The Poltergeist Experience with Lyn Buchanan

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Lyn Buchanan, MA, is the executive director of Problems-Solutions-Innovations, a corporation based in Alamogordo, New Mexico. For over eight years, he participated in the Army's remote viewing program based at Fort Meade, Maryland. He is the author of The Seventh Sense: Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told By a Psychic Spy for the U.S. Military.
    Here he describes childhood experiences with recurring spontaneous psychokinesis (RSPK), that he eventually learned to control. Growing up in the bible belt, he struggled to reconcile these experiences with the religious dogma that they were associated with the devil. Eventually, he came to accept them as natural. While in the military, his PK abilities were noticed and he was recruited to join the remote viewing program.
    New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).
    (Recorded on June 23, 2017)
    For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos -- as well as many other opportunities to engage with and support the New Thinking Allowed video channel -- please visit the New Thinking Allowed Foundation at www.newthinking....

Комментарии • 113

  • @johnnytortuga5795
    @johnnytortuga5795 7 лет назад +21

    Great interview covering much of Lyn's experiences that I didn't know. Thanks Jeffrey.

  • @DimiOana
    @DimiOana 5 лет назад +4

    Mister Lyn Buchanan, you are, as my kids are saying, awesome! It is a delight to hear and see you. Thank you Jeffrey Mishlove for this, and for sharing beautiful experiences!

  • @auntieyoda9378
    @auntieyoda9378 6 лет назад +5

    It was a sincere pleasure, Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Mishlove, thank you so much for this interview.

  • @jacobsipes
    @jacobsipes 5 лет назад +46

    It is most interesting. Signal static between the lapel mics and the receiver swells, depending on the emotional intensity he recalls from his stories. Coincidence? Could be! However, this is the first and only audio-technical incident I have come across, in my countless hours watching this channel. Moreover, it is seemingly correspondent to the PK talent he is describing as the audio flickers, and the relationship between PK talent (in poltergeist phenomena) and the psycho-dynamic (emotional) state. Just throwing this out there!

    • @Weeabruh
      @Weeabruh 5 лет назад +3

      I noticed this as well! First time seeing this kind of interference on this channel. It is interesting hearing the interference peak when he is actually talking about electronics nearby being affected by him at times hahaha.

    • @Bethaniji
      @Bethaniji 4 года назад

      I didn't notice anything...maybe ya'll are psychic, lol...

    • @psychedelicgem
      @psychedelicgem 4 года назад +3

      I was about to write about this

    • @betacam235
      @betacam235 2 года назад +3

      I noticed this too...

    • @sunflowerray198
      @sunflowerray198 2 года назад +2

      Was looking for this comment because I thought the same thing.

  • @BonafideGail
    @BonafideGail 4 года назад +4

    I appreciate Jeffrey's talent to reign in the conversation and keep the story line on course!

