Random Monster Hunter Trivia for like 46 minutes...

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @ES-dp6tw
    @ES-dp6tw Год назад +3310

    I like the implication of gargantuan skeletons, giving the impression some species used to be much larger, but environmental conditions enforced better survival odds for smaller individuals

    • @nunocampea2395
      @nunocampea2395 Год назад +274

      or those belong to elderly specimens that died of age

    • @Afrologist
      @Afrologist Год назад +135

      @@nunocampea2395 This is how I see it as well, but both hypotheses could apply to different taxa.

    • @dennishaight1542
      @dennishaight1542 Год назад +79

      Could just be that there are some that are too big/old/strong for guildies to handle and the guild just has to wait for nature to run it's course.

    • @DolusVulpes
      @DolusVulpes Год назад +96

      ​@@dennishaight1542or alternatively despite their size their old age has made them relatively docile compared to younger members of the species

    • @obsidironpumicia4074
      @obsidironpumicia4074 Год назад +63

      And I like the implication of the Admiral just chowing down on Might Seeds like they're pistachios.
      Or popcorn. No time to remove shells, that's extra fiber!

  • @NeoSpira
    @NeoSpira Год назад +1597

    "here's radobaan without bones" honestly i was waiting for him to collapse into jelly lmao

    • @noogatman7548
      @noogatman7548 10 месяцев назад +46

      In my 1000 hours into MHW I have never seen a naked radobaan until now

    • @giggityguy
      @giggityguy 10 месяцев назад +23

      @@noogatman7548 It's not too hard if you fight it with an impact charge blade and spam SAED. It shreds the bones right off em!

    • @SleepyGlaive
      @SleepyGlaive 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@noogatman7548I see them all the time.

    • @matasa7463
      @matasa7463 7 месяцев назад +3

      @@noogatman7548 He glues the bones from the surrounding land to him using the tar he generates.

    • @ShaneD37312
      @ShaneD37312 6 месяцев назад +3

      I had no idea radoban is just an uragan that hasn’t taken a shower in 30 years!

  • @northerntoe
    @northerntoe Год назад +519

    I love how you can see great Jargas comin in from far away

    • @andresf.7563
      @andresf.7563 Год назад +33

      The incarnation of "looks like meat is back in the menu boys!"

  • @caleballen843
    @caleballen843 Год назад +738

    7:21 it's crazy that the seabirds were also designed to be a wyvern and stay lore accurate. Amazing attention to detail for something we most likely would have missed otherwise!

    • @33link333
      @33link333 Год назад +92

      The little bat things in World are wyverns as well.

    • @caleballen843
      @caleballen843 Год назад +23

      @33link333 yeah I remember catching some and seeing the were

    • @kaden-sd6vb
      @kaden-sd6vb 10 месяцев назад +5

      Fromsoft-level shit

  • @GunlessSnake
    @GunlessSnake Год назад +2010

    I love the small detail that if you wait in camp long enough when not in the tent at Castle Schrade, Fatalis will eventually start lobbings fireballs there to kill you. And they very much can kill you, too!

    • @RyoIsamuGaming
      @RyoIsamuGaming Год назад +98

      How'd this occur? I recall seeing some deaths and presume it was due to AI still trailing a person with the triple fireball after a farcaster.

    • @GunlessSnake
      @GunlessSnake Год назад +389

      @@RyoIsamuGaming Nope! It's just a thing that Fatalis does if a player decides to linger in the campzone for several minutes straight and there's no one else for him to fight down in the actual fight arena. He'll lob a fireball there every so often until you fight him properly.

    • @RyoIsamuGaming
      @RyoIsamuGaming Год назад +65

      Well I sat there for 15min after enraging him via clutch claw, and he just swapped between two animations. I don't think he does that.

    • @GunlessSnake
      @GunlessSnake Год назад +47

      @@RyoIsamuGaming Huh..... interesting. I remember seeing a video where that happened, but it might've been an example of your first comment. I can't say for sure. Might be a phase-specific thing where it only happens in certain phases? I dunno, I don't have MHW:IB, so I can't personally test this stuff.

    • @RyoIsamuGaming
      @RyoIsamuGaming Год назад +95

      My theory is based off the very same situation occuring in a Team Darkside MHW fail video: my BEST guess is that it occurs when you Far Caster and Fatalis targets you for his trio of fireballs attack; as it trails you, the last fireball will be aimed at you at the camp, as it is still following you.
      And then kaboom.

  • @noirerune3833
    @noirerune3833 Год назад +844

    I dont know why but that Elgado Seabird made me laugh uncontrollably

    • @nunocampea2395
      @nunocampea2395 Год назад +65

      Halo Mouse

    • @hervisdaubeny2784
      @hervisdaubeny2784 Год назад +67

      ​@@nunocampea2395all hail the halo 3 rat

    • @FelixHelixihare
      @FelixHelixihare Год назад +12

      I think they have wingclaws.

    • @yaqubebased1961
      @yaqubebased1961 Год назад +8

      ​@@FelixHelixihare I don't even know what their purpose is as I couldn't find anything even talking about them on google, but the game itself calls them wingtalons.

    • @designscraps8233
      @designscraps8233 Год назад +10

      ​@@yaqubebased1961it could be something completely vestigial like when a raptor evolves into a bird, or be something they utilized to climb as chicks that simply lost use when their flight feathers grew in similarly to the real life hoatzin.

  • @tomatogenesis
    @tomatogenesis Год назад +1517

    1:10 Ok, now _this_ is what i call a genius design. They not only made his tail work like an Hunting Horn but also shaped his body to resemble a violin?! Whoever thought that out better have received a raise!

    • @luislicona9086
      @luislicona9086 Год назад +124

      His armor is even themed after marching bands!

    • @tomatogenesis
      @tomatogenesis Год назад +86

      @@luislicona9086 Damn...they really put passion and genius thought into this one!

    • @yaqubebased1961
      @yaqubebased1961 Год назад +67

      Frontier has some seriously cool monsters. Espinas and Lavasioth are bad ambassadors in comparison, tbqh

    • @novavortex_tls
      @novavortex_tls Год назад +73

      ​@yaqubebased1961 Lavasioth being a bad ambassador I agree on, Espinas tho is a good monster imo, it is the flagship for Frontier after all

    • @yaqubebased1961
      @yaqubebased1961 Год назад +28

      @@novavortex_tls bad for Espinas wasn't the right word, but still. There are way, way cooler monsters in Frontier imo

  • @Shay3w
    @Shay3w Год назад +251

    The fact that the majority of the playerbase would never even notice so many little things such as cutting the web of Rakna to make it topple, the details in the environment and on the monsters just put into perspective how much the Monster Hunter franchise is a labor of love.

