I agree with the riize boycott so strongly. They are humans, actual people, a person cannot be treated like that and if there is a way to stop this, it should be done.
the worst thing is knowing that sm could do it again, they could very well kick someone out or send them on hiatus just to please a part of the fandom, and by supporting riize you're basically making sm think that those deranged fans represent the whole fandom, because you're essentially showing the company that you have no problem with what they've done
I think Seunghan himself left because of all the hate. SM was ready to get him back, but Seunghan got too much hate. It is the faults of knetz more then SM. We don’t really know if the long hiatus actually was because of SM or if Seunghan requested it. Seunghan was seen going to some universities, so could probably be that Seunghan needed longer hiatus to complete his studies or something.
Couldn't agree more. Adhering to k-net's wishes will greatly affect Intl ones. And if that's the case, don't bother connecting overseas. Keep RIIZE in-home.
He was a boy, with dreams and ambitions. Joined SM and trained for about 7 years, almost joined NCT but officially in riize. He stayed for only 3 months and people found out he did stuff that normal teenagers do, got sent on an unnecessary hiatus. Then got deceived and used by SM as a marketing tool for keeping the good fans on their toes for his return. On his return got bullied ruthlessly and had to witness 1000 funeral wreaths sent to him by the knetz, and just two days later due to the bullying and peer pressure by the knetz to leave the group he permanently left. Seunghan deserves so much better i hope he's mentally fine because going through all that isn't easy at all
I don't think SM realises how awful kicking Seunghan out of Riize is. Its awful to Seunghan, whos trained years to achieve his dreams, only to be bullied out of the group for having a life. Its awful for ot7 Riize fans, who wanted Seunghan back. Its awful for the Riize members, who lost their team mate and friend, and now having to walk on eggshells knowing that their fandom would not hesitate to turn on them if they don't meet up to what they want. And its awful to every other kpop idol, because Seunghan leaving Riize is basically kpop stans saying "if you dare have a partner or do something we don't like, then we will threaten you until you comply with us" And the worst thing is, SM could have easily have avoided this if they didn't keep Seunghan on hiatus for so long.
Agreed with everything you say and on top of it all, besides being awful, sm's decision is basically like telling fans that they are in direct control of the idols, that they just need to complain and companies will instantly listen to whatever they have to say and follow their requests. Sm has just made all of those fans feel even more entitled, giving them all the power to control the artists' future. Now fans know they have the power because the company accepted their requests so easily and this is so dangerous. These people won't have boundaries anymore and they'll never get their much needed reality check.
Boycotting Riize is only going to put those other boys out of a job. We need to boycott SM so that means, Aespa, Red Velvet, NCT etc. Boycotting one group isn't gonna do anything. The Loona boycott worked because Loona was BBC's only group so boycotting Loona was boycotting the company but SM is too big and has too many artist under them so it'll be more difficult but i think if fans are serious, we could do some damage. Please boycott SM. Not just Riize.
Well, technically you're right. Ideally, we should make sm feel like we collectively stopped supporting all of their projects, so basically all of their groups. This will make them understand that there's a dissatisfaction in regards to the way they manage their artists. But realistically speaking it's impossible to boycott a company as established as sm, because convincing every fandom to partake in the boycott is never gonna happen since some fandoms don't have enough reasons to do it. Boycotting riize will not solve the ultimate problem (sm's management as a whole) but it will at least show sm that the fandom is not happy and even if a drop in sales for only one of their groups will not impact the company, they won't be pleased about that at all and maybe, just maybe, something might change.
Realistically, other fandoms aren’t going to be willing to boycott their faves for the sake of Seunghan. They’ll support the boycott of RIIZE, but not the other groups unfortunately 😔
I wholeheartedly agree with you on all points here. I just think it'll be a hard sell to get other people to join in because of how many groups SM has. I refuse to so much as listen to a clip of RIIZE's songs until SM does the right thing and brings Seunghan back or just disbands the group. This is the only time I've ever called for a group to disband but the way that SM singlehandedly destroyed them not just in their careers as RIIZE but mentally as well. They should not have to go through this. Shame on whoever sent literal funeral wreaths, by the way. I will never understand that.
Opinion 1: It was absolutely horrible what happened to Seunghan. I was a Briize but after what happened I can't be apart of that fandom anymore. He was literally just being a normal teenager & he's being punished for it. It's not just korean briizes either, I say a few of international fans celebrating his departure and saying he deserved it. It's a entitlement problem and SM doesn't seem care about international fans only east asian ones.
these people are so entitled, they think they own idols just because they're spending money on the group, but that's kinda like saying that a parent can do whatever they want to their kid just because they are the ones providing for them...it's so messed up and what's even worse is that sm blindingly followed these fans' requests, i'm actually concerned about what that company might do in the future
I absolutely wouldn't be able to genuinely love my fans if i knew that so many of them secretly supported the idea of kicking out my friend from the group, especially knowing they would want me to be kicked out as well if i was in a relationship. I know idols are trained to always pretend to be happy and friendly, but i wonder how the other members are gonna be able to do that from now on.
@@soft4taeng I saw photos of them from their most recent schedule in Japan and all of them have these fake ass smiles on their faces with just horribly blank, dead eyes. Like the love and light has been sucked out of them. I really think that they are holding back from lashing out due to possible punishment. Honestly if I was an idol I probably would have started throwing hands by now. I feel so bad for them. They are so connected to the online world, they see what nasty things people were saying about Seunghan.... And they can't even defend him. Fuck SM.
@@soft4taeng It wasn't even secret tbh. I was on Weverse when his return letter was posted and going through the comments and fan letters was horrible. People weren't just harassing him but also posting fan letters to the other members saying things like "Please oppose this", "We don't want him back", etc. So the members are definitely aware.
sm is a shtty company and i personally will not let what happened to seunghan slide like that i want sm to truly regret what they've done and i also wont support any sm groups next comeback. i used to be a briize and i feel shtty supporting that company because of what happened to seunghan. I truly liked riize so much (they were my ult bg along with enha) and i know that it also affected every member, not only seunghan.
This whole situation makes me feel so sad and i wasn't even a fan...i can't even try to imagine how the other members must have felt seeing this happening to one of their friends. There are so many companies that have done awful things, but i've rarely seen a company giving the fans this much power and control over their idols. Sm set a very dangerous example with what they did and i have a feeling this is gonna backfire on every sm group in the end...
The problem here is that k-pop fans dont understand the meaning of the word "boyc0tt". We really mean make them disappear from your phones. Completely unfollow, block, click the don't recommend channel and not interested buttons. Clicking away from any engagement involving the culprits. If you are soooo dying to still listen to their music, you can very well illegally download those songs and listen to them without giving the company your money. Super easy
Preach! I wish everybody understood this. If you're loud about wanting to boycott someone and always talk about them, in the end you're just giving them attention. Negative attention, yes, but still attention. You have to act like they don't exist at all if you really want to boycott them. And then i also think that the more you annoy and harass stans about this boycott thing, the more these stans are just gonna get pissed off and decide to not participate in the boycott out of spite.
Yep! I've completely unfollowed all RIIZE accounts, if I see anything on my RUclips or other socials I click 'do not show' or 'not interested'. I have removed all RIIZE things from my life and will not put them back until Seunghan is back. I have seen people quote tweeting or replying to RIIZE posts or SM posts and it's like guys just ignore it, block them, BOYCOTT! Interacting with it gives it engagement!
@@soft4taengbasically do the sucessfull Loona boycott, kinda sad the company did that to their only group, I never understood how did they go to bankruptcy (I personally think they did bad inversions but I dunno)
I have two questions about the SM boycott (that I'm actively doing). Does watching lyric videos of a song from an SM artist on RUclips give money to SM Ent.? I'm also wondering if there are genuine SM boycott playlists on RUclips or Spotify so I can find them (similar to Loona's boycott playlist on Spotify)? Because I don’t want to take risks on my phone downloading from illegal websites.