  • @carlasousa8623
    @carlasousa8623 Год назад +2

    Amazing man. Great interview

  • @joycekoch5746
    @joycekoch5746 4 года назад +14

    My family went through extreme poltergeist activity back in the 70's
    when we were living at 1723 Downing Street in Greensboro North Carolina.
    Our family was close and affectionate and was made up of my husband, myself, our
    son and daughter and our beloved family dog.
    The house in question was built in 1965 and we
    were the first family there but indeed, it was built over what had been a
    lake and there were underground springs and creeks all around us with
    moving water. I mention that as It is my understanding that this is commonly reported in
    many poltergeist cases. As for the history of the land is all I know is our neighborhood was
    once built on a cow pasture. Who was there before then I do not know.
    When my husband and I first moved in my kids were like 5 and 1
    years old and I did have a few odd experiences like smelling perfume in
    the house that was odd smelling that nobody wore. There were also
    feelings of having something rapidly coming up behind one and feeling
    not so much as evil but high weirdness of something very old and
    completely non-human. The feeling of feeling one was being watched was a
    common experience. Not far away behind our house was a graveyard but we
    dismissed the idea of ghosts as neither my husband or I thought the dead could haunt a location.
    Not much more happened for several years
    till my daughter and son grew up. Before the real explosion of
    poltergeist activity the woods behind our house and leading to the
    graveyard was a place my son and many of the kids enjoyed playing at. At
    the time, it was not seen odd as none of us thought in anyway that a
    graveyard could be a concern. It was curious that the thick creeks in the woods
    was known by the older kids as 'haunted pools' - why the name and when it came it
    was unknown. When my daughter was about 16 and my son
    was about 12 we had a the first big amounts l of poltergeist activity in
    our home for several months. It started first with my daughter who had a
    conversation one night before going to bed and talking to her Dad
    about the Devil and how stupid he was thinking he could overthrow God in
    heaven.That night at about 1 am she had objects fly off her walls and a huge
    gust of wind blowing through the room despite no open windows. She
    was scared but not so scared to have a seance with her friends during her 16th birthday.
    After that she would find at times at night having
    weird experiences like waking to find her hand being held by a small
    withered hand or hearing a loud bangs on the wall. The seance was
    something she and her friends did on their own as a joke - it was not
    something that was routine or approved of in our home but soon after
    this the weirdness was manifest. Strong gust of wind would sometimes
    come from nowhere and blow through the house.
    Though experiences could happen anytime of day, I would say 90% of the
    time the activity happened at night from between Midnight and 3am. If I
    were to venture a guess, the entry point or portal was located in a
    closet space shared by my son's and sisters room as the doors of the
    closet would sometimes open on their own during manifestations in our
    home. It got to the point that my son would tie a belt around his closet
    door handles before going to bed at night because it often opened at night before
    weird activity began - of course this didn't stop
    the trouble but it made him feel better that the closet door remained
    closed at night.
    The sound of heavy objects falling and breaking glass occurred in other
    rooms but when observed nothing was to be seen.However, the focus
    shifted from her very quickly to completely focus on my 12 year old son.
    It is hard to describe all the evens from slamming doors, sheets being
    yanked off beds, shaking beds , flickering lights and all of us being
    awakened at night by having a hand shake one awake or messing with ones
    feet or bed coverings. Even stranger was the experience my son had was
    after being awakened by a shaking bed he sat up and flicked on the light
    and then felt something invisible, big and heavy bound into the bed next
    to him that knocked him over and then was just as quickly gone. That incident was the one my son
    reported as most freaking him out was that experience. He described it like being on the bed and imagining if a huge obese invisible man
    were to jump into bed with you and then vanish - all happening in about 3 seconds.
    We were not alone in all of this -The family dog was pretty freaked out when
    this would happen and he would bark and growl at unseen presences but
    usually acted very afraid and was eager to be outside the house than
    inside it. Most of the poltergeist activities it seemed to happen during
    my sons REM sleep when his bed would shake so we think his unconscious
    was letting lose. Of course, many, perhaps half of the activity was not
    the 1am to 3am variety but would happen in the middle of the day as
    well. When the bed shaking occurred my husband and I would get up and go
    into his bedroom and see him asleep with the bed go back and forth. At
    first my husband and I took it to be completely demonic opened up by the
    silly teenage seance my daughter had engaged in but the psychological
    aspects could not be missed as well. My son was hyperactive and on
    Ritalin.The Ritalin helped him focus like a stimulate but it had a side
    effect of stunted growth to the degree he was behind normal physical
    growth and development by a full year. We thought perhaps the Ritalin
    might had been affecting his CNS but it appeared it was the bed moving
    him - not the other way around. In short, there was probably something
    in that house from the time we moved in but our son was clearly the
    battery that caused things to go crazy when he became of age. Fortunately,
    our poltergeist never tried to communicate with us and we didn't try to talk to
    We had a Catholic priest come bless the home, this did work
    but it only knocked off the activity for about 10 days before it started
    up again. The priest was very enlightened and told us that though demons do
    sometimes wreck homes what we had was likely a poltergeist which is basically a demon 3rd class
    on assignment for a short trial period and could steal energy from anything from a fight in a home
    or pent up libido. He advised us all to relax more, laugh more and pray more
    and make the 'the house light'. He told us poltergeist are affected by blessing but unless
    they are done weekly they will keep coming back so the best solutions lay with our family
    as he didn't have time to come by each week to bless the home. He asked about
    things that might have invited evil in and my son ended up getting rid of a big collection
    of his horror comics (House of Secrets) which went into the trash.
    One funny bit of symbolism that I did not catch to many
    months later was the poltergeist at the first part of it's manifestation
    did so while we were eating dinner. We were all around the table and
    talking and laughing and my son had a tall glass of milk in front of him
    in a tall glass and it suddenly exploded. Nobody was hurt by the glass
    but the milk went straight up in a crazy manner all over the ceiling
    till it rained down on all of us. The symbolism of this pent up energy
    is kind of clear. It might be the case that the Ritalin that had stunted his growth
    might have built up huge levels of energy as my son told me years later he
    didn't get his first wet dream till he was 14 which bothered him as all his friends had gotten them
    by 13 years old . My husband had told him not to worry about it
    and nature had it's own time for him. Of course there is a problem with that theory as well as the poltergeist activity largely
    ended a full year or more before that so that one explanation is not complete.
    It is fascinating that strong emotions and libido can
    provide such huge stores of energy for poltergeist to pull from and one
    one learns to unplug them from their source they cannot manifest without
    a power source to tap. The key to killing the poltergeist was creating a
    happy relaxed home. After about 6 months it was pretty much over with.
    It was the most amazing and terrifying 6 months of our lives and a eye -
    opening awakening to the world of the paranormal. After all the years
    of thinking of this I can only conclude we had every thing and multiple
    causes to create a perfect poltergeist environment. Though it was not
    fun to go through, it was very interesting and to a degree, deepened all
    of our faith as we did conclude we were not dealing with PK but with
    intelligent beings with a twisted sense of humor. This became clear when
    the poltergeist in our home seemed to take a great deal of dislike for a
    blessed crucifix we kept in the hall and a picture of Jesus. These were
    often turned upside down or found laying on the floor knocked off which
    suggest this being had a strong dislike for these items. I am open to various ideas
    to explain what happened here. Would love to hear from anyone who have had an experience
    with a poltergeist and what you think was going on here.