    • @handtomouth4690
      @handtomouth4690 Год назад +28

      What's funny about Rakna is that the game literally tells you you can do this...just read the hunter's notes for once.

    • @Shay3w
      @Shay3w Год назад +7

      @@handtomouth4690 Make me!
      (I'll keep that in mind tho)

    • @webpombo7765
      @webpombo7765 Год назад +9

      ​@@handtomouth4690Yeah, I saw so many videos pointing the Rakna thing as some crazy secret, but I literally just read the hunter's notes to learn this lol

    • @xX_wiLLiam_Xx
      @xX_wiLLiam_Xx 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@webpombo7765 some people just dont pay attention, the hunters notes also tells you about omenflies reacting to monsters

  • @VertebreakHER
    @VertebreakHER Год назад +208

    12:20 this is really cool as it feels a lot like a biological quirk that's been mythicized by the playerbase, in the same way the hunters often do so for most of the monsters
    it makes a certain degree of sense form an adaptive standpoint to, in its most physically vulnerable form Shara Ishvalda has a trait that potentially tricks predators into thinking it can always see them

    • @Roo-vy2cI
      @Roo-vy2cI Год назад +5

      But who dares to prey on the shara? Black Dragons?

    • @DisparaErvilha7387
      @DisparaErvilha7387 Год назад +27

      ​@@Roo-vy2cIuhhh nergigante?

    • @Roo-vy2cI
      @Roo-vy2cI 6 месяцев назад +6

      However, it was already after Hunter knocked down Shara once when kill stealer Nergite knocked Shara down. It is difficult to think that Nergi, who is unable to properly bond with Bazelgeus, will be able to topple and predate the average Shara.
      And Shara's eyes were probably influenced by the Japanese Happonirami, a painting technique that felt as if it's eye were looking this way from any direction. This technique was mainly used in paintings of dragons.

    • @MrNicePotato
      @MrNicePotato 3 месяца назад +2

      It's actually also a genius trick in terms of coding. To make the eyes focus onto the camera for everyone in a multiplayer setting, they would have to somehow code the eye tracking to work on the client side. Using this simple concave trick, they don't even have to code the eye tracking because it's automatically done by the geometry.

  • @TheVeiledMonarch
    @TheVeiledMonarch Год назад +110

    2:53 as a guy that uses hammers to hunt Radobaan, I’ve seen this quite a bit

  • @KnightsofGaming2016
    @KnightsofGaming2016 Год назад +482

    It's nice to just see the monster models and admiring the details that go into their design and biology accompanied by calming music. Something that is kinda lost when you're being hunted by them lol. I'm just a casual MH fan but man do I love how thought out each of the monster's biology are. The MH design team deserve their praises.

  • @Phantomsquad_Jun
    @Phantomsquad_Jun Год назад +849

    Bro made an entire lore for every Monster body parts which im actually quite happy to learn about. Thank you for making this video😢❤

    • @akirakilluar
      @akirakilluar Год назад +25

      He’s like Hiccup from “How to train your dragon 1”. He observed the dragon and recorded into his note book.
      Here, the guy just observed and record all the Wyverns and Elder Dragon into video.

    • @athos9293
      @athos9293 Год назад +2

      Not every part though 😳

    • @crowsmessage
      @crowsmessage 4 месяца назад

      @@athos9293i cast federal prison
      (you tell me what you were thinking RIGHT NOW or i'll cast belly full of lead next buckaroo)

  • @tomatogenesis
    @tomatogenesis Год назад +486

    15:08 No way. That's just amazing! I would have never thought of it! Evolution hasn't made them so defenseless to unholy predators after all!

    • @bdbgh
      @bdbgh Год назад +76

      you can "wall" bang your target monsters against other large monsters too in case you didn't know, like an intruding beetle juice or pickle

    • @tomatogenesis
      @tomatogenesis Год назад +75

      @@bdbgh Yeah, that i knew about, but to be able to do the same with an Apceros' defense formation? It just never even came to my mind as a possibility!

    • @kaden-sd6vb
      @kaden-sd6vb 10 месяцев назад

      I think certain attacks can trigger a "wallbang" on a flinchshotted monster as well
      Like if you're doing a ZSD on the monster and the finisher goes off after the monster gets flinch shot

    • @pajlauj860
      @pajlauj860 10 месяцев назад +3

      You can wallbang a monster into another player’s shield as well.

  • @FurueruEbisu
    @FurueruEbisu Год назад +142

    7:20 this looks like a model someone would rotate and put low quality funky town over

  • @gibsontea1045
    @gibsontea1045 Год назад +71

    46:13 That was crazy with the two legiana turf war with savage deviljho and the hilarious part that it cut of right before the hunter get hit

  • @lucasmendoza7576
    @lucasmendoza7576 Год назад +361

    I feel like a Monster researcher attending a lecture on Monster physiology given by Professor T.C. Shark.

  • @stephenbyers6173
    @stephenbyers6173 Год назад +116

    I love the insinuation that since the hunter has heard proof of a hero its a song that exists in the mh world to honor the hunters.

    • @lazydelibird
      @lazydelibird 11 месяцев назад +13

      I kinda like the headcanon that proof of a hero was a song that talked about the exploits of the hero of kokoto

  • @fazemand
    @fazemand Год назад +206

    great start for this day,
    the absolute pride we get when '' I ACTUALLY KNEW THAT''

    • @claisolais
      @claisolais Год назад +7

      That pride didnt last long for me tho

    • @Alblaka
      @Alblaka 4 месяца назад +1

      Literally found out about the 2nd charge state of Tobi like 2 hours ago. And I was like "Okay, I didn't hunt Tobi in a long while, but I'm pretty sure he has never glowed this bright before."
      Only to then finish my planned hunts, stumble across this on YT and read that it's indeed MR Tobi's secret final form XD

  • @Peac3maker76
    @Peac3maker76 Год назад +154

    Im so glad someone else noticed the cats making bread in seliana. Both kitchens in seliana and astera have incredible details and are SO CUTE

    • @Biscotum
      @Biscotum Год назад +37

      There's another felyne in Seliana thats sorting cogs or something into two bins, then pauses with one, walks to a diagram, studies it intensely for a moment, then jumps in satisfaction and proudly tosses it into the correct bin before going back to sorting.
      All that animation work for a cat that sits there and sorts cogs.

  • @fennyfenris
    @fennyfenris Год назад +109

    The Shara illusion is actually genius. They were able to make it so it would seem Shara is always looking at you without having to program it.