Boycotting RIIZE is necessary to show SM how badly they fucked up. Seunghan got kicked out because they valued the money those psychotic people bring to them, so boycotting's going to hit them in the only place they care about being hit. However, I wish that people that are still hopeful that this would bring Seunghan back realize that is too late now, plus, putting yourself in Seunghan's place, would you really want to go back to the company that didn't give a flying fuck about you and your well-being? I hope Seunghan gets to achieve his dream other way, but the worst thing he could do is go back to SM.
Did you hear about the international retailers that are no longer selling RIIZE albums and merch? I'm really happy that this has become a bigger conversation about toxic fandom and the humanity of idols rather than just a convo about how poorly SM has fucked up the situation. I've been seeing people say that this situation has made them quit kpop and it's completely understandable. I'm a huge fan of SM groups but I've been boycotting RIIZE since SM put Hannie on hiatus. Glad I didn't break the boycott lol. This situation is foul and I hope that SM really feels the pinch. I was going to tune into Aespa's comeback, whiplash, but now I don't know. If SM really only gives a fuck about their domestic fanbase and are willing to let them torture their idols for being actual human beings, then they can stay out the international market in general. It sucks as a fan of their groups but something has to fucking give.
I am LOCKED IN for this boycott like never before! Nobody is getting any views, no purchases, no follows. Not a single SM group. I am done with these crazy fans getting their way all the time and these companies bending over backwards for them. A change has got to come. This is gonna sound mean but idc, if you’re not joining in then you have no backbone and don’t truly care for the idols and groups you support.. because this affects all of them and doing this will help all of them in the long run. Do what needs to be done y’all.
I don’t only want to boycott RIIZE because of SM and Korean fans but because I want to make sure Seunghan sees that his fans are not just weirdos but that he has TONS of fans who love him.
I think you’re really correct about the fifty fifty thing. This is a situation where boycotting would do any good because the three other girls have already left and are starting their own journey. I do wish both of the lawsuit would be dropped so everyone can just start off fresh, but we live in the real world where things have consequences. I wish all of the girls, a hopeful future
yes at the end of the day everyone started a new journey and it's up to you as a fan to choose who to support and who to not support. People that don't wanna follow fiftyfifty don't have to, since they can just focus on the former members who are about to re-debut, but instead they choose to be in the group's business 24/7 and preach about boycotting, not realizing that they are actually giving them more attention.
@@soft4taengfacts. I also feel like them bringing other groups into the situation is not doing anyone any good. Like I’ll-it was saying congratulations to their friend, They’re not making a definitive statement.
The old fifty fifty members lied and the new fans of them are twisting the story and it makes me so mad and they are hating on chanelle for no reason but she came so they can be pleased
Opinion 4: YESSSS, I saw how many people were excited for Enhypen's comeback, but guys? These boys get no rest. Where's the compassion for them? I'm baffled by the switch up.
the people who are like „please let enhypen rest, they shouldn’t be overworked like that🥺“ are the same people who mass buy albums and stream their songs 24/7, wich is so stupid
as someone who is supporting the cb and streams enha daily, i just don't get the "compassion argument". whether we stream/buy albums or not, the cb is going to happen. they will appear on music shows. there will be chart tracking for the songs. but it's on us whether they can get wins on said music shows or chart highly. i just don't see the point of them working hard only to not get anything in return. the only situation where i was hoping engenes could unite to boycott was their tour. but that didn't happen, so i just think we need to move foward and support then in any way we can. besides, i don't mean to burst anyone's bubble but enha has a big big fanbase in china and most numbers come from there, not us, international fans.
@catarinapinheiro6125 Listening to prior releases isn't what I'm talking about in my comment, I stated clearly that they're being overworked & Romance untold just came out and now they're already having another comeback? So many engenes were just up in arms about them being exhausted but are now openly supporting the company presently overworking them? I feel like some compassion is gone from some engenes cause it's like, "Hey, their health doesn't matter as long as we get some content and music. " This is just my opinion. You can disagree but be respectful about it. But I genuinely understand your point and agree to some degree. From another engene, all love. 🫶🫶
Well not everyone keep up with how much a group tours. I only know about when groups have a comeback. Like no one comes to my country, so I don’t bother check out concert dates.
Im not in the fandom but I agree if this was my ult group I wouldn't be able to continue supporting the group knowing they are being abused by their fandom and that abuse is being Enabled by their company. They deserve to have their own Autonomy in the situation as human fucking beings
Honestly this whole Seunghan situation has disgusted me to the core. It's to the point that I don't think I'll be supporting any artists under SM until the company grows some balls and stands up to toxic fan culture, and actually protect their artists instead of siding with literal bullies. Boycotting Riize is the only way we international fans will show how big of an impact and role we play in their sales and success. If you're not willing to boycott riize, nothing will be achieved and we will basically be saying “you can do whatever and we will continue to support” so of course nothing will change. And this boycott needs to be taken seriously, not just last a day or a week, but for months! That is the only way we will actually say something, otherwise we will just be another joke to them. I'm so angry that bullying has won and continues to prevail. This is no longer just about Riize, but about the whole industry and bullying culture in Korea that hasn't been taken seriously for YEARS, decades even. How many more lives need to be lost? When is enough truly enough? Rise and realise that as long as you continue to give your money and support to this rotten company, the longer these bullies will run the field. Supporting Riize is now supporting SM, and supporting SM is supporting bullying.
Who is boycotting riize with me?! We have lost garam and soojin let's take some action this time if loona can be pulled from that hellish company by orbits then we cam do something like that too ❤!
Don't compare our boycott to yours because y'all LOONA never got paid and other things and it only worked because BlackBerry creative was a small company and sm is big so it won't work like fifty fifty boycott didn't and are y'all forgetting IT'S A JOB so if he leaves or gets fired it's what they see
I hope people realize that briize are n't only boycotting for seunghan but for sm and riize as well. "OT6" briize dont even support them as a group and still harass other members. They are just delusional with the idea that their bias will fill their fantasies. Briize will not stop until SM does something because this can actually change something in the industry
6:33 This. I've always been a OT6 Dive, seeing all the girls thriving and getting opportunities brings me joy, but damn, everybody knows Wonyoung is humongously porpular, I understand wanting to see her do fun stuff on variety shows, i enjoy those contents too because she's just really charming, but is like you said, people got used to seeing her work nonstop since she's 14, not to mention, whatever company managed IZ*ONE and Starship are not going to follow the same promotional strategies, so, atleast during this period where the girls are not promoting a comeback and the World Tour culminated, why get up in arms about variety shows? Idk, I'm mostly thinking about how good SWITCH era was in terms of the girls going on variety shows and stuff (the ones Wonyoung actually went to fitted her like a glove), not to mention, throwing the other girls under the bus? Specially Rei, when Follow Rei gets funded out of her own salary and not by Starshit? Nah, Wonyoung WOULD NOT fuck with you.
Exactly! These people forget that ive just wrapped up a WORLD TOUR, they all need some rest, especially Wonyoung. Honestly, if i was Wonyoung and i was so famous that i'd go viral just for breathing, i wouldn't really bother to go on variety shows that much. I'd just get my well deserved rest, promote the brands i'm an ambassador of when i have to, participate in group schedules, and then, if i have extra time, i might dedicate it to variety content, but only when i feel like it. Also, not every member is gonna be equally interested in variety, so maybe Wonyoung is just prioritizing other things, while someone like Rei might enjoy variety shows more and there's no need to discredit her hard work by making it seem like starship is favoring her instead of Wonyoung.
@@soft4taeng At the end of the day, is easier to enjoy and hype up the things we get and prioritize other stuff like voting and such (HEYA needs to win MV of the year pls god plsplspls-) rather than speculating and just straight up TALKING and FEELING for the girls. Fan-wars always pissed me off because they're so non-sensical, so In-fandom fighting and these type of solo stans make me want to jump from a bridge.