    • @betacam235
      @betacam235 2 года назад

      Joyce...see my response just posted here.....probably above...

    • @joycekoch5746
      @joycekoch5746 2 года назад

      @@betacam235 Have yet to see it but I will keep an eye out for your post. Thank you.

    • @betacam235
      @betacam235 2 года назад

      @@joycekoch5746 Incredibly it seems to have been removed!!! I really don't know why I bother...
      I'll check tomorrow, see if it finds it's way back.

    • @joycekoch5746
      @joycekoch5746 2 года назад +1

      @@betacam235 Poltergeist don't like being talked about.

    • @betacam235
      @betacam235 2 года назад

      @@joycekoch5746 I think there's a word count limit above which the comment simply doesn't appear.....nothing to do with the content.
      When I posted almost the same piece on the Vancouver Island site, the site creator mailed me to explain this, it's a pity I didn't ask what the word limit is.

  • @thebestusername5852
    @thebestusername5852 7 лет назад +27

    I love this little old guy. He's so humble and matter of fact about it all. And I love at 24:40 when he says: "Oh! 'you're Goin' ta hail" lol

  • @VenicePsychic
    @VenicePsychic 7 лет назад +14

    Lyn is so talented, yet he remains humble which is amazing because he and Ingo are the best remote viewers ever. great interview and very thoughtful questions, enjoy listening to both of you.

    • @QED_
      @QED_ 7 лет назад +3

      Pat Price and Joe McMoneagle were each better remote viewers (from all accounts) . . .

    • @aphysique
      @aphysique 7 лет назад +3

      Arbiter Price, & Ingo Swann, & let's not forget to include Hella Hammond were some of the best that has ever walked this planet !! As many other's will follow, however probably won't disclose they're talent's as such!

    • @Paddyllfixit
      @Paddyllfixit 7 лет назад

      again, Hammid.

  • @greenhornet299
    @greenhornet299 7 лет назад +13

    This man is the real deal...God Bless him...

  • @AboxofMonsters
    @AboxofMonsters 5 лет назад +5

    You can’t Toss a Stone through a one inch steel plate. Only because you think you can’t. Doubt undermines your power. Once it’s been put there it’s dam hard to remove.

