The Holy Fathers on Aliens & UFO's

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • The Holy Fathers on Aliens & UFO’s
    The phenomenon of UFO's and alien life, in the opinion of many Athonite fathers as well as other spiritual persons, is that all of these are demonic manifestations and belong to the signs that Christ foretold, when He was asked about the end of the world, "and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven." (Luke 21:11)
    It is a topic usually spoken of in the context of the End Times.
    In earlier centuries Christians were very cautious about strange and new phenomena, knowing of the devil’s wiles; but after the modern age of ‘enlightenment’ most people have become merely curious about such things and even pursue them, relegating the devil to a half-imaginary realm. Awareness of the nature of UFOs, then, can be a help in awakening Orthodox Christians to a conscious spiritual life and a conscious Orthodox world-view that does not easily follow after the fashionable ideas of the times.
    The conscious Orthodox Christian lives in a world that is clearly fallen, both the earth below and the stars above…. He knows that man is not to ‘evolve’ into something ‘higher’ nor has he any reason to believe that there are ‘higher evolved’ beings on other planets; but he knows well that there are indeed ‘artificial intelligences’ in the universe besides himself; these are two kinds, and he strives to live so as to dwell with those who serve God (the angels) and avoid contact with the others who have rejected God and strive in their envy and malice to draw man into their misfortune (the demons).
    He knows that man is inclined to follow error and believe in ‘fairy tales’ that promise a ‘higher state’ or ‘higher beings’ without the struggle of Christian life - in fact precisely as an escape from Christian life. He distrusts his own ability to get through the deception of the demons and therefore clings all the more firmly to the Scriptural and Patristic guidelines which the Church of Christ provides for his life.
    Such a one has the possibility to resist the religion of the future, the religion of the antichrist, in whatever form it may present itself; the rest of mankind, save by a miracle of God, is lost.
    ***Highly recommended reading two books on this topic:
    “Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future” by Fr. Seraphim Rose
    and “The UFO Deception” by Fr. Spyridon Bailey
    ~Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica
    Question from Professor Z.S.
    “What can you tell us about the cosmos beyond the earth? Can you tell us whether aliens exist?”
    Response of Elder Thaddeus:
    “...Only they are the energy of thoughts. It is not material energy as we humans know it. Such creatures as we humans do not exist in the universe. Why? Because only the human race is blessed to "fill" God's earth as the Lord said. "And God blessed them, saying: increase and multiply and fill the earth.” (Genesis 1:28)
    God's earth is not just a small globe, which is only a small dot in the universe. God's earth is the whole universe.
    The wicked spirits under heaven, when they saw how God's new creation, man, was to inhabit God's earth, realized that there was no room for them. Because that would mean that the spirits under heaven would be isolated. For this reason they understood how this new creation, which was in an embryonic state, should be destroyed!
    They knew how, if man violated the commandment of obedience, there would be disastrous results for him.
    Man was created from matter and constituted a small universe by himself, because both the world of matter and the world of thoughts, mind, and reason were represented by him. He was the crown of creation.
    They urged Eve and Adam to disobey God's command. Once Eve and Adam disobeyed God's command, they realized how everything changed. Matter, which was created by the Spirit, changed.
    The fall of man was of great importance. It was the destruction of the rest of the world at that time. The disobedience of Adam and Eve had grave consequences throughout the material world. It also had heavy consequences in the world of thoughts, in which the negative energy of the evil spirits that are under the sky began to enter…”
    ~St. Gabriel (Urgebadze) of Georgia
    Talking about the end times, Saint Gabriel said this among other things:
    "In the years of the Antichrist, people will expect salvation from space. This will be the devil's greatest trick! Humanity will seek help from the aliens, not knowing that they are actually demons."
    In the end times do not look at the sky. You may be misled by the false signs that will be presented there. You will be deceived and lost! How many heavens are there? Nine! We see the part of the universe that is visible. It is the place where the wicked spirits fell and who cannot rise above the stars. Any thought about Extraterrestrials by Christian Orthodox is unacceptable. Aliens are Demons, who were angels who fell into sin. No other civilization exists. Only this world was made by God for people!"
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