I would boycott sm in general because all that would happen is riize is their eventual disbandment and that’s not fair to them. Sm needs to see people are upset on how they handled everything. And that’s hitting them in their pockets. And their pockets is everyone. Your faves will be fine. But maybe it’ll make those idols speak up of the fans of other groups to speak up and fight as well. If they can throw tantrums so could we
realistically I think it isn’t possible to boycott other sm groups, nct already is a rabbit hole and aespa is far too popular and powerful as a group + fanbase
He spent many years to become an idol. He just did what normal teenager do but he kicked out of the group. Idols are not robot. They are human. I hope Seunghan can join to other label and become an idol. It is okay if he doesn't want to be an idol and live his live the way he want. I just wish him to be healthy and happy. I hope he doesn't hurt because of this situation.
guys boycott RIIZE to get RII7E... INTER FANS made a decision to unfollow riize in every single platform. let's bring him back ... don't give up. remember we still love seven members. ❌We're not KNETZ!❌ JUST SHOW SM MADE A WRONG DECISION. This isn't about idols or bias but about humanity. Riize motto is to: rise and realise together, Isn't this going against?
I would avoid interacting under SM posts because that gives them engagement. Fully boycott all SM posts if possible. And of course unfollow official accounts! But I completely agree!
2. I love this take. This gotta be one of the most respectful takes on this situation I have seen on ktube. Now personally I’m boycotting and I respect people who aren’t and understand why but people who boycott like me need to stop the hate. Like leave these new girls alone they didn’t do anything + some of y’all won’t even stream ABLUME (3jeong new group name) when they debut…
I agree with you so much. I hate the fact that SM allowed literal fans to dictate their own artist's future. seunghan's scandal shouldn't even be called a scandal. He was being a normal teenager. I hate the fact that western artists have the freedom to date but when it comes to kpop, k-fans have too much delusions. I'm not saying I don't like my idols, but what I am saying is if one of my idols turns out to date, it shouldn't bother me. I'm only here to listen to the music. I hate the fact that k-pop is literally turning into just visuals, because of this itself fans think they have the authority over an idol without even knowing that the person behind the screen is a human too. I don't even know how you can call that a fandom when they can't even protect their own idols, so disgusting. RIIZE is always seven.
we do not want to force another fandoms of groups under sm but it will really help us if some of you are willing to do. it's not about kpop anymore, but moral and decency human. I really hope a lot of people can help Seunghan and rii7e. thank you
1. Same, i have never heard a single song of that group nor i know any of the members, but even i am like "Boycott!!!!" 😂 2. I used to be annoying telling everyone and their mothers to boycott, then i realized exactly what you said, i was just giving them attention, now i'm just ignoring their existence and looking forward to Ablume's debut ✨️✨️✨️
Thank you for calling out wonyoung's akgaes. I hate them so much. They always get triggered everytime other members get a new jobs. Calling other members as a fake friends just because they don't do tiktoks with wonyoung for when wonyoung make tiktoks alone. MIND YOU, rei said that it's up to the members when it comes to posting tiktoks and by now if you're a dive you should know that all of ive's members usually only make tiktoks if they in the mood to make tiktoks except rei. Not to mention wonyoung's akgaes always shitting on yujin, they always see her as wonyoung's rival. If yujin didn't interact with wonyoung, "yujin doesn't like wonyoung and she's a fake friend". If yujin interact with wonyoung, "she isn't genuine, she only use wonyoung for clout and attention seeker". Like WHAT TF DO YOU WANT FROM YUJIN????? Annyeongz have known each other for 7 YEARS, meanwhile you ppl only her FANS. Wonyoung will burn you stupid akgae losers just to keep her members warm especially yujin
If obrits can do it I’m sure briize can to. This has to be some kinda wake up call for sm. They treat idols horribly and they’ll never learn until suddenly RIIZE comebacks are getting 0 wins, little views, no popularity, no dance covers nothing.
hello, s/o to all the confusing people who are UPSET at a young man FOR HAVING A LIFE, so much that you spent your time and energy to send those god awful wreaths to SM. please sit down and reflect on your actions and life because this is NOT OK. just because you might have not experience romance and teen rule breaking, it's not OK for you to ruin a person's life ebcause of it.
As a Wonyoung biased I total agree, Firstly she already attends 3 4 event's a week for brands and content which mean's she's constantly traveling and working and she's already reveled that she misses sleep and meals often due to her schedules so adding even more work just feels cruel and selfish for fans to ask and Secondly she gets a lot of exposure as it is with these events and in general so I think it's good that the company gives the other members time to shine on variety content and brings more people into the fandom and Thirdly Wonyoung in debut and for love dive constantly did variety shows but she got a lot of hate for "favoritism" and a lot of moments got clipped and taken out of context so she and the company might just be trying to protect her peace.
I actually agree with the fifty fifty one! Personally, I am boycotting, so I don’t talk about them, interact with their content nor listen to their music, but people prefer to have some hit tweets, even though hunnies have asked them to stop doing so and just ignore anything about them, and it is really annoying since it’s not the proper way to provide information about the case :/
his decision of leaving didn’t sound like he was only doing it to protect the rest of riize…I mean he made the decision without talking to his members and meeting them during those two days…i feel something worse coming😕
Realistically how much would an international boycott be offset by domestic and Chinese fans overbuying to make up for the drop? If SM the company gets boycotted I could see it making a difference but if it’s just riize the other groups I mentioned are just gonna cover the deficit
Something that would work, is getting this onto international especially the funeral wreaths and what they did and allowed. It would be an embarrassment and I think it would at least have some kind of effect on how brands percieve the way sm interacts with those that work for them
Opinion 1: I haven't really been following the group myself, and I find it upsetting that Seunghan ended up leaving after all that. I also support the boycott, because those people should not be accommodated for doing stuff so evil (e.g. funeral wreaths). Opinion 2: I agree. If people are serious about boycotting the group, then they should shut up about them. Refrain from giving them your attention and money. Shouldn't that be Boycotting 101?
I’m so glad you called out the FiFi boycotted because they are getting insufferable on twt if you wanna boycott go for it but I’m so tired of see all these tweets about boycotting or bullying those who aren’t I had to take a break for twt
I'm sorry but, shouldn't we boycott every SM group for the shit SM did to seunghan? Like SM never learned from their mistakes and we seriously needs to do something if we want to Improve the k-pop industry. If riize fails, they have other groups so idk whats the point, we'll just drag the other members too and seunghan will probably blame himself more. Like ykyk
Ideally, yes. However realistically, it’s near to impossible to go through with a company-wide boycott. SM has way too many groups for it to be possible and is a multimillionaire company. It’s not the same as with LOONA, as they were the only company under BlackBerry.
@@EchanteDante realistically it’s a bit much, I think overall for a serious boycott international fans are thankful for the support on riize specifically!
is it mean to want a blackocean on mama during riize performance...im confused if its right or wrong😔i really want SM to know international fans is important too but i dont know if this will hurt the boys ughh
Personally, i don't think a black ocean will do anything besides making the members feel even more awful. The company won't care about a black ocean if at the end of the day there's still people streaming and buying. Sm won't budge unless they see the numbers of sales and streams decrease, i doubt a black ocean will faze them.
Black ocean just hurts the members tbh. If fans are serious about the boycott, they will not vote for RIIZE for MAMA and will not purchase tickets to go.
Never watched riize anyway and Kim garam case got the SAME TREATMENT but no one is boycotting le ssarafim and they only don't care about us because it's called kpop for a reason
I’m not gonna lie, Seunghan leaving is what’s best FOR HIM. If he stayed he would’ve been bullied possibly to death 💔. He was kinda coerced to leave the group. Ot6 Stan’s are so annoying.