  • @benbishop1131
    @benbishop1131 7 лет назад +5

    the most practical pk ability to me would be making heavy objects light weight. now that would be handy!

  • @tayayurayeva531
    @tayayurayeva531 4 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for such interesting sharing!
    I’d like to confirm that being mad or angry and not controlling it- can be very damaging and destructive to a person/item/anything else. When “Opened a Door”, it’s critical to learn how to control your-selves and make it to create, not to destroy:)
    Thank you so much again and again!

  • @OdjoAdja
    @OdjoAdja 2 года назад +2

    as to my 'weird observation' the RSPK (Recurring Spontaneous Psycho Kinesis) or poltergeist phenomena maybe generated by the active of the 'etheric body'..
    the ability to pass something into solid object is one example of this kind phenomena, nowadays the popular term as 'matrix glitch', the object that hit the solid object suddenly at the other side if the process of the things entering the solid object is visible then maybe it other kind of phenomena..

  • @villemononen5303
    @villemononen5303 7 лет назад +2

    So interesting, so great! Thank you very much! Looking forward to the future episodes.

  • @aphysique
    @aphysique 7 лет назад +4

    Glad to see Lyn feeling & doing better, was quite a hairy, touch n go health scare!! Happy to see him alive & well!! Namaste!👌🙏

  • @aphysique
    @aphysique 7 лет назад +6

    Lyn sounds like He's describing your excellent book, Dr. Mishlove!! Pk man, such incredible story's!!

  • @CMMayo-px3cc
    @CMMayo-px3cc 7 лет назад +4

    Thanks, this was a fascinating interview.

  • @owainjohns2815
    @owainjohns2815 2 года назад +1

    wow, I'd love to spend time with you two. Loving these videos, thank you :)

  • @spiritualangel7778
    @spiritualangel7778 7 лет назад +4

    He is SO SWEET.... AWESOME MAN..... Thanks

  • @Ktalks100
    @Ktalks100 6 лет назад +5

    Described my exact experience with a bully at an athletics event. The internal rush of intense anger and given the internal trip command and the next minute that bully tripped and fell flat on her face during a race right in front of me. I knew it then.

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 5 лет назад +1

      I have some questions, if that's okay. If not, just ignore this comment.
      Why, do you think, is it so strongly connected with emotions? And why is there language in your head instead of just an intention? Are you comfortable using it now?
      Thanks for showing up!

  • @forevryng1
    @forevryng1 3 года назад +4

    LOVE this so much ❤

  • @TheEvda
    @TheEvda 4 года назад +2

    Fascinating as usual !!!

  • @annohalloran6020
    @annohalloran6020 4 года назад +2

    Land of Enchantment Wizards teaching us all!!! ♥️♥️♥️ You look like Breaking Bad stand-ins lol

  • @fornello123
    @fornello123 7 лет назад +9

    I'd love to see a demo of the pie plate trick

    • @no1rory466
      @no1rory466 7 лет назад +2

      Tony F
      Probably a load of nonsense, otherwise I'm sure he'd impress people by showing people

  • @tinacates2286
    @tinacates2286 7 лет назад +3

    my parents home had poltergeist activity in it. I regret ever telling any religious person about it. They terrified me when at first it was merely a curiosity. I'm fairly certain, after over 20 years its absolutely nothing to do with religion. Thanks to these cultures many events go unreported or kept secret for fear of what these people will do to the witnesses. One friend told her parents and was forbidden to talk to me after that.

    • @Paddyllfixit
      @Paddyllfixit 7 лет назад +2

      Tina Cates, Never mention any instances of paranormal activity to the overtly religious, especially if they're recurring.

    • @tinacates2286
      @tinacates2286 7 лет назад +1

      lots of object movement/or loss. the shadows would drip. Like something jumped from the dresser to the desk and you'd see nothing but the shadow move. Not sure how else to explain that. Bright orbs my dad said must be electricity jumping from sockets... but they'd go around your head and cut corners, bright as a camera flash and fast. Footsteps, heavy breathing at night. One night I had nightmares that this horror movie thing was trying to get in the dining room window. Early that morning the perimeter alarm went off and it was the window i'd been dreaming of that thing clawing at. I could write 40 pages easily...