    • @MementoMori7777
      @MementoMori7777 3 месяца назад +6

      That shara thing is actually partially inaccurate. While I'm sure there's an illusion going on there, Everybody says His eyes are fixed and don't move...They do. There's a video showing off his eye tracking where you can actually see his eyes moving.

    • @AKAMarco
      @AKAMarco 2 месяца назад +3

      if it was an illusion, it wouldn’t stutter when the camera isn’t moving

    • @hughstout9951
      @hughstout9951 16 дней назад

      @@AKAMarco I think the eyes are capable of moving (as seen in the cutscene). But I don't think they are *supposed* to move in-battle, forcing Shara to stay still may have broke something slightly.

  • @tomatogenesis
    @tomatogenesis Год назад +90

    40:15 Ah yes, because Tigrex out of all monsters wouldn't be the one to aggressively chase you back the most.

    • @CapnShades
      @CapnShades Год назад +16

      Really, the whole song is a reverse chase song, since that's a Tigrex's entire MO.

    • @obsessed_with_eyes
      @obsessed_with_eyes Год назад +1

      i was thinking that too

    • @buky69
      @buky69 9 месяцев назад +7

      ​@@CapnShadesthe whole time the quest wasn't to hunt a tigrex, rather defend yourself from it

    • @mhplayer
      @mhplayer 5 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@buky69 thanks i'll start screaming "SELF DEFENSE COMBO" at the top of my lungs just in case the court gets a hold of the footage

  • @ChompDude
    @ChompDude Год назад +74

    Imagine that eats up your final cart when the Glavenus is almost dead. I don't think I would be able to resist breaking my controller in half.

  • @Error-xk6we
    @Error-xk6we Год назад +120

    5:45 I like how it adds more depth to the biology and behavior. Implying Jho tears and swallows meat whole, since his jaw can unhinge

    • @balrog0444
      @balrog0444 Год назад +38

      In the Netflix film - "Legends of the Guild", I think? - a Jho shows up at some point, and as it's running in, it just _inhales_ a Kelbi whole. Slurped it up like it was ramen. So yeah, chewing is optional for Deviljho.

    • @NeovenatorGuy
      @NeovenatorGuy Год назад +12

      ​@@balrog0444 I mean kelbi are not even 1% deviljhos weight so it makes sense

    • @webpombo7765
      @webpombo7765 Год назад +11

      ​@@balrog0444I'm pretty sure Jho's teeth, especially the overgrown chin teeth, are specifically for battle, and since Jho is supposed to be the constantly hungry beast that it is, chewing would just take up the time you could be using to eat even more!!

  • @cormoranoimperatore8413
    @cormoranoimperatore8413 Год назад +149

    30:29 I talked often to the huntsman in my first playthrough because y’know he’s cool and I really liked how he is so obviously a caricature of the old time purist hunters who refute any new mechanic added to the game (as demonstrated by world’s pre launch period where people were worried scoutflies would “remove the thrill of the hunt” or something like that).
    Not like worrying isn’t valid of course it’s just sometimes is too much.

    • @tytorex8202
      @tytorex8202 Год назад +26

      I always enjoyed seeing what he would have to say about whatever mission I had next! Sometimes the tips were pretty helpful when I could figure out what they meant, and seeing him missing from his chair during that one section was spooky. I missed my mentor!

    • @Whodoyouthinkpog
      @Whodoyouthinkpog Год назад +3

      It did remove the thrill of the hunt. But it made me feel like something new.

    • @baval5
      @baval5 10 месяцев назад +12

      The huntsman seems to be the hunter from Freedom Unite, from the intro cinematic of the Rathian armor being assembled (though he used a Greatsword). Hes wearing the Rathian X armor from classic G rank games. So it makes sense for him to represent veteran players.

    • @matasa7463
      @matasa7463 7 месяцев назад +8

      He often talks about how he can't use the new tools too, which culminated in him giving you the temporal mantle.

  • @FrontWillDrive
    @FrontWillDrive Год назад +67

    11:55 I was not prepared for Shara to go wall-eyed right there. I went from being creeped out to busting out laughing in a second

  • @LastRemote94
    @LastRemote94 Год назад +132

    28:07 "Your tail is mine!!!!!!"
    Glavenus: "I activate my Trap Card!"
    ...damn, that detail

    • @theebonyhunter2208
      @theebonyhunter2208 9 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah, I wonder what noob could let that happen to themselves 😂

  • @pokemanikangie
    @pokemanikangie Год назад +164

    honestly the creepiest part of shara was the fact that it felt like it was looking past the hunter and at the person on the other end of the screen, i have a screen cap of the end hunt screen and it's just shara looking directly at me

    • @Exel3nce
      @Exel3nce Год назад +17

      Because it does

    • @silvergryphon5858
      @silvergryphon5858 6 месяцев назад +14

      @@Exel3nce It doesn't! The eyes are concave rather than convex, and the iris/pupil pattern is mapped into the bottom of the 'dish'. That gives it the illusion of following you no matter what angle you're at! It's the same illusion used on the busts in the Haunted Mansion that appear to turn and follow you!

    • @tediorejohnson364
      @tediorejohnson364 6 месяцев назад +24

      Im sure that the illusion is just an "easy" way for the devs to achieve having the dragon "look" at the screen.
      There is no point in pretending that knowing the illusion exists just negates the purpose.

    • @cynthiasoolihua2410
      @cynthiasoolihua2410 4 месяца назад +18

      @@tediorejohnson364 Thank you! Exactly. I wish people could piece it together that regardless of the method used, the outcome is the same. The developers absolutely wanted the take away to be that Shara Ishvalda can see the player behind the screen. Its clear Dharmic and Buddhist symbolism is even more proof of that.

    • @aaronfernando2258
      @aaronfernando2258 4 месяца назад +1

      @@cynthiasoolihua2410 Eh, they could've just made it actually follow the camera if they wanted to. I think the real implication is that, in-universe, its eyes are this way so that everyone thinks it's looking at them whether that's true or not. So, our hunters are actually experiencing the same illusion we are

  • @rileysheehan943
    @rileysheehan943 Год назад +68

    12:43 This is something they utilized when making sarcophagi in ancient Egypt. If you've ever seen one in a museum, a lot of them have concave eyes like that so it seems like the pharaoh is watching you no matter where you stand around it.