If SM had done their diligence as an idol management company, they would have moved forward with legal proceedings and protected Seunghan so he wasn't forced to leave for his mental health. The lack of support SM offers is astounding considering they have lost two artists under their management. I also wish Weverse had stricter policies cause that is where most of the hate was coming from and I would report horrid posts and they'd be up days later. I hope that Seunghan right now is with people who can offer him support, and that he sees that true fans are sending him love.
@@RogueRhiRhi I agree. SM isn’t good at managing their idols. I honestly hope he’s in the right state of mind. He honestly just needs to do what’s best for him and where he feels fit.
I'm a fan of Sm groups Nct 127, nct dream, wayv, shinee, nct wish And riize...but not anymore I honestly can't stop listening to nct because they're my favs But riize is officially dead to me, seunghan was my favorite, i spent a entire year waiting for him Now im just angry with sm
To be fair he had some not nice allegations against him but he’s still doing well as a solo artist. For seunghan if it really was his choice to leave I understand and if he doesn’t wanna come back as an idol I’d understand since fans suck
I have a question for everyone reading this. I’ve heard from multiple sources that we should boycott SM- (and every group under it) and I have a question. Aespa is in SM, I know that, and I bought Aespa tickets before I had known about the boycott of SM. What should I do?
realistically i don’t think it makes sense to boycott every single group from SM since their artists make up a huge chunk of the industry, so unless you truly want to return the tickets (can you even do this) and get a refund i’d just keep it… but those are just my thoughts
From what i see as an Exol just because SM never promote them to the global fans despite having potential they we keep hidden for years ….. now its riize turn so after dissing global fans they are just left with japan china n korea …. All the best kid enjoy your shitty company strategy ❤
U know what the saddest part was !!!! He literally witnessed flowers which are usually sent to funerals were sent to him... a living person . AND THE FACT THAT HE READ ALL THOSE MESSAGES WRITTEN ON IT .... not one but literally 1000 ... telling him d*e or leave the group..he also had put a lot of efforts in debuting YET !!!! BUT WHAT IS IMPORTANT to knetizens is that some random manager told the group to IGNORE a kpop idol and she went in NA putting some stupid allegations... how sad !!!!!!!
I literally saw someone saying and I quote: “Can someone in Korea act like she was a bully so she gets a garam moment?” Abt Athena from 5050 mind you she’s a minor…
Taeil is getting dragged for his accusations rn and we don’t even know what is true about his case since like I said it’s allegations an on going investigation
Well, I was scrolling the old video of this channel. One month ago , there was also a opinion video. Another idol was getting the same treatment like this poor boy. Like receiving death threats and wreaths , pressure of leaving group etc. well, kpopies were enjoying unlike in this video . They are so kind and sympathetic this time. Mental health matters unless it is any BTS member. Suddenly every one is saint and empathetic.
Seunghan’s “crime” was dating someone, Suga’s crime was drunk driving, it’s not the same. Suga was sanctioned by the law because he did something illegal, Seunghan was punished by sm because kpop stans are against idols behaving like normal human beings. These are 2 completely different things, crazy that you don’t get it.
@@vangyul Illigal ? Drunk driving? He fucking fell off from electric scooter 🛴 in front of his apartment. He was not sanctioned . The whole K-pop community dragged him .
Why do you think he fell? Because he was intoxicated, there was alcohol in his system and of course riding a scooter while drunk isn’t as bad as driving a car but still, you’re not supposed to circulate while under the influence. And yes, he did pay a fine following the incident.
@@vangyul That doesn't mean kpopies will send death wreaths ? Are you trying to justify that? When all K-pop fans literally ganged up against a single person , there were no moral police like this
When have i ever said i’m justifying sending death wreaths? I’m not justifying the harassment suga got, but you can’t compare these 2 situations. At the end of the day suga did something he shouldn’t have done, while seunghan didn’t do anything wrong. Lastly, you armys have to stop inserting your faves even when the discussion isn’t about them. You’re ridiculous.
You can’t boycott the company without boycotting the group though. Are you even aware that they were pushing for an OT5 already when Wonbin’s now deleted post was posted? It’s a never ending cycle unless you make a stand and make a sacrifice. Don’t even vote for them in MAMA! Boycotting all SM groups is ideal but I’ll leave that part to the other fandoms.
@@exogen9428 yes they were pushing for it before the post was deleted & Seunghan being forced to leave. Not only that 2 other members Anton & Eunseok had to address & apologize for their own dating rumours on one of their live broadcast to pacify those unhinged jealous fans.
@@ynnos5555 All of the members at this point have been attacked by those horrid fans yet Seunghan is the only one who has been impacted negatively by it (leaving the group). I remember people went after Sungchan and Shotaro predebut, people went after Sohee for being 'poor', people went after Eunseok and Anton for their 'dating' rumors, people went after Wonbin for being supportive of Seunghan, etc. At this point those Korean fans just want to have witch hunt after witch hunt. It's insane.
Seunghan was kicked out of the group by SM Entertainment because Korean fans complain about him having a relationship when he was a teenager from what I understand at least.
Guys, I’m literally so conflicted right now because aespa is coming back with their new comeback on Monday and I really really wanna buy but then it’s like you know I feel like I’m putting money in SM‘s pocket cause that’s exactly what I’m doing, but I really wanna buy it cause I love them and wanna support them so what should I do?? Because like the rest of you I stand with the boy caught that’s happening right now and tearing SM down…
Don't support gurl. We alr failed a lot of idols, SM and those toxic knetz will never do shit to change their mind unless something big happens. U never know they might also mess up aespa later
buy the aespa goods girl it'll help the girls on charts! FAWK THE BOYCOTT Ya'll do not do this with hybe whose literally RAN BY A MURDERER AND ZIONISTS!!!!
I agree with the riize boycott so strongly. They are humans, actual people, a person cannot be treated like that and if there is a way to stop this, it should be done.
the worst thing is knowing that sm could do it again, they could very well kick someone out or send them on hiatus just to please a part of the fandom, and by supporting riize you're basically making sm think that those deranged fans represent the whole fandom, because you're essentially showing the company that you have no problem with what they've done
@@soft4taeng EXACTLY. This can root a bigger problem and needs to be stopped asap.
seunghan petition online!
I think Seunghan himself left because of all the hate. SM was ready to get him back, but Seunghan got too much hate. It is the faults of knetz more then SM. We don’t really know if the long hiatus actually was because of SM or if Seunghan requested it. Seunghan was seen going to some universities, so could probably be that Seunghan needed longer hiatus to complete his studies or something.
Couldn't agree more. Adhering to k-net's wishes will greatly affect Intl ones. And if that's the case, don't bother connecting overseas. Keep RIIZE in-home.
He was a boy, with dreams and ambitions.
Joined SM and trained for about 7 years, almost joined NCT but officially in riize. He stayed for only 3 months and people found out he did stuff that normal teenagers do, got sent on an unnecessary hiatus. Then got deceived and used by SM as a marketing tool for keeping the good fans on their toes for his return. On his return got bullied ruthlessly and had to witness 1000 funeral wreaths sent to him by the knetz, and just two days later due to the bullying and peer pressure by the knetz to leave the group he permanently left. Seunghan deserves so much better i hope he's mentally fine because going through all that isn't easy at all
I just wish Seunghan would just go to a different label.
No...until 2020 he was a Sourse Music trainee with lesserafim members and ex-illit yeongseo.
All of that training just to get bullied out of the group
I don't think SM realises how awful kicking Seunghan out of Riize is. Its awful to Seunghan, whos trained years to achieve his dreams, only to be bullied out of the group for having a life. Its awful for ot7 Riize fans, who wanted Seunghan back. Its awful for the Riize members, who lost their team mate and friend, and now having to walk on eggshells knowing that their fandom would not hesitate to turn on them if they don't meet up to what they want. And its awful to every other kpop idol, because Seunghan leaving Riize is basically kpop stans saying "if you dare have a partner or do something we don't like, then we will threaten you until you comply with us"
And the worst thing is, SM could have easily have avoided this if they didn't keep Seunghan on hiatus for so long.