    • @nofd1977
      @nofd1977 5 лет назад

      Tina Cates forget religious quacks. The only one who can help is The Father. Call out to him

    • @fig4159
      @fig4159 5 лет назад

      nofd1977 Sounds like a religious quack to me.

    • @nofd1977
      @nofd1977 5 лет назад

      Julie Figueroa who's quackin chick?

  • @MsTammi125
    @MsTammi125 3 года назад +5

    It's annoying when people think demonic when it's activity from a living person lol one is mind over matter the other from religion.. two different topics.

  • @KingdomOfHeavenPictures
    @KingdomOfHeavenPictures 6 лет назад +2

    It is curious that Mr Buchanan had a history of paranormal experiences previous to entering into the US program for remote viewing. That's two members, another being David Morehouse, that had previous extrasensory experiences previous to entering the US program.

  • @NormGagnon
    @NormGagnon 6 лет назад +4

    I was with but not "part of" this program, often seeing Gen A. Stubblebine in the mid 80s enter our building and utilizing our scifs in Mclean, VA

  • @liquidbraino
    @liquidbraino 3 года назад +2

    This interview made me remember so many incidents I had as a child which I forgot about later in life & there's so much I can relate to but still don't understand. When I was in Jr. High there was this one bully at the school that always picked on me. I wasn't the biggest kid but at the time I already knew there was something strange going on because I'd see things and know things without knowing how and was just starting to recognize and experiment with this. One day we were in class and he was fucking with me again & he sat right behind me. He was too big for me to fight him and I was never really the violent type anyway but I got so mad at him that I caused myself to feel sick; I just focused on a feeling of nausea and once I had that I imagined it as a black cloud and put him right in the center of it (in my mind). Within seconds of doing this he threw up all over me and completely ruined my favorite jacket (Dallas Cowboys) which I then had to throw away. I wasn't even into football but I loved that jacket because my Grandfather was into football and he bought it for me. Apparently this kid had pizza for lunch and I learned my lesson about using this ability to do harm; it always comes back on you in one way or another.
    Another time; years and years later I was at a medical clinic and was getting pissed because some idiot brought their kid and their 4/5 year old brat was running around in circles and every single time they were bumping into me - I was getting pissed but didn't want to say anything so I focused on a feeling of being tired - did basically the same thing as before but instead of nausea it was a feeling of my head getting heavy which I projected on to this kid. Within seconds of doing this the kid stopped running and laid down and I was thinking "Oh good... it worked" and quit focusing on it but the instant I stopped focusing on it the kid jumped up again and started running around in circles again.
    24:00 I can relate to this part too because there was a certain time in my childhood where i thought "I CAN do this... but HOW? How does this work? What is it?" so I started doing my own simple experiments like having a friend go through a deck of cards and randomly select a card; I'd try to "guess" what card it was. I was getting about 50% accuracy and thought "well this doesn't work" (not knowing at the time that even 50% is considered statistically significant). So my best friend at the time was the son of the owner of the property management company; he knew every resident that lived there and which cars they drove (1200 Riverside Dr. Burbank CA around 1983/85) and he had the idea of having me walk up to each car in the parking lot; put my hand on it and tell him what I see - I knew none of these cars or the owners. So we started doing that but the first one was his own moms car and I remember telling him "That's stupid, I already know what I'm going to see. I'm going to see you, your mom and your brother". He said "Dude, just humor me....." so I went along with it and before I even got close enough to TOUCH the car I started getting almost like a bullet train of images passing quickly through my mind. I saw him, his brother and his mom but the information was VERY specific; I saw the red skirt his mom was wearing and described it in detail; I saw him; his brother - and then I saw someone I didn't recognize and said "this doesn't make any damn sense! Who the hell is THIS person?". My friend Jason was like "well DESCRIBE him! What are you seeing?". I described a kid that looked almost exactly like Beavis and Butthead; with the AC/DC T-shirt and shorts but kind of heavy set. He said "Oh that's my cousin" and apparently while I was out of town the previous week visiting family in Texas he had relatives that were vising HIM (coincidentally - from Texas). And at the time I thought he was full of shit - it was just too coincidental so I was like "Ok, alright; whatever you say.... yeah man".