    • @thewaltner
      @thewaltner 11 месяцев назад +2

      apparently sharas eyes were inspired by hindu statues that implement the same technique

    • @SoraRaida
      @SoraRaida 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@thewaltner which is why Shara's armor has you looking like a Hindu/Buddhist statue

  • @evodolka
    @evodolka Год назад +318

    Another fun fact is that in the last sunbreak cutscene, Malzeno will retain the damage you gave it, so any part breaks are still there

    • @handtomouth4690
      @handtomouth4690 Год назад +23

      Pretty sure that happens in other places too, such as the Daimyo ypu fight at the start of sunbreak.

    • @getterzth6957
      @getterzth6957 Год назад +34

      This also featured in World too especially Shara if you broke it head twice

    • @evodolka
      @evodolka Год назад

      @@handtomouth4690 most likely, yeah

    • @evodolka
      @evodolka Год назад

      @@getterzth6957 sadly i never managed to do that the 1st time, but i wish i did just to see that

    • @saurianfan7102
      @saurianfan7102 Год назад +25

      @@handtomouth4690 It goes back even further than that! In 4 Ultimate there's a quest where you fight a Rathian then see it get ambushed by a Seregios. If you break any parts beforehand, they carry on into the cutscene!

  • @matthewlee6261
    @matthewlee6261 Год назад +44

    18:22 She got tired of hammer abuses so she was like "No ice patch slide for you!" In sunbreak.

  • @cr-volcanic
    @cr-volcanic Год назад +62

    And ya gotta think, so much of this stuff flies under the radar, never gets seen, barely gets recognized. But it was all made and rigged and animated and programmed. So much fuckin work goes into these games man

  • @swagzagoon2596
    @swagzagoon2596 Год назад +67

    Capcom really pushed the limit on how far you can go with a monster concept with how much detail you can put into it.

  • @Ajehy
    @Ajehy Год назад +83

    17:56 Ah yes, the Plesioth Maneuver.

  • @bobisuncanny2760
    @bobisuncanny2760 Год назад +123

    Putting MH3 musics with MHW monsters just chilling is so fitting. Both focused with the beauty of nature

  • @ThelxoxlGirls
    @ThelxoxlGirls Год назад +37

    The fact that there's a whole "idle" animation of a felyne making dough...guh, MHW is my favorite in the series. So many niche things in it that you can tell are there because the creators put a lot of love and care into it. Furthermore, with all of said attention and detail, it all comes together to really make World feel like a vast ecosystem.

  • @thmistrapillay1811
    @thmistrapillay1811 Год назад +132

    So Deviljho won't eat it's own tail but the Apceros sure will😭

    • @Falcion-FF
      @Falcion-FF Год назад +6

      What if i told you that in the testing i did, not even those do eat jho's tail?
      I think that this specific tail just lacks the properties of an eatable object

    • @webpombo7765
      @webpombo7765 Год назад +15

      ​@@Falcion-FFJho's tail is the nastiest thing ever, everything refuses to eat it, confirmed.

    • @KatsuhiroHebi
      @KatsuhiroHebi Год назад +2

      Jho used to eat all cut tails and bodies in 3rd in 4th gens

    • @Falcion-FF
      @Falcion-FF Год назад +8

      @@KatsuhiroHebi the thing is that he eats everything else, other monsters and other monsters tails... but not its own tail or even the tail of another deviljho

  • @ahmadbugshan9603
    @ahmadbugshan9603 Год назад +29

    the feylne making dough I noticed around a month ago, I legit spent between 10 and 15 mins just smiling, the sheer amount of passion put into world and iceborne is unmatched with ANY other video game I ever watched, every corner is filled with something new I never knew about its so much and I love it even more because of these small things
    I really hope MH6 will have similar level or higher of details and charm!

  • @varkald1083
    @varkald1083 Год назад +41

    46:12 Exactly why deviljho is my favourite. Shows up, kicks EVERYONE'S ass, kills hunter. Chad monster.

    • @kaden-sd6vb
      @kaden-sd6vb 10 месяцев назад +4

      I like ruiner nergi for a similar reason. Was struggling with my first ever furious rajang, nergi shows up, smacks a hefty chunk of the monke's hp off, then leaves the locale immediately without bothering me.
      We captured the rajang very soon after that. Helpful spiky boi.

  • @leneerodriguez7346
    @leneerodriguez7346 Год назад +120

    12:00 I laughed so hard from its eyes crossing in opposite directions 🤣

    • @ethanoyh9468
      @ethanoyh9468 Год назад

      Shara look like he has a single brain cell bouncing around his draconic cranium. 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @1Poissonpasbon
      @1Poissonpasbon Год назад +8

      Derped too hard

    • @Raezwing
      @Raezwing Год назад

      @@1Poissonpasbonindeed he did

  • @immagical7036
    @immagical7036 Год назад +15

    3:20 haha Basarios be so scared “TEA!? WHAT DID YOU DO TO MEEEEEE!?”

  • @ehoraida5900
    @ehoraida5900 Год назад +516

    24:00 This right here is one of the reasons MHW areas feels more like ecosystems than Rise's. Creatures are actually living their lifes even if you're not there

    • @Selnathorn
      @Selnathorn Год назад +56

      Because MHW was developed with PS4 and xbone and their capabilities in mind while the target console for MHR was the switch. Obviously if Rise had been mainly developed for new gen, it would have surpassed MHW in that regard

    • @plainspooky9070
      @plainspooky9070 Год назад +10

      As someone whose been playing since tri I’ve genuinely thought rises ps4 port was lazy

    • @mastertubbily1812
      @mastertubbily1812 Год назад +56

      ⁠@@Selnathornrise probably wouldn’t have surpassed mhw anyway, it was made by a secondary team that gets less funding but are allowed to be more experimental

    • @Selnathorn
      @Selnathorn Год назад +30

      @@mastertubbily1812 Alas we'll never know, but atleast MHR showed that the RE engine is flexible and optimized enough that it can run even on a switch without having the fps detract from the game feel.
      And knowing that this engine is that stable put my mind a little at easy for the future of capcom games

    • @yukumoblood6292
      @yukumoblood6292 Год назад +21

      @@plainspooky9070 lazy? I don't play mhw that much (due to no good pc) but mh rise is an improvement of old console mh back then. You can see big improvement from each series in console. Better wait for mh6 or main series monhun, so you guys can complain there.

  • @notso8605
    @notso8605 9 месяцев назад +8

    11:45 shara looking at his barber after he messes up the cut

  • @AnIRLCryptid99
    @AnIRLCryptid99 Год назад +9

    As someone who not only loves to draw the Monster Hunter monsters but is also a big fan of creature design in general, your channel is such a treasure trove of good reference material for both fanart and brainstorming my own monster designs. I love how much thought is put into these games and you do an excellent job of showcasing that, they really feel like actual animals and not just static enemies (makes the zoology student in me very happy!)