Agreed with everything you say and on top of it all, besides being awful, sm's decision is basically like telling fans that they are in direct control of the idols, that they just need to complain and companies will instantly listen to whatever they have to say and follow their requests. Sm has just made all of those fans feel even more entitled, giving them all the power to control the artists' future. Now fans know they have the power because the company accepted their requests so easily and this is so dangerous. These people won't have boundaries anymore and they'll never get their much needed reality check.
Boycotting Riize is only going to put those other boys out of a job. We need to boycott SM so that means, Aespa, Red Velvet, NCT etc.
Boycotting one group isn't gonna do anything. The Loona boycott worked because Loona was BBC's only group so boycotting Loona was boycotting the company but SM is too big and has too many artist under them so it'll be more difficult but i think if fans are serious, we could do some damage.
Please boycott SM. Not just Riize.
Well, technically you're right. Ideally, we should make sm feel like we collectively stopped supporting all of their projects, so basically all of their groups. This will make them understand that there's a dissatisfaction in regards to the way they manage their artists. But realistically speaking it's impossible to boycott a company as established as sm, because convincing every fandom to partake in the boycott is never gonna happen since some fandoms don't have enough reasons to do it. Boycotting riize will not solve the ultimate problem (sm's management as a whole) but it will at least show sm that the fandom is not happy and even if a drop in sales for only one of their groups will not impact the company, they won't be pleased about that at all and maybe, just maybe, something might change.
Realistically, other fandoms aren’t going to be willing to boycott their faves for the sake of Seunghan.
They’ll support the boycott of RIIZE, but not the other groups unfortunately 😔
Yes this
I wholeheartedly agree with you on all points here. I just think it'll be a hard sell to get other people to join in because of how many groups SM has. I refuse to so much as listen to a clip of RIIZE's songs until SM does the right thing and brings Seunghan back or just disbands the group. This is the only time I've ever called for a group to disband but the way that SM singlehandedly destroyed them not just in their careers as RIIZE but mentally as well. They should not have to go through this. Shame on whoever sent literal funeral wreaths, by the way. I will never understand that.
Giving those toxic K-fans a lot of power is SM’s biggest mistake.
Opinion 1: It was absolutely horrible what happened to Seunghan. I was a Briize but after what happened I can't be apart of that fandom anymore. He was literally just being a normal teenager & he's being punished for it. It's not just korean briizes either, I say a few of international fans celebrating his departure and saying he deserved it. It's a entitlement problem and SM doesn't seem care about international fans only east asian ones.
these people are so entitled, they think they own idols just because they're spending money on the group, but that's kinda like saying that a parent can do whatever they want to their kid just because they are the ones providing for them...it's so messed up and what's even worse is that sm blindingly followed these fans' requests, i'm actually concerned about what that company might do in the future
Yeah I left the fandom after that too
The kpop industry has to change. Like we have to separate the artist from the music.
What hurts the most is that riize members supported Seunghan coming back. I would have a special kind of hatred for my ‘fans’ if that happened to me.
I absolutely wouldn't be able to genuinely love my fans if i knew that so many of them secretly supported the idea of kicking out my friend from the group, especially knowing they would want me to be kicked out as well if i was in a relationship. I know idols are trained to always pretend to be happy and friendly, but i wonder how the other members are gonna be able to do that from now on.
@@soft4taeng I saw photos of them from their most recent schedule in Japan and all of them have these fake ass smiles on their faces with just horribly blank, dead eyes. Like the love and light has been sucked out of them. I really think that they are holding back from lashing out due to possible punishment. Honestly if I was an idol I probably would have started throwing hands by now. I feel so bad for them. They are so connected to the online world, they see what nasty things people were saying about Seunghan.... And they can't even defend him. Fuck SM.
@@soft4taeng It wasn't even secret tbh. I was on Weverse when his return letter was posted and going through the comments and fan letters was horrible. People weren't just harassing him but also posting fan letters to the other members saying things like "Please oppose this", "We don't want him back", etc. So the members are definitely aware.
sm is a shtty
company and i personally will not let what happened to seunghan slide like that i want sm to truly regret what they've done and i also wont support any sm groups next comeback. i used to be a briize and i feel shtty supporting that company because of what happened to seunghan. I truly liked riize so much (they were my ult bg along with enha) and i know that it also affected every member, not only seunghan.
This whole situation makes me feel so sad and i wasn't even a fan...i can't even try to imagine how the other members must have felt seeing this happening to one of their friends. There are so many companies that have done awful things, but i've rarely seen a company giving the fans this much power and control over their idols. Sm set a very dangerous example with what they did and i have a feeling this is gonna backfire on every sm group in the end...
But some briize's are the haters of Kim garam and new fifty fifty so I hope you ain't one of them dumb 10 year olds who love drama with cocomelon
The problem here is that k-pop fans dont understand the meaning of the word "boyc0tt".
We really mean make them disappear from your phones.
Completely unfollow, block, click the don't recommend channel and not interested buttons.
Clicking away from any engagement involving the culprits.
If you are soooo dying to still listen to their music, you can very well illegally download those songs and listen to them without giving the company your money. Super easy
Preach! I wish everybody understood this. If you're loud about wanting to boycott someone and always talk about them, in the end you're just giving them attention. Negative attention, yes, but still attention. You have to act like they don't exist at all if you really want to boycott them. And then i also think that the more you annoy and harass stans about this boycott thing, the more these stans are just gonna get pissed off and decide to not participate in the boycott out of spite.
Yep! I've completely unfollowed all RIIZE accounts, if I see anything on my RUclips or other socials I click 'do not show' or 'not interested'. I have removed all RIIZE things from my life and will not put them back until Seunghan is back. I have seen people quote tweeting or replying to RIIZE posts or SM posts and it's like guys just ignore it, block them, BOYCOTT! Interacting with it gives it engagement!
@@soft4taengbasically do the sucessfull Loona boycott, kinda sad the company did that to their only group, I never understood how did they go to bankruptcy (I personally think they did bad inversions but I dunno)
I have two questions about the SM boycott (that I'm actively doing).
Does watching lyric videos of a song from an SM artist on RUclips give money to SM Ent.?
I'm also wondering if there are genuine SM boycott playlists on RUclips or Spotify so I can find them (similar to Loona's boycott playlist on Spotify)? Because I don’t want to take risks on my phone downloading from illegal websites.
@svt_kiof Thank you so much 😊
Boycotting RIIZE is necessary to show SM how badly they fucked up. Seunghan got kicked out because they valued the money those psychotic people bring to them, so boycotting's going to hit them in the only place they care about being hit. However, I wish that people that are still hopeful that this would bring Seunghan back realize that is too late now, plus, putting yourself in Seunghan's place, would you really want to go back to the company that didn't give a flying fuck about you and your well-being? I hope Seunghan gets to achieve his dream other way, but the worst thing he could do is go back to SM.
yesss i agree
can someone explain cuz Im a bit confused on why yall are boycotting when he said it was his decision to leave?
He still has a contract with SM. Usually their contracts last for 7 years.
Did you hear about the international retailers that are no longer selling RIIZE albums and merch? I'm really happy that this has become a bigger conversation about toxic fandom and the humanity of idols rather than just a convo about how poorly SM has fucked up the situation. I've been seeing people say that this situation has made them quit kpop and it's completely understandable. I'm a huge fan of SM groups but I've been boycotting RIIZE since SM put Hannie on hiatus. Glad I didn't break the boycott lol. This situation is foul and I hope that SM really feels the pinch. I was going to tune into Aespa's comeback, whiplash, but now I don't know. If SM really only gives a fuck about their domestic fanbase and are willing to let them torture their idols for being actual human beings, then they can stay out the international market in general. It sucks as a fan of their groups but something has to fucking give.