    Then we walked over to another car. I saw nothing but blackness but with multi-colored lights overhead and said to him "This doesn't make any damn sense! What did this person see a UFO or something?" (exactly what I said). And I goes (again) "Well DESCRIBE it!!! What are you SEEING?". So I told him and h;e said "no man, she's a musician, what you're seeing is the blackness of the audience and the lights on the stage". I thought he was full of shit and just making it up and I said so. We got into an argument about it and he says "DUDE!!! I'LL TAKE YOU TO HER APARTMENT!!!". So I reluctantly walked with him to her apartment; still thinking he was full of shit and just making up a story based on what I'd told him. As soon as I walked into her apartment I saw musical instruments everywhere. A few guitars; keyboards; a saxophone; a bass guitar and she had sheet music laying all over the place, handwritten sheet music. I walked out of there completely dazed and confused but finally accepting that there was something to this and we needed to figure it out. So we went back out to the parking lot and kept doing it. By the way there was a movie shot at this exact location that same year which was supposed to be the sequel to "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" but Sean Penn didn't want to do it so they got his brother Christopher Penn and it was called "The Wild Life". This movie was seen by Robert Zemeckis and Bob gale and that's where they discovered Lea Thompson and Eric Stoltz (both of them were in this movie) and put them in "Back To The Future" about four years later and if you know the story.... you know that it didn't work out so well for Eric..... but this is also where MY story happened.
    The next car we walked up to was near the entrance and again I didn't know who's car it was or what they'd been through but as I approached the car I saw total blackness which seemed to pull me into it. I don't know what the hell happened in that moment but it seemed/felt like I had left my own reality for a while and was in this place of total blackness in which neither space nor time existed. It felt like I was stuck there and had already been there forever and there was a presence. This presence was the saddest; loneliest presence I'd ever felt in my entire life. It was a sadness and loneliness so profound that it was absolutely terrifying and I almost felt like I was stuck there and couldn't get out. At the time this experience started my friend Jason was on the other side of the car but when I came out of it he was already standing next to me and caught me because I came out of this experience, already falling; he caught me and took me up stairs to his apartment where his mom told me to sit down and she made some tea for me. He literally had to walk me to his apartment because I could barely even stand and was crying my eyes out; completely freaked out by this experience. He later told me that I was literally white as a sheet. After I described the experience he told me "Bro, that was Schmitty's car" & I don't know if I'm spelling his name right but that's how it was pronounced. Schmitty had just died a few days earlier and he was one of our favorite people; a really cool, old guy that was a bomber pilot during the 1940's.
    After that experience I quit messing around with it; it scared me but once that door is open you can't close it. I started having dreams about things that would end up happening. If I typed out the rest of these stories I'll be sitting here for another ten hours typing so fuck that. But suffice it to say that I'm completely psychologically healthy, I spent years talking to therapists and psychologists who all told me I was perfectly normal but had "weird" experiences. I even went to school for behavioral science and later ended up joining the US Army where I had a bunch of psychological tests and meetings with Army psychologists (during MEPS) all of which told me I was perfectly normal - and if I wasn't psychologically healthy I wouldn't have been able to join the US Army.
    I had to stop myself otherwise I'd be typing for the next five days. There's so much to say, but a few years ago I earned an MFA in TV/Film screenwriting and briefly described these experiences to my mentors at the WGA. One of my WGA mentors told me that I need to write my memoir first - THEN worry about all of this science fiction stuff I want to write. I have about 12 stories in progress; all science fiction; some of them are inspired by these experiences.
    BTW, years after all of this I ended up participating in parapsychology experiments with the Laboratories for Fundamental Research; but that's a whole other story and about two hours of typing so fuck that. I'll save it for my memoir.