  • @Phantom-rh7nc
    @Phantom-rh7nc Год назад +81

    38:30 Not just Duffel Penguins! I had pteryxes and hares follow me around the room too! Fun tiny ass detail that prolly nobody noticed but Scavantula's abdomens pulsate! But only after you approach them, before that they are completely static.

  • @MrJinglejanglejingle
    @MrJinglejanglejingle Год назад +163

    The end of this is a 10/10. Savage Jho really do be like; "I don't want peace... I WANT PROBLEMS, ALWAYS!!"

  • @chester1882
    @chester1882 Год назад +27

    28:25 gosh that would be such a cool moment to randomly stumble upon

  • @rubi3050
    @rubi3050 Год назад +360

    But the illusion on shara was not an accident, they did it to have the same effect of it following the camera.

    • @Ajehy
      @Ajehy Год назад +138

      And it works in multiplayer, because everyone sees it looking at them!

    • @redacted144
      @redacted144 Год назад +136

      and less coding for a much much simpler solution. As the above commentor said it. It worked in multiplayer which require a lot more code, in hope nothing bugged out.

    • @Exel3nce
      @Exel3nce Год назад +5

      its not an illusion tho. there is plenty of footage that shows you clearly that his eyes are moving....or you can simply fight him and see for yourself.

    • @disarisumbrus4492
      @disarisumbrus4492 Год назад +67

      literally in this video they compare shara's actual concave eyes to if it had normal rounded eyes@@Exel3nce

    • @DanielisAwesome52
      @DanielisAwesome52 Год назад +45

      If its a programming trick and Shara is meant to be looking at you its awesome lore, and I think the alternative of it maybe evolving concave corneas is just as cool. A creature evolving eyes shaped like that has cool implications of how it sees, or maybe it evolved them for the same reason as the programming trick, to make anything attacking it think its looking directly at them, like a suped up version of a tiger's eye spots on the back of their heads.

  • @tomatogenesis
    @tomatogenesis Год назад +14

    12:03 I heard about that too, but never ever got to know what in particular was truly about it until now. Thank you!

  • @dianslabbert504
    @dianslabbert504 Год назад +73

    Some other things I know of.
    1. In W:I Rathalos and Glavenus can have different outcomes to their turf wars depending in which area of a map they fight in. In areas that are relatively flat, Glavenus wins. Areas with elevation differences, Rathalos wins.
    2. The more fire resistant a monster is the less damage they take from Torch Pod flames on the ground. Teostra takes 0 damage yet in Rise it can be set on fire by a beetle's rock collection.
    This also applies to other elemental slinger shots in that do more damage to monster is weak to that element or less if its resistant to it.
    It's an insignificant detail, but I appreciate it and I hope in MH6 they revise the Elemental Blights on monsters so that monsters are resistant or immune depending on their natural resistances.
    3. Brightsmoss does thunder damage when fired with the bow's 1000 Dragons move.
    4. In Rise you can cancel Basarios' digging, swim like attack by throwing a Mud beetle at it or Wirebug jumping then tossing a Large Barrel Bomb down on it. This causes it to be immobile for a short while like its trapped in a pitfall trap. I don't see people use this tactic at all. Usually, a majority of people just dodge roll or wirebug up to avoid it.
    Afflicted Basarios can be a bit resistant to it though.

    • @Zerethos
      @Zerethos Год назад +4

      4. THAT CAN HAPPEN!? I didn’t know that!

    • @magosexploratoradeon6409
      @magosexploratoradeon6409 Год назад +14

      @@Pppp-zi7ex Rathalos is an Apex predator for a reason, this is often ignored because the Raths are everywhere.

    • @redacted144
      @redacted144 Год назад +3

      World and Iceborne really feels like a breathing world.

    • @handtomouth4690
      @handtomouth4690 Год назад +1

      1. Pretty sure it's just a straight 50/50 like Diablos vs Black Diablos.
      3. Brightmoss can also knock down flying monsters.

    • @dianslabbert504
      @dianslabbert504 Год назад +3

      @@handtomouth4690 In the Ancient Forest Map in areas 14 and 15 Rathalos will always win.
      In flat areas Glavenus will win. eg. ruclips.net/video/RgoLWBPsRCI/видео.html
      In the Elder Recess I'm not entirely sure, but I believe areas 3 and 4 can result in a Rathalos victory if you can lure Glavenus to there.
      When it comes to the Guiding Lands Glavenus has the full advantage always unless the upper level of the Forest zone can provide Rathalos an advantage, but I am not sure. I never had them do a turf war there. I'm also not sure if Silver Rathalos can have a turf war with Glavenus when you do quest with it in the Recess where it is confined to area 15.
      Not even Bazelgeuse goes to area 15.

  • @rosenrot234
    @rosenrot234 Год назад +25

    12:17 Oh neat so its like Follow Me Eyes on fursuit heads. Or the "rotating" statue heads in the queue for Haunted Mansion at Disneyland

  • @Peldor-ns8ff
    @Peldor-ns8ff Год назад +109

    I love it the tiny little details they put into monster hunter. Makes me estatic for MH6. Both World and Rise did such a good job at paying attention small tiny details, which just help bring the world alive and paint these as animals rather than monsters.
    Combat may be the reason we play monster hunter, but the countless smaller parts of the game like details, ecology, set building, and more are why we stay so loyal to this series.

    • @Exel3nce
      @Exel3nce Год назад +6

      Rise not so much

    • @Peldor-ns8ff
      @Peldor-ns8ff Год назад +6

      I agree but I didn't want to diminish Rise anymore than it has been. I prefer world to rise, but rise still deserves some merit. @@Exel3nce

    • @marcog.verbruggen674
      @marcog.verbruggen674 11 месяцев назад

      in case you havent heard yet, they've announced it! Monster Hunter Wilds! (youve probably heard but still)

    • @BobyChanMan
      @BobyChanMan 10 месяцев назад +1

      What originally hooked me on MH all those years ago was MHFU, specifically the pre-rendered ‘ecology’ videos you could unlock. At the time, for me, it was an unprecedented level of immersion.

  • @lanibentz9976
    @lanibentz9976 Год назад +209

    Okay I’m gonna be honest, learning bisha is a marsupial is kinda throwing me for a loop

    • @Ajehy
      @Ajehy Год назад +56

      A fruit loop?