I am LOCKED IN for this boycott like never before! Nobody is getting any views, no purchases, no follows. Not a single SM group. I am done with these crazy fans getting their way all the time and these companies bending over backwards for them. A change has got to come. This is gonna sound mean but idc, if you’re not joining in then you have no backbone and don’t truly care for the idols and groups you support.. because this affects all of them and doing this will help all of them in the long run. Do what needs to be done y’all.
I don’t only want to boycott RIIZE because of SM and Korean fans but because I want to make sure Seunghan sees that his fans are not just weirdos but that he has TONS of fans who love him.
I think you’re really correct about the fifty fifty thing. This is a situation where boycotting would do any good because the three other girls have already left and are starting their own journey.
I do wish both of the lawsuit would be dropped so everyone can just start off fresh, but we live in the real world where things have consequences.
I wish all of the girls, a hopeful future
yes at the end of the day everyone started a new journey and it's up to you as a fan to choose who to support and who to not support. People that don't wanna follow fiftyfifty don't have to, since they can just focus on the former members who are about to re-debut, but instead they choose to be in the group's business 24/7 and preach about boycotting, not realizing that they are actually giving them more attention.
@@soft4taengfacts. I also feel like them bringing other groups into the situation is not doing anyone any good.
Like I’ll-it was saying congratulations to their friend, They’re not making a definitive statement.
The old fifty fifty members lied and the new fans of them are twisting the story and it makes me so mad and they are hating on chanelle for no reason but she came so they can be pleased
It was the givers who manipulated the girls and they never were a part or sub label of attrakt
@@teapage101-x3v I know they’re digging themselves into a bigger hole
Opinion 4: YESSSS, I saw how many people were excited for Enhypen's comeback, but guys? These boys get no rest. Where's the compassion for them? I'm baffled by the switch up.
the people who are like „please let enhypen rest, they shouldn’t be overworked like that🥺“ are the same people who mass buy albums and stream their songs 24/7, wich is so stupid
as someone who is supporting the cb and streams enha daily, i just don't get the "compassion argument". whether we stream/buy albums or not, the cb is going to happen. they will appear on music shows. there will be chart tracking for the songs. but it's on us whether they can get wins on said music shows or chart highly. i just don't see the point of them working hard only to not get anything in return. the only situation where i was hoping engenes could unite to boycott was their tour. but that didn't happen, so i just think we need to move foward and support then in any way we can. besides, i don't mean to burst anyone's bubble but enha has a big big fanbase in china and most numbers come from there, not us, international fans.
@catarinapinheiro6125 Listening to prior releases isn't what I'm talking about in my comment, I stated clearly that they're being overworked & Romance untold just came out and now they're already having another comeback? So many engenes were just up in arms about them being exhausted but are now openly supporting the company presently overworking them? I feel like some compassion is gone from some engenes cause it's like, "Hey, their health doesn't matter as long as we get some content and music. " This is just my opinion. You can disagree but be respectful about it. But I genuinely understand your point and agree to some degree. From another engene, all love. 🫶🫶
Well not everyone keep up with how much a group tours. I only know about when groups have a comeback. Like no one comes to my country, so I don’t bother check out concert dates.
Im not in the fandom but I agree if this was my ult group I wouldn't be able to continue supporting the group knowing they are being abused by their fandom and that abuse is being Enabled by their company. They deserve to have their own Autonomy in the situation as human fucking beings
Honestly this whole Seunghan situation has disgusted me to the core. It's to the point that I don't think I'll be supporting any artists under SM until the company grows some balls and stands up to toxic fan culture, and actually protect their artists instead of siding with literal bullies. Boycotting Riize is the only way we international fans will show how big of an impact and role we play in their sales and success. If you're not willing to boycott riize, nothing will be achieved and we will basically be saying “you can do whatever and we will continue to support” so of course nothing will change. And this boycott needs to be taken seriously, not just last a day or a week, but for months! That is the only way we will actually say something, otherwise we will just be another joke to them.
I'm so angry that bullying has won and continues to prevail. This is no longer just about Riize, but about the whole industry and bullying culture in Korea that hasn't been taken seriously for YEARS, decades even. How many more lives need to be lost? When is enough truly enough? Rise and realise that as long as you continue to give your money and support to this rotten company, the longer these bullies will run the field. Supporting Riize is now supporting SM, and supporting SM is supporting bullying.
Who is boycotting riize with me?!
We have lost garam and soojin let's take some action this time if loona can be pulled from that hellish company by orbits then we cam do something like that too ❤!
If orbits can boycott loona then we can boycott riize aswell
Don't compare our boycott to yours because y'all LOONA never got paid and other things and it only worked because BlackBerry creative was a small company and sm is big so it won't work like fifty fifty boycott didn't and are y'all forgetting IT'S A JOB so if he leaves or gets fired it's what they see
@@teapage101-x3v you don't even know why he left
I hope people realize that briize are n't only boycotting for seunghan but for sm and riize as well. "OT6" briize dont even support them as a group and still harass other members. They are just delusional with the idea that their bias will fill their fantasies. Briize will not stop until SM does something because this can actually change something in the industry
6:33 This. I've always been a OT6 Dive, seeing all the girls thriving and getting opportunities brings me joy, but damn, everybody knows Wonyoung is humongously porpular, I understand wanting to see her do fun stuff on variety shows, i enjoy those contents too because she's just really charming, but is like you said, people got used to seeing her work nonstop since she's 14, not to mention, whatever company managed IZ*ONE and Starship are not going to follow the same promotional strategies, so, atleast during this period where the girls are not promoting a comeback and the World Tour culminated, why get up in arms about variety shows? Idk, I'm mostly thinking about how good SWITCH era was in terms of the girls going on variety shows and stuff (the ones Wonyoung actually went to fitted her like a glove), not to mention, throwing the other girls under the bus? Specially Rei, when Follow Rei gets funded out of her own salary and not by Starshit? Nah, Wonyoung WOULD NOT fuck with you.
Exactly! These people forget that ive just wrapped up a WORLD TOUR, they all need some rest, especially Wonyoung. Honestly, if i was Wonyoung and i was so famous that i'd go viral just for breathing, i wouldn't really bother to go on variety shows that much. I'd just get my well deserved rest, promote the brands i'm an ambassador of when i have to, participate in group schedules, and then, if i have extra time, i might dedicate it to variety content, but only when i feel like it. Also, not every member is gonna be equally interested in variety, so maybe Wonyoung is just prioritizing other things, while someone like Rei might enjoy variety shows more and there's no need to discredit her hard work by making it seem like starship is favoring her instead of Wonyoung.
@@soft4taeng At the end of the day, is easier to enjoy and hype up the things we get and prioritize other stuff like voting and such (HEYA needs to win MV of the year pls god plsplspls-) rather than speculating and just straight up TALKING and FEELING for the girls. Fan-wars always pissed me off because they're so non-sensical, so In-fandom fighting and these type of solo stans make me want to jump from a bridge.
I would boycott sm in general because all that would happen is riize is their eventual disbandment and that’s not fair to them. Sm needs to see people are upset on how they handled everything. And that’s hitting them in their pockets. And their pockets is everyone. Your faves will be fine. But maybe it’ll make those idols speak up of the fans of other groups to speak up and fight as well. If they can throw tantrums so could we
@@noniibuss riize disbanding would save the rest of 6 riize from the crazy fans 💀💀id be horrified if I was shotaro like oh my god
realistically I think it isn’t possible to boycott other sm groups, nct already is a rabbit hole and aespa is far too popular and powerful as a group + fanbase
He spent many years to become an idol. He just did what normal teenager do but he kicked out of the group. Idols are not robot. They are human. I hope Seunghan can join to other label and become an idol. It is okay if he doesn't want to be an idol and live his live the way he want. I just wish him to be healthy and happy. I hope he doesn't hurt because of this situation.