    • @joycekoch5746
      @joycekoch5746 2 года назад

      Very interesting. Sounds like you have some sort of Psychic power but your experience does not sound like Poltergeist activity.
      This sounds like PK and ESP - and I suspect it runs in your family though such things can hop generations. Kind of scary to think such things like anger
      can act like the dark side of the force in Star Wars.

    • @tejaswinizumbre
      @tejaswinizumbre 2 года назад

      Thanks for sharing about your incredible abilities/experiencs.. Please write more about your experience if you can... really interested..

  • @Paddyllfixit
    @Paddyllfixit 7 лет назад +4

    At four minutes in, there's some static interference going on....

  • @aaroncamss4053
    @aaroncamss4053 2 года назад +1

    I have also experienced a poltergeist

  • @AnthrYrslf
    @AnthrYrslf 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you for yet another, segment of mind candy

  • @aphysique
    @aphysique 7 лет назад +2

    Dr Mishlove, do you know any updates on Gen. Stubbline's health? Last I knew he was in real dire straights, so to speak, pertaining to his health!!

  • @greenhornet299
    @greenhornet299 7 лет назад +9

    The host keeps on butting in

    • @tumatahitoa1396
      @tumatahitoa1396 6 лет назад +1

      Yeah, It's so annoying

    • @Weeabruh
      @Weeabruh 5 лет назад +2

      Mishlove is usually excellent, always referencing books related to points made by the interviewee. I'm always impressed by his recall and his stored knowledge. But yeah, I did notice here he kept wanting to bring up clarification on things Lyn was talking about. Usually he is not like that (from what I've noticed).

  • @user-oq8nz7eb1c
    @user-oq8nz7eb1c 7 месяцев назад

    I think Mr. Buchanan should check out his family history to see if his family was involved in occult practices.

  • @jgalaxygal
    @jgalaxygal 7 лет назад +1

    This explains some of my internal queries I have had. Where could one read about being remote influenced in and thru dreams? Was General Stubblebine involved with a program for manifesting objects thru the dreamtime? Also, what is the connection with this and UFO'S, if any? Does the year 98/99 ring any bells for anyone?

  • @TheRightHandedNeutrino
    @TheRightHandedNeutrino 5 лет назад +2

    4:00 Absolutely incredible.

    • @Ishana_Intuitive
      @Ishana_Intuitive 3 года назад

      Can you explain this to me? I didnt understand it. I dont speak English as a native language... 🤗🌸

  • @lisanoone7402
    @lisanoone7402 5 лет назад +1

    Children don't know they "can't". Anything with a variable... wind, dice, electronics...

  • @harris1234100
    @harris1234100 4 года назад +1

    The still small voice from within!

  • @TheHydrogenLine
    @TheHydrogenLine 3 месяца назад


  • @siriusstarlight9881
    @siriusstarlight9881 5 лет назад +2

    Shoutout to all the non military telepathic’s ☺️
    Train your brain people everyone is AI.
    Omnipresent omniscient omniscience

  • @ericalewis9047
    @ericalewis9047 26 дней назад

    He mentioned something, big deal if you cant make money at it. i felt this!!! I have not been trained. As a kid also told these things were of the devil, no longer believe that. But...really could use making money from this.

  • @haujeancontactee
    @haujeancontactee 6 лет назад

    I've had experience with remote influencing. It involves creating thought forms and programming them to attach to another person and alter their mood, behavior, and or personal thoughts. It requires opening the chakras with energy mediation procedures. I wonder what method the classified military programs used?

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 5 лет назад

      That sounds like Western Magical practice. I don't think that's the same. But it would be interesting to understand their relationship.

  • @bastiaananthonijsz
    @bastiaananthonijsz 2 года назад +1

    Yes we are beutifull beings full of so much amazing talents and there is the 1% who dont want you to know . Sad realy stil thinking in made war minds and forgetting we al life on a planet called gaia we al do remote viewing is amazing if you ise it for the good of People not against the People. Love is the power stil we in de midle of a cosmic shift on earth a cycle ends a new 1 begins . I realy love your open youtube site and sending it out here in holland . To help those who are lost in a system of world trauma to heal so we can evolve to light tnx for sharing

  • @dawnhemphill6743
    @dawnhemphill6743 6 лет назад +1

    wow loved it

  • @magnuszetterqvist5936
    @magnuszetterqvist5936 4 года назад


  • @jms4406
    @jms4406 2 года назад

    A good magician never reveals his tricks

  • @lightoffuturedays
    @lightoffuturedays 7 лет назад

    Excellent stuff.