    • @faintedtreecko
      @faintedtreecko Год назад +45

      Tbf there's not really another way to store fruit they way they do

    • @rob0duck430
      @rob0duck430 Год назад +33

      Marsupial pouches are for maternal reasons. Bishaten is using it for storage similarly to other animals that also have pouches on their body. It's just where the pouch is located.

    • @miiverseisdead4942
      @miiverseisdead4942 Год назад +23

      I'm pretty sure the village urgent quest for hunting one even has Master Hamon talking about using the pouch as a way to ferment food to lure a Magnamalo away from the Rampage and to the Shrine Ruins for its urgent quest.
      That's also how the blue ones get poison fruits. The persimmons ferment and age and turn purple like that.

    • @LuxDraconis
      @LuxDraconis Год назад +3

      The fruit/pinecones gotta come from somewhere.

  • @guardianangel7692
    @guardianangel7692 Год назад +106

    I'm actually kind of glad that the developers added the detail of the herbivore small monsters eating the tail cuts in World, even if they eat them in the slightly wrong place. Many herbivores in real life will eat meat when provided, as it contains much needed protein! It's a great detail to have included imo
    Edit 1: I've gotten farther into the video (I'm commenting as I go along), the Rath and Diablos corpses in the Vale is really interesting considering that the Highlands and Vale are physically separated from the Forest and Waste by the Great Ravine. I wonder how those got there, they look relatively fresh... then again, Raths and Diablos _are_ Flying Wyverns, and there's at least a Rath subspecies in the Elder's Recess, so I suppose it's not inaccurate to guess that the Raths and Diablos were travelling, maybe in search of new territory, and were killed by the effluvium?
    Edit 2: Further on, at the 32:15 mark. I noticed this when I was starting Iceborne for the second time, but Viper Tobi-Kadachi's pupils reflecting light in certain lightings is SUCH A COOL DETAIL! I audibly went "That's so cool" when I saw that it applied not only to the cutscene, but in gameplay as well! To those who don't know, the pupil reflecting light is caused by the tapetum lucidum, which is a thin layer of tissue in the eyes of many vertebrates that allows for better low-light vision. I can only assume Viper has this because it's more used to staying in the lower levels of the Reach, away from the blinding snow and ice and light in general, where as regular Tobi spends lots of time out in broad daylight in the Forest.
    Edit 3: 38:56 This.... is extremely good to know! I see all this dialogue in game relating to the Tale of the Five, but I've never known the Tale itself, so I'm glad to know I can actually read it in game!
    Edit 4: 39:35 OWL STANCE!!!! Bird features like this are some of the reasons that Legiana is one of my favourite monsters, if not my actual full on favourite in World.
    Edit 5: Note, this is only my final edit of this message on my first watch! I'll probably add more as I rewatch :) That said... That is the fastest rising bread dough I have ever seen what _monster yeast_ are these Palicoes using???

    • @rgenc42721
      @rgenc42721 Год назад +2

      them cats be using qurios powder to make breads

  • @Armameteus
    @Armameteus Год назад +11

    11:55: *"I am a demon of the earth, cast in the image of a long-forgotten god, brought here to consume-!"*
    11:58: _"-derp."_

  • @knightmisumi8896
    @knightmisumi8896 Год назад +33

    When you killed the BD accidently before she could leap, I felt that.
    It must have been like not getting the part break you need for a material.

  • @eiriksundby
    @eiriksundby Год назад +10

    4:45 this detail was actually featured in the art book. neat to see it represented

  • @Xanitrit_Zeo
    @Xanitrit_Zeo Год назад +27

    I could see myself getting baited and smacked by all those potential CG Valstrax moves, especially the short dash into attack combo or the sweep beam.

  • @beardiemom
    @beardiemom Год назад +43

    8:24 okay, that's enough Monster Hunter trivia for me today.

    • @frozenbear0991
      @frozenbear0991 Год назад +15

      Would you be more freaked out if I told you the tail end is just a not fully developed head 🙃?
      Khezu is without a doubt one of the trippiest monster imo 😂

    • @beardiemom
      @beardiemom Год назад

      @@frozenbear0991 oh yeah, for sure. I also just picked up GU last week and learned yesterday that you can mine khezu larvae at an otherwise great mining spot and they drain your health.

    • @kikisbullcrap7995
      @kikisbullcrap7995 Год назад +1

      @@frozenbear0991WHAT THE FCK??? IM NOT SLEEPING TONIGHT

    • @frozenbear0991
      @frozenbear0991 Год назад +10

      @@kikisbullcrap7995 young Khezu, are born with a mouth on each end of it body, similar to a Worm. Like Worms, the dominant head which is the one used more often, develops into a proper head, while the less used one develops to a tail-end.
      Like I said: Khezu is one of the tripper monsters

    • @kikisbullcrap7995
      @kikisbullcrap7995 Год назад

      @@frozenbear0991😎🤏 😐🕶️🤏

  • @Hooy-Jaymay
    @Hooy-Jaymay Год назад +10

    Oooh! I have a story involving Worldborne Tigrex.
    Apparently A Teostra scared all the small monsters away, depriving the Tigrex of any food, eventually enough time passes for the game to give me multiple "Tigrex is leaving the locale" messages, but the Tigrex was too hungry and tired to move and just waited in the main river bed area of the Wildspire.
    I guess if a monster goes too long without food, it just refuses to move unless provoked.
    I eventually aggroed it and got it to eat some of my meat bait, which was enough to satiate it and the Tigrex immediatley left.
    I have no idea if this was intentional or just a bug.

  • @allthenamesiwantedweretaken
    @allthenamesiwantedweretaken 10 месяцев назад +2

    5:45 So, you’re telling me that Deviljho’s canonical jaw opens so wide that they need *TWO* Jaw Rigs. I love this monster.

  • @SarcasticShinyZoroark
    @SarcasticShinyZoroark Год назад +10

    I like how you revised many of your points in the previous videos and sprinkled in new stuff periodically, it makes these videos feel fresh and exciting, especially if you watched them back to back multiple times before

  • @Rob-vj6ew
    @Rob-vj6ew 2 месяца назад +2

    3:21 Basarios be like :"AAAAAAAAH MY ROCKS WHERE DID YOU TAKE THEM!!"

  • @hadgeron9556
    @hadgeron9556 Год назад +18

    She really can make a 46 min video about random trivia and with all of it be interesting

  • @UnBlank07
    @UnBlank07 Год назад +187

    Monster Hunter World always feels like there's a living eco system within the game, the way they kept all the monsters from interacting with the environment will always be the best feature of MH World/Iceborne, and will never feel dull when playing it, I've only just notice a couple of details of MHW just by watching this video, and now it makes me wanna play it again 😁

    • @kankeydong2500
      @kankeydong2500 Год назад +12

      You can actually feel how the "world" around you lives and breathes. It's really awesome.

