[食在多倫多] | 去萬錦市食 fine dining | 高級餐廳 | The School Fine Dining| 食過最好食嘅羊架 | Best lamb chop in town |

  • Опубликовано: 3 дек 2024
  • 放聖誕節假期期間, 我同陳生對自己好啲, 食咗一餐 fine dining。多倫多依家有好多 fine dining 餐廳都係位於市中心, 但係天氣咁凍, 我哋唔想揸車落 downtown, 就近近地去咗萬錦市 14街夾 Kennedy Road 的 The School Fine Dining。 原來我哋上次來呢度用餐已經係7年前嘅事, 今次我覺得食物好有水準, 我食咗一個我食過最好食嘅羊架, 價錢亦合理, 性價比非常高。侍應又富有經驗, 服務十分之好, 例如上主菜時, 我剛好去了洗手間, 服務我們的侍應問陳生需不需要用蓋蓋著我的羊架, 以免食物變涼, 真係好貼心, 加分! 下次有咩喜慶, 我哋應該會再來光顧。
    During the Christmas holidays, we treated ourselves by having dinner at a fine dining restaurant. These days, there are many fine dining restaurants at downtown Toronto. But the weather had been so cold that we did not want to drive to downtown. So we went to The School Fine Dining at Markham. The last time we came was already 7 years ago. This time, I was really delighted by the high quality of both their food and their service. The food was reasonably priced and I had the best lamp chop that I have ever had. The wait staff was also great. When he served my entree, I was away in the washroom. He asked Mr. Chan whether he needed to cover my food so it would not get cold. I find it a very heartwarming service. We would definitely come visit again in the near future.
    The School Fine Dining
    4121 14th Ave. Markham, ON
    Tel: 905-477-1161
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    #多倫多vlog #多倫多生活 #finedining #羊架 #Markham

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