I’m boycotting all the groups under shitty management
guys boycott RIIZE to get RII7E...
INTER FANS made a decision to unfollow riize in every single platform. let's bring him back ... don't give up. remember we still love seven members. ❌We're not KNETZ!❌
This isn't about idols or bias but about
Riize motto is to: rise and realise together, Isn't
this going against?
Not just riize but sm too unfollow them and spam “riize is seven” under every sm post and don’t listen to music directly form sm
I would avoid interacting under SM posts because that gives them engagement. Fully boycott all SM posts if possible. And of course unfollow official accounts! But I completely agree!
2. I love this take.
This gotta be one of the most respectful takes on this situation I have seen on ktube. Now personally I’m boycotting and I respect people who aren’t and understand why but people who boycott like me need to stop the hate. Like leave these new girls alone they didn’t do anything + some of y’all won’t even stream ABLUME (3jeong new group name) when they debut…
I agree with you so much. I hate the fact that SM allowed literal fans to dictate their own artist's future. seunghan's scandal shouldn't even be called a scandal. He was being a normal teenager. I hate the fact that western artists have the freedom to date but when it comes to kpop, k-fans have too much delusions. I'm not saying I don't like my idols, but what I am saying is if one of my idols turns out to date, it shouldn't bother me. I'm only here to listen to the music. I hate the fact that k-pop is literally turning into just visuals, because of this itself fans think they have the authority over an idol without even knowing that the person behind the screen is a human too. I don't even know how you can call that a fandom when they can't even protect their own idols, so disgusting. RIIZE is always seven.
we do not want to force another fandoms of groups under sm but it will really help us if some of you are willing to do. it's not about kpop anymore, but moral and decency human. I really hope a lot of people can help Seunghan and rii7e. thank you
1. Same, i have never heard a single song of that group nor i know any of the members, but even i am like "Boycott!!!!" 😂
2. I used to be annoying telling everyone and their mothers to boycott, then i realized exactly what you said, i was just giving them attention, now i'm just ignoring their existence and looking forward to Ablume's debut ✨️✨️✨️
Thank you for calling out wonyoung's akgaes. I hate them so much. They always get triggered everytime other members get a new jobs. Calling other members as a fake friends just because they don't do tiktoks with wonyoung for when wonyoung make tiktoks alone. MIND YOU, rei said that it's up to the members when it comes to posting tiktoks and by now if you're a dive you should know that all of ive's members usually only make tiktoks if they in the mood to make tiktoks except rei. Not to mention wonyoung's akgaes always shitting on yujin, they always see her as wonyoung's rival. If yujin didn't interact with wonyoung, "yujin doesn't like wonyoung and she's a fake friend". If yujin interact with wonyoung, "she isn't genuine, she only use wonyoung for clout and attention seeker". Like WHAT TF DO YOU WANT FROM YUJIN????? Annyeongz have known each other for 7 YEARS, meanwhile you ppl only her FANS. Wonyoung will burn you stupid akgae losers just to keep her members warm especially yujin
If obrits can do it I’m sure briize can to. This has to be some kinda wake up call for sm. They treat idols horribly and they’ll never learn until suddenly RIIZE comebacks are getting 0 wins, little views, no popularity, no dance covers nothing.
hello, s/o to all the confusing people who are UPSET at a young man FOR HAVING A LIFE, so much that you spent your time and energy to send those god awful wreaths to SM. please sit down and reflect on your actions and life because this is NOT OK. just because you might have not experience romance and teen rule breaking, it's not OK for you to ruin a person's life ebcause of it.
Thank you so much for making this video
* I don’t know
omg thank you, you're too sweet ☺
Boycotting has become so performative nowadays
As a Wonyoung biased I total agree, Firstly she already attends 3 4 event's a week for brands and content which mean's she's constantly traveling and working and she's already reveled that she misses sleep and meals often due to her schedules so adding even more work just feels cruel and selfish for fans to ask and Secondly she gets a lot of exposure as it is with these events and in general so I think it's good that the company gives the other members time to shine on variety content and brings more people into the fandom and Thirdly Wonyoung in debut and for love dive constantly did variety shows but she got a lot of hate for "favoritism" and a lot of moments got clipped and taken out of context so she and the company might just be trying to protect her peace.
I actually agree with the fifty fifty one! Personally, I am boycotting, so I don’t talk about them, interact with their content nor listen to their music, but people prefer to have some hit tweets, even though hunnies have asked them to stop doing so and just ignore anything about them, and it is really annoying since it’s not the proper way to provide information about the case :/
his decision of leaving didn’t sound like he was only doing it to protect the rest of riize…I mean he made the decision without talking to his members and meeting them during those two days…i feel something worse coming😕
Realistically how much would an international boycott be offset by domestic and Chinese fans overbuying to make up for the drop? If SM the company gets boycotted I could see it making a difference but if it’s just riize the other groups I mentioned are just gonna cover the deficit
@@LP-ct9nk well if riize doesn’t make money for sm then Riize flops as a group project 🤷♀️why invest in a riize comeback if it makes no money back?
Something that would work, is getting this onto international especially the funeral wreaths and what they did and allowed.
It would be an embarrassment and I think it would at least have some kind of effect on how brands percieve the way sm interacts with those that work for them
what you said about the Fifty Fifty situation... point, blank, period... AMEN! I FLIPPING AGREE WITH YOU 100%! PREACH!
Opinion 1: I haven't really been following the group myself, and I find it upsetting that Seunghan ended up leaving after all that. I also support the boycott, because those people should not be accommodated for doing stuff so evil (e.g. funeral wreaths).
Opinion 2: I agree. If people are serious about boycotting the group, then they should shut up about them. Refrain from giving them your attention and money. Shouldn't that be Boycotting 101?
A boy wanted to live his dream but couldn't because he lived a life
SM is so disgusting and disappointing
I’m so glad you called out the FiFi boycotted because they are getting insufferable on twt if you wanna boycott go for it but I’m so tired of see all these tweets about boycotting or bullying those who aren’t I had to take a break for twt
I do not understand why anyone signs with SM.
If you want to be a kpop idol, you don't got a lot of good options in the first place.
SM is playing a dangerous game
I'm sorry but, shouldn't we boycott every SM group for the shit SM did to seunghan? Like SM never learned from their mistakes and we seriously needs to do something if we want to Improve the k-pop industry. If riize fails, they have other groups so idk whats the point, we'll just drag the other members too and seunghan will probably blame himself more. Like ykyk
btch do this with hybe if ya'll really wanna preach about morality. Isn't hybe cos consist of a fawking murderer, rapist and zionist?????
Ideally, yes. However realistically, it’s near to impossible to go through with a company-wide boycott. SM has way too many groups for it to be possible and is a multimillionaire company. It’s not the same as with LOONA, as they were the only company under BlackBerry.
I have a feeling this boycott is going to change K-pop forever. I hope some bigger idols say something like jungkook did about new jeans.
@@EchanteDante realistically it’s a bit much, I think overall for a serious boycott international fans are thankful for the support on riize specifically!
is it mean to want a blackocean on mama during riize performance...im confused if its right or wrong😔i really want SM to know international fans is important too but i dont know if this will hurt the boys ughh
Personally, i don't think a black ocean will do anything besides making the members feel even more awful. The company won't care about a black ocean if at the end of the day there's still people streaming and buying. Sm won't budge unless they see the numbers of sales and streams decrease, i doubt a black ocean will faze them.
@@soft4taeng ur right, i just hope international fans are serious in boycott
Black ocean just hurts the members tbh. If fans are serious about the boycott, they will not vote for RIIZE for MAMA and will not purchase tickets to go.