    • @Bloodhurl67
      @Bloodhurl67 Год назад +8

      God I hope the next monster hunter is less like Rise

    • @BadModder
      @BadModder Год назад +1

      ​@@Bloodhurl67good news!

    • @Bloodhurl67
      @Bloodhurl67 Год назад +1

      @@BadModder Yup basically World 2 which Im excited for!

    • @corvoyami3192
      @corvoyami3192 11 месяцев назад +1

      I hope they keep world's ecosystem style paired with Rise's combat system and mobility

  • @Going4Broke2528
    @Going4Broke2528 Год назад +21

    Honestly, with all these small details, I was genuinely surprised Rakna doesn't have a full body modelled beneath the webbing. Not that I, or anyone should expect them to bother with something we'll literally never see, but it seems like the kind of thing they'd have done anyway.

    • @Chronostra
      @Chronostra Год назад +5

      Rise cut down so many stuffs to save power/performance basically.
      You can easily see it by comparing the fidelity/details of world monster that appear in rise like tobi/jyura/anja etc

  • @CanoliDealer
    @CanoliDealer Год назад +12

    I think a lot of the things shown in this video are the reason people love Monster Hunter so much. The monsters actually have thought put into the biology and physiology of their design, and a lot of the time that's what you can either utilize to your advantage or be wary of. Things like the curled toes for comfortable walking just add that little cherry on top to make these creatures seem like they have evolved and adapted over hundreds of thousands of years

  • @condoslime776
    @condoslime776 Год назад +13

    39:24 that's actually not a real Legiana, but just a background object. They are always there in the reach, even when there's no actual Legiana present. You can see another one like that if you look further up from the first one, and there are many more Legiana in the background.
    To continue the Legiana talk, I did not know at all Shrieking could vomit from poison, or even that any other monster interacts in such a way from a status. Very cool detail.

  • @StrangerForever85
    @StrangerForever85 Год назад +1

    Holy shit, that makes so much sense! Nice work finding that. Creeped me and my little cousin out when we thought Shara was watching the camera. Nice one, Capcom.

  • @ivorynargie
    @ivorynargie Год назад +7

    Little thing to note on the herbivores eating cut tails, is that it makes a lot of sense since herbivores irl eat meat every now and then to get carbs and stuff

  • @katama4843
    @katama4843 9 месяцев назад +4

    I went "armor sphere?" when the Aptonoth dug up a gog damn armor sphere

  • @ARedHat
    @ARedHat Год назад +8

    Anjanath is such a hodge podge of predator traits. Spike/quills at the tip of tail, powerful body frame, over sized underjaw used for variety of things including digging, not the mention the hip wings and extended nostrils. And tied all up with a splash of a fire sac

  • @usernameig975
    @usernameig975 Год назад +4

    1:20 This is beautiful. Ive been watching this foe the past 5 hrs.

  • @FenrinJRaten
    @FenrinJRaten Год назад +18

    You know... as mesmerising as the Felyne making dough at the end was, the one thing that has ever bothered me about Monster Hunter as a whole, is that Felynes who are covered in fur, are cooking. How is there no cat hair or people complaining about it? I MUST KNOW XDDD Otherwise thank you for the trivia Tea Common Shark! This was cosy to watch and listen to when working. Keep up the good job!

    • @Mare_Man
      @Mare_Man Год назад +9

      Where do you think the extra effects are coming from?

    • @rgenc42721
      @rgenc42721 Год назад +1

      @@Mare_Man aaaaaaaa I can't read

  • @alexandroskaminas
    @alexandroskaminas Год назад +3

    The fin placement of the fish at 37:10 are characteristic of Sarcopterygii, an early ancestor of tetrapods...and by extension humans

  • @cheewinkaewthai8781
    @cheewinkaewthai8781 Год назад +3

    Man, it always amazes me when learning some carzy details like these. It shows how much love and care has been put into making the game. God, I love this game Imma play it again rn

  • @blobvisfan666
    @blobvisfan666 Год назад +6

    The one that surprised me the most was definitely the Gobul one. The fact you (or whoever you got this info from) found this out years after the release of hislast appearance in 3U is quite impressive, cuz who would ever think to look inside the mouth of a Gobul during gameplay?! Really cool detail, all in all.

  • @user-cc9kx8tw6t
    @user-cc9kx8tw6t Год назад +23

    Okay that CG Valstrax beam sweep is actually scary and I had initially expected it to do it in MR (or even for the Risen form).
    I wonder why they cut it because those unused animations are great and animated very fluidly. Plus they add variety to the moveset and would probably make CG Valstrax a more challenging fight.

  • @TitusAdventureandToyReviewShow
    @TitusAdventureandToyReviewShow 4 месяца назад +1

    10:36 "Why are you so big?" "Why are you so small"

  • @williansnobre
    @williansnobre Год назад +7

    The trick of Shara Ishvalda's eyes is the same that people use in VRChat to make light and simple eyes that give the illusion of tracking the viewer

  • @maybeaperson594
    @maybeaperson594 8 месяцев назад +2

    I like to think that Tea at 36:47 just wanted to show off a fish skeleton he owns in his room. Really makes me think that hes an actual hunter who photographs and records all his ecology videos and skits.
    Also, I love how Nergi has such a suspenfull chase theme that basicly shows nergi is now the hunter.
    Love how the Reverse Skedaddle theme for Nergi is basicly saying "COME THE HELL HERE BOY I AINT DONE WITH YOU YET!"
    Also Also, I love how the Hunter and Malenzo fighting Quirio for an entire night may make referance to the title itself. A *sunbreak* is basicly a fancy word for Sunrise. And who but Primordial Malenzo is fancier than the rest?
    If you say regular Malenzo or Pobo i will reach through the screen and send you to Gaismagorm.

  • @eddyram4932
    @eddyram4932 11 месяцев назад +4

    Herbivores eating from cut tails is normal behavior. In the real world, herbivores will eat meat if and when it is available. They don’t actively hunt, but will eat off recently deceased carcasses.

