跨性別人物專訪 - 金睿凰 Kim Asher
- Опубликовано: 13 янв 2025
- 飛帆《 #網美都在聽 》LIVE Podcast!!! X Dacelo Café,跨性別人物專訪 :「Kim Asher金睿凰」。
金睿凰 Kim Asher,她是在全球離岸風電業界,唯一公開出櫃、且持續在業界工作的跨性別女性,面對充滿敵意的工作環境,她從不退縮,而因為臺灣友善的生活環境,讓她選擇留在台中生活。
我和Kim,是在今年 #跨性別遊行 前,台灣同志諮詢熱線協會夥伴的引薦下,參與荷蘭在台協會『看見跨性別生命故事晚會』活動結緣,而今天非常榮幸有請她來到Dacelo Café,舉辦生命故事茶會,就讓我們來聽聽,Kim精彩的故事。
Podcast各收聽平台 :
翻譯逐字稿 :
💖🌟💖Dacelo Café💖🌟💖
106 台北市 大安區 復興南路二段 148巷 32弄 2號
營業時間:11:00 - 19:00 (18:00最後點餐)
MAP : maps.app.goo.g...
IG : / dacelo_daan
🌟 #FREE Transgender Visibility Event 🌟
19:00 - 19:30, Open Door
19:30 - 20:30, The Interview
(This session includes : audio and video recording.)
20:30 - 22:00, Tea Party💖🩵🤍
#Feifain & #Dacelo Café Present《 #網美都在聽 》Live Podcast Interview with “ Kim Asher.金睿凰 ”.
A Canadian Trans Woman, who is a sailor, living in Taichung at the moment. Living on a boat, facing over 200 men, combat many hostile working environment.
She is about to bring her life up-front and open herself to the world, with you all!
🌟Kim will shading with English, Fei fain will be the translator.
🌟Free Admission , No tickets required.
🌟The recording and video content of this session will be uploaded to the Podcast "All Internet Beauties Are Listening", as known as Podcast《網美都在聽》and Fei fain's RUclips channel.
Poster Design : Calven Kuo
Model : Kim Asher
Producer / Translator : Fei Fain
19:00 - 19:30,開放入場
19:30 - 20:30,專訪
20:30 - 22:00,交流茶會
🌟本場次錄音、錄影內容,將會上傳至Podcast 《網美都在聽》以及Fei fain的RUclips頻道。
海報設計 / 影片剪輯 / 字幕 : Calven Kuo
模特兒 : Kim Asher
製作人 / 企劃文案 / 中英口譯 / 逐字稿 : Fei Fain
Lots of love! Thanks Fei Fan. You’re a legend. ❤❤❤❤
Love u xoxoxoxo 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
哪有我好像看到2ㄍ而已 (?) 🥰😍🤩
Kim Asher is really positive and cute person. Honestly, sexism and bullying have always existed. We need to focus this issue, therefore Asher’s story can let us more understand. Hope the society gets well in the future.