Never watched riize anyway and Kim garam case got the SAME TREATMENT but no one is boycotting le ssarafim and they only don't care about us because it's called kpop for a reason
I’m not gonna lie, Seunghan leaving is what’s best FOR HIM. If he stayed he would’ve been bullied possibly to death 💔. He was kinda coerced to leave the group. Ot6 Stan’s are so annoying.
Pfp twin??
If SM had done their diligence as an idol management company, they would have moved forward with legal proceedings and protected Seunghan so he wasn't forced to leave for his mental health. The lack of support SM offers is astounding considering they have lost two artists under their management. I also wish Weverse had stricter policies cause that is where most of the hate was coming from and I would report horrid posts and they'd be up days later. I hope that Seunghan right now is with people who can offer him support, and that he sees that true fans are sending him love.
@@RogueRhiRhi I agree. SM isn’t good at managing their idols. I honestly hope he’s in the right state of mind. He honestly just needs to do what’s best for him and where he feels fit.
@@choiichanhee_ Yess, stan New Chanhee 🩷✨
I'm a fan of Sm groups
Nct 127, nct dream, wayv, shinee, nct wish
And riize...but not anymore
I honestly can't stop listening to nct because they're my favs
But riize is officially dead to me, seunghan was my favorite, i spent a entire year waiting for him
Now im just angry with sm
Unfollow sm international fans🎉
You all didn't say the same with Lucas...
To be fair he had some not nice allegations against him but he’s still doing well as a solo artist. For seunghan if it really was his choice to leave I understand and if he doesn’t wanna come back as an idol I’d understand since fans suck
I have a question for everyone reading this. I’ve heard from multiple sources that we should boycott SM- (and every group under it) and I have a question. Aespa is in SM, I know that, and I bought Aespa tickets before I had known about the boycott of SM. What should I do?
realistically i don’t think it makes sense to boycott every single group from SM since their artists make up a huge chunk of the industry, so unless you truly want to return the tickets (can you even do this) and get a refund i’d just keep it… but those are just my thoughts
From what i see as an Exol just because SM never promote them to the global fans despite having potential they we keep hidden for years ….. now its riize turn so after dissing global fans they are just left with japan china n korea …. All the best kid enjoy your shitty company strategy ❤
I mean we’ve always known from day 1 SM is horrible to the core. Slave contracts from day 1 to this. Boycott the whole company fr
just the true you say your opinion. they are just human the kids. The fandom must akcept they lifes i dont undersand this fandom so toxic.
U know what the saddest part was !!!! He literally witnessed flowers which are usually sent to funerals were sent to him... a living person . AND THE FACT THAT HE READ ALL THOSE MESSAGES WRITTEN ON IT .... not one but literally 1000 ... telling him d*e or leave the group..he also had put a lot of efforts in debuting YET !!!! BUT WHAT IS IMPORTANT to knetizens is that some random manager told the group to IGNORE a kpop idol and she went in NA putting some stupid allegations... how sad !!!!!!!
I literally saw someone saying and I quote: “Can someone in Korea act like she was a bully so she gets a garam moment?” Abt Athena from 5050 mind you she’s a minor…
I’m not sure but isn’t Athena swedish? How can she bully someone from Korea if she lived in Sweden😭 Some people are honestly so stupid
that's just sick behavior, of course the "protect minors" argument only applies when it comes to minors they stan
@@AUGHHHHHBBG I wish I was lying
Even if she wasn’t a minor that’s fucked up
Omg ❤❤ I’m early
Opinion 3 is literally armys with Suga and Taeil ☠️
Taeil is getting dragged for his accusations rn and we don’t even know what is true about his case since like I said it’s allegations an on going investigation
0:35 this is so true
Well, I was scrolling the old video of this channel. One month ago , there was also a opinion video. Another idol was getting the same treatment like this poor boy. Like receiving death threats and wreaths , pressure of leaving group etc. well, kpopies were enjoying unlike in this video . They are so kind and sympathetic this time. Mental health matters unless it is any BTS member.
Suddenly every one is saint and empathetic.
Seunghan’s “crime” was dating someone, Suga’s crime was drunk driving, it’s not the same. Suga was sanctioned by the law because he did something illegal, Seunghan was punished by sm because kpop stans are against idols behaving like normal human beings. These are 2 completely different things, crazy that you don’t get it.
@@vangyul Illigal ? Drunk driving? He fucking fell off from electric scooter 🛴 in front of his apartment. He was not sanctioned . The whole K-pop community dragged him .
Why do you think he fell? Because he was intoxicated, there was alcohol in his system and of course riding a scooter while drunk isn’t as bad as driving a car but still, you’re not supposed to circulate while under the influence. And yes, he did pay a fine following the incident.
@@vangyul That doesn't mean kpopies will send death wreaths ? Are you trying to justify that? When all K-pop fans literally ganged up against a single person , there were no moral police like this
When have i ever said i’m justifying sending death wreaths? I’m not justifying the harassment suga got, but you can’t compare these 2 situations. At the end of the day suga did something he shouldn’t have done, while seunghan didn’t do anything wrong. Lastly, you armys have to stop inserting your faves even when the discussion isn’t about them. You’re ridiculous.
where do you get your opinions from??
Boycotting the group just hurts the group, boycott the company, not the group
You can’t boycott the company without boycotting the group though. Are you even aware that they were pushing for an OT5 already when Wonbin’s now deleted post was posted? It’s a never ending cycle unless you make a stand and make a sacrifice. Don’t even vote for them in MAMA! Boycotting all SM groups is ideal but I’ll leave that part to the other fandoms.
We can't make other fandoms help us if they don't feel like it
@@ynnos5555wait omg, they want wonbin out of the group now?
Omg that's why companies shouldn't listen to these toxic delulu ahh stans
@@exogen9428 yes they were pushing for it before the post was deleted & Seunghan being forced to leave. Not only that 2 other members Anton & Eunseok had to address & apologize for their own dating rumours on one of their live broadcast to pacify those unhinged jealous fans.
@@ynnos5555 All of the members at this point have been attacked by those horrid fans yet Seunghan is the only one who has been impacted negatively by it (leaving the group). I remember people went after Sungchan and Shotaro predebut, people went after Sohee for being 'poor', people went after Eunseok and Anton for their 'dating' rumors, people went after Wonbin for being supportive of Seunghan, etc. At this point those Korean fans just want to have witch hunt after witch hunt. It's insane.
Honestly i think sm themself need to be boycott
So true😢
I agree they r humans they cant be treated like that also i missed uuu
Boycott riize please
What happened with riize ?,
What's the issue ?
Seunghan was kicked out of the group by SM Entertainment because Korean fans complain about him having a relationship when he was a teenager from what I understand at least.
Guys, I’m literally so conflicted right now because aespa is coming back with their new comeback on Monday and I really really wanna buy but then it’s like you know I feel like I’m putting money in SM‘s pocket cause that’s exactly what I’m doing, but I really wanna buy it cause I love them and wanna support them so what should I do?? Because like the rest of you I stand with the boy caught that’s happening right now and tearing SM down…
Don't support gurl. We alr failed a lot of idols, SM and those toxic knetz will never do shit to change their mind unless something big happens. U never know they might also mess up aespa later
@@Notfunguyfromthepartyanymoresave your performative shit ass
buy the aespa goods girl it'll help the girls on charts! FAWK THE BOYCOTT
Ya'll do not do this with hybe whose literally RAN BY A MURDERER AND ZIONISTS!!!!
@@Notfunguyfromthepartyanymore damn I feel you girl. but to think they’d possibly mess up a group that’s almost 5 years in is crazy to think abt!
Solo stans have the same complaints every time 🙄
hope that the lawsuit SME talking about isn't just some talk and literally put this kind of content into consideration for lawsuits.
this is tarnishing the brand and reputation of not just one group under sm entertainment.
If they do a lawsuit they probably can’t say details about it
why are you as a dive on RZ and SM idols business ??????
because i'm allowed to have opinions on kpop regardless of what fandoms i'm part of