His [God's] wrath. He [that Muslim] will be tormented with burning sulfur [lake of fire] in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb [Jesus Christ] .
    [vs 11] - [NIV] And the smoke of their [all muslims'] torment rises forever and ever. There is no rest day or night for those [all muslims] who worship the beast [Al-Lah, the false God of the Qur'an] and his image [the Kaaba], or for anyone [any muslim] who receives the mark of his name (the badge or banner of the Allah, Islam, or Shahadah].”
    Revelation 13 [KJV]
    [vs: 1] And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast [Al-Lah, the false God of the Qur'an] rise up out of the sea,... "On each of its [Al-Lah's] heads were names that were an insult to God" [the 99 blasphemous names of the fake God in the Qur'an and the Hadith].
    [vs: 2] ".. The dragon [Satan] handed over its own power and throne and great authority to this beast [Al-Lah, the fake God of the Qur'an)".
    [vs: 4] And they [all muslims] worshipped the dragon [Satan] who had given its authority to the beast [Allah, the fake God in the Qur'an]
    [vs: 5] The beast [Al-Lah, the false God in the Qur'an] was allowed to brag and claim to be God.
    [vs: 8] The beast [Al-Lah, the fake God in the Qur'an] was worshipped by everyone [all muslims] whose name wasn't written before the time of creation in the [book of life] book of the Lamb [Jesus Christ] who was killed [crucified on the cross].
    [vs: 11] I now saw another beast [Muhammad]. This [Muhammad] one came out of the ground. It [Muhammad] had two horns like a lamb [associate himself to Jesus Christ, who is the Lamb of God], but spoke like a dragon [Satan's mouthpiece].
    [vs: 12] It [Muhammad] worked for the beast [Al-Lah, the false God of the Qur'an], whose fatal wound had been healed. And it [Muhammad] used all its authority to force the earth and its people [all Muslims] to worship that beast [Al-Lah, the fake God in the Qur'an]
    [vs: 14] This second beast [Muhammad] fooled people [all Muslims] on earth by working miracles for the first beast [Al-Lah, the fake God of the Qur'an], saying to them [muslims] that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image [the Kaaba] to the beast [Al-Lah, the fake God of the Qur'an], who had the wound by the sword, and did live.
    [vs: 16] And he [Muhammad] causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark [the badge of Al-Lah, Islam or the shahadah] in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    Revelation 16:13
    And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [the satanic revelations of the Qur'an] come out of the mouth of the dragon [Satan] , and out of the mouth of the beast [Al-Lah, the fake God of the Qur'an], and out of the mouth of the false prophet [Muhammad, Al-Lah's prophet].
    Revelation 14:8
    And there followed another angel, saying, [Islam's crescent moon was the symbol of the Babylonian kingdom] Babylon [Islam] is fallen, is fallen, that great city [Mecca], because she [Mecca has the Kaaba, the image to worship a false God directed by the false prophet Muhammad] made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication [false worship to a fake God to the image of the fake God (the Kaaba) in the Qur'an by the false prophet Muhammad] .
    Daniel 8 [KJV]
    [vs: 25] And through his [Al-Lah, the fake God's] policy also he [Al-Lah, the fake God of the Qur'an] shall cause craft to prosper in his [Al-Lah, the fake God's] hand; and he [Al-Lah, the fake God] shall magnify himself in his heart [for example, the blasphemous "there is no god besides me Al-Lah" in the Qur'an], and by PEACE [Islam means peace] shall destroy many [all Muslims]: he [Al-Lah, the fake God of the Qur'an] shall also stand up against the Prince of prince's [Jesus Christ]; but he [Al-Lah, the fake God] shall be broken without hand.

  • @JAM-p8i
    @JAM-p8i 2 месяца назад

    A religion stuck in 600.

  • @TheTruthlady
    @TheTruthlady 3 месяца назад +2