  • @keplerianaz
    @keplerianaz 9 месяцев назад

    Do you hear at 7.03 the strange noises or is it just me?

  • @lucbedard7564
    @lucbedard7564 2 года назад

    Careful what you do with your gift and Lyn Buchanan learn a great deal. It took me time to learn with my own gift, i've have learn to fill up the dots with information of the past by predicting the next future event like the great reset, Knowledge is power and when you abuse that power, power corrupt.
    I've been investigate on many topic but never i would use poltergeist supernatural

  • @Jay_Kay_Redpill
    @Jay_Kay_Redpill 4 года назад +1

    Small discrepancies and statements make me suspicious of these guys. Why is the amount of time that the computer network went down classified but his other revelations are fully open to discuss? I just think these types of guys are paid or benefit by spreading these stories perhaps to distract from the truth?

  • @dan020350
    @dan020350 3 года назад +1


  • @JahTzu
    @JahTzu 7 лет назад


  • @no1rory466
    @no1rory466 7 лет назад

    Why is everyone saying wow this guys soooo humble and fantastic????
    He doesn't seem humble to me!! He just seems like a normal person telling his story.....
    What's so great about that????

    • @friendlyanalyst273
      @friendlyanalyst273 7 лет назад +3

      "He doesn't seem so humble to me, he seems like a normal person telling his story."
      That's what we would call humble. What is the image of humble you have in your mind? And your comment above saying "probably a load of nonsense, otherwise I'm sure he'd impress people by showing it" - and then he would be even further from the image of humble, right? He would automatically be "trying to attract a following" and in need of a torch-bearing crowd of online mocking bullies to attack him under the professed label of "debunking."
      I used to think that demonstrating cool abilities under controlled conditions would resolve so much cultural debate, hatred, and stigma and be useful... nope. After I studied the broad & deep scientific community that has already produced plenty of evidence and phenomena to the standards that self-proclaimed skeptics precisely asked for, it is no longer rational for me to entertain much confidence in people who claim they want to see strong evidence *in harsh or mocking tones*

  • @hixenP
    @hixenP 7 месяцев назад

    Magneto: rule the world with a penny

  • @willishall1812
    @willishall1812 6 лет назад

    Demons do exist. I know first hand. I'm not sure of him but his smirky quote "your going to go to hell", was ignorant to say. If he ever saw people dying and screeming, like " Anton Lavey," though I wasn't there.

  • @larryfisher8332
    @larryfisher8332 6 лет назад +1

    Lyn is nothing like Ingo Swann or Joe McMoneagle. Lyn used an evil spirit to destroy the computer, it wasn't him.

  • @willishall1812
    @willishall1812 6 лет назад

    Religion is dangerous. But not Jesus. How did he become possessed age 12?

  • @anonymoushuman8344
    @anonymoushuman8344 2 года назад

    Psi phenomena are real. But how much of what's been made public from these military psi programs is actually true and how much of it has been made up? How much of it is a bluff, intended to be believed by adversaries (who would also be expected to bluff) and by the public?
    Too many people who came out of the remote viewing program say things that seem too good to be true about what they did, without being able give demonstrations at the same level as what's described in their books. So, it looks like the results of these programs have been systematically exaggerated for decades. What can they actually do, reliably, and what can't they do? The answer is secret.

  • @Hornet-hn8te
    @Hornet-hn8te 2 года назад

    I hate these guys like Jeff that say hold on now let’s back up a minute. Just let the guy tell a story and shut up.

  • @SjMk1.
    @SjMk1. 7 лет назад +1

    so no poltergeist experience then

    • @thisutuber
      @thisutuber 6 лет назад

      Would it be telekinesis? Like the _Carrie_ film?

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 5 лет назад

      IKR? JM knows his way around the paranormal language. I'm a little confused about that too.

  • @LJS01
    @LJS01 2 года назад +1