  • @justamothygirl2143
    @justamothygirl2143 Год назад +2

    I love all these little details, you can really tell how much love went into these games

  • @Falcion-FF
    @Falcion-FF Год назад +12

    Another big source of MH triva, very well appreciated to see new fun facts and details.
    i got some comments for some trivias
    2:21 WAIT REAL? i gotta check this particular in action
    4:12 did you forgot the eye glasses on grumpy fatalis?
    7:11 i was aware that alatreon chest is multidirectional... but not that smaller groups of spikes can move indipendently from other groups of spike, wow
    10:00 both the wing deterioration and the skull vs owner size, i like these details,,, with the wing it tells how the qurio effectively hurts malzeno,, for the skulls, it tells that the animal can grow a lot more than what we find in game..... bigger monsters in mh6?
    10:45 also holy #### never realized how big the dalamadur skull in the upper level was compared to the alive dalamadur
    11:38 hm.... an insect diet gave him similar eyes to a fly? just kidding
    12:18 ..................... i have no words..... at least props to Lyra from Resurgence for discovering it and properly showing it
    14:10 yeah fully aware of this, he can even tell how popular your weapon is... my swaxe is 10th but damn, longsword is first while lance is 14th
    16:30 fun fact, you can use pierce pods on toby kadachi when he climbed on a tree to make him fall (i havent tested yet this interaction with other pods or other monsters like barioth)
    17:59 ... me when there is no underwater combat :(
    19:30 understandable, they need some protein sources after all, just like in real life
    21:18 imagine trying to fool a deviljho with meat in MHW..... he will fool you after using the same jagras you called with the meat
    25:47 i'm loving MHW attention to details more and more
    26:52 just like good old gen expeditions
    31:43 I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK OF YAN GARUGAS, i need every single moly
    35:00 i wish gimmicks like this or 2nd charging state of toby kadachi happened more regularly... if we are too strong we completely negate the monsters options like these (looking disdainfully at rise)
    36:37 didn't you showed other clips of diablos and black diablos making that same route, in one of your MH trivia?
    42:47 did i already said that MHW details are "cheff kiss", such a perfect addition?
    thanks again for choosing to make such interesting content

    • @Exel3nce
      @Exel3nce Год назад

      Thing with shara is that its not true, its not an Illusion

  • @really_skinny_guy4183
    @really_skinny_guy4183 Год назад +5

    19:24 A reminder that most herbivore animals in the world (and by extension monster hunter) are opportunistic omnivores and will eat small animals and insects if they feel like it!
    I imagine a freshly cut tail would be quite a attractive supper as well.

  • @williambuckner8942
    @williambuckner8942 Год назад +4

    The savage jo punking those legiana at the end was great (on top of that those legiana teaming up reminds me of the intro cutscene for zinogre in iceborne)

  • @randomjunk555
    @randomjunk555 Год назад +2

    Knowing that herbivores will eat meat or scavenge a carcass when food is scarce, makes that detail with the small monsters eating tails make my neurons activate.

  • @yaqubebased1961
    @yaqubebased1961 Год назад +3

    39:17 infected Girros not only do more damage, they are able to halve your hp just like Vaal.

  • @gerogero5931
    @gerogero5931 Год назад +5

    12:14 Idk if it uses the same technology but some Fatalis weapons with an eye in its design (specially noticeable on fatty GL) perform the same illusion if you move the camera around, the pupil "looks" at the direction the camera is facing.

  • @TheDevilDucker
    @TheDevilDucker Год назад +6

    Another thing about the Gathering Hub Room
    If you enter this room from the Hub Door at the Beginning of the game or before finishing the Story, you can enter to The Chamber of the Five aka this room where the research Team reunites during some dialogue scenes through the Story, for example, the scene where the General Explains what Fatalis Is and all the Commission Is there, the room changes to the private room once you finish the Story

  • @rickahan7352
    @rickahan7352 Год назад +17

    Man, Learning about all the different things the monsters have like the claw stuff just fascinates me. Makes me wonder if any of the Frontier monsters have stuff like that. Probably not but it would be cool to see regardless.

    • @Sing_LoveWRS
      @Sing_LoveWRS 11 месяцев назад

      They do, just not as intense sometimes.

  • @greenhydra10
    @greenhydra10 Год назад +5

    I'm actually pleasantly surprised by how many of these I had actually already noticed.

  • @QuicksilverTheElegant
    @QuicksilverTheElegant Год назад +9

    Did I spend 46 minutes watching minor but very, very interesting details and facts about Monster Hunter? Yes. Does it make me appreciate the creature design and behavior even more? Absolutely 👍

  • @Maxbolt101
    @Maxbolt101 Год назад +3

    Small details like these are the exact reasons why I feel in love with the monster hunter franchise

  • @Oooomps
    @Oooomps Год назад +1

    The village themes made this video really cozy. Kinda want to go start up the older games now just to listen to them again.

  • @CherikoSol
    @CherikoSol Год назад +15

    The shara one is a cool trick. I wonder what monsters it’s fought off to evolve something like that.

    • @sevirakalau2171
      @sevirakalau2171 Год назад +8

      as we seen with nerg (though shara was weakened) its body isn't that durable lore wise. It probably evolved that since most predators like the element of surprise. If Shara is armorless its only defense is when it becomes aware of the enemy to fight back it has no good natural armor (against its actual predators). The concave eyes allow it to fool predators into thinking they've been spotted and this may delay them long enough for shara to actually notice them and set up a defense. Humans did something similar with tigers where they worse face masks on the back of their head which deterred tigers because they like to ambush prey

    • @Exel3nce
      @Exel3nce Год назад +1

      not a trick actually. the model isnt the same as the one you fight in game, so yea, the eyes actually move

    • @sevirakalau2171
      @sevirakalau2171 Год назад +1

      @@Exel3nce they actually showed ingame footage tho? unless they modded a different model onto the ingame shara

  • @XxTristanT-RexxX
    @XxTristanT-RexxX 3 месяца назад +2

    As an insect glaive main, I've experience the rakna silk cover many a times

  • @B0110CK5
    @B0110CK5 Год назад +8

    10:20 If I ever saw a Lao Shan Lung tall enough to part clouds just by walking I'd start praying on the spot
    *edit* If I ever saw the rotten vale Dalamadur while it was still alive they'd probably be my new Gods

  • @kasparpantzare8529
    @kasparpantzare8529 10 месяцев назад

    I love the detail in the monster hunter series really show how much the devs and players love the game, the dev for making the details and the players for amassing a 47 min video about them :D

  • @thmistrapillay1811
    @thmistrapillay1811 Год назад +7

    This is why I will forever say MH has _the best_ enemy/boss designs in ALL of gaming❤️‍🔥

  • @ZaberZlayer7
    @ZaberZlayer7 4 месяца назад

    ALL OF THIS IS JUST SO COOL! I’ve said this before but I’ll never tire of saying it again: “the littlest of details can have the biggest of impacts.” This video just proves that point of mine.