I m very confused about God's will whether to leave my present work or not? because it made me physically very tired : knees, shoulders, back pain...sometimes chest pain because overtime always. now gastric pain. but on 19th April, 2021: I really heard the name of my present elderly home: I prayed on 18th April, 2021 night. usually I cannot wake up at 8am. but I woke up at 8am without alarm clock on 19th April morning by myself. but my health is really deteriorating. but I also admit that I m not close to the Lord. THANKS for prayers! AMEN ! because my elderly home doesn't have a full time nurse. mostly part time. 150 clients are waiting to go up to government building complex. May God send more nurses to them, in Jesus Christ Merciful Name, AMEN
I m very confused about God's will whether to leave my present work or not? because it made me physically very tired : knees, shoulders, back pain...sometimes chest pain because overtime always. now gastric pain. but on 19th April, 2021: I really heard the name of my present elderly home: I prayed on 18th April, 2021 night. usually I cannot wake up at 8am. but I woke up at 8am without alarm clock on 19th April morning by myself. but my health is really deteriorating. but I also admit that I m not close to the Lord. THANKS for prayers! AMEN ! because my elderly home doesn't have a full time nurse. mostly part time. 150 clients are waiting to go up to government building complex. May God send more nurses to them, in Jesus Christ Merciful Name, AMEN
Earthly success, eternal significance.
Blessed yah*****
PASTOR TAI, I just want to ask if there is any channel for prayer requests online?
Such a beautiful sermon!
★感恩牧师的辛苦 牧养 带领 见证主.耶稣.圣灵降臨分享 ...!
★我经常在每晚例行.睡觉前向 主耶穌祈祷.:.「..主呀......我是主的羊.....!...我是罪人.....! .....主耶穌救我......!赦免我的罪.........!..」
我祈求我们愿意沐浴在主耶稣慈爱的光中,使祂慈爱和恩典的光照耀在我们身上。 主.耶稣圣灵降临.总是一而再..再而三的训诲我,你一定要乖巧順伏主.....你一定要乖巧被馴伏......!..“你必须谦卑…...你必须要谦卑….要谦卑..!谦卑.. ..!.谦卑.. ..!....你必须要顺服牧师..!..你必要须顺服牧师..!.............你必须要顺服牧师..!” 你必须要顺服牧师..!”
★神的话语 ...声音如雷贯耳。震聋发聩....! 神的话语 .深深地烙印在我的脑海中…..。一直在我脑海中回荡……........
★感恩 主耶穌 🙏✝😇 ....主耶稣的宝血 洗净我卑鄙龌龊的灵魂..!. 赞美我的主 耶稣. 哈利路亚...!....❤✝😇...这一切都是一个神迹...💖💖👍..! 一切荣耀归於主...💖💖👍...! .,感恩仁慈 .慈爱的天父阿爸... 主😇..应该永远被我们永世歌颂赞美的💖💖👍✝😇🙏阿门...!