Kau yg buat salah kau yg kena hukum dan denda kau bayar sendiri lah kenapa nak jual nama agama Islam yg bantu kau bayar, Kau ni memang keji dan jatuhkan maruah org yg beragama Islam
Seeking donation for her is alright but the donation in the name for jihad is a shame and disgrace to all pious Muslims in the country because her guilt is a sin in Islam itself.
Some big names in a big political party is damaging the holy image of Islam by calling for donation to support this slandering. What are these people thinking???
In a constitutional monarchy country, no politician should be allowed to use religion as his political party in order to protect the people from politicians deceiving the people in the name of God and religion.
Surely those who dispute Allah’s signs-with no proof given to them-have nothing in their hearts but greed for dominance, which they will never attain. So seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
yeah, so what Mosab Hassan Yousef said about islam is true...
Very smart PHD doctor to help DAP. Good 👍 job Siti
Those voters who vote for SITI should pay for her penalties.
Those who voted for Siti will be rewarded in heaven 😅
Kau yg buat salah kau yg kena hukum dan denda kau bayar sendiri lah kenapa nak jual nama agama Islam yg bantu kau bayar, Kau ni memang keji dan jatuhkan maruah org yg beragama Islam
melayu layu.. sepupu pupu..🤣🤣🤣
世人都没有想到居然如此一物多用 步步高升上天堂 抹屁股 还Saman 杯葛商店产品 保家卫国的好东西 应该继续开发其他用途的潜能 😂😂😂
human problem, religion take responsibility...
Another person lost is another person gain. Who gain? Keep on fitnah
Seeking donation for her is alright but the donation in the name for jihad is a shame and disgrace to all pious Muslims in the country because her guilt is a sin in Islam itself.
Some big names in a big political party is damaging the holy image of Islam by calling for donation to support this slandering. What are these people thinking???
In a constitutional monarchy country, no politician should be allowed to use religion as his political party in order to protect the people from politicians deceiving the people in the name of God and religion.
Prof yg mulut celupar...u pay for what u did....ok
跟纳吉以前一模一样民调,ini kali lah
Surely those who dispute Allah’s signs-with no proof given to them-have nothing in their hearts but greed for dominance, which they will never attain. So seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
也许有人想吃猫肉, 但怕行动被发现而放弃吧?